How many minutes to cook eggs. How to choose chicken eggs

Favorite egg dishes are tasty, nutritious, and easy to prepare. How long to boil eggs is known information that is good to have on hand, because you have to cook it often.

Duration of boiling steep

Knowing how long to boil hard-boiled eggs, you can choose a convenient one from 2 options: placing them in cold water or boiling water.

    • In the first: wash with soap, rinse under the tap, put in a container for cooking. You need to fill it with cooler water, add a pinch of salt and place it on a slightly hot stove. For now, it is possible to determine how many minutes to boil hard-boiled eggs only approximately after the water has boiled. They are kept on fire for no more than 8 minutes.
  • In the second, you need to cook it like this: prepare it by taking them out in advance so that they are not cold and do not crack. Heat water on the stove to boiling. When it boils, carefully place them on the bottom with a large spoon, without touching the surface with it. Wait for everything to boil again. When determining how long to boil hard-boiled eggs, you should focus on the size, since small ones will cook in 8 minutes, large ones in 10. Take them out with a spoon and place them under running water for a while room temperature, which will make it easier to clean.

Tip: Add a pinch baking soda, will help you easily peel even fresh ones, which are usually difficult to clean. You can also pierce the shell in several places with a thin sharp object or place a saucer on the bottom of the pan.

Soft-boiled cooking time

When you want to try soft-boiled eggs, it is important to pay attention to freshness.

Tip: cold water will help you determine how fresh it is at home. a raw egg. Very fresh - they sink to the bottom of a dish filled with water quickly. If there are liquids floating in the middle, they are also suitable, but those on top – these soft-boiled eggs are unsuitable.

In the “Soiled Eggs” dish, the fluidity of the yolk is of paramount importance. There are also options for cooking:

1 – cold – wash, place tightly in a cooking vessel, pour in liquid, the colder the better, but raise the temperature for cooking as much as possible.

The size and degree of liquid of the yolk will change the value: how long to cook the eggs after boiling:

    • A viscous, medium liquid yolk will be cooked in three minutes. This time is enough for the protein to thicken to integrity.
    • The thicker yolk should be cooked for about 4 minutes.
  • Boiled, with thick base and a slightly liquid yolk core - eggs in a bag - can be boiled from the moment the water boils after 5 minutes. If the bookmark goes to hot water, then cook for a minute and turn off the stove, keep it on it for 7 minutes until the boiling water reduces the temperature. For better cleaning, you will have to immerse it in cold water for no more than a couple of minutes, since the eggs are served hot in the bag.

2 - boiling - immerse (not cold) in water brought to a boil on the bottom of the cooking vessel for 1 minute, immediately turn off the stove and hold for no more than 6 minutes.

3 – special, without cooking, to give special airy protein tenderness ready-made dish. Warm up to room temperature, place the eggs tightly in a bowl, pour boiling water over them, and cover them with a lid for dishes. Keep for 10 minutes. Then the water is drained and boiling water is poured again for three minutes (depending on the yolk, the expected result). Served immediately to the table, hot.

Cooking poached meat

Exquisite egg dish With beautiful name easy to prepare, knowing: how long to cook a poached egg.

In a saucepan you need to boil 1/2 liter of water, add 4 teaspoons of vinegar (6%) so that the egg retains its shape. Then add salt (1 tsp), which will thicken the water. After making a hole in the shell, slowly pour the contents onto a saucer, reducing the heat of the stove, achieving a slow boil and preventing the breakdown of the protein. Bringing the saucer close to the water, roll the contents at an angle into a saucepan with boiling water so that it does not stick to the bottom. The protein begins to thicken, it is kept for at least a minute to 4 minutes so that it is not liquid. Use a slotted spoon to remove the finished dish.

Tip: this dish requires very fresh produce! The white will tightly surround the yolk, like a little bag. If after cooking appearance The edges are not presentable, they are cut off.

Cooking gadgets

A modern kitchen, in addition to a stove, has various electrical appliances for preparing delicious food. So, if the question arises, how long to cook eggs in a double boiler, looking at the instructions, we get the answer: hard up to 18 minutes; soft-boiled – 7, in a bag – 12. Much depends on the model of the steamer.

Advice: if you don’t like to clean the “varenok” or need their surface to be smooth, a double boiler will help. Cooked in it, they always clean well without cooling, and the shells do not crack with this cooking method.

Boiling eggs in the microwave is convenient if you need to do it quickly, however, many forums warn about the risks of boiling in the shell and offer an alternative for those who do not care about maintaining their shape.

Take a bowl or glass and fill it halfway with water. Break an egg there. Cover the glass with a lid and microwave for 1 minute. The egg will be hard-boiled, of course, if the oven is powerful. For example, at low power - 400 W - it will take 3 minutes.

The “dry” version requires more time:

    1. Grease the surface of special microwave containers with oil.
  • Break the egg, separating the white from the yolk - they will be cooked in separate bowls.
  • Pierce the yolk slightly to allow steam to escape freely.
  • Cover the container with a special lid or cling film, wax paper, parchment, etc., so that it does not come into contact with food.

Use medium or low power settings, set for a short time to check if it is ready. If not, add a little more, but it’s better not to cook it too much; when hot, it will reach its proper temperature.

Preparation for the salad

Since for salad you need to boil hard-boiled eggs, knowing how long to boil eggs for salad will be useful. Undercooked ones are not suitable for salad in principle, and overcooked ones take more than ten minutes and lose their benefits.

For example, for Olivier, they are placed in chilled water, brought to the boiling stage as quickly as possible and, depending on the size, cooked for 8 minutes, then quickly cooled.

Advice: for Olivier, it is better to take eggs that have been fresh for a week or more, not from chicken, then they will peel faster and the shape of the pieces will be preserved.

Popular types of eggs

Knowing how long to boil eggs, chicken eggs are most often taken into account. But there are quite a few other types. Currently, quail - very small and ostrich - huge, weighing from 2 kg have gained popularity (for comparison: this is how much 25-35 pieces laid by a chicken weigh).

How long should you cook quail? They need to be cooked as long as they are boiled chicken eggs. Regarding how long to cook ostrich egg, there is an opinion that at a moderate temperature it will be soft-boiled in 45 minutes, and hard-boiled in 70 minutes.

When choosing from the proposed options, you can make an egg dish based, among other things, on the duration of cooking. How long to boil eggs different types Which outcome is preferable will depend on the desire, capabilities and purpose of the food.

How many minutes should you boil soft-boiled eggs until the whites are completely set and the yolk remains runny? To do everything perfectly, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • if you want the contents to be liquid, put a few in the pan, wait for bubbles and let them boil for 2 minutes;
  • If you don't like very runny whites, but want to enjoy the spreadable yolk, put the eggs in cold water, wait until they boil, and cook for 3 minutes. In this case, the protein will be jelly-like, but not completely solid;
  • To cook soft-boiled eggs with a fully set white part and a runny yellow center, place them in the bubbling salted liquid, leave for 1 minute, remove the pan from the burner, cover and leave for 5 minutes. Before putting the eggs in boiling water, warm them slightly to room temperature, otherwise they will crack.

If you are going to soft-boil quail eggs, cut the cooking time in half.

In the "bag"

Quite an interesting and unique method of cooking eggs. Honestly, this dish is not for everyone, but everyone should try it. Place the food in cold water, wait until it boils and wait four minutes. Or put them in boiling water and wait one minute, then turn off the stove and leave for seven minutes. The result will be something between the soft-boiled and hard-boiled method.


Many people believe that it is simply impossible to make a mistake when cooking using the hard-boiled method - wait until the end and you won’t go wrong. However, if you keep food in boiling water, it will turn out tasteless and will not have an appetizing appearance.

Place the eggs in the pan, wait for the first bubbles and after a minute reduce the power to low. Cook over low heat for seven to eight minutes. If the dish is overcooked, then protein part the consistency will resemble rubber, and the “sunny” center will be covered with a gray coating.

Cooking secrets

  • salt the liquid in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter, and even if the shell cracks, the protein will remain inside;
  • do not put food in boiling water directly from the refrigerator - let it cool at room temperature, otherwise the shell will crack;
  • All eggs have an air sac at the blunt end. If you pierce the shell with a needle in this place, then during cooking it is guaranteed to remain intact;
  • Do not cook in a large pan. Firstly, the boiling time increases, and secondly, in boiling water they will knock against each other and crack;
  • if you come across fresh eggs just from a chicken, keep them in boiling water for half as long;
  • arrange a “contrast shower” by immediately removing them from the stove - then it will be easier to clean them;
  • half a minute before the end of cooking, tap the sides of the shell with the blunt end of a knife. This simple manipulation will allow you to clean them much faster.

If you remember these simple rules, then you can learn once and for all how to cook the most delicious chicken eggs for any dish. By the way, you can water your home plants with cooled water after cooking. It contains a lot of calcium, which has a beneficial effect on flower growth.

Well, what could be easier than boiling a chicken egg? Nothing. Everyone is well aware that in order to boil an egg “soft-boiled” - cook for 3 minutes, “in a bag” - 5-7 minutes, “hard-boiled” - from 9 minutes or more.

Why then describe such a trivial process again? And then, as a rule, all these “soft-boiled”, “in a bag” and “hard-boiled” concepts are very relative and not obvious for most, but they want to have a clear idea of ​​​​what a chicken egg will look like at various intervals of the boiling process. Know exactly to what condition the egg will be cooked after a given period of time. Well, at least it was always interesting to me... :)


For the “experiment”, 4 large (55-60 grams) chicken eggs were taken. Everyone was simultaneously immersed in boiling water. The first egg was cooked for 3 minutes, the second for 5 minutes, the third egg was cooked for 7 minutes and the fourth for 9 minutes, respectively. Each of them was cooled for 2 minutes, under running water cold water.

I was a little disappointed that 3 eggs cracked during the cooking process. Maybe because their shells were very thin, or maybe because they were dipped in boiling water... although this usually doesn’t happen. In any case, this does not affect the result, but only the visual appeal of the photographs of cooked eggs.


In general, this egg can only be called boiled with a stretch and it is more raw than boiled. Three minutes is clearly not enough to cook even a soft-boiled egg if you put it in boiling water rather than cold.

It was not possible to peel the shells, even considering that the rest of the eggs were peeled perfectly. It came out too soft and jelly-like.

Therefore, such an egg is only suitable for eating with a spoon from the shell, and only if you do not disdain the slightly runny egg white.


In five minutes, the chicken egg was boiled to this visual condition.

The white is completely ready, and the yolk is only slightly cooked on the outer edge. It is also not easy to completely peel such an egg - it is too flimsy, but in general it is not necessary - you need to eat it with a spoon straight from the shell. :)

As you can see, five minutes is enough to prepare the right egg soft-boiled


If I had remembered to wash the knife before cutting this egg, then the photograph would have shown a quite nice egg “in a bag”. Well... here's the result:

After seven minutes, the egg is cooked to the point where it is no longer scary to peel it. It doesn't fall apart in your hands and holds its shape well. Such an egg can simply be completely peeled and eaten without worrying about clothes and hands stained with yolk. Bottom line: in seven minutes of cooking you will get an egg “in a bag”.


The last egg was removed from the moderately boiling water after 9 minutes. So this is what it looks like:

At this stage of cooking, the egg is suitable for slicing into various salads and separating the whole yolk. Although you can also eat it just like that - it is not overcooked, which means you can’t choke on it. :)

Perhaps at the nine minute mark a chicken egg can be considered hard-boiled.

If you cook eggs for more than 12 minutes, the yolk will turn blue and taste like rubber, and it will be difficult to swallow - you may inadvertently choke. So there is no need to cook longer.

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Hard-boiled or soft-boiled. It’s the latter that I wanted to talk about in more detail. My recipe today may seem too easy and simple to some.

But in fact, this is a whole science - how to boil soft-boiled eggs so that they turn out tasty, beautiful and perfect: with a liquid yolk and a ready-made white. And although the whole process will take you very little time, it is important to do everything correctly and clearly.

And for this you need to know the basic rules: which eggs are best to choose, what kind of water to lower them into, how long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling... But let's not get ahead of ourselves, but start our recipe from the very beginning. To do this, I invite you today to my kitchen, where together we will prepare a quick and delicious breakfast with soft-boiled eggs in just 10 minutes.


  • chicken eggs.


How to boil soft-boiled eggs:

Our most important ingredient is chicken eggs. I emphasize chicken, because quail, for example, takes a completely different time to prepare, and they are rarely soft-boiled. It’s best if you have farm eggs from domestic chickens - they have such bright yolks that a soft-boiled egg turns out very appetizing and beautiful.

Place the washed eggs in a pan with water at room temperature and put it on the fire. There should be so much water. So that it covers the egg. Do not take large saucepan, if you cook only 1-2 eggs: the water will boil for too long. And then it will be difficult to determine how long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling. It is very important that the water is at room temperature and not hot: otherwise the shells of the eggs may crack during the cooking process.

While we wait for the water in the pan to boil, we have a few minutes to prepare the rest of the ingredients. necessary for serving soft-boiled eggs. Of course, you can do without them if you put the finished soft-boiled egg in a special egg pan. But an egg on a sandwich with cheese, ham and lettuce will look much more impressive.

Please note that you should not be too distracted: you need to catch the moment when the water in the pan with eggs begins to boil. As soon as this happens, you need to note the time. How many minutes to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling?, depends on what kind of egg you want to get as a result. I like it when the yolk is very runny and the white is just set.

How long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling

I boil soft-boiled eggs for 2 minutes after the water boils in the pan.. I set a timer on my phone or stand over a pan with a clock with a second hand. Then the soft-boiled egg will turn out like in my photo - with dense white and runny yolk. For those who like a yolk that is not too runny, but somewhat thick, I advise you to soft-boil the egg after boiling for 3 minutes. After another 1-2 minutes, the yolk will become quite dense and will no longer spread, but will remain soft and pliable.

Well, 8-10 minutes after the water boils you will have a hard-boiled egg. As soon as you have counted down the required 2 or 3 minutes, take out the egg, cool it under running cold water and immediately peel it.

Place the peeled soft-boiled egg on the prepared sandwich, cut it so that the yolk appears.

Season with salt and pepper to taste, decorate as desired and serve immediately while the egg is still hot.

Who among us has not eaten chicken eggs? There is hardly a family that does not have this wonderful product in their refrigerator! Plus it's easy to prepare. It's enough to know how long to cook eggs after boiling water, and even a child will cook a soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg. Moreover, eggs are not only tasty, but also useful product, containing 12 vitamins and an abundance of microelements. They are quite easy to digest, being completely digested in 2 hours. However, eggs contain cholesterol, so don't overindulge in them. You can eat no more than 3-5 eggs per week. But sometimes it’s acceptable to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicious delicacy, the main thing is to cook it correctly.

How long does it take to boil hard-boiled eggs?

The cooking time for chicken eggs can be from 2 to 10 minutes from the moment the water boils, depending on how you want to cook them: hard-boiled, or in a bag, or maybe soft-boiled. Withstand right time when boiling eggs it is extremely important.

What happens if you overcook an egg? Firstly, the longer it is cooked, the more difficult it is to digest. And, secondly, eating eggs that have been boiled for more than 20 minutes is not considered healthy at all, if not completely harmful.

But remember that chicken eggs can be contaminated salmonella! However, if you wash their surface and boil it well before cooking, the risk will be minimized.

It is important that fresh “your own” or “homemade” eggs should be cooked longer than store-bought ones! The cooking time is also affected by the size of the eggs. All recipes and timing in the article are given for medium-sized eggs (category I). If they are large (selected), add 1 minute to the cooking time. If the eggs, on the contrary, are small (category II), the cooking time will need to be reduced by 1 minute.

How many minutes to boil hard-boiled eggs? If on the stove, then exactly 10 minutes after the water boils. Fresh homemade eggs need to be hard-boiled for longer – 13 minutes.

Boiled eggs are a great addition to any dish!

If you use a slow cooker, then boil hard-boiled eggs in water 12 minutes, and steamed or in a double boiler - as much as 18 minutes. In an egg cooker, chicken eggs are cooked for 7 minutes, in a pressure cooker - 5 minutes.

You can not only boil eggs, but also bake eggs in the oven as an omelet. They also make eggnog from eggs, marinate them, add them to dough, cocktails and cutlets. Add here egg pie, salads and rice with egg. There are a lot of possibilities for making eggs from eggs, you just have to use your imagination! And this is not to mention the egg mask.

A hard-boiled chicken egg according to all the rules has a uniform white and a uniformly yellow yolk. An overcooked egg will be tasteless, with a hard, rubbery white and a greenish yolk.

How many minutes does it take to boil eggs in a bag?

Not everyone likes hard-boiled eggs, preferring undercooked eggs in a bag or soft-boiled. It's also very tasty! The main thing is to wash your egg shells thoroughly so as not to catch salmonellosis!

By the way, it is better not to wash eggs before storing them in the refrigerator. If you have thought about how long eggs can be stored in the refrigerator, then they can be stored there for up to 3-4 months (at a temperature of 1-2 degrees). But it is not recommended to store washed eggs for more than 1 month.

So, how long to boil eggs in a bag? If on the stove, then 5 minutes after the water boils. In what has become familiar to many, eggs are boiled in a bag for 7 minutes (hereinafter using the “Steam” mode).

Calorie content of chicken eggs– 155-160 kcal/100 g. If an egg has an average weight of 55 grams, then the calorie content of a boiled egg will be 85-88 kcal for 1 piece

A properly boiled egg will have a firm white but a runny yolk. The French cook traditional poached eggs without shells, pouring their contents into highly salted water.

How long should you boil soft-boiled eggs?

How long to boil soft-boiled eggs? If in a saucepan on the stove, then 4 minutes After the water boils, over low heat (otherwise they will burst). Cooking soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker 5 minutes.

Interestingly, the shade of the eggshell has nothing to do with the taste. Brown and white chicken eggs taste indistinguishable.

A soft-boiled egg after boiling for 4 minutes will have a tender white and a semi-liquid yolk. If you boil an egg for 3 minutes, the white will be soft and the yolk will be runny. And with two minutes of cooking, a soft-boiled egg will have a semi-liquid white and a completely liquid yolk.

Soft-boiled eggs are served in special cups-stands to make them easy to eat with a spoon

Serve soft-boiled eggs in special stands and warm. The top of the egg is peeled off the shell and eaten with a spoon.

How to boil chicken eggs on the stove?

We told how much, but did not explain how to boil soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs on a gas or electric stove. In fact, the process of boiling chicken eggs on the stove is extremely simple:

  • Wash the eggs thoroughly under the tap to wash away pathogenic microbes from the surface of the shell. If the eggs have just been taken out of the refrigerator, it is advisable to let them warm up a little;
  • put them in a saucepan and pour cold water completely covering the eggs. It is better to take a small pan so that the eggs lie in it exactly at the bottom, and do not “flop” hitting the walls;
  • add salt (for 5 eggs and 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt is enough). This is not necessary, but salt will prevent the eggs from cracking;
  • put the saucepan on medium heat and wait until the water boils;
  • cook allotted time(as written above, from 2 to 10 minutes);
  • Carefully remove the finished eggs from boiling water (you can use a regular tablespoon), transfer them to a bowl and fill with cold water. This is necessary not only to cool them, but to make the boiled eggs easier to peel later;
  • After 2 minutes, remove the eggs from the heated water and dry with a napkin or towel.

That's all. Chicken eggs, as a dish, are ready! Now you can serve them to the table, or make a delicious salad from them.

How to properly cook eggs in a slow cooker?

How to properly cook chicken eggs in a slow cooker? It's even simpler:

  • wash the eggs thoroughly;
  • put the eggs in a slow cooker and fill them with cold water so that it exceeds them by 1 cm. If you are going to steam them, you will need to put the eggs in a special container;
  • select the cooking mode and set the timer (for example, when cooking in water, “Steam” - 12 minutes);
  • transfer the boiled eggs to a deep plate and fill with cool water for a couple of minutes;
  • take out and dry the eggs.

Please note that both in water and steamed eggs in a multicooker are cooked in the same mode - “ Steaming" But in the first version, the eggs are poured with water directly into the multicooker containers, and in the second they are placed in a special container. Don't forget about the different cooking times!

Today you learned how and how much to boil chicken eggs. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to them alone. After all, quail, ostrich, duck, goose, guinea fowl and turkey eggs are no less (and sometimes more) delicious in taste and healthy. You will learn how to cook and cook them next time. Bon appetit!

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