How to make sour cream custard.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Yesterday I cooked and according to the recipe it was smeared with custard. I have always made it using milk, so it was a discovery for me that there is still such an extremely unusual option. Sour cream custard for the cake, the recipe with the photo of which I offer you, I did it for the first time, and I want to say right away that I didn’t cook tastier for sure! I bought sour cream 20% fat. You know, just in case, I also bought milk, because I was very worried that the cream would not work for me. However, my doubts and worries were in vain. Sour cream custard turned out to be very tender, tasty and quite airy. True, I liked one more thing most of all - the cream kept its shape so well that they could safely even decorate finished cake. Look at the final photo, you can see what embossed contours this cream left. I don’t know, most likely it won’t work to make a rose for the cake, but the various patterns will definitely come out beautiful.
Required Ingredients:
- 350 grams of sour cream (450 grams in a pack, so leave 100 grams, for example, for making cookies),
- a pack of good quality butter,
- 1 chicken egg,
- 130 grams of sugar,
- 1 tablespoon of starch.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Put 350 grams of sour cream into a Teflon-coated bucket.

Add sugar to sour cream.

Then add chicken egg and starch. Stir the sour cream mixture with a silicone spatula and put the ladle on the fire.

We will cook the cream until it becomes thick. It took me 7 minutes to complete this process.

Put in a container butter. I always take it out of the fridge ahead of time to make it soft.

Beat the butter with a mixer on turbo mode.

After that, we will begin to add custard by a tablespoon. Note that the temperature of the custard and butter should be the same.

Sour cream custard is ready!

And here's how to cook

Sour cream for soaking cakes is often used; such creams do not hold their shape even after adding oil. There are several ways to help thicken such a cream. One of them is brewing creamy mass. Haven't tried? We offer you several tried and tested options.

Custard sour cream - general principles of preparation

Sour cream, like all cream masses of this type, is brewed with eggs and flour. But there are recipes that allow you to brew cream base without these components. Wherein original product in no way inferior in tenderness and airiness to a cream prepared according to a classic recipe.

In cooking, you should use the most fatty and natural fermented milk product. Poor-quality or low-fat sour cream can delaminate with prolonged heating. It is worth noting that sour cream should only be the first freshness, otherwise a dessert with such a cream that has stood even for a short time can lead to food poisoning.

Sour cream can be added to the cream at the end of cooking, when the brewed base has cooled down well. Often, a fermented milk product is used as the main one, on which the creamy mass is brewed. V this case it is mixed with other ingredients and heated at the lowest possible heat, although it is even better to use water bath, then the cream is guaranteed not to burn.

To touch up sour cream, or to give it a certain taste, you can add honey, powdered cocoa or chocolate to it. With the introduction of cocoa and chocolate, chocolate creams are obtained, with the addition of honey, the mass acquires a light beige tint. Additional creamy taste gives oil, which is mixed into the already prepared mass.

Sour cream custard is rarely used to decorate cakes. But it well impregnates any cakes. To decorate the cake, adjust the density by adding softened butter.

Thick custard cream with eggs and butter

The custard base for this recipe will be cooked on sour cream. To prevent the fermented milk product from curdling during heating, take sour cream of the highest fat content. thick cream, applied in a thick layer on a biscuit, does not spread, even if a second biscuit blank is placed on it.


White baking flour - 2 tbsp. l.;

120 gr. granulated sugar;


A pack of butter;

Fatty 30% sour cream - 300 gr.;

20 gr. vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the egg into the sugar and rub with a spoon until a pasty white mass is obtained.

2. While sifting, add flour and rub well again. While stirring, add all the sour cream and place the warming bowl in a water bath.

3. Stirring constantly, heat the cream base until it thickens. Make sure the bottom of the bowl does not come into contact with hot water.

4. Remove the hot mass from the stove, immediately stir in some of the oil (up to 50 gr.) And vanilla sugar, cover with a lid and leave to cool.

5. Cut the remaining butter into pieces and transfer to a clean container. After they soften well, beat. In the resulting lush oil mass, constantly whisking, add the cooled sour cream base. To whip the cream well, add no more than two tablespoons at a time, then beat until smooth.

Creamy custard sour cream with milk

The characteristic creamy shade of the mass is given not only by oil. Thanks to the milk on which the base is brewed, the cream becomes more delicate taste. For more fat it is better to take homemade milk, sour cream is introduced at the end and does not warm up.


homemade cow's milk- 700 ml;

Three tablespoons of first-class flour;

A glass of granulated sugar;

Two large eggs;

1 gram vanilla powder;

150 gr. high-fat butter;

Full glass of fat sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Mix half the amount of sugar with flour. Add eggs and beat lightly. Pour in a glass of cold milk and beat again. You should get a homogeneous mixture, without sugar crystals and lumps of stray flour.

2. Mix the remaining milk and granulated sugar. Add vanilla powder and, after mixing, place on an intense fire.

3. As soon as the sweet milk begins to boil, stirring continuously, immediately pour the egg-milk mass into it and boil it on low heat until it thickens. While cooking, constantly stir the cream base, trying to separate it from the bottom as best as possible. Otherwise, the milk mass will burn.

4. Remove the brewed milk base from the stove and set to cool. As it cools, it will become even thicker.

5. Beat the soft butter with a mixer until fluffy, then portion it into the well-cooled brewed base. Add sour cream and bring to a boil, beating at medium speed of the mixer.

Recipe for custard sour cream - "Chocolate with cocoa"

Cocoa is often used to make chocolate cream. The recipe involves the use of powdered cocoa without sugar, with a pronounced chocolate flavor, rich dark color. Before introducing cocoa, it is advisable to reseede. The presence of lumps will prevent the powder from being mixed well in the sour cream mass.


Five spoons of sugar;

Fatty 25% sour cream - 200 gr.;

60 gr. sifted flour;


90 gr. dark powdered cocoa;

Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

1. In an enameled or glass deep bowl, combine sour cream with all the measured sugar. Stir to get uniform consistency, then place the bowl to warm up in a water bath.

2. Enter the egg, the sifted flour, previously beaten with a whisk, into a warm, non-hot cream base and continue to warm. To evenly brew the sour cream, stir constantly and make sure that the boiling water does not touch the bottom of the bowl.

3. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, immediately add cocoa to it, stir and reduce heat. The powder will intervene more evenly if it is introduced by sifting through a sieve. Continuing to stir, boil to the desired density and cool at room temperature. Keep in mind that after cooling, the mass will thicken even more.

Custard sour cream on condensed milk with honey (without eggs and flour)

Natural honey makes the cream, in addition to taste, also useful. With prolonged heating with condensed milk, it colors the sweet mass in a delicate color. Sour cream is added to last turn, in an already cooled mass, eggs are not used.


Condensed milk, whole - 350 gr.;

Half a liter of thick sour cream;

a tablespoon of honey;

Sweet cream butter 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the condensed milk into a thick-walled bowl. Add honey and put on a small fire.

2. Stirring constantly, heat the mixture until the honey is completely dispersed and the mass begins to change color. Remove the cream-colored mass from the heat and set to cool. To speed up the process, you can place the bowl on top of ice cubes.

3. Put cold sour cream into the cooled base and beat until fluffy, turning on the average speed on the mixer.

Custard sour cream on condensed milk with butter

According to the recipe, in addition to condensed milk, powdered sugar is added. If you do not like too sweet, you can exclude it, the sweetness of condensed milk will be enough. To soak the cakes well, put the indicated amount of oil. If you use the mass to decorate the dessert, make it denser by adding more butter.


One egg;

150 gr. unboiled condensed milk;

Two tablespoons of flour;

Powdered sugar - 50 gr.;

200 gr. sour cream, from 20% fat;

1 gram vanilla powder;

Pack of butter.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the powdered sugar with flour, beat the egg until foamy.

2. Mix sour cream with condensed milk, add an egg, enter the mixture powdered sugar with flour and, whisking lightly, mix all the ingredients.

3. Set the bowl in a water bath so that the bottom does not reach boiling water and warm it up without stopping stirring. Do not be lazy, do not use open fire, the base will burn and be damaged.

4. Boil the cream until thickened. The consistency should be thicker homemade sour cream. When the mass is ready, remove it from the bath, add vanilla and leave to cool on the table. Then cool by placing in the refrigerator.

5. Beat soft butter with a mixer until fluffy. Then, gradually increasing the speed, add to it, introducing in small portions, a chilled sour cream base. Stop beating when the cream is thick and smooth enough.

chocolate custard recipe with chocolate

When preparing chocolate custard, the base can be colored with more than just cocoa powder. For these purposes, they often use dark chocolate. It is broken into squares and added to the main ingredients before heating. For darker coloration and pronounced chocolate flavor you should take bars of bitter 76% chocolate. With a dairy product, the color will be lighter and the taste more tender.


Two glasses of 20% sour cream;

100 gr. dark, non-bitter chocolate;

Half a cup of wheat flour;

A pack of natural oil;

100 gr. refined sugar;

Four eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Put sour cream in a bowl, add chocolate divided into square pieces, add sugar. Heat the mixture over the lowest heat or use a water bath until the chocolate and sugar are completely melted and the mass is smooth.

2. Beat the eggs with flour, then, with vigorous stirring, pour the hot chocolate base into them and set to warm again. Bring chocolate mass until thickened, cool.

3. While beating the soft butter with a mixer, add the cooled chocolate base to it. Do not enter all at once, put a maximum of two spoons at a time.

4. After the mass becomes visually homogeneous, it will be possible to immediately coat the cakes with it.

Custard sour cream - cooking tricks and useful tips

To prepare custard, it is better to use thick-walled dishes in which the mass will not burn during prolonged heating. But also the best option for this is a water bath. The process takes longer, but do not worry that the cream will stick to the bottom.

Butter is added to sour cream not only to highlight its creamy taste. This is mainly done to make the mass more lush and airy. Therefore, do not neglect its use.

Ready-made custard on sour cream can be used not only for layering cakes or as a filling for cakes. Cakes, cupcakes, muffins, buns and more confectionery baked with it have a very rich taste.

I was skeptical about custard on sour cream, until the very last moment - until I tried it personally. It always seemed to me that the cream would be sour, thanks to a new ingredient, and would not work at all for a cake. But the result exceeded all my expectations - the cream turned out to be suitable not only for the layer, but also for decoration, and its sourness, on the contrary, gave the cream a pleasant and light piquancy, which is not in the usual, traditional one. It can be made much denser and more stable by adding more butter. And yet, I want to immediately note that I indicated granulated sugar in the ingredients, but it is not necessary to add it if you are not a huge sweet tooth - condensed milk may be enough. This know-how, in the form of condensed milk, I introduced into custard sour cream quite by accident, and it turned out very well.


  • butter - 200 grams;
  • sour cream (from 20% fat) - 200 grams;
  • wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • condensed milk (not boiled) - 150 grams and 50 grams of sugar (optional);
  • chicken eggs - 1 piece;
  • vanilla - to taste.
  • If you suddenly decide to prepare a cream without condensed milk, then for this amount of sour cream and butter you will need only 100-110 grams of granulated sugar. In general, experiment with sweetness as you prepare the cream.

How to make sour cream custard:

1. We start preparing the cream with the construction of a “water bath”. Put on the stove suitable dishes for a water bath, and place a saucepan on top with the main ingredients: sour cream, granulated sugar (if you still use it), condensed milk, wheat flour, chicken egg and vanilla. Mix everything and boil in a water bath. By the way, I’ll say right away that if you are too lazy and start preparing the cream right on the stove, then you risk losing it - it will burn faster.

2. Boil the contents until thick: the cream should be thicker than sour cream. After, when it is almost ready, place it in the refrigerator or on the balcony - it should cool completely, and thus, prepare for the next stage of cooking.

3. Softened butter must be beaten until white and fluffy. I took a little less butter, since I used the cream only as a layer of cake. In order to decorate the entire cake with this cream, use as much butter as indicated in the recipe.

4. Gradually add the completely cooled cream to the whipped butter, without ceasing to beat with a mixer, we get a dense custard mass.

Custard sour cream for soaking the cake is very tasty. Simple sour cream is rarely used to decorate a dessert, as it does not hold its shape well, even if added to the composition of the next. butter.

There are several ways to thicken the cream. For example, make it custard. Let's look at this article simple recipes cooking custard on sour cream for cakes.

General principles of cooking

To prepare custard with sour cream for the cake, you need to cook on flour and chickens. eggs. The recipe may not even indicate that the cream base must be brewed with these ingredients.

The resulting cream is in no way inferior in tenderness and airiness to the composition, if prepared in accordance with the classic recipe.

For the preparation of custard sour cream for sponge cake it is worth using a fatty product of a natural composition.

Sour cream must be of high quality, because otherwise it will simply exfoliate during prolonged heating.

Sour cream must always be fresh, as standing for a short time in the composition of the cream can lead to poisoning. Buy only quality products, remember - we are what we eat!

You can add sour cream to the custard for sponge cake at the end of cooking, when the brewed base has cooled down well.

You can use it as the main product on which you need to brew a creamy mass. It must be mixed with other components and heated over minimal heat.

You can use a water bath, then the cream composition will not burn. Sour cream for biscuit cake can be tinted by adding honey, cocoa powder or chocolate to it.

With the introduction of chocolate into it, the cream will have a beautiful rich brown color. If you introduce honey into the composition, the cream will become beige, but the next. butter will give the cream a creamy taste.

Sour cream custard is usually used to decorate cakes. You can also soak the cakes with this composition. To decorate the cake, as in my photo, you need to adjust the entry of soft words. oils.

Sour cream custard with sl. butter and chickens. eggs

The custard will be based on sour cream. To prevent the product from curdling, it is best to take sour cream with a high fat content.

Sour cream will be very thick, as in the photo. If you apply it in a thick layer on a biscuit, the mass will not spread. If you put another biscuit blank on it, the cream will perfectly soak into the cakes.


120 gr. Sahara; 2 tbsp psh. flour; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 300 gr. sour cream with a fat content of 30%; 20 gr. van. Sahara; 1 pack sl. oils.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I'm adding chickens. egg and sugar, rub with a tablespoon to get a white pasty mass.
  2. I sow the flour and grind its composition well.
  3. Sow flour, grind with the general composition. I mix, add sour cream, put a bowl to heat the water bath.
  4. I mix, warm up the cream base so that the mass becomes thick. I make sure that the bottom of the bowl does not touch hot water.
  5. I remove the mass from the stove, mix in 50 gr. sl. oils and van. sugar, cover the lid and let cool.
  6. Sl. I cut the butter into pieces and put it in a bowl. When it softens, you need to beat. I add sour cream to the mass. The cream will whip well if you add no more than 2 tbsp. for 1 time. I beat until smooth.

That's all, sour cream is ready.

Custard creamy sour cream with milk for cake

A creamy shade of cream for the cake will give not only the next. butter, but also because it will contain milk. The cream will become soft in taste.

To get more fatty composition, it is worth taking homemade milk, and introducing sour cream at the end, without warming it up at all.

The recipe is quite simple, and therefore will not cause difficulties for the hostess.


150 gr. sl. oils; 1 gr. vanilla powder; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 st. sugar and sour cream; 3 tbsp flour; 700 ml of milk;

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. Half a serving of sugar should be mixed with flour.
  2. I bring in chickens. eggs and beat. I add 1 tbsp. milk and whisk again. The mass should be free of crystals and lumps of flour.
  3. I mix milk and sugar. sand. I'm using vanilla powder. I put it on a big fire.
  4. When the milk begins to boil, you need to constantly stir the mass. I pour the egg-milk mass into it and boil it over low heat so that it becomes thick.
  5. During cooking, I interfere with the cream, making sure that the base is better separated from the bottom. Otherwise, the mass will burn.
  6. I remove the milk base from the stove, let it cool. The mass will become thick.
  7. You can bring it to splendor if you work with a mixer. Sl. the oil should be soft, after which it can be added in portions to the cooled brewed mass.
  8. I bring sour cream. I bring it to readiness. Beat on medium power mixer.

Chocolate custard with cocoa sour cream for cake

To make delicious chocolate cream you need to use cocoa. The recipe calls for cocoa powder.

The cream will be pronounced chocolate in taste, the composition will be dark in color. I introduce cocoa, be sure to sow the composition. If there are lumps in the composition, you need to mix the powder thoroughly in the mass.


200 gr. sour cream (fat content from 25%); 60 gr. flour; 5 tbsp Sahara; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 10 gr. van. Sahara; 90 gr. dark cocoa powder.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. In a bowl, mix sour cream and sugar. Mix and make the mass consistency until smooth. I put a bowl of cream in a water bath so that it warms up.
  2. I introduce chickens into a warm creamy base. egg, pre-interrupt it with a whisk. I also add seeded flour and continue to warm in a water bath. In order for the mass to brew evenly, you need to constantly stir it and make sure that the boiling water does not touch the bottom of the bowl.
  3. The boiled mass must be supplemented with cocoa powder. Mix well and reduce the heat on the stove.
  4. The powder will intervene evenly if introduced with a sieve.
  5. I mix, boil, so that the density is the desired consistency. Let the mass cool down at room temperature. After the composition has cooled, it will become even thicker.

Custard from sour cream on condensed milk with honey

Natural honey will give the cream not only taste, but also usefulness. During prolonged heating of the mass with condensed milk, the composition will be painted in a delicate color. Sour cream should be added last, when the mixture has cooled down. Kur. You don't need to use eggs for the cream.

Components: 350 gr. condensed milk; 500 ml of thick sour cream; 1 tbsp honey; 100 gr. sl. oils.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I pour the condensed milk into a saucepan with thick walls. I add honey and put it on a slow fire.
  2. I mix the composition, warm the mass so that the honey dissolves well. I remove the mass from the fire and let it cool. You can do this faster if you put ice in the bowl.
  3. I put sour cream in the mass and beat to make the composition lush. I interrupt with a mixer, which must be turned on at medium speed.

This article has come to an end. I am sure that each of you was able to choose one of the recipes presented in the article to make at home. delicious dessert for your whole family.

Do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen, you will definitely succeed if you cook in a good mood. Good luck in the kitchen!

My video recipe

How do you make sour cream? Do you just beat sour cream with sugar? But did you know that it can become the basis of a delicious custard that looks like ice cream? Custard sour cream is tender, dense and quite embossed. This great option for stuffing eclairs, sand baskets and nuts, filling wafer rolls and other small pastries. Custard on sour cream is quite oily, therefore, it is better to use it for a layer of cakes that should not be soaked: meringue, puff and choux pastry. If you smear them biscuit cakes, then it is better to impregnate them additionally. A step-by-step photo recipe will allow you to cook such a sweet, necessary and delicious stuffing for your desserts.


  • chicken eggs - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • sour cream with fat content from 20% - 300 gr;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. with a slide;
  • butter - 100-200 gr;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

How to make sour cream custard

We begin the preparation by breaking the egg into a saucepan, pouring sugar and vanillin to it.

Beat it with a whisk, but without fanaticism. Thick foam is not required.

Add sour cream and flour (we collect spoons with a small slide).

Stir well and place the saucepan over medium heat.

We brew the cream, constantly stirring along the bottom, until the first bubbles appear.

The cream is quite thick. Now it needs to be cooled down room temperature. Be sure to cover its surface with cling film.

The cooled cream thickened even more. Mix it with a whisk.

In small portions, add softened butter to it, whisking with a mixer. If you want a gentle custard, 100 g of butter is enough. If you like fatter, with a denser structure and relief, then add 200 grams of oil.

As you can see, with the addition of a full portion of oil, the cream holds its shape perfectly.

I hope that we will break the stereotype that custard can only be made with milk and now you know how to cook it with sour cream. Beautiful and tasty to you. 🙂