Purple tea makes you lose weight. How to brew purple Chang Shu tea

Do you have extra pounds that you really want to get rid of? Do you look with envy at stars who have a slim figure and an enviable waist, but hide their recipe for staying in shape? Let's reveal a secret that many have known for a long time. Purple tea Chang Shu is a natural remedy used all over the world for weight loss. Do you want to be beautiful and healthy? We invite you to buy this weight loss drug, which fights fat without harming the rest of the body. What kind of miracle is this, watch the video, read the information and real reviews with photos of those who have lost weight in a short time.

Why is obesity dangerous?

Excess weight does not come immediately. It accumulates over the years and people sometimes stop paying attention to it. They get used to their figure, to those extra pounds that they have to carry on themselves every day, until one day someone says: “How you have gained weight! How fat you have become!” This phrase becomes the starting point for many to step on the scale, look at themselves in the mirror and ask the question: “Why did everything happen like this?” There are many reasons for weight gain. Here are just a few of them, the most common:

  • systematic overeating (gluttony);
  • indigestion;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • lack of movement for a long time (hypodynamia);
  • fast food snacks;
  • taking certain medications (hormonal, psychotropic);
  • passion for high-calorie foods (sweets, flour, etc.);
  • incorrect daily routine and nutrition as well.

Do you still think that obesity is just a cosmetic defect? We hasten to upset and disappoint: this is nothing more than a terrible disease that can lead to irreversible consequences:

And this is not the entire list of diseases that obesity leads to, but only its beginning. Along with such changes in the body, unpleasant changes occur in life. Families are breaking up because the full spouse no longer looks as attractive and cannot cope with marital responsibilities as before due to decreased libido and the appearance of impotence. With abdominal obesity, a person faces infertility. A patient with overweight it is difficult to walk, he tries to avoid society, withdraws into himself. Sometimes extra pounds it becomes so much that the heart cannot cope with the load. In such cases, the outcome is even worse: immobility of a person, leading to disability or death.

This story is not meant to scare anyone. I would like people to know that fighting excess weight, when you need to lose 50 - 70, or even more kilograms, is not easy, so you need to constantly monitor your health and figure. Today you can buy purple Chang-Shu tea for weight loss. This is the first step to harmony, which will definitely come if you have willpower and desire.

Chang-Shu purple tea for weight loss and its amazing properties

The modern market has recently provided a new means for effective weight loss- Chang Shu purple tea. It turns out that it is not so new, we just didn’t know anything about it for a long time. This one is used tea drink for weight loss and treatment of other problems in Asian countries for not a dozen years, but more than a hundred. Healing drink prepared from plant materials, which are provided by the tea tree, which belongs to the myrtle family. To prepare Tibetan purple tea, only flowers that have a persistent blue color are used, which is why the drink turns out so beautiful and rich.

The tea tree, from which delicate flowers are collected during flowering, grows high in the mountains of Nepal and Tibet. The altitude above sea level in such places reaches 3,000 meters. In such conditions, the oxygen content is low. In a rarefied atmosphere, flowers and leaves produce large quantities of useful substances, some of which cannot be found in plants growing on the plains.

The raw materials for preparing the drink are collected only by hand, so the product belongs to the elite varieties of tea and has a fairly high price. No production processes are allowed during collection. Farmers, Chinese healers, monks and other categories of the local population collect medicinal raw materials twice a year. It is air dried and then shipped around the world to treat people's problems. A huge part of the raw materials remains in their homeland, since the tea drink is very respected and appreciated by the indigenous people of Asia. That is why they are so slender and long-lived.

Not only purple tea for weight loss is made from tea tree flowers. The raw material is included in ointments, creams, and balms. IN folk medicine Some recipes also use the leaves of this amazing tree. Chang-Shu tea has beneficial properties and has a positive effect on the body:

  1. reduces weight by burning excess fat;
  2. restores metabolic processes;
  3. cures gastrointestinal diseases;
  4. restores the structure of hair and nail plates;
  5. increases resistance to stress;
  6. increases visual acuity;
  7. slows down the aging process of the skin;
  8. prevents the formation of new wrinkles;
  9. improves general condition.

Composition of Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss

Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. It contains many useful components that help break down fats, reduce appetite, and improve the health of the body. Substances that make up flowers affect lipids. At this time, the fat layer gradually breaks down and decreases.

Methylxanthine are alkaloid compounds that help burn fat.

Tannins- These are phenolic compounds. They have an effect on the gastrointestinal tract, restore its function, cure peptic ulcers and gastritis.

Vitamins needed to strengthen the immune system and restore the body.

Catechins belong to the group of strong antioxidants that help break down fat deposits. Thanks to its effects, the amount of bad cholesterol decreases and glucose is broken down.

Bioflavonoids strengthen large and small blood vessels, prevent hair loss, and slow down the aging process of the body.

Tianin has a positive effect on the body's reserve forces. It has a tonic effect on his systems, but nervous system at the same time it does not excite. Theotanin removes toxic substances and waste from the body.

Chromium picolinate dulls appetite. Muscle tissue grows faster and fat is burned. The body gains beauty.

How to use purple tea for weight loss Chang Shu: instructions for use

The Chang-Shu flower drink will only be an effective fat burner if it is brewed correctly and drunk regularly. How to take purple tea is known from the instructions, which you now have to study.

The course of treatment lasts three months. The result depends on the systematic use of the drink for weight loss. You should not drink it more often than indicated in the instructions. There will be no effect if you brew more petals in a cup. As with any business, patience and following recommendations are important here. And if you want to add something of your own, add sports to the course of treatment and proper nutrition. The result will be even better.

There are no contraindications for the use of purple tea. However, we should not get carried away with it during the period of bearing a child. It is better to plan pregnancy after the pounds have been lost and the body is healthy.

Who and where should buy Chang-Shu purple tea for weight loss?

Today, such a huge number of all kinds of drugs are sold that promise slim figures that choosing something of your own can be difficult. When you decide to lose weight, you need to remember that not all drugs are harmless. Many diet pills have not only a high price, but also a number of side effects. In order not to run into trouble, we recommend buying the purple tea Chang-Shu, proven by many. The drink will be useful not only for fat women weighing over 100 kg. It can also be ordered by those who want to lose 5 - 7 kg. Just go to the mirror, evaluate yourself critically and decide whether your figure is flawless enough. After all, this is not only beauty, but also health.

It is best to order Chang Shu purple tea on the official seller’s website. Only in this case is it guaranteed to purchase a product that is certified and recommended by doctors and patients who have lost weight. Having ordered tea from an unscrupulous supplier, from second hand, somewhere from resellers, having fallen for a low price, you can throw away the day and stay with your kilograms.

Lose weight with us - lose weight wisely and with Tibetan purple tea Chang-Shu!

Purple tea "Chang-Shu" has long been used in Chinese folk medicine. Today we have the opportunity to use the truly unique properties of this drink.

To make it, only the flowers of the plant are used, which are collected in the Asian mountains. This drink has long been used by Tibetan monks to improve health and prolong life. Today, this plant is most actively used for the purpose of losing weight.


The petals of this tea contain a large amount of amino acids and vitamin components that the human body needs for normal functioning.

Nature saturates each flower with the maximum amount of useful components. It should be said that Chang Shu Purple Tea grows in high mountains where an insufficient amount oxygen.

The plants that are there are much saturated big amount useful components than those that grow on flat surfaces. High mountain air really has a very good effect on the human body, and this fact has been scientifically proven.

Tea is especially popular among the fair sex. This fact is explained by the fact that, along with internal healing, Chang-Shu provides an improvement in appearance:

  • prevents the occurrence of gray hair;
  • provides fat burning in problem areas of the body;
  • the drink reduces the development of new wrinkles and ensures easy smoothing of old ones;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • the appearance of nails and hair improves;
  • the drink helps slow down skin aging;
  • vision improves significantly.

It should also be noted that the tea in question very well cleanses the body of toxins and accumulated waste. It lowers bad cholesterol levels as well as glucose levels. This is a very good remedy for stress.

When drunk regularly, the drink returns youth to the heart muscle and blood vessels. It helps improve the elasticity of vascular walls and improves their functioning. Due to the fact that the drink can reduce blood pressure, it is recommended for people with hypertension to drink it, both as treatment and for prevention.

Since the drink is enriched with bioflavonoids and amino acids, it strengthens reproductive function. It prolongs active longevity and delays menopause.


Let's talk in more detail about the beneficial components that are in this drink.

  • tannins. These components are of plant origin; they perfectly protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, these phenolic components ensure the burning of fat deposits, stimulating high physical activity. They affect the body in such a way that it becomes much more resistant to various types of physical activity.
  • Naringin. This is a flavonoid of plant origin, which is included in weight loss products. This substance ensures that the intestinal microflora receives anergy without the involvement of fat.
  • L-carnitine. This is a component of natural origin, which in its structure is similar to B vitamins. This is a strong fat burner.
  • Catechins. These are powerful antioxidant substances that ensure the process of fat burning and lower cholesterol and glucose levels in the bloodstream.
  • Chromium picolinate. This component helps reduce appetite; it allows you to avoid consuming carbohydrate and fatty foods in favor of weight loss. This component also ensures muscle growth. This is an excellent component for preventing depression.
  • Lutein. This component helps improve vision. In addition, it protects the retina from the harmful effects of light radiation. And this is important for people who long time forced to be at the computer.
  • Bioflavonoids. These components prevent hair loss, and also reduce the risk of gray hair, promote improved skin condition and make the walls of blood vessels much stronger.
  • Dopamine. This component, present in tea, helps brain cells transmit signals. Dopamine improves attention, strengthens memory, improves mood, and also provides a quick feeling of fullness, which is important in the process of losing weight.
  • Synephrine— this substance is similar in its effects to adrenaline. This component is used in sports supplements; it is part of numerous fat-burning products.
  • Muscle relaxants. Substances that have an effect similar to caffeine. They provide some degree of fat burning.

In particular, the effect of Chang Shu is expressed in the normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is precisely due to this property this drink recommend as effective remedy for weight loss.

The theotanin substance present in this drink ensures the absorption and excretion of fats and heavy carbohydrates from the body, thereby ensuring highly efficient digestion of even fatty and heavy foods.

At the same time, weight loss is provoked by the normalization of metabolic processes and water-salt balance, which makes the weight loss process not only effective, but also soft. Under the influence of components such as theobromine and theotanine, the functioning of the body's main filters - the kidneys and liver - improves.

These organs ensure the removal of harmful components from the body, thereby ensuring normalization of weight. This drink, unlike other weight loss products, does not interfere with the absorption of beneficial components in the intestines and stomach. As a result, weight loss occurs gradually, without causing absolutely any harm to the body. If you regularly drink this drink twice a day, then in 3 months of use you can lose from 20 to 30 kg! Agree, this is a lot!

Contraindications for use

  1. If you are not allergic to plain black tea, then drinking this drink is completely safe for you. The components present in Chang Shu tea are not capable of harming the human body even in large quantities.
  2. However, some experts say that you should not greatly increase the recommended consumption of this drink, as this will not bring any additional benefit.
  3. The effectiveness of this product will depend on the duration and regularity of use.
  4. If you consume this drink correctly and systematically, it will reduce the risk of many diseases, such as gastritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, venous insufficiency, and cancer.

How to drink Chang Shu tea correctly?

Manufacturers advise drinking this drink twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. You should add 6-7 flowers per cup. Flowers need to be filled hot water in an amount of 250 ml. Let it brew for 10 minutes. It is prohibited to use boiling water, since when poured with boiling water, the drink will lose all its beneficial properties.

Chang Shu purple tea is famous not only for its luxurious bluish-purple hue, but also amazing property– get rid of extra pounds. Moreover, the drink solves this problem comprehensively, simultaneously healing the entire body.

Can't lose weight? A treacherous feeling of hunger makes you break down every time, and the weight lost with incredible difficulty comes back again? Forget about these troubles.

Chang Shu purple tea will solve all these problems. Thanks to it, you can not only lose weight quickly, but also significantly improve your health.

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Why is this tea so healthy? How did this fragile plant manage to concentrate such a huge amount of valuable substances?

The secret lies in its growing conditions, which are very harsh and difficult, because tea grows only on mountain peaks. Precisely where the oxygen content is negligible. And in order to survive in them, the plant has to accumulate valuable substances to the maximum.

Even in ancient times, Chinese healers established that Chang Shu purple tea has a powerful healing effect on the human body. This is a real elixir of youth and longevity, which is also great for helping you lose weight.

Modern research has proven that regular use The product significantly improves the condition of hair, nails, and skin, which again becomes elastic, toned, and healthy. In a word – it acts comprehensively.

But the main advantage of Chang Shu is its high effectiveness in the fight against extra pounds.

Moreover, it not only helps you lose weight, but also improves your metabolism and normalizes your digestive system.

The result is that the lost kilograms no longer come back.

Beneficial properties of tea

Quick weight loss without exhausting diets and starvation!

This is the main advantage of Chang Shu. However, this miraculous plant has many more advantages in reserve, thanks to which:

  • the condition of the skin improves, becoming elastic, firm and fresh. Fine wrinkles disappear, tone increases;
  • hair becomes strong, silky, manageable;
  • blood vessels are strengthened, their fragility is reduced, elasticity increases;
  • the work of the heart muscle improves;
  • blood sugar levels and blood pressure are normalized;
  • carbohydrate and fat metabolism improves;
  • vision and nail condition improves;
  • the functioning of the intestines and stomach is normalized;
  • the functioning of the central nervous system is normalized;
  • cholesterol plaques dissolve;
  • vascular patency improves;
  • the number of gray hairs decreases;
  • It has a strong sedative effect and is used for stress and nervous disorders.

As you can see, the infusion from this plant has a complex effect on the entire body. Therefore, it will be very useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who have other health problems.

  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • vision problems;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • nervous disorders;
  • neuroses;
  • depression;
  • physical fatigue;
  • overwork.


The composition of this drink is truly magnificent and rich. It helps not only to lose weight, but also heals the entire body.

But there is one thing...

Tea alone cannot give a mind-blowing effect and instantly turn you into a straw. Don’t expect that drinking cakes, sausages and sweets with tea will help you easily lose 20 kg in a month!

The drink will be especially effective only if at the same time you adhere to a healthy diet and exercise.

What causes weight loss? The infusion activates metabolic processes, speeding them up several times. At the same time, it cleanses the intestines and normalizes the absorption process useful substances. In other words, the mechanism for breaking down and removing fats that were previously simply deposited is launched.

However, this complex process can be significantly slowed down by cakes, sweets, sausages and other “harmful things” that you continue to eat. Naturally, the result will be zero. Chang Shu Purple Tea itself will not be able to solve your problem alone. He needs a responsible, prudent assistant, that is, you.

On your part, you need to switch to a healthy, proper, fractional diet, plus, start actively playing sports.

Well, tea will eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time, fill you with energy, lift your spirits, and most importantly, begin to actively remove extra pounds.

Another tip is to take it REGULARLY.

Tea composition

Purple has always been considered the color of rulers. And this applied not only to clothes, but also to tea. In Ancient China, this purple drink was drunk exclusively by emperors. Its secret lies not only in its unique composition, but also in its collection and preparation.

For tea, only flowers are taken that ripen twice a year. They contain the most nutrients, amino acids, microelements and vitamins. The process of their drying is special, during which the inflorescences retain not only their healing properties, but also a bright, rich blue-burgundy shade.

A rich complex of vitamins, microelements, amino acids and other substances useful and valuable for the body is part of this amazing plant.

Theanine. Increases tone, activates mental activity, stimulates physical activity. It has an invigorating, tonic effect on the body, returning vitality. The substance is a derivative of glutamic acid, which effectively reduces blood pressure, improves immunity, and normalizes blood glucose levels. In addition, this component does not irritate the intestines and is actively involved in the processes of fat breakdown.

Kakhetin. A powerful antioxidant that effectively reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, reduces the amount of sugar in the blood and actively breaks down fats. Promotes rapid weight loss, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Chromium picolinate. Permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger, reduces appetite, strengthens muscles and the nervous system. It is a powerful herbal antidepressant that effectively relieves irritability, relaxes, and calms.

Dopamine. Regulates the activity of nerve cells, strengthens the central nervous system. Activates nerve impulses, participates in the most important biochemical processes of the brain. The substance improves mood, memory, and ability to concentrate. The feeling of fullness comes faster.

Bioflavonoids. Activate cell activity, have a regenerative, restorative effect. Thanks to this component, your skin rejuvenates, becomes elastic, velvety, and firm. Significantly improves vision, reliably protects the retina from bright light and sunlight. Very useful for those people who stay in bright sun for a long time or spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor.

Methylxanthine. Effectively breaks down fats and removes them from the body. Perfectly eliminates the feeling of hunger, reduces appetite, and normalizes metabolic processes.

Caffeine. This ingredient increases the body's endurance, tone, gives energy and vitality. It is one of the powerful fat burners that perfectly complements other components.

Complex of vitamins, microelements, which strengthen immune system, increase the body’s protective functions, helping it cope with any infectious and cold diseases.

Theanine. These are a kind of tannins that effectively remove toxins, heavy metals, and waste from orgasm, cleansing it. This amino acid has a powerful tonic effect, relieves physical and mental fatigue, energizes, and improves mood.

Synephrine. It is this component that promotes the rapid breakdown of fat. Thanks to it, metabolic and regenerative processes are activated, intestinal motility is improved, and metabolism is accelerated.

How to brew correctly?

Preparation of Chang Shu tea has its own characteristics. It must be brewed in portions, immediately before use. You cannot prepare the drink for future use.

To make the drink as healthy as possible, you should use hot water when preparing it, but not boiling water. Otherwise, the healing substances will simply be destroyed, and the infusion will lose its healing power.

Follow the preparation instructions carefully and get the most out of this purple drink.

1 For 200 ml (glass) of tea you need 4-5 dry petals.

2 Fill them with hot water. Optimal temperature should not exceed 80-90 degrees.

3 Cover the cup with a saucer and wrap it in a warm towel.

4 Leave for 10-15 minutes.

5 You need to drink one glass at a time.

The drink does not have a pronounced taste or smell. If desired, you can add sugar, honey, lemon to it, however, if you are taking it for the purpose of losing weight, you will have to give up these sweets.

Another interesting fact. The color of the tea cannot be called truly purple. When brewed according to all the rules, the drink acquires a rich, bright shade of piercing blue. And the color of the concentrated drink will generally resemble ink.

But why then is it called purple? Everything is very simple. The secret lies in lemon juice, which was always added to tea for the emperor. It is enough to drop 2-3 drops and the drink will sparkle with all shades of rich purple color.

When should you expect visible results?

Recent studies have shown that the weight loss effect occurs after a month of regular consumption of the purple drink. You can expect tangible results within three months.

The only condition is to lose weight without ardent fanaticism! Once you get your hands on tea, you shouldn’t increase its concentration and make the tea very strong. The desire to lose 50 kg in a month is understandable, but not justified. In addition, unlimited intake of the concentrated drink can play a cruel joke on you and put you in a hospital bed for a long time.

Remember that Chang Shu tea is a herbal medicine, just like chamomile, sage, thyme or any other herb. Taking it randomly in uncontrolled doses is dangerous to health. It is also not recommended to take other herbal infusions, teas, or decoctions at the same time as Chang Shu.

Therefore, calmly, without unnecessary fuss, start drinking this drink in a measured manner. And the result will not be long in coming. You'll see, in a month you simply won't recognize yourself in the mirror.


The purple drink is absolutely harmless and safe, if, of course, you strictly adhere to the indicated dosage. However, there are still some contraindications to taking Chang Shu.

  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • the presence of diseases of the digestive system;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • allergic diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • low pressure.

In all these cases, you should stop using it. If you still want to take the infusion, be sure to consult your doctor.

Chang Shu purple tea is not only for weight loss

Do you know how to “kill two birds with one stone” in one fell swoop? Not even two, but three!

How to lose weight and at the same time tidy up your face, hair and nails?

Chang Shu purple tea solves all these problems, because it can not only be drunk, but also used externally.


Do you have dull, brittle, split ends hair? Do you want them to become shiny, silky and regain their vitality? Nothing could be simpler. Here is the recipe for the decoction for rinsing:

  • Fill 7-10 petals with 1.0 liter hot water(not boiling water);
  • leave for 10-15 minutes;
  • Cool the broth until it is warm;
  • Rinse pre-washed hair with the decoction.

The result will be noticeable after the first time! Having been saturated with useful substances, your hair will again acquire a healthy shine, become manageable and well-groomed.


Tortured acne and acne? Are small wrinkles starting to appear? And here Chang Shu tea will come to the rescue. Here are two simple ways restore freshness, velvety, elasticity to the skin and make it clean - prepare a face mask and toner.

For these two options, you should prepare a weak decoction. Pour 5-7 petals with hot (not boiling water) water. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Soak a gauze napkin in the broth and apply to the face. Separately, you can put a cotton pad soaked in tea on your eyes.

Mask for oily skin. Dilute a tablespoon of green clay with a decoction until it becomes creamy. Apply the mixture to your face in a thick layer and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and rinse your face with the decoction.

Mask for dry skin. Mix a teaspoon of bread yeast with a teaspoon of honey. Add a tablespoon of broth and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to your face. Keep for 30-45 minutes. Then rinse and rinse your face with the decoction.

The infusion itself is already a tonic, which contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. IN pure form it is great for dry and combination skin. If your skin is oily, we recommend adding a tablespoon of alcohol to 200 ml of tea. You need to wipe your face with purple tonic several times a day.


Pamper them with a bath. It is prepared exactly as described above. Immerse your hands in the warm broth and hold for 20-30 minutes. Then towel dry and apply your favorite nourishing or moisturizing cream.

This is how versatile this purple Chang Shu tea is.

While searching for miracle remedies for weight loss, you may come across amazing product– Chinese purple tea “Chang-Shu”. Literally a few years from the moment it appeared on Russian market The drink was enjoyed by show business stars and ordinary people prone to obesity.

We will tell you further why purple tea is good and whether it is worth drinking it to lose weight and give real reviews from doctors and consumers about Chang Shu.

Properties of tea

Chang Shu purple tea is made from the flowers of a plant native to the highlands of Tibet, Thailand and Nepal. The tree of the myrtle family (Clitoria trifoliata) grows in environmentally friendly conditions, which allows the raw material to retain all useful substances and microelements. The flowers for the production of purple tea are collected by hand twice a year. The absence of technological interference and a favorable environment are strong arguments in favor of purchasing Chang Shu. Its color after brewing is always deep blue, and the tea turns purple if you drop a little lemon juice into the liquid. Then the product takes on a fantastic purple color.

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Ask the manager all your questions about the product by phone.
If the answers satisfy you, then you can place an order by providing the manager with delivery information.

You can get advice from a real seller through the form above. Connoisseurs of oriental herbal products talk about the diverse effects of the Chang Shu drink on the human body:

  • Strengthens nails and hair.
  • Heals the nervous and visual systems.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin and prevents the early formation of wrinkles.
  • Restores natural hair pigment and prevents the appearance of new gray hair.

The company specialists responsible for packaging Chang Shu purple weight loss tea talk about the product’s phenomenal weight loss abilities: in just 3 months, fat women and obese men lose up to 30 extra pounds. Upon completion of the course, body weight is not regained. The result is fixed at the achieved level. We recommend that you watch an interesting and educational video on the topic:

Operating principle

Rapid weight loss from drinking purple tea is due to two main factors - acceleration of metabolic processes and stabilization of the body's digestive activity. The ingredients that make up Chang Shu purple tea accelerate the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. As a result, digestive processes are easier, a person losing weight has a feeling of lightness in the body, and weight rapidly decreases.

Tightening of the skin after significant weight loss is explained by the fact that tea drives excess water out of cells and intercellular space, eliminates swelling and normalizes water-salt metabolism. Women who drink Chang Shu purple tea in a course note a smoothing of the skin texture and the disappearance of cellulite.

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Composition of Chang Shu tea

Behind beneficial influence on the body and effect fast weight loss The composition of Chang Shu purple tea is responsible.

  1. Catechins. Antioxidants increase the body's defenses and encourage it to fight fat deposits. They break down cholesterol and lipid accumulations in blood vessels and regulate blood sugar levels.
  2. Tannins. The substances improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve bowel movements, and prevent the development of gastritis and peptic ulcers of the digestive organs. Remove heavy metals, strengthen mucous membranes and stop inflammatory processes at the initial stage of development.
  3. Bioflavonoids. Increases the elasticity of vascular walls and resistance to the effects of cholesterol deposits in Chang Shu tea.
  4. Theanine. The role of the amino acid is to activate the immune system. The substance is a natural tonic, but it does not excite the psyche. Theanine is necessary for people exposed to frequent stress and physical overload.
  5. Methylxanthine. The substance is an alkaloid unit. Its role in losing weight is to burn fat moderately.
  6. Caffeine. Stimulates neurogenic activity and increases physical activity as part of Chang Shu. Has reasonable fat burning properties.
  7. Vitamins. By strengthening the immune system, beneficial substances increase the body's resistance to harmful factors.
  8. Chromium picolinate. The compound reduces appetite and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and muscles. One of the indications for taking chromium picolinates is the prevention of depression, which provokes a person to “seize” the problem.
  9. Dopamine. As an adjuster of the functioning of nerve cells, it improves the conductivity of impulses and the flow of biochemical processes brain For tea consumers, dopamine boosting is beneficial by improving mood and memory, as well as increasing concentration.

The combination of components of Chang-Shu flower purple tea for weight loss accelerates metabolism. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are absorbed better, excess lipids are absorbed, and the lost kilograms do not return. To enhance the effect, its use can be combined with diets and sports exercises.

Instructions - how to brew and drink?

  1. To prepare purple Chang Shu tea, you need to pour 5-7 dried flowers with hot water.
  2. It is not recommended to pour boiling water over raw materials, otherwise many useful substances will be destroyed by high temperature.
  3. It is optimal to use water that has cooled to 80–90°C after boiling.
  4. In the cup you will see blue or purple tea, tasteless and with an unobtrusive aroma.

For improvement taste qualities Honey or lemon juice is added to the weight loss drink - whatever you like. Drink Chang Shu purple tea after steeping for 10 minutes. The first course is seven days, drinking 3 cups of tea per day. Subsequently, courses are held at intervals of 1–2 weeks. You should not prepare too strong a brew, nor should you exceed the number of cups. Three servings with seven flowers is the maximum dosage for one day. Another interesting video on how to brew tea:


There are no serious contraindications to the use of Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu for weight loss, but there are warnings that need to be heeded. Here are several groups of people for whom the use of the drink may be dangerous:

  • People suffering from hypotension, hypertension, diabetes - use only after consulting a doctor;
  • Persons under 16 years of age;
  • It is possible to be allergic to one of the herbs in the composition, but this is not dangerous.

If you have low blood pressure, tea can make you feel worse, so be careful. If, after taking Chang Shu, problems with stool begin, you should stop taking it - this is a sign of an allergic reaction.

According to the consumer protection law, the buyer has the right to return the purchased product within 14 days from the date of purchase. Extract from the law

Excerpts from Law 2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Exercitationem, iste? Cumque architecto dicta eligendi alias eius nam earum neque voluptate, quis maiores voluptatum soluta ab officiis doloribus animi error perspiciatis, ipsum saepe eos. Illo expedita aliquid aperiam obcaecati, minus ipsam.

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Customer Reviews

Svetlana, 33 years old, Barnaul:

A sedentary lifestyle due to sedentary office work “caught up” with me excess fats, as much as 18 kg. I couldn’t lose weight by active means due to my busy schedule, and I no longer hoped for a miracle. Recently, a friend gave me a pack of purple Chang Shu tea, but I started drinking it after consulting with an endocrinologist (obesity is his specialty). In 1 month of drinking tea I lost 9 kg. I have already ordered the second pack myself. I took a break and continued taking the product. In 2 courses I lost 20 kg.

Inna, 27 years old, Verkhoyansk:

All my life I was well-fed, but I never followed a diet. I decided to drink Tibetan purple tea “Chang-Shu” for weight loss by chance, after reading an article on a forum about the benefits of an oriental plant. As it turned out, there are no contraindications. I ordered 3 packs at once and drank 3 cups of tea a day. Five flowers for brewing was enough for me, although sometimes I put in 6. As a result, over 3 months of treatment with breaks, I lost 25 kg. Additionally, I noticed that my nails became stronger. I am satisfied with the effect of the drink. I am not gaining weight, although the last course was completed 4 months ago.

Anastasia, 40 years old, Domodedovo:

At first, my friend drank purple tea for weight loss “Chang-Shu”. Her results were amazing - from a 90-kilogram woman she turned into a moderately plump lady weighing 60 kg. And this is in just 3 months! I also decided to take tea, because... the extra 14 kg did not make me happy. I got rid of them by drinking just one package of tea. I brewed 5 flowers, drank 1 cup of tea in the morning and evening. I haven’t seen any negative reviews at all, either from doctors or patients.

Alina, 24 years old, Zabaikalsk:

The birth of my first child brought me joy and extra pounds. Before pregnancy, I weighed 60 kg, but hormonal changes took their toll. When the postpartum period passed and I adapted to a new lifestyle, I began to pay attention to my appearance. I didn’t need the extra 20 kg, because my wardrobe urgently needed updating. And there were many favorite things in the closet. And I began to work on myself, but to no avail. Because it was necessary to prepare hearty food for my husband and baby. And, naturally, I had to try it. I learned about Chang-Shu purple tea for weight loss from the Internet, where I did not find any negative reviews. I ordered 3 packs at once to complete the entire course. After just 2 weeks, I noticed a surge of energy and a weight loss of 6 kg. When the last package of tea was used, my result was minus 23 kg.

Larisa, 27 years old, Magnitogorsk:

I never believed in the effectiveness of drinks for weight loss, but I took the risk of ordering and drinking the full course of Chang-Shu tea. I was surprised how I lost 3 kg in 10 days and continued to drink tea. In 2 months I lost 17 kg, which I am incredibly happy about. Initially weighed 73 kg. Summer is just around the corner, it won't be a shame to wear shorts around the city.

How many people have lost weight with Chang Shu?

269 ​​people

Helped me

Doctors' opinion

To get more information about purple tea, we asked qualified experts for their opinion.

Yulia Ivantsova, endocrinologist:

In purple tea "Chang-Shu", on which other doctors leave negative reviews, I don’t see anything dangerous to human health. In fact, it is a herb with many biologically active substances in its composition, which serve as a good support for drug therapy. Tea strengthens the immune system and promotes weight loss. I am not aware of any cases of complications after taking it. I just don’t advise you to overuse purple tea, because even the amount of nutrients in the body must be balanced, so an overdose can cause digestive problems.

Tatyana Chelnokova, nutritionist:

Chang-Shu purple tea for weight loss can be drunk without health concerns. The product has passed certification confirming its compliance with hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological requirements. The drink helped my patients not only reduce, but also stabilize their weight, i.e. keep it at the optimal level. The women did not complain about side effects while taking the drug.

Elizaveta Balun, nutritionist-gastroenterologist:

Chang Shu purple tea is a powerful fat burner created
by nature itself. As a source of nutrients, it provides the body with all the compounds necessary for its full functioning. Every sane person understands that excess weight doesn't just pick up. If the arrow of the scale inexorably reaches towards high levels, it means that the body is not performing some function as it should. Often the weak link is metabolism. Correcting metabolic processes by drinking purple tea - what could be simpler? A drink sweetened with honey brings pleasure and benefits to the figure. 2 - 3 cups during the day - and your body will become ideal even with a high proportion of fatty tissue.

Natalya Novikova, gynecologist:

My frequent patients are women with dysfunction
ovaries. Naturally, disorder in the reproductive sphere brings excess weight, insomnia, and bad mood. In addition to drug treatment, I advise everyone to take Chang Shu Purple Tea, which many people drink for weight loss. The drink is suitable for both women and men. However, for my specialization, I find amino acids useful, which normalize the functioning of the ovaries and inhibit the aging process. Additionally, patients note weight loss if it was overweight.

Price and where to buy purple tea?

Today, the cost of Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss - for one package - is 1990 rubles, which is the lowest price at the time of writing the review. To ensure the authenticity of the product and the seller, be sure to check the terms of delivery and payment, since real goods are paid for strictly after receiving the order in hand and checking for authenticity. There is currently a promotion on the product and a 50% discount, which can be obtained through the form below or by submitting a request on the official website using the link in the review.

Making an order from third-party online stores is risky, although there is a chance to get the original. Please share your experience and leave reviews about Chang Shu tea for weight loss under this review and on online forums.

Chang Shu is a flower tea that manufacturers position as an effective remedy for weight loss. Unlike ordinary tea, the Tibetan purple drink Chang Shu is collected and brewed not with leaves, but with flower petals, which have a huge amount useful for human body amino acids and vitamins. After drinking Chang Shu tea, excess weight goes away and, according to women, never returns. Let's see what other qualities the high-mountain purple drink Chang Shu has.

Beneficial features

Chang Shu tea for weight loss grows in the highlands of Tibet and Nepal. Initially, it was used by Tibetan monks, famous for their longevity. The air in the mountains has a low oxygen content, which gives weight loss tea unique characteristics. The purple drink differs from green and black tea in its sweetish taste and rich aroma. Chang Shu for weight loss contains many beneficial properties:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • slows down aging;
  • improves vision;
  • has a positive effect on skin condition;
  • strengthens nails;
  • prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth;
  • has a beneficial effect on brain function; breaks down fat cells;
  • produces a tonic effect;
  • promotes accelerated digestion of food;
  • heals ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • causes a feeling of satiety.

Tibetan tea Chang Shu is not a fat burner, but it promotes weight loss if the drink is combined with diets and sports. After a three-month course of using this product, you will lose those annoying kilograms, reduce the number of wrinkles, have less gray hair and improve your complexion.

Composition of Tibetan tea Chang Shu

Slimming tea contains many biologically active components that will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, salt deposits, atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency, obesity, diabetes and cancer. The following components were found in Tibetan Chang Shu tea:

  1. Tannin (theotanin). This is an amino acid that stimulates human mental and physical activity, but does not have an overly stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Tannin normalizes the functioning of the liver, stomach, and intestines and has a bactericidal effect and the ability to remove toxins from the body.
  2. Kakhetin. A natural antioxidant that protects blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, promotes the oxidation and breakdown of fats, and reduces blood glucose levels.
  3. Caffeine. An alkaloid that has a psychostimulating effect, increasing physical endurance and mental activity.
  4. Methylxanthine. Stimulates blood microcirculation in the skin, which helps remove toxins from cells.
  5. Dopamine. A hormone of joy that improves mood. When dopamine is consumed, nervous tension is reduced and fear goes away.
  6. Lutein. A substance that actively protects the retina from harmful radiation.
  7. Bioflavonoids. Prevents hair loss, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  8. Chromium picolinate. A trace element that accelerates muscle growth, helps fight stress, prevents depression, and reduces appetite.
  9. Vitamins. Useful organic substances that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Unlike other weight loss drugs, Chang Shu tea is safe for health. Extra pounds are lost by improving metabolism and normalizing water-salt balance. Body weight decreases without additional load on internal organs which remove toxins. Two cups a day of this drink will release energy that will give strength to the body.

How to brew and use

Buyers will definitely have a question: how to drink Chang Shu tea? Thousands of people who have purchased the wonderful purple drink note how easy it is to take. When consuming Chang Shu tea, there is no need to revise the nutrition system or come up with patterns for using tea. Getting rid of fat deposits with the help of this weight loss drink is easy - just drink two tea cups a day for three months.

How to take Chang Shu purple tea:

  1. Take 5-8 flowers, depending on the desired saturation.
  2. Brew a glass of hot boiled water, but not boiling water.
  3. Infuse Chang Shu tea for 10 minutes.
  4. Drink for weight loss without additives.
  5. Add a slice of lemon for added fat burning benefits.

Real reviews of people who drank Chang Shu tea for three months show that you can lose 30 kg during this period. Moreover, it is not necessary to refuse food and exhaust yourself in the gym. Eliminate from the diet high-calorie food and a positive result will not be long in coming. There are also negative reviews from people who did not lose weight with Chang Shu tea. We recommend that such people reduce the amount of carbohydrates in their diet and continue drinking tea.

Are there any contraindications for use?

There are no contraindications to taking Chang Shu, but you should not consider using tea as a medicine for burning fat. This is a weight loss drink that only helps you get rid of extra pounds, has many beneficial properties and can have a general strengthening effect on the entire body, slowing down the aging process.

It should be noted that the side effects from excessive consumption of Chang Shu tea are the same as from any other drink of plant origin: blood pressure may increase or decrease, nausea, vomiting, and irritation of the oral mucosa may appear. But for this, drink 20 cups of purple tea for weight loss. Overdose is not harmful. The first aid is to limit your consumption of Chang Shu tea to two cups per day. If this measure does not help, then it is advisable to temporarily stop using coffee and tea of ​​all types.

Where to buy Chang Shu purple tea

Flowers in the mountains of Tibet and Nepal tea plant Chang Shu is collected by hand, so this process is difficult and takes more than one week. Height and lack of air require people to have endurance and the use of physical strength. Among the local population, predominantly men are recruited for these jobs, who receive wages much higher than women. For this reason, you won’t be able to buy inexpensive purple tea for weight loss.

You can find and order Chang Shu online on the company’s official website, both wholesale and in single copies. The price for a weight loss course (three months) is the most favorable - 5 thousand rubles. If you purchase one package of Chang Shu tea, then taking into account delivery, the product costs 2.5 thousand rubles, which makes the purchase more expensive. Find out the cost of a wholesale order on the website of the Chang Shu Purple Tea online store.

To make a safe purchase of natural weight loss tea, you should:

  1. Go to the seller's official website.
  2. Find the order form at the bottom of the page.
  3. Include your phone number and name.
  4. Click on the “Order” button.
  5. Wait for a connection with the manager to confirm the purchase.
  6. After 2 days, receive Chang Shu slimming tea at your post office.
  7. Pay for the order.

Can I buy it at a pharmacy?

Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss is sold not only on the Internet - it can be purchased at the pharmacy. The retail outlet plays the role of an intermediary, so the price of the product will be higher. It’s easy to find out how much Chang Shu purple tea costs in Moscow pharmacies; just type the corresponding query in a search engine on the Internet. However, whether the seller will guarantee you the quality of the purchased product and how many hidden markups are in one package of tea - the question remains open.

Whatever purchasing method you choose, you won't have to make any effort to improve. appearance your figure with the help of Chang Shu tea, which contains a set of benefits for the body organic matter and chemical compounds. If you regularly follow a moderate diet, you will begin to lose weight within a week, and pleasant taste Chang Shu tea will activate your mood and give you energy for the whole day.