Dishes of Georgian Satsivi cuisine. Satsivi classic eggplant

(Georgian საცივი) is a dish of Georgian cuisine, which is chicken or turkey meat in a nut sauce. The classic old Georgian recipe involves the use of turkey meat for satsivi, but today this dish has many options and can be prepared not only with poultry meat, but also with fish, and even with eggplant. Today we will share with you a recipe for cooking turkey and chicken satsivi.

Satsivi, translated from the language of its homeland, means cold (or cool) and, according to its name, is served chilled at the table. Different regions of Georgia use their own recipes to make satsivi. In some places, it is cooked with egg yolks or cornmeal, which are added to a sauce of crushed nuts, and in some areas, chicken specially fed with selected corn is used for satsivi.

To better understand the essence of any caucasian dish, it is worth considering some features of this kitchen. The real foundation of any meat masterpiece in it is herbs, spices and spices. The latter, just, play a decisive role for the taste of satsivi. The main spices participating in the correct satsivi recipe are:

  • hops-suneli,
  • curry,
  • red and black pepper (ground),
  • Imeretian saffron,
  • Bay leaf,
  • coriander.

Turkey is used less in our kitchen than the usual chicken meat, so in the first recipe we offer a simple chicken satsivi recipe. A whole bird is perfect for making satsivi for holiday table, for which a lot of people will gather. But satsivi from legs is more convenient to cook for a family feast.

Chicken Satsivi


  • whole chicken or 4 legs,
  • 400 gr. purified walnuts ,
  • 1 head of garlic,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 1 egg yolk,
  • herbs (cilantro or parsley),
  • sunflower oil,
  • pomegranate juice (or wine vinegar) ,
  • spices and seasonings traditional for satsivi: Imereti saffron, coriander, suneli hops, ground pepper (red and black), bay leaf.


You can cook satsivi in ​​different ways, but if you want to serve a real Georgian dish to the table, then we offer you

Classic turkey satsivi recipe


  • turkey (weighing 2.5-3 kg),
  • 1 kg walnuts (peeled)
  • coriander,
  • 1 tsp Imeretian saffron,
  • 2 tsp red pepper,
  • 10 gr. dried cloves and ground cinnamon,
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 egg yolks,
  • 2 bulbs
  • 1 st. l. wine vinegar,
  • salt.


  1. Place the prepared and washed turkey carcass in large saucepan With cold water, salt it well and boil it. Do not forget to remove the foam when cooking. Cool and cut the turkey into portions.
  2. Now prepare the satsivi nut mixture: mince the walnuts twice, grind in a blender, or simply pound in a mortar if you have one. Add garlic, ground spices and spices, crushed in a mortar, to chopped nuts. It is important to add all these ingredients in exactly the same order as described.
  3. Chop the onion very finely and fry until light golden brown.
  4. Take a saucepan, mix the onion and our nut mixture in it. Add egg yolks to this. Don't forget to mix it all well.
  5. Dilute the resulting sauce with broth from turkey to the density of sour cream. To cook satsivi correctly, pour in the broth, constantly stirring the sauce to get homogeneous mass without lumps, add salt to taste, if necessary.
  6. Now put the sauce on a small fire and bring to a boil, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon. Heat the sauce until the first bubbles form, but do not boil! Turn off the heat and place the turkey pieces in the saucepan with the sauce. Let the satsivi cool, then add the vinegar to it.

And now some important information:

  • Vinegar must be added to a cold dish, otherwise it will darken.
  • Saffron is added to the sauce to give it color, while all other spices are needed just for taste.
  • Satsivi is served only chilled. Moreover, on the second day this dish will be even tastier!
  • Satsivi should be served with pita bread, dry red wine and the freshest herbs - cilantro and tarragon.

The Georgian dish Satsivi has long won popular love: it has become a hit, a symbol, a feature, it is cooked not only in the best restaurants world, but many housewives also consider it a matter of honor to cook real chicken satsivi for the holiday. For those who have not yet mastered this dish, but want to learn how to cook satsivi, I wrote step by step photo recipe. So let's go to the kitchen, let's cook a delicious treat!


(8 servings)

  • 1 chicken or turkey (2-2.5 kg.)
  • 2 pcs. onion
  • 2-2.5 st. walnuts
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1.5 tsp ucho-suneli
  • 1.5 tsp coriander
  • 2.5 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp red hot pepper
  • saffron
  • 0.5 tsp nutmeg
  • 3 tbsp wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  1. So, for a festive satsivi, we take a chicken or turkey weighing about two kilograms. Rinse with cold water, remove the feather, if left somewhere, cut out the tail.
  2. I put the chicken in the pot. I use a small saucepan to make the broth richer. Pour boiling water over the chicken or carefully put it in boiling water, which is the same thing.
  3. This is an important point, because we are primarily interested in tasty meat. And so that the meat is less boiled, it is placed in boiling water. By the way, if you want to get delicious broth then the meat is poured with cold water.
  4. I put a small onion. Cook the chicken over low heat to make a clear broth. We remove the foam. Cooking time depends on the size and youth of the bird, approximately 40-50 minutes. Shortly before the end, you can throw a couple of leaves of parsley.
  5. We take out the finished chicken, we must filter the broth itself.
  6. It is desirable to remove at least part of the fat from the broth. This will significantly reduce the amount of saturated fat and make the meal healthier. Moreover, satsivi is a cold dish served chilled. And somehow not very good when you feel the frozen fat in the sauce.
  7. Now let's split boiled chicken. You can just chop it into pieces, but I would advise you to first remove the entire skin and discard without regret, and then remove the meat from the bones.
  8. Of course, when the chicken is “on the bones”, then there seems to be more food, but it’s much more convenient to eat satsivi when delicious sauce filled with pure meat. Think for yourself: you don’t need to be distracted by the search for bones, veins, joints, you don’t need to smear yourself in the sauce, and then wonder if it’s worth it to lick your fingers or not. And so you can just savor and enjoy the refined taste of satsivi. Convinced?
  9. Large pieces are cut or disassembled by hand into smaller ones, laid out in a bowl. It can be small portioned clay bowls or a deep dish. From a 2-kilogram chicken, two such rather large dishes are obtained.
  10. Well, now the most interesting thing - let's cook peanut sauce for satsivi, it is also called bage sauce. First of all, we clean a large onion, cut it finely, stew in a small amount of vegetable oil until a beautiful golden color. The onion should remain juicy and not dry, so simmer the onion over low heat. When cooked, remove from heat.
  11. Next, take 300 gr. walnut kernels, this is about 2-2.5 cups. Nuts should be light, juicy, not dried.
  12. Walnuts and peeled garlic cloves are passed through a meat grinder twice, put a fine mesh. You can also grind nuts with a blender (we use a special mill). If necessary, grind twice.
  13. Add spices to chopped nuts. Be sure to put ucho-suneli (fenugreek) - this is the main seasoning, satsivi is not satsivi without it. We put coriander, salt, a little nutmeg, saffron and hot pepper. The dish turns out to be spicy, so I recommend reducing the amount of red pepper for lovers of non-spicy food.
  14. I want to pay special attention to saffron, or rather to its quantity. Saffron is a very strong spice. If you have chopped saffron stigmas (100% saffron), then put just a little, literally on the tip of a knife. For 8 servings of chicken satsivi is 0.2g. saffron. I have a bag with crushed stigmas of saffron in the photo.
  15. If you have a mixture of spices called "Saffron", which contains less than a percent of pure saffron (read the package), then in this case we put 1 tsp. saffron type.
  16. You can’t do without this spice, because saffron goes well with nuts, gives the sauce a special taste and a beautiful golden color.
  17. In addition to the listed spices, you can add 1 tbsp. flour. Thanks to the flour, the liquid part of the sauce will better connect with the solid part, and the sauce will not delaminate. But this is optional. If the nuts are ground into very fine crumbs, then flour is not needed.
  18. Mix everything and pour 2 cups of warm chicken broth.
  19. Stir, pour the resulting porridge into the pan, where the fried onions are located.
  20. Add another glass of broth, we get a rather thin mixture.
  21. While stirring, bring the nut mixture to a boil. The sauce becomes thicker and resembles thick sour cream in consistency. If the sauce is too thick, add some broth. Usually 300 gr. nuts goes about 800 ml. broth.
  22. We try the sauce for salt and spices, adjust to your liking. Remember that our chicken meat is fresh, so the nut sauce should be quite spicy and salty. Add wine vinegar to taste.
  23. And the last step - delicious and fragrant sauce pour chicken meat. When the dish has cooled, we hide satsivi in ​​the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. The sauce should not only thicken, but also properly soak, marinate the meat.
  24. Before serving, chicken satsivi is decorated with greens and drizzled with nut butter (if any). That's it, festive

Satsivi have very long history, therefore, it is a matter of national pride in Georgian cuisine, and the main composition of its components cannot be

interpret freely so as not to offend the proud Caucasian people. But in the technology of preparing traditional satsivi, there are also moments where

If one day you had a chance to try a dish at dinner in one of the Georgian families living in the Caucasus, or appreciate the skill of a real

Georgian chef, please share the secret of cooking. There are not so many “correct” satsivi recipes on the Internet, written in Russian, and familiar housewives from Georgia say that satsivi is like borscht, each family prepares it differently.

We will try to catch the main notes of the bright and so different Georgian cuisine in order to determine the border between unshakable traditions and

opportunities for improvisation.

Satsivi from Georgian chicken - basic technological principles

Satsivi is a sauce and, at the same time, the name of a dish that is often prepared from poultry: chicken or turkey. There are also satsivi options from

fish. This is a cold dish, without which not a single holiday is complete in Georgia, especially - New Year and Christmas, like New Year in Russian

does not do without refrigeration. Satsivi, of course, is not jellied meat, but rich meat or fish broth, as you know, tends to turn

into a gelatinous mass.

You can, of course, eat chicken with walnut sauce and hot, but then it's just plain chicken with walnut sauce. Meat with sauce

aged so that it absorbs the aroma that distinguishes satsivi from boiled chicken with gravy. The transformation process lasts 7-8 hours.

Walnuts, garlic, cilantro (ground coriander), Imeretian saffron, ucho suneli (fenugreek) are essential components of satsivi. By the way,

they are very often used in all dishes of Georgian cuisine. A few words about these ingredients:

Walnut - only this nut is used for satsivi, and no other. Walnut butter can be added, but it will not fully replace

ground kernels, giving a pasty consistency. There should be a lot of nuts, not less than 1/3 of the part in relation to the mass of meat.

With garlic, everything is clear: peel and chop. The amount depends on taste preferences. Note: characteristic odor and

the aftertaste of garlic is lost when combined with fresh cilantro.

If you use fresh cilantro, then you need to squeeze the juice out of it: the sauce should have a characteristic nutty color. Of course, there's nothing wrong

will happen if the sauce will be noticeable small pieces greens, but this point relates to the issue of culinary aesthetics.

Utskho suneli: do not confuse with suneli hop seasoning, consisting of a set of spices! Utskho suneli has many other names, which are only

indicate its wide distribution and a special role in the culinary of all peoples of the world: shamballa, chaman, curry (mixed with turmeric),

fengurek. If you look for seasoning in the spice department, remember these names. We have this herb called fenugreek, and all of it many times

seen: blue or lilac flowers, which are also called clover. Dried and ground seeds are used as spices.

It is also allowed to use suneli hops for cooking satsivi, but keep in mind that you will get a completely different taste.

Marigolds - Imeretian saffron. If someone is surprised - do not be surprised! These are exactly those bright yellow or orange flowers, but for food

only ground petals are used base varieties: The brighter the better. By the way, if marigolds are planted between the rows of tomatoes,

potatoes, strawberries, then you can, in addition, not only get beauty and a very pleasant seasoning, but also save your crop from

pests. Another important point: if you have never been familiar with this spice, then self-grown flowers will save you from deception

spice sellers who can sell turmeric instead of marigold powder (also useful spice but different and cheaper!).

If you pay attention to chemical composition marigolds, fenugreek and other traditional spices used in Georgian cuisine, you will learn

the main secret of Caucasian health and longevity. In the culinary of this people, everything is thought out to the smallest detail: each, nondescript-looking, herb

has deep meaning. That is why the aromas of Caucasian cuisine are so mesmerizing.

Let's get back to the sauce. The rest of the set of ingredients is like all sauces. Just never add adjika to satsivi, potato starch and

tomatoes. This is a different dish. Now about meat for satsivi, and let's move on to recipes that differ from each other only in the set for the sauce.

It is not true that satsivi is properly prepared only from turkey. If in the dispute about what came before, the egg or the chicken, there is still some

intrigue, then satsivi appeared in Georgia much earlier than turkeys. Pheasant dishes are often prepared, but this bird is already a luxury, but chicken

ideal for price, availability, ease of processing and neutral taste of meat. But the chicken should be good, homemade, with yellow

fat, if already middle-aged - even better.

The detailed technology for preparing Georgian chicken satsivi is in the first recipe, because the main principles of cooking are almost

change, except different ways pre-training birds, and you can even improvise with sauce recipes, because

the basic meaning is already clear.

1. Satsivi from Georgian chicken - the first way

Medium chicken, domestic - 1 carcass (2.0 -2.2 kg)

Onion, black pepper, bay leaf, parsley root, salt

Onion 350 - 400 g (bulb)

Nuts 750-800 g (net)

Imeretian saffron (marigolds)

Dip the prepared chicken carcass into boiling water. Cook as usual until the flesh begins to separate from the bone. Don't forget to shoot

foam. At the end of cooking, add spices, roots and salt. Transfer the chicken to a platter. Optionally, you can separate the meat from the bone when the chicken

cool down. Strain the broth.

Pass the cilantro, nuts and garlic twice through the fine mesh of the meat grinder.

Separately, chop the onion into a puree. You can do this with a blender. Pour oil into a heated frying pan, put onion puree and

sauté to remove bitterness, until transparent. If it starts to burn, add some broth. stewed onion shift

in the saucepan in which the sauce will be prepared, add nut butter, broth. It is important to guess the consistency of the sauce: add this

the amount of broth so that after solidification the sauce looks like thick sour cream. Mix thoroughly, removing lumps, add spices:

ground coriander, a little red pepper, salt.

Put the pan on low heat: the sauce should languish with occasional stirring. Make sure that the thick nut mass does not burn,

sinking to the bottom of the pot.

When the sauce boils, add wine vinegar in such an amount that its acid is clearly visible. Put the pieces in the saucepan

chicken and reheat slightly. Remove the saucepan from the stove. Arrange satsivi in ​​tureens, preferably covered with lids.

2. Satsivi from Georgian chicken - the second way

The whole cooking technology is absolutely similar to the first method, with the exception of meat preparation. boiled chicken cut into portions

pieces, fry in a pan or in the oven. Arrange the fried meat in tureens and pour over the nut sauce.

When roasting, the liquid is removed from the meat, and after soaking in the sauce, the taste of satsivi becomes more saturated.

3. Georgian chicken satsivi with egg yolks

It is not known how and when the recipe for hollandaise sauce, which is thickened with egg yolk, came to Georgia, but in some Georgian

families use this technique to prepare satsivi.

Wings, legs - by the number of servings

Vegetable oil (or margarine) - for frying

Garlic, ground black pepper

Sauce ingredients - according to recipe No. 1, as well as 3 yolks

If there is ready meat broth- use it for satsivi; if not, cook as usual. Try to use chicken backs, necks,

and rub the legs, wings and breast with a mixture of ground garlic and pepper, fry until golden brown.

Prepare the nut paste as described in the first recipe, add the yolks to it, rub it well and add the warm broth. Stir up

homogeneous consistency and slowly heat on the stove until thickened. Put the meat fried until cooked in the prepared portion

dishes, pour sauce, cover. Serve after cooling and steeping, with gomi (cornmeal porridge).

4. Georgian chicken satsivi with pomegranate

Let's face it: in our area, wine vinegar, in home kitchen, housewives do not often use; it is not cheap. If Satsivi is planned, and

The right ingredient was left on the shelf in the store, what should I do? Don't worry, everything is fixable: lemons, pomegranates or sour fruits will do.

taste. Just do not forget about the nutty color and taste of the dish, and the fact that tomatoes in satsivi are bad manners.

Chicken thighs, wings 2 kg

Butter for passivation

Ingredients for the sauce - according to recipe No. 1

Pomegranate juice (fresh) - instead of wine vinegar

In flour (70-100 g), add ground nutmeg and cloves, white pepper. Roll the boiled meat in the flour mixture. Heat up the pan, put in

her butter, finely chopped onion, and fry the wings and thighs. Transfer meat to serving bowls. Saute in the same pan

finely chopped onion until transparent, and add it to the nut mass, mix well. Add broth and simmer sauce until tender.

Pour hot satsivi into bowls of meat. Cover the cooled dish with a film or lids, put in a cold place for infusion.

5. Georgian chicken satsivi with dried cilantro and chicken fat

Dried cilantro, red pepper, coriander, ground nuts, garlic, salt, corn and wheat flour;

Combine ground nuts, garlic and dry spices, add flour. Stir dry mixture.

grind onion. Melt the chopped fat in a pan, sauté the onion until soft. Combine with prepared nut mixture,

stir, add broth.

When using flour to make Satsivi broth, you need to add more so that the sauce does not turn out too thick after setting.

Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat. 3-4 minutes after the sauce boils, add vinegar, pour over the meat laid out in tureens.

6. Georgian chicken satsivi - Adjarian cuisine

Chicken 1.8 - 2 kg

Chicken broth 700 ml

Oil (sunflower or corn) 120 ml

Celery, parsley, cilantro (leaves)

Boil the broth by placing the carcass in cold water. Separate the flesh of the cooked bird from the bones. Strain the broth, removing the spicy additives.

Fry the nuts in a heated frying pan, add garlic, oil, suneli hops and Imeretian saffron. Punch the mass with a blender, adding

spices. Fry the finely chopped onion, combine with the nut mass, chop again with a blender, adjusting the density of the sauce with the broth.

Pour the mass into a saucepan with meat and simmer for 40-50 minutes. The meat will soak in the sauce and become very soft and tender. Add juice at the end

and lemon zest.

To prepare satsivi, you need to grate the onion on a fine grater. Use white onion - it is less "evil", or onion beforehand

hold in water to remove bitterness and not cry when rubbed.

Satsiwi requires at least 1/3 of the nuts relative to the weight of the chicken.

When using fresh cilantro for satsivi, make sure the sauce is not purchased green color. Just in case, just squeeze the juice from the spicy greens.

Note that the juice is found in greater amounts in cilantro stalks; The leaves can be used to decorate dishes.

famous dish Georgian cuisine, which has no analogues among national dishes other regions of the Caucasus. Its base is a unique nut sauce, which gives Satsivi an unforgettable taste and aroma. In Georgia, it is mainly prepared for big holidays, and, of course, for the New Year.

Origin of the dish

The name "satsivi" is translated from Georgian as "cold dish". It is generally accepted that this recipe originated in Western Georgia, although some draw parallels even with Indian chicken"curry". Given the number of fundamental differences in the recipe, you should not seriously adhere to this version. It is noteworthy that in the cuisine of the neighboring Caucasian peoples there is nothing similar and other nut sauces are not even common, except for the one of the same name, which gave the name to the whole dish.

Geography of Satsivi

The absence of analogues among neighboring peoples did not exclude the fact that this dish was distributed among them according to the classical recipe. During the Soviet era, Georgian cuisine was one of the most popular throughout its territory (one of the reasons for this phenomenon, as some believe, was the nationality of Stalin). At this time they leave cookbooks describing traditional Georgian recipes, various studies are being carried out (for example, in the works of the famous culinary historian Pokhlebkin), thanks to which satsivi goes far beyond the native region. Everywhere, wherever Georgians move, one can meet satsivi or its analogues - for example, the so-called bazhi.

Understanding what real satsivi is is not easy. First, it is believed that this dish is made from poultry, although there are recipes that use other meats or even vegetables as a base. Pokhlebkin, for example, argued that real satsivi is made exclusively from turkey, and for big holidays Georgians generally cook it from pheasant.

Another curiosity can be encountered when choosing a recipe. The fact is that "satsivi" is often called the sauce, and the cold dish of satsivi, and the cold dish of bazhi. The difference between Satsivi and Bazhi is fundamental, although the recipe is similar in many ways. For example, in baji, hot meat is poured with hot satsivi sauce and long time cools, but directly in satsivi - the meat is always boiled in sauce for some time. Surprisingly, even in Sulakvelidze's classic book " Georgian dishes This line has not been drawn. Another difference between Satsivi and Bazhi is the presence of browned onions in the recipe, which gives the dish juiciness and flavor.

Today, there are about a dozen and a half variations in the preparation of satsivi, although the principle and ingredients remain practically unchanged. We invite you to consider the classic recipe for the correct Georgian satsivi with various subtleties in execution.

Classic step by step Satsivi recipe

To prepare the dish we need:

  • cleaned turkey carcass weighing about 2 kg (note that the turkey is more fatty, the turkey is fleshy. When preparing a dish for a large number of guests, it will be ideal to combine them); economy option - fatty young chicken;
  • water for the broth - enough to cover the carcass in a small saucepan;
  • 300-400 grams of onions;
  • walnut kernels, 700-800 grams; pay attention to the fact that for the preparation of satsivi it ​​is necessary to buy nuts of the highest quality; all kernels must be thoroughly cleaned and, when rubbed, release oil;
  • cornmeal, you can also use it with a lack of walnuts to thicken the sauce;
  • 6-8 garlic cloves;
  • a bunch of fresh cilantro, about 30 grams;
  • seasonings: Imeretian saffron(in the absence of such, replace with the usual one), cinnamon, coriander, suneli hops, a few sprigs of cloves; are added to taste in self-ground powder form;
  • wine vinegar (sometimes replaced with lemon or pomegranate juice) for sourness, to taste, approximately - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter and salt for rubbing poultry.

So, the process itself:

  1. cook the turkey carcass in a saucepan until boiling, after boiling water, cook it for another 15 minutes;
  2. the turkey is taken out of the pan, rubbed butter and salt, placed belly down on a baking sheet and fried in the oven until golden brown;
  3. at this time, the sauce is prepared: walnuts are ground through a metal sieve (in a mortar, or in a new way, which is not very desirable - through a blender), with the addition of cilantro, garlic; oil is squeezed out of this substance by hand into a separate bowl;
  4. ground seasonings, salt and cornmeal, diluted with 6-8 glasses of fatty broth left over from boiling the turkey and cook it all in a separate clean saucepan for another 10 minutes;
  5. wine vinegar is added to the nut sauce and boiled for another 5 minutes;
  6. onions are chopped, chopped and sautéed over medium heat in nut oil, which was squeezed out during the preparation of the sauce; combine the onion with the sauce, after which they cook for another 5 minutes;
  7. fried poultry from the oven is cut into pieces and placed in a boiling sauce, where it is brought to a boil again; after that, the dish is removed from the fire and cooled in the plate in which it will be served on the table.

It is worth noting that satsivi is served completely cold and cools for at least 4, and preferably 7-8 hours. The dish must be served with pita bread. Enjoy your meal!

Satsivi - delicious a traditional dish Georgian cuisine. First of all, it's the sauce. hallmark which is a combination a large number walnuts and Georgian spices. Satsivi with chicken is the most common version of the famous Georgian sauce. In this second dish, the chicken is saturated with the spicy smell of spices and the oily taste of nuts, due to which the chicken satsivi turns out to be very tasty and unusually fragrant. Georgian sauce is served with white bread, which will need a lot.


  • 1, preferably old.
  • 0.5 kg of walnuts;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 3 tbsp flour;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a little vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices for satsivi (1 tbsp without a slide of utskho-suneli or hops-suneli, a small pinch of ground cloves and cinnamon; 0.5 tsp ground nutmeg, 0.5 tsp red ground pepper);
  • pinch citric acid;
  • salt to taste.

chicken satsivi recipe

1. We cut the chicken, cut into portioned pieces and fry in a pan with no large quantity vegetable oil (1 tsp) until an appetizing crust is formed.

2. We put the fried chicken in a saucepan in which we will cook satsivi.

3. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Put in the pan where the chicken was fried and fry until golden brown. It turns out that the onion will be fried in the juice from the chicken, and the pan does not need to be washed again.

4. Put the fried onion in a pan on top of the chicken.

5. Fill with water and set to cook for 3 hours on low heat. Add water, if necessary, as it boils away.

6. Ready chicken meat should be well behind the bone.

7. In the meantime, while the chicken is being cooked, let's prepare the Georgian satsivi sauce itself. We clean the walnuts and pass through a meat grinder, three on the smallest grater or grind in a coffee grinder. Put in a bowl.

8. We also add all the spices here, add salt. Pour 3 tbsp. flour and pour in two glasses cold water. Please note that warm and hot water pouring nuts is not worth it, so that they do not become bitter and spoil all the delicious satsivi. Leave the sauce in this form while the chicken is cooked, but at least for an hour.

9. Once the chicken is ready, pour the peanut sauce into the pan. Stir so that the nuts do not burn and bring to a boil. Immediately remove the satsivi with chicken from the fire. Squeeze the garlic and add a pinch of citric acid, mix. Cover with a lid and let steep for 15 minutes.

Georgian Chicken Satsivi is ready! Ready satsivi should be served with plenty of white bread. Enjoy your meal!