What to do if the wine does not open. Squeeze out the cork with your finger or improvised means

Wine - delicious, and often healthy drink if you choose proven brands that have already gained credibility in the market. We do not advise to abuse even the most quality drinks: Keep a moderate amount and take care of your health. And in this publication, we will share seven simple life hacks that will help you open wine if you forgot your corkscrew or it broke. Simple but effective methods that have been tested many times.

Nail puller and nails

Take two thick long nails and slowly drive them into the cork - take your time, otherwise you can push the cork deeper. Leave such pieces of nails up to the head to pick up the element with a nail puller. And then carefully pull the product out of the bottle. If the cork is tight, try twisting at the same time - this will help speed up the process. Moreover, this is done easily with a nail puller.

Threaded hook and rope

Such hooks are often used as fasteners, they are common in the field of cargo transportation. If you have such an element, it will be easy to open a bottle. Screw the hook in like you would a regular corkscrew (but this requires more effort), tie a string to the hook, and pull out the whole structure. If you have strong hands and fingers, you can not use the rope - the hook is completely pulled out just by hand. But it is more convenient if the hook is bent completely. If it is only half-curved, you can damage the skin with a sharp movement - then still choose the option with a rope.


Chinese chopsticks, a spoon with a strong handle, a blunt rounded butter knife with the same handle - all this is suitable for opening a bottle. You need to rest against the cork with a blunt tight end (handle) and push down hard. The goal is to move the cork into the bottle, not pull it out. In order not to hurt your hands, upper part device, which you will put pressure on, wrap with a thick towel. Put the bottle on the floor, and act from above, so the pressure will be strong and the bottle will succumb faster.


In the same way as with cutlery, use any object that pushes the cork in. The object should be dense, strong, slightly smaller in area than the cork itself, but comfortable for pressing. Whiteboard marker works great. A tube of women's mascara will do the job well - usually this cosmetics has a suitable shape. Comb handles can also be suitable for such purposes. If you look around, you will find a lot of things that match our description.

Women's shoe heel

An original way for those who find themselves in a hopeless situation, and next to them there is only a pretty girl in high-heeled shoes. If the diameter of the heel is suitable for pushing the cork, use this method. But don't forget about hygiene precautions: shoes collect all the dirt on the street, so wipe or wash the heel first, and then wrap it with something clean that will not contaminate the wine if it gets into the bottle. And one more thing: use this method in last resort. If the bottle is opened by a man with decent strength, he will not calculate his capabilities and will easily break his heel. It is unlikely that such sacrifices are worth a couple of glasses of wine.

Towel and wall

Instead of a towel, use a blanket, blanket, rolled-up sweater - any soft material that will protect the bottle. Wrap the wine in a cloth and then tap the bottom of the cloth against the wall. Do not make sudden movements so that the glass does not break. With patience, after a while you will notice that the cork begins to come out. This happens under the pressure that is formed inside the container during tapping. Make sure that the cork does not suddenly pop out - then the wine runs the risk of spilling and all efforts will be in vain.

Screw, screwdriver, pliers

A method somewhat similar to the first, but requiring a different set of tools. Using a screwdriver, screw the screw into the cork, even a fragile girl can handle it. Then take the pliers, grab the hat and pull out the product. There is no need to tighten anything, since the screw already sits tightly in the material, preventing it from slipping.

When opening wine, always remember about safety: do not do it in light-colored clothes that do not wash well, think about hygiene and safety glass containers. In no case do not use the old method, in which the neck of the bottle is sharply cut off with a thick sharp knife. In this case, small pieces of glass get inside, with which you damage the mucous membranes and the esophagus.

An American and his friends filmed an unsuccessful attempt to open a bottle of wine with gas. Initially, they wanted to follow the instructions on YouTube and used a lighter, but then they decided to speed up the process and began to heat the neck of the bottle over the stove. The wine opened, but not quite the way the company wanted.

A resident of the US state of California Lawrence Guo (pictured in the center) decided to drink a bottle of wine with his friend on Saturday evening, but ran into a problem: there was no corkscrew at hand.

The guys didn't know what to do and started looking for help on YouTube. You probably know this very well yourself, but there are plenty of life hacks on how to open a bottle of wine. For example, you can use an ordinary shoe for this.

But for the guys it was too boring (or they didn’t have shoes on hand), and they decided to follow a different method and tried to open the bottle with a lighter. This is how perfect everything looked in the video instructions: you just had to gradually heat up the neck, and the cork should come out by itself.

But, according to Lawrence, the process took too long, and friends could not stand it, because they wanted to open the wine as soon as possible. Thinking logically, they decided that the secret to success was to increase the fire. So the bottle was over the gas stove.

Friends heated the neck over medium heat, expecting that a little more and they would already be able to pour the wine into glasses. But things didn't go according to plan.

Lawrence and his buddies are fine, but they don't seem to be fully aware that not all YouTube advice is to be trusted. We are afraid to imagine how they took the news that. The friends eventually opened the bottle, but there was no wine left in it at all.

Now the guys know exactly how not to open a bottle, and even back it up with scientific arguments.

Probably, due to the strong heating, the glass molecules expanded too much. Or the liquid began to evaporate too quickly, because condensation was visible at the top of the neck.

Lawrence definitely does not advise his subscribers to repeat such an extreme discovery, which is why he posted the video on his Twitter. The commentators were horrified by what happened, but added on their own that everything could have been much worse if the bottle had not contained wine, but, for example, vodka, which could have started a fire.

However, the fail of friends does not negate the fact that it is still possible to open a bottle with a lighter, but this must be done very carefully and with the help of a lighter, not a stove. True, you will need a gas burner for this, as in the video below. It must be kept away from the bottle and moved from side to side, making sure that the glass is heated, but not overheated.

If the life hack of opening wine with a lighter can still be followed (but very carefully!), That is, on YouTube, and indeed on the Internet, things that simply cannot be repeated. And heating eggs in the microwave is one of them. Now even scientists have proven that neither piercing it with a needle nor wrapping it with tape will save you from an explosion that can.

And even the simple cleaning of a cat litter box can turn into a life-threatening trick if someone is unlucky enough to stumble upon a video of Uncle Rob, who uses it for this.

Bottle good wine- an integral element of the event, whether it's a New Year's feast, a picnic or gatherings with friends. But before proceeding to the tasting of the intoxicating drink, the bottle has to be opened.

Wine sealed with a screw cap is no longer a rarity, but the quality of this product is often not up to par, so few people buy it. Conscientious manufacturers traditionally cork bottles with products made from cork bark. And a corkscrew is designed to open them. This easy-to-use device is not always at hand. In the article I will share the intricacies of opening wine bottle corkscrew and consider improvised means that will help solve the problem in its absence at home.

How to get a cork out of a bottle using improvised means

There are frequent cases when guests are already at the table, tasty and fragrant treats are served, and only a closed bottle of wine prevents the start of the celebration. A corkscrew would have helped in solving the problem, but it got lost, out of order or completely absent. How to be?

It turns out that you can open the container with improvised means:

  • Push inside. Men can use their finger, after covering the cork with a small coin. It is better for women to arm themselves with lipstick or a shoe heel.
  • book and towel . Wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel, tap the bottom of the container on a book attached to the wall. Do not overdo it with the force of impact, so as not to be left without a drink.
  • Water bottle. Fill a plastic bottle with water and tap the middle part against the bottom. An alternative to such a tool would be a regular boot.
  • Screw and pliers. Screw the screw into the cork and open the bottle with pliers. Instead of this tool, two pencils are used, clasping the tip of the screw on both sides.
  • Knife. Insert the knife into the cork and, with the help of rotational movements, uncork the drink. For this purpose, a tool that has notches on the blade is suitable.
  • Nails and hammer. Drive a few nails into the cork so that they form a line. Using the claws on the hammer to open the bottle.
  • Paperclips and pencil. Straighten two staples. Make hooks at the end of each wire. Insert the blanks with the hooks down into the space between the neck and the cork on both sides, turn them towards the center. Twist the ends of the paper clips, pick up with a pencil and pull out the cork.
  • The way of the hussars. A knife, saber or blade will help open the drink. Take the bottle with your hand, wrap the bottom with a towel and beat off the neck with a sharp movement. This method is unsafe and requires skill. I don't recommend it for beginners.

These options have stood the test of time and proven to be effective. But I would advise you to purchase a corkscrew or a multifunctional knife. These devices will make your life easier.

How to open wine with a corkscrew

In ancient times, people kept the drink in wooden barrels or earthenware jars, plugging the neck with a rag or smearing it with resin. At the end of the 18th century, when the wine trade reached its peak, the problem arose of preserving an expensive drink during long-term transportation. The bark of the cork tree came to the rescue, which did an excellent job with the task.

In 1795, an English priest, Samuel Hanshall, patented the first corkscrew. The design of the "steel worm" resembled a pyzhovnik - a device with which a failed projectile was taken out of the muzzle of a firearm. Over time, the tool has been improved and modernized. Today, a variety of corkscrews are sold. We will talk about the intricacies of their use below.

Classic corkscrew

The design of the classic corkscrew, which is popularly called the "steel worm", is very simple - a handle and a screw. Such a corkscrew is reliable and inexpensive.

Instructions for use:

  1. Visually determine the center of the cork, carefully screw the device. Do not overdo it, otherwise the crumbs from the lid will spoil the taste of the drink.
  2. After fixing the bottle, carefully pull out the cork, making loosening and twisting movements.

Corkscrew lever

Thanks to two mechanical levers that rise and fall in a vertical plane, the device was nicknamed the "butterfly". The corkscrew, with minimal effort on the part of the user, easily copes with the task of removing the blockage from the neck. Tight plugs are sometimes a problem.

Instructions for use:

  1. Install the screw in the center of the plug. Make sure the corkscrew arms are down. While holding the structure with your hand, turn the knob clockwise. As the blade deepens, the levers will begin to rise.
  2. When the "butterfly wings" reach the maximum top point, fix the bottle and lower the levers. The cork will easily slip out of the neck.

screw corkscrew

The mechanical device makes it as easy as possible to uncork a bottle of wine. Ideal for girls as it requires little effort.

Instructions for use:

  1. Attach the screw to the center of the cork. Make sure that the body of the corkscrew fits snugly against the neck.
  2. Making rotational movements, screw the spiral until the cork is completely out of the bottle.

Pneumatic corkscrew

This original design, rarely found in Russia, is a bit like a medical syringe. The device is easy to use and easily uncorks wine, but is not suitable for thin-walled bottles.

Instructions for use:

  1. Poke the cork with the needle of a pneumatic corkscrew. After making sure that it has passed through, press the lever and pump air like a bicycle pump.
  2. In just a few seconds, the pressure in the vessel will rise and the cork will easily slip out.

Regardless of the type of corkscrew you use, uncork the bottle carefully, otherwise the spilled drink will stain your clothes, tablecloth or carpet. And washing off wine is problematic.

Video plot

How to store an open bottle of wine

With age, the taste and aroma of the wine improves, but this does not apply to the unopened bottle. Under the influence of external factors, the drink loses its original charm. Professionals recommend drinking wine immediately after opening. If it was not possible to empty the bottle, it is important to ensure the correct storage conditions.

In order for the wine to leave its taste and aroma after opening, it is necessary to protect the drink from factors that adversely affect it: oxygen, light and heat.

  1. Under influence room temperature schnapps deteriorate and lose their charm. To avoid this, immediately after the feast, hide the bottle in the refrigerator. Keep wine on the shelf, not on the door.
  2. The refrigerator will protect the drink from exposure to light. And so that the air does not spoil favorite wine Don't forget to cap the bottle tightly. Sometimes the native cork does not go back into the neck. I advise you to buy a special plug in the store, which will simplify the task.

Now let's talk about the shelf life. Least lives a sparkling wine- the disappearance of bubbles deprives him of the main secret. White and pink - stored longer (subject to right conditions up to three days). Fortified and sweet wines that live for a week are considered record holders for suitability for consumption.

Video tips

If the idea of ​​storing wine after opening the bottle is not to your liking, I offer options for using the leftovers of your favorite drink.

  • Weld fragrant mulled wine that will warm in the cold winter evening. There will also be a reason to invite friends.
  • Use leftover drink for cooking culinary masterpieces. Wine perfectly complements the taste of meat. Make a stew sauce out of it or fragrant marinade. Wine will also fit for the preparation of complex desserts and jelly-like delicacies.
  • Freeze the leftovers of the drink in a special mold to preserve its taste for a long time. In the future, use the cubes to make cocktails.

Now you know the popular and effective ways opening bottles and the subtleties of storing unfinished wine. I hope these tips and tricks will make your leisure time more comfortable. Well, as for the factory corkscrew - do not delay the purchase. Such an inexpensive little thing is indispensable in everyday life and on vacation.

Holiday, guests, all in anticipation of the banquet and good mood. But here's the problem, the corkscrew was lost. And the guests are waiting, the dishes are getting cold ... And everyone starts vying with each other to give advice on how to open wine without a corkscrew.

Mankind has come up with a lot of ways to uncork a cork with improvised means. Some of the proposals are so comical that it is difficult to believe in their effectiveness. But, nevertheless, they cope with a bang. So, a selection of the most interesting and proven methods of how to open wine without a corkscrew.

Squeeze out the cork with your finger or improvised means

The method is very effective. Only in the first case you need to have remarkable strength. In the second, you can use everything that is at hand. Women can even use heels from their favorite shoes (preferably not from a curry). Some advise using a knife instead of a corkscrew. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to close the bottle if the wine is not drunk.

Boot use

Still wondering how to open a bottle without a corkscrew? All you need is a men's boot, in the heel of which you need to put a bottle. Now, going up to the wall, they knock on it with a boot with a bottle. After a few blows, the cork pops out so that it can be pulled out with your fingers. Similarly, you can open the cork by simply wrapping the bottom of the bottle with a towel folded in several layers. The secret is in the so-called water hammer: during the knock, the wine rushes towards the cork with the force applied by you, bumps into the cork and starts to push it out.

Using the method, it is important not to overdo it and not break the bottle itself. True ... experiment with inexpensive wine.

Screw to help

The method is similar to how to open wine with a corkscrew. Using a screwdriver, a medium-sized screw is screwed into the cork, but so that the cap sticks out about 0.5-0.7 cm. But there is one thing: the cork can crumble, and you will be left with nothing.

Kitchen knife

And here is another way to open wine without a corkscrew at home. It turns out that with a knife you can not only cut food, but also open bottles. First, turn the bottle upside down so that the cork is wetted with wine. Now take a knife with a rather narrow blade and plunge it into the cork as deep as possible. Holding the knife at a slight angle, make a circular motion and at the same time gently pull it up. A little patience and the cork is pulled out.

Use the method with great care - there is a high probability of cutting yourself.

Heating method

There are two options here.

The first is to heat only the neck over the flame of a candle, lighter, burner, or just go over the burner. The air in the neck will heat up and expand, thereby pushing the cork out.

In the second option, you can put the bottle in a pan with hot water, fire (for example, in a fire, if you are in nature). As in the first case, the contents, heating up, will squeeze out the cork. By the way, in this way you will kill two, no, even three birds with one stone: have fun, uncork a bottle and prepare a drink that is very healthy for the body - grog (just remember to stock up on spices).

"Fishing" with a lace

All you need is a fairly strong and long cord. A knot is tied at one end. Now, with the help of a thin awl, a hole is made in the cork and the cord is pushed inside the bottle so that the knot is fixed inside. All that is left is to carefully pull the cord and that's it, you can drink wine.

Now you know how to open wine without a corkscrew and you can easily do it using only knowledge, skill and improvised means.

Opening wine without a corkscrew - video

Often, when you want to drink a bottle of good wine, a corkscrew is not at hand. How to act in such a situation? There are many ways to open a bottle using improvised means, you will learn exactly how to do this from our article.

Of course, there are many ways to open a bottle of wine, but if you have a corkscrew, it's better to use it!

We have collected for you great amount variety of options opening bottles of wine you didn't even know existed. Now you do not have to sit near a closed bottle of wine, not knowing how to open it, or long time look for a suitable method for you on the Internet. Everything is collected in one article. We hope you no longer have questions about how to open wine without a corkscrew.

Great evening. Or maybe a beautiful day in nature - Fresh air, barbecue. A sincere company gathered at a beautifully laid table. And, of course, there was a bottle of fine wine. But here's the problem - there is no corkscrew. What to do?

After watching this article, you will learn how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. In any case, you first need to remove the top shell from the neck to get to the cork. A corkscrew is not needed here. Got it? Take action!

So, how to open wine without a corkscrew at home?

Push the cork into the bottle

This can be done in different ways:

  • Finger (strong fingers are needed here, sometimes this can require considerable effort), it is important not to bend the finger. If you pierce the cork with something sharp, the pressure in the container will decrease and the pushing process will be simplified.
  • Some object that is at hand and that will fit in the neck of the bottle - a marker, a pencil, a thin but strong enough branch from a tree (if such a situation arose at a picnic).
  • Girls can apply their life hack. The cork can be pushed through with a stiletto heel, lipstick, and any other appropriately shaped items that they have in their makeup bag.
  • Place the bottle at an angle in the sink and spray hot water on the neck. The glass will warm up a little and expand, the cork will easily go inside the bottle.

Pull the cork out of the bottle using improvised means

  • You can carefully hammer 3-5 thin long cloves into the cork, but not completely, but so that the caps rise above the cork by a few millimeters (the cloves must be hammered in one line), then pull the cork by the cloves with a nail puller. You can try to do this with a fork. Hook the cloves between the teeth, but the fork must be strong enough.

  • Screw a self-tapping screw into the cork (it must be long enough, not less than half the length of the cork, otherwise the top of the cork will crumble), then pull out the screw together with the cork with pliers.
  • Can be opened with ordinary metal paper clips - how? We straighten the paper clip, leaving one edge bent in the form of a hook. Carefully we put this bent edge into the bottle between the glass and the cork and try to pull the cork out with this hook. Did not work out? We push another same paper clip from the opposite side of the cork. Now there are already two hooks under the cork, and on top there are two other ends of the paper clips that need to be twisted together, pry them with a pencil, fork or spoon handle, etc. and pull out the cork. You can also use hairpins or invisible hair.

  • Take a strong rope (for example, a shoelace), tie a knot at the end. Using an awl, pierce the cork and thread this knot through the cork into the bottle. Then pull the cork out of the bottle using this cord.

  • Do it with a knife in the following way: stick the knife into the cork as far as possible (usually shallow at first), try to loosen the cork by moving the knife up and down (into the bottle - out of the bottle) and at the same time unscrew it. Gradually push the knife deeper and open the bottle without much difficulty. If you are on a picnic, then this procedure can be done with a skewer.

  • Extreme sportsmen can use a drill. Drill a hole in the cork to about the middle or a little more - up to 1/3 of the cork and pull it out like a corkscrew. Do not overdo it! The bottle is a very fragile thing.

Pop the cork out of the bottle

  • Hold the bottle upside down (hard! You can hold it between your knees). And hit its bottom with a plastic bottle filled with water. At the same time, keep an eye on the cork - as soon as it comes out of the neck about halfway, it is pulled out by hand.
  • Use water hammer. Rhythmically hit the wall with the bottom of the bottle, the bottom of which needs to be wrapped in a towel or something else. For example, a T-shirt, etc.

  • Attach a folded towel to the wall, a newspaper in many layers, a book that is not very valuable and hit them with a bottle. At the same time, keep an eye on the plug. As soon as she comes out of the bottle so that she can be grabbed by hand, she is pulled out with her hands.
  • How to use shoes - insert the bottle into the shoe with the bottom to the heel. Hit the heel of the boot along with it against the wall rhythmically and clearly until the cork starts to come out of the bottle.

In all cases, it is important to calculate the impact force. Otherwise, instead of a pleasant feast, you can get a bunch broken glass, spilled wine and cuts on his hands. It can no longer be pleasant.

Squeeze out the cork, creating increased pressure inside

  • Place the bottle of wine at an angle in a pot of water so that the cork is above the water. Heat on fire until the cork begins to crawl out. Pull out by hand.
  • Similarly to the above method, we put the container on firewood, light it and wait for the cork to “crawl out”.
  • You can heat the neck just below the cork with a lighter, and preferably two from different sides.
  • With a syringe. We take half a glass of drinking water, pierce the cork with a needle (it is better if it is thick). We collect water in a syringe and pour it into a bottle. And so all the water. (Do not be afraid - it will not mix with wine!) We pull out the creeping cork with our hands, drain the water - a little more than half a glass. Ready!
  • A pump for a volleyball or soccer ball with a needle will also help. We insert it into the cork and very carefully pump air into it. Be very careful!

The most super-extreme way is the hussar one. We do not recommend anyone to use it, since most often everything ends with a broken bottle, spilled wine, cleaning. And sometimes there are cuts on the hands. Its essence is in chopping off the neck of a bottle with a swing of a saber. In her absence - with a knife, an ax, a metal bar ...

And now the wine is safely opened. Nothing broke, nothing spilled, all hands intact without cuts. Have a nice evening or day! As you wish!

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew video compilation


Open a bottle of wine with a screw.

  • Used this method many times.
  • Screw a medium diameter screw into the cork (you can use a screwdriver or any other object suitable for this) and open the wine with pliers, a nail puller or two pencils, grasping the screw on both sides and pulling it towards you.
  • This method is not suitable for wines, the cork for which was made of wood and was pretty worn out - it will simply crumble and the screw will fly out.

You can open wine without a corkscrew with a self-tapping screw and pliers


How to open wine without a corkscrew at home

The problem when alcohol, be it wine or champagne, has to be opened in the absence of a corkscrew, arises in the life of almost every person. Some craftsmen contrive to get the cork on their own, using any means at hand, whether it be a nail, pencil, shoe or paper clip hooks. If you too are in a similar situation, then study the instructions that allow you to do without a corkscrew. In general, the ways to pull a cork out of a bottle are based on the use of the following materials and tools:

By heating the neck of the bottle

  • The heating option has one drawback - the wine will be warm. The bottle just needs to be put in a pot of water, which is then placed on the fire.
  • The cork will heat up and fly out. The main thing is to place the container directly in cold water.
  • If you place it immediately in a hot one, the bottle will explode - it is clear that such a situation will end in injuries.
  • You can only heat the neck, and this will require a gas burner: it needs to heat the neck area, where the inner end of the cork is located, after a few seconds it should pop out.

Push with improvised objects

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew, if there are no pliers with a self-tapping screw, no knife or fork? Look for something else at home, just be careful during the process, because when the cork slips inside, your hand may slip off and you will hit a bottle or other object nearby. In addition, the neck should not taper downwards - in this case, the cork will be firmly stuck in it. Among the improvised items with which it is easy to push the cork inward, the following stand out:

  • lipstick;
  • marker;
  • round sharpening for knives;
  • pencil or pen;
  • stud on women's shoes.

Use a ball pump or syringe

  • If you are still interested in original ways how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew, then try using a syringe or a ball pump for this.
  • The idea here is that under the pressure of air, the cork flies out. You just need to pierce it with a syringe or pump needle and start pumping air inside.
  • Too much effort is not necessary, because the container itself can also burst. The syringe needle needs to be thick, otherwise it will break or become clogged with cork material.


How to uncork wine without special tools?

You may not need a corkscrew to enjoy wine

The first rule is don't panic. Each bottle with a cork can be opened without a corkscrew and anywhere - outdoors, in the workshop, in the garage, on the street and even in the bathroom (if you keep a cosmetic bag there), at a party, on the train. If your bottle has a concave bottom, it will open easier and faster than others.

Some bottles will make your life easier. In order to open them, neither a corkscrew nor improvised means are needed. These are screw cap bottles.

There are effective ways and there are active ones, but reaching the goal slowly, but they still work - we will talk about them today. But one should not resort to such a radical method, how to simply beat off the neck of a bottle - this is fraught with pieces of glass in wine or cuts on the hands.

A paperclip can not only pick a lock, but also open wine

  • For this method, you will need a paper clip or a rigid wire that can be bent. .
  • We unbend the paper clip, make a hook out of it like a fishing hook, put it into the hole between the cork and the neck of the bottle, pick up the cork and pull it towards us.
  • If the cork is insidious, and you notice that one paper clip is clearly not enough, we use two homemade hooks - we place them opposite each other, hook the cork, put the paper clips on top of a pencil or pen and pull them out along with the cork.

We use a skewer

To open the bottle, you only need a sharply sharpened skewer. It is permissible to forget to take a corkscrew, knife or forks to a picnic, but without skewers - nowhere, this is the secret of success. We insert the skewer into the cork almost to the end and remove the cork from the bottle of wine with twisting movements.

A way for athletes and diabetics

  • If there is a pump for volleyball or soccer ball with a needle or syringe (often taken to a picnic or anywhere else by diabetics), we can use them in our mission.
  • The only condition is that the needle must be thick and very strong so that, without breaking, it can pierce the cork to the end and come out so that we can see its end.
  • This method works due to the pressure created inside the bottle that is greater than the initial one, due to which the cork itself flies out. .
  • We pierce the cork with a needle to the end, we pump air into the bottle. If you are afraid of creating too much pressure, then, as in the first method, wrap the bottle with a towel.

How to open a bottle of wine with a syringe - video

Using a water bottle

We take a closed plastic bottle full of water by the neck in the right hand, and a bottle of wine by the neck upside down - in the left. middle plastic bottle hit the bottom of the wine bottle. When the cork is half out of the bottle, take it out with your hands. It is important not to miss the moment.


We spin the bottle

Quite a fun way to open wine without a corkscrew. You need to pick up the bottle vertically and scroll about 20 times, first away from you, then towards you. After such manipulations, the cork will easily give in to you and you will push it inward.

Extreme and unwanted

Pour water into a saucepan, place a bottle in it (put it in an upright position) and turn on the fire. A subsequent increase in temperature a couple of minutes after boiling will allow the cork to be squeezed out. This method is undesirable due to the fact that it can spoil the taste of the wine.


Perhaps someone present may have a penknife. In this case, it is worth checking it - what if the manufacturer supplied it with a corkscrew, which happens quite often?

For help - to the book

How to open a bottle without a corkscrew using a book? This method will make the hit softer. Lean it against the wall (the thicker the volume, the better). Now start banging the bottom of the bottle on the book. A couple of gentle blows are enough and you will notice with relief that the cork is successfully sent to the exit. The method is good for bottles with a concave bottom (and most of them are).


Once it was used with might and main for lack of the right tools- just beat off the neck. But it's dangerous small pieces glasses inevitably fall into the contents.

With the help of a branch

You can easily push the cork inside if you arm yourself with a branch or a peg.

We work with a hammer

First, use a hammer to drive a nail into the cork through and through (for this, take a longer one). Then start pulling it out. Thus, a hole is obtained and air freely escapes outside. Next, push the cork with any object. Air will not interfere and everything will turn out quickly and accurately.


If you really don’t want to mess around and try all the listed methods one by one, use a more elite way - order a corkscrew at home. Now on the Internet you can find many services for delivering goods directly to the apartment. You can order something extra tasty to the table or a couple more bottles of wine in addition.

In order to no longer wonder how to open wine without a corkscrew, you should simply acquire this necessary household item.


Open bottle with hot water

Put a pot of water on the stove and put a bottle of wine into it. When heated, the air in the bottle will gradually push the cork out. This method is best used in winter time because the wine is hot, . Therefore, if you want to drink cold wine, it is better to choose some other way to open the bottle. In addition, if the bottle overheats, there is a risk that it will burst.

Alternatively, you can not heat the entire bottle, but only the neck. to do this, it is enough to use a lighter. from heating, the cork flies out on its own. But, in this case, there is also a risk that the glass may burst.

In a hussar way, or simply beat off the neck of a bottle

If you have a very vague idea of ​​​​how to do this correctly so as not to break the bottle, get hurt or leave half the glass inside, then you need to forget about this method altogether. It is better to look for a corkscrew or use one of the options above.


Another way

Somewhat shocking. Suitable for alcoholics whose hands are shaking and they certainly want to drink. The dude suggests wrapping the bottle in a towel and then smashing it into a bowl. Well, this is the fastest way.

And now I offer an interesting video, which tells about almost all the methods described above. So, we are watching a video on how to open a bottle without a corkscrew.

We use a drill

This is a rather exotic and unsafe way. It is suitable for a person who knows how to handle a drill well. Drilling the cork in the center, we string it on the drill. At the same time, it should easily come out of the neck. If for some reason this does not happen, I recommend that you use any of the other methods described above.

It must be remembered that, if possible, it is best to uncork a bottle of wine with a corkscrew. This is the most efficient, fastest and safest way.


Dzhigits way

The opening method is ideal for champagne bottles. If you have a saber and you are a master in this matter, then feel free to show the guests a performance.

You will need to cool the champagne, remove the foil and wire from the neck. Then take it in your left hand, and with your right hand, sharply wave and cut off the edge with a saber. You should check the point of the saber, otherwise the bottle will fall apart, ruining the wine. To be on the safe side, stay away from all guests.

If the champagne is chilled, then one hundred grams is poured out of the bottle, and if it is warm, then it may even leave the container.

It is not recommended to open other wines in this way, as they do not have gases, as in champagne. When cutting off the glass, small particles are pushed out due to the fountain, without remaining in the bottle. At ordinary wine option may be dangerous to drink the drink.


If nothing helps

you tried everything available methods, and the cork did not want to leave its familiar place? You can try the following, not very successful methods.

Break up the cork. With the help of any sharp object, we pick the cork until it crumbles and falls into the bottle. Of course, it is not very pleasant to drink wine with crumbs, but it is better than not drinking it at all.

Cut off the neck. This is a rather dangerous method, since glass fragments can get inside the bottle, you can get hurt and get other unpleasant consequences. However, some people resort to it in extreme situations. If you still decide to beat off the neck of the bottle, strain the “extracted” wine through a cloth to avoid splinters getting into it.

  • If you plan to take wine with you to a picnic, then you should prefer a drink in a tetra pack. It is easier to open and impossible to break.
  • Get a multitool or at least a keychain with tools. This handy thing will help out not only in the absence of a corkscrew.
  • In the taxi dispatch service, you can order a corkscrew delivery service.


Using a sommelier knife

Who does not know, a sommelier knife is a special knife (on one side) with a corkscrew (on the other). The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Step 1. The foil is cut off first. Pry off the foil on the lid with a knife, then remove. Try to cut a few millimeters below the edge of the neck so that the drink does not come into contact with the wrapper (the fact is that this can lead to a change in taste properties). It is worth noting that sometimes knives are equipped with special discs designed to cut the foil.

Foil cut off

Step 2 Screw the corkscrew part of the knife into the cork. To do this, place the tip of the corkscrew in the middle of the cork, then screw in until there is only one turn outside.

A corkscrew is screwed

Note! It is not worth screwing too deep, otherwise the crumbs from the cork will fall into the drink. Conversely, if the screwing depth is insufficient, then when you try to remove the cork, it may simply break.
Step 3 Lower the levers and begin to gradually pull out the cork. Hold the bottle firmly while doing this. If the cork still does not move, then most likely the corkscrew was not screwed in deep enough. Correct this error and try again.

The cork is pulled

Step 4 The cork should come out with a characteristic pop. In restaurants, it is placed on the table so that the client can determine the quality of the drink by smell.


We use a corkscrew

Now let's find out how to open a bottle of wine with a corkscrew . This is the easiest, and therefore the most common way, which consists of several simple steps.

Step 1. Cut off the foil with a kitchen knife. To do this, pick it up a little below the neck, then pull it up to remove it.

Step 2 Place the corkscrew: its end should be in the middle of the cork, while the levers should be pointing down.

Step 3 Hold the round part of the fixture with one hand, and scroll the handle with the other. The levers at this time will begin to rise up. Scroll so many times that the levers rise up.

Rotate the handle of the corkscrew

Step 4. When you lower them, the cork should leave the bottle. Lower them to the very bottom until the cork is out. If the cork remains inside, then repeat the procedure (screw the corkscrew again as described above). If necessary, you can pull the handle of the device up.

And now we find out how to open wine without a corkscrew at home . To be honest, there are a lot of ways, so we will consider only the most effective and simple ones.

Using a corn rack

Such a holder, as the name suggests, is designed to hold a hot head of corn. This product consists of sharp metal pins and a plastic handle.

The algorithm of actions should look like this:

  • place the pins of the holder into the cork;
  • carefully remove the cork from the neck, gradually turning it.

Note! You can also use a wood drill. To do this, screw the drill into the cork, check whether it sits tightly enough in it, and remove it (the cork) from the neck of the bottle.

Use holder for corn on the cob

Using a bike hook

These hooks are used to hang the bike from the ceiling. The technique is extremely simple: screw the hook, then, using the plastic part like a pen, remove the cork from the neck.

Using a bike hook

Summing up

We hope that now you will not wonder how to open a bottle of wine at home. All the methods listed above have been tested, if not by us, then by other "experts" in this field - ordinary people, in particular, students. In reality, it’s better not to look for adventures on your own head and get a corkscrew or, in extreme cases, a universal Swiss knife. Not as interesting, of course, but less headache.



It is necessary to roll a tight roll of paper, with a diameter smaller than the neck of the bottle being opened. Then, with this twist, the cork is pushed inward.

Pros. If you get used to it, you can make good money by opening bottles of wine on a bet with a piece of paper.

Minuses. The roll must be made very tight and dense, otherwise the sheet will simply collapse.

Hammer and towel

The bottle is wrapped in a towel, put in a basin or saucepan. One good blow with a hammer and you have a coveted drink ... In your hands? In the pelvis? In the towel?

Pros. Cheap and cheerful. The fragments will safely remain in the rag and will not fall into your mouth.

Minuses. The lion's share of the drink will be absorbed into the fabric. Glass can easily cut through it and fall into your glass. And in general, is it really pigs, so open a bottle? You have to have at least a modicum of respect for yourself, so as not to fall into this way.

Nail and handkerchief

They take the most ordinary nail (any sharp and hard object will do), thoroughly open the cork with it. Preferably in small pieces. Then you just need to press a handkerchief to the neck and pour wine through it. All debris will remain inside the bottle. Instead of a scarf, you can take a piece of gauze, a strainer or a piece of bandage.

Pros. Fast, neat and clean.

Minuses. No sporting interest, just pure logic. There may not be a suitable piece of fabric at hand.


You need to knock or call the next apartment and ask for a corkscrew. Of course, for the time being. Then don't forget to return it.

Pros. There is a reason to meet a pretty neighbor or neighbor.

Minuses. They also may not have a corkscrew.

A method that allows you to open wine in 15 seconds

Everything is elementary here. The wine must be in a cardboard box or with a screw cap. Then it will take no more than 15 seconds to open.

Pros. No blisters, open wounds or cuts.

Minuses. good, quality wine Sold in glass only. In containers made of other materials 100% surrogate of unknown production. It is possible to sleep if alcohol is so readily available. There is no intrigue and an interesting lesson, to find out if the method will work or notorious nonsense?


Several additional options

There are other, less well-known, methods for extracting the cork from the neck of a wine bottle.

  1. Using a jet of water - under strong pressure, the material will gradually begin to move down. It is important not to miss the moment when the cork is completely inside the bottle, so as not to fill the vessel with water.
  2. Use of a medical needle and pump. Having pierced the material with a needle, the air should be pumped out of the vessel. When there is no air left in the bottle, under pressure, the cork itself flies out of the neck. In this case, you can not only be completely safe, but also save the cork, prevent dust from getting into the wine.
  3. Use of a gas burner. By directing a jet of fire at the neck, you can warm it up. Under the influence of high temperature, the material can be easily removed.

After opening a wine bottle without a corkscrew, you should properly store the drink. And if, after opening, the wine is not completely drunk, it is important to take into account the shelf life when the drink does not lose its taste and beneficial features. A bottle opened without a corkscrew (as well as with it) cannot be stored for a long time, since oxygen gets inside and the oxidation process begins. Duration is affected by:

  • Air temperature (ideal when using a refrigerator).
  • The amount of sugar in wine.
  • The amount of air that has entered the container.

A small amount of wine in a bottle is stored less than a large amount of it. In a warm room, the period is also reduced. After a couple of hours, the aroma, color and even taste change. It is recommended to store the drink no more than 2 days after its opening.