Jewish stuffed fish recipe. Jewish stuffed carp: Zhytomyr recipe with step by step instructions

Gefilte fish in Hebrew, this is a festive treat that not only looks beautiful, but also tastes very interesting. Now, if you are tired of the standard ways of cooking fish and want to taste something tasty and unusual, then you can cook this dish.

Don't be fooled by the fact that it seems so difficult to prepare, it's not at all. And our step-by-step recipes will help you make sure of this.

Secrets and traditions of cooking

Stuffed fish has occupied the main place on the table of European Jews since ancient times, but even today it has not lost its popularity in many Jewish cities. But it is not for nothing that this treat is known all over the world for its excellent taste.

But still, before you start cooking this treat, you definitely need to learn a few secrets and traditions of its preparation:

  • in accordance with the traditions of Jewish cooking, this dish is prepared mainly from carp. In rare cases, pike, mullet, whitefish can be used;
  • in Israel, a recipe for stuffed fish, which was prepared from salmon, later appeared. This type of fish is often used today;
  • during cooking, excess minced meat may remain. It is often used to make cutlets, which are served with stuffed fish;
  • before cooking, the fish must be carefully prepared, cleaned, gutted. Next, the skin is carefully removed from it, it is important to maintain its integrity, because it is the skin that will be used for stuffing;
  • can be served with boiled vegetables, potatoes, various sauces.

Whole Jewish stuffed fish recipe

Ingredients Quantity
fish carp - 1200 g (1 piece)
eggs - 2 pcs.
salt, pepper - taste
cracker with onion flavor - 40 g
onion - two heads
For onion jam:-
onion - 400 g
sunflower oil - 3 large spoons
water - 3 large spoons
baking soda - one incomplete teaspoon
For vegetable pillow: -
onion - 200 g
carrots - 300 g
Cooking time: 180 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 215 kcal

How to cook:

  1. For cooking, you need to use carp. It is desirable that it be large with a weight of more than 1 kilogram;
  2. Then you need to clean the scales from the surface of the fish, cut out the gills and eyes;
  3. We cut off the head from the side of the abdomen, but not completely;
  4. After the knife touches the spine, we take out the knife, we sharply raise our head up, but do not tear it off. In this case, the spine should break;
  5. Next, we begin to carefully remove the skin. It is best to cut the skin over the meat with a small knife with a sharp end so that fingers can be inserted into these holes. We make incisions on both sides;
  6. Carefully separate the skin from both sides with your fingers and begin to remove it like a stocking;
  7. In places where there are fins, you need to cut off the skin with special scissors;
  8. As soon as the skin reaches the tail area, we cut the spine and remove the skin along with the tail;
  9. The result should be a separate skin with a head and tail, meat with bones;
  10. All the insides must be removed, they will not be needed;
  11. The meat must be separated from the spine, and large costal bones should also be removed from it;
  12. The result is meat, bones and skin;
  13. The highlight of this dish is the use of onion jam. To do this, peel the onion and cut into half rings;
  14. We spread the pieces of onion in a container, add water, sunflower oil and pour baking soda;
  15. We place the container with all the components on the fire, boil until boiling, reduce the heat. Next, you need to cook over low heat until thickened, the jam should look like apple jam in color;
  16. We spread the onion-flavored cracker in the blender container and grind to fine crumbs;
  17. Put the carp fillet in the blender bowl, add chicken egg yolks to it;
  18. Thoroughly grind the fish until smooth. If you pass it through a meat grinder, then you need to do this three times. There are many small bones in the fish, it is important to grind them as carefully as possible;
  19. We spread onion jam in minced fish;
  20. We shift the ground cracker, add salt, black pepper;
  21. All components are thoroughly mixed in a blender until a homogeneous minced fish is formed;
  22. We spread the minced meat in a separate container;
  23. Remaining egg white you need to beat until a stable foam;
  24. We spread the protein foam in parts to the minced fish;
  25. Under the fish you need to make a pillow of vegetables. We clean the onion from the husk and cut into rings;
  26. Place the onion rings on a greased baking sheet.
  27. Rinse the carrots, peel and chop in circles, put on top of the onion rings;
  28. On the sides we lay out the ridge with costal bones, cover everything with gauze;
  29. Carp skin needs to be filled minced fish, but not very tight, otherwise the skin may burst during cooking;
  30. We spread the carp on cheesecloth, pour it into a baking sheet warm water dream large quantity water. The liquid should reach half the height of the fish;
  31. We close the top with foil, put on fire;
  32. The fire must be reduced to the slowest. After boiling, the water should boil slightly and not gurgle much;
  33. After boiling, cook for 1.5 hours;
  34. After that, the fish must be left to cool directly in the pan;
  35. We spread the warm carp on a large flat plate, the top can be cut a little across;
  36. Decorate at your discretion and serve with any sauce and vegetables.

Fish stuffed with pieces according to an old recipe

Cooking Ingredients:

  • one carp per 2 kilograms;
  • 300 grams of onion;
  • 200 grams of carrots;
  • a piece of cow butter per 30 grams;
  • 3 pieces white bread or a loaf;
  • one chicken egg;
  • two leaves of lavrushka;
  • salt to your taste;
  • black pepper in peas - half a small spoon;
  • pepper mixture.

The cooking time is 3 hours.

Calorie content - 220 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. First you need to prepare the carp. We clean all the scales, cut the abdomen and take out all the insides;
  2. Rinse thoroughly from above and inside with cool water;
  3. All fins must be cut off;
  4. Cut across into pieces with dimensions 2 cm wide;
  5. From each piece, a fillet should be cut, which is located between the skin and the ridge;
  6. When cutting the meat, do not damage the skin, it will be needed for stuffing;
  7. We remove the gills from the head, cut out the eye;
  8. To prepare minced meat, we will use only the pulp of a loaf or bread without a crust;
  9. We spread the pulp in a container, pour warm milk, leave to soak;
  10. One head must be peeled and chopped into medium cubes;
  11. We spread the cow's butter in the brazier, put it on the fire and heat it up;
  12. As soon as the butter is all melted, pour the onion on it, mix and fry;
  13. In a blender, you need to put pieces of fish, soaked loaf or bread, fried onions, add an egg;
  14. All components must be ground until smooth;
  15. Fish with other components can be passed through a meat grinder several times;
  16. Then in minced meat put salt, a mixture of peppers and mix again;
  17. We spread the finished stuffing inside the skin with a ridge. The result should be pieces of fish stuffed with stuffing;
  18. Cut the remaining onion directly in the husk into large rings, put it on the bottom of a wide container;
  19. Rinse the carrots, peel and cut into slices;
  20. We spread on the bottom of the pan to the onion;
  21. Add lavrushka, peppercorns to the vegetable pillow;
  22. Lay on top of the vegetables stuffed pieces carp;
  23. Pour into container hot water, it should cover the carp a little;
  24. We place the container on the fire and leave to boil. Be sure to remove the foam from above with a slotted spoon;
  25. After boiling, reduce the heat and boil for 2 hours;
  26. As soon as the carp is ready, put the pieces on a flat plate, while forming a whole fish;
  27. Decorate with herbs, fresh vegetables;
  28. Serve with potatoes or stewed vegetables.
  • We carefully remove the skin from the fish, while it must be pry off with a sharp knife. It must be intact without damage;
  • leftover minced meat can be used to make cutlets, which can also be boiled with fish;
  • It is better to serve the dish with a side dish of boiled potatoes or steamed vegetables.

Jewish stuffed fish is very tasty and fragrant. Of course, when preparing this dish, you will have to tinker a little, but it's worth it. As a result, you will get an excellent treat that is suitable for family dinner or to decorate any holiday table.

Old Chaim dies
On the bed behind the wall.
Suddenly from the kitchen flies
Wonderful heavenly scent.

They smell wonderful (just flour!)
Latkes, kugel and forshmak,
stuffed pike,
Sweet tsimes and lekakh.

Chaim Mordechai asks:
“Run to grandma, baby!
Let me dear Sarah
Will give a piece of fish-fish ... "

Appearing on the threshold
Granddaughter reported that
What Bob said to him:
"This fish is for later!"
(Folk art)

There was not a drop of Jewish blood in my grandmother's veins... In any case, the opposite fact has not been documented anywhere, I know this for sure: in the troubled times that preceded the final collapse of the Union, some research in our maternal lineage, my mother and I honestly produced - it did not work out! Azochen Way! To be for me and for my children goyim until the end of days... Gewalt! And yet ... A native of the Zhytomyr region, born and raised among the closest neighbors - the Jews, the granny absorbed all the charm of the shtetl color from childhood, knew and respected the customs and traditions of the Jewish people, until the end of her life she retained a peculiar, drawn-out melodious dialect and imagery expressions (“have you already made a market?”) with a large number of Jewish words and, of course, was a great connoisseur and connoisseur of Jewish cuisine! It is to her that my mother and I owe recipes for such great food like a traditional forshmak , delicious yuh (both the first and the second in one pan), the most tender sweet and sour roast with prunes , wonderful "raw" eggplant caviar (it is also called "Odessa-style blue caviar!"), festive stuffed neck , honey-sweet tsimes and, of course, unforgettable gefilte fish - classic Jewish stuffed fish. I would like to tell you about the latter, especially since, probably, everyone has heard about this dish, and it has been repeatedly mentioned both in folklore and in fiction!

I don't know which Aidish Kopf (Jewish head - this is pronounced with great respect!) The first thought came to cook stuffed fish in this way, but this man was truly worthy of a monument during his lifetime! I’ll make a reservation right away: recipes (or rather, variations on a theme) for preparing this festive dish, in fact, like Ukrainian borscht, exist great amount, each hostess tastes subtly different and each will swear to you that it is her recipe that is “the best”! Yes, this, perhaps, is not so important: cooking is a creative process, and we all bring something of our own, personal to it. I also don’t know for certain which of my grandmother’s neighbors it was recorded from - it could have been Aunt Betya, and Aunt Fira or Sofa ... Perhaps grandmother once mentioned this, but the name of the “author”, to Unfortunately, it didn't stay in my memory! So let's just assume it's gefilte fish in Zhytomyr

Let's start with the fish ... Grandmother categorically insisted on pike, but at the same time specified that it was much tastier to mix the meat of two (or more) types of fish: pike with its sweetish meat, nevertheless, in her opinion, is somewhat dry, "in a pair "It would be nice to take a fatter fish with it, but at the same time, you must definitely remember that removing the skin (the most time-consuming and difficult process!) From some types of fish without damaging it is very problematic! Therefore, today a “duet” with a pike will be a carp (ordinary, not a mirror one!), similar in weight to our pike - about 1 kg.

Required products:

Pike about 1 kg
- carp about 1 kg
- onion 1 kg
- carrots - 4-5 medium pieces.
- beets - 3-4 medium pieces. + 1 small (for juice)
- parsley - 1 root
- celery - 1 piece of root
- eggs - 3-4 pcs.
- white stale bread or loaf (crumb) - 1/4 loaf
- milk (for soaking bread)
- Bay leaf- 2-3 pcs.
- black peppercorns - 6-8 pcs.
- salt, ground black pepper - to taste
- citric acid (at the tip of a knife) or apple cider vinegar (1 tsp)
- lemon, parsley (for decoration).

There are also a lot of ways to remove this same skin from fish. Someone, carefully cutting around at the level of the upper fins, removes it with a “stocking”, someone - by making an incision from the side of the abdomen, there are options with an incision along the dorsal fin, and even - cutting it immediately into portioned pieces, skin each one separately! I, like my grandmother, do not like it when minced meat comes into contact with water in the process of cooking fish (grandmother in this case sneered contemptuously: “You can only cook fish-fish in pieces shlimazl (crazy), so I remove the skin either with a "stocking" (it's so good to "handle" the pike, then I sew the head back on!), Or by making a cut on the abdomen - this is how I'm going to gut the carp.

So, first - pike. “Trick” from grandmother No. 1: in order to make the skin easier to remove from it, the fish should first be lightly beaten off with a wooden mallet! True, now few people have this item in the kitchen, so an ordinary wooden rolling pin is quite suitable. We wrap the fish in cellophane and tap it evenly on all sides with a rolling pin. Unfortunately, this time I got the fish already cleaned and gutted, with a cut along the abdomen, so I will have to skin it using this method! We cut the pelvic fins along the cut and begin slowly and carefully (when you need a hurry - you yourself know!) Separate the skin from the meat (as needed - use scissors and a thin, sharp knife - "zhabokolka"). Having reached the dorsal fin, we turn the fish over and do the same procedure on the other side. Now we cut the ridge at the tail and head with scissors and carefully cut the dorsal fin from the inside (very carefully so as not to pierce, otherwise it will be full Drek (literally - cheap stuff, nonsense!). It turns out a skin with a tail and head and a fish carcass. The head of the pike should be completely cleaned, leaving one "shell". We take the carp: we repeat the entire sequence of operations and get another skin ready for stuffing with a head and tail and a fish carcass.

Now let's prepare the minced meat. We carefully free the meat from the bones, first pulling out the ridge, then small bones, and together with onions (one large onion is enough) and pre-soaked in milk or water (grandmother preferred milk!) White bread is scrolled through a meat grinder (three times!). Now add eggs, salt and pepper to taste. The resulting minced meat needs to be thoroughly “knocked out” - in the process of mixing, the minced meat is thrown with force against the table, cutting board or simply into a bowl - then the fish will be much more tender! If the stuffing turned out to be very tight, you need to add a little water or milk, in which the bread was soaked.

Fill the fish skin and head with minced meat. You can’t stuff it very tightly - during cooking, the minced meat will swell and the skin may burst! Sew up the incision on the belly. The classic requires laying on the bottom of the pan, where fish and fish bones will be boiled. Grandma did it a little differently - “trick” No. 2: fish bones, fins and scales (yes, yes, although she psul - inedible, but gives a wonderful gelling effect!) She placed it in a gauze bag, the “tail” of which she tied to the handle of the pan - at the right time it will be easy to remove it along with all the contents! We line the bottom of the pan with washed onion peel,

We put half of the carrots, onions, roots and beets peeled and cut into thin plates,

We put our fish on the vegetables and cover with the rest of the vegetables on top.

There should be a lot of vegetables in general, in a ratio (by weight) with fish almost 1: 1. Pour water into the pan so that the contents are covered, add salt, bay leaf and peppercorns and put on fire. After the fish boils, remove the foam, reduce the gas to a minimum and cook for about 2 hours.

The onion peel gives the broth a very beautiful brownish-golden color, you could leave it like that ... But we do holiday dish! "Trick" from grandmother number 3: at the very end of cooking, add a few crystals to the broth citric acid(or a little apple cider vinegar) and pour in freshly squeezed beetroot juice(grandmother rubbed the beets on a fine grater and squeezed through gauze), boil for literally 5 minutes and turn off - the broth will have a luxurious ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolor!

The finished fish must be allowed to cool in the broth in which it was cooked - if you take it out hot, it will turn out dry! We take the fish out of the slightly warm broth, take out the threads and fins, cut it into portioned pieces, put it in a “fan” on a deep dish along with the heads and tails (it’s good to put some of the vegetables with which the fish was cooked on the bottom), pour it with strained broth and put it in the refrigerator for freezing.

This is how it looks when finished! From myself I can say: this dish is able to become a decoration of any, the most sophisticated table, it is eaten instantly, while the delight of the guests and compliments to the hostess are guaranteed for the whole evening ... So - it's worth the trouble!

I’ll ask you to additionally evaluate my efforts: the fact is that I practically don’t eat fish - in my early childhood I had severe poisoning after a treat in the form of a sandwich with red caviar and strawberries with sour cream for dessert (I’m allergic to strawberries + a combination of fish and milk for me absolutely unacceptable)... With pleasure I can only eat fish products that do not have a pronounced "fishy" smell - sprats, for example, tuna, smoked fish. But crayfish, shrimps, mussels and squids can be eaten in unlimited quantities. That's it!

Lachaim (for life!) and - bon appetit!

For all birthdays in our family, stuffed fish takes pride of place on the table. Everyone loves it, and therefore there are always helpers in cooking. For those who have never stuffed fish, don't worry, it's not as hard as you think. Today I will share with you all the secrets of tender, juicy, fragrant stuffed carp, seedless. I am grateful for the recipe to my neighbor Mina Abramovna, who cooked it according to her signature recipe, passed down from generation to generation, of course, with some changes.

To prepare Jewish stuffed carp, we need a carp - it is desirable that it be more than 1 kilogram.

First of all, we clean the scales, remove the eyes and gills. Then we cut off the head - from the side of the abdomen, but not completely. When the knife touches the spine, we take it out, and with a sharp movement we raise the head up, breaking the spine. We do not separate the head from the body.

We begin to remove the skin with a stocking. With a small knife with a sharp end, we slightly cut the skin over the meat, make a small hole so that half a finger fits into it. We insert a finger into the hole and with gentle movements begin to separate the skin from the meat. Finger movements resemble the movements of a "janitor" washing the windows of a car. So we separate the skin from both sides.

Separating the skin, turn it inside out.

In those places where there are fins or bones, we insert scissors inside and cut them off. We continue to remove the skin, turning it up to the tail - the lower, the better. Then - cutting the spine, leaving the skin with the tail.

As a result, we have separate skin with a head and tail and fish meat on the bone. Wash them.

Now we will separate the meat from the bone. To do this, we will make a longitudinal incision along the carcass. Then, with a sharp knife, we separate the meat from the spine and costal large bones.

So, we have skin, meat and bones. We need everything.

And now - a chip that will give the fish a unique taste. Let's cook onion jam. Cut it into half rings, add water, vegetable oil and 2 small pinches of baking soda. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat until thickened and coloured. apple jam. Onions should be prepared ahead of time.

Grind the cracker in a blender bowl as finely as possible.

We put the fish, the yolk (we have three of them, 3 fish were cooked) in the blender bowl and punch the fish very well. If you grind through a meat grinder, then skip 2-3 times. There are a lot of small bones in carp, they need to be crushed well.

Add onion jam to the fish.

Also add ground crackers, salt and pepper. Blend well again in the blender.

We shift the minced meat into a bowl and add the protein whipped to peaks, which will add airiness to the minced meat. Mix thoroughly with gentle folding movements, like a biscuit.

Under the fish we do vegetable pillow- cut the onions and carrots into rings and lay them under the carp. On the sides we lay out the ridge with the costal bones. Cover with gauze.

We fill the carp carcass with minced meat, not very tight, so that the fish does not burst during heat treatment.

We spread the carp on cheesecloth in a baking sheet, pour warm lightly salted water to half the height of the fish, cover with foil. We send it to the stove, bring it to a boil, reduce the gas. The water should barely boil. Cooking time is one and a half hours. It is advisable to cool the fish in a baking sheet.

We shift the finished chilled fish to a dish. I usually take thin sharp knife, cut into portioned pieces and only then proceed to decorate. But you can not cut at this stage, but cut already at the time of serving.

Decorate as you wish.

We usually decorate Jewish stuffed carp with mayonnaise, lemon, tomatoes, cranberries. Every time we try to change the design.

Invented this recipe in those days when Poland lived a large number of Jews, then they connected two kitchens, as a result of which a very tasty dish. This happened a long time ago, but Jewish-style carp is still cooked today, and often served in fine restaurants.

Jewish carp - a festive dish with a simple cooking technology

Polish carp in Hebrew

If a large fish is used, it must be cut into portions before cooking, and a small one should be left whole.

What you need to prepare this dish:

  • peeled, without entrails kilogram carp;
  • lemon;
  • salt;
  • oil for frying vegetables.

For marinade:

  • butter in the amount of 60 g;
  • onions - two pieces;
  • sugar - a teaspoon is enough;
  • some salt;
  • cinnamon, cloves and black pepper to taste;
  • 100 g dried grapes (raisins);
  • 500 g of light beer.

Sauce requires beer and raisins

We make transverse cuts on the washed carp on both sides, after which we sprinkle with juice squeezed from a lemon. We rub with salt and set aside overnight in the refrigerator, if the dish is prepared in the morning, then you can stand it for 4 hours.

Then we take out the fish and wait until it reaches room temperature. Put the carp in a hot frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. Separately, stew the sautéed onions, add sugar, salt to taste and throw in the butter - cook until the roots become soft.

Pour beer, season and bring to a boil together with raisins - turn off. Pour our fish with the resulting sauce and distribute the onion with dried grapes over it. We place the future dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and cook for half an hour, during which time we periodically pour our own juice.

It is better to eat fish warm, leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator.

The dish is served warm

Many people on festive table a dish of fish flaunts, but the same ones eventually begin to bother and I want to cook something new. We offer a recipe for stuffed carp, which comes out amazingly tasty and fragrant, cooked in Jewish style.

What you need:

  • carp weighing 1-2 kilograms;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 50 grams of crispy cookies;
  • two bulbs.

For jam:

  • three bulbs;
  • oil for frying;
  • water;
  • some soda.

It is important to properly remove the skin from the fish

  • two bulbs;
  • 2 carrots.

To begin with, we will clean the carp, remove the eyes, and then remove all the insides through the abdomen. We don’t cut off the head completely, but only half, that is, until the spine crackles (we do this from the side of the abdomen).

Then we pry with a knife the place that is between the skin and meat, after which we place a finger between them, carefully separate. We extract with scissors the bones with all the fins.

As a result, the skin remains together with the head, and the meat with the ridge separately. Now we need to fillet the fish, for this we make a cut along the carcass and separate the meat from the bones and the ridge.

The next step will add piquancy and amazing aroma to the carp stew - onion jam. Cut the onion into rings, and then in half, pour 60 g of water 30 g vegetable oil by adding two pinches of soda. Cook until the mass becomes thick and looks like regular jam.

Finely crush the cracker with a blender, add the egg yolk to the same place - beat for two minutes. You can use a meat grinder, but in this case you have to skip a couple of times. Pour jam and cracker into the finished gruel, salt, pepper - beat for another 2 minutes. Pour the minced meat into a clean bowl and add the protein whipped to a steep foam - mix with a whisk.

Stuffed carp - an exquisite restaurant dish

To prepare a pillow, cut the onion from vegetables (you can use rings), we will do the same with carrots.

We lay out a pillow at the bottom of the dish, on the right and left bones with a ridge - we cover them with gauze. At this time, we stuff the carp carcass with minced meat and lay it out, fill it with salted water so that the fish is half covered, cover with foil on top.

We put on medium heat, bring to a boil, then cook on a slow flame for an hour and a half. When the dish has cooled down a bit, we cut it into portioned pieces and decorate: put slices of tomatoes and lemon on the sides, pour the top of the fish with mayonnaise in the form of a net, you can add cranberries.

A favorite in fish cooking is carp, because it cooks quickly, the dish is amazingly tasty, the meat is tender, and the aroma is such that it is impossible to resist without tasting a piece. The hostesses assure that it is necessary to cook exclusively from live carp, in which case it will not lose its beneficial features even during heat treatment.

Fish stewed in fried flour sauce


  • carp, weighing one kilogram;
  • two bulbs;
  • garlic;
  • 3/4 cup flour;
  • a tablespoon of oil (preferably olive);
  • one lemon;
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste.

To begin with, we will clean the fish from scales, gut it and rinse it under running water. Then cut into pieces in portions. Pass the garlic through a press, chop the onion, finely chop the greens.

To prepare the sauce, pour the oil into a frying pan and fry the flour on it until it darkens. Then dilute with water to medium density. We place all the ingredients in a saucepan or saucepan, pour over the prepared sauce and simmer for half an hour. Ready meal Serve with lemon and herbs.

How to cook fish in Hebrew, see below: