How to prepare vegetable food for babies. Sample menu for the day

if the child has:


    anemia, rickets,

  • intestinal colic.

    But vegetable food It is fine if the child does not have these problems.

Vegetable food products.

To reduce the risk of allergies, weaning foods start with foods that are low in allergenicity. Among the vegetables are: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin. In addition to these vegetables, it is recommended to use potatoes, carrots, onion, beets, white cabbage. AT vegetable puree it is recommended to add vegetable oil (5 ml per 100 g of product), and not recommended to add sugar and salt.

What vegetables are suitable as the first product of vegetable complementary foods.


If you prefer to cook mashed potatoes yourself at home, zucchini is most suitable as the first dish of complementary foods in this case. Zucchini is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium and magnesium, it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and intestinal motility, is well digested and absorbed. The zucchini belongs to hypoallergenic products well preserves vitamins and other beneficial features at long-term storage, so it can be used not only in summer and autumn, but also in winter. This vegetable is very convenient for making baby puree. It boils quickly and rubs well through a sieve, so any (small) portion of mashed potatoes can be prepared. For baby food young zucchini, without seeds, are more suitable.


Cauliflower and its variety of broccoli are also products with low degree of allergenicity contains many vitamins and minerals. Compared with white cabbage it contains much less coarse fiber, therefore it does not cause increased gas formation, and it acts on the gastrointestinal tract as favorably as zucchini. But it is much more difficult to wash, clean, not stored for a long time, it takes longer to cook and it is more difficult to rub through a sieve. All this makes it not convenient if you want to cook it yourself as a first meal of complementary foods at home. It is better to introduce later, as an additive to the main product (vegetable), when the portion of vegetable puree for your child will already be 150 ml - vegetables will be easy and convenient to chop in a blender.


Potatoes are a very convenient product for home cooking puree, long shelf life, does not deteriorate. It does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), contains many vitamins, potassium and phosphorus and starch, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Potatoes are allowed in the diet of children with gastrointestinal disorders, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea. As the first complementary food product, it can be introduced, but with caution, it can cause allergies . It is also not recommended to make potatoes the main component of vegetable puree. After switching to puree from different vegetables, it is necessary that the proportion of potatoes in mashed potatoes is not more than 50%.

Other vegetables in baby food.


Well and long-term storage, easy to use... Contains carotene (about vitamin A) is very useful for growth and vision, contains phytoncides (natural antibiotics) and many trace elements. When boiled, it is easily digested and does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Sweet, this taste is very popular with children. But can cause allergies , so it must be used with caution. At daily use puree only from carrots, carotene accumulates in the body, as a result of which the sclera and skin of the child, especially on the palms and soles, acquire a yellowish (carrot) hue. It is called carotene jaundice , this does not harm the child's body, carotene is excreted from the body in a few days, after carrots are excluded from the diet. In addition, carrots are much healthier in the form of fresh juices and mashed potatoes. raw carrots. Therefore, it is recommended to only add carrots to other vegetable dishes, and not use them separately and daily as a vegetable puree. But for the first time, it is best to give the child a taste of carrots in boiled form, as part of vegetable puree, and only if there is no allergy, switch to fresh juices and puree. Carrots are allowed from 5 months.


Highly healthy vegetable, rich in vitamin D and carotene, well stored, has a sweet taste, is well absorbed without causing digestive disorders. Refers to low allergenic products . But pumpkin, like carrots, can cause carotene jaundice , therefore, for daily intake as the main component of vegetable puree, it is not recommended. And 2-3 times a week, it is very useful to include pumpkin puree in the child's diet. Or daily add to not large quantities ah to other vegetables. Allowed from 5 months.

White cabbage.

It contains many vitamins and microelements, including the unique vitamin U, but when cooked, a significant part of the vitamins is destroyed, as in other vegetables. Stimulates the secretion of the stomach and intestinal peristalsis, but contains a lot of coarse fiber, which irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa and can cause increased gas formation and upset stools. Enough often causes allergies . Since diversity in baby food is encouraged, white cabbage is also recommended to be included in the diet of children under 1 year old, but later (from 7-8 months) and not as the basis of vegetable puree, but as an additive.


It is recommended to add to vegetable puree in not in large numbers from 8-9 months, used in baby food up to a year only in boiled form. Onion has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, may cause allergic reactions.


Beets are also recommended as an integral part of vegetable puree, only in boiled form from 9 months. It has a sweet taste, has a normalizing effect on the child's stool with constipation, but can cause allergies and increased gas production.

Adding to baby food boiled tomatoes, garlic, as well as spices (dill, parsley, fennel) are allowed from 10 months, but there is no particular need for this.

How to make vegetable puree at home.

    Puree should be prepared immediately before use.

    It is best to allocate a separate small enameled saucepan with a lid for the child.

    Select only the best, freshest vegetables for your child.

    Wash vegetables thoroughly under running water.

    Potatoes, carrots, onions, beets - peel; zucchini, pumpkin - peel, remove seeds; cauliflower, broccoli disassemble into inflorescences.

    Wash thoroughly again, pour over with boiling water.

    Coarsely chop, put in a saucepan, pour a small amount of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat under a lid until soft (20-30 minutes).

    Do not salt.

    Rub the vegetables through a sieve or beat in a blender. (At the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, when the vegetable is one and the portions are small, a sieve is more convenient, when the portion increases, a blender).

    Add the broth in which the vegetables were boiled to the puree, bringing, if this is the beginning of complementary foods, to a semi-liquid consistency, later you can make a thicker puree, and chop with a fork by 8-9 months.

    In the first week, do not add anything, from the second week from the start of complementary foods, add vegetable (sunflower) oil 5 ml (1 h / l) per 100 g of puree.

    Bring to a boil again.

  • Put in a bowl, cool and give to the child.

Canned food for baby food as vegetable complementary foods.

Currently, most experts recommend canned food for baby food as vegetable complementary foods. According to GOSTs, they must be made only from high-quality, environmentally friendly raw materials, using vitamin-saving technology, according to the degree of grinding of the product, they must correspond to the age of the child indicated on the label, and must not contain preservatives, sugar and salt.

Safety measures when using ready-made purees:

    Be sure to check the expiration date on the cap.

    make sure the lid on the jar is not swollen,

    before feeding, store an unopened jar at room temperature or in the refrigerator (not in the sun and not in the freezer),

    before opening and giving the puree to the child, you need to slightly warm it in hot water,

    when opening the jar, there should be a characteristic cotton,

    do not feed the baby directly from the jar if he does not eat the entire portion at once, but put part of the puree in a cup or plate, otherwise it will not be possible to re-give the child puree from this jar,

    immediately after you put part of the puree from the jar into another dish, the rest must be tightly closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

When choosing canned food for children, as a vegetable supplement, you first need to choose puree from one vegetable, most often zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli are recommended, and then, as you get used to this product and bring the volume of puree to the age norm, you can try another vegetable puree of this the same company, for example, potatoes with broccoli.

Vegetable puree for babies is one of the first complementary foods for babies. But it is not recommended to start giving it before the child reaches 6 months. By this age, the maturation of enzymatic systems begins, which are fully formed by about 12 years. That is, from the age of 6 months, the child is already able to fully digest simple foods. Pediatricians recommend prescribing complementary foods from single-component purees so that the child's body does not encounter several substances that are unusual for him at the same time. What can cause an allergic reaction in a baby. Gradually, you can make more complex vegetable purees, which will include 2 or more products. Vegetable purees for babies can be bought at the store or cooked at home. If you want to feed your baby puree own cooking, then chop the vegetables well, bringing them to a non-solid homogenized state.

The first vegetables to include in a child's diet are potatoes, cauliflower and zucchini. Vegetable puree for babies should start with half a teaspoon. Gradually increase the portion size. But do not rush in a short time to accustom the child to large portions new product. Another question arises: how long does it take for a baby to get used to a new complementary food? The interval between the introduction of different products can not be less than 5 days. Later, you can start adding vegetable oil, cream or lean meat to the vegetable puree. Here are recipes for vegetable purees for babies.

Carrot puree. Take a medium carrot, peel it and chop it small cubes. Pour in enamel pan about 1.5 cups of water and place carrots in it. Cook it covered until the water is completely boiled away and the carrots are soft. While the carrots are hot, they must be rubbed through a sieve. This is an option for preparing puree at the initial stage of the introduction of complementary foods. Later, you can add milk (2 tablespoons) to this recipe and butter(a quarter of a teaspoon). In this case, it is necessary to boil all the components of the puree, after mixing them into a homogeneous mass. After cool.

Take 130 grams of broccoli, wash the florets and separate them. It is also better to chop the thick leg of the vegetable finely. Boil water and put broccoli in it. hot vegetable rub through a sieve, and then beat in a mixer with a few tablespoons of broth. At the end, add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Combined vegetable purees for babies. You will need zucchini (50 g), potatoes (1 pc.), Cauliflower (50 g), carrots (half medium). Peel the vegetables and rinse under running water. Pour water into an enameled pan, place all the vegetables there and leave them to soak for 2 hours. Then pour clean water into another pot and start boiling it. When the water starts bubbling, start each vegetable one at a time with an interval of 5 minutes. Start with carrots, then potatoes, then cabbage and zucchini. After the zucchini, cook the mixture for another 5 minutes, then turn it off. Pour the broth into a glass, you will need it to give the mixture consistency. You can pour out the rest of the liquid. Beat the cooked vegetables with a blender, gradually pouring in the broth. The consistency in the end should be the mixture, like liquid sour cream.

The vegetable puree recipes for babies given above help prepare dishes that are easily digestible by the child's body. are very useful for any age, and they provide a small body with all the nutrients necessary for growth and development. In addition, vegetable purees are absolutely non-allergenic, which makes it possible to give them to children who often suffer from diathesis. When preparing vegetable puree for a child under 12 months old, try to avoid adding salt to the dish.

On the shelves of any grocery store there are many so-called “canned” purees from the most various types vegetables. The price of one serving of 100-200 g is comparable to the cost of several kilograms of fresh seasonal vegetables, so many mothers save money by preparing homemade purees for children. Try it, it's very easy!

What vegetables are needed for puree

Enter vegetables in the baby's menu in the following order:

  • Prepare the first puree for the baby from zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower.
  • If your child is not allergic to orange and red foods, pumpkin, carrots, and beets are also good options.
  • For older children, use green beans, green pea and spinach.
  • With extreme caution, introduce tomatoes into the baby's diet, bell pepper or eggplant.
  • Do not cook white cabbage and potatoes separately, but as part of other dishes.

Where to get vegetables for puree

The children's menu requires special care in choosing products. For example, it is better to avoid imported vegetables for now. Follow our recommendations:

  • Vegetables, like other products, should only be of the highest quality.
  • Ideal products for the baby - grown in their own household.
  • There is no garden or dacha - buy everything you need at the market from grandmothers-"private traders".
  • For feeding in winter and spring, use frozen vegetables.
  • Small children eat very little, so all the vegetables for the winter-spring will fit even in a small freezer, and homemade zucchini You won't find it for sale in March.

Ingredients and utensils

To make puree you will need:

  • Water. Preferably spring or bottled "children's", in last resort filtered or settled from the tap.
  • Vegetables. To begin with, a small amount is enough - a couple of cauliflower inflorescences or 50 g of zucchini.
  • Breast milk or prepared formula - one tablespoon.
  • Saucepan - better enameled.
  • Crusher, fork, sieve or blender - for grinding the finished dish.

Do not use salt or other spices - the vegetables themselves have a fairly pronounced taste and the amount of salt necessary for the human body.

vegetable puree recipe for 6 month old baby

For the first feedings, take one type of vegetable at a time, in a few weeks you will be able to cook dishes of a more complex composition:

  • Put a pot of water on the fire and bring to a boil.
  • Wash and peel the vegetables well, cut or divide into florets.
  • Place vegetables in water. During cooking, reduce the heat so that the water gurgles slightly, and does not beat with a “key”. Check the degree of readiness of vegetables with a fork: if they can be pierced, then they are cooked. Be careful: you can not digest vegetables.
  • Remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon, transfer to a blender bowl or a clean bowl. Do not pour out the water from the pan: you may still need it.
  • Make a smooth puree. If you don't have a blender, use a sieve. If the puree is dry, add a spoonful of vegetable broth to turn your dish into a puree soup.
  • Express a little breast milk or prepare 30 g of milk formula. Add to puree.
  • Stir. Serve with a smile and kisses!

Recipe for vegetable puree for a child from 6 months to a year

For a kid who has already mastered the “adult” kitchen a little, prepare a more complicated dish:

  • Put cold water(1 l) in a saucepan on fire.
  • Finely chop a quarter of a medium carrot and a small onion, other root vegetables, put in a saucepan.
  • while brewing vegetable broth, wash well, clean and cut zucchini, cauliflower, other types of vegetables. Approximate total weight - up to 300 g.
  • Simmer all vegetables over low heat until tender. Before removing the pan from the heat, add some dill.
  • Wipe the finished puree with a pusher or blender, pour in a little broth if necessary. A child up to a year already has several teeth, so you can not be zealous with the uniformity of the puree: leave a variety of lumps or grains.
  • In the dish, depending on the diet and preferences of the child, add breast milk, formula, olive or butter, sour or fresh cow or goat milk.
  • Serve mashed potatoes alone or in combination with meat / fish.

Baby food is ready!

We offer simple recipes and helpful tips for cooking.

Correct and healthy diet- the key to the health and good mood of any child, which is why you need to carefully choose products for the baby's diet. This is especially true for baby purees, as this is the first dish that a child tries after breastfeeding or artificial feeding. Puree should be prepared only from high-quality and fresh products, be hypoallergenic and not contain artificial additives. Now on the shelves of stores there is a wide selection of vegetable, fruit and meat purees for every taste and budget. However, puree for the baby can be prepared at home using a blender.

Making your own baby purees has its advantages. Firstly, you will be sure that only the freshest and healthy foods, especially if it is fruits and vegetables grown in their own summer cottage. Secondly, homemade purees can cost you much less than store-bought ones. So how do you make delicious, healthy, and nutritious purees that your little one will love? We offer you some simple and healthy recipes single- and multi-component vegetable, fruit and meat baby purees.

Vegetable purees

It is best to start complementary foods with vegetable purees from zucchini and cauliflower. These vegetables are very easy to digest and rarely cause allergies. A little later, you can introduce pumpkin, potatoes, green peas and turnips into the child's diet. Remember that at the first feeding, butter, sugar, salt and other additives should not be added to the puree: this can be done when the child is 1 year old.

Cooking baby pumpkin vegetable puree

At pumpkin puree pleasant sweetish taste, therefore, as a rule, kids eat it with pleasure. In addition, pumpkin is just a storehouse of vitamins: it contains iron, carotene, pectin, vitamins B, C, E, D, PP and even T - a rare vitamin responsible for metabolism in the body.

For mashing, you need to choose a small pumpkin weighing up to 3-5 kg ​​(small pumpkins are usually juicier and more palatable and much easier to peel than "adult" pumpkins). First, wash the pumpkin thoroughly and cut it into two parts. Next, cut it into slices - as much as your baby will eat, peel and cut into cubes. Then boil the pumpkin in a double boiler or saucepan: throw it into boiling water and cook for 20 minutes until the vegetable is completely softened. After the pumpkin is cooked, beat it in a blender until homogeneous mass. If the puree is too thick, you can add a little breast milk, infant formula, or water. Cool the puree to 30 degrees, then you can feed the baby.

Cooking baby vegetable broccoli puree

Do you want to understand other important issues? Read

Vegetables are a valuable source of vitamins, organic acids, pectins and vegetable fiber. All these substances are necessary for normal functioning the child's body, and they must be present in the child's diet. Despite the apparent ease and benefits of vegetables, they must be introduced correctly. Otherwise, complementary foods can provoke a number of problems, among which the first places are occupied by allergic reactions, indigestion, and intestinal upset.

The main value of vegetable dishes:

  1. Cellulose. In vegetable purees, it is crushed, but there is. Exactly vegetable fibers help to solve the problem with constipation, normalize the work of the immature intestines, make the stool regular.
  2. Vitamins, trace elements and other important substances. They contribute to the proper growth and development of the child, strengthen the immune system, improve mood, increase endurance.
  3. The development of taste. The child discovers the world different ways, including with the help of tongue receptors.

Among the variety of vegetables, it is difficult to single out the most useful or necessary. Everyone has it human body their needs, they change individually with growth, development, often depend on other foods in the diet.

Best age for vegetable puree

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the optimal age for introducing complementary foods to infants is 6 months. If the child was artificially fed, then he can be introduced to vegetables at 4-5 months. Terms are determined individually. There are several signs that a baby is ready for solid foods:

  1. The child can sit alone or with the help of parents.
  2. The weight has doubled.
  3. The kid shows interest in adult food.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that by the time vegetable complementary foods are introduced, the child should respond to the spoon, open his mouth, and swallow food. If the baby pushes cutlery language, it is not yet ready. In this case, you should not try to force feed.

Cooking homemade food

Puree for complementary foods is easy to prepare at home. It is especially convenient to do this in summer and autumn, when all the ingredients are fresh, affordable, and full of vitamins. In season, you can also prepare vegetables for future use. To do this, the fruits need to be peeled, cut into pieces, laid out on a board in one layer, put in the freezer. As soon as the pieces harden, they can be poured into a bag, left in the chamber for further storage.

Preparing vegetable food:

  1. Place a fresh or frozen vegetable cut into cubes in a saucepan, pour a small amount of boiling water so that it only covers the pieces. The more liquid there is, the less vitamins and useful substances stay in the product.
  2. Boil vegetables until soft.
  3. Drain excess liquid. Grind the pieces to a puree state with a blender or grind through a sieve. Adjust the consistency with the previously drained broth. You can use breast milk for this.

Frozen vegetables cook faster than fresh ones. It is not necessary to thaw the product before cooking. Also don't add a large number of liquid, water from the pieces will come out a lot.

You need to remember: Salt needed children's body, but in small quantities. Dr. Komarovsky recommends adding it to children's meals. This will help maintain the water-salt balance.

Video: Steaming vegetables for babies

How to choose ready-made vegetable puree

In winter and spring, it is convenient to use ready-made mashed potatoes from jars, since it is difficult to purchase high-quality and safe vegetables. Purchased nutrition has its advantages: it saves time, it is convenient to use, it has the right consistency.

What to look for when buying:

  1. Compound. For the first vegetable complementary foods, one-component purees without additives are used.
  2. Best before date. The fresher the food, the more nutrients are preserved.
  3. Packaging integrity. The lid is flat, concave, without traces of product or rust.
  4. Age appropriate. If the package is labeled 7+, you should not buy food for a 5-6 month old baby.

Before use, the dish must be heated to a warm state, you can add a little salt or a few drops of oil to taste.

Scheme of the introduction of vegetable complementary foods and portions

A new product is introduced into the diet only for a healthy child. If there is a vaccination to be done, teeth are erupting, there is a series of holidays or trips are expected, then it is advisable to postpone the introduction of vegetables. The first days you need to control the regularity and condition of the stool, the behavior and well-being of the baby.

The main rule of any feeding is gradualness! The product is administered in small portions and daily. Each vegetable is given 5-7 days. The final volume of mashed potatoes is not limited by anything, the child can be fed to the full. On average, a full portion is 120-150 g, by the year of life - 200 g.

Scheme for the introduction of vegetables:

  • 1 day - 5 g;
  • 2 day - 10 g;
  • 3 day - 15 g;
  • 4 day - 20 g;
  • Day 5 - 50 g;
  • Day 6 - 100 g;
  • Day 7 - 150 g.

A week later, another type of vegetable complementary foods is introduced into the diet in a similar way. A new product can be offered on its own or added to the usual puree, gradually increasing the amount. Also come with the introduction of meat, fish. Vegetables will help new food to digest, smooth out the taste.

What vegetables are suitable for complementary foods

Not all vegetables can be included in the diet. There are foods that need to be put off until 8, 10, 12 months. Some of them are considered allergenic, the other part causes increased gas formation. Do not forget about individual intolerance. Even the most harmless, at first glance, product can provoke a reaction.

Zucchini for the first meal

Zucchini is perfect for introducing vegetables. The product is well absorbed, has no pronounced taste. Puree from it does not irritate the walls of the stomach, does not overload digestive system. Zucchini contains pectin, vitamins C and group B, copper, iron. The vegetable is rich in potassium, which is involved in the work nervous system, normalizes heart rate, promotes the growth of muscle cells.

Zucchini is introduced first into the diet of children suffering from food allergies and constipation. One-component puree from this vegetable can be offered to a child from 4 months.

Cauliflower and broccoli

White cabbage causes increased gas formation, bloating, so it is undesirable to introduce it into the diet for up to 7 months. At the age of 5 months, you can offer the baby other types of vegetables. Mostly cauliflower and broccoli are used. These products are highly nutritional value, contain a number of valuable acids: folic, tartronic, malic, citric and others. The composition contains minerals, vitamins.

What else is useful cabbage:

  • contains dietary fiber that improves peristalsis;
  • helps prevent the occurrence iron deficiency anemia;
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Despite all the benefits of cauliflower and broccoli, these vegetables should not be given to children daily in large quantities. Enough 3 times a week. Excessive consumption of the product can lead to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, complicate the work of the kidneys. In rare cases, cauliflower causes an allergic reaction, which is manifested by reddening of the skin and a small rash.

Pumpkin for the first meal

Pumpkin can be introduced into the diet of children from 5 months. vegetable has pleasant taste, can serve as a main course or dessert, often added to cereal porridge. Contains beta-carotene, vitamins B, C, K, E. Pumpkin is rich in potassium, magnesium, iron and dietary fiber. This product can be used for prevention and in the complex treatment of constipation.

Sometimes pumpkin causes an allergic reaction. The product is quite heavy for the stomach, you should not use it often for children with digestive problems. It is impossible to prepare puree, juice from raw product no matter how sweet and delicious it may be. Heat treatment for vegetable complementary foods is required.

Potatoes for food

Even 2 decades ago, it was potatoes that were the main vegetable complementary foods. Puree was boldly introduced into the diet of children 3-4 months old. Today, pediatricians, including the world famous doctor Komarovsky, recommend introducing potatoes after 6 months. It is useful for of cardio-vascular system, has a beneficial effect on digestion, stabilizes metabolism. The vegetable contains potassium, iron, iodine and phosphorus.

Potatoes are difficult for digestion, can cause an allergic reaction, the appearance of diathesis on the cheeks and buttocks. Before cooking, the pieces of the root crop must be thoroughly washed. cold water to get rid of excess starch. If the child has a reaction, it is recommended to postpone the introduction of potatoes until 12 months.

Advice! To do potato dish easier, you can cook it with zucchini or cauliflower, if these vegetables are familiar to the child.


Carrot renders positive influence on the vision, development and growth of the child. The vegetable is rich in vitamin C, E, K. The orange root crop is valued for the content of a fat-soluble substance - beta-carotene. For better absorption, it is recommended to add 2-3 drops of vegetable oil to the dish.

Carrot puree is recommended to be introduced into the diet from 6 months. If the child has allergies, then from 8 months. A single-component dish of boiled vegetables is rarely used. More often, the root crop is combined with other vegetables: zucchini, potatoes, cabbage. In addition to mashed potatoes, you can cook for a child carrot juice, in this case, the vegetable is used raw.

Greens, onion, garlic

Greens and fragrant vegetables are added to purees and soups after 9 months. Onions and garlic are always exposed heat treatment, carefully crushed, used in small quantities. Greens are used raw, you can chop the leaves along with other vegetables with a blender. Children up to a year add dill, parsley, celery to dishes.

Up to 12 months, legumes, turnips, radishes should not be introduced into the diet. Cucumbers and tomatoes are introduced with caution. These products can cause indigestion, allergic reactions. They are added in small quantities to the main products, accompanied by strict control.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about complementary foods