How to brew non-alcoholic mulled wine at home. Non-alcoholic mulled wine - no degree, but aromatic and hot

This hot, tart drink is traditionally prepared using wine – red or, much less commonly, white. However, it can be brewed from various juices. The main thing is to add necessary spices and comply with technology. And then you will get delicious non-alcoholic mulled wine, and the most interesting recipes his home preparations are collected here.

General principles for preparing non-alcoholic mulled wine

Which juice to choose? Of course, the closest thing to the alcoholic original will be hot drink based on dark grape juice. But you can also take apple, cranberry, cherry, pomegranate juices. These fruits and berries, especially cranberries and pomegranates, contain many useful substances, so mulled wine will not only be very tasty and aromatic, but will also serve to prevent colds and strengthen the immune system. This is the main advantage of such mulled wines - they not only warm you up, but also saturate the body with vitamins from natural juices. And since there is no alcohol in these drinks, they can be offered even to children. True, in this case it is better not to overdo it with spices and herbs.

To prevent mulled wine from acquiring an unpleasant boiled taste, the juice should not be overheated. 70 degrees, no higher - this should be the heating temperature. We do not boil the drink under any circumstances. Otherwise, there will be nothing useful left in it.

The spices used are the same as for traditional mulled wine. The base is cloves and cinnamon, which give the drink its easily recognizable taste. Ginger will add flavor tones, nutmeg, cardamom, allspice. Fruits are also often added - oranges, apples, lemon, pear. You can sweeten it with sugar or honey, which is best added to slightly cooled mulled wine so as not to lose a drop healing properties. You also need to take into account that many juices themselves have a sweet taste. You shouldn’t add too much sugar at once so that the drink doesn’t turn out cloying.

There are also interesting recipes for preparing non-alcoholic mulled wine at home based on strong black tea and a drink made from the petals of the Sudanese rose - hibiscus.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine“Grape” - recipe for cooking at home

This mulled wine tastes very similar to classic drink, brewed from red wine.


A liter of dark grape juice;

a piece of ginger root;

cinnamon stick;

two star anise;

four clove buds;

a pinch of nutmeg.

Cooking method

Place the spices in a saucepan. We also place the lemon, cut together with the peel, there. Fill with juice.

Heat over low heat, notice the first bubbles - remove. Let stand covered for about twenty minutes. Now all that remains is to strain the drink and pour it into mugs.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine “Apple” - recipe for making at home

If the apple juice itself is sweet, you don’t need to add sugar to this mulled wine.


Liter apple juice;

zest of one lemon;

half a glass of water;

zest of one orange;

a handful of raisins;

half an apple;

four peas of allspice;

two cinnamon sticks;

three buds of cloves;

a pinch ground ginger and nutmeg;

Cooking method

Mix the juice with water in a suitable sized saucepan. Place on low heat.

Cut half an apple into several pieces, remove the core. Add to juice. We also send citrus zest and spices there. Heat to the desired temperature. No boiling! Cover the pan with a lid. Let it sit for a quarter of an hour. Before filling the mugs, strain the drink. Let's try. If necessary, add a little sugar to each serving.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine “Orange” - recipe for making at home

You can use freshly squeezed juice or ready-made juice as a base. And if it seems too concentrated or sour, mix it with apple or grape juice.


A liter of orange juice;

two pieces each of cinnamon sticks, clove buds and star anise;

four boxes of cardamom;

a couple of thin slices of fresh ginger.

Cooking method

Pour the orange juice into a saucepan and place on the stove. Let's make a low fire. Heat up slowly. Temperature - 70 degrees, no more needed.

A foam will form on the surface of the juice, remove it. IN hot juice add all the spices. Turn off, cover, leave for fifteen minutes. To prevent the drink from getting cold, you can infuse it not in a saucepan, but in a thermos. All that remains is to strain and pour into mugs.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine “Cherry” - recipe for making at home

Spicy, with delicate aroma cherries. A nice bonus - cherry juice has a beneficial effect on nervous system, and together with orange, which is also used in the recipe, it also improves brain function.


A liter of cherry juice;

glasses of orange juice;

two cinnamon sticks and two cloves;

ginger root.

Cooking method

Cut a couple of small slices from the ginger root. Its taste is very intense and can cover up all others, so we take a little. Place ginger, cinnamon and cloves in a saucepan. Pour cherry juice and add orange juice. Mix.

We put it on the stove. The fire is weak. Heat to the required temperature (70 degrees). Let it sit for five to ten minutes before pouring.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine “Cranberry” - recipe for making at home

A powerful boost of vitamin C and antioxidants - cranberries. Mulled wine made from its juice will surprise unusual taste and will help support immunity. It’s especially good if the juice is homemade, 100% natural.


A liter of cranberry juice;

half a glass of sugar;

three or four mugs of orange;

three cinnamon sticks;

six cloves;

six peas of allspice;

½ teaspoon nutmeg.

Cooking method

Place all the spices, as well as the orange slices, in a saucepan. Let's pour cranberry juice. Place on low flame. Add sugar and stir. Heat to the required temperature. You can strain the drink, pour it and serve.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine with black tea - a recipe for making at home

Strong black tea with added juice and spices - what could be better than frosty tea? winter evening? It can be sweetened if desired natural honey- add a small spoon directly to each cup of drink.


Black tea, strongly brewed - half a liter;

half a glass of apple and cherry juice;

two cloves;

cinnamon stick;

Cooking method

First, brew some good strong tea, let it sit for a while so that it opens its taste qualities. Then we strain so that the tea leaves do not get into our mulled wine. Let it cool a little.

Pour tea into a saucepan. Add juices there, add clove buds and a cinnamon stick.

Turn on low flame and place the saucepan. Warm up slowly. Remove the hot but not boiling drink from the heat and pour it. Cut the lemon into slices and add to each cup. To taste - honey or a little sugar.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine based on hibiscus - a recipe for making it at home

Hibiscus has pleasant sourness in taste and rich ruby ​​color - it makes a good basis for mulled wine. This version of the hot drink is especially quick and easy to prepare; you just need to brew it like regular tea.


A handful of hibiscus petals;

700 ml water;

five buds of cloves;

five thin slices of ginger;

cinnamon stick;

Cooking method

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Choose a beautiful transparent teapot or other container for brewing. Such a drink will look especially beautiful in a glass container, but if there is no such container, take any other one. Place hibiscus petals inside, add cinnamon, thinly sliced ​​ginger root, and cloves. Pour boiling water over it. Wrap the teapot in a towel to keep it warm. Now the drink needs to brew, let’s give it about twenty to thirty minutes, and you can pour it, add the desired amount of honey to taste for sweetness and enjoy the pleasant tart taste.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine “Fruit” - recipe for making at home

This recipe contains a classic set of fruits for mulled wine - apples, citruses. But you can also put peaches, plums, raspberries, currants, and cherries in this drink. The basis will be dark grape juice.


Liter grape juice;


half a lemon;

two dozen grapes;

three buds of cloves;

cinnamon stick;

a pinch of nutmeg.

Cooking method

Wash the fruits. We do not remove the peel. Cut the apple, lemon and orange into slices, remove the seeds and seeds.

Pour the juice into the pan. Place on low heat. Add chopped fruit and spices. Heat to the desired temperature. We see the first bubbles - we remove them immediately.

Leave covered for a quarter of an hour. Before serving, you can strain or pour into cups directly with the fruit.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine “Pomegranate” - a recipe for making it at home

Rich in vitamins, pomegranate mulled wine will not only delight you with its pleasant sweet and sour taste, but will also give you strength and energy. The main thing is to choose a truly high-quality and natural juice grenade.


A liter of pomegranate juice;

glass of water;


five boxes of cardamom;

three cloves;

two cinnamon sticks;

a teaspoon of ginger (fresh, grated);

a pinch of nutmeg (grated);

two tablespoons of honey.

Cooking method

First, let's make an infusion of all the spices. Boil water. Place ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg in a small container. Pour boiling water over it. Let it sit covered for about an hour. We filter.

Now pour the pomegranate juice and the resulting spicy infusion into a saucepan, add the peeled and cut into slices tangerine. Warming up. We don't boil. After removing from heat, add honey. Can be poured into glasses.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine - secrets and tricks

· To bring non-alcoholic mulled wine maximum benefit, cook it using high-quality and natural juices, ideally homemade ones made with your own hands.

· Drink the drink immediately, before it has time to cool down. Of course, you can heat it up again, but then its aroma may lose its brightness and intensity.

· If you don’t really like some of the spices in the recipe, for example, the smell seems too strong, reduce their amount or add them at the very end so that their taste is not too pronounced.

· You can add a couple of spoons of cherry or currant jam to a hot drink brewed with light apple juice, then it will acquire a beautiful “wine” shade and will be similar to the original mulled wine.

Getting ready

Prepare non-alcoholic mulled wine very simple, but there are a couple of important points.

List of products and spices:

  • 100% grape juice (1 liter)
  • Orange or grapefruit (1/2 fruit)
  • Lemon (1 slice)
  • Cardamom (preferably whole or a pinch of ground)
  • Carnation (pinch)
  • Cinnamon (1 stick or small pinch)

You can also use:

  • Granulated sugar (1 tablespoon)
  • Ginger (it’s better if it’s a dried piece of ginger root)
  • Anise (1-2 stars)
  • Raisin (pinch)
  • Dried citrus peel (pinch)

Mulled wine is not just a drink. This is a whole ritual, so it will be necessary some attributes:

  • Warm blanket
  • Wool socks (optional)
  • Disc by Frank Sinatra or Louis Armstrong
  • A dry observation point from which you can watch the bad weather while laughing :)

A few words about spices

The most delicate point in preparing mulled wine, of course, concerns spices. Their choice and ratio determines how the drink will turn out and what strings it will touch in your soul. Raisins and sugar will make it thicker, grapefruit instead of orange will make the taste more complex and multifaceted, cinnamon will make it richer, and ginger will enhance the warming effect. Don't be afraid to experiment!

But there is one spice that I would call the most important in preparing mulled wine. Meet this - cardamom:

Many people associate mulled wine with cinnamon, but in vain. Mulled wine is primarily cardamom. It's great to find whole cardamom, it comes in little boxes with grains inside. I open half the boxes before adding them to the mulled wine, and put half in whole. Ground cardamom is not as good, but will also work. But you need to be careful with ground cinnamon - it can make the drink too “glamorous”. Don't overdo it with cinnamon and use cinnamon sticks instead!

Let's get started!

Letting a fairy tale into your home

That's all - magic drink ready! I won’t tell you how to use Frank’s blanket, socks and disk :)

Title=" Letting a fairy tale into your home...">!}

But I wish my reader to periodically organize small and cozy holidays. They can illuminate our path with small sparkles of joy!

To make such a drink, you don't need any special skills. The main thing is to follow the cooking technology, as well as choose the right spices.

You can prepare non-alcoholic mulled wine not only with dark grape juice, but also with apple juice, cherry juice, and even use hibiscus or tea.

To make my drink, I used homemade grape juice. By the way, it was quite sweet in itself, so I didn’t add sugar or honey. In the ingredients, I indicated that you can add sweeteners to your taste.

A few notes about spices. As you know, spices such as ginger, cinnamon stick, nutmeg, cloves, etc. They are used very often in the preparation of classic mulled wine, and should not be ignored. Naturally, if you, for example, do not like the taste of nutmeg or another spice, then you can completely exclude it, because the range of spices is quite decent and the taste ready drink will not deteriorate or become poor.

I strongly do not recommend using ground spices (often sold already ready-made mixtures for making mulled wine). Spice powder will make the drink cloudy, and you won’t feel much flavor. Mulled wine should not only taste spicy, the color and transparency of the drink are also important.

In the preparation of non-alcoholic mulled wine, you can use fruits and dried fruits: apple or pear slices, a slice of lemon and orange, as well as raisins, dried apricots and prunes.

Let's start cooking.
Pour the juice into a saucepan or saucepan. Heat it, but never let it boil. When you see small bubbles appear on the sides of the pan, turn off the heat.

Add spices, fruits and dried fruits to the hot juice.
Fresh apples and oranges should be cut into slices, and raisins should be washed in advance. If you don't have dried lemon peel, add a thin slice of lemon. Do not use grated fresh lemon zest, it will spoil appearance drink and even add bitterness to the taste. Also, do not take ginger in powder, but rather make 2-3 thin slices from fresh root and add to the drink.

When all the spices and fruits are in the pan, close it tightly with a lid and let the drink brew for 20 to 30 minutes. You can even cover the pan with a blanket or blanket to retain more heat. In the allotted time, all the spices and fruits will give off their aromas to the drink.

Now it’s time to add sugar or honey, remove the spices from the juice: using a slotted spoon or straining through a sieve, catch all the ingredients from the drink.
You can throw away the spices and lemon peel, and the apple, orange and raisin slices. equal quantities pour into glasses (you can then eat them with a spoon).

If the non-alcoholic mulled wine is not as hot as you want, then return the drink to the pan and heat to the desired temperature. Just don't boil it!

Pour non-alcoholic mulled wine into glasses or cups and serve to guests. After all, serving a drink to the table is a separate tradition. It is believed that mulled wine must certainly be served in tall glass glasses with a handle so that its color and transparency are visible. Some people prefer to drink a warm drink from clay mugs, which retain its heat as much as possible. Well, some people don’t mind drinking a hot drink from porcelain cups. In any case, with such a warming soft drink and good company, the choice of glassware will not be so important.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine is the best option for those who want to enjoy this drink, but for some reason cannot drink alcohol. Below are several recipes for this wonderful drink.

A little about mulled wine

Gli ntwein- This is a hot drink based on wine. Traditionally, various fruits are added to it (most often lemons or) and spices. It can be drunk for pleasure or used as a cold remedies, exhaustion, insomnia and depression. And to cook non-alcoholic mulled wine, wine needs to be replaced with juice.

How to make non-alcoholic mulled wine: 5 best recipes

We offer several simple ways preparing non-alcoholic mulled wine.

– First recipe –

The non-alcoholic mulled wine recipe(like some others) implies replacement traditional for the drink wine for grape juice. This will bring the taste of such mulled wine closer to the original. So, for preparation you will need:

  • 1 liter of grape juice;
  • 300 ml of any sour juice (for example, cranberry or plum);
  • 6 clove pods;
  • 3 star anise;
  • 1/3 tsp. ground cardamom;
  • half of ginger root (or 1 tsp ground);
  • 1/3 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 5 slices of lemon;
  • nutmeg on the tip of a knife.

First, it is best to mix all the dry ingredients, that is, seasonings. Then you can start heating the juice by pouring it into a pan (not aluminum). You cannot boil the juice; the fire must be turned off immediately after the first small bubbles appear. Now you can add seasonings and lemon, then mix everything. Non-alcoholic mulled wine should sit for 30- 40 minutes for the seasonings to impart their taste and aroma to the drink.

– Second recipe –

Ingredients for the second non-alcoholic mulled wine recipe:

  • 3 tbsp. apple juice;
  • 1/2 glass of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. orange zest;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon zest;
  • 1/2 green apple;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon (or 1 stick);
  • 1 tbsp. l. raisins;
  • a pinch of ginger (ground);
  • 1/2 tsp. dry clove powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey

The juice should be mixed with water and heated on slow fire. While the drink is heating, you need to add the ingredients one by one: zest, then an apple cut into slices, then raisins with the final seasonings. When the mulled wine warms up (does not boil!), you can remove it from the stove.

– Third recipe –


  • 400 ml strong tea;
  • 150 ml cherry juice;
  • 150 ml apple juice;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 2 buds of cloves.

The tea and juices must be mixed and heated over low heat, after which the remaining ingredients can be added. When small bubbles appear, turn off the heat. Non-alcoholic mulled wine ready for tea!

– Fourth recipe –

You will need:

  • 1 ginger root;
  • 30 g hibiscus;
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon;
  • 5 buds of cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 500 ml water.

First you need to make hibiscus tea by pouring boiling water over the leaves and steeping them for 20-40 minutes. After that in hot tea you need to add the rest of the ingredients and mix everything. The drink is infused for an hour and served.

– Fifth recipe –


  • 1 liter of currant juice;
  • 300 ml orange juice;
  • orange;
  • 1/2 apple;
  • 1/3 tsp. ground ginger;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 1/2 tsp. star anise;
  • 1/2 tsp. dry cloves.

First you need to mix the juices and put them on the fire. Then you should add the apple and orange cut into slices, then the seasonings. Do not bring to a boil!

Prepare non-alcoholic mulled wine and enjoy!

With the onset of cold weather, warming drinks come into fashion. Mulled wine is considered to be the most popular “winter” drink. In German, the name of this drink sounds like “gluwein”, which means “hot wine”. Mulled wine has long been traditional drink in European countries, namely: Germany, Australia, Switzerland, Czech Republic. In some countries, mulled wine is considered one of the symbols of Halloween.

This drink has been known to people since ancient times. Even the ancient Romans loved wine flavored with spices, although they consumed it cold. Later they began to heat the wine, hence the modern version of mulled wine.

Fans of “flaming wine” believe that Bordeaux is most suitable for preparing this fruity nectar, although any type of red wine will do. The wine must be heated, usually to 70-80 degrees Celsius. Particular attention is paid to spicy spices; it is believed that a cinnamon stick will give the drink a unique taste and aroma.

However, recently it has become popular non-alcoholic version of mulled wine. He was especially loved by car enthusiasts. After drinking the non-alcoholic warming nectar, car owners calmly sit behind the wheel.

Today, supporters of a sober lifestyle prepare a warming cocktail based on fruit juices and mulled wine with tea. The most popular are:

Non-alcoholic mulled wine: recipes

There are a great many recipes for non-alcoholic mulled wine. There is room for experimentation in the preparation of this drink, although the recipes for making non-alcoholic mulled wine themselves are quite simple. So, how to make non-alcoholic mulled wine at home?

Cherry mulled wine

It has been scientifically proven that cherry nectar is an excellent antioxidant, improves brain function, may have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, and it has excellent taste.

Non-alcoholic fruit cocktail based on cherry juice quite easy to prepare. It contains the following ingredients:

  1. Cherry nectar (1 liter).
  2. Apple or orange nectar (200 ml).
  3. Clove buds (3–5 pcs.).
  4. Brown sugar (3 tsp).

The first step in preparation is mixing all types of nectar. Add sugar and cloves to the resulting mixture, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, you need to heat the mixture to 70 degrees, do not bring it to a boil. Remove the heated drink from the stove, cover the container and let stand for 5-6 minutes. Before serving, strain the cocktail, then pour into glasses. You can garnish with a slice of lemon.

Orange mulled wine

Oranges are known for their beneficial properties, so a drink made with orange juice will not only be tasty, but also as healthy as possible. The vitamins contained in oranges are: winter time years will help strengthen the immune system . The drink contains the following ingredients:

The first step is to transfer the spices into a separate bowl; they should be on hand. Pour the juice into enamel pan, heat the liquid over low heat to 70 degrees, boiling is not recommended. If foam appears, it must be removed. Pour the heated drink into a thermos and add spicy spices. Let stand for 10–15 minutes, then strain and pour into glasses. You can add a slice of orange to the glass.

Apple mulled wine

Warming cocktail based on apple nectar considered the most fragrant and aromatic. Combining taste and beneficial features, apple cocktail will help you warm up. To prepare this drink you will need:

Mix juice and water in an enamel saucepan. Place on the stove and heat the future “elixir” to 70 degrees over low heat. Add spices, raisins, zest, sugar and medium-sized apple slices. Mix carefully. Remove the heated liquid from the stove, cover the container with thick towels and let stand. After 17-20 minutes, strain the cocktail and pour into glasses.

Grape mulled wine

Grape nectar is known for its refreshing properties. Drink made from grape juice, tones and warms almost immediately after the first sip. It is recommended to prepare a warming “elixir” at home from the following ingredients:

  1. Grape nectar (1000 ml.).
  2. Ground cardamom (on the tip of a teaspoon).
  3. Cloves (3-5 pcs.).
  4. Cinnamon sticks (1–2 pcs.).
  5. Grated ginger (1 pinch).
  6. Ground nutmeg (on the tip of a knife).
  7. Lemon slices.

Pour the juice into an enamel pan and heat the liquid to 70 degrees over low heat. Add spices to the heated juice. Remove from heat, cover the container with a thick towel and let stand. Strain the drink, pour into glasses and garnish with lemon slices.

Pomegranate nectar contains many useful components that will help avoid colds in winter and also strengthen the immune system. For a drink based pomegranate juice, according to the recipe, you need:

First you need to remove the skin from the pomegranate. Pour 1 liter of water over the peel and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Next, add the juice squeezed from pomegranates, sliced ​​orange slices, spices and zest into the container. Mix carefully. Heat to 70 degrees, remove from heat, let stand and strain. Add honey to the strained drink and pour into glasses.

Tea based drink

Tea lovers will find it useful mulled tea recipe. To prepare the recipe you will need:

  1. Strongly brewed black tea (2 tbsp.).
  2. Cherry nectar (150 ml).
  3. Apple nectar (150 ml).
  4. Clove buds (2 pcs.).
  5. Cinnamon sticks (1 piece).

Mix cold, strongly brewed black tea with apple and cherry nectars. Stir and place on low heat. Heat the liquid to 70 degrees, add spices. Remove from heat and let stand for 18-20 minutes. Strain the hot fruit cocktail and pour into glasses.

Useful elixir

Undoubtedly non-alcoholic mulled wine It is considered one of the most healthy and fortified drinks. IN winter period it serves as an indispensable component for health. With its help you can cure a cold, improve brain activity, get a boost of energy and simply warm up on a cold winter evening. The technology for preparing a drink without alcohol is almost always the same, only the composition differs. Making a fruit cocktail is not difficult, you need to follow some rules:

  • Soft drink Do not bring to a boil. And generally speaking, optimal temperature heating is considered to be 80 degrees Celsius.
  • You definitely need to infuse the drink, the taste will only improve.

It should be remembered that you cannot prepare a drink in an aluminum container. Taste qualities are lost, the drink acquires a “metallic” taste.

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