How to cook a basket with protein cream. Shortcrust pastry cake recipe with protein cream and fruit

For many, these cakes are a memory from the past. IN Soviet times such "Baskets" were invariably sold in pastry shops. They are prepared quite simply, they look appetizing, and the taste depends on what you use for decoration. There are a lot of options! I think that both children and adults will enjoy tea drinking with these delicious cakes.


  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Margarine (draining butter) - 100 g
  • Flour - ok. 1.3 stack. (glass 250 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp without a slide
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Vanillin - to taste


  • Proteins - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Vanillin - optional


  • Jam, fruit - optional

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Set aside the squirrels - we will need them for cream preparation, and first we prepare the dough and bake the baskets.

Mix butter with flour and baking powder into crumbs.

Best by hand.

Mix yolks with sugar and salt.

Pour the yolks into the butter crumbs.

Start kneading with a spoon, then continue with your hands.

The dough should be easy to work with and plastic, if yours is too soft, then add a little flour.

For cakes "Basket" I use metal or silicone molds.

The number of cakes will depend on the layer of dough that you lay out in the form. Someone likes the dough thicker, someone thinner, choose whichever you like best. IN silicone molds the dough can be made very thin. In metal, it is better to be a little thicker so that it does not break when removed from the mold. Below I will show one secret if the dough is slightly stuck.

So, put a ball of dough in a mold and spread it with your fingers over the entire surface.

Grease metal molds with butter.

This is what it looks like in metal.

And it's in silicone.

We send for baking in the oven.

Determine the time according to your oven.

In mine at a temperature of about 180 degrees, they are baked for about 15 minutes.

We get supplies.

This dough for baskets is universal, it can be filled with both protein and butter cream.

If you use oil, then the blanks must cool completely.

If the dough does not want to "jump" out of the metal mold, help it with a toothpick.

This does not happen with silicone ones, but I confess that I prefer metal baskets.

When all the blanks are removed from the molds, we proceed to the preparation of the cream.

The site has detailed description cooking Swiss meringue. In my opinion, it is ideal for filling basket cakes.

You can paint it any color. Here, here I have a pink one, I used a few drops of gel color.

And now I'll show you the options for this cake. I have cooked it many, many times. Choose for yourself what you like or come up with your own.

You can put sour thick jam on the bottom, you get such “Baskets”, as before, in Soviet times.

You can just lay out the cream beautifully - it is also very tasty.

You can put the cream in “nests” and put fruit inside.

It turns out very tasty with sour ones - orange, kiwi, strawberries.

Fruits or berries should be laid immediately before serving, but baskets filled with cream can withstand several hours at room temperature.

If the meringue is cooked correctly, then the cakes will not flow. It happened that cooked in the evening looked great in the morning, if left uneaten. Naturally, this is if without fruit.

I hope you enjoy "Baskets".

Bon appetit!

Tired of banal cakes and you want a confectionery variety? Or maybe you are not yet confident in your abilities and are afraid to take on complex masterpieces, but your soul asks for something tasty? In this case, I propose to cook incredibly delicious sand baskets With custard. I warn you right away and honestly - it is very difficult to resist them and not try at least one cake. crispy shortbread dough combined with gentle lemon cream not only a holiday, but also a real temptation for the sweet tooth. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you quickly and easily master the preparation of a dessert.

Ingredients for making cakes

  • cream margarine - 150 gr;
  • wheat flour - 300 gr;
  • chicken eggs - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • zest of half a lemon;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • zest and juice of half a lemon;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • white chocolate - 100 gr;
  • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp. with a slide;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • cream 33% and above - 250 gr.

From the above ingredients, prepare

Roll it up in cling film and refrigerate while preparing the cream.

From the products indicated in the recipe, cook. Our shortbread filling must be completely cool before filling.

How to bake shortcrust pastry

Divide ready dough into 15-20 equal parts. The exact amount depends on the size of your molds. It is necessary to use iron, silicone in this case will not work.

We roll each part into a circle, its diameter should be greater than the diameter of the mold by the height of its sides.

We line the inner surface of the mold with a layer of dough, press it tightly to the sides so that there are no voids. We do not grease the mold with anything - there is enough fat in the dough.

We bake prepared baskets in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes until a beautiful golden color.

Baked blanks need to be taken out and let them stand in molds for about 5-10 minutes more. This will make it easier to take them out. To get the basket, turn the mold over the table, covered with a clean towel, and tap on the bottom with the handle of the knife - the workpiece should fall out. Cool your sand baskets before filling with cream.

You can simply spoon cream into the cakes. But if you want to surprise everyone not only with the taste, but also with the look of the dessert, then it is better to use a pastry bag with an asterisk nozzle. With it, we fill the baskets with cream, forming beautiful curls.

The delicacy is ready, you can serve it to the table immediately. But cakes will be much tastier if they spend at least an hour in the refrigerator.

Experiment with and find your favorite combination.

Delicious masterpieces!

Bright sand baskets with protein cream will be a wonderful decoration not only for a children's sweet table, but also for any holidays. Such cakes are especially relevant for Easter, when it is customary to treat all incoming guests with sweets. Preparing a dessert is not difficult - its only drawback is that the base must be cooled after baking! And this takes a lot of time.

However, when this decorated sweet cake is served at the table, there is no limit to the admiration of the guests, and the duration of the preparation of the dish is instantly forgotten. Everyone remembers how they loved this dessert from shortcrust pastry in childhood, and the dish with baskets quickly becomes empty.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: bakery .

Total cooking time: 1 h 30 min.

Servings: 6 .



  • flour - 100 g
  • egg- 1 PC.
  • butter - 50-60 g
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • granulated sugar - 50 g


  • protein - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 50 g
  • food coloring - 1 pinch

For decoration:

  • bar chocolate - 20 g
  • figurines, sprinkles - to choose from.

How to cook:

  1. Crack an egg into a deep bowl. Immediately add sugar and salt. Beat the mass with a whisk. By the way, you can use only the yolk, then take the white for the glaze. For more information on preparing shortcrust pastry, see.
  2. Melt the butter slightly in a water bath or microwave oven but don't bring it to a boil! Pour it into the container with the egg mass. Stir. Instead of butter, you can use margarine, a quality spread.

  3. Pour in wheat flour and knead the dough. You will need enough flour so that the mass does not stick to your hands. Let the dough ball rest in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

  4. Prepare the forms for the baskets and put the shortcrust pastry in them, stretching it with your hands and forming sides. Gently pierce each piece with a fork in several places so that it does not swell. Place the molds with basket blanks in the oven and bake for about 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Remove and be sure to cool at least until room temperature. If the base is hot - protein cream it will just flow.

  5. While the base for the dessert is baking, take care of the cream. Whisk the chilled egg white with a pinch of salt for 3 minutes. Then add the sugar and continue beating for another 5-7 minutes until the peaks of the whipped cream become stable.

  6. Add a pinch of the dye of your choice according to the color (green in the recipe). If you want to get a more saturated color of the cream, then add a little more dye. Stir in the cream.

  7. Put the cream in a pastry bag or syringe and decorate the cooled sand bases with it.
  8. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle it on the dessert you created. Put any decoration on top of the cream and add a few leaves of fresh mint.
  9. Serve cupcakes with a cup fragrant coffee or tea. Since the pastries are sweet, you can not add sugar to the drink!

Note to the owner:

  1. If you want the shortbread dough to be more airy and porous, then add a little baking powder. For a serving in the recipe, 1/3 tsp will be enough.
  2. Cakes are very sweet, so sourness will not be superfluous. Inside each basket, first put a half teaspoon of any thick jam, and only then add the cream - the taste will become more interesting.

Recipes for delicious cakes

cake basket

1 hour

370 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Each taste evokes some associations in us. They can be both good and bad. But there is something that is simply not capable of evoking bad memories and associations. This is what I want to tell you about today. Everyone remembers the wonderful taste of those cakes that we tried in childhood. Many of them remain our favorites throughout our lives. Therefore, I consider it my duty to teach you how to cook the "Basket" cake at home. This will require a minimum of costs, but what memories will flood over you! Let's continue the glorious tradition and prepare such a delicious dessert dish for our children.

Cake recipe "Basket" with protein cream

Kitchen appliances: m xer or whisk, m ito, e ukhovka.


For test:

For cream:

How to choose the ingredients for such a dish?

Such an unpretentious dish still requires some respect for itself. To make an original cake, you will need to be sure to use first-class wheat flour and the highest quality products.

A step-by-step recipe for making shortcrust pastry cakes "Baskets"

Before you start creating cooking masterpiece, you will need to remove the butter from the refrigerator so that it warms up a little. Only after that you can start cooking the "Basket" cake in accordance with GOST.


  1. Put the butter in a deep container and beat for 4 minutes with a mixer or whisk.

  2. After whipping, add 140 g of sugar. Start the whipping process again, continue it until the sugar is completely dissolved. You will have to spend 5 minutes on this.

  3. Separate the yolks from the whites and add the yolks to the oil container. Whisk for about 5 more minutes.

  4. Then add 1 teaspoon of baking powder, a pinch of salt and a few drops of rum or vanilla essence.

  5. Mix all the ingredients of the future cake in the best possible way.

  6. At the very end, add 350 g of flour. Before that, you will need to sift it through a sieve to get rid of unnecessary foreign objects. Start the dough kneading process. You will need to knead it until smooth to get the perfect shortbread dough.

  7. Place your finished shortcrust pastry in cling film and refrigerate for 40 minutes.

  8. Already chilled dough, you definitely need to roll it out with a rolling pin into a layer, the thickness of which is about 7 millimeters.

  9. Now you need to distribute all the dough into metal molds.

  10. When you have done this, remove any excess pastry that is sticking out of the edges so that the pastry itself is slightly larger than the sides of the pan.

  11. Using a fork, make a lot of holes in the dough, which is located at the bottom of each mold. This should be done so that air bubbles do not form during baking.

  12. Put the finished forms in freezer for 15 minutes.
  13. Preheat the oven to 215 degrees and bake the baskets for about 15 minutes.

  14. Let the dough cool and take out the blanks.


  1. Now let's take an interesting process of cooking the cream. To do this, mix sugar in water.

  2. Start the syrup boiling process.

  3. Boil the syrup to a temperature of 120 degrees. It's about 5-6 minutes.

  4. At a temperature of 110 degrees, add citric acid to the syrup.

  5. Start beating egg whites well with a pinch of salt. If you are using a mixer, then beat at medium speed.

  6. When while whipping the proteins on them there are marks from the blades of the mixer or your whisk, start pouring the syrup slowly in a thin stream. After you add the syrup, you will need to increase the speed of the mixer. At this speed, you need to beat this whole consistency for 7 minutes.

  7. Distribute the cream among the culinary bags, and put completely on the bottom of each basket. a small amount of jam or jam.

  8. Now you can turn on your imagination and fill the baskets with cream in any manner. By using different nozzles, you can make different patterns or exposures.

  9. So your lovely cakes "Baskets" with cream are ready.

Video recipe for the pastry "Basket" with protein cream

In this video tutorial on cooking the above dish, you can find a detailed description of how to cook right dough for cake "Baskets".

Cakes Baskets with Protein Custard according to GOST

Wonderful baskets with protein custard from childhood. Try to cook!
Modular paintings to order -

For test:
350 g flour
140 g sugar
200 g butter
3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon baking powder for dough
a pinch of salt
a few drops of rum or vanilla essence

For cream:
3 egg whites(90 g)
180 g sugar
50 ml hot water
1/4 teaspoon citric acid
a pinch of salt

marmalade or jam.

Many more cakes and pastries on the channel -

All sweet pastries on the channel here -

#cake #baskets #irinakhlebnikova

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Cake "Basket" with fruits

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 portions.
  • Kitchen appliances: m xer or whisk, mmetal molds in the form of baskets, with ito, e containers for your ingredients ear chamber.


For test:

For filling:

Step by step recipe

  1. Melt all the margarine in the microwave.
  2. After that, you will need to mix margarine with sand sugar and mix.

  3. Introduce eggs into the margarine mass one by one. You need to add them as you stir.

  4. In a small container, you will need to extinguish the soda with a tablespoon of vinegar.

  5. After that, add soda to the dough.

  6. Add the flour to the rest of the ingredients and start stirring with a spatula. When it becomes difficult to knead with a spatula, use your hands.

  7. Hide the dough for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. After that, you need to distribute all the dough in metal forms in the form of baskets.

  8. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 10 minutes.

  9. Cool the baskets completely and prepare for the next steps.

  10. Pour a tablespoon of curd into each basket and arrange the fruit as you like.

Now you thoroughly know how to make a cake "Basket" at home!

Shortcrust pastry baskets are a good addition children's menu sweet cakes or a buffet table original snacks. They are filled different types creams, fruits and berries, jelly. Delicious and beautiful delicacy will definitely please everyone.

Sand baskets are a simple recipe that does not require complex skills or culinary knowledge. Given the main features of the preparation of the dough, everything will turn out on highest level. In order for the baskets to come out crumbly and slightly layered, the products must be cold, the finished dough is also cooled for at least an hour before baking.


  • frozen butter - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • baking powder;
  • vanilla;
  • flour - 2-3 tbsp.


  1. Sift the flour with the baking powder into a bowl and rub the frozen butter into it.
  2. Stir until dry crumbs form, add flour if necessary.
  3. Enter the eggs into the dough, collect a lump in a film and send it in the cold for an hour.
  4. Roll out the dough into a layer, cut out circles and put them in molds.
  5. Line the molds with parchment paper and fill with beans or peas.
  6. Bake shortbread dough baskets for 10 minutes at 190 degrees.

A classic cake familiar to everyone since childhood is shortbread dough baskets with protein cream. Making them yourself is not difficult, the main thing is to beat the meringue correctly. If the cream came out perfect, you can plant interesting and beautiful figures if it came out watery, simply distribute it among the baskets and send it under the grill for 2 minutes or brown with a burner.


  • sand baskets - 12 pcs.;
  • squirrels - 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • thick jam - 12 tsp


  1. Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks, gradually adding the powdered sugar.
  2. Put a spoonful of jam on the bottom of each basket.
  3. Pipe the protein cream with a pastry bag.
  4. Shortcrust pastry cream tarts should chill for 30 minutes before serving.

Shortcrust pastry baskets with fruit

Delicious cakes can be filled not only with cream, but also with fruits. Everyone will definitely like such original sweet tartlets. Sand baskets with fruit complement light cream, it can be a simple custard, citrus curd or light mascarpone cream cheese. The delicate layer does not let juice through and the baskets remain crispy for a long time.


  • sand baskets - 12 pcs.;
  • kiwi, peaches, berries;
  • mascarpone - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 70 g;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.


  1. Whisk the mascarpone with powder and fill the baskets with cream.
  2. Cut fruit into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Arrange fruits and berries nicely and serve.

The recipe for shortbread dough baskets with different fillings is very simple and almost hassle-free. Even from simple ingredients you can create extraordinary delicacy, and with curd cream also useful. If you don’t know how to feed a picky baby with cottage cheese, make a delicious cake for him and supplement it with berries.


  • sand baskets - 6 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese 9% - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • thick jam - 6 tsp


  1. Punch the cottage cheese with a blender with powdered sugar.
  2. Pour in the cream, continue whipping, but with a mixer.
  3. Add vanilla sugar, stir. Cottage cheese cream for shortbread dough baskets is ready, send it to the cold for 30 minutes.
  4. Put a spoonful of jam into the baskets, fill with curd cream and decorate with berries.

Delicious sand baskets with cream can be prepared according to a budget recipe. This cake will be a real find for those housewives who do not want to bother with preparing a cake for a celebration. The cream is prepared with the addition of alcohol, but if you plan to children's holiday, exclude it from the composition.


  • sand baskets - 12 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • chocolate liqueur - 100 ml.


  1. Mix yolks with sugar.
  2. Warm the milk and gradually introduce the yolk mass.
  3. Cook the cream until thickened, stirring constantly.
  4. Enter the oil and pour in the liquor, cool the cream.
  5. Fill shortcrust pastry cups with cream and serve immediately.

Sand baskets with custard and berries

Delicious and truly festive shortbread baskets with berries and classic custard can be prepared very quickly. The sour taste of raspberries, strawberries or cherries perfectly sets off the sweetness of the cream filling. Baskets in this case can be baked by reducing the amount of sugar.


  • sand baskets - 12 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • vanilla;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • berries.


  1. Rub the yolks with sugar, vanilla and flour.
  2. Pour in the milk, mix well, heat until thickened, stirring constantly.
  3. Add oil, mix, cool, beat with a mixer.
  4. Fill with cream, top with berries and serve.

You can bake shortbread dough baskets with filling at the same time. Apples need to be caramelized with honey and sugar in advance, fill the blanks and bake everything together. The result will be an amazing cake with a budget composition and extraordinary taste. You can supplement the delicacy with nuts and cinnamon, and decorate with the rest of the dough, cutting out small figures from it.


  • shortbread dough - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cinnamon;
  • walnuts - ½ tbsp.


  1. Apples need to be peeled, cut into medium cubes.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, throw in the apples, pour over the honey and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Add cinnamon, stir, cool.
  4. Roll out the dough, cut out circles, place in molds.
  5. Lay out the filling, decorate with the rest of the dough.
  6. Sand baskets with fruit are baked for 20 minutes at 190 degrees.

Tarts with cherries made of shortcrust pastry

A real cake with a surprise - shortbread baskets with cherries and chocolate. Berries are hidden in a tartlet under a dense layer of ganache and crushed nuts complete the composition. This delicious treat will make a splash at the buffet table, and it is prepared insanely simple. Bake baskets in advance, make chocolate cream and pit the cherries and pat dry.


  • sand baskets - 12 pcs.
  • cherry - 200 g;
  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • cream 35% - 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • crushed nuts for decoration.


  1. In a water bath, warm the cream with powder, without bringing to a boil.
  2. Break the chocolate, pour in the hot cream, stir with a whisk until the pieces are dissolved.
  3. Throw in the oil and refrigerate the cream.
  4. Put 3-4 pitted cherries into tartlets.
  5. Cover with chocolate ganache and garnish with nuts.

Sand baskets with fruit in jelly

These shortcrust pastry fruit baskets will be appreciated by kids. Baskets can be baked with low sides, store-bought jelly is also suitable, or you can make it yourself from gelatin and juice or sweet puree. It is also better to gel berries and fruits so that they do not let the juice in and stay beautiful for a long time without winding.


  • baskets - 10 pcs.;
  • kishmish grapes - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • berries and fruits for decoration.


  1. Punch the kishmish with a blender and wipe through a sieve, you should get a homogeneous puree.
  2. Pour hot water gelatin, wait until it swells.
  3. Warm the puree a little, pour in the gelatin, stir.
  4. Fill the jelly baskets, decorate with berries, leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

This appetizer has proven itself at buffet events. Try baking savory shortcrust pastry for salads. This is a good solution for the original portion serving of bored treats. A simple crab or Olivier will sparkle with a new taste if served in such an interesting way.


  • unsweetened baskets - 12 pcs.;
  • ham - 200 g;
  • peas - ½ b.;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. All salad ingredients should be finely chopped.
  2. Mix with peas and mayonnaise.
  3. Fill the savory shortcrust pastry baskets and serve immediately.