How to drink purple tea. Tea reviews

The quality of life of any modern person is directly dependent on his current state of health. Unfortunately, today many people forget about this, completely ignoring the need to take care of their own body. An unbalanced diet, low physical activity, bad habits, and constant lack of sleep are common causes for many dangerous diseases. Excess body weight, which occurs due to metabolic disorders, is one of the very ailments that can be caused by an extremely negligent attitude towards one’s own health. However, quite recently a rather interesting product has appeared on the market that allows one to minimize the harmful effects of external factors on the human body. We are talking about the innovative Chang-Shu purple tea for weight loss.

How to protect your body from obesity?

The health of modern man suffers daily from his bad habits, as well as from the harmful effects of many external environmental factors. The negative imprint that junk food leaves on the body is often visible to the naked eye. As a rule, excessive accumulation of fat deposits is the cause of a huge number of very unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous diseases. The problem is that most of the drugs existing today are not sufficiently effective, and their action is very often accompanied by negative consequences for the body.

How much does it cost and where to buy Chang-Shu?

The price of one package is currently 990 rubles, thanks to a special promotion on the official supplier’s website. You can buy Chang-Shu from any region of Russia, leaving your contact information for feedback. After waiting for a call from one of the managers, you will receive comprehensive advice regarding healing properties, instructions for correct use, as well as everyone existing contraindications product.

Also by phone you can finally confirm your order and inform about the right quantity packages The parcel is sent cash on delivery, so the seller will not require money from you until the goods are received in person. As a rule, delivery occurs very quickly, allowing you to become the owner of healing tea within a few days.

Ordering purple tea Chang-Shu for weight loss on the official website, you are guaranteed to buy an original product.

What effect does purple tea have?

The natural properties of this drink have been known since ancient times. Even then, residents of Asian countries used it not only to restore the body affected by the disease, but also as a reliable preventative measure. Daily consumption of this healing tea has the following effects on the human body:

  • effective breakdown of subcutaneous fat;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • preventing disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilization blood pressure;
  • removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • strengthening the health of hair, nails and bones;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • eliminating the negative effects of stress;
  • increasing performance and relieving fatigue;
  • improvement of visual acuity.

Thus, Chang Shu purple tea is an excellent remedy for combating excess body weight, since such a problem has great amount internal prerequisites for the emergence. This drink copes with the most common causes of obesity, stabilizing the functioning of the entire body as a whole.

What does Chang Shu tea contain?

  1. Caffeine. It has strong fat-burning properties, due to which complex weight loss occurs, affecting different parts of the body. Also has a beneficial effect on nervous system, improving mental activity and overall tone.
  2. Bioflavonoids. Have a positive effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels, minimizing the risks of development chronic diseases. They normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, helping to supply internal organs useful substances.
  3. Dopamine. Restores the protective properties of the immune system, which allows a person to better tolerate the harmful effects of external environmental factors and avoid many ailments. In addition, it removes Negative consequences stress, improving sleep quality.
  4. Tannin. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning digestive system, resulting in a comprehensive removal of toxins and waste. The natural production of gastric juice improves, reducing the likelihood of intestinal problems.
  5. Chromium picolinate. Effectively reduces appetite, bringing it to normal levels. This allows a person to refrain from eating junk food and also prevents overeating, which causes excess weight gain.

Why is it worth a try?

  • Health-improving effect. Regular use The presented tea allows you to normalize the functioning of the body's systems, which leads to rejuvenation and the prevention of many dangerous pathologies. The effectiveness of Chang-Shu is confirmed by research and positive reviews.
  • Completely harmless. The natural composition is completely safe for health, does not cause addiction, as well as other side effects.
  • Convenience of preparation. Brewing a healing remedy is not at all difficult, since the procedure for boiling it is practically no different from preparing regular tea.
  • Unsurpassed taste. Purple tea has unique taste qualities that can pleasantly diversify your usual diet. As additional ingredients You can use lemon juice or honey, which will give the drink even more sophistication.

Instructions for use

  • boil the water and then wait a while until it cools to 80 degrees;
  • place some leaves in teapot and fill with prepared water;
  • after the liquid acquires a bluish color, the drink can be served;
  • for improvement taste qualities tea, add lemon juice or honey to it;
  • Avoid using sugar in this drink.

The positive properties of Chang Shu purple tea have a complex effect on the health of the human body, providing a tonic effect and gradually bringing weight indicators back to normal. Take the product twice a day to gradually feel its effects.

Should I worry about contraindications?

There is no need to fear any significant restrictions associated with the use of Chang Shu. According to the manufacturer, this product does not cause any negative side effects. The only contraindication that you should definitely pay attention to is hypertension. It is also not recommended to drink Chang Shu tea too often, since large doses of this drink can lead to nausea and vomiting. In fairly rare cases, it can cause an allergic reaction to individual components of the composition, so follow its permissible dosage.

Doctor's opinion on Chang Shu purple tea

Alexey Ivanovich, endocrinologist, Rostov-on-Don

“Unlike the synthetic weight loss drugs that are popular nowadays, Chang Shu purple tea is a completely natural remedy. It contains only natural ingredients that have a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body. By regulating metabolic processes, the drink stimulates the body to naturally lose weight without any side effects. By taking this remedy, you increase your overall tone, improve sleep and mood, and also restore the health of your entire body.”

Recently, Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu has appeared on the market for weight loss and health products. The tea bushes from which the drink is made grow on the slopes of Tibet. Manufacturers position it as an effective fat-burning product, but nutritionists have a slightly different opinion about the drink.

Read in this article

Composition of Chinese tea

It's called Chang Shu purple tea, but this is not entirely true; when tea leaves are brewed, a blue drink is obtained. But if you really want, you can turn it into the declared color, for which ready drink add 2 - 4 drops lemon juice.

The purple Tibetan drink Chang Shu contains the following components:

  • theanine has the ability to lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, strengthen the immune system;
  • bioflavonoids – active anti-cancer substances, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have a hypotonic effect;
  • caffeine increases activity, makes a person more resilient, and has a very weak fat-burning effect;
  • tannin is a tannin and has the ability to bind and remove heavy metal salts from the body;
  • catechin lowers blood glucose levels, normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, thins the blood and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Benefits of Chang Shu for weight loss

The composition of the drink is truly unique, but how effective is it for weight loss? The tea packages indicate that it has fat-burning properties and allows you to get rid of excess weight easy and effortless. In fact, everything is not like that! Nutritionists do not in the least belittle the dignity of Chang Shu, but they warn that it is unlikely that it will be possible to lose weight with him efficiently.

Here are the beneficial properties in terms of weight loss that doctors highlight:

  • The intestines are cleansed. This ensures its stable operation, complete absorption of nutrients from consumed foods, and relieves constipation. The good thing is that Tibetan purple drink does not cause diarrhea, which means it can be consumed early in the morning and late in the evening.
  • It has a good diuretic effect. And this not only leads to cleansing of the kidneys, but also to the active removal of excess fluid, which eliminates swelling and smoothes the skin.
  • The body receives additional energy. In terms of losing weight, this fact helps to increase physical activity without the risk of loss of strength.
  • Stops the feeling of hunger. In any case, Chang Shu will be a healthy drink for the body, so you can safely replace snacks or late meals with it.

Contraindications for purple Tibetan tea

Despite the benefits of the drink, there are clear contraindications for use, and first of all this is hypotension - low blood pressure, as it will decrease even more due to the presence of tannins and theanins in the tea. If this prohibition is ignored, prolonged use of Chang Shu leads to a decrease in body temperature, apathy, depression of the emotional background, and fainting.

You can't lose weight with purple Tibetan tea and those with a history of diseases of the urinary system, for example, urolithiasis disease or chronic pyelonephritis. A powerful diuretic can provoke the movement of stones, blockage of the ureter, or exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the renal pelvis and calyces.

A contraindication to taking Chang Shu tea is urolithiasis.

You should not drink the drink during menstruation, pregnancy or while breastfeeding. This is due to the ability of tea to lower blood pressure and remove fluid from the body - dehydration and the development of anemia are possible.

How to drink the drink

Chang Shu tea should be brewed in a ceramic or glass container, and the second option is preferable - pouring hot water 4 - 5 flowers can be contemplated at the moment of their opening. The indicated number of inflorescences should be used per 300 ml of liquid, which should be hot, but not boiling water. After 5 - 10 minutes of infusion, the resulting blue drink will be odorless and almost tasteless, so it is recommended to add lemon juice or honey to the tea to improve this quality.
Drink the drink 3 cups per day (100 ml each), regardless of meals. The course lasts 3 weeks, after which you need to take a break of 10 - 15 days. If the drink is used for health purposes, then it can be drunk in the 30 days/20 days mode.

It is worth emphasizing separately: the drink cannot be combined with other teas for weight loss. The herbal components included in them may simply “not match” with the ingredients of Chang Shu, and then the body will be harmed real harm in the form of poisoning and allergies.

To learn how to brew purple tea, watch this video:


You won’t be able to lose weight qualitatively with Chang Shu - this is an axiom. But if you use it in conjunction with physical activity and adjusting the diet towards lower calorie content, then after 2 - 3 weeks you will notice: Before and after losing weight on Chang Shu tea

Where to buy and price

It is unlikely that the purple Tibetan drink can be purchased in pharmacies, although some private outlets have it on their shelves. It is more practical and reliable to buy it on the Internet, on the website of the direct manufacturer.

The cost of Chang Shu tea is quite high - for a three-month weight loss course with mandatory breaks you will have to spend 5,000 rubles (about 2,000 UAH), but you can buy tea in small quantities, for example, “for testing” for a month.

Chang Shu tea, this purple Tibetan drink, can hardly be called effective in terms of weight loss. But it will undoubtedly be useful. At least, even with a limited diet, you don’t have to worry about the level of your own immunity and the appearance of your skin.

For several years now, there has been a lot of talk on TV screens and on the Internet about amazing properties Tibetan purple tea "Chang Shu". Reviews from doctors note its health benefits, and ordinary consumers mainly talk about its ability to reduce body weight. This drink, made from a plant growing on the slopes of Tibet, has long been popular in Asian countries. But they use it there to improve digestion and general health. And having become popular in European countries, this tea is considered the best way to improve metabolic processes. Distributors advertise it as a means of losing weight. But the homogeneous composition of the drink does not inspire confidence in it. Therefore, many people doubt whether to buy Chang Shu tea. Is this a scam or can you really lose weight just by drinking this drink?

Why is it called that?

In Asian countries Chinese tea"Chang Shu" has been popular for a long time. Due to the fact that the plant from which it is made, Clitoria trifoliata, is found in abundance on the slopes of Tibet, monks have long used it to maintain health. Clitoria is also found in Nepal and Thailand. Local residents drink this drink to quench their thirst or to improve their health. And now this tea is often served in any cafe and hotel in China or Thailand. It is popular there as a refreshing drink and people like to drink it over ice.

This drink has recently become known in European countries. It is known there as purple tea "Chang Shu". Although, if brewed correctly, it acquires a rich, beautiful blue color. In Asian countries they call it “blue tea”. Thanks to its unusual color, this drink is so popular. Blue tea gives a special atmosphere to tea drinking. And it began to be called purple because Europeans prefer to drink it with lemon juice. After all, clitoris tea has almost no taste. And when you add just 2 drops of lemon juice to the drink, it acquires an amazing purple, even purple color.

General characteristics of tea

In Asia, the drink made from the trifolium clitoris is known as "blue tea", "blue clitoris" or "anchan". After all, it is made from the flowers of the Anchan plant, or trifoliate clitoris. Sometimes it is also called butterfly peas or moth orchid. In the wild, this plant is found in the mountains of Tibet, Nepal and Thailand at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters. But recently, local residents have begun to plant Clitoria trifoliata near their houses. After all, this plant can form a beautiful hedge with attractive blue flowers.

Clitoria trifoliate is considered a medicinal plant, so it is not only used in the form of a decoction, but also added to cosmetical tools. To prepare tea, only the flowers of the plant are used, so the drink has a delicate, pleasant aroma and an almost imperceptible taste. Flowers are collected and processed by hand. And despite the fact that the clitoria harvest can be harvested twice a year, raw materials are supplied to Europe in large quantities. This is why the price of Chang Shu tea seems high to many. But this cost is compensated by its numerous beneficial properties.

What does it contain?

Chang Shu Flower Purple Tea is the unground dried flowers of Clitoris Trifolium. When brewing, all of it useful material goes into the drink. And the healing properties of this plant are explained by the fact that the flowers have a rich composition. The large amount of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids makes it so beneficial. Chang Shu tea contains trace elements contained in clitoris flowers. During the study, the following were found in the drink:

  • one of the derivatives of glutamic acid is theanine, thanks to which the drink is able to lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system;
  • caffeine gives tea tonic and psychostimulating properties;
  • catechins improve heart function, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the immune system;
  • tannins protect against infections and inflammation, improve intestinal function;
  • bioflavonoids strengthen capillary walls, cleanse the blood;
  • L-carnitine is able to burn fat cells, as it actively participates in lipid metabolism;
  • chromium normalizes appetite, reduces cravings for sweets;
  • methylxanthines participate in fat metabolism and improve blood circulation;
  • dopamine normalizes a person’s psycho-emotional state and helps resist stress;
  • lutein has a beneficial effect on the organ of vision, protecting against cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

Beneficial features

Thanks to such a rich composition, the trifoliate clitoris is one of the most common medicinal plants. Because of this, Chang Shu tea is very popular in Asian countries. Reviews from doctors show that this drink has many beneficial properties. Although they do not appear immediately, but with regular use. Chang Shu is useful because it:

  • strengthens capillary walls;
  • cleanses blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • improves fat breakdown;
  • promotes proper absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • has a slight laxative effect, improving intestinal function;
  • removes excess fluid from the body, reducing swelling;
  • strengthens hair, accelerates its growth, stops hair loss;
  • strengthens nails;
  • makes the skin smoother and more elastic;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • tones the body;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • increases visual acuity.

In addition, the drink from the trifoliate clitoris has a rejuvenating effect. Daily use of this tea prevents the appearance of gray hair, reduces the number of wrinkles, and increases skin elasticity. A positive effect on the female reproductive system helps delay the onset of menopause and improves a woman’s condition during this period. There is even evidence that this drink helps with infertility.

Who should drink this tea?

In Thailand and China, a drink made from anchan, or trifoliate clitoris, is drunk quite often. Tourists are served it in hotels with ice to quench their thirst. And local residents use it for viral infections, as well as for poisoning. This drink speeds up recovery and gives strength. Trifoliate clitoris tea is well tolerated even with long-term use and very rarely causes side effects in the form of an allergic reaction or abdominal pain.

Clitoria trifoliata is added to many cosmetic products, because it stops hair loss, strengthens nails, and improves the condition of the skin. The effectiveness of using a decoction of this plant internally and externally is comparable to hair transplantation, since dormant bulbs are awakened, the hair becomes strong, shiny and thick. With regular use of the clitoris drink, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and many dermatological problems disappear.

The use of Chang Shu tea is useful for gastritis, atherosclerosis, and venous insufficiency. The drink lowers blood pressure well in case of hypertension and normalizes blood glucose levels in case of diabetes mellitus. The decoction is also used for insect bites; it quickly relieves pain and swelling. Daily consumption of clitoria decoction prevents the development of coronary thrombosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and stroke, as well as the appearance of cancerous tumors.

In Asian countries, it is believed that clitoris trifolium tea can improve brain function. Studies have shown that this drink improves memory, enhances learning abilities, eliminates insomnia and helps cope with stress. Due to the fact that clitoris contains many essential microelements, it strengthens the immune system and helps prevent the development of vitamin deficiency. The presence of lutein makes clitoris tea effective means to improve visual acuity, improve the condition of various ophthalmological diseases and to prevent the development of cataracts and glaucoma.

Is it possible to lose weight with this drink?

Tea from the trifolium came to Europe as an effective fat-burning remedy. It is so actively advertised that many people have the impression that Chang Shu tea is a scam and completely useless. But in fact, its healing properties help reduce weight, but only with a complex effect. You can't lose weight just by drinking tea. If someone expects to eat cake, lie on the couch and drink this drink, and excess fat will leave, he will be disappointed. That is why, along with positive reviews, there are often negative ones.

In fact, Chang Shu tea is quite effective for weight loss. It is best used in a comprehensive approach to weight loss. It will enhance the effectiveness of diets and exercise. After all, this drink has the following properties:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves lipid metabolism;
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins;
  • promotes the rapid conversion of carbohydrates into energy;
  • tones the body.

But losing weight with Chang Shu tea cannot be quick. It is recommended to consume it regularly, morning and evening, for 3 months if it does not cause any side effects. Only then will it be noticeable that your appetite has returned to normal and you no longer want to eat sweets. All nutrients will be absorbed better, and the intestines will work actively. Therefore, there will be a decrease in body fat and weight loss. This type of weight loss works especially well in combination with exercise or dietary restrictions. But you can drink the drink from the clitoris on your own without changing your lifestyle. Moreover, after completing the course of using tea, the weight does not return, as metabolic processes are established.

How to brew this tea

To make it really healthy drink from the trifoliate clitoris, you need to get acquainted with some rules for its preparation. Not everyone who decides to drink it knows how to brew Chang Shu tea correctly. This is why negative reviews appear, since the drink loses all its healing properties and does not turn blue. To make it really useful and amazing in color, the brewing water should not be very hot. No more than 80-90 degrees, as when preparing green tea. Sometimes it is recommended to take even less hot water.

It is enough to put 4-7 flowers on a glass - they are usually sold whole in packaging. After steeping for 10 minutes, the drink acquires a rich blue color. This tea has a faint floral aroma and almost no taste. Therefore, many people prefer to drink it with honey and lemon. Moreover, after adding a few drops of lemon juice, the tea turns a beautiful purple color. It is for this quality that it received its name. Many people like purple tea due to its unusual color - drinking tea with it becomes amazing.

How to drink tea correctly

It is recommended to drink the decoction of clitoris trifoliate almost immediately after brewing while warm. You should not use it too strong and in large quantities, leave the decoction for later. This cannot improve your health and speed up weight loss. An overdose can only cause an allergic reaction or abdominal pain. Therefore, you need to know how to drink Chang Shu tea correctly.

Sometimes for weight loss it is recommended to drink the drink for 3 months, 2 cups a day. But doctors do not advise drinking this tea for so long. It is best to use it in courses. You can drink it 3 times a day for a week, then take a break for a week and repeat the course. Or use it for a month, 2 cups - morning and evening. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Contraindications for use

But not everyone can drink Chang Shu tea. There are contraindications to its use, although they are few. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before starting to drink the drink. First of all, this should be done by those who have an allergic reaction to certain foods. It is not advisable to drink this tea for pregnant and lactating women, with anemia and kidney disease. In addition, some people with gastrointestinal disorders may experience abdominal pain with prolonged use of tea.

The ability of clitoris to thin the blood makes it impossible to use it together with Aspirin, Warfarin and other drugs that reduce blood clotting. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid while using tea. You especially need to pay attention to herbal decoctions, which can cause side effects in combination with trifoliate clitoris.

It is not advisable to drink Chang Shu purple tea before an important business meeting or before driving a car. This drink has a strong calming effect and can lower blood pressure. Therefore, a slower reaction and decreased concentration may occur. And because of this, people with hypotension are advised to drink this tea with caution, preferably in the evening.

Tea "Chang Shu": reviews from doctors

This drink is recommended for consumption by specialists in oriental medicine who are familiar with the healing properties of the trifoliate clitoris. Many doctors themselves love this amazing blue tea. And they advise patients to reduce blood pressure, normalize digestion, and improve vascular function.

Some cosmetologists also use clitoris decoctions in their work. It is added to masks and creams, and is especially often used for hair. Clitoria can not only improve their condition, but also stop hair loss. It is recommended to take blue tea internally to slow down the aging process, reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of gray hair.

But most of all doctors' reviews are about Chang Shu tea for weight loss. Now many nutritionists have paid attention to such remedies. They note the safety of tea and its mild effect. And their observations show that people who correctly use clitoris decoction actually lose weight, albeit slowly. Many nutritionists are against rapid weight loss through dieting, noting that it has a negative impact on health. And drinking blue tea only causes positive effects.

Tea "Chang-Shu": reviews

Real opinions of people who drank this drink note that it really has healing properties. Many people write that it reduces blood pressure well, and without unpleasant consequences. Regular consumption of the drink helps get rid of gray hair, make hair thicker and stronger. Positive reviews They note about tea that weight loss with it occurs, although slowly, but the effect remains for a long time. After all, the drink improves all processes in the body.

Many people like this unusual drink because of its unearthly, amazing color. This makes drinking tea amazing and improves your mood. But some people like the faint smell and taste of tea, others don’t. But in this case you just need to add honey or sugar, as well as lemon.

Can also be found real reviews about Chang Shu tea in a negative way. People who hoped to lose weight quickly with its help describe their experience of drinking this drink mostly negatively. So they write that this tea is a scam, a scam and does not work at all. But in fact, “Chang Shu” is not intended for weight loss. Reducing fat deposits is the result of cleansing the body, accelerating metabolic processes and removing excess fluid. Digestion improves and the absorption of nutrients is normalized, which leads to weight loss.

And negative reviews are written by those who wanted to drink tea and lose weight without any effort. Although it is written everywhere that this is just an auxiliary remedy, effective while maintaining a diet and increasing physical activity. Blue tea will make it easier to cope with dietary restrictions, as it reduces appetite and improves the absorption of nutrients. This drink also makes it easier to cope with an increase in physical activity, as it tones the body and improves mood.

Negative reviews may be due to the fact that it is impossible to buy Chang Shu tea in a pharmacy; it is distributed only via the Internet. And many people don’t like the price. But such a high cost is associated with the peculiarities of growing and collecting raw materials for tea. In addition, some people use this drink without taking into account the contraindications for its use. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. Improper brewing of clitoris can destroy all its healing properties.

Using Chang Shu tea will not only help you lose weight, as its manufacturers advertise. This drink will improve your health, slow down aging and prevent many diseases. Blue clitoris tea, often called purple tea, is beneficial for people of all ages.

The modern market offers a huge selection of weight loss products. Chang-Shu purple tea has managed to gain a leading position in use among beautiful ladies. Chang-Shu is a fragrant flower tea that helps to get rid of excess weight, giving a feeling of lightness, and also gives strength, youth and beauty.

The magical power of Chang Shu

Purple tea grows in the highlands of Nepal and Tibet. Thanks to its pure natural ecology, this plant combines everything useful microelements and beneficial substances that have a number of healing properties. The most powerful fat burner has deservedly gained popularity all over the world. Healing drink prepared from flowers growing on the tea tree. This alpine plant blooms twice a year with yellow fluffy inflorescences. Stems and leaves are widely used in the field of cosmetology in the form of masks, decoctions, and also in production essential oils and creams. Slimming tea is made from flowers, they are collected by hand in conditions of low oxygen levels at mountain heights near the wonderful sea.

Each petal of a flower is the origin of everything beautiful, given by the wonders of nature. The complex composition of the tea drink effectively burns fat cells, removes excess water, thereby increasing metabolic processes, forcing the body to get rid of everything unnecessary. Chang-Shu has tonic properties and acts gently, without any effort. A woman calmly loses weight without stress and panic by drinking purple tea regularly, sometimes pampering herself with her favorite delicacies.

Composition of healing tea

Tibetan tea Chang Shu ─ 100% natural product, does not contain artificial additives or aromatic ingredients. This drink very good for health, in addition to the cleansing effect, it has excellent healing properties. The aroma has an exciting effect, attracting with its spicy-floral smell.

Main components:

  • Naringin is a plant metabolite with a wide range of biological activities. Actively manifests itself as a powerful antioxidant, suppressing cholesterol levels, increasing the elasticity of capillaries and blood vessels.
  • Catechin is a strong oxidizing substance that reduces the number of free radicals, thereby preventing the occurrence of cancerous tumors.
  • Theanine is an amino acid responsible for psycho-emotional properties, inhibits the effects of stress, tension, irritability, improves tone and positive attitude.
  • Tannin is a tannin that protects the gastric mucosa, preventing the occurrence of ulcers and gastritis. It also burns fat deposits, stimulates physical activity, toning the body.
  • L-carnitine ─ a natural component, which is a relative of B vitamins, corrects metabolic processes in the body, renews muscle cells, improves oxygen circulation, increasing resistance to hypoxia.
  • Dopamine ─ reduces the feeling of hunger, accelerates the feeling of satiety, and affects brain signals responsible for the pleasure center.
  • Methylxatine is an alkaloid substance that actively burns fat cells.
  • Bioflavonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse the circulatory system, improve the structure and quality of hair and skin.
  • Lutein is a yellow pigment found in the inflorescences of tea leaves. A substance that plays a special role in the physiological characteristics of vision, increases sharpness, clarity, protects against retinal degeneration and vision loss.

tea drink Chang-Shu has a large number of essential vitamins, which, in combination with active substances, have a powerful healing effect on the body.

Useful active properties

Excess weight is the main enemy of every person's health. All people who care about themselves should keep an eye on their kilograms. The world organization of nutritionists, cardiologists and gastroenterologists calls for this. Purple tea, having its amazing composition, is the main component in the use of many remedies. traditional medicine. Leaves, flowers and stems are used in decoctions, tinctures and essential oils.

  1. Tea is closely related to tannin, and therefore its effect is mild. It has virtually no dependence properties, reduces the level of blood clotting, increases oxidative processes in tissues, increases nerve impulses, improves symptoms of attention, raises a positive attitude, and prevents the rapid onset of fatigue.
  2. The tea plant, grown in exceptional environmental conditions, acquired its unique qualities and structure. Clean atmospheric air, low content oxygen, the abundance of green spaces are important and basic factors influencing the production of the main valuable components of tea.
  3. Chang-Shu tea has the ability to indirectly break down subcutaneous fat, thereby removing excess fluid, increasing the process of secretion of gastric and intestinal juices, accelerating intestinal motility and progression food products along the gastrointestinal tract.

Instructions for use

  1. Pour hot boiling water over the tea container.
  2. Place about 6 tea petals in a bowl.
  3. Pour boiling water over it, the water temperature should be 80-85 o C.
  4. Cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Strain the drink, squeezing out the tea consistency.
  6. Use in the morning and evening before bed.

Experts advise doing gentle exercise in the morning, on an empty stomach.

As a result, human biorhythms are not disrupted, but on the contrary, fat burning is accelerated. In the early morning, the body awakens, stimulating the cardiovascular system. No wonder Tibetan healers called a cup of tea in the morning the best exercise for blood vessels. Purple tea has a diuretic effect, due to which much more unnecessary fluid is removed.

In the evening, it is advisable to add a little honey to your tea for calm and good sleep.


Like any other product, purple tea may not be suitable for everyone. First of all, of course, you need to undergo a profile examination and consult a doctor. The tea drink is not suitable for allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children under 16 years of age. Brew petals in quantities of no more than 7 pieces at a time. There must be moderation in everything. If there is any change in the body, stop drinking tea and consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Systematic consumption of Chang Shu tea will help many people suffering from excess weight. Of course, we must not forget about sports, a balanced healthy diet and fresh air. Purple tea is a weight loss aid. Therefore, it is important to remember the basic methods of fighting for youth and beauty. Getting enough sleep, quitting alcohol and smoking, controlling blood pressure, correcting body weight, and maintaining an active lifestyle will help streamline your lifestyle.

The effectiveness of Chang Shu purple tea is explained by the presence in it of the most necessary and healing substances for the human body.

Order natural weight loss product Chang-Shu >>>

Read real reviews from doctors and buyers about Chang Shu purple tea. People will tell you about the negative aspects, whether it is worth buying weight loss products at the pharmacy, what benefits and harm they received, what they read on the forums. You will also find out why people advise buying Chang Shu tea on the official website at the manufacturer’s price.

About 5 years ago, something bad happened to me, my health deteriorated sharply, I went on sick leave, which lasted for a couple of months. I had an operation, let me say right away, the problems are female. After surgery, a long course of therapy was required, which caused hormonal imbalance. I couldn’t stop therapy, I was treated for almost a year, during which time I managed to gain 24 kg, which, given my height of 158 cm, seemed like a disaster!

Habitual training did not produce results, the violations were thorough. I'm seriously into dieting healthy eating, but only received dissatisfaction from my household. 4 kg in a month did not seem like an impressive result. I started buying pills from pharmacies, took them, lost a little weight, and then treated my stomach, causing more harm to myself. Then I switched to natural pharmaceutical preparations, they are sold in a large assortment, but again the miracle did not happen.

A long search led me to the official website of the manufacturer of Tibetan tea for weight loss. I read real reviews about Chang Shu purple tea, and there were a lot of them.

I learned from experienced consumers that in Russia you cannot buy purple Chang Shu tea in a pharmacy; it is not imported, since its cost would be indecently high due to transport costs, the cost of creating special storage conditions, plus do not forget about the profit percentage.

Why did I choose it for weight loss?

2 months after taking the tea, I came for a consultation at the clinic, the doctor was amazed at my appearance, and the results of the tests! Chang Shu really helps in the fight against overweight, plus it is generally very useful!

My immune system has strengthened, my cholesterol has returned to normal, the ulcer has finally healed, I have become calmer and more cheerful! Useful property tea is reflected on my face! I definitely recommend purple tea for adults and children!

Reviews from doctors

Strezhevoy Nikolay Veniaminovich, nutritionist in St. Petersburg.

Thanks to many years of practice in medicine, I know many drugs for weight loss. My patients were women and men. Problems with fat deposits arose due to poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and disruption of the endocrine system. Not all patients can stabilize their body weight with diets and physical activity. Drugs in pharmacies promise a long-awaited effect; their effect is mainly aimed at removing excess fluid from the body; they do not break down lipids. Chang Shu purple tea is a natural product that accelerates metabolism without harming a person; fat tissue begins to rapidly break down. The product is proven, I have been recommending it for several years!

Zhdanova Ekaterina Gennadievna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Moscow.

Excess weight is a serious problem! The problem is not in appearance, but in the stress on the body. Elevated cholesterol levels cause many serious diseases; treatment of blood vessels or the liver will be a waste of time if you do not get rid of extra pounds!
Drugs in pharmacies are often counterfeited, their effect is characterized as short-lived, after which adipose tissue rapidly increases. Plus chemical composition pharmacy medicines for losing weight is a blow to the body. Based on the situation, I recommend drinking natural purple tea Chang Shu, which successfully fights lipid deposits.

Real customer reviews

The birth of a child was the most joyful event in my life. Months passed, the child grew, and my gained kilos did not disappear. After 2 years, I sounded the alarm; medical sources claimed that by this time the mother’s body had fully recovered. I gave the child to kindergarten and immediately signed up for fitness, the personal trainer recommended completely switching to healthy and separate meals. I had to lose weight! When the six-month subscription ended, the result was only 9 kg, and the money spent was 42 thousand. I accidentally saw a review of Chang Shu tea. I decided to buy it. Girls! I started losing weight within a week! In 4 weeks I lost 16.5 kg! The thinner friends are also shocked! Definitely recommend! Margarita, 29 years old, Ekaterinburg

I am a pastry chef with many years of experience. Since my student years I have been overweight! I didn’t want to lose weight, my husband fell in love with me being plump, I gave birth to him 2 healthy, strong sons. Life seemed cloudless! Later, my husband left me for a young, slender woman. I couldn't find a place for myself. I immediately went on a diet, excluded all flour and sweets from my diet, but the fat layer firmly established itself in my plump body. I lost weight very slowly! I heard about the miraculous properties of Ching Shu tea and decided to try it! The result was amazing! I really lost weight! After 2 months - 23 kg. Now my ex is begging me to come back, but I met a decent, wealthy man. I hope it doesn't disappoint. Elena, 38 years old, Krasnodar

Perestroika female body started unusually early - at the age of 50. Hormones did something unimaginable to my mood. I was neither slim nor fat, but in 1.5 years I gained 22 kilos! A doctor I know said that at my age it is dangerous to suddenly gain weight, it puts a lot of strain on the heart and other organs. Tamara wrote on a piece of paper the name of a wonderful miracle weight loss product. And it was decided to say goodbye to excess weight. Within a month and a half I was back in shape! All thanks to Chang Shu purple tea, it is inexpensive! You drink tea and lose weight - incredible! I forgot to say, the main thing is to order the product on the official website of the manufacturer in order to avoid counterfeits! Smirnova Valentina, 54 years old, Novosibirsk

The problem with excess weight has affected me too! Although I played sports since school and looked great! Family life makes its own adjustments, this was reflected in the size of my clothes and on the dial of the scale. With horror, I realized - 17 kg extra! I looked for information about weight loss online on forums, and reviews of Chang Shu tea won me over. I ordered one trial pack and was shocked. I noticed the result after 10 days, when my jeans began to literally fall off! No diet, no training, just drinking magic drink twice a day! Elizaveta, born 1990, Rostov-on-Don

I was fat since childhood, it was due to genetic predisposition! Over the years I have tried a lot of methods, the results were, of course, but very small. Quite recently, on the advice of my mother’s new friend (doctor), I purchased Chang Shu tea. Initially attracted natural composition, Then good feedback in the Internet. The effect is simply enormous, after a week I rejoiced like a child! – 6.5 kg! The result seemed incredible, but the scales show completely different numbers! Tea definitely works! Malysheva Ekaterina, 30 years old, Voronezh