How does instant coffee affect the body? Instant coffee - benefits and harms.

Preparing natural coffee is a process that is too long and laborious for many. It is much easier to pour a little brown powder with a pleasant smell into a cup, pour boiling water over it - and you can drink it. An instant product allows you to save not only time and effort, but also money, since the output ready drink significantly higher than when cooking grains the classic way. What is instant coffee, the benefits and harms of this drink - what are they due to? The theory of the question is worth familiarizing yourself with.

Manufacturing technologies and composition

The concept of instant coffee is not new - the first product in this category was developed by a Japanese chemist back in the early 20th century. In fact, it was condensed coffee, which was enough to dilute with water.

Since then, technology has advanced significantly. To date, there are three types of instant drink: powdered, granulated and freeze-dried. Differences in appearance, quality and price are due to the peculiarities of the production of each type.

1. Powder. The method of production of this variety was the first to be developed, and still remains the most inexpensive. Technological process involves roasting coffee beans, grinding and extracting the substances they contain. To do this, the ground grains are kept under high pressure for several hours. hot water. The extract obtained is passed through a filter and the water is evaporated. The remaining dry matter is instant coffee powder.

2. Granulated. This species is also called "agglomerated". It is made in the same way as powder, but the production cycle includes one more, additional stage. The powder is treated with water vapor under pressure, due to which the "dust particles" stick together into lumps-granules. Of the minuses, one can note the negative effect of high pressure on the molecular structure of coffee particles. As a result of such an impact, the taste qualities drink.

3. Sublimated. Sublimation is the most modern and most expensive way to produce instant coffee. But the quality of such a product is significantly higher than that of cheap varieties. The technological cycle, in addition to roasting, grinding and extraction, includes freezing the liquid "decoction" at ultra-low temperatures, and dehydrating the product in a vacuum at low pressure. The remaining dry mass is crushed, obtaining characteristic "crystals" with uneven edges.

The invention of this method has become a real revolution for the entire coffee industry, because freeze-dried coffee in its qualities and composition is as close as possible to a natural product. The most expensive technology turned out to be the most gentle, preserving the properties of coffee beans, including the natural content of caffeine.

It should be noted that the taste and aroma of coffee beans can only be well preserved in the production of freeze-dried coffee. The granular and powder product loses most of these qualities, which manufacturers often compensate for by adding flavors and flavor enhancers. Artificial additives do not make the drink healthier, rather the opposite. In addition, since the consumer does not have the opportunity to see the raw materials used for production, low-grade, substandard grains are usually used. Waste from other industries is also used (for example, grains without a shell - it is used by pharmaceutical companies to produce drugs with caffeine).

The harm of instant coffee

All harmful effects instant drink on the body can be divided into two groups:

  1. The harm of natural ingredients, in particular caffeine, is the same as from consumption.
  2. Harm of artificial additives in the composition of the product.

Manufacturers usually do not disclose the list of additives, and one can only guess what chemical surprises are fraught with a brown substance called “instant coffee”. According to some reports, artificial fillers, dyes, preservatives, flavors, and so on make up about 5/6 of the contents of the can, and only 1/6 is what is left of the coffee bean. One can only assume that foreign compounds contribute to intoxication and slagging of the body, which affects the state of the digestive system and is reflected in the work of all organs.

In addition, powdered and granulated coffee usually have a sour taste - this acid has a negative effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa and can contribute to the development of gastritis. You can avoid this effect if you drink it on a full stomach or with milk.

Frequent consumption of an instant drink leads to metabolic disorders and contributes to the appearance of cellulite. Get rid of " orange peel» on the skin, while continuing to drink artificial coffee, it is almost impossible. So when losing weight, it is better to refuse it.

Dyes in the composition of the drink adversely affect the color of the teeth, the enamel turns yellow irreversibly. For the same reason, dentists do not recommend drinking coffee for several hours after fillings are installed - to prevent staining.

Other harmful effects of consuming a soluble product are similar to " side effects» natural drink:

  1. Diuretic action leads to dehydration of the body and leaching useful substances(eg calcium). Therefore, it is recommended to replenish the lack of fluid with clean drinking water. However, the statement about the dehydrating effect has recently caused a lot of controversy.
  2. Constant stimulation of the nervous system leads to its loosening, emotional disturbances, irritability and nervousness, sleep problems.
  3. The caffeine in the drink increases arterial pressure, which negatively affects cardiac activity and the state of blood vessels.
  4. Coffee is a rather aggressive product for the digestive tract. When used in large quantities, especially on an empty stomach, it can contribute to the development of diseases of the stomach and intestines, or provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  5. Large doses of caffeine inhibit the production of testosterone in men, which leads to hormonal imbalance and reduced potency.
  6. Against the background of a constant overdose of caffeine, diseases of the urinary system can develop - bladder irritation, frequent urination, and even incontinence.
  7. Instant coffee, like natural coffee, is addictive.

All these troubles will not appear after the first cup. Their probability increases significantly with the systematic abuse of the drink, the regular excess of the recommended dose.

However, some people are not worth the risk at all. Refrain from coffee, both natural and instant, should:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Children.
  • Elderly people, especially those suffering chronic diseases digestive, nervous, circulatory system.
  • Hypertension patients.

For everyone else, moderate love for an invigorating drink can benefit if you stick to the norm and drink no more than 1-3 cups a day.

The benefits of instant coffee

The beneficial properties of the drink are the same as those of natural grain. When consumed in moderation, instant coffee has the following effects:

  • Activates brain activity;
  • stimulates nervous system;
  • gives a boost of energy.

This effect is short-lived, but the harm from the drink tends to accumulate.

It is very difficult to find data on any specific studies that clearly show the effect of instant coffee on the human body in the long term. Perhaps this is due to the need for many years of observation, or perhaps the results are not advertised in the interests of manufacturing magnates. For those who value their health, it is better to give preference to natural grain coffee. It is important to adhere to the recommended amount - no more than 2-3 cups per day. And then you can be sure that flavored drink will only benefit.

A soluble analogue of coffee was invented in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the Japanese chemist Satori Kato. He first introduced instant tea to the world, and then applied the technology to the production of instant coffee. However, the drink was not successful.

Later, in 1906, the English commersant J. Washington launched the production and sale of the drink. Instant coffee became an attribute of soldiers' rations during the First World War. Upon returning home, the soldiers preferred the usual instant coffee to natural coffee - it tasted great and was almost the same as natural coffee in terms of caffeine content.

The last impetus to the worldwide recognition of instant coffee was the crisis in Brazil in the 1930s. Demand for organic coffee dropped sharply, and an urgent decision was needed to preserve the surplus crop. The Swiss company Nestle came to the rescue. Its specialists improved the product and presented to the public the fragrant instant coffee known to us today.

The popular drink is low in nutritional value and contains a decent amount of caffeine. In dry powder (100 g) contains from 94 to 110 kcal, while one cup of coffee without sugar contains only 2-10 kcal. However, few people like this option, preferring to generously season energy drink sugar. Standard coffee with 1 tablespoon of sugar already contains 40-100 kcal. And if you are a fan of coffee with cream, one serving of the drink will hold up to 400 kcal (depending on the fat content of the cream).

How instant coffee is made

In the production of instant coffee, illiquid coffee beans that have lost their presentation are used. The beans are roasted, ground and heat treated under high pressure. Then the coffee extract is filtered from sediment and resins. Further processing depends on end result product:

  • Sublimated. Coffee in large granules with clear edges. Obtained by vacuum drying of frozen coffee concentrate. The process takes place at high temperatures, and then crushed into small crystals.

  • Powder (emulsified). coffee concentrate after heat treatment cooled, filtered, and then dried with hot air in special thermostats.
  • Granulated. This type of drink is made from a powdered drink. To obtain clear granules from a dry powder, it is subjected to additional steam treatment.


The harm of instant coffee

To understand whether instant coffee is harmful to humans, you need to consider its composition. Many will be amazed, only 20% of the drink is natural coffee components. The remaining 80% is “solid” chemistry: flavors, additives, colorants and stabilizers.

Scientists have found that benzopyrene resins are present in instant coffee, a large number of caffeine and harmful components. The person who uses this drink regularly, feels a craving for coffee, which eventually becomes addictive.

Many nutritionists classify coffee as a drug class. With a sharp rejection invigorating coffee a person experiences a physical "withdrawal", which is manifested by irritability, drowsiness, migraine, nausea.

The harm of instant coffee is not excluded for people who are diagnosed with:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Hypertension
  • Digestive diseases
  • Glaucoma
  • Insomnia
  • Pathologies genitourinary system
  • Arthritis, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis

Coffee is absolutely contraindicated for children, lactating women. During pregnancy, it is better to replace instant coffee with natural coffee and reduce its consumption to a minimum.

Instant coffee is practically a “chemical bomb”, and drinking a large amount of it per day means exposing the body to constant stress and the harmful effects of synthetic substances and harmful impurities.

Instant coffee during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During lactation, a woman should refuse to take instant coffee in favor of herbal teas and dried fruit compotes. Chemical invigorating drink - not the best option for a nursing mother.

  • Overexcites the nervous system (the child becomes irritable, does not sleep well)
  • Causes allergic reactions (problems with stools, redness and peeling of the skin)
  • Removes useful elements from the body, washes out calcium

Why is instant coffee useful for pregnant women? obvious benefit bring this drink expectant mother cannot, and the harm of non-natural coffee is significant. If you want to bear a healthy baby and always feel healthy and alert, you should give up instant coffee. Even for a healthy person, this drink is harmful, and in this position, a woman needs to think “for two”, using only natural products without harmful chemical components.


Benefits of instant coffee

To reduce the harmful effects of instant coffee on the body, it is useful to drink it no more than 2 cups per day. Coffee stimulates the nervous system, gives energy and improves mood. The caffeine contained in this drink increases blood pressure and activates brain activity.

Instant coffee affects the genitourinary system, removes fluid from the body, relieving edema. However, you should be careful with the amount of coffee consumed - along with excess liquid, it “washes out” calcium and other useful trace elements from the body.

What is the benefit of instant coffee for a person? Moderate use of it improves metabolism, increases blood pressure, slightly stimulates intestinal motility. On this beneficial features drinks are finished.

How to check the quality of instant coffee

To reduce the harm of instant coffee, you need to be able to choose the right drink. Its quality depends on the type of coffee beans and the amount of chemical ingredients used in production.

In the composition of instant coffee, unscrupulous manufacturers instead coffee beans add chicory, extracts from cereals, acorn powder, palm go Coconut oil. Such a drink no longer claims to be called coffee, but should be called a coffee drink.

Exists good way checking instant coffee for quality. In the prepared drink, you need to add a few drops of ordinary medical iodine. If it has acquired a blue tint, you can be sure - this is a drink made up of 80% chemicals. Chemical additives adversely affect the body, and in some cases can even cause intoxication.

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2,100,000,000 cups - that's how much coffee is drunk every day on average in the world! More than half of the total is instant coffee, the benefits and harms of which are tirelessly discussed. People are most often interested in questions: the composition of the product, the specifics of production, who and why should not drink, is it possible to drink at all without harm to health.

Each manufacturer has its own manufacturing technology, which is kept a strict secret. Many buyers do not even suspect that up to 80%, sometimes up to 90%, of the mixture in every 100 g of coffee are additives, and only a small part consists of substandard grains. It is difficult to call such a product natural. And yes, it does taste a lot better. That is why gourmets recommend drinking coffee from their own ground beans.

The raw mass does not have the same aroma, thanks to which the drink has earned the love of millions of lovers. Where does the smell come from? It's all about the numerous flavors that give coffee its characteristic taste and aroma. No wonder they say that there are a lot of chemicals in instant coffee. The composition of these amplifiers is not known to ordinary buyers. Why take away the illusion of happiness from consumers? People are given the very “enchanting” taste from advertising, but this is not the aroma of a drink, but additives similar to natural ones, they exacerbate the harm of instant coffee.

What is it made of and how is it made

In production, the Robusta variety is more often used - it is cheaper and contains more caffeine. Some producers mix it with more expensive quality Arabica.

Quite often, natural rejected grains are released from the caffeine-containing shell, which enter the production of medicines and energy drinks.

That is why often a person does not feel cheerful after drinking such instant coffee, but on the contrary, wants to sleep. Roasted "naked" grains are crushed, poured hot water and heated under high pressure. After 3 hours, the infusion is cooled, the water is drained.

There are two ways to make coffee:

  1. High temperature - the mixture is subjected to high temperature and a powder is obtained, which is left as it is or steamed to obtain granules;
  2. Low-temperature - the mixture is subjected to freezing and further crushing, after which it is placed in a vacuum - excess moisture evaporates here. This method is also called.

Manufacturers expensive coffee, which use high-quality grains in production, choose the sublimation method for the production of instant coffee.

Harm to the body

We can talk about whether instant coffee is harmful based on two aspects - psychological and physical. Psychological is important when addiction occurs. The drink is associated with relaxation, a beautiful life. It brings instant pleasure, but it quickly passes, in order to fill this void, a person drinks more and more. Over time, the problem worsens - it is difficult to wake up in the morning without a cup of this drink. Gradually, problems begin to appear at the physical level.

  • Instant coffee is an insidious enemy for many body systems. For what exactly? Here are just some examples.
  • Nervous system. Negative influence exposed to the CNS. Considering that there is an accumulation, there is an addiction at the physical level. Some experts see this as the effect of the drug. A person without a cup of coffee cannot fully work, feels tired, irritated, sleepy. Steady deviations in behavior are formed, the coffee lover is prone to depression and anxiety.
  • GIT. Coffee oxidizes the body. Subsequently, this is fraught with gastric diseases, such as gastritis, ulcers. In addition, it is a heavy product for the liver and pancreas. It is not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach - intoxication of the body occurs. It is better to drink it 30-50 minutes after eating.
  • Urinary system. Coffee dehydrates the body because it has a diuretic effect. The calcium is washed away. It is recommended to drink a glass of water 10-15 minutes after drinking coffee.
  • Heart. The drink is bad for the "cores". Can turn healthy people in "cores" when abused. Especially harmful in combination with a cigarette.

Who should not drink instant coffee

It is enough to remember what instant coffee is made of, that many people cannot drink it. There are several main risk groups.

  • Pregnant and lactating. The risk of fetal death in the womb is greatly increased. Harm to fetal development. The physical development of the child is slowed down. The child develops neurological problems, emotional instability.
  • "Hearts". The pressure rises, the heart may begin to “flutter”, the rhythm goes astray, shortness of breath appears.
  • Drivers. Many cans of inexpensive instant coffee are low in caffeine. After drinking a cup or two, the driver gets behind the wheel, after 15-20 minutes he is already feeling sleepy. In addition, this drink contributes to the deposition of kidney stones. It is better to drink a cup of natural coffee brewed in a Turk.
  • Elderly. There is insomnia, hypertension.
  • Children. Appears aggressiveness, excessive excitement, imbalance.

Are there any benefits to coffee?

Despite the many disadvantages of instant coffee, its use is only growing every year. The secret lies in the advantages of the product:

  • easy and quick to prepare;
  • stored for a long time;
  • smells good.

Are these advantages so significant in order to drink a drink, threatening your health? The answer to the question is ambiguous.

Is there a benefit?

Apart from the question of whether instant coffee is harmful to health, it is logical to try to find at least some benefit in it. Yes, there are some benefits of drinking this drink, although some believe that this is a controversial issue. The first thing they talk about is a good mood and cheerfulness that a cup of coffee gives in the morning. But here the point is rather not in the taste of the drink, but in its aroma, which tickles the nostrils and penetrates the brain. Psychology also plays a big role. Many coffee lovers have turned the “drinking” of this drink into a ritual. It is difficult to get rid of a habit, because it gives pleasure. Such a vicious circle.

How to reduce harm to the body

Attention! It is believed that the harm of coffee will decrease if you drink it with milk. Yes, but we mean natural coffee beans. How about giving up your favorite instant coffee? If there is no power, then it is not necessary. In the end, if you really want to, then you can.

BUT! It is necessary to reduce the harm done to the body. How to do it?

  • As mentioned above, do not drink on an empty stomach and drink a glass of cool water after each cup of coffee.
  • Limit the consumption of instant coffee per day, buy smaller cups.
  • You can replace instant coffee with ground beans.

So, instant coffee in large doses is harmful. But if you follow the measure, nothing terrible will happen. Everyone has their own measure, but in this case it should not exceed one or two cups a day.

Dear readers, hello! Today, instant coffee is in every home. It will probably get quite a small amount of people who do not like this fragrant and awakening drink. Many people prefer strong black coffee without sugar, someone likes sweet coffee with cream, and true gourmets try it in combination with various spices and additives (with cinnamon, cognac, lemon, salt). Instant coffee is very easy to use at home. It is enough to warm water, put in a cup required amount spoons of coffee, pour boiling water and delicious drink ready. But few of us think about how it affects our body, whether it benefits or harms, and whether there is caffeine in it. In this article, I will tell you in detail which coffee brings great health benefits, to whom it is harmful and what it is made from.

It is believed that the inventor of instant coffee was the New Zealander David Strang. In 1890, he not only invented this drink, but also patented it. There are other data in which the inventor of coffee is (in early 1901) a scientist from Japan, Satori Kato. After the invention, progress did not stand still, and already in 1906, a chemist from England developed the first coffee for serial production and sale. Since then, it has spread all over the world, and has become the favorite drink of modern mankind.
Do you know, dear readers, that the well-known Nescafe coffee brand has been the most famous and widespread since 1938. It appeared thanks to the joint efforts of the well-known company Nestle and the Brazilian government.

Instant coffee health benefits and harms

Since ancient times, scientists have been constantly studying all aspects of the influence of coffee on the human body as a whole. Instant coffee can bring both huge benefits and great harm for good health. The influence of this drink directly depends on individual features body of every person. It's no secret that the main substance in coffee is caffeine, the use of which significantly raises blood pressure. It follows from this that it can harm hypertensive patients, but it will allow a person with low blood pressure to relieve lethargy, give strength and raise pressure. Let's look at the harm and benefit in order and in more detail.


There are benefits to the body from drinking coffee. According to some reports, this drink contains antioxidants and vasodilators. Drinking coffee with milk can eliminate heartburn. Most people are afraid to drink black coffee because it tends to stain tooth enamel. There is a way out - drink instant coffee with the addition of milk (the enamel will not acquire a yellowish tint).
Black strong coffee very useful for people whose work is connected with thinking, as it increases intelligence, increases vitality, eliminates lethargy and increases pressure.


Unlimited coffee consumption can cause significant harm to the body. Since this delicious drink is able to dehydrate the body, the skin condition suffers because of this. The skin looks dry and flabby. Instant coffee cannot be classified as natural products, so it can undermine the health of the body as a whole.
The main harm that coffee can cause is an increase in blood pressure, leaching of nutrients, irritation of the gastric mucosa. It is also harmful to women during pregnancy, as well as to children. Also, you can not drink this drink to people suffering from sleep disorders, because caffeine increases nervous excitability.

instant coffee calories

100 grams of instant coffee contains approximately 120 kcal. If you are watching your weight, then you should not drink it more than 1 cup a day. 1 teaspoon contains 6 kcal, from here you can calculate the calorie content of the prepared drink, based on how many teaspoons of the dry product you use to make coffee.

Nutritional value of instant coffee per 100 gr. dry product:

  • Proteins - 15 g;
  • Fats - 3.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 7 g.

In addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, coffee contains riboflavin, niacin, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and iron.

How instant coffee is made

The technology for making instant coffee is very simple: beans coffee tree first fried, then crushed and treated with boiling water. It turns out concentrated freshly brewed coffee. But they dry it in various ways:

  • Freeze-dried is obtained by freeze-drying. The resulting frozen crystals are dehydrated in vacuo. This type of coffee is considered the most delicious and healthy, but the price for it is much higher than other methods;
  • Powder is made by spraying a concentrated drink. In hot air, it quickly dries as a powder;
  • Granulated is regular powdered coffee that has undergone an aggregation process (the powder is wetted to form granules).

The price for powdered coffee is the lowest, for granulated coffee it is more expensive, but freeze-dried coffee is the most expensive type of instant coffee.

Recently, more and more assortment of instant coffee appears on store shelves every day. You can even buy instant drink, where after adding boiling water, coffee with foam is obtained. This drink will appeal to people who love a delicate and mild taste.

How much coffee is in instant coffee

Although instant coffee is made from natural coffee beans, there is almost no coffee in instant coffee. The thing is that for its manufacture they use raw materials of poor quality and poor grade.

There are two types of coffee: Arabica (expensive) and Robusta (cheap). So for an instant drink, they mainly take Robusta. After various treatments, finished product completely devoid of the most important thing in coffee - coffee oils. They give coffee that natural and unsurpassed taste and aroma.

Instant drink enrich various additives which help the powder acquire the taste and aroma of real coffee.

Instant coffee - which is better

Of course, many readers have a question: what is the best coffee to buy and how much does it cost. It is clear that nothing can compare with natural ground black coffee brewed in a Turk. But, judging by the surveys, most people prefer to drink instant coffee. Most best coffee is sublimated. It should cost at least 300 rubles. Quality can't be cheap. It has been proven that expensive brands of coffee contain twice as much caffeine, so they taste noticeably different from a cheap drink. If we talk about packaged coffee, such as a 3 in 1 bag, then there is no coffee at all, only flavors and artificial additives.

Today, even ground coffee is produced in instant. This drink has a richer taste and aroma.

How to make instant coffee

Exists great amount recipes for making instant coffee. It is prepared with ice, cinnamon, cognac, vanilla, cream and milk, and so on.

How to choose the right instant coffee

Well, the last advice. How to choose the right instant coffee.

Good coffee is always packaged in a tin or glass jar. Pay attention to the granules - they should be even, there should be no powder at the bottom. Responsible manufacturers always indicate on the label the degree of roasting of the beans, the variety of coffee beans.
If 100% natural coffee is indicated, do not take it. Correct and true - 100% Arabica.
You can check the quality of coffee at home. It is enough to pour a spoonful of coffee into cold water. If the coffee is of high quality, then it will dissolve quickly, leaving no impurities.

Dear readers, now you have learned that instant coffee can bring both benefits and harm to health. Whether you drink it or not, the choice is yours.

By definition, instant coffee, the benefits and harms of which are heatedly debated by scientists, marketers and nutritionists, is a drink made from coffee beans, which, through a special technology, are turned into a soluble powder, or, more correctly, into granules.

There are not many large instant coffee producers in the world, and each of them has its own secret of processing raw materials to obtain a drink.

IN general view the technology looks like this: first, the peeled grains are fried, mixed with water and heated for some time. Then the suspension is separated from the grains and processed in two ways:

  • In the high-temperature process, a powder is obtained from it, which is either left in this form or steamed to obtain granules;
  • With the low-temperature method - sublimation - excess moisture is removed by freezing, crushing and placing in a vacuum

The resulting mixture contains, as a rule, a large proportion of dyes, preservatives, flavors, in contrast to natural grain coffee: 80-90% of the mixture can be such additives. The rest are low-quality Robusta beans, which are cheaper and more caffeinated than relatively high-quality Arabica beans. Therefore, most often, after drinking such a drink, a person does not feel cheerfulness, but, on the contrary, a desire to sleep.

The history of instant coffee

According to various sources, instant coffee was first produced in Chicago by Japanese-American Satori Kato between 1899 and 1901. Coffee was intended for the soldiers and therefore did not go into widespread production.

Thanks to Max Morgenthaller, a chemist-technologist at Nestlé, who improved the Satori technology, instant coffee entered the industrial rails. The first time the novelty appeared on the shelves under the name "Red E Coffee" in 1909. And only in 1938 the world-famous Nescafe brand was formed, close to the top of world coffee domination.

Types of instant coffee

The choice of instant coffee is limited to three types (and in most Russian stores - one or two):

  • sublimated;
  • granulated;
  • powdery

The first one is considered the most "quality" of them, because due to its structure it retains the quality of the original raw product a little more.

Instant sublimated coffee, its benefits and harms are more shifted towards benefits, it is more costly in production, since the technology for its production is quite expensive and is fundamentally different from the other two types. Ground coffee is mixed with water, then frozen, separating from the liquid, resulting in "tiles". Then the latter are ground again. With this method of production, the properties of the grains are best preserved, minimizing the addition of preservatives, dyes, flavors.

Powdered coffee cheap in every sense: inexpensive production, poor aroma, achieved by flavoring agents, “liquid” color due to the abundance of dyes. So that the buyer can pour it into his cup, finely ground grains are passed through a liquid under vacuum and dried, increasing in volume and turning into a powder.

Granulated coffee - the same powder, but steamed twice and resembling small granules in structure with an even worse smell and taste than powdered instant coffee, but better soluble.

Pros of instant coffee

Even such an ambiguous product as instant coffee, the benefits and harms of which are still not clearly defined, has undeniable advantages.

Firstly, fast: the time taken to pour out the contents of the bag and fill it with water and to thoroughly prepare natural coffee beans differ by an order of magnitude.

Secondly, simplicity: cooking technology is also much easier.

Third, storage: grains require compliance with more difficult conditions storage and may remain usable for less than soluble powder.

Fourth, the combination of the first three points with the smell of an instant product, for a non-connoisseur of almost identical bean coffee, gives the feeling of “why complicate your life?”

Other advantages are not so indisputable.

  • Like any caffeinated beverage, instant coffee can improve the well-being of people suffering from hypotension;
  • By increasing the content of serotonin in the blood - the hormone of happiness - instant coffee invigorates and improves mood;
  • Since a cup of coffee contains almost no calories, it is considered to be a diet drink that helps to lose weight;
  • A kind of cult, actively supported by the media and coffee giants, glorifies the morning ritual of “a cup of coffee that helps wake up”

Cons of instant coffee

The harm of instant coffee has been scientifically proven.

Scientists have found that preservatives, which contain all types of instant coffee without exception, have an extremely negative effect on the course of metabolic processes. Even imaginary dietary benefit is leveled by the risk of cellulite in the most unnecessary places.

If a person suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and especially the stomach begins to drink instant coffee on an ongoing basis, then almost from the first days he will feel a sharp deterioration in well-being. The substances that make up this product negatively affect the gastric mucosa and lead first to the development of gastritis, and then to peptic ulcer. This is due to the sudden increase in acidity and the acceleration of digestion processes. By the way, because of the latter, weight loss can be observed in the early stages. But soon 2-4 kilograms dropped will result in the same diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, deterioration and general lethargy of the skin.

If a person stubbornly continues to eat instant coffee, as well as. this product causes some kind of addiction, and not one cup a day, then he methodically dehydrates his body, simultaneously depriving him of iron, potassium, calcium and other vitamins, minerals and useful substances necessary in life. And coupled with the depressing condition of the skin, it can become like a chronically ill or alcoholic (swelling, bags under the eyes are attached).

But is it?
To reduce the cost of production, companies replace the drink deprived during the production of coffee oils with synthetic or - in best case- not so valuable natural oils.

After all, what can be useful from grains that undergo several hours of hydro- and thermal treatment?

It is a widely known fact that during deep roasting, the content of benzopyrene, which is harmful to beans, increases in the grains. human body resins.

Caffeine, which is the original purpose of buying a drink, will not necessarily be natural, and in percentage it can be more than in a regular cup of coffee beans.

Some nutritionists classify coffee - and instant coffee, respectively - as a drug, which is only one-third true. Of the three addictions a drug is supposed to cause—physical, psychological, and addictive— coffee drinks match only the latter.

Who cannot categorically

  1. For the elderly: hypertension coupled with insomnia - two bosom friends of caffeine-containing drugs;
  2. People with diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, kidneys. Violation of metabolic processes can provoke a sudden deterioration and the transition of the disease to an acute stage;
  3. Children. This is due to the influence of coffee on the nervous system, which in children has not yet been formed;
  4. Pregnant women. If you really want coffee, then you should choose a quality grain drink in an amount of no more than one or two cups. In large doses, drinking coffee will lead to disturbances in the normal metabolism in the body of the expectant mother;
  5. It is categorically contraindicated for drivers, since it can cause not cheerfulness at all, but an irresistible and imperceptible desire to fall asleep right at the wheel.

Looking for a compromise

If you want coffee very much, and in the nearest store or at hand there was only an instant drink, it is advisable to perform a quality check.

For starters, evaluate appearance sachet contents. Coffee powder must dissolve in water without sediment - and the faster this happens, the higher the quality of the product. Granulated coffee should be homogeneous, with the same size of granules.

Smell and taste should not have shades of "chemistry", as far as possible.

If you have to drink instant coffee in the morning, it is highly recommended to eat something before that, add milk to the cup with the drink and drink a glass of water after 15-30 minutes. Thus, the harm of instant coffee is partially neutralized: increased secretion of gastric juice and leaching of calcium from the body.


Every day in the world more than two billion people drink coffee, of which 50% prefer instant coffee. Whether instant coffee is harmful, everyone decides for himself. A person makes his choice based on needs and opportunities, but it is better to give preference to more natural products, rather than surrogate substitutes original drink. After all, as they say, you can’t buy a new life and you can’t return lost health.