Pink salmon - baked in the oven and fried in a frying pan. Which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon? How to choose fish

Pink salmon is one of the most popular fish species due to a huge number useful properties. It is sold whole or cut into pieces of different sizes. Sellers often use tricks to sell stale goods and reduce their losses. For example, pink salmon that has been frozen and thawed several times can be mixed with chilled salmon, and young salmon with old salmon. You can distinguish a good fish only with some knowledge and after a thorough examination.

Pink salmon can be sold on store shelves in the following forms::

  • whole, not gutted;
  • whole gutted fish with head;
  • whole gutted fish without head;
  • separate pieces;
  • individual parts of pink salmon (tails, fins and other parts with a small amount meat).

What kind of pink salmon should you buy?

Choosing good pink salmon is a rather difficult question. Determining the quality of gutted fish or its individual pieces is much easier than assessing fresh, ungutted pink salmon. Each option has its own rules.

  • the standard weight of whole pink salmon averages from 800 g to 1.5 kg;
  • the amount of ice on frozen pink salmon should not exceed 5%;
  • The belly of a good pink salmon is even in color, not swollen and rather flat (the exception is females with caviar);
  • if the pink salmon is gutted, then you need to determine the color inside its belly (it should be pink);
  • the gills of pink salmon should be light red (their color is always bright and rich);
  • the scales of fresh pink salmon are clean, shiny and smooth;
  • the skin of pink salmon should not have even the slightest damage;
  • pink salmon fillet should have a pinkish color;
  • when pressing on the fish there should be no dents left;
  • the pink tint of the belly of pink salmon indicates the presence of caviar;
  • the smell of fresh fish should not contain an ammonia tint;
  • skin quality pink salmon fits tightly to the meat.

If pink salmon is purchased in packaging, then special attention should be paid to its safety. You cannot buy fish in damaged packages. Despite its acceptable appearance, it can be damaged.

The price of ungutted pink salmon is much lower, but do not forget that after cutting, almost half of the weight will be waste. Savings in in this case not too significant.

It is believed that the meat of male pink salmon is more juicy and fatty. This nuance can be determined by numerous criteria. For example, the female’s color is lighter, the male’s head is sharp and elongated, and the female’s is rounded. The rear fin of the male is short, while that of the female is elongated.

Signs of pink salmon that you should avoid purchasing

During fishing, pink salmon may be damaged. It is very difficult to visually identify “broken” fish if it is purchased whole. When cutting or cutting pink salmon, real bruises and bruises may be visible. The taste of fish in the presence of such signs does not change, but during the cooking process, the broken places will not maintain integrity and will fall apart.

You should refuse to purchase pink salmon if the following factors are present::

  • dark or green gills;
  • mucus in the gills is not acceptable for high-quality pink salmon;
  • yellow color of the inside of the abdomen;
  • a dry pink salmon tail indicates that the fish has been defrosted and frozen several times;
  • skin in the form of bubbles or not tightly fitting to the meat indicates improper storage of the fish (or its age);
  • the lack of rich color of pink salmon fillet indicates that it was frozen;
  • distinct dents remaining after light pressure;
  • numerous damage to the skin, scales or individual parts of the fish.

If you put pink salmon in water, then good fish will drown immediately. A low-quality or spoiled product will float on the surface with its belly up.

Thanks to a little trick, you can determine the age of pink salmon. In this case, you just need to compare the date of fishing and the time of its sale. For example, if you buy pink salmon caught in April in September, it is extremely difficult to call it fresh. Old fish or food that has not been stored correctly will taste bitter after cooking.

Red fish is considered the most popular seafood in cooking. It is tasty and healthy, you can prepare many dishes from it. But the wide variety of species often makes choosing fish difficult. The question especially often arises: which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon? After all, these are the most common types of red fish, but they differ in taste and other characteristics.

Red fish in nutrition

Fish is generally good for health, especially red fish. Representatives of the salmon family are called this because of the color of their meat. People who eat red fish get sick less. It has long been considered valuable dietary product.

About 80% of the salmon family fish on sale are chum salmon, coho salmon, and pink salmon. Which one is better is difficult to determine, since the differences are usually subtle. Although there is a slight difference in the composition, calorie content and density of meat. In addition, salmon include salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, whitefish, omul and others, but they are less common and have no commercial significance.

Balyk is prepared from red fish, it is salted and smoked. It is often sold frozen. This is a universal product from which you can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. In addition to meat, caviar is highly valued salmon fish.

Red fish is good for disease prevention of cardio-vascular system. Thanks to the presence of a large number useful microelements, amino acids and fatty acids, it prevents malfunctions nervous system, normalizes hormonal levels and the functions of the endocrine glands.

Red fish is useful for maintaining good vision and preventing dysbacteriosis. Eating it helps maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. Red fish contains microelements that are not found in other foods, so it is recommended to include it in your food. For example, it contains a lot of Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins A and D.

Features of pink salmon

This is the most common type of red fish. It is quite inexpensive, so it is accessible to many. This is a small fish, its weight does not exceed 5.5 kg. She only eats high-calorie foods. Therefore, pink salmon meat is fattier and denser. It has a richer mineral composition than chum salmon and a higher calorie content.

Distinctive Features pink salmon are dark spots along the back. It has smaller scales. Male pink salmon have a noticeable hump on their back, which is why the fish got its name.

Features of chum salmon

Chum salmon is a fairly large representative of the salmon family; its weight can reach 14 kg. It is widely available and popular among buyers. Its meat is soft and tender, not very fatty. Chum salmon does not live in captivity; it eats only natural food, so its meat does not contain artificial additives. If we compare the composition of which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon, then chum salmon meat contains more vitamins. This fish is considered a dietary food because it is low in calories.

Chum salmon is larger than pink salmon, but lighter in color. It has a light silver color and fairly large scales. Chum salmon has a characteristic elongated body shape and a massive tail.

Which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon?

This question is difficult to answer, since everyone has different tastes. Some people prefer the dense, fattier meat of pink salmon. It is considered high-calorie and healthy. But others prefer the tender dietary meat of chum salmon. Although it costs more. Those who buy it for salting often think about which fish is better - chum salmon or pink salmon. It is believed that pink salmon is less suitable for these purposes, since it is dry and tough. But some people like this particular fish.

Which caviar is better

Sockeye salmon, chum salmon or pink salmon are those types of red fish whose caviar is common on store shelves. She's a little different appearance. But all red caviar is a very valuable nutritional product. Both chum and pink salmon are tasty and contain many useful microelements. But people who are wondering which red fish is better - chum or pink salmon, often also try to choose a certain type of caviar.

To do this you need to know its differences:

  • Chum salmon caviar is large, with a dense shell, bright orange in color. It contains more protein and beneficial microelements. This caviar is the fattest, has delicate taste.
  • Pink salmon eggs are smaller and lighter in color. The product tastes lightly salted and does not taste bitter.
  • Sockeye salmon has small, bright red caviar. It may have a bitter taste.
  • Coho salmon caviar is dark and medium in size. The taste is bitter.

How to choose

Some sellers sometimes replace chum salmon with pink salmon, since it is cheaper and chum salmon meat is more valuable. Therefore, it is important to know how they differ. When buying a whole fish, you can pay attention to its characteristic features: pink salmon has dark spots on the back and a hump, while chum salmon has a lighter color and a large tail.

But most often fillets of this fish are substituted for sale. People who know what is better - chum salmon or pink salmon - understand such features. Pink salmon meat is pale pink in color, so it is easy to identify. But when processing fish, for example, when canning or even freezing, it can be treated with dyes. And then pink salmon acquires a bright pink, juicy color, the same as that of chum salmon. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chilled, fresh fish.

When buying red fish you need to pay attention to some signs:

  • the surface of fresh fish should be shiny and clean, without mucus;
  • scales and fins should fit tightly to the skin;
  • eyes should be clear, prominent and shiny;
  • gills - pink or red;
  • canned or salty fish should contain as little dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers as possible, the color is not bright, with pale veins;
  • the fillet should be of uniform color, the meat should be dense and hold its shape well.

Fish is an important part of the human diet. Experts recommend regularly consuming red fish meat, because it is a source of beneficial microelements, vitamins and fats. From this product our body receives important fatty acid Omega-3.

Appearance of chum salmon and difference from pink salmon

Unscrupulous sellers deliberately replace chum salmon with pink salmon, since the latter is cheaper, fattier, although no less healthy. Often people who do not understand the topic of fish species and families in detail confuse these two species. That is why when buying, doubts arise and questions arise whether the sellers are deceiving. When cut, the fillet parts are difficult to distinguish, but possible.

Chum salmon is larger in volume: it reaches 1 m in length, with a weight of almost 15 kg. This is a common fish, and ranks confidently in second place in population among its family. The meat of this fish is less calorie and fatty. It looks unremarkable: with a silver color, which is complemented by pink-crimson stripes during the spawning period.

Pink salmon is 25 cm shorter than its relative. This is primarily due to the fact that adult individuals often die after spawning without having time to grow to a large size. A peculiarity has also been noticed that they grow faster. It has spots on the body and pronounced sexual characteristics.

The chum salmon has a highly developed sense of homeland. To spawn, she returns to the place where she was born. Pink salmon, on the other hand, do not have such an instinct, so each time they choose a new place for breeding.

What are chum salmon and pink salmon

Chum salmon and pink salmon are representatives of the Salmon family. They make up 80% of the Salmon catch and are in demand on the market.

Chum salmon is one of the varieties of Pacific salmon, with a characteristic elongated body shape and shiny silver color. There are 2 types: “summer”, which lives in northern latitudes, and “autumn”, living in the southern part of the world. They differ in length: representatives of the north are 20 cm shorter than their relatives from the south.

Balyk is prepared from this fish, canned, salted, dried, smoked, and frozen. In addition to meat, its most valuable caviar is used as food. In our country it is freely available and anyone can purchase it.

Pink salmon, or pink salmon, is also a species from the Salmon family. This fish lives in cold waters, the temperature of which does not exceed 15°. Most optimal temperature for the life of an individual it is 10°, and at 26 it dies. It prefers to eat high-calorie foods, so pink salmon meat is fattier and higher in calories. After only 1.5 years, mature individuals go to spawn to lay eggs and die. The fry, having hatched, remain for some time in a secluded house, waiting until they grow up so that the current carries them into open sea waters.

Chum salmon - sea or river fish

Chum salmon is particularly valuable because it does not breed and does not live in captivity. When buying a real specimen in a store, you can be sure that it was grown in natural conditions and did not use any artificial growth stimulants.

This species has a wide habitat: it is found both in the oceans and in seas and rivers. In terms of prevalence, this fish has no equal among Salmonids. The quality of fish meat directly depends on the diet of the individual. The catches in Russia are small, which also determines the corresponding price.

This is a fish that does not have a specifically defined habitat. Large flocks enter river waters for spawning, while others, on the contrary, melt from the river into the seas and oceans. During such travels, their color changes - it becomes darker and stripes appear.

The large, wide and massive tail is primarily intended for digging holes in which eggs are laid. Some pits reach 2 meters!

Differences between chum salmon and pink salmon

There are several points on which these types differ:


80-100cm, elongated body.

Up to 75cm, with a hump during spawning.

Light gray, silver, with stripes during spawning.

Gray-blue, and during spawning – gray with a yellow-green belly.

Lighter, brighter, juicier and larger.

Slightly smaller in size, with thin walls and darker.

4. Spawning site

Place of birth, quiet rivers.

The first place I liked.

Dietary, tender, full of vitamins and minerals.

Fatty and filling. Calorie content – ​​140-150 kcal.

They are equally amenable heat treatment, and it turns out wonderful dishes, even with a minimum of spices and additives. A universal product that you can experiment with: processing methods, side dishes and spices. You can get an appetizer, salad, pie, first or second course - you are not limited in your imagination.

When choosing a fillet, pay attention to the shade - pink salmon is faded pinkish. It is the easiest to distinguish among other representatives of the family, and chum salmon has a bright, juicy pink color. Do not buy pickled or frozen, as the shades may be the same due to processing.

Differences in appearance

Chum salmon have a light gray color that darkens on the way to spawning. Crimson stripes also appear in the tail area - this is a sure sign that the individual is heading to the breeding site.

Pink salmon got its name because of the hump that appears on males during spawning. This distinctive sign distinguishes these fish well from others. It also has small scales and dark spots all over its back and tail. The inhabitants of the ocean have a gray color with a blue tint, and during reproduction the color changes to specifically gray with a yellow-green tint on the abdomen.

The caviar also varies: chum salmon eggs are larger, brighter in appearance, with a dense shell. Accordingly, caviar of the second type is smaller, approximately 1 mm in diameter, darker in color and with thinner walls. However, both species have remarkable taste qualities, are equally beneficial for the body and are recommended for use. The rich composition of minerals, trace elements, and proteins is what distinguishes the caviar of these fish!

Differences in composition

Chum salmon meat and caviar are considered a more fat, tender, healthy and dietary product. This also affects the price. Based on taste, everyone chooses what they like. And yet, people more often make a choice in the direction of this fish. It contains vitamins E, C, PP, B1 and B5. Caviar contains a third of vegetable protein, which is completely absorbed by the human body. . In contrast, there are supporters of pink salmon who consider it a useful and relatively inexpensive product.

The differences in composition are insignificant. The differences are expressed in mineral and vitamin composition. Chum salmon has a predominance of B vitamins, while its smaller brother has a richer mineral composition. The latter contains a storehouse of iodine and fluorine, as well as manganese. Children in mandatory prescribed to take a course fish oil so that vitamin D is better absorbed. The caviar of both representatives of Salmon, their meat or extracted fat are suitable for this. This is the source polyunsaturated acids, amino acids that are not found in any other food product.

Pink salmon is a fish of the salmon family. The second name of this fish is pink salmon.

Pink salmon got its name from the hump that appears on the backs of males during the spawning period. Found both in the seas and in fresh water in cold climates. Average length 40 cm, average weight 1.2 kg.

During the spawning period, it is not advisable to catch pink salmon, since its meat is tasteless. If pink salmon is caught on time, then its meat has amazing taste. Like all salmon, pink salmon is considered a red fish. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and microelements.

Calorie content of pink salmon

Pink salmon is a product with high content proteins. Calorie content raw pink salmon– 116 kcal per 100 g. Boiled pink salmon contains 168 kcal. And in 100 g fried pink salmon contains 281 kcal. The energy value of baked pink salmon is 184 kcal. Excessive consumption of pink salmon can lead to excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of pink salmon

Pink salmon meat is balanced and nutritious, it is a source of vitamin PP, pyridoxine, sodium and fluorine. Fish also contains fatty acids and fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins B12. It is not without reason that many peoples of the North have eaten this fish from time immemorial and were distinguished by amazing health. This fish delicacy is regular use in food can compensate for the lack of many microelements and vitamins in the body.

The most valuable in this regard are Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are present in abundance in the meat of this fish. These acids are also called vitamins of youth, since they are responsible for the aging process. They have a beneficial effect on the structure and activity of cell membranes

Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid is quite difficult to find in other foods; it is a microelement necessary for the proper functioning of the higher nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Sodium is indispensable in the functioning of the circulatory system and water metabolism, and without fluoride the processes of hematopoiesis and bone metabolism are impossible (it is also a preventative against caries). Therefore, pink salmon should be included in the diet of every person who cares about their health.

Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) discovered that omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in fatty varieties fish have a positive effect on areas of the brain associated with emotions. Regular consumption of these fish prevents cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and, accordingly, sudden death from strokes and heart attacks.

100g of pink salmon contains:

Water: 54.1 g
Proteins: 22.1 g
Fat: 9 0 g
Unsaturated fatty acids:1. 5 g
Cholesterol: 83.0 mg
Ash:14. 8 g
Vitamin B1: 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.2 mg
Vitamin PP: 4.6 mg
Iron: 0.7 mg
Potassium: 278.0 mg
Calcium: 40.0 mg
Magnesium: 29.0 mg
Sodium: 5343.0 mg
Phosphorus: 128.0 mg
Chlorine: 165.0 mg
Molybdenum: 4.0 mcg
Nickel: 6.0 mcg
Fluoride: 430.0 mcg
Chromium: 55.0 mcg
Zinc: 700.0 mcg

Calorie content of pink salmon: 169.4 kcal.

Dangerous properties of pink salmon

Pink salmon is contraindicated for those who are allergic to fish.

People suffering chronic diseases liver, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, should use this product with caution so as not to cause exacerbation of the disease.

Pink salmon fish is a unique product, which domestic consumers really love in different forms preparations.

The fish is not cheap, but not particularly expensive either. Therefore, nutritionists recommend including it in the diet of adults and children at least once a week.

Let's talk in more detail about the benefits of the product, how to prepare it and how to choose high-quality pink salmon.

Pink salmon fish - brief description and features

Pink salmon is a red fish that is part of the salmon family.

Pink salmon, unlike other fish, has one more fin, which is located between the fin on the back and the tail.

Other features of this fish include a whitish mouth and large black spots on the back.

In addition, you can see a hump on the back, by the way, that’s why the fish has this unusual name, as well as large teeth on the jaws.

Where do pink salmon live?

The fish lives in Pacific waters.

You can meet it in the Kamchatka region, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and off the Japanese coast.

Sometimes seen off the coast of the Arctic Ocean. In our country, pink salmon spawn in the waters of the Amur, in the rivers:

  1. Kolyma.
  2. Indigirka.
  3. Lena.

Fish loves the cold; at a temperature of 25.8 C it dies.

Biochemical composition and energy value

Pink salmon contains almost all the vitamins and macro-microelements a person needs.

For example, in the product a large number of nicotinic acid, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.

This fish meat also contains:

  1. Vitamin B12.
  2. Sodium.
  3. Calcium.
  4. Fluorine.
  5. Sulfur.
  6. Phosphorus.
  7. Omega-3 PUFAs.

Doctors advise in order to maintain in the body the right balance healing elements necessary for the body and for preventive measures pathologies of blood vessels and heart, systematically consume fish meat.

The product contains a large amount of proteins.

Pink salmon fish calorie content

Calories raw fish meat pink salmon – 116 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Boiled meat contains approximately 168 kilocalories.

And 100 grams of fried meat contains approximately 281 kilocalories.

The nutritional value carcasses cooked in the oven - 184 kilocalories. Excessive consumption of the product may cause weight gain.

How is pink salmon beneficial for the human body?

When systematically consumed, this fish delicacy replenishes the deficiency of many elements and vitamins in the body.

This is precisely what explains the fact that people living in the north rarely get sick and have strong immunity.

Due to the presence of the Omega-3 element in the body, people who often consume fish meat are less susceptible to age-related changes in the body.

Omega-3 has a positive effect on the structure and activity of cells and tissues of the human body.

Vitamin PP is quite difficult to detect in other foods; it is an element that is needed for the brain, stomach and intestines.

Sodium has a positive effect on the circulatory system and water-salt metabolism, and without phosphorus the process of blood creation and bone metabolism cannot proceed properly (the product is a preventative against dental problems).

Therefore, fish meat should be included in the menu of every person who cares about their health.

The Americans have proven that Omega-3 fatty acids help a person cope with stress and calm them down, fighting depression.

Systematic consumption of these fish helps in the fight against vascular and heart diseases, normalizes arterial pressure and act as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

How to cook pink salmon?

Pink salmon is very nutritious and has unique taste.

They make it out of it delicious fish soup, it is stewed and fried, it can be salted and canned.

Salted pink salmon caviar is generally a delicacy, adored by many.

Fans of hot pink salmon can use it not only for preparing soups, but also grill the meat, and bake it in foil in the oven.

Pink salmon carcasses can be pre-stuffed with various minced meats.

Pink salmon can make very tasty fish.

Boiled fish used as an ingredient salad dishes and snacks.

Pie with red pink salmon fish is a hearty and festive dish.

How to choose pink salmon fish?

Buy a good product not so simple.

Determining the quality of gutted fish or its fillet is much easier than assessing fresh, ungutted pink salmon.

  1. The belly of high-quality pink salmon is uniform in color, without swollen areas and is quite flat (if there is caviar in the belly, it may be swollen).
  2. When the fish is gutted, you need to look at the color inside the abdomen (the shade should be soft pinkish).
  3. The gills of the carcass should not be bright red.
  4. The scales of a fresh carcass are smooth and shiny.
  5. Fish skin should be without deformation.
  6. The fish fillet should be pink.
  7. When pressing on the carcass, the body should not be pressed and should not be loose.
  8. A pinkish tint to the abdomen indicates the presence of caviar.
  9. The fishy aroma should not contain the smell of ammonia.
  10. The fish skin should be adjacent to the flesh.

If you buy pink salmon in packaging, you need to look at the expiration date separately. It is prohibited to take fish in opened packages. Despite the fact that it may look beautiful in appearance and smell delicious, the product can cause poisoning.

Frozen pink salmon should also be of uniform color and its eyes should be bright.

Pink salmon is valuable product, so both adults and children can eat it.

The only caution is the presence of an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to fish products.

Bon appetit!!!