Hydromodule for mash - what is it and its optimal value. Varieties and application of the hydromodule for sugar mash

Braga is a product that is further distilled into moonshine. Braga is made from various raw materials, which contain carbohydrates in large quantities. In process of treatment complex carbohydrates turn into sugar, and it becomes easier for the yeast to work with the mash and ferment it. The easiest way is to initially take sugar, and not other ingredients for making mash. But before you prepare moonshine, you need to find out what a hydraulic module is for sugar mash and which is better to use.

Which hydraulic unit to use?

The hydromodule is the ratio of sugar and water in the wort. When the phrase “sugar mash with a 1 to 3 water ratio” is mentioned, this means that there are three parts of water for one part of sugar. That is, this expression is just a proportion for making mash.

Hydromodule for sugar mash

The main question is how to choose proportions. It is possible to mix several ingredients at random, but it is not a fact that the mash will turn out and it will be possible to make high-quality and delicious moonshine. Therefore, there are several recipes that you can study and choose one of them. And also in subsequent times you can experiment with other recipes and see the result.

Proportions recommended in the literature are from 1:3 to 1:5. Each ratio has both disadvantages and advantages. For example, a small module, i.e. a ratio of 1:3, has such advantages as saving space in the fermentation tank. In this case, the mash can be overtaken at a time. But there are also disadvantages:

  • The yeast may not process all the sugar. If the alcohol concentration exceeds 12%, then the yeast stops working. The maximum strength of the drink is reached faster, and the mushrooms precipitate, that is, the loss of the product will be greater. To eliminate this problem, you need to use alcohol yeast, which can process sugar up to 20% strength.
  • The fermentation process itself is slower, which contributes to the formation of harmful compounds. Therefore, in this method, several more distillations of the substance will be required, and moonshine will be of lower quality.

The large hydro module is more popular among those who have been making moonshine for a long time. It has the following advantages:

  • complete fermentation of sugar, the maximum concentration of alcohol is reached later;
  • fast fermentation.

Among the disadvantages of the proportion:

  • a large fermentation tank is needed;
  • content cannot be overtaken in one go;
  • splash entrainment during distillation is possible.

But there is also the so-called golden mean. You can take a ratio of 1:4 or 1:4.5. In an example, this looks like 1 kilogram of sugar per 4 liters of water, as well as 20 grams of dry yeast or 100 grams of pressed yeast. For reference: it must be remembered that 0.61 units of absolute alcohol are obtained from one kilogram of sugar, and one kilogram of sugar takes 0.6 liters in solution. According to the formulas, it turns out that 0.61x100 / (4.5 + 0.6) \u003d 11.98% is the optimal indicator for yeast. Excess sugar, which is not processed by the yeast, will give an unpleasant aftertaste to the drink, although it will not affect its quality.

Hydrobox Ingredients

Water is of great importance, since its content in the hydronic module is quite high, so it taste qualities in the future will be reflected in the drink. It is better not to use tap water, because it contains chlorine, in last resort water can only be cold. If the water in the water supply is too hard, and there is no alternative, you can let it settle for several days. It is best when the water will not have color, smell and taste.

Sugar also has several disadvantages that must be considered before making mash. The fact is that sugar can contain harmful microorganisms, and it is better to get rid of them before preparing the drink. This can be done by using non-sugar in pure form, A sugar syrup. The syrup is easy to make yourself. You can make a normal or inverted version. Braga on syrup will foam less than on simple sugar.

  1. To prepare ordinary syrup, sugar is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1. It is necessary that the substance dissolves in water and heats up to a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. In this state, it is necessary to withstand the syrup for half an hour.
  2. Inverted syrup is more difficult to prepare, but moonshine on such a product will be tastier, and the fermentation process will be faster. The syrup is prepared based on the proportion of 0.5 parts of water to 1 part of sugar. The solution is brought to a boil, the foam is removed, and then citric acid is added. You need 5 grams of acid per 1 kilogram of sugar. The new solution should be on low heat for two hours. In this process, sugar breaks down into glucose and fructose.

When choosing next ingredient- yeast - you need to know that they are of two types: dry and pressed. Pressed ones are cheaper, they do not need to be pre-treated and fermented. But dry ones can be stored longer, but before adding them to the mash, the yeast needs to be fermented. To do this, put a tablespoon of sugar in a glass of warm water and pour the dry mixture. After 10 minutes, the foam will rise - the yeast has fermented, they can be added to the mash.

In order to ferment a smaller amount of sivukha, manufacturers offer special alcoholic yeast. In this case, the strength of the drink increases. But there is still no evidence for a smaller amount of fuselage. Therefore, even when using alcohol yeast, it is better not to reduce the hydromodulus. It is also better not to mix several types of yeast in one container, since not all types of mushrooms get along with each other. This may increase the fermentation time.

In order to increase the productivity of yeast, top dressing can be used. This will help the mushrooms multiply faster, reduce the amount of fuselage and other harmful substances that are formed during the fermentation process. There are both chemical and biological supplements. Fertilizers such as phosphates, sulfates, carbamides (i.e. urea) are added as chemistry. But among organic dressings - Rye bread, fresh fruit juices. These substances also contain phosphates, but in natural amounts.

The process of making mash

After it became known about, that is, the hydromodule, as well as the ingredients for it, we will understand the mixing process. At first, sugar must be added fractionally to the mash - this is necessary so that the mushrooms do not die on initial stage. That is, at first it is required to add from 30 to 50% of sugar, it is better to leave the rest for the next day.

The temperature for this process must be maintained at 22-24 degrees Celsius. If it is significantly lower, then the yeast will stop working, and if it is higher, then they will die and the result will be the same. The main thing is to control the temperature at the initial stage in the first 48 hours of fermentation. The temperature itself can be maintained using an aquarium heater.

Average fermentation time is 4-6 days room temperature. If the temperature reaches up to 33 degrees, then the process will be reduced to 3 days. But in this case, you need to use a large hydraulic module for mash. If the fermentation time is reduced, then the amount of fuselage will be less.

The use of a water seal is not necessary, since carbon dioxide forms a cap during the fermentation process, which protects the mash from the penetration of harmful bacteria. But this thing will help you navigate, as it will stop bubbling after the end of the process. A water seal is useful only in beer or fruit mash where the cooking process takes longer.

In the process, you should also stir the mash once a day, for about a minute in time - this action will remove excess carbon dioxide. Braga will be ready when it is bitter, sour, sweetness has gone out of it and the top layer has brightened.

The clarification process is necessary after the mash has prepared. On top are dead yeast, particles of top dressing and other unnecessary substances. Therefore, you can transfer the container with it to a cool room for two or three days, after which the sediment will be at the bottom, and the mash can be drained. You can speed up this process and make it better with the help of bentonite.

The task of preparing a hydromodule for mash is simple, you need to know just a few features. For the rest, it is better to rely on your taste and experience in making moonshine.

Often, homebrewers ignore such a parameter as hydro. Indeed, if you brew beer according to a proven recipe, then every time it makes no sense to think about the hydromodule, but if you often experiment and brew unusual varieties planning the hydronic mashing can be very beneficial and have a significant impact on the entire brewing process.

What is a hydro module?

What is a hydromodule? The hydromodulus is the ratio of the volume of water to the mass of grain during mashing. For example, if you add 4 kg of crushed malt to 15 liters of water, then the hydromodulus will be 3.75 (15 / 4 = 3.75). Further, for convenience, I will apply the concept of hydro-modulus at any time when there is a blockage, that is, if another 1 liter of water is added to the mash from the previous example, then the hydro-modulus will increase to 16 / 4 = 4. Usually, the hydro-modulus value during the mashing process either does not change, or grows (when water is added).

Despite the fact that the value of the hydromodulus does not directly affect the characteristics of the finished beer, its use has proven to be very convenient for regulating the brewing process, so many brewers are happy to operate with it. Proper management of the ratio of water and grist allows not only to brew high-gravity beers, but also to compensate for some technological limitations of the equipment, reduce wort preparation time, increase efficiency, etc.

The normal value of the hydromodulus (that is, one that will not have a significant negative effect on the conduct of mashing) can be considered the range of 2.6-4. This range is quite wide and presents a lot of possibilities, in addition, in some cases it is possible to go beyond the boundaries of the specified interval. Now let's look at what the hydronic module affects and how it can be used when compiling recipes and planning brews.

One way to obtain beer with very high initial gravity is to select only the first wort after mashing. How less water, the higher the content of the extract in the first wort and vice versa. It should be taken into account that extremely low values ​​of the hydromodulus (less than 2.1-2.2) will lead to a slowdown in the conversion of starch, a decrease in the efficiency of mashing and, most likely, incomplete saccharification of the mash. However, with such hydromodules, it is possible to obtain the first wort with a sugar content of about 28-30%, and during the boiling process it is not difficult to bring this value to 33-35%, while avoiding excessive thermal stress on the wort!

Viscosity and density of mash

Ideal equipment does not exist, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is unlikely that there will be such home brewer, which has never experienced clogged pumps, sticky mash or slow filtration. Meanwhile, all this is directly related to the hydraulic module. The higher the hydronic ratio, the thinner the mash, and a diluted mash is much less prone to sticking, reduces pump load, and is better filtered. At the same time, too dilute mash (outside the normal range) can lead to poor saccharification and reduced efficiency. If for some reason the mash needs to be heavily diluted, then the negative effects can be reduced by adding water in the later stages of the mash, before filtering.

Extract Yield and Efficiency

The efficiency of the mash, that is, how much sugar you take out of the malt, is related to the selected hydro-modulus, and at extreme values, the decrease in efficiency is especially noticeable. Too thick a mash reduces enzyme activity, water availability, and overall solubility. Too much dilution of the mash limits the amount of water available for subsequent rinsing and the sugars remain in the spent grains. Fine tuning in the normal range will produce the same wort from a slightly smaller volume of malt. For this adjustment, it is necessary to control the pH and the extract content in the last rinse water collected. If the pH is below 6, and the extract is significantly more than 2.5%, then next time you can reduce the hydromodulus, thereby increasing the amount wash water and an extract leached from the spent grains.

Required volume of wash water and mash tun volume

There are times when efficiency must be sacrificed. For example, the amount of flushing water required according to the calculations turns out to be more than there are containers at your disposal. Then it is permissible to slightly increase the hydraulic module, thereby reducing the required volume of flushing water. It may also happen that the volume of water with malt does not fit into the mash tun, then it will be necessary to reduce the hydromodulus, making the mash thicker, and add the remaining volume of water to the mash.

Mash acidity

The ratio of water to grain has little effect on the pH of the mash. In dense congestion, the pH level is set lower. This can improve the saccharification process somewhat, but don't count on more than 0.1-0.2 pH units while still within the normal range of hydro-modulus.

Mashing time and need for heating

In addition to the direct effect of reducing the hydro-modulus (a smaller volume heats up faster), with multi-pause mashing, you can plan to add malt at a low hydro-modulus, and then go through part of the pauses by the infusion method, that is, by diluting the mash hot water. This can be especially true if the equipment initially has a low heating rate or does not have its own heating system at all.

Thus, you can consider the hydromodule not as a constant, but as one of the parameters of the recipe and adjust it in accordance with your desires, needs and vision of the brewing process.

To obtain high-quality moonshine, you need well-prepared raw materials for distillation - mash. And to get a good mash, you need to choose an advantageous ratio at the beginning of fermentation the right ingredients. In other words, choose the right hydronic module.

This is not at all some kind of complex unit or a specialized water tank.

The hydromodule for mash is a proportion, the ratio of the share of sugar to the shares of water in the wort. If it is said that the selected hydromodulus for obtaining sugar mash is 1 to 4, then the mash has one part of sugar and four parts of water. That is, for every kilogram of sugar, four liters of water are poured.

Hydrobox Ingredients

Choosing an efficient hydronic module is half the battle. Selection the right ingredients and their preparation is equally important.


The quality of the water poured into the wort affects the quality factor of the final product. It is undesirable to take tap water, because it contains chlorine, which affects the organoleptic properties of alcohol. If it is not possible to refuse tap water, you must first let it stand for two to three days.

Nai the best option- collect it in a spring or from a well. In urban conditions, purchased still water in bottles.


Just pouring it into the wort is not the best option. It is more correct and more efficient to prepare syrup from it. This removes harmful organisms contained in pure sugar. In addition, fermentation on syrup gives less foam.

  1. Simple syrup. Sugar is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting solution is heated to 90 ° C and aged for 30 minutes.
  2. The syrup is inverted. Its preparation is longer, but fermentation is faster on it. A sugar solution is prepared: for one part of water - two parts of sugar. Boil, remove foam and add citric acid at the rate of five grams for every kilogram of sugar. The syrup is aged for two hours on low heat, fructose and glucose are formed in the finished product.


Pressed nutritional yeast is a standard ingredient in the hydro module. They don't require pre-training and added to the must immediately. Dry food - are subject to preliminary fermentation. To do this, they are bred in warm water and add some sugar. After the appearance of foam, they are activated and can be added to the wash.

To speed up fermentation, including the fastest turbo varieties are used.

Which hydraulic unit to use?

Among fans of home brewing, it is believed that its best values ​​​​for sugar mash are in the range from 1 to 3 to 1 to 5.

It is not easy to choose the optimal hydronic module. The preference is influenced by the following parameters:

  1. The volume of the fermentation tank.
  2. The type of yeast used.
  3. Desired fermentation time.
  4. Required number of subsequent distillation steps.

Which hydronic module to use, everyone decides for himself, usually after several experiments.

The smaller the selected ratio, the smaller the volume is occupied by containers with mash. But with a small hydromodulus, the fermentation process proceeds more slowly and can be completed without processing all the sugar in the wort. To avoid this, you have to use not ordinary nutritional yeast, but special ones - alcohol.

With a large amount of water, the wort being prepared takes up a lot of space, and it may turn out that the subsequent distillation is not possible at one time. On the other hand, fermentation proceeds in optimal conditions and without the use of specialized yeast varieties.

Value range for sugar mash

Ratio 1 to 3

The hydromodule is small, 1 to 3, usually used to save space occupied by mash, or if you want to overtake the entire product at one time. In fact, these are the only two advantages of such a ratio.

And there are more disadvantages:

  1. With an increased concentration of sugar in the wort, yeast bacteria may not have time to process all of its volume. With a small amount of water, the strength limit for bacteria is reached earlier, and they die without finishing their work.
  2. If there is no desire to waste sugar, then you will have to spend money on acquiring special alcoholic yeast, which can also act when elevated content ethyl alcohol.
  3. Fermentation at low values ​​of hydromodulus proceeds slowly. And this contributes to the formation of harmful compounds that adversely affect the final taste of alcohol. In addition, there is a need to introduce yeast nutrition.

With the use of alcohol yeast, you can get a final strength of 15%, and fermentation will last 15–20 days.

Ratio 1 to 4

The hydromodule is average, 1 to 4, or as it is also called, the “golden mean”. This ratio is considered by many moonshiners to be optimal for fermentation.


  1. The sugar in the wort is fully processed even with ordinary baker's yeast.
  2. The final volume is not so large that it cannot be overtaken in one run. Well, except for small distillation tanks.
  3. The optimal ratio between the duration of fermentation and the final fortress at the exit is achieved.

With ordinary yeast, you can get an alcohol strength of 12%, and the duration of fermentation will be 9-15 days.

Ratio 1 to 5

The maximum in practice value of 1 to 5 is applied for quick receipt a significant amount of mash. But it requires large tanks for fermentation and a large volume of the distillation cube, if necessary, one-time distillation of the entire mash. So, when processing 5 kg of sugar into alcohol, even a 25-liter distillation cube will not be able to immediately accept the entire batch of mash.

But this is compensated by the complete processing of the original wort in a short time. This means that there is no need to feed the yeast, moreover, a small amount of harmful impurities is formed during fermentation.

The final fortress with this ratio is 10–11%, and fermentation lasts 5–8 days.

Thus, the choice of a water seal suitable for the processing of mash depends on its volume. For the winemaker, there is an opportunity to choose the appropriate option through experimentation.

To make moonshine, you need mash, it is obtained by fermenting a mixture of sugar and water with the help of yeast. But how much water and sugar do you need to take to make high-quality mash?

What is a hydro module?

The hydromodule for mash is the ratio of water and sugar in the wort, determines the amount of alcohol at the outlet and the rate of fermentation. For the preparation of moonshine, proportions of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4 are usually used. When it comes to the hydromodule 1 to 4, it means that to prepare a drink, you need to take 1 serving of sugar and 4 servings of water. Let's say that you took 3 kg of sugar - then for the preparation of the 1 to 4 hydromodule you will have to take 3 * 4 = 12 liters of water (for 1 to 3 you will have to take 3 * 3 = 9 liters of water).

Ratio 1 to 3

This ratio is suitable for fermentation with special alcohol yeast that can withstand an alcohol concentration of 15-20%. For example, we take 1 kilogram of sugar and 3 liters of water, the total volume we get is 4 liters, in percentage terms it turns out 1 * 100/4 \u003d 25% sugar content of the wort. With full fermentation, we will get an alcohol content of 15% () and will ferment for 15-20 days, maybe more will depend on many external factors.


  • This hydromodule for strong brew for moonshine is well suited for those who have small fermentation tanks, but want to make more moonshine. Or you need to distill at one time, and the size of the alembic has volume limitations


  • There is a chance that the yeast will not process all the sugar entirely, since at an alcohol concentration of 12% the yeast dies and fermentation stops. This problem can be solved by using special yeast that dies at an alcohol concentration of 15-20%
  • Fermentation is very slow

Ratio 1 to 4

For fermentation, simple baker's yeast. We take 1 kilogram of sugar and 4 liters of water, the total volume we get is 5 liters, as a percentage it turns out 1 * 100/5 \u003d 20% is the optimal percentage of sugar in the mash. With full fermentation, we will get a fortress of 12% alcohol and will ferment for 8-14 days.


  • During fermentation, all the sugar is processed, since at this concentration the alcohol concentration threshold is not reached, at which the yeast dies
  • Fermentation is going fast


  • The fermentation tank will take up more space, and the resulting mash will be difficult to overtake in a small still at a time

Ratio 1 to 5

Such a large hydraulic module is suitable for getting fast mash in a short time. We dissolve 1 kilogram of sugar in 5 liters of water, the total volume is 6 liters, in percentage terms it is 1 * 100 / 6 \u003d 16.7% sugar content of the wort. With full fermentation, we get a strength of 10% alcohol and a fermentation time of 5-8 days.


  • During fermentation, all sugar is processed and in a short period of time
  • Fermentation is going very fast


  • The fermentation tank takes up a lot of space; the resulting mash cannot be overtaken at a time in a small cube
  • Will contain a small amount of alcohol
  • If during fermentation it is released a large number of foam, it is possible to increase the hydraulic modulus by adding water
  • If, when using a small hydromodule (1 to 3 and below), the yeast died before the sugar was completely processed, it makes sense to pour the mash into two containers, add water and a small amount of yeast
  • If, after fermentation, a sweetish mash is obtained, this indicates that the yeast has not processed all the sugar. In this case, you need to continue fermenting by adding a little water and yeast.


To prepare mash for moonshine, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of water to sugar (hydraulic module). In home moonshine brewing, a 1 to 4 hydromodule is most often used. When using a 1 to 3 hydromodule, fermentation lasts a very long time and you can get strong mash; if strength is not a major concern, a 1 to 4 or 1 to 5 hydromodule should be used. We recommend using a 1 to 4 hydromodulus with this sugar modulus of 20% in the must, so you are guaranteed to process all the sugar and you don't have to wait too long for maturation.

Many moonshiners have encountered the fact that the fermentation of the brew is weak or prolonged.

The best solution in this case is top dressing for the sake of speeding up the process and increasing the yield strong alcohol.

But in order not to overdo it, you need to know how much the mash wanders, while observing the proportions and being warm?

The optimum temperature for proper maturation of the mash is 22 - 28°C. When lowering below +18°, yeast fungi become inactive, and already at +5°C they die. The same happens when the temperature rises to +40°C. Deadlines:

  • "long-playing" - fruity, on natural yeast (without the addition of alcohol or bakery), ripens up to 2 months;
  • Braga does not ripen from 3 days. But usually need 5 days;
  • fast-ripening (from 4 days) is considered mash on or starch;
  • matures 7 - 14 days.

Peculiarities. It has been noticed that the faster the mash ripens, the better the product is obtained.

What and how to feed at home?

Sometimes even experienced moonshiners do not understand why the fermentation of wort on sugar does not end for a long time. That's when you have to "connect" top dressing. Consider what they are and how to use them so as not to harm yourself.

Chemical substances

Home distillers actively use available chemicals, which "officially" have a different purpose, for feeding and activating yeast.

1. Chemical fertilizers for a garden-garden in which phosphorus and nitrogen are present. Among them:

  • diammonium phosphate - fertilizer, which is taken 3.3 g per kilo of sugar embedded in the mash;
  • ammonium sulfate (1.5 g) plus superphosphate (3 g) from the same calculation;
  • carbamide (aka urea) - 0.8 - 0.9 g plus 3-4 g of superphosphate per kilo of sugar used.

Other proportions: for 10 liters of mash - 2 large (tablespoon) spoons of fertilizer.

Reference. One teaspoon contains approximately 4.5 g of superphosphate, 3.4-4 g of ammonium sulfate, 2.5 g of urea. In a matchbox: superphosphate - 22-24 g, urea - 13-14 g, ammonium sulfate - about 16 g.

2. Can add 5 g ammonia for 10 liters of wort.

3. decayed chicken manure(nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer for the garden!) also feel free to use. The usual dose is 40-50 g per 10 liters of mash.

4. Pharmacy vitamin B1, 1-2 mg (ampoule) for each kilogram of sugar used.

Note that when moonshiners drive the product for themselves, they do not use chemical additives (especially chicken manure). But in the "commercial" moonshining, this practice has taken root. After all, what is important? Get out fast - sell fast!

Conclusion: must be used own recipes and your own to know what you are drinking!

Adding malt

The way in which both the fermentation time is reduced and the final product acquires a slight bready flavor is easy to drink. The only thing needed is dried malt.

You can either buy it or make your own. The process is simple but takes time. But you can stock up on the year ahead! In addition, it is not allowed to use green malt (immediately after germination and grinding of the grain).

Based on 20 liters of mash, take 0.5 kg of ground malt.

Before adding malt, it is specially prepared:

  1. Malt is added to water heated to 63 ° C to make a not too liquid mass. Stir and then boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Cool to tepid (30 degrees).
  3. Add to wort.

Using this method, it is advisable to put the mash under a water seal (read:). Try after 3 days. If ripe - drive.

Yeast with additives

Today, on the shelves of ordinary, especially specialized stores, there are yeast with additives that accelerate fermentation and increase yield. strong moonshine. Look for the sign " Turbo and buy if you like.

Such yeast contain vitamins and chemical additives to speed up the rise of the dough or the maturation of the mash. Exact recipe known, apparently, only to manufacturers. But what happens from this yeast quality moonshine with excellent organoleptic properties double distillation with the selection of heads and tails - a fact!

Therefore, their use is advisable. If on the package, in addition to the word "Turbo", there is also the designation "Alcohol", then, as practice shows, this is also increases the yield of alcohol.

The use of alcohol yeast for the manufacture of moonshine is justified by the following fact: bread yeast they stop vital activity when the percentage of alcohol in the mash reaches 12, and alcohol works up to 14 -20%. As a result, there will be no unprocessed sugar left in the wort, because it will turn into alcohol.

People's secrets

Folk methods for speeding up fermentation have been known for centuries. But they still work today. Therefore, we recall some of them. Led funds designed for 10 liters of wort:

  • brown bread - 250-300 grams (one third of a loaf) broken into pieces and dipped into the wort even during sourdough, but you can add it later, noticing that the process is delayed, and fermentation is not intense enough;
  • a handful of crushed berries, among which are popular - grapes, raspberries, strawberries, currants;
  • a dozen pieces of raisins;
  • a handful of raw peas;
  • 50 ml. freshly squeezed fruit juice;
  • 70 - 100 g of tomato paste.

Types and application of the hydromodule for sugar mash

The hydromodule is not a unit, as some people think, but only the percentage ratio between sugar and the amount of water in the mash. It would seem, what's the difference - you add 2 or 4 kilograms of sugar to 10 liters of water? And the yield of alcohol directly depends on this.

Which one is better to use?

Let's look at examples. Among moonshiners, hydraulic modules are considered acceptable from 1:3 to 1:5.

Small - 1:3

It means that for 10 liters of water took 3 kg of sugar. They are guided by the fact that they want to save the amount of liquid, since they have a distillation cube with a capacity of, say, 12 liters. Will this idea make sense?

Taking into account the use of special modern spirit yeast, capable of processing sugar to an alcohol concentration of 20%, it is quite. The downside is that such yeast is only in specialized stores and they are not cheap.

If you use ordinary raw or dry yeast, then do not expect a good result. Yeast will not be able to process all the sugar present with this volume of water. As a result, you will not receive moonshine, and some of the sugar will simply disappear. And one more minus - fermentation can be delayed, there will be a need to give top dressing.

Medium - 1:4

Four parts water to 1 part sugar 2.5 kg per 10 liters. The ratio is favorable, but it is possible that the fermentation will be delayed.

And this, in turn, leads to the accumulation of harmful and unpleasant impurities.

As a result, the organoleptic of the final product will suffer.

Moonshine, in addition to double haul, will have to be additional.

Large - 1:5

With a distillation cube capacity of 50 liters, a 1:5 water seal can be installed directly in it. And you can immediately distill 10 kg of sugar into alcohol. At the same time, fermentation is fast even without the addition of dressings, harmful substances are at a minimum.


Today they are no longer as popular as they used to be, they have been replaced by plastic containers designed for food use. Among them there are even containers in which the use of a water seal is provided.

Large glass bottles are popular. But the essence is not in the dishes used, but in the ratio of the ingredients placed in it. We take:

  • 30 liters of water;
  • 7 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 kg of raw yeast.

That's the whole recipe. We take soft water, preferably spring water, and not from the tap, it will come out of the filter. Sugar is high quality raw yeast if necessary, replace with dry in the amount of 150g. From this wort you will get 7 liters of strong moonshine.

The water seal in this case is 1:4.3. With a distillation tank capacity of 40 liters of mash distilled at one time or twice if you have a 20 liter tank.

But the indicated water seal does not mean at all that such a proportion will be ideal for you. Much depends on the specific conditions and even on the equipment available.

Useful videos on adding mash top dressing

Do I need top dressing, which is better, how to add:

How to feed sugar mash with raisins and breadcrumbs:

Hydromodule and types of top dressing for mash, see:

What is a hydro module correct proportions at :

What water seal do you use and how do you feed the yeast in the mash? Share in the comments. Like and share the article online.