How to roast chestnuts. What are chestnuts

This delicacy is traditionally added to meat in many European countries, and in France it is simply sold on the streets like popcorn. Of course, we are talking about chestnuts. Their fruits (more precisely, nuts) are much healthier than other dishes sold in fast food mode. And yet they are incredibly delicious. However, in the domestic diet, despite its relative availability, this product did not take root. The main reason for this rejection is the lack of a culture of their preparation and consumption. That is, people simply do not even know how to fry a chestnut so that it becomes edible, not to mention more complex dishes, which may include given ingredient. In order to bridge this gap and enjoy great taste, you can resort to one of the following recipes.

Like in a frying pan

For those who have never tasted this delicacy in their lives, it is better to start from the very beginning. simple recipe. For example, from this one. So, before you need to cut it. This is how they treat each one individually. Otherwise, they will explode like popcorn, and this will not lead to anything good. They are then laid out on hot pan, cover with a lid and fry for 10-15 minutes over medium heat, shaking occasionally so that they turn over. The fact that the chestnuts are ready will be reported by the characteristic aroma escaping from under the lid. After the dish has cooled down a bit, it will be ready to eat. Chestnuts at the incision site will burst and open, which will facilitate the cleaning process. If desired, you can add a little vegetable oil and salt to the pan.

How to roast chestnuts in the oven

Another cooking method is baking. The disadvantage of this method is that the whole process will take about half an hour. But at this time you can do other things, because the chestnuts will bake themselves. Do this at a temperature of about 240 degrees, laying them in one layer on a greased baking sheet and not forgetting to make cuts.

How to Roast Chestnuts in the Microwave

For those who are used to saving their own time, this recipe is perfect. Prepared and cut chestnuts are laid out in 1 layer in a microwave container or directly on the dish that came with it. Fry them at maximum power from 1 to 3 minutes, depending on the capabilities of the device and the amount of product. To accurately select the time to use a particular unit, you should experiment several times.

What can be done with cooked chestnuts

The easiest option is to just eat. They are tasty and healthy without any additives and additions. But if the task is not how to fry a chestnut, but how to use it in some interesting dish, you can, for example, add it to meat. This can be done the same way as prunes, by putting cooked and shelled nuts in a stew or sauce, and stuffing the roll with them before baking it. Chestnuts can also be mashed, stewed or served as a side dish.

Some Helpful Tips

When purchasing chestnuts in a supermarket, you should pay attention to the expiration date. Unlike most nuts, they are recommended for use within 10 days. In the future, they may be bitter. Before frying, they should be poured cold water. Firstly, soaked chestnuts will be easier to cut, and secondly, all spoiled chestnuts will float, so that they can be easily disposed of.

These nuts are one of the symbols of the Christmas table in Europe. They stuff turkeys, they are served for dessert. Baked chestnuts are gaining popularity in Russia as well.

What chestnuts can you eat

Those chestnuts that grow under our windows and bloom with candles are horse chestnuts. Their fruits are inedible. It is easy to distinguish them from the southern ones: in one box with thick spikes there is only one chestnut. And the southern ones look like hedgehogs, they have smaller and denser needles and several fruits in each box.

Southern, noble chestnuts are sweetish, and horse chestnuts are bitter. Although they are not poisonous and even contain useful material but you can't eat them.

Edible chestnuts grow in Europe and the Caucasus. They come to us mainly from Azerbaijan and Armenia.

How to roast chestnuts

First, the chestnuts should be peeled from the outer shells and the membranes removed.

To cook chestnuts, they must first be cut. Moreover, you can cut crosswise, or you can just make cuts on the side. If you do not cut the shell, the chestnut will explode when cooked.

Incisions need to be made not only for frying, but also if you are going to boil or bake nuts.

After the nuts are cut, they need to be put in a pan, but not Teflon. Cover with napkins moistened with water so that the chestnuts do not dry out during frying. Close the lid and fry for about 20-30 minutes. During the frying process, the chestnuts need to be stirred a couple of times. If the wipes are dry, moisten them.

If the shell breaks and is easily removed from the nut, then the chestnuts are ready.

What is cooked from chestnuts

Roasted chestnuts are one of the most popular winter treats in Europe. They are drizzled with chocolate or other sweet sauces and served for dessert.

But not only desserts are made from these nuts. Birds and rabbits are also baked with them. They make mashed potatoes for a side dish, with the addition of vegetables or solo, prepare soups ...

Boiled chestnuts with coffee sauce

500 g chestnuts

For sauce:
2 yolks
3 tbsp powdered sugar
100 ml strong black coffee
½ cup heavy cream
3 tbsp cognac

Step 1. Cut chestnuts and boil for about 5 minutes in boiling water.
Step 2. Peel and cook for another 20 minutes.
Step 3. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks, add cream and cognac. Beat again. Add coffee.
Step 4. Rub the sauce with powdered sugar, to put on water bath and cook, stirring, until thickened.
Step 5. Pour sauce over chestnuts and serve.

Chestnut soup

1 handful of chestnuts, peeled
2 cups meat broth
1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp butter
½ cup cream
1 celery stalk
Salt and pepper

Step 1. Pour chestnuts and chopped celery with broth and simmer for half an hour under the lid.
Step 2. Puree everything with a blender.
Step 3. Fry the flour in butter and add to the puree. Bring to a boil, salt and pepper.
Step 4. Add warm milk and bring to a boil again. Serve with croutons.

Pork with figs and chestnuts

500 g pork pulp
1 glass of white wine
1 cup meat broth
2 tooth garlic
1 bulb
1/2 orange (zest)
2 handfuls of peeled chestnuts
4-5 pcs. figs

Step 1. Cut the pork into portioned pieces. Marinate in white wine, adding minced garlic, salt and pepper. Hold the night.
Step 2. Fry meat with onions. Add marinade and broth. Simmer for about an hour.
Step 3. Remove the zest from half an orange, put it on the meat, add chestnuts and figs. Simmer another 15 minutes.

Lamb with chestnuts

500 g lamb
300 g chestnuts
2 onions
4 tbsp ghee
1 tbsp flour
½ bunch parsley

Step 1. Wash chestnuts, cut and cook for about 40 minutes under the lid.
Step 2. Drain the water, pour cold and leave. Then peel off the skin and mash.
Step 3. Cut the lamb into small pieces, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom, where you first need to heat the oil, and fry until a good crust.
Step 4. Add finely chopped onion. Fry a little, then add flour and add half a glass of water. Mix and close the lid. Simmer for 10 minutes.
Step 5. Add chestnuts, salt, pepper and remove from heat. Sprinkle with parsley before serving.

The phrase " roasted chestnuts"First of all, it evokes thoughts of Paris, although it is unusual to taste it delicious treat possible in many other places in the world. Roasted chestnuts have been eaten by the Chinese for centuries, adored by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and loved by modern Europeans, Americans and Australians. In the modern world, where many boundaries are erased, you can buy chestnuts in a supermarket anywhere in the world. And frying them at home is not at all difficult.

It should be noted that chestnuts growing on the streets of many cities and very decorating them in spring with their candle flowers are an ornamental variety of this plant, the fruits of which are inedible. Chestnuts, which appear in autumn in our markets and shops, grow mainly in the Caucasus, Crimea, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Chestnuts from any of these regions are good if they were picked on time and stored properly.

Quality chestnuts are dark brown in color, large, heavy (if you pick up a nut, you will definitely feel it) and shiny.

How to roast chestnuts
First, they need to be cleaned of the shells (if the fruits were sold with them) and washed thoroughly, preferably with a brush. Then dry on a towel and cook the pan. None additional ingredients, except for the fruits themselves, will not be needed.

For roasting chestnuts in countries where they are common, there are special frying pans. Usually they are made of cast iron or its alloys with aluminum. Pans for chestnuts differ in only one thing - there are small holes in their bottom. Not as large and not as numerous as in a colander, but still quite often located. Chestnuts in such pans are fried on coals, and the holes are needed so that the fruits are saturated with smoke and acquire a specific aroma. When cooking on the stove in such a pan is not necessary, so the usual one is quite suitable. If you have the opportunity to cook chestnuts on charcoal, but do not have a frying pan, then find an old aluminum one and punch holes in it, then you can try real "Parisian" chestnuts, which are cooked on wood in special braziers.

Before frying, chestnuts must be cut so that after heating they do not explode. Usually an incision is made sharp knife crosswise, then the chestnut peel will open like a flower. You can also just make a longitudinal incision with a knife in the middle or cut off the “lid” of the chestnut, but for this you need a really sharp knife. Sometimes chestnuts are simply pierced with a fork. The main thing is to damage the shell in one way or another so that there is an opportunity for steam to escape.

So, take a frying pan, preferably cast iron, but by no means Teflon, put it on the fire and lay out the chestnuts. Prepare some linen (in last resort, cotton) napkins or towels. Soak them in water, wring them out and place them on top of the chestnut layer. Fry the fruits over medium heat, remembering to lift the napkins from time to time and shake the pan so that they turn over. Wipes should be moistened as they dry. To do this, either put them under running water again and wring them out, or spray them with water from a spray bottle.

There is a method of roasting chestnuts in which wet wipes are not used, but water is poured into the pan, about a centimeter, and the pan is covered with a lid. This method is also good, but the chestnuts will not be as crispy as when using a dry frying pan and napkins. It is possible to roast chestnuts without the use of moisture, in France and Italy they usually do this, but in order for the fruits not to turn out dry and hard, they must be very fresh and filled with moisture. Ideally, just taken from the tree. In our conditions, this is difficult to achieve, therefore, in order not to spoil the product, it is still better to use the “wet” method of frying.

Chestnuts are roasted for an average of 20-30 minutes, the time depends on the size of the fruit, the strength of the fire, the thickness of the pan, and the like. Ready chestnuts should not only open up, but also acquire a crispy crust. When it appears, remove the wet towels and dry the chestnuts for a few minutes, shaking or turning occasionally. Those who prefer salty fruits can salt them. Eat chestnuts hot, peeling them with your hands.

Recipes with chestnuts
Chestnuts are good on their own, but after tasting them in pure form you might want to taste variety of dishes with chestnuts. Here are some options:

  • Chestnut Dessert: roasted nuts cleaned and poured with chocolate or coffee sauce. You can simply melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  • Soup with chestnuts. Roasted or boiled chestnuts, peeled and cut into slices, are added to the soup, meat or vegetarian, along with vegetables.
  • Filling for stuffing turkey or chicken. Chestnuts, along with apples, prunes and spices, are placed inside the bird, sewn up and baked.
  • Stew with chestnuts. The meat is stewed in the usual way, along with onions, carrots and, possibly, other components, chestnuts are added 15-20 minutes before readiness.
As you can see, chestnuts are a great way to diversify the menu and taste unusual and original dishes. Don't miss the chestnut season, which starts in late autumn.
  • 1 What chestnut can be roasted
  • 2 Benefits and harms of roasted chestnuts
  • 3 Chemical composition and calories
  • 4 What do roasted chestnuts taste like?
  • 5 How to roast chestnuts in a pan
  • 6 Roasted chestnuts in the microwave
  • 7 Cooking in the oven
  • 8 Chestnuts roasted on charcoal

Roasted chestnuts are a rare dish today. In Russia, it is regularly prepared only by residents of the Krasnodar Territory, since it is in this region that edible fruits grow. How to roast chestnuts, and which ones are suitable for cooking, we will consider in our article.

What chestnut can be roasted

The most common chestnut is horse chestnut. A tree with such fruits can be found in various Russian regions. But these chestnuts are completely unsuitable for food. Moreover, they are forbidden to eat. It is better to use them for making various crafts with children or for decorating the interior.

The fruits of the following tree varieties are suitable for cooking and eating:

  • sowing chestnut;
  • Chinese;
  • Japanese.

They can only be found in regions with a warm climate and high humidity. In Russia, this is the Krasnodar Territory. Also, such cultures grow in Azerbaijan, in the south of Ukraine, in Armenia, Spain, Italy, France. Such nuts do not store well and have a short shelf life, so they rarely find their way into stores in regions where they do not grow. Unless, in fresh-frozen and pickled form.

But fresh ones are best for frying. edible chestnuts.

The benefits and harms of roasted chestnuts

The unique composition of edible chestnuts makes them very beneficial for the human body, and low calorie(unlike other nuts) also allows you to add the product to the diet diet food. Chestnuts are also ideal for vegetarian menus. High content vegetable protein in the composition allows them to some extent replace meat in the human diet.

Roasted chestnuts have the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • improve the condition of blood vessels (it is especially useful to eat such nuts for varicose veins);
  • reduce and normalize the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalize work nervous system;
  • heals and strengthens bone tissue, after injuries contribute to its natural recovery;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize the work of the digestive tract;
  • increase endurance.

But we must not forget that there is a very thin line between the benefits and harms of the product under discussion. Therefore, one should not abuse such a treat in fried. For example, very large portions dishes can negatively affect the figure. Some losing weight, having learned that this type of nuts is one of the most low-calorie, begin to eat them in large quantities. In this case, any diet will be in vain.

Roasted chestnuts are prohibited for use by people with severe pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and blood diseases.

With extreme caution, you need to introduce them into the diet of women in an "interesting" position, nursing mothers and young children.

Chemical composition and calorie content

As noted above, the calorie content of such fried nuts turned out to be small. It is only 247.3 kcal per 100 g finished product. Carbohydrates predominate in its composition - more than 50 g per 100 g of product.

Of the trace elements in the treat under discussion, it contains a large amount of potassium and iron, as well as calcium, phosphorus, many B vitamins (including folic acid), vitamins C, E, K, PP, A, beta-carotene.

Separately, it is worth noting fatty and amino acids. Among the first: omega-3 and omega-6, among the latter: leucine, lysine, arginine, valine and others.

What do roasted chestnuts taste like?

Properly selected and cooked roasted chestnuts have pleasant taste. They resemble nuts prepared in the same way (most of all - peanuts) or seeds. The taste of the dish may vary slightly depending on the variety of chestnuts and the method of preparation.

Some gourmets note that charcoal-cooked fruits resemble fried potatoes with a sweetish aftertaste.

How to roast chestnuts in a pan


  • chestnut nuts - 1 kilo;
  • any vegetable oil - ½ l.


  1. Before frying chestnuts in a pan, the container must be filled almost to the top with high-quality refined vegetable oil.
  2. When the fat warms up well, you can lower the fruits into it. It is very important to pre-cut each lightly or simply pierce with a fork.
  3. Cover the parts of the chestnuts protruding from the oil with paper towels and moisten them periodically in fat so that the fruits do not dry out.
  4. Cover the container with a lid. Cook the contents of the pan for half an hour on a fire slightly less than medium. Shake the nuts occasionally without removing the lid.

Serve the finished treat, sprinkled with salt or granulated sugar.

Roasted chestnuts in the microwave

To implement such a simple and fast way cooking chestnuts, they also need to be incised so that a hole appears for steam to escape.


  • chestnuts - 1 kg;
  • hot water - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Put the prepared fruits in a wide dish with low sides, which is suitable for microwave oven.
  2. Pour on top hot water. Salt fruits to taste.
  3. Close the container with a lid. A glass plate is not suitable for this purpose! If a suitable cover is not at hand, you can take the film.
  4. Cook the dish for 8 minutes at maximum power of the device.

Cooking in the oven

This method of cooking chestnuts allows you to make the treat less nutritious than when roasting in in large numbers oils. And the fruits in the process are perfectly baked.


  • chestnuts - 1 - 2 kg.


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 - 190 degrees.
  2. Make an incision on each chestnut or pierce the fruit with a fork so that they do not explode during baking.
  3. Lay the blanks on a baking sheet in one layer. Don't cover anything!
  4. Send the chestnuts in this form to the oven for 35 - 40 minutes.
  5. Serve the finished meal to the table.

Peeled chestnuts cooked in the oven can be used as the base of a salad. An ideal dressing for a snack with them will be olive oil with freshly squeezed citrus juice and spices.

Chestnuts roasted on charcoal

It is very convenient to cook chestnuts in nature. For example, on coals. But for this method of their preparation, you will need to arm yourself with a frying pan with a hole in the bottom.


  • raw chestnuts - 1 serving.


  1. According to this recipe, chestnuts should be roasted correctly on pre-prepared coals. A special frying pan with a perforated bottom is installed on top of them.
  2. Chestnuts are poured into the container. Be sure to lay them in just one layer, otherwise the fruits will remain damp for a very long time. In advance, their skin must be cut with a sharp knife to a white layer.
  3. Fry chestnuts without oil in a leaky pan for 15 - 17 minutes. In the process, constantly shake the container so that the fruits do not burn.

The heat should not come close to the chestnuts. They are cooked by the heat of the coals, not by an open flame.

Regardless of which method of roasting chestnuts is chosen, the dish will be really tasty only immediately after preparation. When the delicacy cools down or even lies down in the cool for several hours, it taste qualities worsen significantly. Therefore, it is worth trying a treat only freshly prepared.

Roasted chestnuts have long been eaten by the British, Greeks and French and considered them not gourmet delicacy, but rather necessary product. Every poor man knew how to cook chestnuts. Now the chestnut is considered a symbol of France, in honor of which they organize holidays and write songs. On festive squares they are eaten hot straight from the bags, washed down with wine.

In botany, there are noble and horse chestnuts, which differ not only in fruits, but also in leaves. Noble is eaten, calling it a real chestnut. In Russia, they grow horse, unsuitable for food and poisonous to humans, but serving as an excellent decoration for city parks and alleys. But in the market and in the store you can buy the fruits of a noble chestnut grown in countries with a subtropical climate.


You can find edible chestnuts in the nut section of the supermarket. They should be brown in color with an elongated tail. The fruits of the noble plant were called Euboean nuts in honor of the island of Euboea, where chestnut trees were intensively bred. By the end of summer, spherical fruits appear on the branches of the plant, resembling small apple. The fruits are studded with thorns, which crack when ripe and fall to the ground. The chestnut itself is shiny and dark brown, smooth to the touch.

Chestnuts were considered bread for the population of many countries. The tree does not require special care, but it gives a rich, tasty and nutritious harvest that helped people out in famine years. Chestnut flour is similar to wheat flour, but more yellow and sweeter. If you mix both varieties, the bread will turn out to be much tastier, since noble flour contains much more sugar, protein and fat.

Still wet fruits are harvested from the trees, and in order to obtain flour, they are subjected to artificial drying. To dry under the changing autumn sun great amount nuts is not possible. During drying, the kernels shrink, the peel becomes brittle and easily separated from the pulp. In the old days they were cleaned different ways- threshed in wooden boxes, poured into bags and beaten on logs, trampled with heavy shoes with metal soles.

The green, inedible prickly cupule protects the nuts from forest animals and provides the starchy seed with enough carbohydrates for full ripening. Mankind has come up with many ways to cook chestnuts. They are boiled, dried, fried, baked. The tradition of roasting chestnuts on an open fire is still preserved and is considered the best way their preparations, both in France and in England. But chestnut is valuable not only for delicious nuts, but also for wood with amazing unique patterns. It lends itself well to polishing and is resistant to decay.

The benefits of chestnuts

The kernels are considered a source of starch, fiber and sugar. They contain vitamins, tannins, pectins, minerals. Parts of the tree (bark, leaves, branches) are used for medical purposes:

  • a decoction of dried leaves is used to treat bronchitis;
  • fresh leaves are cured of whooping cough;
  • alcohol tincture gets rid of eating disorders and dysentery;
  • fruits and bark relieve swelling caused by kidney disease;
  • walnut decoction helps to cure boils and abscesses;
  • nuclei reduce pressure, help get rid of heart disorders, treat thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins;
  • cases are known when fresh fruits managed to recover from malaria;
  • fried pulp is used for uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

The benefit of chestnuts is a small fat content compared to walnuts, or .


At chronic diseases intestines, kidneys, liver, you should consult a doctor before using chestnuts for treatment. To those who suffer diabetes and poor blood clotting, they can not be used. They can also cause allergies. Sometimes people confuse noble walnut with horse walnut, which causes serious poisoning. Although it is quite difficult to confuse the fruits - they differ in an elongated shape.

How chestnuts are prepared

Recipes for healthy roasted and roasted chestnuts have been preserved since ancient times almost unchanged. Reddish fruits are eaten with salt and sugar, and are also added to other dishes for a variety of taste. There are several ways to cook chestnuts. Since roasting chestnuts is not difficult, they are easy to prepare at home. If you ask a European how best to cook chestnut fruits at home, he will advise you to fry them. They are fried in a pan, on a grill, on a wire rack, in an oven and in a microwave.

in a frying pan

The easiest and most affordable way is to fry in a pan. It is better if it is a special frying pan with holes. Since chestnuts are often a rarity in the home of residents of Russia and Ukraine, you can fry them in a frying pan with thick walls. Teflon is not suitable for these purposes. To fry a European delicacy, you don’t need much: a knife, napkins or paper towels and a frying pan.

Before cooking, several cuts are made on the fruits so that they cannot explode due to moisture overflowing them. Spread in even layers in a dry preheated pan and cover with damp napkins. Simmer for 20 minutes in a sealed container. During this time, they are stirred, and the napkins are moistened. When the shell starts to crack and peel off easily, it's time to check the chestnuts. If they have darkened, the shell has cracked and the flesh is visible in places, then they are cooked. They are cleaned immediately, without waiting for cooling. Eat hot with the addition of salt and vegetable oil.

In the oven

Chestnuts are fried both in a pan and in the oven. To do this, cross-shaped shallow incisions are made on the fruits along the edges. It is better to put them not on a baking sheet, but on a wire rack with cuts up. The processed fruits are placed in an oven heated to 220 C and after 15-20 minutes. check their condition. If the cuts turn into an open flower, the product is ready. It is important to remove the peel while it is still warm, so it is better to put kitchen gloves on your hands. Put the finished pulp on a towel for 5 minutes. then submit.

in the microwave

It is dangerous to roast chestnuts without cuts at home (they can explode), it is better to cut or pierce each of them with a knife, as when cooking in a pan and in the oven, so that steam comes out. Place in a shallow microwave-safe bowl, season with salt and pour in some water. You can't fry them in the microwave. You can only steam and clean, and then fry them in oil. The dishes are covered cling film and set at full power for 8 minutes. then they try. If the nuts are not ready, add time.

In air grill

As in previous cases, chestnuts are roasted with cross cuts. Spread on a baking sheet, and set the temperature on the timer to 180 C. Bake for about half an hour. The main secret baking noble chestnuts in an air grill is the placement of fruits on foil. From above they are also recommended to be covered with foil.

Boiled chestnuts

How to roast chestnuts is known, but how to boil them at home? To do this, you need to wash the fruits and cut them on the side. Then prepared chestnuts are poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and remove from boiling water one at a time, peeling and peeling. For cooking mashed potatoes, you can use unpeeled fruits, boil them for 20 minutes, and only then peel them.

cooking secrets

How to cook delicious and nutritious chestnuts at home? There are several secrets that will ensure unusual product excellent taste and aroma.

  • When buying edible chestnuts, you need to pay attention to the kernels - they should be wrinkled with a brown shiny skin.
  • Purchased fruits should be thoroughly washed and dried. They are filled with boiling water. Those that float up are unusable, and those that have settled to the bottom are taken away and cleaned from the shell.
  • They should be fried, observing exact time. If you overdo it a little, then the kernels will become dry and hard.
  • The peel is most easily removed from hot fruits.
  • It is necessary to remove all films, membranes and membranes from fried kernels.
  • No need to cook more than you can eat at one time. Stale nuts will become tasteless and dry out quickly.
  • Chestnut flour, although very tasty and fragrant, has a short shelf life. It must be used immediately and not stored for more than 1 month. It is advisable to mix it with wheat flour.
  • It is recommended to store raw chestnuts in a cool dark place.


Roasting chestnuts is not at all difficult, they can be included in many recipes, and diversify your diet from the usual products, both vegetable and meat. Since it is not always pleasant to roast chestnuts at home (they emit a lot of smoke), you can simply pour boiling water over them. They are very tasty and raw, if you add sauce, meat and herbs to them. Some housewives grind the fried kernels in a blender and fill them with milk. This puree is a semi-finished product for making soufflés, sauces and bread dough. You can add the mixture to muffins, pies and cakes. Crushed chestnuts will surprisingly complement the taste of ice cream. Pounded chestnuts go well with vegetables - cabbage, carrots, mushrooms.

chestnut dessert

To please children or guests, you can cook chestnuts as a dessert. This will require:

  • 60 g butter;
  • 500 g fresh fruits;
  • 100 g of sugar (you can honey).

The washed fruits are cut and placed in the oven. Half an hour later, when the chestnuts are cooked, they are taken out and cleaned. Peeled kernels are boiled in a saucepan. After 5 min. transfer to a mold and mix with butter, honey or sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 minutes. when serving to adults, chestnuts are poured with cognac, and for children - with yogurt.

Chestnuts with cauliflower

  • cauliflower 450 g;
  • chestnut fruits -250 g;
  • butter;
  • one egg.

boil cauliflower in a closed saucepan 15 min. Remove, separate the florets and chop finely. Cut the chestnuts and send to the pan. As soon as they start to bounce, mix and fold on paper napkins. Cut the peeled fruits. Place the cabbage on the greased butter frying pan, add chestnuts and beaten egg to it. Salt and cover. Simmer over low heat for 3 min. Then stir and leave for 5 minutes. Serve with milk sauce.

chestnut puree

  • 1 kg of fruits;
  • 1 glass of whole milk;
  • butter;
  • salt.

Pour boiling water over clean chestnuts, strain and peel. Cut fruits small pieces, place in a saucepan. Pour in milk and simmer over low heat until completely softened. The resulting mass, like a potato, crush, add oil and salt. Puree goes very well with poultry meat and bread.

Prepare healthy meals from edible chestnuts is not difficult, the main thing is to include high-quality peeled, washed fruits in the recipe, both without damage and without mold