Homemade tomato ketchup. Homemade tomato and pepper ketchup

Ketchup for the winter is great culinary idea, both in terms of taste and in terms of economy. In the supermarket, such sauces are quite expensive, and they are packaged in small packages, so you constantly have to buy more and more new bags of your favorite delicacy. If you make ketchup at home, it will cost much less, and a few jars will be enough for the whole winter and for the whole family.

Tomatoes are traditionally the basis for ketchup, but they must be supplemented with other vegetables and aromatic spices. Sweet and hot peppers, garlic and onions are suitable for this. As more interesting ingredients For spicy taste They use apples, plums, cherry plums and even prunes. This allows you to get every time different variants ketchup, choosing the perfect sauce for each dish. You can use a wide variety of spices for ketchup, and their composition usually depends solely on the preferences of the cook. Experienced Chefs They recommend paying attention to cinnamon, dried herbs, ground peppers and peppercorns, cloves, coriander, etc.

Ketchup for the winter is cooked on the stove or in a slow cooker. Most often, vinegar, salt and sugar are added to it, which allows it to preserve its taste and quality for a long time. beneficial features. Sometimes starch is added for thickness. Ketchup is used as a sauce for meat and fish dishes, side dishes and salty baked goods, as a salad dressing, add it to marinades, etc. Store it in ordinary glass jars in the refrigerator or pantry.

Tomatoes are the first association that comes to mind when hearing the word “ketchup.” The rest will depend solely on the chosen recipe. This, for example, uses standard ingredients that will produce delicate taste and the same consistency. The chili will add some flavor to the sauce without making it too spicy. If you wish, you can use hot red pepper instead of bell pepper to get a really hot delicacy.


  • 5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 300 g bell pepper;
  • 2 tsp. ground chili pepper;
  • 500 g onions;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • ½ cup vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and stalks from the bell pepper.
  2. Vegetables cut large pieces and pass through a meat grinder, mix in one bowl.
  3. Add salt and sugar to the vegetables and stir.
  4. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.
  5. Season the ketchup with chili pepper and continue cooking until the sauce reaches the desired thickness.
  6. Pour vinegar into the saucepan, stir again and, after boiling, cook for another 5 minutes.
  7. Pour ready hot ketchup into jars, roll up the lids and let cool.

Interesting from the network

For many, it may seem strange to add fruit to ketchup, but the taste of this dish will dispel the doubts of even the most inveterate skeptics. Best to use sour apples, for example Antonovka. With this variety, ketchup will turn out not only tasty, but also aromatic, especially in combination with dry mustard and cinnamon. The sauce will be quite spicy. If you want a more neutral ketchup, it is better to exclude red pepper from the composition. If desired, replace the apples with cherry plum in the same volume.


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard;
  • 1 glass of vinegar;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • ½ tsp. ground red pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and chop apples and tomatoes large slices and put in one saucepan.
  2. Pour water over fruits and vegetables and cook for an hour and a half.
  3. Grind the contents of the pan to a puree using a sieve or blender.
  4. Pass the garlic through a press and add to the resulting mass.
  5. Season the apple-tomato mixture with cinnamon, salt, sugar, red pepper and mustard.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly and boil again.
  7. Boil the ketchup for 30 minutes, then pour the vinegar into it.
  8. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes, pour the ketchup into jars and seal tightly.
  9. Wrap jars of ketchup in a warm blanket and cool at room temperature.

Ketchup in a slow cooker differs from that prepared in a saucepan in that it has a thicker consistency. You can limit yourself to 1 hour of preparation if you do not plan to store the sauce for a long time. In this case, you should also not add vinegar. If you don't have a blender, simply grind the vegetables through a sieve after stewing. The finished ketchup should be cooled at room temperature and transferred to a cool place.


  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1/3 tsp. coriander;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried basil;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon;
  • 3 buds of cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1/3 tsp. allspice;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, remove the skins and cut into slices.
  2. Grind the onion and garlic in a blender, add to the tomatoes along with all the released juice.
  3. Grind all the spices in a mortar and pour into the vegetables.
  4. Mix all ingredients well and transfer to a multicooker bowl.
  5. Cook ketchup for 1 hour 30 minutes in the “Stew” mode.
  6. Pour the resulting mass into a bowl and grind with a blender.
  7. Return everything back to the multicooker and boil in the “Baking” mode.
  8. Add vinegar and bring ketchup to a boil again.
  9. Divide the sauce into jars and roll up the lids.

Now you know how to make ketchup for the winter using a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Ketchup for the winter is prepared surprisingly easily and quickly, so many housewives will be surprised why they have never tried making similar sauces at home before. It is best to stock up on them during the vegetable season and leave the jars in a cool place, taking them out as needed during the cold season. To ensure that everything works out the first time and the result exceeds your expectations, remember a few simple tips from experienced chefs:
  • Before making ketchup, be sure to remove the skins from the tomatoes. To do this, make a cross-shaped cut on each of them, and then scald the vegetables well with boiling water. After this procedure, the skin will come off very easily;
  • Spices can be added to ketchup crushed or whole, but in the second option, the finished sauce should be strained;
  • Choose ripe tomatoes for ketchup, but make sure that the fruits are dense and uniform in color;
  • Ketchup can be stored in sealed jars for up to 1 year, but only if it contains vinegar.

Nowadays, it is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not know what ketchup is and what it is eaten with, but to find someone who has not tried homemade ketchup, much easier. Of course, making your own ketchup at home takes time, but at the same time, such ketchup is much tastier and healthier than commercial ketchup.

It certainly does not contain stabilizers, flavor enhancers, or other harmful additives. In fact, make ketchup at home Quite easy and no more difficult than, for example, preparing adjika or lecho. Basic basis ketchup are ripe tomatoes, although there are also recipes for ketchup at home based on purchased tomato paste. Interestingly, the first ketchup was not at all the same as we know it, and it was not made from tomatoes at all.

It was prepared from anchovies, beans, mushrooms and walnuts, seasoning with fish brine, wine and spices. Yes, you will agree that such a pun on food is not appetizing enough. Fortunately, over time they began to cook from tomatoes, and this happened in the 19th century. Since then this tomato sauce became popular all over the world and gained a lot of fans.

Homemade ketchups - recipes

Make homemade ketchup the easiest is their tomato paste. Homemade ketchup Tomato paste makes it thick and rich in flavor. Try this recipe.

Homemade tomato paste ketchup - recipe


  • Tomato paste – 500 ml.,
  • Salt - half teaspoon,
  • Table vinegar – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Ready-made dining room - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Spices: Bay leaf, black peppercorns, a mixture of dried Italian herbs
  • Hot water– 1 glass.

Mix tomato paste with mustard, sugar, salt and vinegar in a bowl. Place the spices in a separate bowl and cover them with hot water. Let it brew for 2 hours. After this, strain the spice infusion through a colander. Let it cool and then add it to the tomato paste. Stir and the ketchup is ready. It will taste better if you cool it in the refrigerator.

Homemade tomato paste ketchup can be prepared for the winter.

Homemade tomato paste ketchup for the winter - recipe


  • Tomato paste – 500 ml.,
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.,
  • Dry mustard – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Onions – 1 pc.,
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves,
  • Ground black pepper, cloves,
  • – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt to taste.

Dilute tomato paste with water. The mixture should be as thick as kefir. Pour it into a saucepan. Add sugar and salt. Finely chop the onion and add to ketchup. When the ketchup boils, reduce the heat. Add mustard powder, black pepper, cloves. After 10 minutes, add vinegar and garlic through a press to the pan. Boil it, stirring for another 10 minutes. Pour hot into sterile jars. Ready-made jars of ketchup must be turned over and wrapped. Homemade ketchup, recipe which we considered is best stored in a cellar or basement.

Classic tomato ketchup - recipe

To make homemade ketchup with apples you will need:

Tomatoes – 1 kg.

Homemade ketchup with apples - recipe

The first step is to peel the thin skins from the tomatoes. To do this, they need to be placed in a pan with boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After this procedure, the peel will come off the tomatoes very easily; all you need to do is pry it off with a sharp knife.

Next, the tomatoes should be cut into 4 parts or cut into smaller pieces. At the end, the vegetable mass is whipped with a blender, so the beauty of the pieces and their size are not important.

Chop the onion.

And add to the pan with the tomatoes.

Place on low heat and simmer for about half an hour. The mass should simmer completely, become soft and thick, so there is no need to add water and oil.

Cut the apples into thin slices. The blocks are stewed with vegetables for literally 5 - 10 minutes, so it will be better if their slices are thin and the apple variety is loose and sour.

Add the apples to the vegetables, simmer and gently blend with a blender until soft and smooth.

Instead of apples, you can use pineapples or plums. Don't be afraid to experiment! This is the only way you can discover a new taste for your favorite preparations. For example, if you add to this homemade ketchup with apples fresh plums, then its taste will be more reminiscent of the southern Tkemali sauce, and by adding nuts to this homemade tkemali, you will get a new, bright in taste and appearance topping for meat or salad dressing.

After you have blended the ketchup, boil it again and pour it into jars with tight lids. You can serve this ketchup with meat, pasta, and also use it to prepare various dishes for spaghetti or pizza! Bon appetit!

Homemade ketchup with apples. Photo

There are several proven and very delicious sauces homemade.

The tomato ketchup is finger-licking and it’s very easy to prepare for the winter.

Tomato sauce is served with meat dishes, spaghetti and fried potatoes. You can buy the sauce at any grocery store, but you can’t be sure that it doesn’t contain various chemical additives and preservatives.

Therefore, thrifty housewives have long been preparing ketchup for the winter at home, using only high-quality products without any chemicals. Do not use spicy ketchup even children can. The sauce is prepared simply from available ingredients. Of course, the sauce prepared at home will differ in thickness from the store-bought sauce, but the main thing is that the taste will be simply excellent.

You can adjust the taste of the sauce yourself: make it hotter by adding chili pepper, or sweet and sour by adding apples. For those who like piquant ketchup, you can add various seasonings during the preparation of the sauce: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg or dry mustard.

And don’t forget, ketchup must be stored only in sterilized jars, otherwise it will spoil.

Homemade tomato ketchup for the winter You'll lick your fingers


  • three large onions;
  • half a kilo of apples;
  • three kilos of tomatoes;
  • three dessert spoons salt;
  • one and a half glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 30 gr. vinegar


  • finely chop onions, apples and tomatoes;
  • put on the stove and cook for about an hour;
  • check onion for softness;
  • tomato puree cool and grind in a blender;
  • add salt and sugar;
  • put on fire and simmer until required thickness;
  • ten minutes before the end of cooking the sauce, pour in the vinegar;
  • Pour into prepared glass container.

For spiciness, add ground red and black pepper to the sauce. When preparing the sauce, use natural Apple vinegar.

Ketchup with garlic


  • tomatoes - two kilos;
  • three dessert spoons of sugar;
  • salt - dessert spoon;
  • 200 gr. vegetable oil;
  • a small head of garlic;
  • black and red ground pepper- half a teaspoon.

Cooking steps:

  • cut into small cubes tomatoes;
  • Heat sunflower oil in a deep frying pan and fry the tomato pieces in it;
  • after the tomatoes become soft, grind them through a sieve or beat in a blender;
  • put the tomato puree on the fire;
  • boil for an hour;
  • forty minutes after boiling the tomato mass, add salt, sugar, pepper;
  • mix;
  • Five minutes before removing from heat, add peeled and chopped garlic.
  • Pour the finished sauce into prepared containers;
  • roll up;
  • leave until completely cool;
  • put in a cellar or basement for storage.

Recipe for winter ketchup at home from tomatoes with mustard

Spicy sauce with a hint of mustard

  1. five kilos of tomatoes;
  2. half a kilo of granulated sugar;
  3. two large onions;
  4. two tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  5. mustard powder - three tbsp. spoons;
  6. vinegar - half a glass;
  7. salt - two tbsp. spoons;
  8. nutmeg - a pinch;
  9. a couple of pieces carnations


  • peel tomatoes;
  • slice small pieces;
  • grate the onion on a coarse grater;
  • add vegetable oil to the pan;
  • fry the prepared ingredients;
  • leave on the fire for an hour and a half until the excess liquid boils away;
  • grind through a sieve;
  • transfer back to the pan;
  • add all the spices to the tomato mass, except salt and nutmeg;
  • simmer for another two or three hours;
  • add salt and nutmeg five minutes before the end of cooking ketchup;
  • Pour the finished sauce into jars;
  • roll up.

To make homemade tomato ketchup for the winter tasty, take only ripe and juicy tomatoes.

Before preparing the sauce, take the time to remove the skins from the tomatoes.

If you don't like the smell and taste of garlic, you don't have to add it to the sauce.

To make the sauce more homogeneous, beat the mixture with a blender before pouring it into jars.

Ketchup with starch at home for the winter

This sauce will not spread; it is perfect for both barbecue and spaghetti.

In order for home-made ketchup to have a dense consistency, it is necessary to add starch to the preparation, which will give the necessary thickness and gloss to the finished product.

To this preparation, in addition to the standard set of products: tomatoes, onions and bell peppers, you can add cinnamon, ground red and black pepper for spiciness. And if you want, add some spice to the sauce and use celery.


  • tomatoes - two kilos;
  • two small onions;
  • 30 ml vinegar (you can use white wine vinegar);
  • two dessert spoons of salt;
  • six dessert spoons of sugar;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • half a glass of water;
  • two to three tablespoons of starch.


  • peel and cut tomatoes and onions;
  • grind vegetables in a meat grinder;
  • transfer to a container and put on fire;
  • cook over low heat for two and a half hours;
  • let the tomato mass cool and carefully grind it through a fine sieve;
  • pour again tomato preparation into a container and put on fire;
  • salt, add spices and granulated sugar;
  • for aroma, you can add two or three laurel leaves;
  • we breed in warm water starch;
  • carefully add the starch solution into the sauce, mix thoroughly and quickly so that no lumps form;
  • boil for another five minutes, turn off and pour the finished product into jars;
  • We put it in a cellar or basement for storage.

If you don't want to grind boiled tomato puree to get rid of tomato seeds and skins. You can do this at the beginning of cooking: scald the tomatoes with boiling water and put them in cold water for a few minutes. The peel is easily removed after such water procedures. Then cut the fruits into two parts and scrape out the seeds with a spoon. There is no need to throw them away. Grind them in a fine sieve and add the juice to the tomato puree.

Homemade tomato ketchup like store bought

How delicious is store-bought ketchup, but how much is there? harmful additives, stabilizers and preservatives. How would you like the tomato sauce to be natural? There is a solution - you can make homemade ketchup from tomatoes, the same as store bought sauce. The delicious preparation can be cooked for the whole year, while significantly saving the family budget.

To prepare tomato sauce, you do not need to buy selected fruits; it is enough to buy slightly spoiled tomatoes, overripe, with damaged skins. On taste qualities This will not affect the finished product in any way.

Choose very red tomatoes so that the prepared sauce turns out to be a bright red, appetizing color. If you wish, you can add cloves, pepper and other spices that you like to the sauce.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • tomatoes - five kilos;
  • bell pepper – one kilogram;
  • medium-sized onions – 8 pcs.;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of 6% apple cider vinegar;
  • salt - three dessert spoons;
  • a few bay leaves.

Cooking steps:

  1. add salt to the diced tomatoes and let them stand for about twenty minutes so that they release their juice;
  2. Grind the peeled onions and peppers in a meat grinder;
  3. add vegetable mixture to tomatoes;
  4. put the container with the workpiece on the fire;
  5. the tomato mixture should be boiled for thirty minutes;
  6. remove from the stove and let the tomato mass cool;
  7. grind the workpiece through a fine sieve;
  8. put the container on slow fire, salt, add granulated sugar and bay leaf;
  9. cook with stirring for another two hours.
  10. ten minutes before readiness add vinegar;
  11. pour the finished product into a glass container.

Winter preparations, tomato ketchup: the most delicious recipe

Everyone at home will appreciate this product, especially if you cook a couple of jars of this delicious ketchup with spicy spicy taste, then men will be simply delighted!

How many various blanks You can make winter tomatoes, including ketchup, according to the most delicious recipe I know.

There are a great many recipes for making ketchup, but there is a base for tomato sauce, which is prepared from small amount products. And then your imagination and taste preferences will allow you to create exactly the sauce that will appeal to both adults and children.

The most delicious recipe for homemade ketchup for the winter made from tomatoes and bell peppers


  • five kilograms of tomatoes;
  • half a kilo of bell pepper;
  • 400 gr. onions;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a quarter glass of salt;
  • 100 ml of vinegar (you can take 6% apple cider vinegar);
  • three tablespoons of starch;
  • a bunch of parsley.


  1. Prepare tomato juice from tomatoes using a juicer;
  2. put the juice in a saucepan with high sides on the fire and bring to a boil;
  3. peel the onion and pepper, cut into small pieces and mince;
  4. add twisted vegetables to boiling tomato juice;
  5. mix thoroughly and bring to a boil;
  6. be sure to remove the foam;
  7. boil for at least two hours;
  8. remove the pan from the heat and let
  9. salt, add sugar;
  10. dilute the starch in a glass of water and carefully pour into the sauce, add a bunch of herbs;
  11. simmer for another twenty minutes, remove the parsley and add vinegar, stir, turn off and let cool slightly;
  12. pour into prepared containers.

Advice! If you don’t have a juicer, then mince the tomatoes or blend them in a blender.

Chef's Best Ketchup Recipe


  • ripe, fleshy tomatoes - two kilos;
  • sour apples – three pcs.;
  • onion - three large heads;
  • salt - two dessert spoons;
  • sugar - a little more than half a glass;
  • cloves, nutmeg, red pepper - to taste;
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon.


  1. cut and chop vegetables using a meat grinder or blender;
  2. put on fire and cook for about forty minutes;
  3. cool the tomato mass and add sugar, salt and spices, except vinegar and ground red pepper;
  4. simmer for another hour and a half to two hours;
  5. add vinegar, pepper, boil for another 5-10 minutes;
  6. Remove from heat, let cool slightly, and pour into prepared container.

We don’t hide it too far, because ketchup is extremely tasty and ready to use.

Homemade kebab ketchup for the winter

To make ketchup you will need the following products:

  1. two and a half kilograms of ripe and juicy tomatoes;
  2. a kilo of bell pepper;
  3. hot pepper pod;
  4. tablespoon chopped garlic;
  5. three tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar;
  6. teaspoon of salt, mustard, coriander, grated ginger root, dill seeds, vinegar essence;
  7. six peas of hot and allspice;
  8. five cardamom grains;
  9. laurel leaf - two pieces;
  10. Art. a spoonful of starch diluted in half a glass of water.

Cooking method kebab ketchup for the winter at home:

Cut tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers into pieces and place on low heat. Add all ingredients except vinegar and starch. One hour after boiling vegetable mixture grind it through a fine sieve.

Cook the puree for another three to four hours. About five minutes before it’s ready to add vinegar essence and starch. Finished product pour into jars.

Jamie Oliver's Ketchup Recipe

The famous chef, who has made a dizzying career, as usual, pleased us with an excellent recipe.

To prepare Jamie Oliver's “special” ketchup you need:

  • a kilo of ripe tomatoes;
  • tomato paste - two tbsp. spoons;
  • medium-sized onions - four pcs.;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • odorless vegetable oil - a quarter cup;
  • greens - a bunch of basil and parsley (celery).

Spices and seasonings:

  • two teaspoons each of fennel and coriander seeds;
  • four buds of cloves;
  • two small pieces of ginger;
  • small head of garlic;
  • chili pepper - one pc.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the tomato and cut into cubes;
  2. chop the onion, garlic and herbs very finely;
  3. cut ginger into thin slices;
  4. place in a saucepan with vegetable oil, and simmer for five minutes, add spices;
  5. add chopped tomatoes and a little water to the saucepan, cover with a lid and boil by a third;
  6. puree vegetable mixture;
  7. Boil the puree for another forty minutes.

Thick ketchup at home for the winter

It is quite difficult to prepare thick and rich ketchup at home. You will lick your fingers. It takes a lot of time for the tomato sauce to reduce and become thick in consistency. But, there are two little secrets that will help the sauce become thicker:

  • Add apples.
  • Use starch when cooking.

Recipe No. 1. Flavored apple-tomato ketchup

Prepare as follows:

  • Grind two kilos of tomatoes, three apples in a blender;
  • boil the tomato-apple mixture for twenty minutes;
  • cool, grind through a sieve;
  • add to the puree: a cinnamon stick, a few clove stars, and half a teaspoon each of nutmeg, rosemary, oregano, salt, sugar, a teaspoon of paprika, a few peas of allspice and hot pepper;
  • boil the mixture for two hours;
  • at the end of cooking, add two dessert spoons of 6% apple cider vinegar.

Recipe No. 2. Thick ketchup with starch

The principle of preparing the sauce is the same as in the previous version, and the recipe is as follows:

  • three kilos of tomatoes;
  • three large onions;
  • teaspoon paprika;
  • allspice and bitter pepper - a few peas;
  • cinnamon and cloves - optional;
  • salt - table. spoon;
  • sugar - a quarter glass;
  • starch - three tables. spoons dissolved in a glass of water.

Attention! Add starch 10 minutes before the end of cooking the sauce.

Ketchup with basil for the winter

Very simple and delicious recipe

Prepare as follows:

  1. peel one kilogram of tomatoes;
  2. wash and dry a bunch of basil and parsley, chop;
  3. Finely chop the tomatoes, add two tablespoons to them. spoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt;
  4. puree tomato mixture;
  5. add chopped three cloves of garlic and herbs to it;
  6. cook for three to four hours;
  7. pour into jars or bottles.

If you want your winter ketchup with basil to have a uniform and smooth consistency, rub it through a fine sieve.

While cooking the sauce, you can add salt and sugar as needed.

If you get caught too juicy tomatoes, and the sauce does not boil down for a long time. Dissolve two or three tablespoons of starch in half a glass of water and carefully add to ketchup. If desired, you can add various spices and seasonings to the sauce.

Heinz tomato ketchup at home for the winter - you'll lick your fingers

It turns out a sauce like the famous brand

Homemade Heinz ketchup is an excellent tomato sauce that can be prepared from a small set of ingredients. The amazingly tasty and rich sauce will appeal to all family members. The main ingredients of ketchup are ripe tomatoes and sweet and sour apples.


  • tomatoes - three kilos;
  • half a kilo of Antonovka apples;
  • onions - three heads;
  • sugar - one and a half glasses;
  • salt - three dessert spoons;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 50-70 grams;
  • pepper - black, red, paprika, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. prepare juice from tomatoes, onions and apples;
  2. Pour spices into the bottom of the pan; it is advisable to grind them with a coffee grinder; throw in the bay leaf whole;
  3. add apple cider vinegar and vegetable juice to the spices;
  4. mix thoroughly so that no lumps form;
  5. boil for five hours;
  6. remove from ready-made ketchup bay leaf and pour the finished product into jars.


If you don’t have a juicer, you can grind the vegetables and fruits in a meat grinder, and then grind them through a sieve to get rid of seeds and skins.

The sauce must be stirred during cooking.

The vegetable mass should decrease in volume by two or even three times.

As a result, we will get excellent Heinz ketchup at home from tomatoes for the winter that you will lick your fingers - so delicious!

Enjoy your snack with homemade ketchup. We hope you liked our recipes.

And they completely forget about recipes for delicious homemade ketchup. We are sure that ketchup is on the nearest shelf in your refrigerator along with sour cream and runs out very quickly. This sauce, in different flavor variations, perfectly complements the taste of any, even the simplest food, and makes it bright.

So let's learn how to cook. This will only make it tastier, healthier and healthier. You can also make so much of it that it lasts all winter. After all, homemade ketchup, in addition to all its advantages, is perfectly stored. Here are oursbest ketchup recipes for the winter.

Let's start with the basics. Let's prepare the simplest version, the taste of which can subsequently be improved with additives to taste.

    Tomato sauce “Classic”

Take three kilograms of the ripest tomatoes, 6 level tablespoons of sugar, 1 level tablespoon of salt, 5 tablespoons of 6% vinegar, 20 cloves, 25 black peppercorns, 1 clove of garlic, a pinch of cinnamon and Cayega pepper.

Chop the tomatoes into smaller pieces and cook them in a saucepan, without covering with a lid, until a third of the volume is lost. Now add sugar and simmer for 10 minutes, now salt - simmer for 3 minutes. Now it’s the turn of the spices – let them cook again for 10 minutes. Then pass the tomatoes through a sieve and cook all together until boiling. At the end, pour in the vinegar and quickly pour everything into prepared sterilized jars. Roll up the jars in your usual way.

Now let's start experimenting with the taste of our ketchup and find outhow to make tomato ketchupwith additional ingredients.

Here winter recipesfor those who have a craving for something spicy.

photo www.easytastyrecipe.com

  1. Ketchup “With a spark”

We need tomatoes again - half a kilo, half a kilo onions, kilogram of sweet pepper of any color, 2 fresh hot peppers, a third of a glass of vegetable oil, 200 ml. vinegar 9%, half a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, 7 cloves of garlic, black and allspice.

Take tomatoes, peppers, onions and grind everything in a blender. Cook the resulting mixture, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Chop the garlic and add to the tomato mass along with the remaining ingredients. Cook until it thickens, remembering to stir. Roll into sterilized jars.

Spicy ketchup, and even with vinegar, can affect the stomach. You will have to take care of yourself and limit yourself to such a delicacy. Let's try to cook something like thishomemade tomato ketchupto take care of your health and pamper yourself.

  1. Ketchup “Smachny”

It's simple, take 3 kilograms of tomatoes, 10-15 cloves of garlic, a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, 10 sweet peppers, 1-3 pods of hot pepper.

Grind tomatoes and peppers in a blender. Cook with sugar and salt until it starts to boil, and then simmer over low heat for half an hour. When 20 minutes have passed, add finely chopped garlic to the sauce. Finally, seal the ketchup into jars.

Here are a couple of recipesbest ketchups with the best spices , not spicy.

photo en.petitchef.com

  1. Ketchup “Spicy”

Again, we take only the ripest tomatoes - 6.5 kilograms, 2-3 large cloves of garlic, 3-4 medium onions, 450 grams of sugar, 4 tablespoons of salt, cinnamon on the tip of a teaspoon, half a teaspoon of mustard, 6 black and fragrant peppercorns, 6 cloves, 350 ml. vinegar 9%.

Make an X-shaped cut in the tomatoes, boil for 30 seconds, and then remove the skin. Chop, throw into a blender along with onions and garlic, as well as pre-chopped spices. Add 1/3 of the sugar and cook in the pan until the volume is reduced by half. Then add the remaining sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Line of salt and vinegar. Cook again for 10 minutes. Done, you can put it in jars.

  1. Ketchup “Spicy No. 2”

We need 5 kilograms of tomatoes, a dozen sweet peppers and onions, two and a half glasses of sugar, two and a half tablespoons of salt, a glass of vinegar 9%, 10 allspice and black peppercorns, 10 cloves, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, chili pepper , ground paprika, ground ginger.

Place the chopped vegetables in a saucepan. Add pepper and cloves. Cook until it boils, reduce heat and continue cooking for 1.5-2 hours. Rub the resulting mixture through a sieve, add salt, sugar, remaining spices and cook again until it thickens. If necessary, add diluted in cold water starch. Turn off the heat, pour in vinegar, and put the ketchup into jars.

  1. Ketchup “Easy as Easy”

We will need 5 kilograms of tomatoes, 1 cup of chopped onions, a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, a glass of 9% vinegar, a teaspoon of black peppercorns, a teaspoon of cloves, half a teaspoon of ground celery seeds, a piece of cinnamon.

We cut the tomatoes, combine with onions, soften under the lid over low heat, three through a sieve. We put it on the stove again. We put all the spices in a bag and put them in the sauce. Let everything cook until the sauce has reduced in volume by half. Add salt, sugar, wait another 5-7 minutes. We take out the spices and put the sauce into jars.

photo pickyourown.org

  1. Ketchup "Don't bother"

Chop two kilograms of tomatoes, half a kilogram of sweet peppers, half a kilogram of onions and grind them in a blender. Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan, add a glass of sugar, 200 ml olive oil, a tablespoon of ground black pepper, a tablespoon of dry mustard and salt to taste. Keep on low heat for 2 hours. Place in sterilized jars.

  1. Ketchup “With paprika”

Sliced ​​5 kg. tomatoes, half a kilo of sugar, 3 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of ground paprika, a teaspoon of khmeli-suneli, a teaspoon of ground allspice, a teaspoon of ground cloves, cook for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling. Pour in a glass of starch previously diluted in cold water and mix thoroughly. Now - a glass of apple cider vinegar. We wait for the mixture for 15 minutes, turn off the heat, and roll it into jars.

  1. Ketchup “With horseradish”

You need 2 kilograms of tomatoes, 2 large onions, 4 tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, one teaspoon each of ground black pepper, ground ginger, ground cloves, two tablespoons each of dry red wine and wine vinegar and one tablespoon of grated horseradish.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut into cubes and chopped onions and cook, stirring, for 20 minutes. Pass through a sieve. Stir in sugar, salt, spices, wine, and leave on low heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Add horseradish 20 minutes before the end of cooking, and vinegar 5 minutes before the end. Place hot into sterilized jars.

Usually for the winter we prepare apples, plums, various berries in the form of compotes and jams. Why not add these ingredients to ketchup too?

photo www.jainrasoi.com

  1. Ketchup “With juniper”

Chop 3 kilograms of tomatoes, chop half a kilogram of onions and boil everything together until soft. We wipe through a sieve. 300-400 ml. Heat a little vinegar 9%, add spices and berries, bring to a boil and pour into the sauce. Cook the ketchup until the volume is reduced by a third, add salt, sugar, and mustard. Cook for another 10 minutes and pour into jars.

  1. Ketchup "Apple"

Chop 10 tomatoes and simmer covered until soft, then rub through a sieve. Do the same with 4 sweeter apples. Combine tomatoes and apples and cook until thick. Now add a teaspoon of ground black pepper, half a teaspoon ground cinnamon, a teaspoon of nutmeg, half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of honey. Cook again for 10 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar and 3 chopped garlic cloves. Simmer for another 5 minutes and pour into jars.

  1. Ketchup “Tomato-plum”

Blanch 2 kilograms of tomatoes and rub through a sieve. Blanch the pitted plums and rub through a sieve. Combine with tomatoes, spices, chopped garlic and cook until the volume is reduced by a third. We close it in jars.

We hope now your most delicious preparations from tomatoes for the winter there will be not only canned tomatoes, but also ketchup. Create, be surprised, be surprised!

photo healthyliving.natureloc.com

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The content of the article:
1. Homemade tomato ketchup recipe

Homemade tomato ketchup recipe

This is one of our first homemade ketchups. But despite the fact that we started with this recipe, it remains one of our favorites. We improved it a little, selected the amount of ingredients to suit our taste, and added it to our golden reserve of preparations. This is our children's favorite recipe.

  • 10 kilograms of tomatoes
  • 3 level tablespoons of salt
  • 0.5 liters of chopped onion into a meat grinder
  • 2 teaspoons chalked cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons cloves melena
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 tablespoons 9% vinegar

Preparing ketchup:

1. It is advisable to take tomatoes that are fleshy and ripe. Scroll them through a juicer and pour into large saucepan juice. We put it on fire. Enamel pan Do not take it, the enamel may break off if exposed to temperature for a long time.

2. Peel the onion and grind it in a meat grinder. Add onion to tomato.

3. Add ground cloves to the tomato.

4. Add cinnamon.

5. Add sugar.

6. Add salt and vinegar. Mix everything well.

7. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 5 - 6 hours. We need the excess moisture to evaporate.

8. While the tomato juice was boiling, we prepared the lids and jars. We boiled the lids for a few minutes. And the jars were sterilized.

We usually do this over a teapot.

9. Pour boiling ketchup into jars and roll up.

10. Let the ketchup cool and put it in the basement or pantry. This amount of ingredients makes 8 jars of ketchup. In general, the amount depends on the evaporation of water.

You can speed up the evaporation of water in several ways:

  1. After boiling, set the pan aside. After cooling, or when the pulp has beaten off and settled, select the water and continue cooking. It’s not faster in terms of time, but it’s more economical in terms of gas (if you cook with gas).
  2. The second method is to strain out the pure tomato juice from water. We did this through several layers of gauze (4 or more) or in a bag (sugar bag). It's better to strain in a bag. But you need to leave it for at least 3 - 4 hours. It’s also impossible to save time.

And for clarity, the same recipe is in video format.

Making ketchup at home video recipe

Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter

This recipe is a little different from classic ketchup. The taste is a little piquant and sour. But also very tasty.

  • 2 kg. ripe red tomatoes
  • 4 large apples
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar

Preparing ketchup:

1. Prepare the tomatoes. We wash them and cut out the white core (if any) and cut off the “butts”.

2. Place in a pan in which we will cook. If the tomatoes are not juicy, you can add a few tablespoons of water to the bottom. We put it on fire.

3. Also wash the apples and cut them into pieces, removing the core.

4. Add apples to tomatoes and simmer over low heat. We need the apples and tomatoes to become soft. In time it is 30 - 60 minutes.

5. After this, take a sieve and grind the boiled tomatoes and apples. We do this using a whisk and an iron sieve. It’s easier to grind in portions. We should only have bones and skins left.

6. Pour the resulting sauce into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and spices.

7. Add apple cider vinegar and continue to evaporate the water over low heat. Stir the ketchup from time to time.

8. We evaporated for about 1 - 1.5 hours so that our ketchup thickened.

9. Pour into sterilized jars and close it. From the resulting ingredients you get two 0.5 liter jars of ketchup.

10. Let the ketchup cool and put it in the pantry. Or you can use it right away. It does not need to be infused; it is already completely ready for use.

It tastes a little different from the first recipe, a little sour taste. But it’s also very tasty, I would even say spicy.

This recipe will be unusual not only in taste, but also in color. We deliberately used all the vegetables of the same color. The onion, of course, does not repeat the color, but it does not affect the appearance of the finished product.

  • 2.2 kg. tomatoes
  • 400 grams of yellow pepper (one large pechina)
  • 2 medium onions (about 200 gr.)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar (can be replaced with two spoons of apple cider vinegar)
  • 5 pieces. black allspice
  • 5 pieces. carnations
  • 1/3 teaspoon cinnamon

Preparing ketchup:

1. Prepare vegetables. Wash and cut the tomatoes. Cut out the hard core and butts. Wash and cut the pepper, removing seeds. We clean and cut the onion.

2. Immerse it all in a saucepan and send it to the fire. There must be water at the bottom of the pan. If the tomatoes do not release juice, add a few tablespoons of water. Bring to a boil and reduce heat.

Simmer for about 30 minutes until the vegetables are soft, then add cloves and allspice. Simmer for another 20 minutes.

3. Remove from heat and mash with a still hot whisk, ladle in portions.

4. Grind until almost dry consistency. Only the seeds and skins should remain, as well as cloves and peppercorns.

5. It turns out this beautiful, bright, orange vegetable sauce. Let it evaporate again for 30 - 40 minutes.

6. Add salt, sugar, cinnamon and vinegar. Simmer for another 20 minutes, checking the thickness.

7. Pour into sterile jars and seal.

It tastes different from the classic one. First of all - yourself yellow tomatoes sweeter Secondly, the recipe contains pepper, it tastes good and makes the taste piquant and softer.

A detailed description can be seen.

It was three step by step recipes homemade ketchup, and then, so as not to bore you with reading, I want to show you a few more delicious videos recipes

The most delicious adjika recipe for the winter

And it wasn’t me who called it delicious, but viewers from YouTube, where this recipe has already been viewed more than 270,000 times.

And this method will help you reduce the time of evaporation of tomato juice for ketchup or sauce.

How to make tomato paste without long evaporation video recipe