The benefits of dark chocolate: what is good about it? Rules for the use of dark chocolate without harm to health, contraindications. Magic chocolate: benefits and harms, composition, calorie content

You can often hear that sweets are harmful to the figure and have nothing to do with healthy foods. But it is not so. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, contains not only minerals and trace elements, but also oils that can improve the functioning of internal organs, improve health and well-being. Such sweetness is made on the basis of cocoa beans (at least 72%), and the more cocoa there is in chocolate, the more useful it is considered.

Among all the abundance of chocolate products, the most high-calorie will be White chocolate, but the most useful is bitter. Let's find out what it is the nutritional value whether bitter chocolate has beneficial features for the body and whether there are contraindications for use.

Calorie dark chocolate (100 gr)

Real dark chocolate does not contain additional ingredients other than cocoa powder, butter and sugar (in a small amount), therefore it is considered the most low-calorie product, among all the chocolate abundance. It is dark chocolate that is recommended to be consumed during the diet period in order to get a charge of vivacity, improve mood. It is not able to cause an uncontrolled appetite and will not harm the smooth flow of "dietary everyday life."


Vitamins: B1, B2, PP, E

Minerals and trace elements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus

Active ingredients: cocoa butter, lecithin, vanillin

Health benefits of dark chocolate

It has long been proven that by eating chocolate, you can easily increase the amount of serotonin production, which in turn is responsible for mood. Those who often include dark chocolate in their diet can boast of a healthier nervous system, they are less prone to depressive moods, and have more restful sleep. All this thanks to the influence of cocoa beans.

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants on the body and prevent the appearance of premature skin aging, reduce oxidative processes, can increase skin elasticity, reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, improve blood flow in blood vessels, and prevent blood clots.

Such chocolate is useful for those who have high sugar levels (we are not talking about people with diabetes). The fact is that dark chocolate is considered the safest in terms of sugar content, and thus does not lead to critical blood glucose levels.

Chocolate will be great food for the brain. With prolonged mental stress, it is always recommended to use nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts), chocolate or honey. Sucrose, glucose nourishes the cerebral cortex, as a result of which, nutrients and energy can improve memory concentration, reduce irritability, increase the amount of information that needs to be remembered.

The minerals found in cocoa beans and theobromine are good for the heart muscle. They nourish the cardiovascular system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and are able to increase arterial pressure, normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Phosphorus and potassium can also affect overall dental health, so eating dark chocolate in the right amounts can improve oral health.

Dark chocolate has long gained fame as an aphrodisiac. Its aroma and taste can awaken desire in both men and women. Oysters also have a similar property, but you should not combine these two products.

For women, bittersweet chocolate has a special benefit that provides a mild analgesic effect when consuming a few chocolate bars during the menstrual cycle. In addition, as mentioned above, when using this product, the hormone of happiness is produced, the woman becomes more balanced and can easily endure the symptoms of PMS.

The composition of bitter chocolate does not contain a lot of sugar, so it does not overload the pancreas and contributes to the proper functioning of the liver. There are cases when such a product is recommended for cirrhosis of the liver.

When losing weight, it is recommended to use dark chocolate. It is able to speed up metabolic processes, does not contain a lot of sugar, does not increase appetite and energizes and energizes with useful substances, which is very necessary during the period of dietary nutrition.

If you have diabetes, you need to be very careful about the amount of sugar in food, especially sweets. Chocolate products contain a lot of carbohydrates, which contribute to an increase in the glycemic index, which can lead to disastrous consequences. People who are not insulin dependent (type 2 diabetes) can consume both milk and dark chocolate (but not more than 40 grams per day). If insulin can be controlled only with the help of injections, then it is better to completely abandon chocolate, even bitter.

On the basis of bitter chocolate, various cosmetic procedures, which can improve the quality of the skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite, give a feeling of freshness and smoothness of the skin.

Contraindications and harm

It is harmful to use bitter chocolate if the stomach does not work properly or if there is a peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. This may cause heartburn sensation or other painful symptoms.

It is contraindicated to use dark chocolate if you have frequent allergic reactions.

Dark chocolate can be harmful if it was made from low-quality raw materials.

With an incorrect metabolic process in the body, it is harmful to consume chocolate, including black.

To benefit from chocolate

To get maximum benefit from chocolate, you need to know how to choose it correctly, what to look for:

  1. When buying chocolate, you need to carefully look at the regulatory documents according to which it was made. Chocolate is considered the highest quality according to GOST R 52821-2007. It is he who regulates the necessary standards for the content of certain components.
  2. Study the composition carefully. The fewer components it contains, the better.
  3. Chocolate must contain cocoa butter, but in no case its residues or substitutes ( vegetable fats, Palm oil).
  4. In dark chocolate, the minimum amount of cocoa should be at least 72%.
  5. Proper chocolate will crumble and break when pressed, which will be a good confirmation that it does not contain various unnecessary additives in the form of stabilizers.
  6. The most optimal rate of use of this product is 40 grams per day. If you could not resist and ate a whole bar of chocolate, then nothing terrible will happen. But it is worth remembering that it is quite high in calories and this can lead to a rapid set. excess weight. In addition, with frequent and uncontrolled eating of chocolate (not only bitter), you can pretty much spoil your teeth.

Unbelievable, but true: chocolate is very good for health. With one caveat: it must be bitter. We have prepared for you a detailed review - all about dark chocolate. Unconditional benefit and potential harm, Interesting Facts and optimal composition, selection and tasting. We hope that after reading the article, you will definitely begin to include squares of a valuable delicacy in the menu.

Geography and curious facts

The most important ingredient for the production of the review hero is cocoa beans. Their homeland is South America. For the Indians, they also served as money, and the surrounding pulp was used to brew a kind of beer.

Approximately 3 million tons of valuable raw materials are grown annually on the planet. Up to 70% of this amount falls on the backward countries of West Africa.

When cultivating cocoa, child and even slave labor is often used. Therefore, some manufacturers specifically label tiles with marks about the “humane” and “ethical” manufacturing method.

Bitter and milky: the main differences

Raw materials for production are obtained in several stages. First, dried, fried and de-pulped beans are crushed and heated. It turns out a viscous thick mass, which is called "liquor cocoa". It is divided into fatty oil cocoa and dry cocoa powder.

In milk chocolate, the main ingredients are condensed and powdered milk. It is these products that make chocolates so sweet. Actually cocoa (in the form of a dry powder) in a milk sample can be as little as 10%. There are no health benefits to this delicacy. It's oversaturated fast carbohydrates and empty calories. Leaning on it is a direct path to obesity and type 2 diabetes.

To reduce costs, technologists add palm oil and trans fats to products. Both components contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Especially often this pitiful semblance is used for a hard crust " chocolate bars". The content of cocoa powder in them is only a few percent (!).

Dark chocolate is a sample in which the content of cocoa products is at least 70%. V the best varieties this concentration reaches 99%. Only such a delicacy has extensive beneficial properties.

The ultimate gourmet dream is the so-called "raw chocolate" (English "raw chocolate"). It is obtained directly from grated cocoa without prior separation into oil and powder.

Composition and calories

On average, 100 grams of dark chocolate with mass fraction cocoa 70-85% contains:

Calorie content - 599 kcal - 30%

  • Proteins -7.8 g - 16%
  • Fat - 42.7 g - 66%
  • Saturated fat - 24.5 g - 122%
  • Carbohydrates - 45.8 g - 15%
  • Dietary fiber, g - 3.1 - 12%

Vitamins (desc)

  • Vitamin K, mcg - 7.3 - 9%
  • Vitamin B2, mg - 0.1 - 5%
  • Vitamin B3, mg - 1.1 - 5%

Minerals (desc)

  • Manganese, mg - 1.9 - 97%
  • Copper, mg - 1.8 - 88%
  • Iron, mg - 11.9 - 66%
  • Magnesium, mg - 228 - 57%
  • Phosphorus, mg - 308 - 31%
  • Zinc, mg - 3.3 - 22%
  • Potassium, mg - 715 - 20%
  • Selenium, mcg - 6.8 - 10%
  • Calcium, mg - 73 - 7%

Caffeine, mg - 80

Theobromine, mg - 802

*As a percentage (%), the share of the average daily allowance for an adult with a balanced diet of 2 thousand kcal.

Depending on the manufacturer, food additives in the tile (sweeteners, oils, flavors, nuts) change. To find out how many calories are in a particular brand of dark chocolate, carefully read the information on the wrapper.

These key nutrients are just the tip of the iceberg. The unique strength of the product lies in the biologically active substances in its composition.

Health benefits of dark chocolate

Cocoa beans are a storehouse of antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids. Antioxidants protect the cells of all organs and slow down aging.

1 gram of dark chocolate contains up to 30.1 mg of flavonoids. This is significantly more than in green tea and red wine.

Chocolate flavonoids lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation in tissues. ()

Cocoa powder normalizes lipid metabolism. "Bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases, and "good" increases. ()

There is no doubt that dark chocolate is good for the heart. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as 50% is the combined effect of harmonizing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. ()

Another critically important effect is the improvement of blood circulation in the brain and, as a result, mental activity. It is especially pronounced in the elderly. ()

Note to students: the stimulants caffeine and theobromine speed up thought processes for a short time. ()

Flavonoids have a pronounced anti-cancer effect. ()

Our hero helps to overcome the symptoms chronic fatigue and improve performance. ()

It is generally accepted that the product enhances sexual desire. This is shamelessly pedaled when answering the question of how bitter chocolate is useful for men. Even the Spanish conquistadors wrote that the Aztec emperor drinks a chocolate drink before visiting his wives.

An interesting study showed that consumers of treats are more likely to have sex. () The authors honestly point out that the most shokofans among young women, whose sexual appetites are already high. We invite you to check for yourself whether dark chocolate is really an aphrodisiac.

Side effects and contraindications

The unconditional benefit for many body systems is not without risks and harm in other health planes.

  • The product contains caffeine. Symptoms of a caffeine overdose include nervousness, frequent urination, insomnia, and rapid heartbeat.
  • Expectant mothers (both pregnant and those who want to conceive a child) are better off avoiding daily chocolate treats.
  • Some varieties contain dairy products. People who are allergic to them, or intolerant to casein, should read labels carefully. Please note that bitter and dairy product bars are often produced on the same equipment. The risk of allergy remains even if milk is not on the ingredient list.
  • Not a rare participant in the delicacy is the natural emulsifier lecithin. Most often it is obtained from soy. If you are allergic to soy, do not get carried away with chocolate with food additive E322 (soy lecithin).
  • It has been proven that the hypotensive effect of a diet with dark chocolate is especially pronounced in diabetes mellitus. However, if sugar is used as a sweetener, then the harm overshadows the valuable properties. For diabetics, purchase products with or without sweeteners.
  • Remember the high calorie content of dark chocolate and the abundance of fat. For those who follow the figure, an evening walk of at least 40 minutes on foot or cycling is a necessary continuation of the daily chocolate snack.
  • Important! Do not give the delicacy (especially bitter) to cats and dogs! It is poisonous to pets up to and including death.

Some people say that chocolate is "addictive" and even compare it to a drug. Alas, science does not confirm such reviews.

How much can you eat per day

So how much dark chocolate can you eat to benefit from it? Here's what experts from the University of Michigan advise.

  • For a week, the maximum amount should not exceed seven ounces, i.e. 198 grams or slightly less than 2 hundred grams of tiles.
  • The average amount per day is one ounce, or 28.3 grams. This is a little more than ¼ of 100 grams of a standard tile.

Luxurious bitterness: how to eat right


If you're used to the sugary-sweet taste of milk pacifiers, the taste of real dark chocolate can be overwhelming at first.

To fully enjoy valuable product We recommend a phased approach.

  1. Rinse your mouth to get rid of the taste of past meals.
  2. Bring chocolate to your nose and inhale its aroma. In bitter it is especially pronounced.
  3. Warm the piece a little in your hands so that it melts faster in your mouth.
  4. If you start to actively chew, the taste will seem more pungent than it really is. Gently crush the chocolate square with your teeth and suck the pieces on your tongue like candy. The oil contained in the healthy treat will melt, and you will hardly feel any unpleasant bitterness.

Dark chocolate can be added to drinks, smoothies and shakes (preferably without milk, which you can read below). This option is especially good if you want to stretch the pleasure.

Ideal utility: where to buy

Quality costs money. Good dark chocolate doesn't come cheap. Acceptable analogues in Russia cost from 150-180 rubles per tile (at prices for autumn 2017).

You will benefit a lot if you focus on samples that have 85% cocoa or more. There are certain useful properties in tiles from 70%. Their range in Russia is much wider. When holding a tile with proud markings on the front side, do not forget to read the composition on the back side. Below we have listed some important information to check on labels.

The variety and price of chocolate goodies can be assessed on iHerb. The world's best prices for natural products and the opportunity to buy dark chocolate 75, 80, 85, 88 and 99% from well-known brands.

Choose organic dark chocolate with different cocoa content:

From a relatively recent purchase. Super chocolatey rich texture, deliciously bitter with a fruity sour finish. Cocoa 85%, without additives and lecithin.

Dark chocolate: which is the best and how to choose

  • Golden rule: the shorter the list of ingredients, the higher the quality of the product.
  • In the list in the first place should be cocoa liquor, cocoa powder (cocoa solids), cocoa butter (cocoa butter), as well as whole cocoa beans (cocoa beans) or their individual pieces (cocoa nibs).
  • Sugar should be further down the list.
  • Our goal is tiles with maximum content cocoa products. Look in the range from 70%. 80% or 85% will do, but 99% is considered ideal.

Important! On the front side of the package, 75, 85, 90% are clearly indicated ... On the fence, they also write in a big way. Check the small letters on the reverse side for the total cocoa solids content.

  • Roasting and processing with alkaline solutions (eng. "Dutch process") reduce the amount of flavonoids in grated cocoa by a gigantic amount - from 60 to 90%. () It is better to buy dark chocolate marked "natural cocoa" (natural, natural) or "non-alkalised cocoa" (not treated with alkali).
  • To reduce the cost of tiles, manufacturers add nuts to it, such as almonds, which are also good for health. However, avoid products with the addition of caramel, molasses and other high-calorie sweeteners. The fewer empty calories, the better.
  • The only source of fat in a quality product is cocoa butter. Don't buy if ingredients include palm and coconut oil, vegetable fats, margarine.
  • The best examples are free of flour, baking powder, artificial flavors and colors, stabilizers and water-retaining agents.
  • It is believed that the emulsifier-lecithin (E322, E476) is not harmful to health. But him a large number of- an indirect sign that the product is made mainly of cocoa powder, and there is little cocoa butter in it.

According to one hypothesis, milk reacts with chocolate flavonoids and prevents the body from absorbing them well. Try to choose a product that does not contain dairy additives.

External signs of quality tiles

So, to evaluate the beneficial properties, the first task is to read the labels. But the important criterion is taste. If you buy a product of an unfamiliar brand, limit yourself to one tile. You can check its quality by appearance, smell, color.

What to pay attention to?

  • Appearance. High-quality chocolate has a smooth shiny surface without spots and bumps. A whitish, frost-like or fog-like coating indicates that the product is stale.
  • Hue. Depending on the soil in which the cocoa beans were grown and how they were roasted, chocolate can have a pink, reddish, orange or purple hue.
  • Texture. Good tiles break with cracks and crumbs. The edges of the pieces remain smooth, without chipping.
  • Tactile sensations. The surface of the tile must be smooth.
  • The taste is pronounced and velvety when the piece is absorbed on the tongue. Poor quality is indicated by a heterogeneous aftertaste of scattered grains, a feeling of wax or oil at the end of the tasting.

We'd love to know what inspired you to try dark chocolate. The benefits for most people outweigh the potential harm. You already know how to choose the best sample.

It remains only to watch the video "Test purchase". Which brands are the best in terms of reviews in Russia and how they will be evaluated by an independent examination from the 1st channel. According to consumers, Babaevsky is in the lead. Will he retain the lead by the end of the competition? Find out from 22:47.

P.S. For dessert, a small table with the "charms" of popular Russian stamps, including Babaevsky.

The benefits and harms of dark chocolate for women

For the most part, according to statistics, the weaker sex prefers milk chocolate. V last resort, white or porous. But bitter, with its natural bitterness in taste, is welcomed by few people. But in vain. After all, the benefits of bitter natural chocolate are really significant, while milk chocolate is none at all, except for dubious pleasure. Why is dark chocolate so useful for a woman, and can it harm?

  • Composition of dark chocolate
  • Bitter chocolate: benefits
  • Harm of dark chocolate
  • Chocolate Tips

Bitter chocolate: composition optimal for healthy use

Each type of chocolate has its own method of preparation and composition, from the amount of cocoa to the taste properties. As for dark chocolate, it is made on the basis of a certain combination of cocoa and powdered sugar. Moreover, the more cocoa, the richer the bitterness. Perfect option– 72 percent cocoa of excellent quality. In bitter quality chocolate, you will never you will not feel a sour taste and will not find toppings or nuts.

Why dark chocolate is good for women - the benefits of dark chocolate

This type of chocolate is really very good for health in general and for specific purposes, but with one caveat - you should use it a little bit. That is, no more than 25 g per day (quarter of a tile). Then the effect will really only be positive. So what's the use?

  • Brain nutrition and mental stimulation, thanks to the phosphorus in the composition. Useful for knowledge workers, will not interfere with writers for inspiration.
  • Acceleration and regulation of metabolism, contributing to a more efficient functioning of the digestive tract, thanks to magnesium.
  • Strengthening of bones(calcium).
  • Teeth strengthening thanks to fluorine and phosphates.
  • Sore throat treatment, when sucking pieces of dark chocolate.
  • Mood boost. No matter how skeptical everyone is about this fact (they say, all these fairy tales are invented by women), but this is really a fact. Precisely bitter natural chocolate able to pull a woman out of spleen, thanks to such an antidepressant as magnesium.
  • PMS Relief. Such an "analgesic" as a 25-gram piece of chocolate can significantly alleviate the usual symptoms.
  • Youth extension. Say, again a fairy tale? Nothing like this. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can slow down the aging process. The main thing is not to overdo it. Enough daily allowance, on a regular basis.
  • Reducing the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Prevention of vascular and cardiac diseases.
  • Normalization of cholesterol content.
  • Normalization of pressure with excess weight.
  • An increase in the body of such a property as digestion of sugar in food due to flavonoids. Which, in turn, strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation and prevent the appearance of blood clots, neutralizing "free radicals".
  • Reduction of inflammatory processes(level of C-reactive protein).
  • Decreased production of cortisol, stress hormone.

The harm of bitter chocolate for the female body - what is harmful bitter chocolate

Common consumption of chocolate not recommended for children and adults with metabolic disorders, diabetes etc. But, as a rule, these recommendations relate to milk, white and other types of chocolate. Bitter chocolate can harm only if you use it above the specified norm. But is it so perfect, this dark chocolate? When does it become harmful?

  • You should not get carried away with chocolate for those who are periodically tormented by migraine attacks. The tannin in chocolate is a vasoconstrictor.
  • Low-grade dark chocolate can lead to an exacerbation (and appearance) of gastritis.
  • Too much dark chocolate can cause dizziness, insomnia and allergic reaction.
  • Given the high calorie content of the product (although, in comparison with other types of chocolate, it is very low), excessive consumption of dark chocolate contributes to the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist.

How to identify quality dark chocolate - important tips for choosing chocolate

  • There is no white coating on it (a sign of the “old age” of chocolate).
  • It melts quickly in your mouth.
  • It contains at least 33 percent cocoa butter and 55 percent cocoa solids.
  • It does not use vegetable oils (like palm). Or used in quantities not exceeding 5 percent.

We have all heard that dark chocolate is much healthier than milk or white. This is explained more high content natural cocoa beans and a small amount of various additives. Let's try to figure out how it affects health and how much it can be eaten daily.


Often when buying dark chocolate, we get a fake or a product very similar to it, but in an attractive package. This is due to the high cost of the ingredients of the delicacy. Unscrupulous manufacturers save money by changing the recipe. Therefore, be sure to study the composition of the selected chocolate bar. If in the first place there: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar, we have a product worthy of purchase. Sometimes the last ingredient is missing, but never first or second.

The world's first chocolate bar was produced in 1842 at the Cadbury factory.

No oils other than cocoa are added to dark chocolate. If the composition indicates palm, sunflower or any other - this is a confectionery tile. Dark chocolate contains at least 55% cocoa. If it says less, it's a fake. Natural dark chocolate cannot be perfectly black. It is dark brown, and too intense shade indicates the addition of piece dyes.

Real bitter chocolate


Almost all sweets have a high energy value due to the large amount of sugar in their composition. Chocolate is also a very nutritious product, so you need to consume it little by little. Even the most bitter varieties of it can easily spoil the figure, if you do not follow the measure.

The calorie content of different types of dark chocolate differs slightly:

  • Extra black (content of cocoa beans not less than 90%) - 541-555 kcal;
  • Classic bitter (at least 70% cocoa) - 530-546 kcal;
  • Dark bitter (55-60% cocoa beans) - 535-540 kcal;

Beneficial features

Chocolate contains a huge amount of nutrients, so eating it in moderation will benefit the body. It has long been proven that this delicacy can improve mood and performance. And the point here is not the delicious taste, but the fact that it contains theobromine, a substance that can stimulate the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Chocolate can prevent heart attacks and strokes. American scientists have proven that it prevents the formation of blood clots. 40 grams of this product contains more antioxidants than a glass of red wine. This suggests that chocolate helps to remove toxins from the body and rejuvenate it. A small piece of this delicacy will help normalize blood pressure and put your heart rate in order.

Bitter chocolate is a healthy treat

There are a lot of vitamins A and B in this dessert, as well as phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron. Therefore, it will be useful in the prevention of colds, as well as during strong mental or physical activity. Chocolate will help increase stress resistance and improve memory. The caffeine in it also helps speed up your metabolism.

Cocoa trees can live up to 200 years, but only 25 of those years are during their fruiting period.

Numerous experiments conducted by physicians suggest that regular use chocolate prevents the development of atherosclerosis. The substances contained in it make it impossible to deposit cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. And scientists have noticed that this is one of the few delicacies that are good for teeth. The peel of cocoa beans contains substances capable of enveloping tooth enamel, protecting it from destruction. They inhibit the growth of bacteria that provoke the development of caries. Even the minimum amount of peel that falls into the chocolate by accident is enough. Most of it, unfortunately, goes to waste.

Positive effect on the female body

Good news for all chocolate lovers - with moderate use (no more than 25-30 g daily), it is really useful for the female body. Many of the fairer sex suffer from brittle bones with age. Calcium, which is abundant in chocolate, helps strengthen them and protects against fractures.

Chocolate - pleasure and benefit

The ability of this dessert to cheer up helps ladies cope with premenstrual syndrome. Only 25 g of your favorite treat will not only relieve nervousness or depression, but also reduce pain. And, of course, we must not forget about the antioxidants that are necessary to maintain our youth.

And chocolate is considered an effective aphrodisiac for women. Although this effect is not yet very well studied, it makes sense to try it for yourself. For example, Madame de Pompadour, who was known as the mistress of King Louis XV and a very influential person at his court, adored chocolate and used it to treat sexual dysfunction.

Why do men need chocolate?

The benefits of chocolate for men are often questioned. But it is known that from advanced level cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases are more likely to suffer from the stronger sex, and this dessert helps prevent them. Therefore, do not be shy to occasionally enjoy a piece of healthy dessert.

Men should also not deny themselves a treat.

Chocolate will be very useful for men who work out in the gym. It energizes and increases human activity, which will not be superfluous before any workout. A few bites of this treat before exercise will help keep blood glucose levels more stable and experience less oxidative stress. This means that the training will be more effective, and recovery after it will be quick and easy.

For those who want to increase muscle mass, it is useful to eat a few pieces of dark chocolate before entering the gym, and for those who want to lose weight - after.

Does dark chocolate help you lose weight?

name dark chocolate dietary product difficult because it the energy value too high. But it is often recommended to those who want to lose weight. This is due to the ability of this product to speed up metabolism. A piece of chocolate weighing 15-20 grams, subject to a balanced diet and adequate physical activity, really helps to speed up weight loss. But it should not be considered a panacea.

The sensation of melting chocolate in the mouth is comparable to the pleasure of a kiss, but may exceed it in duration.

But sitting on a chocolate diet is not recommended for anyone. Typically, this method of losing weight involves the rejection of any food, limiting the diet to 3-4 cups of coffee and a bar of dark chocolate. Such food can bring nothing but harm. Due to the sharp restriction of calorie intake, a girl may suffer from dizziness and even fainting.

Chocolate and coffee - the basis of the diet

It is believed that chocolate provides the right amount of nutrients and improves mood, helping to cope with depression. But he is unable to give the right amount proteins for building muscles and organs, and fiber for normal digestion, as well as many minerals, vitamins, etc. Therefore, losing weight on such a diet is possible only at the cost of losing health.

You can use dark chocolate for weight loss without harm to yourself if you apply it on the skin. Those wishing to gain beautiful figure It is worth trying one of the salon procedures:

  • Wraps help get rid of cellulite, remove excess fluid from the body and remove a few centimeters on “problem areas”;
  • Massage also improves the condition of the figure, and also calms and helps get rid of depression.

Chocolate treatments improve skin and figure

Possible harm and contraindications

Dark chocolate is an allergen, so it is not recommended for small children. But it should be noted that they often do not like the characteristic bitter taste. This product is also contraindicated for adults with hypersensitivity to its components. Particular caution should be exercised in patients with diabetes, as well as people with severe obesity.

In general, these are all contraindications to chocolate. With moderate use, this product is not capable of harming an adult. But this applies only to natural high-quality chocolate. This rule does not apply to fakes, sweet bars and confectionery tiles.

Video: all about dark chocolate

Chocolate is one of the most popular treats, and if used properly, it can also become a medicine. This product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, helps to remove cholesterol and toxins. If you consume no more than 50 grams of chocolate per day, it will cheer up the sweet tooth and will be good for the body.

Hello dear readers! My name is Irina. I became interested in the topic of medicine at school and even then I firmly decided for myself that I would become a doctor.

The benefits and harms of dark chocolate have been causing endless debate among doctors and nutritionists for many years, because for many this product has been a favorite treat since childhood. Some say that it can ruin teeth and increase weight. Others consider it a real medicine, while others simply enjoy the taste without thinking about anything. Let's try to figure out what is hidden behind the bright packaging of a dark chocolate bar and whether it is really so harmful.

The composition of dark chocolate is rich in vitamins and minerals that can have a positive effect on the body.

  • Vitamin E first of all has a positive effect on the female body. It is able to maintain the natural beauty and youthfulness of the skin.
  • Vitamin B helps function thyroid gland. In addition, it accompanies the production of red blood cells and has a positive effect on vision.
  • Nicotinic acid cleanses and dilates blood vessels, eliminates the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • Magnesium improves memory, favorably affects the central nervous system.
  • Iron acts as an anemia prevention.
  • Theobromine improves biochemical processes and speeds up metabolism.
  • Caffeine activates the breakdown of fats.

100 grams of chocolate contains 540 kcal. The ratio of fats / proteins / carbohydrates is 35.4 / 6.2 / 48.2.

Benefits for human health

The beneficial properties of dark chocolate for the body have been proven by more than one generation.

They mainly appear as follows:

  1. Being a natural antidepressant, chocolate can slow down the aging of the body.
  2. By eating a small piece of dark chocolate every day, you prevent heart attacks and strokes.
  3. The product improves blood flow.
  4. Satisfies hunger.
  5. It is the prevention of cholesterol plaques and, as a result, blood clots.
  6. Strengthens the vascular system.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Chocolate is a source of energy, helps to increase stamina.
  9. Helps to recover after intense physical exertion.
  10. Normalizes blood pressure.
  11. Has anti-inflammatory action.
  12. Soothes sore throats and also helps in the treatment of prolonged coughs.
  13. Contributes to the normalization of the psycho-emotional state.
  14. Helps improve memory and activates brain activity.
  15. Serves as a prevention of ulcerative processes.

Many doctors say that there are certain benefits of dark chocolate for women, and especially pregnant women. The product stops hair loss, strengthens nails. They say if you eat regularly dark chocolate, then you can give birth to a stress-resistant baby.

Dark chocolate for men is also useful. It works as an aphrodisiac and is able to increase potency.

Please note that the greater the percentage of cocoa beans in chocolate, the higher its benefits. A quality product contains 72% given ingredient, but at the same time its indicator should be at least 55%. The amount of cocoa butter should be about 30%.

Useful properties for diabetes

Unlike white and milk chocolate, black is approved for use in type 2 diabetes. The main thing is to know the measure and not overdo it with the quantity.

Useful properties are as follows:

  • saturates the body with polyphenols;
  • askorutin strengthens blood vessels, reduces their fragility;
  • due to the use of dark chocolate in the body of a diabetic, lipoproteins are formed, which have a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism;
  • the product lowers blood pressure;
  • increases sensitivity to insulin;
  • enriches with iron;
  • contributes to the rapid saturation of the body due to the high percentage of protein;
  • saturates the body with antioxidants, thanks to the flavonoids included in the composition.

Application in cooking

In cooking, dark chocolate can be used as an independent dessert. In addition, it can be used as additional ingredient to many dishes. Made with dark chocolate special sauces, and some of them can be added to sweet and savory dishes.

A bar of dark chocolate can serve as the basis for cream. And the product often serves original decoration various culinary masterpieces.

Use in cosmetology

Recently, cosmetic products, which include chocolate, are increasingly gaining market share.

  • The salons offer various wellness programs based on creams and mousses with chocolate.
  • Chocolate products are included in a comprehensive anti-aging program.
  • Hot chocolate is added to the bathroom, used for massage procedures, masks and balms based on it are rubbed into the skin.
  • Some salons offer a course of chocolate therapy, which is designed for the skin.

In addition to the healing effect, chocolate improves mood and overall well-being. As a result of therapy, the skin becomes velvety, sometimes pigmentation even disappears. Chocolate-based masks smooth wrinkles and promote the healing of minor wounds and eczema. And cocoa butter can fight dry skin.

Can you lose weight by eating dark chocolate?

Have you ever thought about the fact that dark chocolate can get rid of extra pounds?

To date, there is a chocolate diet with stringent requirements. The menu includes coffee without sugar, but with milk, still water and a bar of your favorite chocolate.

The benefit of chocolate for many of us lies only in the fact that this delicacy is able to cheer up with its taste. Otherwise, every woman who cares about her figure will avoid consuming even a slice of chocolate, being afraid to gain extra pounds. However, this sweetness, as it turned out, contains considerable benefits for female body. About what chocolate can be useful for and what kind of chocolate bars on the shelves of our stores you should trust - the site will tell today.

The benefits of chocolate: which chocolate is really healthy

Now in every supermarket or pastry shop you will find many varieties of chocolate with various fillings, pieces of fruit or nuts, and even an exotic combination of cocoa beans with spices. And it would be a mistake to think that all this chocolate is healthy. Those properties, which we will tell you about below, refer exclusively to dark chocolate, which contains only cocoa bean butter without any additional impurities. It is useful to eat it in small quantities, it does not harm tooth enamel, does not cause allergic reactions and will not lead to weight gain.
The benefits of milk or white chocolate are generally a myth. Milk tiles contain a large amount of sugar, while cocoa, on the contrary, contains less. But the most useless and even harmful is white chocolate. It can even be considered chocolate only conditionally, because the content of cocoa butter in it is generally minimal - at the level of 20 percent.

Only bitter chocolate with a maximum percentage of cocoa beans will be useful. It is he who can be eaten without harm to the figure and teeth. However, even here it is important to know the measure and not get carried away even with this useful sweetness.

The benefits of chocolate for our body

Nutritionists note that bitter chocolate will be useful only if it is not eaten a large 25 grams per day. That is, this is the fourth part of an ordinary chocolate bar weighing 100 grams.

And if you follow this advice, then you will find the following useful properties of this sweet:
1. It stimulates mental activity due to the content of phosphorus in its composition, which nourishes brain cells.
2. It improves the processes of cellular metabolism due to the content of magnesium, which is necessary for the normalization of the work of the cells of our body, as a result of which our well-being improves.
3. Strengthens bone tissue due to calcium content. Therefore, it is especially useful to eat dark chocolate for children - instead of ordinary sweets and confectionery. Of course, in this case, you need to observe the measure.
4. Due to the content of theanine, the condition of the teeth improves - it has antibacterial properties. This is a great caries prevention! In addition, the fluoride contained in each tile strengthens tooth enamel.
5. Strengthens the immune system during the period of illness.
As you can see, the benefits of chocolate are not fairy tales. An ordinary tile of goodies is fraught with many useful properties that you did not even know about. That is, not all sweets spoil the teeth and figure, as many of us used to think. Bitter chocolate can be not only an excellent delicacy, but also useful product on every day.

Dark chocolate is able to stimulate the brain, improve the condition of bone tissue and metabolic processes at the cellular level. Also, chocolate can be eaten at a time of the year when there is a risk of colds, because it strengthens the immune system.

The benefits of chocolate for the female body

Each representative fair half humanity loves this delicacy and will not miss the opportunity to indulge in a few slices. And for good reason, because the benefits of chocolate are a proven fact. True, many girls try to exclude any confectionery for fear of harming the figure.
But we hasten to assure you that a few slices of dark chocolate will not only do no harm, but will bring benefits.

And here's one:
1. Normalization of mood - due to the frequent variability in mood, women may experience a depressed state. And in this case, chocolate will be the best way out, because it acts like an antidepressant due to the magnesium content in its composition.
2. Facilitates the course of premenstrual syndrome - just 25 grams of chocolate per day will help smooth out mood swings in the period before menstruation.
3. Prolongs youth - the content of antioxidants in each tile will slow down the aging process of cells.
4. A powerful aphrodisiac - since the days of French favorites, chocolate has been considered a powerful stimulant sexual energy. This has been proven by Italian scientists who discovered the following pattern: women who indulge in a few slices of chocolate daily lead a more active sex life.

For the female body, chocolate is useful in that it normalizes mood, helps fight the aging process, and also acts like an aphrodisiac. In addition, this sweetness can alleviate the course of premenstrual syndrome, which is characterized by sudden mood swings.

So, the benefits of chocolate for women are undeniable and lie in its positive impact on brain function, mood and bone health. It also helps to keep the skin youthful, as well as increase sexual activity! Of course, you can find all these useful properties only in dark chocolate, and not in others. confectionery of this kind., which should be excluded from your diet altogether. However, moderation is also necessary for a healthy version of chocolate, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the figure. Dark bitter chocolate a little bit will bring undoubted benefits.

All people on earth, regardless of gender, age and social status, adore chocolate, which is why humanity can be conditionally divided into those who love dark chocolate and those who prefer another (milk, white). Today we will talk about the benefits of dark chocolate, and also tell you what the abuse of this delicacy threatens.

It is not at all surprising that dark chocolate is currently so popular, but few people know, but in the past only members of royal families could afford to enjoy this sweetness, since the process of making it was complicated, and cocoa beans were quite expensive. Fortunately, today dark chocolate has become more affordable and anyone can treat themselves to it.

Composition and calories

Legends can be made about the beneficial properties of dark chocolate, this is due to the fact that the product contains a lot of valuable substances. The percentage of natural cocoa in dark chocolate is over 72, while the more cocoa in the product, the more useful it is. Among the components of this delicacy, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins E, PP, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus are distinguished.

There are 539 calories in 100 grams of dark chocolate..

Benefits of bitter chocolate

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that dark chocolate is healthy. Everyone knows that this product is the strongest antidepressant - a piece of this delicacy perfectly cheers up, besides, it tones up and increases efficiency. However, there are still many points in the list of useful properties of dark chocolate, the following abilities are attributed to it:
Normalization of metabolism.
Stabilization of blood cholesterol levels.
Stimulation of mental activity.
Improving the quality of blood.
Normalization of blood pressure.
fat burning,
Improving the functioning of the circulatory system and preventing the formation of blood clots.

In addition to the indicated dark chocolate, it is effective in the prevention of atherosclerosis, its benefits are also high for inflammation. different kind. This product has been proven to be an excellent treatment for stomach ailments. According to the results of research by British scientists, with the help of dark chocolate you can get rid of lung diseases and colds, let's say even more, this sweetness can prevent flu and other viral infections. In addition, in practice, the opinion that dark chocolate is harmful to teeth has not been confirmed, on the contrary, it turned out that it has an antibacterial effect and reduces gum bleeding.

Bitter chocolate: harm

Dark chocolate can be harmful only if this product is abused. Overeating dark chocolate can cause an allergic reaction, manifested by itching. It is not recommended to abuse this product and people with a sick heart.

An overdose, if, of course, this word is appropriate in a conversation about bitter chocolate, is manifested by dizziness and poor health. Due to the fact that the product has a stimulating effect, insomnia is often noted among those with a sweet tooth.

Bitter chocolate for women

Although we talked about the benefits and harms of dark chocolate above, I would like to talk separately about how this product is valuable for women.

Despite the fact that dark chocolate is a rather high-calorie treat, the carbohydrates contained in its composition are an excellent way to fight body fat. That is why a unique diet has been developed for those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight, where bitter chocolate is one of the main components. Just imagine, eating only chocolate for a week, you can lose up to 7 kilograms of extra weight. There are very few diets that provide a similar result, for example, the popular "South Beach Diet" guarantees such a result after 2 weeks, but to say goodbye to such weight, sticking to "

People are used to thinking that chocolate does not bring any benefit. Spoiled teeth and figure, high blood pressure and blood sugar - an incomplete list of what they fear when eating any treat. Such statements have nothing to do with dark chocolate. You can eat it at least every day, and this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, brain function, nervous system, and even improve the figure. To achieve such results, it is necessary to choose the right delicious tiles and adhere to the permissible norm.


Vitamin and mineral composition of dark chocolate

Unlike most sweets, even people with diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disorders can consume dark chocolate. The benefit of the product is in the ability to normalize metabolic processes. Not only will it not aggravate the situation, on the contrary, it will help to cope with the problem. The vitamins and minerals contained in the delicacy have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole:

  1. Vitamin E, present in dark chocolate, is called the "vitamin of youth". It maintains the beauty and elasticity of the skin, normalizes the production of hormones. The action of tocopherol is equated with the action of progesterone, which is important for the female reproductive system.
  2. Vitamin B2 is necessary to maintain visual acuity, is involved in almost all chemical processes in the body. Without it, the production of red blood cells is impossible.
  3. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is an essential component in the work of cardio-vascular system, carries out "cleaning" of vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  4. Magnesium improves efficiency, improves brain processes: attention and memory. Together with potassium, which is also sufficiently contained in chocolate, it is involved in ensuring the full functioning of the heart muscle.
  5. Iron prevents the development of anemia, relieves its symptoms: dizziness, darkening of the eyes, pallor.
  6. Fluorine and calcium help strengthen bones, nails, teeth. Dark chocolate is an excellent tasty prevention of osteoporosis.

A piece of dark delicacy is able to restore strength, energize. All the useful substances included in its composition are absorbed by the body quickly and in full.

Useful properties of dark chocolate

The properties of dark chocolate are associated with a high content of cocoa beans, which contain flavonoids. These are a kind of antioxidants that prevent the development of many vascular diseases, have a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, and regulate hormone levels.

Cocoa fruits have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect, help prevent diseases of the oral cavity, plaque formation, and relieve bleeding gums. How prophylaxis is used in official medicine to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and anemia.

Contains theobromine, an analogue of caffeine, involved in the production of the “hormone of happiness”, endorphin. Flavonoids contribute to the activation of the production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow, including cerebral. Catechin protects tissues from the effects of free radicals. This prevents the development of cancer cells, protects the heart and blood vessels from diseases.

Nutritional value of dark chocolate

Video: Nutritionist about the beneficial properties of dark chocolate

Application of chocolate

Nutritionists have developed a special diet based on dark chocolate. It lasts from one to three days and is designed for healthy person. It is noted that after the chocolate diet not only extra pounds go away, but also improves appearance by removing toxins, normalizing metabolic processes.

On a note: Satisfy on bitter chocolate fasting days helping to reduce weight up to 2 kg at a time. For a one-day diet, one 100-gram bar of high-quality dark chocolate is eaten. At this time, you should not limit yourself to liquids, it is permissible to drink coffee, black, green and herbal tea without sugar. Such unloading can be carried out no more than once every 2 weeks.

Dark chocolate is also used in cosmetology for the manufacture of tightening face masks. Chocolate wraps quite effectively help fight cellulite and stretch marks. It is no coincidence that chocolate extracts are present in many hair, face and body skin care lines.

Video: Cosmetic procedures using chocolate at home

When choosing, you should carefully study dark chocolate: its benefits and harms directly depend on the composition. The higher the content of cocoa beans in a bar, the more useful it is. Chocolate, in which cocoa beans account for at least 70%, will bring real benefits.

The composition should not contain starches, oil (especially palm). If a white coating has formed, then the storage conditions have not been met. Of course, such a product will not bring harm, but useful properties will be lost.

The tile should not melt in the hands. If, at one touch, melted chocolate remains on the fingers, this indicates impurities (perhaps not indicated in the composition), of the low quality of the product.

The low cost of dark chocolate should also alert. A truly high-quality chocolate has a rather high price, but it is he who will bring pleasure and be the most useful.

Contraindications and precautions

Dark chocolate has practically no contraindications. It can be used even by people suffering from diabetes and obesity, in reasonable quantities. However, the calorie content here is also significant - 540 kcal per 100 grams of product. With excessive use healthy carbohydrates accumulate in the form of fatty deposits.

Dark chocolate should not be abused by those who have problems with sleep, as the caffeine contained has a tonic effect on the body. It is also contraindicated in severe metabolic disorders.

Any chocolate is a potential allergen, so people who are prone to allergic reactions should eat it with caution. During pregnancy, you should limit yourself to a small piece of goodies, if you really want to. During lactation, it is better to completely exclude such an allergenic product from the diet, otherwise the child's body may be harmed.