Which river fish is better for grilling. Grilling fish

In summer, instead of heavy for the stomach and too fatty kebabs and steaks, many people prefer to cook on the grill lighter and dietary fish. Salmon and trout steaks, sea bass and dorado whole on the grill ... If you are one of those who have already cooked all these varieties at least a couple of times and are thinking about what other fish to fry on the fire, we have an answer for you. Not just an answer, but as many as 5 recipes for fish dishes offered by our chefs.

When choosing fish, keep in mind that tasty and tender lake or River fish prepares very quickly, but she has a large number of small bones, which often spoils the pleasure, especially if you eat it in nature. In case you fry fish at home forelectric grill, it's not scary - you can tinker a little. For cooking and eating fish in nature, it is better to opt for a sea fish. It is more fatty, it has more omega acids, so it is better to cook it whole to preserve everything. healthy juices inside. This, by the way, is not only more useful, but also cheaper. Whole fish is cheaper than steaks and fillets. Plus it's even safer. Often in the markets, when the fish begins to deteriorate, the sellers remove the fillet and sell it. It is quite difficult to determine that the product is already spoiled, but it is easy to get poisoned.

When cooking fish, remember the basic rules

1) There should be a lot of oil. Lubricate each carcass or fillet well before placing it on the wire rack. This will save you from the fact that the fish will fall apart and fall through the bars onto the coals.

2) No more than 5 minutes of frying on one side. If the fish is overcooked, it will become dry and tasteless.

3) Do not use any spices other than salt. Especially when you are just learning how to cook fish. If you want to add flavor to the dish, you can put dill, parsley, a sprig of thyme or a couple of lemon slices in the belly of the fish before cooking. Another variant -Drizzle the fish with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.

Fish should not be cooked for a long time on the fire, boiled or fried, so if you are going to cook delicious, it is best to do this using a roaster, grill or on a wire rack. Thus, the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved, excess fat(if it is fatty varieties of fish), and vegetable oil is not needed for cooking. Dishes come out tender and crispy at the same time.

Of course, not every fish is suitable for grilling: if you are dealing with tender, loose fish or have fillets at your disposal, then they are cooked on a wire rack, pre-wrapped in foil. For the grill itself, fish with fatty and dense meat is ideal - salmon, chum salmon, sturgeon, salmon, mahi-mahi, tuna. especially medium-sized, cooked on a wire rack as a whole.

Grilled fish stays on fire for a very short time, but this does not mean that you do not need to mess with it. On the contrary, if you want to get the output tasty dish you need to put in some effort first. Namely, properly cut and marinate the fish. It is necessary to clean it from scales so as not to damage the skin - so it does not dry out from the treatment on fire and remains juicy. Before putting the fish on the skewer, wipe it with a paper towel. During cooking, turn the skewers carefully and as little as possible.

Grilled fish has its own secrets regarding cooking time. It depends on the strength of the heat, and on the thickness of the pieces, and on the length of stay in the marinade. Approximately, we can say that each centimeter of the thickness of the pieces requires about three minutes of heat treatment. But for this time should be reduced. How do you know when grilled fish is ready? Whitish juice should come out on the surface of the pieces, and if the fish is strung on a skewer as a whole, the flesh around its ridge should become a little pinkish. is ready when the tip of a knife easily separates the spinal bone from the pulp. If you are grilling flat fish (a type of flounder), place it light side down first.

But of course, main secret What you need to know to make the grilled fish tender, juicy, crispy and fragrant lies in its marinade. Here, for example, is one such fish in Korean. Tuna (cut into steaks) is ideal for this dish, but other firm fish can also be used. First, 4 large steaks are rubbed with sugar and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. During this time, you need to fry in a pan sesame seeds(approximately a handful) until they have a golden flower. Then mix in a bowl 5 tablespoons of sugar, sesame seeds, finely chopped bunch of green onions, chopped garlic clove and a teaspoon of powdered ginger, pour all half a glass of soy sauce with 2 tablespoons of sesame oil, add salt and pepper. Place the steaks in this marinade and leave in the refrigerator for another 2 hours. Then drain the marinade, and fry the fish in the heat of a fire on a wire rack or on a baking sheet in a well-heated oven.

Grilled fish will come out very tasty if you use a marinade of fresh cilantro, garlic, honey and lemon. To prepare it, you need to mix 2 cups of honey, chopped 1 bunch of cilantro and 2 cloves of garlic in a saucepan. Heat over a fire until the honey becomes liquid, then pour in the juice of 1 lemon. Let the mixture cool down. Lightly salt and pepper the fish, pour over the marinade and put in a cold place for 1 hour, then grill for five or seven minutes on each side.

Also interesting is this Georgian sturgeon. The onions are cut into strips, the lemons are rubbed on a grater, the cilantro is chopped. Half a glass of dry white wine is added to this mixture, salt and pepper. The fish should be marinated for at least an hour, after which it is fried for 2-3 minutes from different sides. For fish fried whole (for example, trout), you can put rosemary sprigs and lemon slices inside instead of marinade.

love healthy and healthy food? An electric grill will help you keep everything useful material and vitamins in products! With its help, barbecue, fish with a golden crust are quickly and tasty cooked, chicken is fried, vegetables and fruits are baked, pancakes, pies, pancakes and pies are baked. It's not yet full list grilled dishes. An electric grill improves the taste of food and cooks it so that it is easily absorbed by the human body.

Deservedly loved by millions of consumers, it is practical, convenient, versatile. Real gourmets have already appreciated the delicious taste of dishes that can be cooked with this modern household appliance. All dishes are unique palatability and excellent appearance! Both novice cooks and masters of the kitchen can cook on the grill.

Safety rules when working on an electric grill

  • Connect the appliance only to a proper, safe, grounded electrical outlet.
  • Do not use multi-pin models of socket outlets.
  • You can not cook food in a room without a hood and a window.
  • Protect contact points from moisture.
  • Install the device strictly on a flat surface.
  • Insert the thermostat into the grill only before plugging the cord into the outlet.
  • Small children should not be allowed near the equipment.

The benefits of grilled food

Grilling pork, lamb, beef or chicken meat cannot be compared with other cooking methods, it is suitable for obtaining the perfect golden brown. Fish, meat, vegetables and other food cooked on an electric grill is healthy food, it is cooked without oil, it does not contain excess fat, cholesterol, carcinogens, impurities of harmful resins from real coals and the poisonous smell of burning.

Cooking with this household appliance is a simple process, it allows even inexperienced cooks to create delicious and mouth-watering dishes. With the help of the grill, hot appetizers, pancakes, pancakes, sandwiches, meat, vegetables, fish, fruits, pies and pies are prepared. When starting cooking, it should be remembered that it will take much less time than with the usual method.

To cook juicy tender meat, it cannot be wetted. A knife will help to clear dirt (if any): scrape or remove the top layer. Cold meat needs to be warmed up so that the steak is room temperature. Vacuum-packed meat should be taken out in a day and put in a napkin in the refrigerator to breathe. The electric grill must be preheated to the desired temperature. The meat is pre-rubbed with spices and salt. In progress frying steak you can sprinkle with pepper. The meat fried for 4 minutes is placed on a napkin and covered with foil for 8-10 minutes to reach.


Before frying, vegetables (zucchini, peppers, onions, and others) should be cut into circles or plastics no more than 1 cm thick. Then salt a little and put on the grill surface. The frying process will take 4-8 minutes.


It takes very little time to cook. Take any fish, add spices and herbs. big fish cooked at 200 degrees. You can cook directly on the grill plate or place the pieces in foil and add butter for juiciness.

Fish cooked on charcoal is not inferior to meat in popularity and is always present in the diet of summer residents. It is tasty, healthy and cooks quickly. It is customary to lay pre-marinated fish on the grill or grill.

General pickling rules

How to marinate fish for grilling and should it be done? Someone prefers to enjoy the taste of the fish itself, while someone wants extraneous flavors. The main thing is to choose the right marinade: it will be different for each type of fish.

Fish tenderer than meat, therefore, sauces for cooking it on the grill need others - softer and less saturated.

So that the pieces or carcasses do not fall apart during baking, it is not recommended to marinate them for more than an hour.

The most suitable utensils for keeping fish - made of ceramic or glass. Plastic and metal containers should be avoided.

It is better not to put salt in the marinade, otherwise the flesh of the fish will be dehydrated. You need to salt it after removing it from the grill when serving.

Marinating red fish for barbecue has its own peculiarities. It goes well with lemon, but its flesh loses its rich color from acid and becomes covered with an unsightly coating. Experts advise not to add lemon juice in the marinade, and sprinkle them with already baked fish or, before frying, make cuts in the pulp and insert pieces of citrus into them. You can put in the fill olive oil, garlic, thyme.

To prepare a marinade sauce for fish, berry juices, white wine, lemon juice, vegetable oil, as well as herbs and spices are suitable.

In marinades for white fish, you can add white wine, beer, lemon, tomatoes, thyme, garlic, white pepper.

For fish fatty varieties well suited ginger, mustard, Orange juice, horseradish, tarragon, corn or olive oil, beer.

River fish can be sprinkled with lemon juice 15 minutes before baking.

marinade recipes

with ginger

For 500 grams of fresh fish you will need:

  • ginger (fresh root) - 40 grams;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - a glass;
  • rice vinegar- 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 50 grams;
  • chili pepper - half a pod.

Grate the ginger root, cut the chili into pieces. Combine lemon juice, soy sauce, rice vinegar and sugar and mix, divide into two equal portions. Add half of the chopped ginger and chili to one part, place the pieces of fish, put the remaining ginger and chili on top and pour the second portion of the marinade. Leave for half an hour.

Ginger, chilli and lemon provide fish with a savory taste

Marinade for red fish

This fish is tasty even without marinade, but a properly prepared sauce will add spice to it, make it more tender and fragrant.

The filling contains the following ingredients:

  • olive oil;
  • garlic;
  • sesame;
  • sugar;
  • soy sauce.

Finely chop the garlic with a knife, put in a glass bowl, add sesame seeds, sugar, olive oil, soy sauce and mix. Immerse the fish in the marinade for 30-60 minutes.

Another version of the marinade sauce is very simple. Mix spices, chopped aromatic herbs, pepper and salt to taste and rub carcasses or pieces of red fish with them. Leave for 20 minutes, then put on the grill.

With honey

Experienced chefs have noticed that it is best to pickle fish without acid: this way it will not fall apart, its flesh will be dense and the carcasses will remain intact. To prepare this sauce, you will need the following ingredients:

  • liquid honey;
  • garlic;
  • chilli;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • fresh rosemary.

Put the honey in a bowl (if it is not liquid, heat it in a water bath), add chopped chili pepper (possible in powder) and garlic passed through a press. Salt all this, pour in olive oil and mix until you get homogeneous mass. Throw a branch of rosemary into the finished marinade. Cut the fish into pieces, immerse in the sauce for half an hour.

Grilled fish marinated with honey and rosemary turns out juicy and fragrant


This sauce can be prepared for any fish. For 100 grams of sour cream, you need to take a few drops of lemon juice, a little chopped dill, parsley and cilantro, ground pepper and salt to taste.

For mackerel

Four tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), 100 grams of soy sauce, four cloves of garlic, a mixture of peppers and coriander.

Fragrant spicy filling is well suited for mackerel, for which you need to take:

  • olive oil - two tablespoons;
  • adjika - a tablespoon;
  • water - three tablespoons;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • ground cumin - two teas. spoons;
  • coarse salt - to taste.

Grind garlic, add oil, adjika, cumin, salt, pour in water and mix. Put the fish in a bowl with filling and leave for 15 minutes.

For zander

Finely chop one onion with a knife, add 4 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

For trout and salmon

Grind a bunch of dill and a bunch of cilantro, add three cloves of grated garlic and pour over a glass of martini.

For another filling option, you will need the following ingredients:

  • soy sauce - half a glass;
  • tabasco sauce - ¼ teaspoon;
  • white dry wine- half a glass;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • drinking water - half a glass;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • brown sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper - ¼ teaspoon.

Chop the onion and garlic, add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Put the pieces of fish in a bowl with marinade and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Soy sauce goes well with red fish, it turns out fragrant and salty

For cod

Add dried herbs (thyme, thyme) and a bunch of dill to the olive oil. Cod should not be marinated in "heavy" sauces, otherwise it will simply fall apart.

For coho salmon

Combine two tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon regular mustard, tablespoon grain mustard, pepper, salt and a bunch of herbs.

For sturgeon

Sturgeon shish kebab is a delicacy. per kilogram fish fillet you will need the juice of one lemon, a teaspoon of turmeric and coarse salt. All components are mixed, the fish is placed in the sauce and put in the refrigerator for an hour. Pieces of sturgeon are laid out on a wire rack or strung on skewers.

Grilled sturgeon served with vegetables and greens

For sea bass, pike perch and dorado


  • olive oil - half a glass;
  • white wine (dry) - half a glass;
  • lemon juice - a tablespoon;
  • sage - two spoons;
  • a bunch of parsley (chopped);
  • salt and ground pepper - ¼ teaspoon each.

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Pour the fish carcasses with the mixture and let stand for about an hour before sending to the grill.

The traditional Mediterranean marinade for dorado necessarily includes olive oil, herbs and lemon.

For catfish

You will need olive oil, four tablespoons of vodka, three tablespoons of soy sauce, two cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of any fish seasoning.

For carp

Good for carp or carp spicy marinade in an oriental way. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • olive oil - ½ cup;
  • soy sauce - ½ cup;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • paprika - a teaspoon;
  • ginger root (grated) - a teaspoon;
  • salt to taste.

Finely chop the garlic, add all the other ingredients and mix. Soy sauce itself is salty, so it's important not to add too much salt. Before grilling, marinate the fish for about half an hour.

Well-chosen marinades will make the fish tastier and more tender.

Many people know how to grill meat and poultry, but few have tried fish. In this article, we will tell you how to fry red fish on a grill, whether it be pink salmon, trout, salmon or salmon.

Going on a picnic but want to try something new and delicious?

Instead of the traditional meat kebab, cook red fish on the grill.

For this dish, trout is ideal.

Pink salmon can be cooked whole, and trout, cut into mouth-watering steaks.

The recipes for this delicacy are very easy to prepare, and preparation does not take much time.

How to fry red fish on a charcoal grill?

A little about the benefits of red fish.

The value of this delicacy is in its fat. It contains omega-3 and omega-6 acids.

Why are these acids useful?

  • keep youth;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize blood pressure, cholesterol levels;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Compared to meat, fish skewers are much easier to digest and do not create a feeling of heaviness after eating.

Pink salmon or trout is not only dietary product but also a source of all vitamins and amino acids. No wonder doctors recommend eating this product to pregnant women.

And recent studies confirm that eating red fish reduces the risk of sunburn.

We will cook fish steaks on the grill.

Preparing fish for cooking

The choice of fish variety depends on taste preferences.

Who likes more juicy pulp, chooses trout.

For lovers diet food pink salmon will do.

For those who like fatter meat, the choice is salmon or salmon.

The meat of red fish is very tender, so you need a sharp knife for cutting.

If you decide to cook the whole fish carcass, then make a few small cuts on the sides, so it will bake better.

Don't forget to remove the gills from the head. They contain harmful substances and have an unpleasant aftertaste.


  • It is necessary to rinse fresh fish in running water, wash off the mucus. (In order not to waste time preparing the fish, you can buy already gutted and peeled)
  • Sprinkle with coarse salt to make it easier to peel the skin from scales. Then we gut the carcass, remove the fins, tail, cut off the head.
  • When everything is ready, rinse well inside the carcass.
  • Cleaned fish must be cut into steaks.
  • Pieces should be no thicker than 5 cm in order to better fry.
  • And now immerse the steaks in the marinade for 1 - 2 hours.

Frozen pink salmon is better to thaw immediately in the marinade.

Grilled fish marinade

For the marinade of fish barbecue, various spices, seasonings, sauces (soy, pomegranate, chili) are used.

Our marinade is the simplest - classic.

Suitable for trout and salmon.


  • lemon;
  • bulb onions;
  • salt, black pepper (or white pepper with lemon slices, it is more fragrant).

We cut the onion into half rings, salt, knead with our hands so that it gives juice.

Put the pink salmon steaks in a deep container, alternating layers with onions.

Squeeze the juice of a lemon from two halves into a marinade with fish. Add pepper, salt to taste, leave to soak.

The fish is marinated on average from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Ideally, it is better to pickle it like this: soak everything in the evening, put it in the refrigerator, and cook it the next day.

Pink salmon meat, unlike trout, is much drier, and so that the flesh does not dry out after frying, it is better to leave it in the marinade longer. The longer the pieces marinate, the juicier the fish will be after frying.

How to fry red fish steaks on the grill?

We kindle the coals.

Before frying, prepare the grate correctly: heat well, remove, wipe vegetable oil and heat up again.

The grid is ready.

When the coals turn white, we check the temperature of the heat, raise our hand over the place where we will put the grate, if it is impossible to hold the hand for more than 2 seconds, then the heat is enough.

The heat should not be too strong, otherwise the fish will dry out.

For coals, it is desirable to choose firewood from hardwood trees. From them, the heat is softer, gives an additional flavor to the fish kebab.

When the pieces of fish are saturated with marinade, you can start cooking:

  1. Lay the marinated salmon steaks on a wire rack.
  2. We start frying.
  3. As soon as the juice began to stand out, you can turn it over to the other side.
  4. We try to turn the grate more often, as fish kebab cooks much faster than meat.
  5. Remove the steaks from the grill carefully so that the pieces do not fall apart. This is done with special tongs.

We determine the readiness of pink salmon steaks by pressing the pulp - it should spring a little and separate from the bone.

The meat of the fish is very tender.

Serving fragrant pieces pink salmon with rice, mashed potatoes or grilled vegetables. The dish is decorated with lemon slices, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Various sauces are also suitable. Alternatively, add white wine to the marinade and drizzle over each steak before serving.

So for perfect steak from trout or pink salmon you need:

  • pieces of fish, no more than 5 cm thick for better frying;
  • marinade (onion, spices, lemon);
  • properly prepared grid;
  • firewood from deciduous trees, for good coals and giving extra flavor to the dish.

There is nothing complicated about how to fry red fish on a grill.

You can surprise family and friends with a hearty and healthy treat.

This is a very tasty meal.

We hope now that you know how to grill red fish, you will cook it more often!

Bon appetit!!!