Which yogurt is better to buy? Which yogurts are the healthiest: names, list, brands, rating

In this article we will look at yoghurts and advise which brand you should choose. In this case, you will be completely confident in the naturalness of the product.

Fermented milk products, including yoghurts, play an important role in human health. By the way, yoghurts are most popular and in demand for children and the elderly. But often the composition calls into question the “usefulness” of such a product. Therefore, this article will provide information about brands that deservedly receive the title “useful”.

Which yogurts are the healthiest: names, list, brands, rating

The main merit of any yogurt is the destruction of pathogenic intestinal microorganisms and the activation of beneficial microflora. Yogurts also slow down the processes of aging and decay. And, in general, they improve the functioning of the intestines and its entire system. Especially if it is weak or has some exacerbations. That is, susceptible flora of an infant or gastrointestinal diseases of an adult.

Let's skip the moment with a detailed analysis of the composition of each famous yogurt. But here are some guidelines to consider when purchasing yogurt.

What to pay attention to when reading the composition:

Which yoghurts are at the top:

Important! None of the yogurt manufacturers have ideal composition indicators. That is, to call the ideal or the most best yogurt it is forbidden. But we can highlight the values ​​of certain brands that are closest to natural.

Got the lowest score "Danone" falls into the forbidden group. Among the advantages we can only highlight good taste and rich aroma.

  • But this is due to the large number of preservatives and stabilizers that are of chemical origin. A high percentage of dyes can cause allergies, and an acidity regulator is also observed. Therefore, the safety and naturalness of yogurt is beyond the acceptable range.
  • But the main drawback is low content lactic acid organisms (almost 100 times lower than permissible).
    • From positive qualities One can note the high content of milk protein, but higher than the specified data. But sugar, on the contrary, is lower. On the one hand, this is good, but it looks like deceiving the buyer.

Which drinking yogurt, bio-yogurt is the healthiest: names, brands, list

It is worth dispelling the myth that lactobacilli somehow depend on the thickness of yogurt. Regardless of the consistency, be it thick or liquid product, the bacteria in its composition will be in the same quantity.

Natural yogurt without additives - how to choose, which one to buy: the best brands

Natural yoghurts are the healthiest for the body. They have a number of requirements which will be provided below.

What you should know when buying natural yogurt:

  • Best before date– this is the first indicator. Healthy yogurt retains its properties for no more than 1-2 weeks. Some manufacturers extend the time to a month. When compared with other common yogurts, then, most often, this period takes as long as 3 months, or even a year.
  • Compound in natural yoghurt it is pleasantly small. Ideally, there should be only milk and bacteria, but this is extremely rare. Remember that a long lineup is a bad sign.
  • Also note - Sugar should not be in natural yogurt!
  • The content of lactic acid bacteria (at least 10*7 CFU/g) and bifidobacteria (at least 10*6 CFU/g) must be indicated. By the way, their quantity should be preserved until the end of the shelf life.

Which natural yoghurts are worth highlighting:

Low-fat, low-calorie yoghurts: which brand is better?

It is also worth noting that dairy products help the body cleanse itself. Therefore, when consumed systematically, yogurt dissolves fat deposits, corrects body shape, removes excess feces and fights excess weight.

  • "Valio" with a fat content of 0.4%. Excellent quality, which is expressed in the absence of preservatives and high levels of lactic acid bacteria. Very moderate sucrose content, which is important for low-fat yoghurts.
    • But the protein and SOMO content is several times less than the required content according to regulations and GOST. The taste and aroma are barely noticeable.
  • Fermented milk drink It belongs to the category of low-calorie yoghurts and has a fat content of 1.5%. It is really low in calories and dairy fat. Lactic acid organisms are normal.
    • But the taste and aroma of yogurt is very weak, but there was an abundance of dyes. And there are no berries, that is, there is no filler or it is very weakly expressed.
    • And take note - yogurt has a slightly high sugar content! Even for high calorie yogurt.

Important! Sometimes manufacturers use potassium chloride instead of milk fat. It creates a salty and bitter taste, so they are forced to include more sugar.

  • Yogurt "Slavushkin" from Optimal. It has “stepped up” far from previous representatives in terms of naturalness. But it loses only in terms of nutritional value and taste.
    • Bifidobacteria are present in the right amount. It is worth highlighting that sucrose is used for a sweet taste (in acceptable doses). There are no preservatives, which is an undeniable positive quality.
    • But the taste of yogurt became less expressive and a little mealy, which indicates the starch content.
  • Please note! Low calorie foods can be called useless, since they do not provide any energy value for the body. And to reduce the calorie content of the product, water and sugar are often used. Water destroys the consistency of yogurt and causes pathogenic flora to appear. And in order to somehow “adjust” the taste of such yogurt, manufacturers add great amount Sahara. Its content exceeds even the dose of fatty yoghurts.

Live yogurt: brands, manufacturers

Live yogurt is the product that does not pass heat treatment. That is, it contains live lactobacilli or probiotics. This fermented milk product always contains live bacteria. The shelf life of such products is no more than 7 days. By the way, it is also called bio-yogurt.

  • Yogurt “Live”, natural. Has only milk and sourdough. It is stored for only 4 days after opening the jar.
  • “Asenyevskaya Farm”, classic yogurt. The same pleasant composition - only two components and can be stored for only 4-6 days.
  • "Kozelsky live" yogurt. Again, only two components with a period of no more than 5 days.
  • "Dairy culture". This, by the way, drinking yogurt, which also pleases with its composition.

  • "Bifidus Nature"
  • "Activia"
  • "Bio balance"

The best way is to make your own, homemade live yogurt. There is absolutely no doubt about its composition. The choice of sourdough starters today is abundant. Moreover, you can add pieces of your favorite fruit to this yogurt. By the way, due to the lack of heat treatment, it retains maximum usefulness. It will be truly natural, because only you monitor the ingredients. It will also be fresh, and this is an important criterion for the viability of beneficial bacteria.

Video: Which yogurt to choose?

Today, yogurt can be called a popular product among people seeking to replace fatty foods with healthier ones in order to get rid of extra pounds. But before you start consuming this low-calorie and... dietary product, it is necessary to answer the question: is it possible to eat yoghurt while losing weight, and find out what harm it can cause if consumed in excess.

What is yogurt

Have you decided to opt for an option such as a yogurt diet for weight loss? Then keep in mind that these are fermented milk products made from thickened and pasteurized cow's milk, which undergoes thorough processing. He can be:

  • low fat;
  • with reduced fat content;
  • creamy.

To change the properties and taste, live bacteria (bifidobacteria) are added to the composition, which promote the digestion of carbohydrates and suppress the development of pathogens. The production is based on the fermentation process. Chemical composition 150 g of products includes:

  • 260 mg calcium, which is 25 percent of daily norm;
  • 300 mg potassium;
  • 25.5 mg magnesium.

The calorie and fat content of many well-known fermented milk products is low, which allows them to be used as an additive to the main diet. The nutritional value of the product using the example of 100 g of Activia is:

  • 4.5 g – protein;
  • 3.5 g – fats;
  • 6.3 g – carbohydrates.

Low-fat yogurt

Can you eat yogurt on a diet? In general, yes, but provided that this purchase is at least harmless to the body. Especially if you decide to use low-fat yogurt for this. Along with fat, the salt content in the composition is reduced, which is often replaced with potassium chloride. As for fat, in this dairy product it is replaced with water and sugar. The last component cannot make the diet truly healthy.

To make a low-fat fermented milk product as similar in consistency as possible to the regular version, starch is often added to the composition. Its presence interferes with the fat burning processes occurring in the body. It turns out that if you degrease these products, then instead of some components you have to add others, which can be more harmful. Therefore, you should not overuse this low-fat option, even if it is very fresh.

Low calorie yoghurts

Having decided to purchase suitable low calorie yoghurts, pay attention not only to their popularity trademark and the name, but also energy value. Often, the calories in such a delicacy can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, and therefore not every such product can be consumed during diets. On average, calories natural product with bifidobacteria for every 100 g is in the range of 60-110 kcal:

  • Activia natural – 75 kcal;
  • Greek – 66 kcal;
  • Danone thermostatic thick – 49 kcal;
  • Miracle – 99 kcal;
  • Fruit – 70 kcal;
  • Activia – 90 kcal;
  • Neo Imunele Natural – 63 kcal.

Useful properties of yogurt

Before answering the question: which yogurt is the healthiest for weight loss, find out what benefits this product can bring and whether it can be combined with certain diets. So, beneficial features yogurt are as follows:

  • positive effect on the intestines and digestive system, because this product can improve the digestion of food, prevent constipation, help with poisoning and reduce the risk of cancer;
  • beneficial effect on vascular system, as a result of which blood pressure is regulated and cholesterol levels are reduced;
  • improving the condition genitourinary system;
  • preventing osteoporosis;
  • stimulating the immune system.

Yogurt for weight loss

Using yogurt for weight loss is great way weight loss and performance improvement digestive system. True, only a product with bacteria is suitable for this purpose; you need to buy it slowly - pay attention to the shelf life, which is about 30 days. Many experts recommend reducing it to 2 weeks, because... the presence of a long shelf life is associated with the passage of the product through heat treatment. In the process, many fermentation products die, and finished products becomes less useful.

Which yogurt is the healthiest?

As with any product, the buyer needs to ensure the quality and choose the best one. Most healthy yogurt one that does not worsen the calorie situation and has a positive effect on health. Therefore, it is better to choose a “live” product that contains special bacteria. To do this, look on the packaging for the words: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, etc. Its shelf life should not be more than 2 weeks, and ideally about 7 days.

Is it possible to lose weight on yoghurt?

The answer to the question: is it possible to eat yoghurt while losing weight has already been clarified, but another question arises - how to lose weight on yoghurt? To do this, choose products that are not too high in calories a small amount fats and a minimum of sugar. So, avoid purchasing the sweetened and added fruit option that many people like to eat for dessert. Avoid products labeled “natural identical” or “flavoring”.

What kind of yoghurts are possible on a diet?

Is it possible to eat homemade yoghurts while losing weight? This is a question that many people ask who have not found a suitable option on store shelves. To do this, you only need a yogurt maker, kefir starter, about a liter of milk and fruit or jam. All of the listed ingredients need to be mixed and fermented, after which it can be consumed by combining, for example, with cottage cheese. Concerning store product and answer the question of what kind of yoghurts you can eat on a diet, then keep in mind that their fat content should be about 4 g per 100 g, and their calorie content should not exceed 250 kcal.

Yogurt diet

You should not follow such a diet for more than 10 days. If desired, the yogurt diet can be repeated after a couple of days:

  • breakfast – 150 g of product, 100 g of fruit, juice, dried fruit;
  • lunch – 100-150 g of product, 100 g of boiled meat, salad, 100 g of juice;
  • afternoon snack – vegetables;
  • dinner - vegetable stew, fermented milk products, juice.

Yogurt diet for 7 days

If you follow such a diet, you need to consume about 500 g of natural product daily, divided into 4 doses. Yogurt diet for 7 days:

  • breakfast - green tea and any fruit;
  • snack – 150 g of fermented milk products;
  • dinner - light soup, a fruit or vegetable salad topped with yogurt;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of juice (preferably freshly squeezed);
  • dinner - up to 150 g of meat or fish without added fat, vegetable salad and a few spoons of sour dairy product.

Kefir-yogurt diet

Increasingly popular in last years acquires a kefir-yogurt diet, which is very satisfying. In addition to the dairy product, it contains a large number of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, eat boiled fish and so on. Anyone losing weight should definitely drink about 2 liters of liquid every day, including juices and tea without sugar. Sample menu fasting kefir-yogurt diet, which can allow you to lose 500-700 g of weight per day:

  • first and second breakfast – 200 g of low-fat and 200 g of regular kefir;
  • lunch, lunch, dinner - 200 g of yogurt (natural);
  • late dinner– 200 g of biokefir.

Video: which yogurt is better to buy

Everyone knows that yogurt isa fermented milk product that contains beneficial microorganisms, vitamins and microelements. At the same time, today there is a huge variety of yoghurts on store shelves.

For example, Turkish yogurt and yogurt with fruit additives are completely different types yoghurts, with different taste qualities and consistency. In this article, we have selected 10 main types of yogurt that you should know about in order to choose exactly what is good for you.

1. Drinking yogurt with fruit additives

The most popular type of yogurt is delicious, low-calorie and healthy. Adults love him, children love him. It can be an excellent snack or dessert; you can use it to prepare smoothies and milkshakes, or use it as a dressing for fruit salads. The fruit fillings with which yoghurts are produced are very different: strawberry, peach, raspberry, blueberry, banana and many others.

2. Yogurt without fillers

Yogurt without fillers is very healthy drink, which has a uniform texture and mild taste without impurities. This yogurt can be used as regular fermented milk drink(for example, if you don’t like kefir and fermented baked milk, try plain yogurt), in cooking (for baking, smoothies, desserts, and even to marinate kebab), and for anything else.

3. Yoghurts for children

At first glance, yoghurts for children are no different from regular ones. fruit yoghurts, But this is only at first glance. First of all, children's dairy and fermented milk products differ in the method of production and packaging. In addition, it is desirable that fruit and vegetable fillings for children’s yoghurts be “native” to Ukraine: blueberries, raspberries, apples, peach, carrots, pumpkin. The exception is banana, but this is only because it is very suitable as a baby food. Instead of sugar, yoghurts for children are prepared with fructose. It is important to remember that it is recommended to give fruit and vegetable yoghurts to children no earlier than eight months of age.

4. Turkish yogurt

Turkish yogurt is different increased content dry substances, resulting in a thick consistency and thin creamy taste. Due to high content fat (10%) and protein (3.75%) the product has a high nutritional value. Turkish yogurt is prepared exclusively from ingredients of dairy origin, without thickeners or stabilizers. Turkish yogurt can be consumed as an independent product, in combination with fruit and vegetable additives, and also as a sauce or salad dressing.

5. Sourdough

Sourdough is a unique fermented milk product that contains a large number of beneficial bacteria (100 times more than kefir). The starter can be ordinary, without additives, or it can be with fruit and other fillings - such a starter can become an alternative to fruit drinking yoghurts (if, for some reason, yoghurts are not suitable for you). For variety, try a sourdough with bran and grains or a protein sourdough with increased milk protein content - these products are different pleasant taste and good for health.

ABOUT natural yogurt known since ancient times. Even nomadic peoples who transported milk in wineskins made of sheep skins noticed that it was better preserved in a sour state. With the development of medicine, the usefulness of “live” yogurt was substantiated and a formula for its production was derived. Initially, natural yoghurts, produced by industrial methods, were sold exclusively in pharmacies and were dispensed by prescription as a medicine for children, solving problems of gastrointestinal disorders. The most popular two types of product are classic and Greek. Greek is characterized by thickness; during its preparation, part of the resulting liquid is drained. The color of natural yogurt is milky white, the taste is unsweetened, with a noticeable sourness. It is most beneficial to use it in classic look, but you can add berries and fruit cut into pieces. The product is well suited for salads, as a dressing, combined with spices and soy sauce.

Hardly anyone doubts the health and skin benefits of sour dairy products using a special starter. One of the leaders among such products is natural yogurt(popularly known as “live” yogurt). It is perfectly absorbed by the body, so it is included in baby food, and it is also useful for every person. The drink is revered all over the world - in the cuisines of eastern peoples it is called katyk, among Armenians - matsun, among Georgians - matsoni. Many nations have their own name for yogurt, but the essence remains the same - it is milk that has been turned sour with the help of bacteria. Only yogurt that contains active live cultures of bacteria is called natural. The starter consists of beneficial microorganisms (probiotics) - Bulgarian bacillus, Streptococcus thermophilus lactic acid, often added to it are lactobacilli casei and acidophilus.

It is not difficult to prepare natural yogurt at home - for this you will need milk and dry yogurt starter, which is found in pharmacies, or 120-150 g of natural yogurt. Housewives who care about their health and the health of their loved ones know that yogurt made on their own is guaranteed to be natural and useful product. To prepare it, you can use a yogurt maker, a slow cooker, a thermos, and even a thick-bottomed pan. Attention should be paid to the quality of milk and compliance temperature regime.

When choosing in a store, your eyes widen at yoghurts. What should you pay attention to? Firstly, the presence of a large amount of vitamins and microelements indicates that the product has been artificially enriched. The composition must contain vitamins of groups A, B and C and microelements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, molybdenum. Secondly, natural yogurt should not contain additives - thickeners, preservatives, sweeteners, flavorings. Thirdly, shelf life is a very important criterion, since live probiotics remain active for up to 7 days. In addition, the short shelf life of the product indicates compliance with the temperature regime of no more than 80 degrees. With this method of preparation, yogurt retains its usefulness.

Natural yogurt helps maintain the body's microflora and eliminate metabolic products, activates the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, and prevents the occurrence of various diseases, including dysbacteriosis. The product is an alternative for people suffering from lactose intolerance, a neutralizer harmful effects antibiotics on the body, protects against fungal diseases. It is indicated for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, excess fat deposits, cancer of the colon, bladder and breast, diseases of the gums and teeth, as well as jaw bones, to restore the body after illnesses. Calorie content classic product 57 kcal per 100 grams, it depends on the fat content of the raw materials. Natural yogurt is absorbed by the body much better than other fermented milk products.

The product contains a lot of calcium, its excessive consumption can negatively affect the body's absorption of iron and zinc, the formation of kidney stones, and calcification in the blood vessels. Everything is good in moderation; eating 120-200 grams of the product per day is enough.

My mother bought “live” yogurt for her daughter, brought it home, put it in the refrigerator, and at night the yogurt came out of the jar, gobbled up borscht and sausage... So does our body need “foreign” bacteria?

Nadezhda Kovalenko, a professor at the Institute of Microbiology and Virology, knows better than anyone else that there is a considerable amount of truth in this joke. For her, bacteria are truly alive. They wage wars, make friends with each other, spend cleanup days in our body, exerting an irreplaceable effect. Professor Kovalenko has been studying these “worlds” for more than forty years. In the 90s, she developed the probiotic drink Gerolact, which reduces blood cholesterol. Ukrainian Gerolact is now drunk in Denmark and South Africa.

– One of the most important questions that worries many consumers is what is the condition of lactic acid bacteria in yoghurts with a shelf life of up to 14 days? Are they still alive?

– If the enterprise uses modern equipment and follow the production technology, then even by the 14th day a large number of active bacteria remain. But when low-quality raw materials are used, in a dairy shop - unsterile containers, then foreign microflora can get into the yogurt. Then the lactic acid bacteria will fight with it, and it can take a lot of energy to suppress pathogenic bacteria. As a result, a tiny amount of beneficial microflora will remain in the yogurt. For example, there are few fermented milk and bifidobacteria declared on the packaging, but there are many spore microorganisms - their content was sometimes several times higher than the norm. Yeast, let’s say, shouldn’t be there at all, but it is present. We found mold fungi and even putrefactive microflora in yoghurts.

– There is an opinion that artificially bred bacteria from starter cultures do not correspond to the human microflora, and therefore do not take root in it. Is it so?

– Indeed, entire laboratories are working on the selection of starter cultures. But the statement that these bacteria do not take root in the human body is not true. Beneficial microflora multiplies and takes root, and most importantly, works for the benefit of the human body. Lactic acid bacteria suppress neutral pH (acid-base balance - Focus), at which pathogenic microflora grows. What is also important: the body does not produce enzymes to digest fermented milk products. When probiotics enter the body, they do not simply transit, but cling to the villi that are present on the epithelium of the intestines, esophagus, and stomach, where they multiply, facilitating the digestion of food. After taking a course of antibiotics, the microflora of the digestive tract is practically “washed out”, so it is necessary to populate it with probiotics, otherwise dysbiosis may develop. Each probiotic has its own purpose. For example, one of the varieties of beneficial bacteria - acidophilus - produces a huge amount of lactic acid, which is an antioxidant; it neutralizes putrefactive processes that can occur in the body.

– Many people are sure that our manufacturers use cheap starter cultures.

– As a rule, Ukrainian producers work with foreign starter cultures. The fact is that domestic starters must first be diluted by ten liters, then by a ton, and at each stage there is a human factor. IN industrial production our starters are less convenient. The only sourdough factory at the Institute of Milk and Meat now specializes in selling sourdoughs to the public. They are, of course, more adapted to our stomachs and to our region, but foreign ones are more adapted to standardized production.

– What is better – making yoghurts yourself or buying them at the supermarket?

– At home, you seem to get a high-quality product, but here, too, a lot depends on the accuracy of the housewife and the quality of the milk. If you are not sure of its quality and cannot guarantee sterility during the process of breeding the starter, then in this case it is better to buy store-bought yogurts. I understand that today some manufacturers want to save money and use dry or skimmed milk, flavorings and not very high-quality fillers. But even in this case, industrial fermented milk products may be better. Abroad, the basic product is very popular - yogurt without additives, only based on a microorganism. You can add homemade fillers to this product.

– Are yoghurts and other fermented milk products good for everyone?

- No, there is individual characteristics. Sweet yoghurts are not suitable for diabetics. Acidophilus milk or kefir is not suitable for people who suffer from gastritis, in which case cottage cheese is better. Yogurt, if real, contains Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococci, this makes the yogurt sour and not very pleasant. But in sweet yoghurts, if pathogenic flora is present, then it immediately begins to devour the sweetness and also releases acid. Such yogurt, like ice cream, does not bring any health benefits.

– How often should you eat fermented milk products?

It is advisable to start the morning with a glass of kefir or yogurt, be sure to good quality, and drink a glass at night. The fact is that during rest, lactic acid bacteria begin to participate in the process of digesting food, the body is sanitized and health improves.