Can be made with beef ribs. Beef ribs in the oven with potatoes

Beef ribs were once considered cheap meat, and many butchers gave them to dogs. However, today, buying this part of a cow carcass is not cheap, since chefs have learned to cook it deliciously, despite the fact that the meat is covered with tough connective tissue, which makes chewing difficult. One of best methods, how to cook tender and soft beef ribs - using the oven.

Preparing Ingredients

Once the good meat has been purchased, it's time to prepare it for cooking. This will require a good rinse under running water to remove dirt and dust. All hard membranes, films, and fat must be cut off. Used for this sharp knife, lifting a piece of fabric and cutting through it in one quick motion in one direction. There is no need to saw the meat, otherwise the edges will be torn. Removing excess fat allows you to reduce the calorie content of the final dish.

The next step is to soak the ribs in diluted vinegar for six hours. To do this, you will need to take a suitable container, add it there lemon juice, a few tablespoons of vinegar and water. You can adjust the solution to your own taste. Some chefs use Orange juice or even crushed kiwi. The acid in these foods helps tenderize the meat.

Cooking recipes

To prepare delicious, flavorful beef ribs, You will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Dijon mustard;
  • Not a large number of liquid smoke;
  • any spices to taste;
  • Favorite BBQ sauce.

The basic tools you need are a baking sheet and aluminum foil. At the first stage, prepare a baking sheet. It will need to be lubricated with olive or any other vegetable oil. At this time, the oven should already be turned on, so that by the time the ribs are ready, they can be placed inside to roast. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.

The meat will first need to be coated with a special compound. Mix mustard and liquid smoke, take a brush and lubricate the ribs on both sides. Place the product with the meaty side up and place in the oven. Fry quickly until the edge of the meat bursts. To avoid drying out the ribs, you can place a container of water inside.

Bake the product for 3 hours, the meat should come away from the bone. Half an hour before full readiness, coat the surface of the ribs with sauce, cover with foil and simmer for another eleven minutes. Before serving, the meat should rest and be sprinkled with herbs. This dish is perfectly stored in a container in the refrigerator and will delight you with its taste for another four days.

Beef ribs at proper preparation melt in your mouth, they turn out tender and tasty. You can cook them in the oven with BBQ sauce when you don't have access to an outdoor grill. The ribs are good source niacin, riboflavin and vitamins B-12 and B-6.

To prepare the following recipe you need:

  • beef short ribs, cut parallel into pieces;
  • paper napkins;
  • celery;
  • coarse black pepper;
  • minced garlic;
  • chili, can be powdered or chopped fresh pepper seedless;
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced ​​into half rings;
  • 2 cups barbecue sauce;
  • a glass of beef broth.

First you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Rinse the beef under a tap running cool water. The meat must be completely dry before cooking. At the second stage, mix:

  • salt;
  • chopped celery;
  • pepper;
  • ground garlic;
  • Chile.

Rub the resulting mixture well over the beef on one side and the other. Place the ribs in a large baking dish and place inside the oven. Fry for 15 minutes until a brown crust appears, remove and reduce the internal temperature oven up to 150 degrees. Drain excess fat from pan and add onion, barbecue sauce and broth. Mix everything well, cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and return to the oven.

It takes two to three hours to bake the meat, you can try it with a fork, when it becomes tender and comes off the bone, it means you can remove it. Serve immediately while the beef is still smoking. Corn cobs or beans can be used as a nice addition.

You can create an amazing dish for the holiday table from other ingredients; it will require:

  • beef ribs;
  • garlic salt;
  • finely ground allspice;
  • flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • butter;
  • 1 head of onion, chopped;
  • garlic, a couple of cloves;
  • a glass of broth.

First you need to salt and pepper the ribs, then sprinkle with flour. Vegetable oil needs to be heated in a saucepan or frying pan, and the ribs are fried in it for 5 minutes on each side. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add onion and garlic, fry until golden brown. At this time, you must already turn on the oven. Place the beef and butter into the container, add the roast and pour in the broth. You can add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, Bay leaf for aroma. Cover the container with foil or a lid and simmer in the oven for 2 hours.

There is another, no less simple and wonderful recipe How to make tender and tasty beef ribs. Ingredients you will need:

  • 3 kilograms of meaty beef ribs;
  • 2-4 spoons olive oil;
  • garlic powder;
  • onion powder;
  • Cajun seasoning;
  • Brown sugar;
  • chili powder;
  • paprika;
  • oregano;
  • Favorite BBQ sauce.

All spices are added one tablespoon at a time. First, the ribs must be rinsed under running water and dried. They are then lightly coated with olive oil. Mix the seasoning in a separate container and apply generously to the front and back of the beef. Rub in the spices, adding more olive oil to help distribute them better over the surface.

The meat is marinated in this form for 2 hours. Before cooking, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the ribs on a foil baking sheet in one layer. Another piece of foil is placed on top. Be sure to seal the edges so that moisture does not seep through. Bake for 3 hours. Do not check during cooking.

Excess fat then you can drain it, and before serving, apply barbecue sauce and fresh finely chopped herbs to the meat.

To diversify your menu, you can use the following step by step option, how you can cook amazingly tender baked ribs juicy in the oven. The ingredients you will need:

  • salt and black pepper;
  • vegetable oil in the amount of three tablespoons;
  • onion, shredded, two large heads;
  • several sprigs of fresh thyme;
  • chopped garlic;
  • several carrots, cut into strips;
  • tomato paste;
  • soy sauce;
  • fresh parsley.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, generously cover the ribs with a mixture of salt and allspice. Vegetable oil is poured into a separate metal dish and the beef is quickly fried in three minutes. Place it in a pan in which the beef will stand in the oven, pour out some of the fat. In the same pan, fry the onion and fresh thyme. Stir occasionally until it appears golden crust. Add chopped garlic, fry for another minute, add carrots, tomatoes and soy sauce. Simmer for two minutes and pour the mixture over the ribs. Place the container in a preheated oven for 2.5 hours. Before serving, garnish with fresh parsley.

The following dish is suitable for festive table. Spices, meat and sweet dried fruits create an original flavor combination. The following ingredients will be required:

  • ribs - half a kilogram;
  • two hundred grams of prunes;
  • coarsely ground allspice;
  • dark soy sauce;
  • one spoon of mustard;
  • spoon of honey.

The meat is marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, honey and mustard. Cover it on both sides and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour. After a while, place in a bowl, add chopped prunes, seasoning and place in an oven preheated to 180 C, cover with foil.

You can make ribs with potatoes in a pot, then you will need pre-cooked beef broth. The meat is rubbed with spices and salt, fried in oil for five minutes on each side and placed in clay pot. The oven is heated to 200 degrees. Add potatoes to the meat, pour broth over everything, add bay leaves, coarsely chopped carrots and onions. Cover with a lid, simmer for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 150 C and simmer for two hours. Only after complete readiness add chopped fresh herbs, cover again with a lid and wait three minutes. Can be served.

If you don’t have spices on hand, then the easiest way to marinate beef is to do it with adjika.

Before you start cooking this wonderful dish, you will need to approach the issue of purchasing tenderloins with great responsibility. The described piece is cut from the upper part of the chest. Thirteen pieces on each side. Sometimes butchers trim them close to the bone. These cuts have more meat. The lumbar ribs are meatier, although less flavorful.

Before sale, the product is cut into pieces of various lengths. On a production scale, the product is packaged 13 seeds in a vacuum bag. Ribs that require more cutting time tend to be less expensive. Single, located closer to the head? the most expensive. Short ribs are cut from the flank and brisket area. They have a lot more meat, but it takes longer to prepare such a dish. To make the product tender, you will need to simmer it for a long time.

If the product is purchased in packaging, then you should pay attention to the color of the meat, which should not be gray or too red, since then the ribs belong to an old animal. Each bone should contain a decent portion of meat, no extra layer of fat. If you purchase meat from a butcher, it is worth asking where the goods came from. Grass-fed cows are cheaper than those raised according to standards, but their meat is safer because it is free of hormones and antibiotics.

For a video recipe for cooking ribs in the oven, see below.

Beef ribs in the oven - this phrase alone makes your mouth water! Incredibly tasty, varied, simple and complex dishes can be prepared from this type of meat. In this article we will tell you about the intricacies of cooking, reveal the secrets of culinary experts, and share the most popular and original recipes!

How to cook beef ribs in the oven? Not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Our main task is to choose the right ingredients and follow the recipe. Vegetables are perfect for this dish - they add juiciness, complement the taste with pleasant notes, as well as salads.

Answers to frequently asked questions.

How to cook juicy ribs? The answer is simple - use sauces.

It is thanks to the right sauce that you can experiment with the taste, softness and aroma of the dish.

How to choose beef ribs? The main thing is that the animal carcass is young, then the meat will turn out soft.

How long does it take to cook beef ribs in the oven? There is no exact answer to this question, since each recipe has its own temporary recommendations, and we strongly recommend following them so that the food turns out to be excellent to taste. On average, cooking time ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

A quick recipe.

This is a simple cooking method, suitable for the lazy or those who do not have time to fuss with food. You will need:

  • Beef ribs – 1 kg.
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt, ground pepper (black or red optional)
  • Fresh herbs

Wash and clean the beef from films, tendons, cut into portioned pieces the same sizes.

Baked beef ribs according to this recipe must be marinated. To do this, mix soy sauce, salt, pepper, finely chopped garlic and herbs. Mix the marinade thoroughly with the meat, cover with a lid and leave to infuse until room temperature for 2 hours. During this time, stir the meat a couple of times.

Grease a heat-resistant container with oil, place the ribs, cover with a lid or foil.

Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 1 hour 15 minutes.

Meat and vegetables – perfection of taste!

If you order ribs at a restaurant, in most cases they will be served with vegetables! This is all for good reason, since vegetables together with beef form delicious dishes filled with fragrant aroma and vitamins! We present to you a recipe for ribs baked in wine.

  • Veal ribs - 600 gr.
  • White semi-dry wine- 200 ml.
  • Green beans – 200 gr.
  • Potatoes – 5-7 pcs. medium size.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Broccoli – 200 gr.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Spices for beef (preferably rosemary, thyme, pepper).

Rinse the veal ribs, remove membranes, and cut into portions. Place them in a bowl, add salt, spices, mix thoroughly and pour in wine. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for 4 hours. After this, drain the liquid.

Cut the carrots and potatoes into cubes, divide the broccoli into florets.

Place the meat and vegetables in a heatproof container, don’t forget to add salt. Cover the pan with foil.

Bake at 180-200C for an hour.

Spicy braised ribs with potatoes.

Baked beef ribs in the oven with potatoes can be prepared by any housewife or novice cook. Despite its simplicity, the dish turns out exquisite, like a chef’s knife!

  • Beef ribs – 1 kg.
  • Young potatoes – 1.5 kg.
  • Onions – 5 pcs.
  • Lemon – 2 pcs.
  • Honey – 100 gr. (preferably floral or linden).
  • Rosemary, black pepper, salt.

Wash the ribs, remove films, and divide into small pieces.

To obtain the marinade, mix honey, spices, salt, and sliced ​​lemons. Pour it over the ribs and leave to marinate for 4-5 hours at room temperature.

Cut the potatoes into large cubes and the onion into half rings.

Grease the baking dish vegetable fat, add potatoes and onions, salt, add spices and mix thoroughly. Then place the ribs on top. Cover the pan with foil.

Place the mold in an oven preheated to 200C for 1 hour 30 minutes.

15 minutes before cooking, remove the foil to allow the dish to golden brown crust. Bon appetit!

Baked beef ribs with mushrooms and spices.

  • Beef ribs – 800 gr.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Fresh champignons – 300 gr.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Suneli hops, turmeric, pepper, salt.

Wash and dry the ribs, then rub with salt and spices. Place in a small heatproof container.

Peel the mushrooms and cut into small slices.

Chop the onion into rings and chop the garlic. Sprinkle on top of the meat.

Place the next layer of mushrooms and grated carrots. Salt each layer a little and add spices.

Cover the pan tightly with foil and poke 3-5 small holes in it using a toothpick or knife.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We set the form for 1 hour.

When serving, you can decorate the dish with fresh chopped herbs.

For marinades for ribs, white or red wine, table vinegar, pomegranate juice, soy sauce, honey, lemon juice, kefir.

It is better to serve potatoes, vegetables, and salad as a side dish for beef. Do not combine with pasta and cereals.

The time for marinating meat varies from 1 hour to 12. The longer the beef is marinated, the softer it becomes later.

Beef is a tasty, healthy and mostly lean meat, which always pleases others with its appearance on the table. However, this meat also has its downside - cooking beef will require patience, since you spend quite a lot of time waiting for the meat to be ready.

In the proposed recipe you will learn how to cook stewed beef ribs, spending minimal amount time and without wasting food. First of all, as expected, we will prepare everything necessary.

How to deliciously stew beef ribs


  • Beef ribs – 400-500 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil – 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard powder – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 large onion 2-3 small;
  • 1 large carrot or 2-3 small ones;
  • The amount of salt, pepper and other spices is at your discretion.

Let's start cooking by cutting the meat. There are a sufficient number of small films in the beef ribs, but it is not necessary to remove them, since the magic marinade will soften them too.

Let's start with the marinade

So, you have cut the meat in such a way that each rib is a separate piece of bone (or cartilage, if it is veal) and pulp. Now immerse the meat in a bowl and prepare the marinade - add salt, mustard powder, seasonings and a tablespoon vegetable oil. Stir and set aside.

If you are short on time, place the beef ribs in a warm place, then they will marinate faster. If you prepare it, leave the meat in the refrigerator. By the way, it can stand in this form for several days - this will only make the dish tastier.

Carrots - in long narrow sticks. Set the vegetables aside.

Roasting first

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the meat. Cook the ribs over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until lightly browned.

Now add to the pan boiled water so that it completely covers the ribs, wait until it boils, reduce the heat and cover with a lid.

After half an hour, when the water has almost evaporated, add the carrots.

Wait another 10 minutes and add the onion to the pan. Check the ribs for doneness - the meat should easily separate from the bone.

If the meat is ready, simmer the dish for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Now fragrant braised ribs ready to serve! If you wish, you can add any greens you like to this meat.

Why mustard for the marinade?

Step 1: Prepare the ribs.

First of all we take required quantity fresh beef ribs, rinse them thoroughly under running cold running water and dry them with paper kitchen towels. Then we place them on a cutting board and cut off the membrane from them. As a rule, it is located in the lower part, on the side of the bones, if left, the meat will be difficult to chew.

Then we proceed as desired, either chop the ribs crosswise into segments, leaving approximately one to three rib bones in each portion, or save them as a whole piece or cut it into 2 parts, it all depends on your desire. Then rub them to taste with salt, black ground pepper and place in a deep bowl for 15–20 minutes.

Step 2: prepare the oven and baking sheet.

Meanwhile, turn on and preheat the oven up to 220 degrees Celsius. Then we cover a non-stick baking sheet with a sheet of aluminum food foil, place a metal grid on it and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Fry the ribs.

Place a deep frying pan over medium heat and pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into it. When it is very hot, place the prepared ribs there one by one and fry on all sides until golden brown. There is no need to bring them to full readiness, just brown them in oil until a thick crust appears on the surface; it will help retain the meat juice during baking. After this, transfer the ribs to a large flat dish and begin to cook the sauce.

Step 4: prepare honey-cream sauce.

Place a small saucepan in place of the frying pan and melt a piece of it in it. butter. Later 2–3 minutes pour soy sauce into it, add honey and mustard. Over medium heat, bring everything to a boil, add rosemary to the resulting sauce, boil it for a couple of minutes, remove from the stove and let it cool slightly.

Step 5: Prepare the ribs for baking.

Next, using a baking brush, coat the lightly salted ribs with a thick layer of honey-cream sauce. We don’t miss a single place, so that aromatic mixture covered the meat on all sides. After this, place the ribs on the prepared baking sheet.

Step 6: bake the ribs in the oven.

Then we put it for now raw dish into a preheated oven 35–40 minutes. Periodically at intervals baste the ribs every 10 minutes remaining sauce. After the required time has passed, use a kitchen knife to make a small cut on one of the pieces near the bone.

If the meat in this place is red, we finish baking it, and if it is pink and droplets of almost transparent fat flow out from there, using oven mitts we move the baking sheet onto a cutting board, previously placed on the kitchen table, and let the ribs stand in this form 2–3 minutes and serve.

Step 7: Place the ribs in the oven.

Ribs in the oven are always tasty and satisfying. After baking, they are allowed to stand in the pan for some more time, and then they are acted on based on the situation. If the ribs were baked in one piece, it is cut into segments, and if there are 1-3 pieces in ready-made portions, then they are immediately laid out on a large flat dish and served at the table. As a side dish for this dish, you can offer boiled rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, pickles, jacket potatoes, salad fresh vegetables and, of course, fresh bread. Enjoy delicious and simple food!
Bon appetit!

In this recipe, you can use any spices that season meat dishes;

Very often, the ribs are covered with foil and baked in it for 25–30 minutes and without it for another 10–15 minutes, constantly brushing with sauce to brown;

Sometimes, before baking, the ribs are infused for 2 to 12 hours in a marinade; its composition can be chosen to taste, for example, buttermilk, kefir, vegetables or different sauces: soy, tomato, orange.