Recipe for onion cutlets. Onion cutlets with semolina

Onion cutlets are pretty basic, but hearty meal, for the preparation of which at home you will need a minimum of products. They can be served at the table as self-dish, and in addition to any side dish.

Benefit and harm

The benefit of onion is to improve the digestion of food, as this vegetable stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Also, onions are a natural antibiotic. Phytoncides, which are contained in its composition, help prevent the development of colds, and regular use vegetable is considered a good prophylactic of helminthiasis.

However, there are contraindications to the use of onions. It should be added with extreme caution to your diet for people suffering from stomach ulcers or pancreatitis.

Also, do not use the product in question for diseases of the kidneys, liver, of cardio-vascular system because it can exacerbate the disease.

Difficulty, cooking time

The complexity of the preparation of the dish is considered low. It takes 40 to 60 minutes to cook.

Food preparation

For the dish, you will need chopped onions, which are recommended to be poured over with boiling water before cooking. This will help get rid of bitterness and crunch in cutlets. It is permissible to add other vegetables to the dish, as well as minced meat from any meat.

Onion cutlets - step by step recipe with photo

To prepare 6 servings you will need:

  • half a kilo of onions;
  • 100 grams of semolina;
  • pepper, salt(taste);
  • a couple of eggs;
  • three garlic cloves;
  • one and a half glasses tomato juice.

You also need to prepare 50 ml of rast. oils.


  1. Peel and wash the onion, chop into small pieces. You should use a knife, not a meat grinder or grater.

  2. Then add eggs, salt, mix the mixture. Next, grate the garlic cloves on a fine grater, put to the onion mass. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Heat up a frying pan with oil. Shape into patties and place on hot oiled surface. Fry on each side for a few minutes until golden brown.

  4. Next, pour the tomato juice into the remaining oil in the pan. Cook for a few minutes.
  5. Before serving, pour over the cutlets with the resulting sauce.

In 100 gr. dishes contain:

  • proteins - 3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 13 g;
  • fat - 6 g.

Calorie content - 116 kcal.

Video recipe:

Cooking options


  • yolk;
  • 4 large spoons of sour cream and vegetable oil;
  • 100 g potatoes;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • Bay leaf ik;
  • a couple of st. l. tomato paste;
  • 3 art. l. semolina;
  • 200 g of onions;
  • pepper, salt (to taste).


  1. Divide the peeled onion into pieces, place in a food processor, chop.
  2. Next, add slices of peeled potatoes. Grind until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  3. Then pour the yolk into the bowl, add semolina, pepper, salt the mixture. Turn on the combine for a few more seconds.
  4. Then leave the resulting mass for a third of an hour in order to semolina swollen.
  5. Pour oil into a heated frying pan. Then lay out the cutlets, forming them with a large spoon.
  6. Fry on medium heat for a couple of minutes on each side until golden brown.
  7. Then mix boiled water with tomato paste and sour cream, salt.
  8. Put the finished cutlets on the bottom of the pan and pour the resulting sauce. Add bay leaf.
  9. Simmer at low heat for about 10-12 minutes in a closed container.


  • 5 bulbs;
  • carrot;
  • 200 grams of minced meat;
  • egg;
  • spices, salt;
  • rast. butter;
  • 3 large spoons of semolina;
  • breadcrumbs.


  1. Chop the peeled onions into small cubes, mix with minced meat.
  2. Next, coarsely grate the peeled carrots, put in a mass of onions and meat.
  3. Then add the egg, add spices, salt, semolina.
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, leave for half an hour to swell.
  5. Then stir the mixture again.
  6. wet cold water hands, form small cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs.
  7. Fry in a hot skillet with oil.

Base Ingredients:

  • 3 eggs and 3 large onions;
  • pepper, salt, sp. butter;
  • three tablespoons of flour.

For filling:


  1. Grind the peeled onion, add eggs, salt, pepper, mix the ingredients.
  2. Then add flour, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Put the formed cutlets on a heated frying pan with oil.
  4. Fry until browned.
  5. Next, you should start preparing the filling.
  6. Add a little boiled water to tomato juice, put on a stove with fire.
  7. Salt, pepper, pour a little sugar into the resulting liquid. Put the bay leaf in a bowl.
  8. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  9. Put the finished cutlets in a baking dish and pour over the prepared sauce.
  10. Simmer in the oven for about 30 minutes. from the moment of boiling.

The dish is ready.


  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 1 stack hot boiled water;
  • pepper, salt (to taste);
  • garlic clove;
  • rast. oil, fresh herbs.


  1. Pour oatmeal into a deep bowl, pour boiling water, mix. Leave at room temperature in a closed container until the mass has cooled.
  2. At this time, finely chop the peeled onions, mix with chopped herbs and chopped garlic clove.
  3. Cooled down oat flakes combine with the resulting mixture, add the egg and spices.
  4. Thoroughly mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  5. Next, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, then put the semi-finished product on the bottom of the dish.
  6. Fry the product on both sides.

The dish is ready.

Onion cutlets in tomato sauce with potatoes


  • 300 g of onion;
  • 10 g dill;
  • boiling water;
  • 150 g potatoes;
  • 250 g grated tomatoes;
  • 50 g semolina;
  • salt, sugar, spices, rast. oil (to taste).


  1. Boil the peeled potatoes until tender.
  2. Grind the peeled onion, pour boiling water for a few seconds. This is necessary to eliminate bitterness. Then drain the water.
  3. Grate the cooled potatoes on a coarse grater.
  4. Chop the washed dill.
  5. Mix potatoes with onion mass, semolina and herbs, add spices, salt.
  6. Leave the mixture for a third of an hour so that the cereal swells.
  7. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, form cutlets, lay out for frying.
  8. Fry on medium heat on each side.
  9. Stew the salted grated tomatoes in a separate bowl for a third of an hour.
  10. Transfer the mass to the cutlets, add a little sugar, salt, spices.
  11. Simmer for about 10-15 on medium heat.

The dish is ready.


  • 150 g of champignons;
  • 5 bulbs;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • a large spoonful of sour cream;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • rast. oil, spices, salt (to taste).


  1. Chop the peeled onion into small cubes, mix with eggs, sour cream and flour.
  2. Cut the washed mushrooms into small pieces.
  3. Heat a frying pan with oil, put the mushroom mass. Fry until done.
  4. Transfer the fried mushrooms (without oil) to the onion mixture. Mix ingredients thoroughly.
  5. In the remaining oil, fry the cutlets on both sides, forming with a spoon.
Onion cutlets can be attributed to budget option home cooking. If for some reason there is no meat in the refrigerator, feel free to cook onion cutlets. Yes, and just cook it: not meat, of course, but ... as a child, my grandmother fed me onion cutlets so that I would recover faster after the flu or a cold, and for some reason I was great at it.

Onion cutlets have a spicy sweet taste. The recipe is one of the simple and quick - 20 minutes is enough for you to have a nutritious lunch or snack. Any side dish is suitable for cutlets. And if you can find another 20 extra minutes, then you can cook delicious tomato sauce for them.

Actually, I offer 2 recipes: the recipe onion cutlets and the tomato sauce recipe. Well, since I cooked with a week break, and took pictures both times, I got 2 full-fledged recipes.

Ingredients for onion cutlets

  • onion - 4 pcs.
  • ground paprika - ½ teaspoon
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • wheat flour - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • parsley - for serving

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Recipe for onion cutlets

Peel the onion, wash under running water and chop finely. Then transfer it to a bowl, pepper to taste (paprika is very suitable for onion cutlets) and mix well.

Break an egg into a bowl with onions, stir so that the egg is evenly combined with the mass, and pour flour into the same place. Mix again, now until smooth - you are preparing minced onion for cutlets.

Heat a frying pan over a fire, pour in the vegetable oil and spread the onion cutlets with a spoon. They will take an interesting shape.

Do not make them large, it is better to make them medium or small. Then just fry on each side until golden.

Cutlets are served both warm and cold, and it's hard to say which tastes better. They can be eaten with fresh herbs, mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup, tomato sauce and even bechamel sauce.

There are other ways to cook onion cutlets. Below I will talk about one of them, with the addition of tomato paste and sugar. I often cook this way, so I decided to offer this option with photos (below).

Please also note that the following recipe includes semolina. Highly recommend as it tastes even better with it. You can completely replace flour with semolina - onion cutlets will not lose at all, on the contrary, they will become softer and softer.

One more important recommendation. Onion cutlets are easy to damage, “tear”, as they are rather “fragile”. There is a simple trick to help avoid this. Put the potatoes, peeled and cut into flat pieces, on the bottom of the pan, cover it with water on top, and put the onion cutlets on this “stand”. Then they can be stewed, be sure to cover the pan with a lid.

How to cook onion cutlets in tomato sauce

This is very delicious option cooking cutlets from onions. Several ingredients will be added, the main one being semolina.

Ingredients for the recipe for onion and semolina cutlets

  • onion - 2 pcs.,
  • eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • salt, paprika, coriander to taste,
  • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • clean water - 2 cups,
  • tomato paste - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Tomato sauce:

  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • fresh dill - ½ bunch,
  • sunflower oil - 20 ml,
  • salt, spices - to taste,
  • granulated sugar - 3 teaspoons.

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Fry onion cutlets with semolina

First, as always, fry delicious onion cutlets.
The process is the same, semolina was added to the ingredients. Add it before mixing the prepared onion-egg mass with flour and continue further according to the recipe already described.

Cooking tomato sauce for onion cutlets

Onion, carrots, dill clean, wash. Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into strips. Finely chop the dill. Put the onions and carrots in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and sauté for 5 minutes.

Dilute with water tomato paste. Pour it into the pan with vegetables. Mix well and salt. If you want the pasta not to be sour, sweeten it slightly. Then put out the sauce, and min. after 7 put the cutlets and close the pan with a lid. Simmer another 5 minutes.

Well, that's it: onion cutlets in tomato sauce ready. Please note that they have been cooked along with the sauce, that is, soaked in it. But you can prepare the sauce separately and just serve it to the table. Then everyone will fill them with cutlets at will.

Here is such a simple recipe, relying on which you can fantasize for your pleasure. Combine ingredients, add whatever you want to taste (garlic, for example, or soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, some Tabasco, etc.). Seasonings can also be anything.

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  • semolina - 100 grams;
  • onions - 0.5 kilograms;
  • tomato juice - 1.5 cups;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • pepper, salt, turmeric - to your taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Onion cutlets with semolina. Step by step recipe

  1. Let's start with the bow. Let's cut it as small as possible. Take a deep bowl: in it we will knead the mass. Mix the onion with semolina, drive in two eggs and three garlic on a fine grater. Mix it all up and add salt and pepper to taste. There is no flour in the recipe: for piquancy and color (yellowish), you can add 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric. Leave for a couple of minutes: let the semolina swell. We do not need flour, so let's give the semolina time to absorb excess moisture and juice.
  2. It's time to prepare the pan, pour sunflower oil and warm up. After wetting our hands, we sculpt cutlets of the shapes that you prefer. Fry meatless meatballs on both sides until golden brown. It is not worth frying: it is enough for the cutlets to keep their shape. Put in a saucepan.
  3. After the last cutlet is fried, pour the tomato juice into the pan. Let it warm up a bit and pour our vegetarian cutlets in a saucepan.

It’s not worth pouring tomato juice into a saucepan, as the ingredients should be almost the same temperature.

  1. Cover with a lid and let simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. If it turned out that you don’t have tomato juice, it’s not a problem. It can be replaced with either tomato sauce or ketchup. Just split them up first. boiled water to the required consistency.
  2. At the end of cooking, throw a bay leaf into the pan - it will add flavor to the cutlets. Onion cutlets are ready.

Delicious vegetable cutlets great served with buckwheat, rice or mashed potatoes. They are so tender and delicious that they just melt in your mouth. Onions for cutlets can be used both old and young. You can also cook meatballs with different fillings. If, for example, you don't have required amount semolina, add flour - it will not affect final result. So you can cook all year round. The dish has many advantages: availability, budget and simplicity. Cook with "I love to cook": we will always offer you only the most delicious and healthy.

My family loves onion dishes. I often cook onion rings Breaded. Another dish that is popular among my guests is onion cutlets with semolina. Cutlets are juicy, beautiful and crispy. And I also love them for their delicate sweetish taste.

If you have never cooked onion cutlets with semolina, it's time to get better!

I put breadcrumbs in the ingredients, because you can make the cutlets more dense (by adding 1 tablespoon more semolina) and roll them in breadcrumbs, or you can simply put the minced onion in the pan, forming the shape of cutlets with a spoon. I will cook onion cutlets with semolina according to the second option.

We clean the onion from the husk and cut it very small cube, you can use a chopper. Add salt, ground black pepper and sweet paprika powder to the onion.

Pour the mango into the bowl.

We drive the chicken egg into the minced meat.

For color and for a slight sourness in the taste of cutlets, I add a little tomato paste or puree.

Mix well all the ingredients of the minced onion and leave to brew for 20 minutes.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up. Scoop up the batter with a spoon and place on the pan to form patties. Fry the cutlets for 3 minutes on each side if you make the cutlets very thin, like me.

Put the finished onion cutlets with semolina on paper to get rid of excess oil.

Serve the meatballs with your favorite sauce! I serve these meatballs as hot appetizer To festive table. In the usual version, such cutlets will become a full dinner.

Bon Appetit!

Onion cutlets are very easy to make, and require very few products to prepare them. You can eat them with a side dish or just like that.

Onion cutlets - a simple and tasty recipe

It's fast basic recipe where the main ingredient is, of course, onion.

Required components:

  • three large onions;
  • favorite spices;
  • one egg;
  • three st. l. flour.

Cooking process:

  1. We free the onion from the husk, wash it and cut it very finely.
  2. We drive an egg into it, add flour and selected spices. Pairs well with ground paprika.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly - you should get something similar to minced meat.
  4. Spoon a small amount of the mass into a hot pan and bring to readiness on both sides.

Cooking option with semolina

You can cook onion cutlets with semolina instead of flour. So it will be even more satisfying, and the taste will not deteriorate at all.

Required products:

  • one egg;
  • 300 grams of onion;
  • 4 large spoons of semolina;
  • a spoonful of ketchup;
  • spices, which can be found in the bins.

Algorithm for cooking cutlets:

  1. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and chop in the combine bowl.
  2. We introduce an egg, seasonings, ketchup and semolina to it. Turn on the combine again.
  3. Leave the mass for about 20 minutes so that the semolina swells.
  4. We collect the resulting “dough” with a large spoon, put it on a hot frying pan and fry for several minutes on both sides.

in tomato sauce

If you have never used this recipe, then it is in vain, because onion cutlets in tomato sauce are even tastier. And in just a few minutes you get a dish that goes well with any side dish.

Required products:

  • about 300 grams of onion;
  • two eggs;
  • seasonings as desired;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • one carrot;
  • four large spoons of tomato paste;
  • glass of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the onion and mix with the egg, flour and selected spices. Be sure to add black pepper and salt. Ground paprika works well.
  2. From the minced meat we prepare cutlets. Put a small amount on the pan. Fry cutlets prepared according to any of the proposed recipes should be on both sides until a beautiful color appears.
  3. Separately, chop the carrots and a little onion, keep the chopped vegetables on the fire until they are soft.
  4. Then we spread tomato paste to the vegetables, pour in water, salt, pepper and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  5. Put in the sauce ready cutlets and keep them on the stove for about four minutes.

Delicious dish with mushrooms

You can cook onion cutlets with any ingredients, but be sure to try the option with adding any mushrooms to their composition.

Required products:

  • half a kilo of onions (select large heads);
  • 300 g of any mushrooms;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • spices to taste;
  • four tablespoons of flour.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the mushrooms, put them in a pan and fry. They can be removed from the heat when all the water has evaporated and a ruddy color has formed.
  2. We clean the onion, do not forget to wash it and cut it into small squares.
  3. Mix it with mushrooms, drive eggs into it, add flour and selected seasonings. We mix everything well and we can start frying.
  4. We heat the pan with oil and spread the cutlets with a large spoon. Bring to readiness, frying on both sides for 3-4 minutes.

With oatmeal

You can cook these cutlets with flour, semolina or oatmeal - it is not felt at all. But cereal is better fast food, since those that need to be boiled will not be able to swell quickly and will be felt in the finished dish.

Required products:

  • about 300 grams of onion;
  • clove of garlic;
  • spices to your taste;
  • two eggs;
  • a glass of oatmeal.

Cooking process:

  1. One glass hot water pour oatmeal and leave for a while to soften.
  2. We free the onion from the husk, wash it and turn it into small squares. Add finely chopped garlic to it.
  3. When the oatmeal is ready, spread it to the onion mass, drive in the eggs, salt and pepper. Rosemary, paprika or savory can be used if desired. All of them well set off the taste of fried onions.
  4. From the resulting minced meat with a spoon we form small cutlets and fry them for hot pan a few minutes on each side.

with cabbage

Onion cutlets without meat - it doesn’t sound very appetizing, but what will happen if you make them with cabbage as well? will come out tasty dish! Yes, it is so interesting that no one will understand what it is made of. Plus, it's a budget recipe.

Required products:

  • three eggs;
  • about 500 grams of onion;
  • five tablespoons of flour;
  • spices as desired;
  • half a small cabbage;
  • 200 grams of mashed potatoes.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the cabbage and cut it, it is advisable to do it as small as possible.
  2. We turn the onion into half rings. You can use a combine, but sometimes this method of chopping leads to the fact that the onion starts to taste bitter.
  3. We combine cabbage with onions, drive in eggs, add mashed potatoes, seasonings and flour. We mix everything until smooth. You can additionally crush the mass with your hands.
  4. Turn on the stove to medium heat and spoon the minced onion into the pan with a large spoon. Bring to readiness, frying cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

With canned corn

Preparing such cutlets is also very simple, they do not require a lot of products, and their taste is interesting and unusual. This dish is perfect for diet food.

Required ingredients for cooking:

  • about 300 grams of onion;
  • a can of canned corn;
  • any spices of your choice;
  • 100 grams of flour.

Cooking process:

  1. We chop the onion. You can use a combine, but so that it doesn’t turn out to be completely porridge.
  2. Drain the liquid from the corn, leaving only a little, and spread it to the onion. At this stage, add salt, pepper and seasonings that you use.
  3. We add flour. The result should be a fairly sticky mass. If it suddenly came out very dry, this can be corrected by pouring into minced vegetable some water.
  4. We collect the resulting “dough” with a tablespoon, put it on a well-heated pan and bring it to readiness on both sides.

It is better to fry in oil, but if you want to cut calories, you can do it on non-stick cookware as well.