How long to store pineapple at home. How to store pineapple at home

Pineapple is a tropical fruit; in Russia few people try to grow it: it is possible in principle, but difficult. Fortunately, nowadays you can almost always buy it in a store. True, the product is perishable and can be stored for a very short time. How to properly store pineapple so that it is “in its juice” by the time it is consumed?

How to store pineapple at home

Of course, for pineapple to be enjoyable, you must first choose it correctly. Without considering all the known techniques here (touch, crush, smell), let us only remember that pineapples, like all fruits, have different varieties intended for one purpose or another.

Dessert varieties have large scales, and specimens with small scales most likely have a “technical” purpose, for cooking various dishes: They taste more sour.

In addition, you can find pineapples on sale, both ready-to-eat and unripe. Naturally, almost all tropical fruits for export are harvested to some extent unripe: they take a long time to get to other countries. It is easier to preserve an unripe pineapple at home than a ripe one; this is usually done in the refrigerator. And if a fruit emits an alluring, specific aroma, it is better not to store it, but to cut it and give yourself pleasure right away.

How long can pineapple be stored at home?

In its normal state, that is, in the form of an unfrozen fruit, pineapple cannot be preserved for a long time: in this way it resembles well-known berries, such as raspberries or strawberries. In fact, something in taste and aroma even makes them similar. For temporary storage, it must be immediately placed in the refrigerator, in the fruit compartment, where the temperature is 6–9 o C. Under such conditions, the fruit, if it is not yet overripe before purchase, will last for 10–12 days. At higher temperatures, ripening will continue, and it will deteriorate “from old age,” and at low positive temperatures, this tropical inhabitant will simply begin to rot.

But you shouldn’t even put pineapple in the refrigerator just like that: a small package is required, otherwise it will transfer all its aroma to its neighbors on the shelf, and from them they will pick up not always pleasant odors. At the very least, it should be wrapped in several layers of clean paper, and then placed in a loosely closed plastic bag. Not tightly closed: If the humidity is more than 90%, the fruit may become moldy. Periodically, the bag must be turned over, allowing the pineapple to lie on different sides. At the same time, inspect the paper: if it is very wet, replace it. Look at the fruit itself: if dark spots appear, you cannot store it longer. Cut out the spots and eat the rest. Several fruits cannot be placed in one bag.

If you simply put a pineapple in a bag, the condensation released from it can lead to rotting, so first you need to wrap the fruit in paper

If you don’t put a ripe pineapple in the refrigerator at all, then you need to eat it no later than tomorrow; for a maximum of two days, when stored in a ventilated, dark place, it will retain its best properties. Maybe it won’t spoil at all in 3-4 days, but the taste will no longer be the same, and the processes of tissue decay, accompanied by rotting of individual sections of the fruit, will already begin. Of course, this applies to those specimens that were not completely ripe when purchased. If the pineapple has been peeled and cut into pieces, it cannot be stored without refrigeration for even three hours; The pieces will sit in the refrigerator for a couple of days, but if uncovered they will dry out and take on an unappetizing appearance.

How to Preserve Pineapple for a Long Time

Recipes long-term storage pineapple in fresh in principle, they are absent: there are still no such shelf-stable varieties as, for example, apples. For long-term storage (more than two weeks), you will have to do something with the pineapple.

Common processing methods are simple: drying, freezing or canning.

Don’t be afraid of these words, pineapple in any form is very tasty and does not lose its aroma, but, of course, you want to enjoy the fresh product. And only frozen pineapple remains more or less similar to fresh fruit. At the same time, vitamins (including ascorbic acid) and the substance responsible for its taste and aroma - bromelain - are almost completely preserved.

Canned pineapple can be stored for up to a year, dried for six months, and frozen for less, but it will be “almost as fresh.” Canned pineapple tastes and smells very similar to fresh pineapple, and the syrup from it is tasty and sweet, but canned food is just that: canned food.

When canning, pineapple is first poured with sugar syrup, which then becomes very tasty.

Dried pineapple is essentially a candy or, if dried with added sugar, candied fruit: this is a product “for everyone.” And when frozen, pineapple does not lose any taste or aroma, the pulp will remain just as juicy, only the juice will flow out much more.

Dried pineapple is a kind of candy, but the taste of these candies is quite reminiscent of pineapple

It is better to prepare the fruit before sending it to the freezer, since it will be much more difficult to cut the frozen whole fruit, and the loss of juice during such cutting will be too great. The pineapple is washed, peeled and cut into pieces of a size convenient for subsequent consumption. Place in a plastic bag and put in the freezer. Instead of a bag, you can take a food-grade plastic container of a convenient size.

It is known that freezers have different minimum temperatures (usually from -6 to -24 o C), for pineapple big difference no: in almost unchanged form nutritional properties at any negative temperature they will last for three to four months. And under no circumstances should pineapples be defrosted repeatedly.

For freezing, pineapple can be cut into pieces of any convenient shape and size.

How to ripen pineapple at home

If the pineapple was purchased unripe, and you plan to eat it in a few days, you must comply the right balance meanwhile, so that it has time to ripen, but does not have time to deteriorate. You shouldn’t put it in the refrigerator right away, you should let it try to ripen room temperature and humidity about 80%. Exceeding humidity can lead to rotting, lower humidity can lead to drying out. When storing, you need to keep it in a ventilated room and periodically turn it over in different directions, and when purchasing several copies, do not place them close to each other or to any walls.

Under such conditions, it will be optimal if ripening takes no more than a week, or better yet, about three days; If you need it sooner, you need to cut the leaves off the pineapple and place it upside down. Ethylene is a well-known ripening accelerator for many fruits. Naturally, there is nowhere to get this gas (the simplest unsaturated hydrocarbon C 2 H 4) at home, but it is available small quantities some fruits emit during storage, including traditional Russian pears and apples. Therefore, for high-quality ripening of pineapple, you can put it next to them. The safety of the pineapple should be checked periodically: the process of ripening and subsequent spoilage can proceed at an uncontrollable speed.

The proximity to apples allows the pineapple to reach a ripe state faster

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is not suitable for long-term storage, but it can usually be kept fresh for a couple of weeks. If longer storage is necessary, freezing comes to the rescue, after which the pleasure from eating aromatic fruit is no less than from eating this delicacy fresh.

If you have any difficulties or problems, you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

Pineapple is a large cone with a playful bright green tuft. With the appearance of this exotic fruit at home, a feeling of celebration and magic immediately arises. Under the scales of an inconspicuous peel hides yellow, juicy and aromatic pulp with original notes of sourness. But only the ripe fruit has real taste, which is quite easy to determine by lightly pressing the skin with your finger. In a ripe, juicy and sweet pineapple, it is slightly pressed, gently springs, and literally “before our eyes” it is restored back.

However, very often people have to buy greenish fruit for future use, so that when the holiday comes, all that remains is to cut it beautifully and put it on the table. Everyone, of course, knows that it is fragrant and delicious delicious fruit Pineapple is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. But many housewives often have one important question: how to store pineapple at home? Don’t worry, now we will tell you in detail about all the existing subtleties and nuances.

How to properly store pineapple at home?


  • pineapple – 1 pc.;
  • sharp knife;
  • paper;
  • plastic bag.


Let's figure out how to store fresh pineapple. So, if you bought an unripe greenish pineapple, it is best to store it at room temperature so that it becomes tastier and more aromatic over time. But we keep it like this for a maximum of 3 days so that dark spots do not appear on it and it does not deteriorate. In addition, do not forget that the air in the kitchen should not be too humid. The relative humidity in the room should not exceed approximately 90%. Otherwise, if this storage regime is violated, the pineapple will begin to deteriorate, becoming affected by fungal diseases and gradually wither, becoming dry and faded.

If you bought it in advance, then it is best to store such fruit in the refrigerator, in a special compartment for fruit. According to the rules, it should not lie there longer than 12 days at a temperature of 8-10 degrees. Otherwise, the pineapple will lose its presentation and taste qualities. Moreover, we first put the fruit in paper or a plastic bag with holes and periodically turn it from one side to the other 1-2 times a day. By the way, if the temperature in your refrigerator is less than 7 degrees, the pineapple will quickly freeze, become watery and will be completely unsuitable for food.

Remember that pineapple can be stored at home even for about 3 months, but only in frozen form. To do this, we clean the fruit sharp knife from the peel, cut the pulp into small pieces, put them in a plastic bag, tie them, letting out all the air, and put them in the freezer.

In addition to the storage methods described above, you can make pineapple amazing jam, preserving the fruit in the form of preservation. Let's find out how to do this.

Pineapple jam



So, first we prepare the sweet syrup: pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add sugar and stir. After this, cool the mixture, put pineapple slices into it and leave to infuse for about 12 hours. Then pour the syrup into another container, boil it, pour it over the pineapple pieces and cook everything until tender for an hour. Ready jam pour into jars and roll up the lids. We store the preserves in a dark and fairly cool place.

Well, that's all, remember that this exotic fruit very capricious and requires careful treatment. We hope that our tips on how and where to store pineapple will be of great help to you! We also recommend that you look at the article so that you can be fully prepared for the holidays.


Pineapple is an exotic fruit with a mass positive qualities: amazing taste, unique aroma, great amount vitamins and microelements.

When mentioning this tropical “beauty,” Mayakovsky’s famous lines come to mind: “eat pineapples, chew hazel grouse...” In the era of Tsarist Russia, this fruit could only be found in rich houses, but today it is a guest in any home, as in festive table, and in the daily menu.

Despite the widespread popularity of pineapple, it is still able to bring a bit of solemnity and luxury into the room. However, this fruit is quite capricious during storage.

Many amino acids, vitamins and minerals make pineapple essential for the health of the body.

Pineapple has only 50 kcal. Low content calories and bromelain allow it to be used as part of diets.

The latter promotes the rapid breakdown of proteins in the body and also helps to absorb fats and carbohydrates. This is the element that increases the efficiency of food processing in the gastrointestinal tract.

Currently, you can come across an erroneous claim that bromelain, derived from pineapple, helps you lose weight. This is not entirely true, although it is quite possible to achieve this goal simply by eating fruit.

How to choose the right pineapple

To choose the right fruit, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • Color.

The pineapple should have the same color throughout the fruit: light brown skin with greenish and yellowish tints.

The leaves should be fresh and green. You should not take a fruit with a brown rosette.

  • Smell.

A strong pineapple aroma may indicate that the fruit has begun to spoil. The smell of the fruit should not be pungent. It is optimal if it is felt at a distance of 15–20 cm from the fruit.

  • Scales.

Their sizes should be the same. The size of the scales decreases proportionally from the center to the edges.

  • Skin.

Has no stains or wrinkled areas. The integrity of the fetus is not compromised. When pressed with a finger, the surface springs back. If juice is released under pressure, the fruit is overripe.

  • Sound.

When you tap the skin, you hear a dull sound, not a squelching sound. A ringing sound may mean that the fruit is stale and its pulp has dried out.

Some people buy unripe pineapple in the hope that it will ripen at home. In this case, also pay attention to its appearance and no damage.

Dark spots on it may indicate that the storage conditions of the pineapple were violated.

Storage conditions

What conditions should be observed during storage? tropical fruit? It depends on its degree of maturity and other characteristics. So, what basic conditions must be met in order to get fresh and tasty fruit to the table?

  • Temperature.

Here the conditions differ depending on what kind of fruit needs to be preserved: ripe or not.

The optimal temperature for ripe fruit is 6–8 ℃.

With a smaller size, the fruit becomes covered with brown spots, freezes, loses its taste, and becomes watery. With more, it becomes overripe and may become sour. The processes of rotting and fermentation begin.

  • Humidity.

The juiciness of the fruit and its freshness depend on it.

The optimal humidity in a room for storing pineapple is no more than 80–90%. At high rates, the fruit may be affected by fungal rot and mold.

  • Best before date.

Unripe fruit is kept indoors for no more than 3 days. After which you must put the fruit in the refrigerator and store it for 18-21 days.

The ripe product is stored for no more than one and a half weeks, optimally 12 days. Frozen fruit can be stored for up to 4 months.

  • Lighting and ventilation.

Ripe and unripe pineapple is stored in a dark place, away from sunlight. In this case, you need to ensure that the room is well ventilated.

Important! Do not place pineapple in an unventilated kitchen cabinet for ripening; the shelf must be open.

General rules for storing pineapple at home

In order to preserve the pristine freshness and taste of the fruit at home longer, in addition to the basic storage conditions, you need to know additional features, for example: how much and where to store the whole fruit, and how much cut into slices, whether to wrap it in a plastic bag or whether to cling film etc.

Storage rules:

  • To store a whole fruit on a refrigerator shelf, you need to wrap it in parchment paper or put it in a bag with holes in it so that the fruit does not “suffocate”.
  • To store in the freezer, you need to peel and cut the fruit into rings or slices. Defrosting fruit in pieces is easier and more convenient.
  • When storing pineapple on the bottom shelf next to other fruits and vegetables, you need to pay attention to the freshness of the latter, since fungus or mold can easily spread to it from its “neighbors” - apples, bananas, cucumbers. It is better if they are all equally fresh, then no rot will harm the tropical “guest”.
  • If the refrigerator has a special compartment for fruit, the pineapple will remain fresh for a long time.

Remember! Each fruit needs its own individual wrapper in the refrigerator; you don’t need to wrap pineapples in it too tightly.

How to store fresh pineapple at home

At room temperature, the ripe fruit is stored in a well-ventilated area, wrapped in paper in which holes must be made. It is better if it is an open shelf in a place protected from direct sunlight.

If you plan to eat the pineapple within 24 hours, you can place the fruit in plastic with holes to prevent condensation from appearing on the fruit.

If moisture appears on the walls of the bag, you need to wipe the pineapple and place it again in the refrigerator, wrapping it in new paper or a plastic bag.

In the refrigerator, the whole fruit is stored standing or lying down, also wrapped in paper. Once a day, it is advisable to turn it over to the other side, so it will stay less stale. A standing fruit should be placed in a horizontal position; it is better to leave a small gap of 1.5 cm between the fruits.

Store chopped pineapple in the freezer. You can place it in special forms for edible ice, containers or simply wrap in plastic bags. This good way preserve pineapple for a long time. The aroma and taste of the fruit will remain almost unchanged.

How to do it:

  • Cut the leaves off the pineapple.
  • Peel off the skin.
  • Chop into slices and cubes.
  • Place in a freezer bag and place in the freezer.

There is also another way - first freeze the cubes and then put them in a bag.

How to store unripe pineapple

In order for the fruit to ripen, adhere to temperature regime(22-26℃) and other storage recommendations. Monitor the humidity level in the room and prevent rot from appearing on the fruit, store the fruits at a distance from each other, and do not use packaging.

An unripe fruit will not acquire the same taste as its ripe counterpart, but will become softer and fresher.

Ventilation and timely turning of the pineapple from side to side will help protect it from rotting.

How to store pineapple in canned and candied form

To preserve pineapples, you can use canning. Canned fruits have a wonderful taste and aroma. To do this you need:

  • clean the fruits, first freeing them from the leaves;
  • cut into circles or slices and place in an enamel pan;
  • prepare sugar syrup from 1 cup granulated sugar and 0.5 liters of water;
  • pour boiling syrup over pineapples and let steep overnight;
  • the next morning, boil the mixture for 10 minutes, pour the canned pineapples into jars and close the lids.

The shelf life of such a “miracle” is the same as any other jam. It should be kept in a dark and cool place.

Candied pineapple is also a good way to preserve its wonderful taste. To do this you need to soak the slices in sugar syrup and dry them. Candied fruits can be stored at home for 6–12 months.

Note to housewives

If the pineapple begins to deteriorate and rot or brown spots appear on the surface of the fruit, it is better to immediately throw away the fruit, as consuming it can lead to intestinal disorders.

Pruning a pineapple does not always help, as the fungus can spread much deeper than is visible to the naked eye.

To protect pineapple from mold, place it separately from other perishable foods. It would be desirable if there was a separate place for fruit. When wrapping the fruit in plastic, do not forget to make holes in the bag for ventilation and promptly change the “wrapper” if it becomes wet.

Knowing the subtleties and tricks of storing pineapple, you can easily choose and save this tasty and healthy fruit for any celebration. After all, you can prepare a huge number of dishes from pineapple - from desserts to salads and hot meat delicacies.

For this reason, it is important to first of all be able to choose a quality pineapple. Only good pineapple You can save it by using the rules that indicate how to keep pineapple fresh and juicy at home until the New Year. We will talk about this in this article.

  • Pineapple selection
  • Storing pineapples
  • Sliced ​​pineapple
  • Freezing

Pineapple selection

1. Fresh ripe pineapples should have green, leaves in a small compact crown, the leaf can be easily removed when the pineapple is fully ripe.
2. The fruit should be medium in size and you should feel its heaviness in your hands.
3. It should have a strong sweet, but not fermented, pineapple aroma.
4. The color may be green or yellow (a shade of gold) depending on the variety.
5. The bottom part should not show signs of mold, and the peel should be bright, shiny and neat.

Important! Avoid dry or old and wrinkled pineapples. Dark, soft spots and yellowed leaves are all indicators of an overripe pineapple.

Many grocery stores have fresh pineapple and will ask customers to cut the fruit using a simple machine. If your store doesn't offer this service, use a strong, sharp serrated knife to cut off the base and crown.

Recommendation! Keep your crown and try growing your own pineapple at home.
Cut the skin in a vertical downward motion, following the natural curvature of the fruit. To preserve the juice, slice the pineapple on a platter. Don't discard the peel. It will hold the juice, you can squeeze it out a little later. The central core of the pineapple is tough and fibrous. It is usually trimmed before using the remaining part of the fruit.

You should follow these rules:

Pineapples do not ripen after harvest. Choose fresh fruits to ensure long shelf life.
When purchasing, look for a golden brown color, it should be heavy for its size and have a nice sweet smell.
Avoid pineapples that have soft, diseased, soggy bottoms, wilting, brown-spotted leaves that look dry.

Storing pineapples

Fresh pineapple perishable product. For this reason, it is important to know how to keep pineapple fresh until the New Year, preserve its taste and smell at home. It rots easily, despite its seemingly strong and reliable outer shell, and will ferment if stored at room temperature for a long time.

1. This fruit can be left at this temperature for no more than two days. Storage under such conditions will increase the acidity level of the fruit, but will not improve the sweet taste.

2. You have the opportunity to extend the shelf life to three or five days by cooling the fruit in a perforated plastic bag.

3. After trimming and carving, ensure that the pineapple pieces are covered with juice in a container with an airtight lid, refrigerate and consume within 5-7 days.

4. Let the fruit sit at room temperature before eating to improve the flavor.

5. Freshly cut pineapple can be frozen in own juice or syrup, but the fruit will lose its special taste.

6. You can place it in airtight plastic bags or covered containers natural juice and freeze for up to 6 months.

Canned pineapple is available for storage in the form of pieces, rings, and juice. To obtain one canned product from sliced ​​rings, three pineapples are required. Soaking canned pineapple in cold water for half an hour will remove some specific aroma.

Canned pineapple can be stored for up to one year on a shelf in a cool, dry cabinet. Left canned pineapple must be refrigerated with the juice in a closed container and must be consumed within seven days.

To refrigerate a whole pineapple or not?

Whole pineapple should be stored without refrigeration for two to three days. Before use, carefully inspect it for signs of rotting. If the bottom becomes soft and soggy, or the fruit gives off a strong sour or alcohol-like odor, discard it. Fruit that shows no signs of spoilage after being stored at room temperature for three days can be stored in a cold place for another couple of days.

Good to know! Wrap the pineapple tightly in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator.

Sliced ​​pineapple

1. Once sliced, it should be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for three to four days.

2. When you buy sliced ​​pineapple, follow the expiration dates on the label.
Be careful! If the fruit's flesh turns a dark golden color, gives off a chemical odor, or tastes sour or vinegary, discard it.


Cut pineapple is safe to store in the freezer for 3-5 months. Store in a tightly closed, safe place. freezer container or storage bag. Label the box with the date of purchase to keep track of when it should be used. Frozen pineapple is ideal for mixing into a cocktail or liqueur.

If you like piñacoladas, you probably like pineapple. Sliced ​​pineapple has sweet, juicy flesh. But you probably want to know how to keep your purchased pineapple fresh at home until the New Year. Moreover, such information will also be useful when the pineapple has not been eaten.

The fruit must be cooled after it has been cut. It can retain its tenderness, aroma, and rich flavor when stored properly in the refrigerator. But most importantly, be vigilant, rely on your feelings to decide whether you can eat it or not. Choose only fresh products and do not harm your health!

Pineapple is an amazingly tasty and healthy fruit that contains many vitamins. However, in order for him to maintain his useful qualities and not spoiled, you need to know how to store pineapple correctly at home. After all, only on condition proper storage Eating it will benefit your body.

If the fruit is not quite ripe

If you purchased a fruit that is not too ripe at the market or supermarket, you should not eat it immediately. After all, he has not yet fully revealed his taste qualities.

For the fruit to ripen, leave it in the house at room temperature for several days. Of course, the product will not ripen completely at home, but it will become more juicy, tasty and soft.

At the same time, make sure that there is optimal temperature and humidity, otherwise the fruit will not only not ripen, but will even deteriorate, wither and become pale.

How to store ripe pineapple

Despite the fact that many lovers of this exotic product claim that it cannot be kept in the refrigerator, as this will cause it to lose its taste and beneficial features, we are not always able to eat the whole fruit at once. Therefore after delicious dessert leftover ripe fruit should be:

  • put in a paper bag with holes (this will ensure the preservation of the aroma);
  • put in the compartment of the refrigerator intended for storing fruit;
  • turn it in different directions from time to time.

Under such conditions, the product can last at home for about 10-12 days.

Please note: if brown spots appear on the peel of the fruit, it is not suitable for consumption.

How to extend the shelf life of fruit

Many people are interested in how to store pineapple correctly for a long time: for 2-3 months or longer. This is possible if the product is frozen. For this:

  • peel the fruit;
  • cut it into small pieces or cubes;
  • place on a plate and place in the freezer;
  • after a while, remove and transfer the frozen slices into a plastic bag;
  • seal tightly and place in the freezer.

If it so happens that your house has a large supply of pineapples, the best solution would be canning. Canned fruits are stored for a long time and will allow you to enjoy their taste even in winter.

To preserve pineapples, you need:

  • Peel them, cut into slices and place in an enamel bowl;
  • pour sugar syrup at the rate of 250 g of granulated sugar per half liter of water and let it brew for 12 hours at room temperature;
  • put on fire and boil for 10 minutes,
  • pour into jars and roll up.

When sealed, the shelf life of canned fruit is about the same as any other jam, provided it is stored in a cool, dark place. And after opening, you should eat them within a few days, as the preservatives oxidize.

Many people are interested in how to store pineapple throughout the year. It can be dried. During the drying process, of course, some of the useful components will be lost. However, even in dried form, it will remain tasty and will be an excellent dessert and a replacement for traditional unhealthy cakes and cookies.

To make candied fruits, the product must first be soaked in sugar syrup and then dried. In this case, the dried fruit will remain in the house for 6-12 months.

Basics of proper storage

The exotic fruit is very capricious and requires certain conditions to be met.


The ideal temperature for storing the fruit at home is 7.5-8°C. At a lower temperature it will freeze and lose its amazing taste. If the temperature in the refrigerator is above 8°C, it will simply overripe and spoil.


The humidity in the room where you are going to store the product should not exceed 90%. Otherwise, fungi will grow in it, which will inevitably lead to the product withering.

Shelf life

If the fruit is not ripe, it cannot be kept at room temperature for more than three days.

The ripe product, which you store in the refrigerator, should be eaten within 1-1.5 weeks.

When frozen, the exotic fruit can be stored at home for three months.

Store pineapple at home correctly, and then its sweet taste and exquisite aroma will delight you for a long time!