Sexual side effects from drinking a lot of energy drinks. What are harmful energy for the body: properties, types and contraindications

Today, energy drinks are very popular, because it's so nice to be in good shape all day. However, not everyone realizes that there is a huge danger behind the use of such synthetic drinks. In this article, we will consider and also learn how you can use it without harm to your health. Please read this information carefully for your own safety.

What are energy drinks

Before considering how harmful the energy drink is, you need to understand why this drink was invented at all. Depending on what ingredients are included in its composition, it can be either non-alcoholic or low-alcohol. Each of them is designed to stimulate the nervous system and provide an anti-sedative effect.

Power engineers are able to very quickly give a feeling of cheerfulness, increase efficiency and make it possible to feel an inexhaustible surge of strength. Most often, these drinks are used by students during the session, truckers, office workers, as well as those who like to visit nightclubs.

Since the liquid is highly carbonated, this leads to the fact that the active substances are absorbed by the body as quickly as possible, which means that the desired effect is achieved as soon as possible.

A few words about the composition

Not many people are wondering why energy drinks are harmful. Of course, if you use this product in moderation, then this will not cause significant harm to health. But abuse can play a bad joke on you. The composition of the tonic drink primarily depends on the manufacturer. However, caffeine and stimulants can be found most often in the composition of the liquid. It's no secret that caffeine is found in many plants, so the composition of the drink may include ingredients such as guarana, mate or green tea extract.

First of all, the energy drink is harmful because the dosage of caffeine in it is significantly exceeded. The optimal amount is 150 mg per liter, while in most tonic drinks this figure reaches 350-400 mg.

Quite often, manufacturers add various vitamins to their products, which is a definite plus. However, do not think that they will be enough for normal life. Therefore, carefully read the composition and be sure to pay attention to all the little things.

The composition of the drink may also include adaptogens that strengthen the nervous system and increase the body's resistance to the harmful effects of the environment. Also, the composition may include taurine, which has a positive effect on the body.

Types of drinks

Many people wonder if energy drinks are harmful. In fact, everything in this world is harmful, which is in excess. The modern market is simply amazing with its abundance. On the shelves of supermarkets you can find just a huge number of energy drinks. However, it is not so easy to find useful ones among them. Despite this, energy drinks are able to cheer up and increase overall vitality. Consider two main groups of energy drinks:

Improving mood and adding vigor due to the carbohydrates and vitamins included in the composition;

Having an effect due to the caffeine included in the composition. Such power engineers will be appreciated by people working at night, as well as students preparing for exams, and truckers.

What is the use

The safer the composition of such a drink, the more useful it is. Of course, it is harmful to drink energy drinks, but if this is not done systematically, then it will not bring much harm to health. Try to choose those tonics, which include adaptogens and vitamins. They will boost your energy levels naturally. Drinks based on caffeine can very quickly cheer you up, but at the same time they have a negative effect on the nervous system as a whole. The gases included in the composition are able to maximize the effect of the energy drink on the body, which is a definite plus.

Be sure to think about how harmful alcohol-based energy drinks are. Alcohol by itself has a negative effect on the nervous system, and in combination with caffeine, you will cause irreparable harm to your health.

As you can see, the benefit can only be if you are taking non-caffeine-based tonics. Caffeinated drinks have a very strong effect on the nervous system. Therefore, if you are still forced to use this type of energy drink, then take the smallest possible portion.

The convenience of the energy drink is that you can drink it absolutely anywhere. It does not need to be brewed like coffee and wait for it to cool down. All that is required of you is to open the bottle and enjoy the pleasant taste.

What harm does caffeine do?

Once again, it is worth paying attention to whether the energy drink is harmful. Despite the fact that the drink will contain the same caffeine that is also part of the coffee, the second drink will be less dangerous. After all, the concentration of caffeine in energy will be incredibly large. Of course, this ingredient in small quantities can have a positive effect on the body. But large doses will not lead to anything good.

The energy drink is unhealthy precisely because it contains high doses of caffeine, which have an irritating effect on all organ systems as a whole. For example, a drink can increase blood pressure as well as increase heart rate. With the constant use of such a tonic, the heart begins to wear out prematurely, which means that diseases of the cardiovascular system occur.

It is very important to think about whether energy drinks are harmful to health. The drink is able to destroy bone tissue, as well as affect the state of the digestive system. The components included in the composition increase the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to heartburn. Also, the drink has a direct effect on the central nervous system. Excessive use of tonic can cause insomnia and depression.

The influence of sugar

Do not forget that energy drinks contain sugar, which causes a lot of harm to the human body. Light carbohydrates contribute to rapid weight gain, damage to tooth enamel, and excitation of the central nervous system. In addition to sugars, the composition usually includes various dyes, the benefits of which are also few.

How bad is energy

As mentioned above, excessive consumption of energy drinks adversely affects the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure rises, and this, in turn, leads to constant headaches and dizziness. The vascular tone also decreases.

Do not forget that energy drinks have a negative effect on the nervous system. Under their influence, the nervous activity of our body slows down, so we feel constant drowsiness, fatigue, aggressiveness, irritability, and also become prone to the development of depressive states.

With regular use of tonic drinks, the body spends too much energy reserves, which are not so easy to restore. This requires proper nutrition and sleep. Caffeine will give you energy, but it will borrow it from the reserves prepared by your smart body for the future.

Energy also have a negative impact on metabolic processes. Metabolism slows down, digestion deteriorates significantly, and decay products are excreted from the body with difficulty. In addition, such a product will worsen the health of the liver and kidneys.

habituation effect

Think about whether it is harmful to drink energy drinks if this drink can lead to addiction. After all, the body simply gets used to the additional stimulation. After a jar of delicious drink, you will feel a surge of strength and good mood. However, there will soon come a time when one portion will not be enough for you. And soon two will not be enough.

And then in an instant you decide that you no longer want to drink energy drinks, but it will not be so easy to cheer up without them. That is why it is very important to know the measure and not to abuse it.

Who can't drink

In fact, even such a seemingly healthy drink as an energy drink can not be drunk by everyone. One serving of an energy drink contains just a huge dosage of caffeine, as well as other energy components. Not every body can withstand such a load. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications in which drinking this drink is strictly prohibited.

So, it is best to refrain from using energy drinks in such cases:

  • people suffering from changes in blood pressure;
  • in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • do not drink energy drinks for people suffering from insomnia, as well as those with an excitable nervous system;
  • in no case should the product be used by children, adolescents and the elderly;
  • it is also worth refusing to drink the drink for pregnant and lactating women, since caffeine will have a negative impact on the health of not only the mother, but also her unborn baby.

Application rules

If you are wondering if a non-alcoholic energy drink is harmful, then believe me, it is safer than a drink containing alcohol. However, in order for the tonic to cause a minimum of harm to your health, you need to drink it correctly.

The maximum daily allowance should be 250 ml of drink per day. On sale you can see a large number of half-liter and liter cans and bottles. Beware of such containers, as they contain an excessively high dosage of caffeine.

In no case do not drink such drinks after sports, and also before training. The consequences of such an action can be extremely deplorable. Also, do not combine energy drinks with alcoholic beverages or any other energy-boosting liquid. First of all, coffee and tea should be included here.

If you still decide to drink an energy drink, then it is best to do it in the morning. A few sips of the miraculous drink will be enough for you. Of course, almost all energy drinks have a very pleasant taste, but you should not drink them to quench your thirst, because they are not intended for this.


Of course, after drinking an energy drink, you can cheer up for a while and cheer yourself up. However, even one jar of such a delicious drink can cause irreparable harm to your health. Therefore, it is better not to use energy at all. And if you still do it, then know the measure and do not abuse it.

Don't forget that your health is in your hands. Only you are responsible for yourself, so take care of yourself. Do not forget that there are a huge number of other methods to cheer up. Drinking an energy drink is not the best option. Take care of your health and it will take care of you.

Energy drink (the so-called "energy drink") is very popular in all developed countries of the world. The reason for the popularity is simple: the comparative cheapness of the drink and the invigorating (tonic) effect it has.

In fact, an energy drink is a more effective analogue of coffee, which also quenches thirst. The variety of flavors of energy drinks is also one of the reasons for the popularity of this drink.

But how dangerous is it to use energy drinks? In this article, we will try to understand how dangerous and harmful it is to consume energy drinks.

Energy drinks entered wide production in 1984. To put it quite simply, these are drinks created using a combination of various stimulants and additional components (vitamins, flavors, dyes, and so on).

They are designed to stimulate the central nervous system. Due to this, a significant reduction in fatigue is achieved, and indicators of mental activity increase, but for a limited period (up to 6-8 hours).

Composition of various energy drinks is the same in most cases. It includes the following substances:

  1. Caffeine. The main component of energy drinks, which has a tonic and invigorating effect. It should also be noted that caffeine significantly increases heart rate (up to 120 beats per minute).
  2. Mate. It is an analogue of caffeine, gives the same effect, but to a lesser extent.
  3. Ginseng and guarana. Both are natural (ie not synthesized) CNS stimulants.
  4. Sucrose and glucose - universal energy for the body, simple carbohydrates. Once in the body, these substances quickly have a stimulating effect, first of all getting into the brain, reducing the desire to sleep and stimulating its activity.
  5. Taurine. An amino acid that speeds up metabolism, quickly gives energy to the body, and is another central nervous system stimulant.
  6. Theobromine. In its pure form, it is toxic, but energy drinks contain the theobromine, which has undergone chemical processing. It is a tonic.
  7. Phenylalanine. Adds flavor to the drink.
  8. B group vitamins.

Popular products in the CIS countries

In the CIS countries, a large number of different energy drinks are sold. The most popular of them are the following:

  • Jaguar;
  • Burn;
  • Red Bull;
  • non-stop;
  • Revo Energy;
  • Gladiator;
  • Adrenalin Rush.

It should be noted that in Europe and the USA the number of types of energy drinks significantly exceeds the number in the CIS countries.

The impact of energy on the human body

The use of energy drinks directly affects a person’s sleep. To be more precise, chronic persistent insomnia develops, and the existing sleep becomes pathological. The patient may have nightmares, any external stimuli make him wake up, after sleep there is no feeling of cheerfulness and "new strength". This is the so-called rollback.

Over time, mood lability (its instability), suspiciousness, irritability, excessive anger and aggressiveness are formed. The world in the mind of the patient loses its colors, which usually indicates the onset of depression.

Organic lesions include the development of prolonged sinus tachycardia, extrasystoles (feeling of interruption of the heart), high blood pressure. Often there are persistent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

What's wrong with energy drinks?

Negative consequences of taking power engineers have not raised questions from doctors for a long time. It is a well-known fact that they are very harmful to health, namely (we are talking about long-term regular use):

  1. Increase the likelihood of developing diabetes.
  2. They disrupt the work of the central nervous system.
  3. They create problems with the performance of the heart and the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  4. Cause pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Lead to mental disorders, reduce libido.
  6. Able to cause formidable diseases (thrombosis, epilepsy, anaphylaxis).
  7. Reduce the ability to work, attention, interest in the world around.

Harm of power engineers (video)

Does it get addictive?

Unfortunately, all modern research on energy drinks suggests that they are persistent and highly addictive. Moreover, in some individuals this addiction is as strong as in patients with alcoholism.

Apparently, in the near future a solution to this problem will not be found. In many countries, the use of energy drinks is not regulated in any way, and propaganda against their use is kept to a minimum.

Who is dangerous / contraindicated to drink energy drinks?

Abuse of energy harms absolutely all people. However, there are categories of people for whom energy drinks are especially harmful.

Such people include:

  • people with chronic diseases of the circulatory system (especially patients with thrombophilia);
  • patients with diabetes;
  • patients with heart disease;
  • patients with diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal system;
  • people with chronic high blood pressure;
  • people suffering from insomnia;
  • teenagers;
  • people over fifty;
  • pregnant women;
  • patients with glaucoma;
  • patients with a history of cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • patients with diseases of the central nervous system.

Is an overdose possible?

Unfortunately, in addition to the benefits of energy, they also pose a real danger to the human body. An overdose of such drinks causes serious poisoning, leading to an overload of the central nervous system and an increase in the load on the arteries and heart.

An overdose of energy drinks usually occurs against the background of their frequent use for the implementation of any intellectual work. Statistically, energy poisoning most often occurs in students before an exam and in knowledge workers (programmers, writers, professional gamers, and so on).

The reason for an overdose of energy drinks is that they increase the body's performance by increasing the load on all its systems. The cardiovascular and central nervous systems suffer most of all, which, with a large use of energy drinks, work for wear and tear.

Simply put, energy drinks turn on the body's reserve systems for a long time, while they are designed for short work ( no more than 30 minutes and only in critical situations).

Symptoms of an energy drink overdose

Symptoms of poisoning(overdose) energy drinks are as follows:

  • a significant increase in heart rate (up to 160 beats per minute);
  • persistent and prolonged insomnia;
  • irritability, aggressiveness;
  • redness of the face and a feeling of heat;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • diarrhea;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • violations of coordination of movements;
  • frequent urination (less often - the inability to control it);
  • cold sweat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • repeated vomiting, sometimes without relief;
  • anxiety, panic, suspiciousness;
  • confusion;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • loss of consciousness (syncope).

Possible consequences

Consequences of frequent use energy drinks, as well as an overdose of them, are quite serious.

Let's try to list all available of them (according to "PubMed"):

  1. Decreased libido, impotence.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases (especially often develops gastritis and heartburn).
  3. Cognitive impairment, including problems with academic performance in adolescents.
  4. The development of mental illness.
  5. Depression, apathy, indifference, aggressiveness.
  6. Heart failure, thrombosis.
  7. Persistent chronic insomnia.
  8. Overexcitation, nervous tics.
  9. Convulsions, epilepsy.
  10. Decreased interest and motivation.
  11. Fatal outcome (relatively rare).

First aid and further treatment

If an overdose of energy drinks is suspected, the patient should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you should give him 2-3 liters of warm water and provoke vomiting. It is quite simple to do this: after the patient drinks warm water, you need to press his finger on the root of the tongue.

After vomiting, the patient should be given 10-12 activated charcoal tablets. To neutralize caffeine, if possible, the patient should be given green tea or milk. Foods with magnesium (cabbage, avocado) may be useful.

In the hospital, the patient will again wash the stomach and put a dropper. The treatment will be carried out with an emphasis on detoxification of the body and on the "unloading" of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Modern society lives in conditions of constantly accelerating life. It's no secret that in order to keep up with the rapidly escaping time, you need to spur yourself on something. Few of us imagine our morning without an invigorating cup of coffee, but this is already not enough: resourceful humanity has come up with energy drinks. What, great! I drank it, and as if I renewed the battery inside myself! Is it really?

It is not surprising that the first energy drink appeared in Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun is characterized by a frantic pace of life, in which there is almost no place for rest. This discovery took place back in the 60s of the last century, but the world was far from immediately delighted with it. Energy drinks came to Europe only at the end of the 80s, and in America they appeared even later - in the 90s of the twentieth century.

The ever-accelerating pace of existence in most civilized countries of the world eventually demanded a slightly forgotten invention of Japanese minds, and from about the mid-2000s, energy drinks gained extraordinary popularity, which they still hold to this day. The growing rate of consumption of such drinks caused serious concerns in the World Health Organization: in just 4 years (2008–2012) in the United States of America, the growth in sales of stimulating treats increased by more than one and a half times, or rather, by 60%! Moreover, the main consumers of energy drinks are teenagers of younger and middle age.

Composition and effect on the human body

Why is the world organization that guards the health of mankind so worried about this fact? Energy drink manufacturers have their own truth, which they promote through creative, aggressive ads that appeal to teenagers.

A boy or girl with a bright attractive jar in his hand is a free and happy person who knows how to live life to the fullest! Such a template easily found its way to the hearts of young people.

Bright jars are attractive to young people

The commercial interests of firms producing energy drinks dictate the need for them to assert that these drinks do not bring anything but good. In fact this is not true. To begin with, let's analyze the composition typical of any energy drink:

  1. The main active ingredient is caffeine, which stimulates mental activity, for which it is enough to use it in an amount of 100 mg. A double dose of caffeine can boost the activity of the cardiovascular system, and for this you already need to drink a few jars of energy drinks.
  2. Taurine. This is the name of an amino acid that is formed in the human body, more precisely, in its muscle tissue. In moderation, it takes care of the normal intensity of heart contractions.
  3. Carnitine is an amino acid synthesized by the human liver through the transformation of methionine and lysine. Without its presence in the body, fat and energy metabolism will be impossible.
  4. Medicinal plants with a tonic effect - ginseng and guarana. These natural components help to endure physical activity, fight the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and cleanse liver cells. However, some doctors are not inclined to attribute such serious healing properties to these plants.
  5. Vitamins. Probably, it will be superfluous to talk about the role of vitamins - everyone knows this. However, you should also be aware that, starting from a certain dose, these substances are no longer absorbed by the body and simply "fly" to the exit.
  6. Green tea extract - matein. It is believed that it helps fight excess weight by dulling the feeling of hunger.
  7. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain and provides the daily rhythm of human life.

Why energy drinks are dangerous, and what are the consequences of their constant use

So, it would seem that the composition of energy drinks includes such a number of useful components. What is the truth? Of course, for an adult, drinking a jar of an energy drink to increase tone will not hurt anything if you do it only from time to time. However, as already mentioned, the main adherents of this dubious delicacy are precisely children, who are categorically not recommended to use such components as, for example, caffeine. And these are far from all the arguments that testify against power engineers:

  1. These drinks, unlike ordinary refreshing waters, cannot be consumed uncontrollably, without observing the dosage: exceeding the norm can lead to an attack of hypertension or a jump in blood glucose levels in people with diabetes and hypertension. In a number of countries, energy drinks are recommended for sale not in ordinary grocery markets, but only in the pharmacy chain.
  2. The presence of vitamins in energy drinks does not at all make them useful - vitamins are beneficial only when taken in doses.
  3. The statement that the drink gives additional energy is fundamentally wrong - it only releases the body's own energy, which over time will certainly bring negative results. Imagine what would happen if you whipped a tired horse mercilessly, forcing it to run faster. So it is with the body - over time, it will respond to constant stimulation with insomnia, loss of strength, irritability and even depression.
  4. An overdose of caffeine over time will cause addiction, as well as exhaustion of the nervous system. A person will need more and more doses to whip up the body. The result can be tachycardia (increased heart rate), overexcitation and chronic sleep disturbance. As mentioned above, caffeine is categorically not recommended for a child's body.
  5. Energy drinks stimulate increased urination, and valuable trace elements, such as potassium, necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle, leave the body with urine.

Energy abuse can lead to neurological disorders

The following conclusions can be drawn on the basis of information about the energy sector:

  • energy drinks are strictly not recommended for use by children, especially younger teenagers;
  • uncontrolled intake of energy drinks is dangerous for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diseases of the central nervous system;
  • energy drinks are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

You need to understand that these drinks cannot be identified with ordinary lemonade or soda, with which you can quench your thirst. High doses of caffeine consumed by children can lead to drug addiction, mental decline and neurological disorders.

Natural juices are a great alternative to quench your thirst

Dangerous is the fashion among young people to use energy drinks along with alcoholic beverages. Such a combination exacerbates the negative impact of energy drinks on the body at times, for the reason that these two components act in antiphase: alcohol depresses the nervous system, and the energy drink energizes. This leads to the fact that a person loses control over himself and drinks more alcohol than he would drink without an energy drink. This condition is extremely dangerous because it increases the risk of developing alcohol poisoning and loss of control over one's own behavior.

Given all of the above, it seems appropriate to ban energy drinks in some countries - Turkey, Denmark, Iceland, etc. Such a ban also applies in a number of US states, and in the countries of the European Union certain restrictions have been adopted on the sale of these drinks and a special warning label has been introduced on the packaging. . In Hungary, for example, a manufacturer of energy drinks pays a special tax for harmfulness, and in Australia and New Zealand, such firms are subject to special registration. In Russia, there are no restrictive measures yet, although health authorities insist on the advisability of such a step.

A sip - and you are alert and fresh for several hours. What magic. You can sleep less and do more. But what will be the price for cheerfulness?

The answer is disappointing: retribution will come in the form of cardiovascular diseases, a shattered nervous system, weak immunity, and even dependence on these drinks.


Caffeine constricts blood vessels, increases - thereby causing a surge of vivacity. But, alas, not for long. After a while, a “rollback” occurs, a person feels lethargy and weakness, and even more than he felt before taking the energy drink.

Caffeine also removes water from the body, it has a diuretic effect. But many people drink energy drinks to quench their thirst. It turns out the opposite effect, thirst does not go anywhere, but the body is dehydrated even more.

And another danger: caffeine is addictive. The body begins to demand more and more cheerfulness - it sits down on the energy drink. If you use the drink often, then one jar will soon not be enough. The dose will need to be increased. And get even more harmful substances.

Guarana grass

It contains a lot of caffeine. Three times more than coffee. And as a result, the energy bank has an overwhelming amount of this unsafe substance.


It is an amino acid or vitamin-like substance. It improves energy metabolism in our body, has a positive effect on pressure. The problem is that the content of taurine in the drink is several times higher than the allowable daily allowance for humans.


If you drink two cans of the drink, then you will exceed the daily norm of glucuronolactone by almost 500 times. Scientists cannot say for sure what the consequences of the combination of these two components: taurine and glucuronolactone, and even in such huge doses, will lead to. It is not yet known how each substance can enhance the effect of another. So taking them is not safe.


Vitamin C and B vitamins are usually added to energy drinks. There is no doubt that vitamins are useful. But not in such a chemical company. Vitamin B in large quantities causes tremors, heart palpitations and allergic reactions. Vitamin C reacts with preservatives and flavors - as a result, carcinogenic substances are produced.

Mate and ginseng extracts

Very often they are mistaken for useful components - these are herbs. But in fact, the invigorating effect of these herbs is similar to the principle of the energy drink. For example, a cup of mate slightly "adjusts" the heart. And if you add a horse dose of caffeine to this cup? As for ginseng, in some people its combination with caffeine does not cause cheerfulness, but irritability.

Carbon dioxide

It provides very fast absorption into the blood of all elements of the energy drink. At the same time, carbon dioxide is bad. It causes the stomach to produce more gastric juice. Acidity rises, and all this can lead to gastritis and ulcers. However, almost any soda has such a side effect.


Energy drinks with the addition of alcohol are the most dangerous. The fact is that our body does not tolerate the double whammy of caffeine and alcohol very well. And if you add a cigarette ... All these things narrow the blood vessels very much. And with the frequent use of energy drinks, the case can end in a stroke and other serious problems. In many countries, such as the United States, energy drinks containing alcohol are banned.

Where is the vivacity?

Within 3-4 hours after taking the energy drink, we feel a surge of strength. But these forces are not taken from the drink. The power engineer mobilizes the last remnants of our body's strength, those energy reserves that were set aside for the darkest day. He squeezes the body dry.

Energy drink ads are colorful and original. Manufacturers promise that their compositions will inspire the consumer, fill them with strength, turn either into Carlson or Superman. Power engineers are really able to help a student learn the material of the whole semester a few nights before the exam, a minibus driver or a truck driver - almost around the clock to drive a car in difficult conditions, a frequenter of discos - to dance all night long, and go to work or study in the morning.

However, doctors are less optimistic: as the popularity of energy drinks grows, serious diseases of the vessels, liver, pancreas, and nervous system become much younger. To understand the benefits and harms of energy drinks, let's look at their composition.

Types of power engineers

There are two main types of energy drinks (stimulants):

  • non-alcoholic;
  • low alcohol.

Non-alcoholic and low-alcohol energy drinks may contain:

  • caffeine, theine, mateine ​​are alkaloids. Substances tone up, stimulate the brain, increase blood pressure, muffle the feeling of hunger;
  • theobromine is an extract from cocoa beans. It is an alkaloid similar in action to caffeine;
  • taurine - participates in metabolic processes, affects the lowering of blood glucose and blood pressure;
  • extracts of ginseng, guarana, lemongrass, echinacea - plants that are traditionally used in folk medicine to strengthen the body and quickly restore strength;
  • carnitine - accelerates fat metabolism and increases appetite;
  • melatonin - a hormone that regulates the frequency of sleep and affects the endocrine system;
  • vitamins of group B - substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and are necessary for the correct transmission of signals between neurons;
  • sweeteners and other flavorings, flavorings, food colorings, preservatives.

In addition to stimulants, isotonics (sports catalysts) are available for sale, designed for athletes who need to replenish their strength after training. Isotonics are a mixture of salts, vitamins and flavorings, powdered or diluted in water.

Features of non-alcoholic energy drinks

By carefully studying the composition of non-alcoholic energy drinks, we can conclude that they consist of some useful products. The problem is that there are too many of these substances in drinks (often several daily doses) and they combine in a very bizarre way. It is impossible to predict in advance how the body will react to a shock dose of compounds, some of which increase pressure, others lower it, and others stimulate the endocrine system. Carbonic acid, which is a mandatory part of drinks, accelerates their absorption into the bloodstream and enhances the effect. Due to the high content of sweeteners, blood sugar immediately rises.

All ingredients of energy drinks increase efficiency by releasing hidden reserves of the body. The benefits of energy drinks to the body are about the same as from an artificial increase in the frequency of the processor - to the computer. The processor is easy to overclock, but it will burn out much faster after that.

Alkaloids (caffeine, mateine, theobromine) are gradually addictive. A lover of energy drinks has a decrease in the natural production of adrenaline, as a result, a person, without drinking a tonic drink, feels lethargic, overwhelmed. Too large amounts of B vitamins contribute to irritability, in severe cases, hands begin to tremble, mental activity worsens. There is an addiction similar to a drug addiction.

Alcoholic energy drinks are addictive

Features of low-alcohol energy drinks

Low-alcohol energy drinks can contain up to 9% alcohol. This means that in a 250 ml aluminum can there is up to 22.5 ml of pure ethanol, in terms of vodka almost 56 ml. The same energy bank with a strength of 5% is equivalent to 31 ml of vodka.

Alcohol only at the very beginning invigorates, after 45 - 60 minutes it has a sedative effect. The tonic substances of the energy drink work for 2-3 hours. There is a neutralization of two effects: excitatory and inhibitory. Even a healthy body can barely cope with such a load, but a person who begins to fall asleep drinks a new portion of energy drinks.

Excessive addiction to low-alcohol energy drinks is a direct path to alcoholism. A person who consciously consumes strong drinks usually observes the culture of drinking: he drinks a little, savoring, snacks, tries not to exceed his own norm. But alcohol is almost not felt in energy drinks, their lover drinks can after can.

It must be remembered that low-alcohol energy drinks are not means for stimulating performance, but alcoholic cocktails. In moderation, they are acceptable during parties and feasts. It is better to avoid low-alcohol energy drinks with caffeine, mateine ​​and theobromine, these drinks are the most harmful.

How to choose the right energy

The benefits of energy drinks are very doubtful, but if you need to urgently restore strength, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • choose non-alcoholic energy drinks containing any one tonic: either caffeine (mateine, theobromine), or plant extracts. Energy drinks with natural herbal extracts are preferred;
  • you can not use more than 250-300 ml of energy per day;
  • maximum allowable monthly dose - 6 aluminum cans;
  • coffee, carbon dioxide and alcohol dehydrate the body. After drinking the energy drink, you need to drink at least 0.5 liters of water in several doses;
  • the daily norm of caffeine is no more than 300 ml (no more than 100-120 ml at a time). You need to carefully read how much caffeine is contained in the drink. Energy drinks should not be taken with coffee or chocolate;
  • choose energy drinks with a minimum content of dyes and flavors (these substances are carcinogenic).

Contraindications to the use of energy drinks

It is forbidden to drink any energy drinks in case of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • endocrine system (especially in diabetes);
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • nervous system.

Power engineers are an invention of the second half of the 20th century, and if desired, they can be easily replaced. For centuries, people have increased their efficiency by eating foods containing vitamin C: apples, citrus fruits. A mixture of apple, pumpkin and carrot juices gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. To overcome drowsiness, you can eat a chocolate bar, drink coffee or cocoa. If you want an unusual taste, then at a party it is better to order a cocktail with high-quality alcohol. Frequent artificial stimulation of the body with energy drinks is a threat to health.