Delicious whey cupcakes without eggs. Whey pancakes - the best recipes for a simple dish for every taste


Good day, dear readers!

It's sad, but it's already quite cold outside and it's raining all the time. Probably, it won’t hurt anyone to drink a cup of their favorite hot tea in such weather? And I'm with you for the company. And for tea, I propose to cook very tasty and lush pancakes.

Fritters we can say unusual, because we will cook them on whey and without eggs. So what do you think? Minimum products and maximum pleasure.
Serum may be sold in stores, but I personally have not met. And I used my homemade whey, as I often cook. Highly suitable recipe for those hostesses who have limited time. It will take you a maximum of half an hour to prepare such pancakes, because they are baked very quickly.


  • whey - half a liter,
  • flour - 2.5 cups,
  • salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • sugar - 1 full tablespoon,
  • soda - half a teaspoon,
  • rast. oil - 2 tbsp. spoons (for dough)
  • rast. oil - for frying.

How to cook:

1. Add salt and sugar to slightly warm whey. Mix well.

2. Then pour in the flour, but only in portions, after which, with a whisk or blender, beat well. The amount of flour depends on the variety. I personally needed 2 cups of flour and 2 tbsp. spoons. You may need as many as three glasses. After the dough is kneaded, and it should be a little thicker than sour cream in consistency. Approximately as in the photo.

3. Now, ready dough for fritters add soda and rast. oil. Mix in last time, cover the dish with the dough with a plate or lid and let it rest for about 20 minutes.

4. After a while, put the pan on the fire and heat it well. Pour into heated skillet a small amount of rast. oils. Now you can choose to bake large pancakes (like me) or small ones. How do you like. Pour a little dough into the pan and, under a closed lid, fry our pancakes over low heat. I warn you right away, pancakes are baked quickly, so do not leave the kitchen for a long time. Fry the pancakes on each side for one minute.

baked pancakes get so soft, porous and lush. A feast for the eyes! From this amount of dough, I got 9 large pancakes. The photo shows only 6 pieces, this is because the rest did not live to see the photo shoot (the kids took it apart).

5. After baking, the pancakes should be allowed to cool slightly and you can drink tea. Since she baked pancakes in the evening, and at night, as they say: a lot of flour is impossible. Therefore, I smeared them with condensed milk and served pancakes for tea, for breakfast.

Do you, dear readers, like the recipe? pancakes on whey without eggs? If in your opinion this is a very simple recipe for pancakes, I can offer you such a recipe for pancakes with milk. And the recipe is possible.

Or maybe you want to bake pancakes with whey? It is also an option. Only then you need to add less flour to the dough so that the dough turns out a little thinner than for pancakes.

Happy tea drinking!

What a great eggless pancake recipe! Pancakes do not tear during baking, despite the fact that they are very thin. In addition, the cost of whey-based pancakes is quite low.

On the site "I love to cook" in the section "Pancakes and pancakes" there is an excellent collection of recipes for these dishes, for example:

And so new recipe entered my collection of recipes and took one of the places of honor in it.

I buy whey for pancakes in the store, a liter of it costs 12 rubles today. So pancakes without eggs and on whey really save the family budget. And what is most amazing, such pancakes are no different from pancakes with milk in taste.

What you need for thin whey pancakes:

0.5 teaspoon salt

0.5 liters of whey

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

300 g flour (these are two glasses with a slide)

2 table/spoons of sugar

How to bake whey pancakes

No secrets pancake dough not on whey, if only to let the test stand for a while.

In a deep container, mix the warmed whey with salt-sugar. Pour in the oil and add soda with flour. It is better to sift the flour to avoid lumps.

Mix the pancake batter vigorously with a whisk. It may appear to be runny. But this will be corrected if the test is allowed to stand for 30 minutes to an hour. I kept it closed. microwave oven It's warm and there are no drafts.

The whey pancake dough bubbled up so well, and that's when I started baking pancakes.

I warmed up, heated up a pancake pan, lubricated it with oil for the first time, and didn’t do it again. Pancakes will not stick, as the dough already contains vegetable oil.

With the help of a ladle, she poured the dough into the pan, distributed it evenly by tipping the pan to the right and left. And when the pancake was baked on one side, with a deft movement of my hand, I turned it over to the other side and brought it to full readiness.

And so she acted until the pancake dough was over. And I baked pancakes on whey without eggs.

How to cook a simple recipe for pancakes on whey without eggs - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

When preparing homemade fermented milk treats, quite a lot of by-products remain. Most often, whey has to be poured into the sink, for example? from under cottage cheese or curdled milk. However, on its basis, you can bake surprisingly tender sweet and sour pancakes that will appeal to both adults and small gourmets. The recipe for whey pancakes varies, and we will look at different versions.

Yana Kirman June 14, 2016
  • The temperature of the main products. The main secret When you make whey thin pancakes, it's all about the temperature of the base and the way you knead the dough. Serum is better to use room temperature Or even a little warm. General principle: eggs (if provided in the recipe), salt and granulated sugar are added to the warm liquid, all this is whipped together, then flour is gradually introduced.
  • The temperature of the baking dish. Pancakes will bake better, and will burn less if you first heat the pan on the stove very hot.
  • Degree for the test. Unleavened pastries will turn out more airy if you pour a spoon or two of cognac into the dough. Pancakes become not so dense, but noticeably more plastic. The drink will give them a delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Don't worry - when frying, the alcohol will evaporate, and even children can eat your wonderful pancakes.

Whey Recipe

Make whey pancakes according to this recipe - they will be thin, with holes (although not as thin as pure milk), and their taste is slightly sour.

  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • flour - 1 cup (full or incomplete);
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • whey - 0.5 liters;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt and soda - 1 teaspoon each (not topped).
  1. Beat a couple of eggs with sugar, salt and sunflower oil with a blender or whisk.
  2. Pour in the whey, then pour in the soda, stir.
  3. Pour in the flour, previously well sifted.
  4. Oil the pan and heat it, pour the dough in portions, bake on a fire between medium and minimum.
  5. Stack the baked pancakes.

The dough obtained according to this recipe should resemble thick cream and flow - then whey pancakes will be especially good. If it is thicker, you need to add more liquid, and if it is too liquid, add more flour.

Eggless option

amazing delicious pancakes can be obtained from whey from cottage cheese. Try it: it's really easy.

  • serum - 650 milliliters;
  • flour - 350 grams;
  • sunflower seed oil - 50 milliliters;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt, soda - half a teaspoon.
  1. Sift the flour into a deep and wide bowl, add salt and sugar, pour in half the total amount of the base liquid.
  2. Beat the resulting mass with a whisk or a mixer - you should get a thick and homogeneous dough.
  3. Add the remaining whey, beat the mass again to a “smooth” consistency, then add soda and beat again.
  4. Stir in the oil arbitrarily (maybe not very thoroughly) and leave it all to stand for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Pour the dough into a preheated pan (the bottom of which is previously oiled), spread it over the bottom, quickly tilting the pan, and bake on a medium flame. Flip the pancake and bring to golden brown along the edges.

This recipe thin pancakes on whey - one of the most economical. In addition, you will see that the dish turns out tender even if you cook it without eggs.

"Air" pancakes with eggs

We offer a recipe for whey pancakes with eggs, thanks to which you will get fluffy pancakes. The method is somewhat unusual, since egg white and the yolk must be processed separately, but the more elastic, softer and more appetizing pancakes.

  • varietal flour - 1 cup;
  • serum - 250-270 milliliters;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • apple cider vinegar (or any other) - 1 tablespoon.
  1. Separate the egg yolk, grind it with granulated sugar until a slight change in color to the light side.
  2. Heat the whey over low heat until it becomes warm, shake it with a whisk along with the yolk until foamy.
  3. Pour the sifted flour directly into the foam, gradually mixing with each serving. The mass should be like thick cream. If lumps appear, you can beat it with a mixer.
  4. Combine salt and egg white, beat up an airy, snow-white foam (so dense that the protein does not drain from a spoon).
  5. Add the protein foam in parts, constantly stirring the dough gently, achieving uniformity.
  6. Enter sunflower oil, then soda slaked in vinegar, and set aside the resulting sparse dough to stand for 10 minutes.
  7. Bake products from the resulting mass in the usual way.

According to this recipe, pancakes on whey will come out quite thick. They are ideal for making, for example, a pancake cake.

The amount of soda is determined by the acidity of the whey. Soda should be enough - enough so that its taste is slightly felt in the dough. Then pancakes on whey will turn out to be lush. That's why the best option for "signature" cooking - add a little soda to the dough, mix and try.

pancake recipe without baking soda

One of classical ways cooking - no soda. Pancakes come out golden, thin, delicate in taste.

  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • whey - half a liter;
  • flour - 450 grams;
  • sunflower oil, refined - 40 milliliters;
  • hot water - half a glass;
  • butter - 70 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - a teaspoon.
  1. Break the chilled eggs into a not too wide but deep bowl. Pour sugar, salt into them, whisk until a small foam appears.
  2. Warm the whey a little, pour it into the mixture, stir quickly.
  3. Pour half the flour into the mass with constant stirring, add the rest of the warm liquid.
  4. Pour in hot water and bring the dough to a homogeneous state.
  5. Add flour and let the dough rest for about 20 minutes.
  6. Brush with sunflower oil hot pan and bake pancakes (each is ready in about 20 seconds).

To reach optimum temperature and humidity during baking, you can close the pan with a lid and open it only to turn the pancake over with a spatula.

You no longer have to think about what to do with the liquid left after cooking homemade cottage cheese if you know how to cook whey pancakes different ways. simple recipes allow you to get great dishes optimizing costs.

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Pancakes without eggs on whey

The absence of milk and eggs in the composition of pancakes does not affect the taste in any way. On the contrary, pancakes on whey without eggs are obtained with a slight sourness, thin, tender and do not get stale at all, even if they are not lubricated. butter. Why not anti-crisis recipe? Whey costs a penny or remains after making homemade cottage cheese, and a high stack of pancakes will come out to you almost for nothing.
Thin tender whey pancakes are universal: they are good with sweet fillings, for example, with apples and sour cream, and they are perfect for stuffing. The only thing that will need to be adjusted is the amount of sugar in the recipe, taking into account your preferences or the filling for which the pancakes are baked. Pancakes are slightly sweet. The recipe for whey pancakes will tell you how to make a delicious dessert.

- serum - 500 ml;
- flour - 2 cups;
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
- fine salt - 0.5 tsp;
- baking soda - 1 tsp. without a slide (extinguish with vinegar of any strength);
- vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l. in pancake dough + a little for frying.

Whey pancakes, thin recipe with holes without eggs:

To make the dough for pancakes without lumps, you need to add liquid flour, and not vice versa. Therefore, the first thing we will do is sift the flour into a bowl in which it will be convenient to prepare pancake dough. It should be deep, when adding soda, the dough will rise.
Add to flour fine salt and sugar to taste. Let's mix.
Heat the whey, but do not bring to a boil. It will be warm-hot so that the finger feels warm, but does not burn. Pour half of the whey into the flour. We shake the dough with a whisk, collecting flour from the bottom and especially near the walls (it is better to walk with a spoon so that all the flour is moistened). Then add the rest of the whey.
Stir, beat the dough. It will be homogeneous and not as liquid as on regular pancakes in milk, a little thicker. Add vegetable oil. Stir with a whisk until the oil is completely mixed into the dough.
We extinguish a teaspoon of soda with vinegar (we take about 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar 6 or 9%. At first, the soda will bubble and hiss, but after about a minute the reaction will end and the soda will settle to the bottom.
Pour out slaked soda into a bowl of dough.
We immediately begin to beat the dough with a whisk, it will foam, become airy, lush. We set the dough aside for 15 minutes, it needs to “rest” a little.
Pancakes need to be baked cast iron pan or on a special pancake pan with a thin bottom and non-stick coating. Grease a cast-iron pan with oil under each pancake (it’s more convenient to do this with a potato cut in half), and a non-stick pan can be greased only under the first pancake or bake pancakes in a dry pan. Pour a small ladle of dough into the pan. Shaking and twisting the pan, we achieve a uniform distribution, the dough layer should turn out thin. We bake pancakes on medium heat. As soon as holes appear on the surface, turn the pancake over.
On the other side, bake for about a minute, until browned.
We stack the finished pancakes on a plate and cover with a deep bowl - so the pancakes do not cool down, the edges will be soft. To pancakes on whey, you can serve everything the same as to ordinary pancakes on kefir or milk: apple-pumpkin jam. sour cream, jams, condensed milk - in general, everything that you like. Enjoy your meal!
Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

Pancakes without eggs on whey

Cooking process

Recently, I often make homemade cottage cheese, from which whey remains. On whey I cook okroshka, bake bread and other pastries. The only thing I haven't tried is whey pancakes. I found this recipe, and even without eggs. Well what can I say? Pancakes, of course, are different from the ones we are used to with eggs and milk. They have a pleasant sour taste. My son, when he tried the first pancake, said his “fi” and left. Five minutes later he returned, asked for more pancakes :-) Ate 6 pieces and said: “Do more!” :-)

To prepare pancakes without eggs on whey, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Pour the whey into a bowl. Add a small amount of flour, mix well so that there are no lumps. It is convenient to do this with a hand whisk. Then add more flour, stir and add the remaining flour. Mix well.

Add sugar, salt and soda to the dough. Mix well and set aside for 5-10 minutes.

After 5 minutes, add sunflower oil to the dough. We mix.

We fry pancakes on both sides in a well-heated pan. I don't oil the pan, it's non-stick. If you're unsure about your skillet, grease it with oil.

This is how pancakes without eggs on whey turn out. From this amount of products, I got 17 pancakes 18 cm in diameter.

Serve with chocolate sauce, honey, maple syrup, sour cream.

Whey pancakes without eggs

Pancakes with whey. lush, plump, with a special taste, easy to cook, no more difficult than ordinary pancakes. The recipe for pancakes is quite simple and every housewife can bake them when whey appears in the house. I often bake such pancakes when I make cottage cheese from homemade milk. Pancakes on whey without eggs are similar to pancakes on kefir or yogurt, but more elastic and all in holes. These pancakes need to be baked in a cast iron pan, this is a prerequisite. Whey pancakes go well with various spreads, pates. you can make a snack pancake cake. Pancakes are kneaded without eggs and yeast, and you can bake them in two ways. The first way is traditional, the pancakes are quite thin, and the second way of baking is very interesting, plump, perforated round pancakes.

Recipe for pancakes on whey without eggs

  • 1 liter whey
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • flour - 3.5 cups
  • quick soda - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

1. Heat the whey in a saucepan until warm (can be heated in the microwave).

2. Pour salt and sugar into warm whey, stir.

3. Mix the flour with soda and pour it into the whey in parts, stirring well with a veil so that there are no lumps left.

4. Add vegetable oil to the dough, mix until smooth. The dough is thicker than regular pancakes.

5. Ready dough leave for a few hours. Then pancakes turn out tastier and better baked than if you start cooking them right away. (I baked half of the dough right away, and put the other half in the refrigerator and baked the next day, so I have something to compare with).

6. We start baking pancakes. Lubricate the pan for pancakes once with oil, heat it well and fry like ordinary pancakes - pour the dough, level it all over the pan, and bake on both sides.

7. Ready pancakes brush with butter and stack.
Pancakes are plump, but perforated, openwork. It is best to eat warm, like all pancakes, with sour cream and jam.

8. I baked the second part of the dough in a cast iron pan.
The pan needs to be very hot, reduce the fire to medium, grease the pan (I greased with a piece raw potatoes on a fork, dipping in a saucer with vegetable oil).
Scoop the dough and pour into the middle of the pan, cover with a lid.

9. Do not level the dough, it will spread a little in the pan by itself. Bake for 2-3 minutes, then flip the pancake to the second side and fry also under the lid for another 2 minutes.

Grease the pan before each portion of the dough!
Under the lid, pancakes are plump, they are baked, not fried.

It is delicious to eat with sour cream, and with jam, with various pastes, sausage - whatever you like.
Whey pancakes without eggs are ready. Enjoy your meal!

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Whey pancakes without eggs

To enjoy delicate and fragrant pancakes, it is not necessary to wait for Maslenitsa. Today we will cook delicious pancakes on whey, and without the addition of eggs. It's great, right? It turns out very soft, thin, elastic and tasty pancakes that everyone will like without exception.

I think if you cook cottage cheese at home. I don't need to be told what whey is. It always remains a fairly decent amount, but not everyone knows where this very serum can be used in cooking. On its basis, you can bake bread, muffins, cookies, bake pancakes and fritters, make delicious and healthy cocktails.

By the way, if desired, ready-made whey can also be purchased at grocery stores (look in the dairy products section) at an affordable price (no more expensive than milk). And besides this wonderful recipe pancakes on whey without eggs, I have another one - delicious pancakes. but with the addition chicken eggs. Choose according to your taste!

Whey (650 milliliters) Wheat flour (350 grams) Vegetable oil (50 milliliters) Sugar (3 tablespoons) Salt(0.5 teaspoon) Baking soda (0.5 teaspoon)

whole dish - 1982 kcal.
in 100 grams - 209 kcal.

Cooking step by step with photos:

The recipe for these delicious thin pancakes includes the following ingredients: whey (room temperature), wheat flour (I have the highest grade), salt, granulated sugar, refined vegetable oil (in my case sunflower) and a little baking soda.

Choose suitable dishes and sift into it wheat flour. Add salt, granulated sugar and half of the whey.

Beat everything with a mixer or a whisk to make a thick dough. It should be homogeneous and without lumps.

Then add the rest of the whey and beat everything again until smooth.

Pour into the dough baking soda and whisk again until all the ingredients are well mixed.

At the end, pour in the odorless vegetable oil and simply mix it with a spoon into the dough. Let the dough rest at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

The pancake dough turns out to be quite liquid and quickly drains from a spoon. You can bake whey pancakes.

We heat the pan (I have a special heavy pancake maker) and pour a couple of tablespoons of dough. Distribute the dough with quick movements in a circle and bake the pancake on a fire slightly below medium until the underside is golden brown. For the first pancake, you can grease the pan with oil.

Then turn the pancake over and cook the other side.

Similarly, we bake the rest of the whey pancakes until all the dough is over.

Serve pancakes with honey, jam or sour cream. Whatever your heart desires! And don't forget to make tea. Bon appetit, friends!

baby biscuits on serum

Delicious whey pancakes

Yeast dough on serum

Whey pancakes without eggs

To cook delicious pancakes, it is not necessary to have a standard set of products; you can make pancakes with whey without eggs. After all, it happens that everything is there, but the eggs are over, or for some reason they need to be excluded from the diet. Or vegetarians are going to visit you, and banal savings should not be discounted. In all these cases, the recipe for pancakes on whey without eggs comes in handy. It will be delicious, I promise!

I collect whey after making homemade cottage cheese, but it’s not a problem to buy it in the store. It costs less than milk, and as a basis for pancake dough or even for baking bread, buns are great. I often bake whey pancakes thin with holes. but there are eggs in the composition and you need to beat the yolks and whites separately. And in this recipe, everything is simply mixed. Given the limited set of products and the speed of preparation, the result is no worse.

Ingredients for pancakes on whey without eggs

  • 450-500 ml. warm whey;
  • one and a half glasses of white wheat flour;
  • three tablespoons of sugar (to taste);
  • two pinches of fine salt;
  • two or three tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • half a teaspoon of soda + vinegar to extinguish (1 tbsp. l);
  • a piece of butter.

How to cook whey pancakes without eggs

You probably know that in order to avoid long whipping, you need to add liquid to flour, and not vice versa. Then there will be no lumps, you will immediately get a homogeneous mixture. This is how we will make pancake dough. Sift the flour into a deep bowl or saucepan.

Add salt and sugar there. Of course, according to our taste, we love sweetish pancakes, so I put three tablespoons of sugar.

Mix everything and gradually begin to add whey, warmed up warmer than room temperature. Poured a glass - beat with a whisk. Added another half cup - beat again.

So gradually pouring in the liquid, bring the mixture to the density we need. I baked thin pancakes on whey without eggs, made the dough for them not very thick.

Add sunflower oil so as not to lubricate the pan often and make the pancakes more elastic. And slaked soda - it will loosen the dough, there will be many, many bubbles and holes.

See what effect the addition of soda gives! All these bubbles will then manifest themselves, the pancakes will turn out to be perforated, thin, you will not at all distinguish the taste of whether they have eggs or not. Cover the saucepan, leave for 25-30 minutes to develop the flour gluten. The better it develops, the more elastic the pancakes will be and the easier they will turn over and be removed.

I use a coated frying pan, I grease it just before pouring the first portion of the dough. We scoop up a little dough with a ladle, pour it into a preheated pan, fry from the bottom side until the surface becomes matte, and the edges begin to blush. We pry with a spatula, turn over. On the second side, the pancake is baked faster, make sure that it does not burn and does not dry out.

These are such thin pancakes without eggs on whey, perforated, ruddy! Brush with butter if you like. So that they do not cool down, we cover with an inverted dish: a deep bowl or a saucepan, a plate. Pancakes are baked quickly, but if you do big portion, it will take a lot of time. Try to use two pans, only adjust the process so that the pancake is fried in one pan, and at the same time you pour the dough into the second pan. It's easy to get used to, but you need to do everything quickly and not be distracted.

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Recently, I often make homemade cottage cheese, from which whey remains. On whey I cook okroshka, bake bread and other pastries. The only thing I haven't tried is whey pancakes. I found this recipe, and even without eggs. Well what can I say? Pancakes, of course, are different from the ones we are used to with eggs and milk. They have a pleasant sour taste. My son, when he tried the first pancake, expressed his "fi" and left. Five minutes later he returned, asked for more pancakes :-) Ate 6 pieces and said: "Do more!" :-)

To prepare pancakes without eggs on whey, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Pour the whey into a bowl. Add a small amount of flour, mix well so that there are no lumps. It is convenient to do this with a hand whisk. Then add more flour, stir and add the remaining flour. Mix well.

Add sugar, salt and soda to the dough. Mix well and set aside for 5-10 minutes.

After 5 minutes, add sunflower oil to the dough. We mix.

We fry pancakes on both sides in a well-heated pan. I don't oil the pan, it's non-stick. If you're unsure about your skillet, grease it with oil.

This is how pancakes without eggs on whey turn out. From this amount of products, I got 17 pancakes 18 cm in diameter.

Serve with chocolate sauce, honey, maple syrup, sour cream...

Enjoy your meal!

To cook delicious pancakes, it is not necessary to have a standard set of products; you can make pancakes with whey without eggs. After all, it happens that everything is there, but the eggs are over, or for some reason they need to be excluded from the diet. Or vegetarians are going to visit you, and banal savings should not be discounted. In all these cases, the recipe for pancakes on whey without eggs comes in handy. It will be delicious, I promise!

I collect whey after making homemade cottage cheese, but it’s not a problem to buy it in the store. It costs less than milk, and as a basis for pancake dough or even for baking bread, buns are great. I often bake , but there are eggs in the composition and you need to beat the yolks and whites separately. And in this recipe, everything is simply mixed. Given the limited set of products and the speed of preparation, the result is no worse.

Ingredients for pancakes on whey without eggs

  • 450-500 ml. warm whey;
  • one and a half glasses of white wheat flour;
  • three tablespoons of sugar (to taste);
  • two pinches of fine salt;
  • two or three tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • half a teaspoon of soda + vinegar to extinguish (1 tbsp. l);
  • a piece of butter.

How to cook whey pancakes without eggs

You probably know that in order to avoid long whipping, you need to add liquid to flour, and not vice versa. Then there will be no lumps, you will immediately get a homogeneous mixture. This is how we will make pancake dough. Sift the flour into a deep bowl or saucepan.

Add salt and sugar there. Of course, according to our taste, we love sweetish pancakes, so I put three tablespoons of sugar.

Mix everything and gradually begin to add whey, warmed up warmer than room temperature. Poured a glass - beat with a whisk. Added another half cup - beat again.

So gradually pouring in the liquid, bring the mixture to the density we need. I baked thin pancakes on whey without eggs, I made the dough for them not very thick.

Add sunflower oil so as not to lubricate the pan often and make the pancakes more elastic. And slaked soda - it will loosen the dough, there will be many, many bubbles and holes.

See what effect the addition of soda gives! All these bubbles will then manifest themselves, the pancakes will turn out to be perforated, thin, you will not at all distinguish the taste of whether they have eggs or not. Cover the saucepan, leave for 25-30 minutes to develop the flour gluten. The better it develops, the more elastic the pancakes will be and the easier they will turn over and be removed.

I use a coated frying pan, I grease it just before pouring the first portion of the dough. We scoop up a little dough with a ladle, pour it into a preheated pan, fry from the bottom side until the surface becomes matte, and the edges begin to blush. We pry with a spatula, turn over. On the second side, the pancake is baked faster, make sure that it does not burn and does not dry out.

These are such thin pancakes without eggs on whey, perforated, ruddy! Brush with butter if you like. So that they do not cool down, we cover with an inverted dish: a deep bowl or a saucepan, a plate. Pancakes are baked quickly, but if you make a large portion, then it will take a lot of time. Try to use two pans, only adjust the process so that the pancake is fried in one pan, and at the same time you pour the dough into the second pan. It's easy to get used to, but you need to do everything quickly and not be distracted.

When everything is ready, we will take favorite jam, sour cream from the refrigerator, honey or condensed milk. Neither taste nor appearance pancakes on whey without eggs are no different from more exquisite options so be sure to try this recipe!