Recipe: quince compote. Quince compote: an interesting recipe for the winter

Step by step recipes preparation of quince compote and its various variants with apples, pears, plums and raspberries

2018-06-19 Galina Kryuchkova





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


10 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1: Classic quince compote recipe

Compote is a drink made from fruits, berries and herbs. Fresh, dried, canned and frozen fruits are suitable as components. Add to classic quince compote lemon juice so that the peeled fruits do not darken. in solid cookbooks it is indicated that you need to take 2 parts of fruit and 1 part of sugar. I use twice as much sugar.


  • 1400 gr. quince;
  • 3200 ml of water;
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 350 gr. Sahara.

Step by step recipe classic compote from quince

Wash the quince with a brush, cut into six or eight slices. Remove the core with seeds. Remove the rind.

Squeeze out the juice from the lemon.

Pour neat slices of quince with lemon juice and a liter of cold water.

Pour the peel and core with water, put on fire and boil for about ten minutes after boiling.

Strain the decoction through a thick sieve.

Pour sugar into the resulting broth.

Dip beautiful pieces of quince into the broth.

Cook quince compote until fruits are soft.

To improve the taste, dip lemon zest or cinnamon into boiling compote. warm drink pour in tall glasses and add a spoonful of semi-dry wine.

Option 2: Quick quince compote

You will need a small saucepan in which to stew the quince pieces and a kettle for hot water.


  • 2 quinces;
  • 80 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 mint leaf;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to quickly make quince compote

Wash the quince and cut into several pieces.

Put the product in a small saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and mix.

Pour in a little water so that it only covers the quince pieces.

Simmer the quince over medium heat.

Pour water into the kettle and boil.

In a pot with quince, it should already stand out fruit syrup. Add boiling water to it.

Put a mint leaf in each glass, and then pour the quince compote. You can not mix syrup and boiling water in one pan, but dilute to taste before use.

Option 3: Compote of quince, plums and raspberries prepared in the evening for the morning

You can make a drink in the evening and put it in the refrigerator overnight. And in the morning you will enjoy a refreshing drink.


  • 2 quinces;
  • 8 plums;
  • 1 handful of raspberries;
  • 4 mint leaves;
  • 1 half lemon;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water.

How to cook

Cut the quince into pieces, removing the tails and seeds.

Soak raspberries in salted water for about five minutes to get rid of midges.

Cut hard plums into 4 parts, remove the seeds.

Make lemon juice.

Pieces of quince and plums, as well as raspberries, put in one enameled container or jar.

Pour in lemon juice, put mint leaves and add sugar.

Boil water separately.

Pour boiling water over fruit.

When the liquid has cooled, cover it with a lid and transfer it to the refrigerator overnight.

From early in the fridge, a refreshing compote of quince, plums and raspberries will be waiting for you. You can put an ice cube in each glass.

Option 4: Quince and prunes compote

I found this recipe in the 1955 Cookbook. For some reason, in the composition of recipes for fruit compotes recommended for organizations Catering those times, includes semi-dry wine. It's tempting to try, but on a day off.


  • 400 gr. quince;
  • 200 gr. prunes;
  • 300 gr. Sahara;
  • 70 gr. guilt;
  • 2 gr. citric acid;
  • 1.7 liters of pure water.

Step by step recipe

Sort out the prunes. Rinse each fruit warm water and transfer to a saucepan.

Pour boiling water over the prunes and start cooking.

Dissolve sugar and citric acid in water with prunes.

Finely chop the quince and transfer to the syrup.

Boil quince until soft.

Pour the wine into the quince compote. Bring the drink to a boil and remove from heat.

Pour the compote into a glass. Serve fruits separately. Add any berries to them, pour syrup or yogurt on top.

Option 5: Compote of quince, apples and pears for the winter

Any fruit can be cut into pieces, put in bags and sent to freezer. In winter, you will get an excellent compote of frozen fruits. Try closing a few jars and ready drink. If you don't like it too rich compote then add more water. Adjust sugar according to your own taste.


  • 1 kg of quince;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 600 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 liters of water.

Step-by-step instruction

Cut fruits into slices. Seeds and tails are optional.

Prepare three liter cans in the following way:
1. Lather inside and out, especially the neck.
2. Wipe the bottom and walls with baking soda.
3. Rinse thoroughly.
4. Steam in a water bath with the neck down.

Arrange fruit pieces in jars. If you like rich compote, then fill half the volume. I fill fruit a third of the height of the jar.

How to determine exactly how much syrup you need to prepare for a compote of quince and various fruits? First, pour into each jar hot water sugarless. Cover the jars with clean lids and leave for 30 minutes. So you will do two things at once: the fruits will warm up, and you will find out how much liquid is needed.

Measure out required amount sugar as per recipe or as desired.

Dilute sugar in a little water.

Make two holes in the plastic lid so that air enters one and water flows freely from the other from the jar.

Prepare a tall saucepan to prepare the syrup. Pour water with sugar into it.

Pour cooled water from each jar into a saucepan. Use a convenient lid with holes for this purpose.

Bring the syrup to a boil.

Pour hot syrup into jars.

After half an hour, repeat the procedure: drain the syrup, boil it and pour it into jars again.

Close jars with compote from quince, apples and pears with metal lids. Turn them upside down and cover with an old blanket. After a couple of hours, check the tightness of the spins. Do not turn over small-volume jars with screw-on lids immediately, but after cooling, screw them on the thread.

Option 6: Simple quince compote boiled in syrup

Some make blanks in large batches, that is, from ten three-liter jars for the evening. And others prefer to close, as it were, one or two small jars in between. In this recipe, the ingredients are indicated for one quince, and then calculate for yourself.


  • 1 quince;
  • 30 gr. Sahara;
  • 0.1 gr. citric acid;
  • 0.6 l of water.

Step-by-step instruction

Dilute sugar and citric acid with water.

Put the syrup on fire.

Wash the quince and cut into slices.

Dip the pieces of fruit into the syrup.

Boil quince in syrup over low heat.

Prepare the jar: wash and steam in a water bath.

Take a spoon with holes. Use it to transfer the cooked quince to a clean jar.

Pour syrup over fruits.

Roll up the compote or screw on the lid.

Quince prepared in this way is suitable for filling in a pie, and in itself it is good as a dessert with cream.

Option 7: Compote of quince and fruit leaves

For compote, you can use not only fruits, but also leaves of fruit trees. If, on your personal plot, a quince tree gives a poor harvest, still do not rush to clean it. Leave good branches to collect leaves. This plant will improve the taste and smell of any compote.


  • 1 quince;
  • 10 quince leaves;
  • 10 gr. salt;
  • 3 pears;
  • 2 apples;
  • 5 plums;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 st. Sahara.

Step-by-step instruction

Wash fruits. Cut into two pieces.

Soak fruit pieces in salt water.

After ten minutes, drain the salt water. Cut off the places where the worms were on the fruit.

Transfer the fruit to the pan in which you are going to cook the compote.

Fill fruits with water.

Put the pot on high heat.

After boiling, turn down the heat.

Wash quince leaves cold water and put in boiling compote. (You do not need to cut the leaves.) If desired, you can add leaves of apple, raspberry, strawberry and currant.

Add sugar. Wait until it boils, cover with a lid and turn off the heat.

I rarely add sugar to compote, which I do not twist for the winter. I like the natural sour taste, and why waste the product. Let everyone pour into a glass and sweeten the drink at their discretion.

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And soon you will also learn how to cook the most delicious jam and quince jam.

I propose to cook quince compote for the winter, thereby saving your precious time. Quince compote turns out so fragrant, fragrant and with a slight tart taste.

It can be prepared both alone and throw her friends. That is, other fruits: apples, pears or grapes. I made a couple of jars with grapes. It will give the compote a rich color and, as they say, any assorted compote is very good. So what's up!


  • quince - about 0.6 kg.,
  • grapes - a small bunch,
  • sugar - 1 glass,
  • steep boiling water - 2.5 liters.
  • How to cook:

    Probably the hardest thing about cooking quince for the winter So this is her cleaning. The fruit is very hard, so arm yourself sharp knife.

    First, rinse the quince under running water from the fluff present on the surface of each fruit.

    Then cut into quarters. Remove, with a sharp knife, the entire core with seeds. If there are a lot of fruits, I advise you to periodically sprinkle peeled fruits with lemon juice so that they do not turn black. Rinse the grapes as well and let all the liquid drain, laying them on a towel.

    Rinse the turus (3-liter jars) for compote well baking soda. Then douse each jar with boiling water, or sterilize in the oven or over a saucepan (with boiling water) with a colander. Sterilize the lids too. After that, we fill large pots water and bring to a boil.

    While the water is ready, prepare the jars, fill them with quince and pour 1 glass of sugar into each jar. But it's all to taste. In our family, they prefer liquid rather than fruit. That's why I don't put a lot of them. For 1 jar about 600 gr. peeled quince.

    This time I got a medium-sized quince. So I cut each peeled quarter of quince into medium slices, add the amount of grapes, sugar, if desired, and pour jars of fruit with boiling water, only half. I cover the jars with lids and cover with a towel.

    I bring the second call of water to a boil and fill the jars to the edge of the neck. We roll up banks with quince compote in the usual way. I turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket or blanket. Banks should stand in this position a little longer than those that we rolled up in the summer. That is, about two days.

    If you want to preserve quince compote for 4 slices, they should be immersed in a pot of boiling water, which is intended for compote. And keep them in it for only about 1 minute. Do not bring the quince to a soft state, otherwise the compote will turn out to be cloudy. Then, immediately, using a slotted spoon, send the fruit from the pan to the jars. Sprinkle with sugar and pour boiling water over. Then everything is the same: they twisted it into a blanket.

    So simple and not complicated recipe delicious compote a from quince for the winter, without sterilization. Other recipes for compotes can also be found.

    I got the following output: from 4 kg. quince, together with 1 kg. I got 7 grapes three liter cans of compote.

    Good luck with your preparations for the winter and see you soon!

    Quince is a heat-loving fruit crop. It is mainly grown in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Crimea, Transcarpathia, countries Central Asia. Therefore, it is rarely found in the market or in private gardens in other areas.

    Quince is a fruit that looks like both an apple and a pear at the same time. But unlike them, it is very hard, and its surface has a dense felt pubescence.

    Quince is considered a multivitamin culture. It is rich in vitamins C, A, B, B1, P, as well as iron and copper. The fruits contain pectins, tannins, fructose, citric, malic and tartaric acids.

    Long known medicinal properties quince. It perfectly helps with intestinal diseases, especially with diarrhea, improves appetite and the condition of the patient with liver diseases.

    From fresh fruit prepare tinctures and extracts that are used for anemia. Fresh Juice quince helps with bronchial asthma and hemoptysis.

    Quince in fresh rarely eaten, as it has a hard flesh and astringent taste. But it turns out very tasty and fragrant jam, as well as compote.

    Quince compote: the subtleties of cooking

    • For compote, only ripe quince is used. It is these fruits that have the least astringent taste.
    • An unripe quince keeps well, so it can be placed in a dark, cool place and left for 1-2 weeks. During this time, it will reach the desired condition and will be ready for further processing.
    • Preparing quince for cooking boils down to the fact that the fruits are first sorted out, removing strongly wormy ones. Then they wash well, cut off the skin with a sharp knife with a thin blade. Some housewives do not cut the peel. In this case, the quince should be washed with a soft brush - a ripe quince easily parted with fluff. The fruits are cut in half, the seed chambers are removed. Fruit halves are cut into slices or cubes.
    • Quince has a lot of iron, so when purified, it quickly darkens in the air. So that it retains its original color, after cutting it, it is immediately placed in cold water acidified with citric acid.
    • Before putting the quince in jars, it is recommended to blanch it in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then quickly cool it in ice water.
    • Very often, ripe quince compote turns out to be very sweet. To give the syrup a slight sourness, citric acid is added to it - to taste.
    • Quince compote is prepared with and without sterilization. In the latter case, use double fill: first with boiling water, then with boiling syrup.

    Quince compote: the first recipe


    • quince - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 300 g;
    • water - 2 l.

    Cooking method

    • Prepare sterile liter jars in advance, which can be heated both over steam and in the oven. Wash and dry the lids too.
    • Wash ripe quince fruits thoroughly. With a thin knife, cut off the skin along with the remnants of the fluff. Cut the quince in half, remove the seeds, then cut into slices.
    • Chopped quince immediately dip into a bowl with cold water With a small amount citric acid (10 g per 1 liter of water).
    • Pour water into the pan according to the norm, pour sugar. Put on the stove, bring the syrup to a boil.
    • Drain the water from the quince bowl. Transfer fruit to syrup. Cook the compote for 20-25 minutes on moderate heat, starting the countdown from the moment of boiling.
    • Take the compote off the stove. Pour it into jars using a ladle. Seal immediately. Turn over the jars, wrap them with a blanket. Leave until completely cool.

    Quince compote: recipe two


    • quince - 3 kg;
    • sugar - 400 g;
    • water - 2 l;
    • lemon acid.

    Cooking method

    • Wash ripe quince well. Peel off the skin with a sharp knife. Cut the fruit in half, remove the seed chambers. Cut the quince into wide slices. So that it does not darken in the air, immerse it in acidified water (10 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water).
    • When you cut the whole quince, dip it into boiling water, in which you also put a little citric acid. Cook until soft.
    • Prepare hot sterile jars with a capacity of 1 liter. Remove the quince slices with a slotted spoon, put them in jars, filling them to the top.
    • Pour water into the pan according to the norm, put sugar. Stir. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes.
    • Pour quince with hot syrup. Seal tightly with sterile lids. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket, leave to cool completely.

    Quince compote: recipe three

    Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

    • chopped quince - half a liter jar;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • water.

    Cooking method

    • Get your jars ready. First, wash them well with soda, then rinse with clean water. To sterilize, heat the jars over steam by placing them on an open kettle. Or completely immerse in a pot of water and boil.
    • Wash the ripe quince, cut off the peel. Cut the fruit into slices while removing the seed chambers.
    • Put the quince in heated jars, filling them halfway. Fill with boiling water. Cover with sterile lids and leave for 15 minutes.
    • Then drain the water into the pan using a lid with holes. Bring to a boil again.
    • Place sugar in each jar. Fill with boiling water. Seal the lids tightly immediately. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket. Cool like this.

    If you want to pour quince sugar syrup, then in this case proceed as follows: after you drain the first water from the cans, measure its volume; then put 250 g of sugar for every liter of water; boil the syrup for 5 minutes to dissolve the sugar; Pour the chopped quince with this syrup; close with sterile lids and roll up hermetically; turn upside down; cool down with a blanket.

    Note to the owner

    In the compote, along with slices of quince, you can put viburnum berries, cranberries, or any to your taste. But they should go well with quince and with each other.

    Compote with quince is stored in a cool place without access to light. You can open a jar of compote in a month. You should not do this before, since the quince must reach the condition.

    Calories: Not specified
    Time for preparing: Not specified

    Let's prepare this delicious drink, which everyone will like very much, but also bring health benefits. We will prepare compote from such a somewhat unusual fruit for us - quince. By itself, quince has a pleasant aroma, which is revealed when heat treatment fruit. And to give the drink a spicy note, we will add a little cloves and lime juice. In just half an hour, a wonderful and very tasty will stand on our table. In such a drink, you can add any spices you wish, such as star anise, cinnamon stick or others. You can add honey to the cooled drink, then during cooking you need to reduce the amount of granulated sugar.

    To prepare it, we need to choose good fruit quince. The most important thing in choosing this fruit is to choose ripe, fragrant fruits. See that the quince has a more yellow saturated color, this primarily indicates its ripeness. The fruit should have a uniform color without spots and dents, because immediately after mechanical damage, it begins to rot. Take the quince in your hands, it should not be very hard, but resilient.

    If you bought a few kilograms of quince, then store it in the refrigerator, this is the most the best place to save it the way you want to see it.


    - water - 1500 ml,
    - ripe quince fruit - 2 pieces,
    - granulated sugar - 4 - 5 tbsp. l,
    - dried cloves - 3 buds,
    - ripe lime fruit - ½ pc.

    How to cook with a photo step by step

    We wash the quince fruits well with a brush to remove all impurities from its fleecy peel. Cut it in half and take out the seeds and seed pod. Next, cut the quince fruits into small slices so that they boil better.

    We put the pieces of quince fruit and cloves, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil.

    Boil compote on a small fire for 7-8 minutes.
    Remove the pan from the heat and add the remaining lime sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto the compote.

    Under the closed lid, leave the compote to infuse for another 15-20 minutes, and then you can serve it to the table.

    Compote can be drunk warm or chilled.
    We recommend trying another delicious and unusual drink -