Roast tuna. Tuna steak: pan recipes

Tuna fillet fried in a pan, photo recipe

Fried tuna in a pan is a recipe that will come in handy for a festive dinner on a variety of occasions. Pieces of tender fillet, pink in the center and covered with a delicious crust around the edges, are not only very tasty, but also beautiful. And fresh lettuce, onions, olives, juicy cherry tomatoes, fried croutons and fragrant spices - you can’t imagine the best accompaniment for pan-fried tuna! And for the scarlet fish, there is also a grilled tuna recipe.


  • 700 g tuna fillet;
  • half a loaf;
  • 0.5 st. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3-4 tsp provencal herbs;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 300 g cherry tomatoes;
  • 100 g of Crimean onion;
  • 1 lemon;
  • half - 1 bunch of iceberg lettuce;
  • some other greens (red or green salad, arugula, etc.);
  • 300 g cherry tomatoes;
  • extra virgin olive oil.

Yield: 3 servings.

tuna recipe in a pan

1. We will need a long loaf not only for croutons (by the way, a classic baguette can also be used for them). But we will also prepare breadcrumbs that cannot be compared with store-bought ones. At the loaf, cut off the crust, crumble the crumb and put it on a baking sheet. It is convenient to use a special bread knife - it has large teeth that help to keep the shape of the baked product and make the cut extremely neat. Choose white bread without additives like seeds, dried fruits, and cumin. When cutting, we leave 2 small slices for croutons, in our opinion crackers. But you must admit, "croutons" - it sounds more tempting.

2. Dry the bread crumbs in the oven at 120-140 degrees for 20-30 minutes. If there is no fan, you can open the door a little. In general, the maximum drying temperature for white bread for a dessert snack is 150 degrees, but we will set it lower so that all pieces of bread dry evenly and do not burn. Take out when a light golden hue appears.

3. Let the crackers cool and crumble again. You can use your hands, or you can use a mortar. The crumb does not have to be very small, small pieces will crunch nicely on your teeth. But of course, we try not to leave large pieces.

4. Let's move on to the rest of the components of the batter. Mix flour, salt, pepper and half the spices in a bowl.

5. The liquid part of the batter will be the simplest. We combine the eggs with 1 tsp. ice water and stir well. Ice water is needed so that the batter is softer, more uniform, and better seized. This is what we need. In tandem with crackers and flour, the egg mixture forms a tender crust and keeps the fillet soft.

6. We proceed to the preparation of fish for frying. We take crackers, flour with spices, eggs and pieces of tuna. The fillet must be defrosted. It is better to use large and long pieces of fish. I had 3 fillets of about 250 g each, but you can take larger ones.

7. First, roll the fish fillet in flour on both sides.

8. Now immerse the fish in the egg mixture.

9. And the last stage - thoroughly roll in breadcrumbs. The batter is ready.

10. Roll all fillets in this way. We're trying to make it look nice. Before frying, pieces can be frozen for 5-10 minutes. The temperature contrast is important - cold fish and hot deep fat. The batter will grab better and the crackers will not crumble much when frying.

11. In the meantime, cut the salad onion into half rings. Why the Crimean onion? It has a sweet aftertaste and is absolutely not bitter, and it looks much more interesting than white. We will add raw onions to the dish.

12. Add some spices to the vegetables too. But there is a little secret: if you lightly fry the Provence herbs in a dry frying pan, their aroma will be better revealed. You can fry with salt so that it is soaked.

13. We tear lettuce leaves with our hands. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl with salad (cut the other half for serving), transfer the spices there and mix.

Why do chefs never cut lettuce with a knife? This tradition came about for several reasons. Firstly, from a metal knife, the green juice oxidizes and changes its taste, and the leaves darken ugly. Secondly, when cutting, tissues are damaged more and more juice flows out, and vitamin C, known for its instability, quickly decomposes. Thirdly, asymmetrical pieces look more aesthetically pleasing.

14. Put whole cherry tomatoes and a loaf for croutons on a greased frying pan.

15. Fry the cherry tomatoes and croutons over high heat, add a little salt. The bread should have a crispy crust. The tomatoes will remain whole, but lightly browned.

16. Put the greens on a serving dish.

17. Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan. Pour it in large quantities and make sure that it does not splash, otherwise it can catch fire. In Italy, everything is fried in virgin oil, although there is a common myth that such oil is not suitable for frying. But this product is much healthier than sunflower, and the taste is more subtle. The main thing is that the oil does not smoke. We will fry the pieces quickly, so the oil will not give a burnt smell.

18. We tamp the fillet from the refrigerator again, we try to give it a rectangular shape. Fry the tuna fillet quickly and gently in boiling oil over high heat.

19. Turn over when the bottom crust has set. It is convenient to do this with forceps. Fry the fish on all sides. In this case, the edges should grab, and the center should remain half-baked. Experience is needed here.

20. How to cook fillet pieces with a pink center for those who have not dealt with tuna before? I share a life hack: cut off part of the cutlet with breading so that the pulp can be seen, and fry. This will not affect the appearance of the finished dish, but you will not overexpose the tuna on the fire.

21. Cut the fillet into beautiful pieces and spread on top of lettuce leaves. Beautifully placed cherry tomatoes, olives, croutons, onions and lemon slices nearby. Tuna only wins thanks to this serving. Croutons increase the overall calorie content of the dish, so you can safely call it hearty and serve it for dinner.

Fried tuna is ready. Bon Appetit!

Fry portioned pieces and steaks of tuna 1.5-2 centimeters thick over high heat for 3 minutes on each side until golden brown.
Fry tuna pieces 2-2.5 centimeters thick over medium heat for 5 minutes on each side.

How to fry tuna

Tuna - 3.5 kilograms
Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons
Black ground pepper - a pinch
Salt - a pinch

How to fry tuna
1. Rinse the tuna thoroughly under running water and dry well with a towel.
2. Cut the fish: scrape off the scales, cut off the head, open the belly and remove all the insides, including the films.
3. Rinse the tuna again and dry it well, cut off the fins and tail.
4. Make a fillet - cut the fish along the ridge with a sharp knife and remove the bones. Cut each half of the tuna fillet into 4 more small pieces.
5. Mix salt and pepper and lightly rub the tuna pieces with this mixture on all sides. Cover and let the tuna marinate for 25 minutes.
6. Grease the pan with 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. 7. Put the pan on a high heat, heat the oil and put the pieces of tuna with the skin down - in 1 layer, not very tightly. 8. Fry the tuna fillet skin-side down and then skin-side up for 3 minutes. 9. When a golden crust appears, turn off the fire. 10. Put the fried tuna on a dish and let them "breathe" after frying for 5 minutes before serving.


- calories fried tuna in sauce - 230-250 kcal / 100 grams.

- Price tuna fillet - from 900 rubles / 1 kilogram (on average in Moscow as of June 2016).

Tuna entirely not sold in Russia. This is due, among other things, to the fact that tuna is huge in size - its length can reach 4.5 meters, and its weight can be several hundred kilograms.

Eating tuna is very healthy for health - this fish contains the highest amount of protein among fish, moreover, it contains all (!) amino acids necessary for a person.

- Shelf life fried tuna - 1 day. It is not recommended to re-freeze thawed tuna.

Tuna is considered a very expensive fish, since it lives only in the natural marine environment (it will not work to grow fish in river conditions), another reason lies in its quantity, which decreases with each fish season in seas around the world.

Fresh tuna can give bitter smell, in order for the smell to disappear, you just need to hold the tuna in the air for 2 minutes, the smell will disappear.

Tuna is an excellent dietary fish with tender meat. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals required for the human body. You can cook tuna in various forms, but this is a fairly large product from which delicious steaks are obtained. It is important to know how to fry tuna properly so that you end up with the result you expect.


The classic recipe for fried tuna is quite common. Before cooking, it is important to choose the right main ingredient.

Tip: Remember that fish fillets dry very quickly, so it is better to choose either fresh or vacuum-packed.

Before cooking fish in a pan or on a grill, it should be washed and dried with paper towels. Cut it into steaks and marinate for about half an hour. Chefs let the meat stand in the marinade even for several hours. The sauce can be made based on ginger, sesame oil, lemon and orange juice, and soy sauce.

When frying, it is better to use olive oil, and choose a frying pan that is not very deep. The thickness of the finished fish steak should be about 3 centimeters. Fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides. When the fillet is ready, it will easily delaminate into pieces, and a pleasant pink hue will remain inside.

Allow the fish to cool slightly before serving. The plates on which you will lay out the tuna should be warm. Such fish goes well with all kinds of sauces, especially those based on exotic fruits.


The French tuna recipe is very simple. In restaurants, this dish is served as a salad and is called Nicoise. Cooking time 10-15 minutes.

For cooking you will need:

  • canned tuna or fresh steak;
  • 1 finely chopped cucumber;
  • 120 grams of French sauce;
  • a can of red beans;
  • a few green apples finely chopped;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice and chopped onion;
  • boiled egg;
  • some parsley and ground pepper.

All ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with sauce, the dish can be decorated with parsley and egg slices.


Having decided to cook tuna for a child, you can pay attention to several recipes at once: bake fish fillets in the oven or grill, stew or make a salad.

For baking, the fish will need to be treated with olive oil, add salt and spices to taste. The fish is cooked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 10 minutes. Try not to overdo it, otherwise the meat will become very dry.

Stewed tuna is very difficult to spoil. First, the fish is fried, if desired, you can add onions, then sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to stew for another quarter of an hour.

If the child does not mind eating a salad with tuna, then boil the fish in water with onions, add black pepper, salt and bay leaf there. Everything is cooked for about 10 minutes and served with other products. It can be lettuce leaves, fresh vegetables and much more.


Tuna sausage is a rather tasty dish that should not cause any difficulties for the hostess during the cooking process.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • a can of canned tuna in olive or vegetable oil;
  • one egg;
  • a couple of tablespoons of fresh grated cheese;
  • 2 teaspoons of breadcrumbs;
  • add salt, spices and herbs to taste.

First, a piece of tuna should be passed through a meat grinder, then mixed with an egg, grated cheese, chopped parsley, salt and breadcrumbs.

Sausage is formed from the minced meat, then it is wrapped in gauze. On both sides, it is recommended to tie with a thread, place in a saucepan and pour cold water. The duration of cooking will be 45 minutes, after which the gauze should be removed. The finished dish is cut into slices or rings and served with mayonnaise or any other sauce.

With milk

To cook tuna in milk, you will need:

  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • a can of canned tuna;
  • pasteurized milk 2.5% fat.

First you need to fry the onion in a pan and, when a golden crust appears, add small pieces of tuna. Next, add the bay leaf and a few black peppercorns. The mixture is poured with milk and stewed for about 10 minutes. This dish goes great with brown rice. It is dietary, contains a large amount of protein and is recommended for people who want to lose weight.

Tip: Remember that the secret to tasty tuna is the right marinade and the right roast time. Otherwise, you may end up with too dry meat.


Hello everyone! Vika Leping is with you, and today we will cook together the perfect tuna steak with a side dish of poached tomatoes and olives! And yes, this is again a very quick recipe that can be served for any holiday dinner 😉

I know I've been gone for a long time, but I have a reason for this! I was on vacation with my beloved Serezha and my old friend Diana from Crimea. We flew to Istanbul and spent a whole week there. What were we doing there? As always! We walked and ate! 😀 And then they continued to spend the May holidays already in Kiev. But I'll make up for it, I promise!

I shot a lot of videos in Istanbul, so soon you will be able to see all our adventures on my YouTube channel! Subscribe so you don't miss out on the right sidebar! There will be all the sights, and walks around the city, and, of course, Turkish food! Different! And restaurant, and street, and shop. It will be fun!

And now back to my tuna recipe, which came into my life very spontaneously. When we bought ourselves a couple of ocean tuna steaks for the night. To be honest, I have never bought such tuna before, I ate only in restaurants, but I did not cook at home. It seemed too expensive for me. But I didn't get lost. Found the perfect recipe from Jamie Oliver, added a little bit of my vision, and it turned out perfect!

To complement the tuna steak itself on the grill or in a regular pan, there will be a side dish of stewed tomatoes with olives and basil. This is a real warm Italian salad, incredibly delicious! Still, every time I understand that Mediterranean cuisine is my favorite. Vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood - this is what I can eat every day without a twinge of conscience with great pleasure!

So. If you are still thinking about what to cook with tuna, finish this business! 😀 You already answered your own question. I promise you will be very tasty! The main thing is to implement the recipe step by step, and in 20 minutes you will enjoy an exquisite dinner worthy of an expensive restaurant.

So, the perfect tuna steak, recipe with photos and videos!


  • for the steaks themselves:
  • - oceanic - steaks 2-3 cm thick - 2 pcs
  • - coriander and fennel - 1 tsp each
  • - pinch
  • - pinch
  • - 1/4 piece
  • - olive
  • for the vegetable side dish:
  • - different - 500 gr
  • - favorite - 200 gr
  • - 1/3 bunch
  • - or favorite - 1/2 bunch
  • - 1 tsp or anchovies - 2 pcs
  • - olive

Cooking method

First of all, I will present to your attention my video recipe with my YouTube channel ! Subscribe, there are many interesting recipes and travel videos! And there is a little about health 🙂

Tuna steak: video recipe

Step by step recipe with photo

And now let's get down to the details and beautiful photos. How to cook tuna? First, prepare the tuna fillet. We definitely use ocean tuna, large, burgundy. Steaks will not work from another. We sell small tuna, but its meat is very different in taste and color. Don't take this one. I bought two sliced ​​steaks, but if you have a whole piece, cut it into pieces 2.5-3 cm thick. By the way, if it was frozen, thaw it at room temperature.

We prepare spices: put coriander, fennel, black pepper and salt in a mortar and grind a little, but not completely. If, like me, you don't have a mortar, you can put the spices between two paper towels and tap the top with a flat-bottomed glass. Tuna dishes (fresh or canned) pair well with these aromatic condiments. Lightly roll the fish pieces in spices.

Then brush the tuna steak with olive oil. We pour quite a bit. Tuna fish itself is very dry, it has practically no fat and contains a huge amount of protein, for which athletes love to eat it so much. If you are losing weight, you can oil and not water. However, it tastes much better with it.

Set the tuna steaks aside and proceed to the vegetable side dish. Wash all vegetables and herbs and let dry or dry with paper towels.

We drain the brine from the olives or olives (this is, in general, the same thing) and remove the seeds by pressing on the olives with the plane of the knife. You can use, of course, pitted olives, but I warn you - they are not so tasty! I strongly recommend that you take out the bones yourself. Our Italian salad will sparkle with other colors, tastes and aromas!

We cut the tomatoes. I took different ones: black, yellow, red. And cherry. She cut the latter in half, and the full-sized ones into small arbitrary pieces. With multi-colored tomatoes, the tuna steak will look prettier. Peel the garlic and chop very finely.

We start cooking. How to fry tuna, we'll figure it out a little later. Let's start with the vegetable side dish. Put a frying pan on medium-high heat. Pour olive oil into it, throw olives with garlic and, stirring, fry for 1 minute. Add tomatoes and fish sauce. Everything. Stir, fry for a minute, then salt, if necessary, and pepper, stir, add basil leaves, mix again and turn off the heat. Warm Italian salad is ready.

Let's get to the fish. If you have a grill pan, set it to the highest heat. If normal, medium-strong. Warm up well and put the tuna. The steak will fry very quickly, so cook the tuna for a maximum of 1.5 minutes on one side. Watch how it roasts, it should stay pink inside! We bring to such a state as in the photo. It even took me less than a minute. In a regular frying pan, it can take 1.5 minutes.

Turn the tuna, fried on one side, to the other and cook the same amount of time! We make sure that the middle remains pink. You can, of course, fry it all the way if you like. But they don't do that in any Mediterranean country, and they know a lot, I'm telling you for sure!

We take the tuna steaks out of the pan immediately, pour over them with lemon juice, you can add a little more olive oil and leave for a minute to walk. Now you know how to cook tuna!

In the meantime, let's get serving. Tear the lettuce leaves into large bowls. We make our own tuna salad.

We put in them a side dish of stewed tomatoes and olives and mix a little. It is best to do this with clean hands. Leave the tomato juice in the pan.

Break each tuna steak in half and place on top of the side salad. Drizzle with remaining tomato juice, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and drizzle with olive oil, if desired.

As you can see, it doesn't matter if the tuna dishes are freshly frozen or just fresh, they look the same.

As for me, this is a tuna dish of perfect beauty and colorfulness.

No less important for serving are the plates, as for me. According to my recipes, you can trace the gradation of the photogenicity of my dishes 😀 I used to have blue, and green, and square, all sorts of different ones! But since we move all the time, they change frequently. And upon arrival in Kiev, I opted for dairy. And, it seems to me, not in vain, they look very good both in the frame and on the table. I love minimalism. What kind of dishes do you prefer?

Somehow I already asked you about dishes when I wanted to order something new for myself for serving various buffet dishes on New Year's Eve. I thought I would celebrate at home, but it wasn’t there, I went to visit my parents again 😀 And I completely forgot about this idea. And now I’m thinking again about serving. Sometimes something so ... interesting is missing. For canapes or desserts. I can't choose at all.

What do you think, would such dishes for desserts be suitable for me? Which of these do you recommend? I really liked the white cake platter with the lace rim. Help, advise! Eyes run wide. But it still draws on pure white dishes. She seems to me very beautiful and ... noble or something. If you can say that about the dishes 😀 It makes you want to set the table with a snow-white tablecloth, rub giant glasses and light candles. Cooking, of course, my tuna! Let's get back to him!

Short recipe: tuna steak with vegetable side dish

  1. If the tuna is fresh-frozen, defrost the steaks at room temperature.
  2. The ideal thickness of steaks is 2.5-3 cm (cut or buy ready-made).
  3. Grind the coriander, fennel, black pepper and salt not too finely.
  4. Roll the tuna steaks in spices, pour a drop of olive oil and grease thoroughly, leave aside.
  5. We take out the pits from the olives, cut the tomatoes randomly into medium pieces, cherry tomatoes - in half, garlic - very finely.
  6. Heat the pan over medium-high heat, pour in the olive oil, put the olives and garlic, fry for 1 minute, stirring.
  7. Put the tomatoes in the pan, stir, fry for a minute.
  8. Salt, pepper, put the basil leaves, pour in the fish sauce, stir for 20 seconds and turn off the heat.
  9. Heat a grill pan over high heat or over medium-high heat.
  10. We put tuna steaks in a preheated pan, fry for a maximum of 1.5 minutes on one side and on the other so that the middle remains pink, follow the process (I fried less than a minute, this moment is very important, do not overdry!)
  11. We take out the tuna steak from the pan, pour lemon juice on both sides and leave to lie down for a minute.
  12. We tear lettuce leaves into plates, lay out a vegetable side dish on top, mix with leaves.
  13. We break each tuna steak in half and put it on top, pour all the juice remaining in the pan, pepper and sprinkle with olive oil.
  14. Now you know how to fry tuna!

The recipe for grilled tuna has come to an end. Last time I told you about how to make the most useful! And then - more! In order not to miss the news, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a collection of full-fledged recipes of 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eat fast and tasty - it's real!

I was with you ! Tell your friends about how to cook tuna deliciously, recommend the recipe, if you like it, put likes, leave comments, rate, write and show photos of what you have done and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented, than you can imagine, and of course, enjoy your meal! I love you, be happy!

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Tuna, a fish from the mackerel family, is called sea gold because its nutritional value is very high, and it resembles veal in taste and protein content. Tuna contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for the full functioning of the brain and the prevention of malignant tumors. Tuna dishes are good for the heart, blood vessels, joints, nervous system, vision and immunity. True, in cooking this fish is somewhat capricious, because when fresh, its meat is too dense and layered. Today we will talk about how to properly cook tuna so that both children and adults will like it.

The subtleties of cooking fresh tuna: choose fish

Fresh fillets always have a dark red color that should be uniform, so inspect the fish carefully when buying. You should be alerted by brown spots and uneven coloration, which indicate that the tuna is most likely not fresh. If you buy a whole carcass, it must weigh no more than 2 kg, have a light shade, intact fins and the smell of the ocean. Tuna dries quickly and lasts up to 4 days in the refrigerator, so try to use it right away without delay. If you are cooking tuna for children, then keep in mind that the most delicious, tender and fatty part of the fish is in the abdomen.

Marinating tuna - a way to make it juicier

A fresh carcass must be gutted in the usual way - separate the head and tail, remove the fins, cut the abdomen, free it from the insides, remove the skin, and then make a longitudinal cut on the back and carefully separate the meat from the bones, which are usually few. After cutting the fillet into pieces, you can marinate it in a mixture of soy sauce, olive or sesame oil, honey, lemon or orange juice with any spices you like. Sometimes red wine, vinegar, garlic, dried herbs and grated fresh ginger are used as a marinade, which gives the fish a fresh aroma and piquant taste. Marinate should be from 30 minutes to 2 hours - depending on how much time you have to cook the dish, but be aware that the longer it marinates, the softer and juicier it turns out.

How to fry tuna

If soy sauce is included in the marinade, then the fish can not be salted; in all other cases, rub the fillet pieces with salt and pepper. Fish that has not passed the marinating stage should rest for half an hour, only then it can be fried in hot vegetable or butter for 2-3 minutes on each side - until a beautiful golden crust. Pieces should be no thicker than 3 cm so that the fish is well steamed. To determine doneness, pierce the fish with a fork, and if it flakes slightly on the outside and is light pink on the inside, then the tuna is ready. Before frying, steaks can be breaded in whipped proteins mixed with sesame seeds, coriander and any spices. It is better to apply the protein mass to the fish with a culinary brush and only then roll it in ground spices.

Other ways to cook tuna

There are various recipes for cooking tuna in European and Asian cuisine, and by experience you can choose dishes that will take root in your family. It turns out very tasty tuna baked in the oven or on the grill, and if you have not marinated it beforehand, it is recommended to grease the pieces with vegetable oil, and then rub with salt and spices. Fish is cooked in the oven, heated to 180-220 ° C, 7-10 minutes, in foil - 15 minutes. It is important not to overexpose the fish in a pan or in the oven, so as not to overdry, otherwise it will be hard and tasteless. A win-win option is stewed tuna, which is first lightly fried with onions in a pan in vegetable oil, and then stewed in lemon juice or lime juice for 10-15 minutes. You can cook in a slow cooker, convection oven and microwave, the time is determined individually, although usually 20–30 minutes are enough. For salads, tuna is boiled in salted water with bay leaves, black pepper and onion rings for 10 minutes.

What to serve with tuna

This does not lose its valuable properties during canning, so canned tuna can be safely used for cooking. The industry produces canned tuna in oil and in its own juice, which is considered easier on the stomach, besides, fish preserved in this way retains its beneficial properties better. When choosing canned food, make sure that the jar is not damaged or swollen, and be sure to check the expiration date. The most delicious fish is canned three months ago, but keep in mind that an open jar of canned food cannot be stored for more than a day. You can cook delicious soups, salads, pâtés and sauces with olives, capers, tomatoes and oregano from tuna in its own juice.

Tuna is the perfect fish for home menus because it's easy to cook, fills you up quickly, looks good, and is great for your health. Many recipes are suitable for a weekday dinner with the family, and more complex dishes can be prepared for the festive table. You are sure to enjoy both cooking and tasting tuna, and any of them will certainly become your signature homemade dish. Enjoy tasty, fragrant, healthy fish and please your family!