Beneficial properties of green, black and herbal tea. Green radish: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harms

Green tea originates in Asian countries, but over time its taste has become loved by people all over the world. Today there are quite a few varieties of the drink, which differ in the method of preparation, brewing and quality. Everyone knows that green tea contains invigorating caffeine, but what other qualities are inherent in the drink? Let's figure it out together.

Composition of green tea

Since the list of elements has been studied far and wide, scientists have identified more than 1,500 different substances. The most valuable minerals are phosphorus, magnesium, rubidium, boron, zinc, chromium, calcium, potassium, fluorine, iron, etc. In addition, the drink contains alimentary fiber, ash, pectin compounds, tannins, caffeine, catechins.

Mineral elements are responsible for the activity of the heart muscle, they enrich the blood and stabilize the pulse. Minerals affect metabolic processes, significantly accelerating them.

Theine is a well-known invigorating element, an analogue of caffeine. There is about the same amount of caffeine in green tea as there is caffeine in medium-brewed coffee. Green tea is just as invigorating in the morning. It stimulates brain neurons, awakening and energizing for the whole day. Theine has a much gentler effect on the body, unlike caffeine.

The drink accumulates many catechins, which belong to the flavonoid family. These Natural Antioxidants Cleanse the Cavity internal organs from radionuclides, free radicals, toxic substances and slagging. Against the background of comprehensive cleansing, comfortable weight loss occurs without stress for the body.

Beneficial properties of green tea

  1. Research by Chinese scientists has proven the benefits of the drink for people with bone problems. Thanks to catechins, bone growth is activated, their destruction is prevented, and complete mineralization with useful substances occurs. When drinking green tea systematically, the risk of bone fractures and teeth crumbling is reduced.
  2. Arthrosis and other ailments of this kind appear against the background of a high accumulation of salts. If you introduce a drink made from green tea leaves into your daily menu, painful symptoms are reduced.
  3. The drink should be consumed to reduce intracranial pressure. One mug of green tea will replace 2 tablets of citramone, which eliminates headaches, throbbing in the temples, and severe migraines.
  4. There are also some beneficial properties for people who suffer from a hangover. The drink removes unpleasant symptoms, promotes rapid disintegration and withdrawal ethyl alcohol from the body. In this case, you need to brew the tea 2 times, the first time the water is drained to eliminate excess theine.
  5. Contains B vitamins, which are responsible for nervous system. Green tea controls a person’s psycho-emotional background, fighting the effects of stress. But it should not be taken at night to avoid insomnia and overexcitement.
  6. Tea in combination with honey is an excellent way to boost the immune system during the spread of viral infections and the off-season. The drink does not allow bacteria to negatively affect healthy tissues.
  7. The composition contains fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel, reduces bleeding gums, and prevents caries. Traditional healers recommend rubbing your teeth with the grounds of brewed tea once a day.
  8. The drink should be consumed daily by categories of people who suffer from eye diseases. Green tea improves vision, protects against cataracts and glaucoma. It is useful to combine taking the drug with special exercises for the eye muscles.
  9. It contains a lot of polyphenolic substances that cleanse blood channels and remove cholesterol accumulations. All this leads to serious prevention of atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The drink protects the brain from poisons.
  10. Not without value for heart patients and hypertensive patients. Green tea reduces indicators blood pressure due to its diuretic effect. The drug also promotes the outflow of bile, relieving the work of the liver.
  11. The beneficial properties of the drink for the body were discovered back in ancient times. Regular consumption in moderate quantities stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  12. Tea is often used in dietetics, unique composition suppresses the feeling of hunger for a while. The body fully receives all the necessary enzymes and substances. Green tea perfectly prevents cancer due to the abundance of antioxidants.

  1. The benefits of green tea come in many ways. In ancient China, the drink was used to get rid of ailments of various natures. The composition prevents prostate cancer and increases vitality.
  2. Systematic consumption of the drink promotes increased testosterone production. Tea helps to cope with the consequences of the negative effects of electrical appliances on the male body. General well-being improves, the nervous system calms down.

Green tea for children

  1. Please note that it is prohibited to include any type of tea in children’s diets until they are 2-3 years old. The problem is that the composition contains tannins. Such enzymes can cause prolonged constipation, appetite worsens, and metabolism is disrupted.
  2. Any tea contains theine, which is harmless to an adult. As for children, the effect is negative. The child begins to cry more often, becomes nervous and irritable. Normal sleep is disrupted.
  3. Tea has a diuretic effect, which is harmful specifically to children. The drink washes out all the necessary minerals from the body, and the bones simply become fragile. Tea also contains a dangerous enzyme in the form of theophylline, which enhances the effects of theine.
  4. Preschool children are allowed to be given only black tea in diluted form. The drink can be mixed with milk. This product contains minimal amount enzymes that irritate the nervous system.

Green tea during pregnancy

  1. Green tea in moderation is an excellent addition to your diet. The drink contains a valuable composition. A serving of tea will help get rid of heartburn almost immediately.
  2. You are allowed to drink no more than 2 cups of the drink during the day. Sugar must not be added. The benefit is achieved if the girls do not have any contraindications or pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. It is important to be careful; studies have shown that green tea interferes with the normal absorption of folic acid. The enzyme is important for the development of the baby and the formation of the nervous system.
  4. Experts do not recommend drinking tea in the first month of trying to conceive a baby and the first 2 weeks of pregnancy. Next, the drink should be introduced into the diet after consultation with the doctor and the absence of contraindications.
  5. IN mandatory please clarify daily norm tea, otherwise excess caffeine can lead to underweight baby and premature birth. Abuse green tea leads to miscarriage.
  6. Many people think that the benefits of green tea breastfeeding invaluable. It is worth noting that such an opinion is far from the truth. The drink only relaxes the ducts in the mammary gland. Milk production does not increase from taking raw materials.

  1. The drink triggers all metabolic processes in the body, which results in comfortable weight loss. Partially, weight loss is achieved by cleansing the intestines of stagnation, as well as removing excess fluid.
  2. Everyone knows that it is impossible to lose weight with a contaminated body. You must first remove toxic substances and heavy metal salts. Green tea does this job perfectly.
  3. The drink also suppresses the feeling of hunger, so if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it can be consumed when the desire to eat arises. It is enough to drink tea with honey, and after half an hour have a full meal.
  4. Milk Oolong or Milk Oolong tea especially reduces appetite. The drink has a light creamy taste and does not negatively affect the walls of the stomach, so it is drunk regularly.

Green tea for hypertension

  1. Hypertensive patients know firsthand how difficult it is to live fully with a constant increase in blood pressure and its sharp fluctuations. The drink improves the course of the disease, stabilizing the indicators.
  2. Useful qualities are achieved due to the diuretic effect. When excess fluid is removed, therapeutic and preventive therapy is carried out.
  3. It is worth understanding that with normal or low blood pressure, tea should be consumed in moderate doses.

Green tea contraindications

  1. It is not recommended to take medications based on green tea. The tablet contains an increased concentration of catechins, which exceeds the daily norm for humans.
  2. Taking tea is contraindicated on an empty stomach. The drink has a negative effect on the mucous membranes of internal organs.
  3. If you recently consumed alcohol and decided to refresh yourself with green tea, then alcohol together with the active substances of the raw materials form toxic compounds that destroy the liver and kidneys.

The beneficial effects of tea on the human body are ensured by a chemical list of substances. Not everyone knows that the drink contains ideally balanced vitamins, mineral compounds, and flavonoids. They all complement each other's action.

Video: benefits of green tea

The green parts of many garden and wild plants are a complete source of various vitamins and microelements that are so necessary to maintain human strength and health. Therefore, it is necessary to eat green plants every day (in salads, green smoothies...), which can supply the human body with all the necessary nutrients and heal from various diseases.

Cabbage (green)

Kale is ideal for supporting our body's immunity in winter time of the year. The unique combination of all kinds of biologically active and valuable substances makes it simply an unsurpassed product.

One serving of cabbage contains as much calcium as two glasses of milk.

In addition, this vegetable contains vitamin C (100 g of cabbage contains the daily requirement of ascorbic acid), carotene (100 g of cabbage contains 40 times more provitamin A than the same amount of celery), all B vitamins (except B12) , vitamin H, which is called the beauty vitamin, vitamin E, which is necessary for the cells of our body to protect against free radicals, a large number of fiber. All this variety is concentrated in cabbage useful substances has a very beneficial effect on the human body.

Green cabbage helps remove toxins from the body, restore the gastric mucosa, helps with constipation and generally eliminates many intestinal problems, reduces cholesterol and fat levels in the blood, improves immunity, helps fight stress, slows down the aging process and even promotes rejuvenation of the body.

In the tops of beets, carrots, radishes healing power, which can cope with many problems of our body. It contains no less useful substances, and some even more, than the root vegetable.

Beet tops

For those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, anemia, diabetes and people with problems with the thyroid gland, tops are especially useful. Helps cope with constipation, improves intestinal activity.

Beetroot and its tops contain vitamin P, which increases the elasticity of blood vessels and protects against sclerosis and internal hemorrhages. Beet tops contain iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, and calcium salts that activate hematopoiesis and regulate metabolism.

Vitamin U, used in the treatment of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers and chronic gastritis, is also found in beet tops. There are substances that help improve the health of the liver. And it’s not for nothing that beets are considered one of the best anti-aging remedies.

It has been established that beetroot, its stems, and leaves exhibit an antitumor effect.

Carrot tops

Not all people know that this seemingly unsightly greenery, which many perceive as ordinary garbage, contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements (calcium, iron, phosphorus).

Honestly, not every vitamin complex can boast of having a bundle weighing only 100 grams. So, in terms of the amount of vitamin C, 100 grams of this greenery exceeds the same 100 grams of lemon several times.

Moreover, if in the spring there is not so much vitamin C in this greenery, then by autumn its amount almost triples.

To improve your health, you can use carrot tops fresh or dried. Carrot tops contain selenium, which restores cell membranes. The tops cure diseases of blood vessels and veins, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, cystitis, insomnia, urolithiasis, farsightedness and myopia. It improves digestive function and also has a good effect on the excretory system.

Since it increases bile production, we can affirmatively say that our body is being cleansed, and accumulated salts are also eliminated.

Radish tops

Radish tops improves digestion, therefore useful for obesity, heart and vascular diseases. When consuming radishes or their tops, the secretion of gastric juice is stimulated, thereby enhancing digestion. This “warming” effect is highly valued in Eastern medicine - it is believed that it helps the body maintain youth longer. This effect is achieved through the influence of vitamin C on intercellular membranes - it makes them more permeable to all nutrients.

Fiber, which radish tops are rich in, can remove excess cholesterol from the body.


Its main feature is its rich organic sodium content, which means that it gives the body required quantity sodium and without the unpleasant consequences that threaten the consumption of inorganic sodium in its composition. Celery is also rich in magnesium and iron, and this combination is very valuable for hematopoiesis. Dry hot weather is easier to bear if you drink a glass in the morning and afternoon between meals fresh juice celery. It also has an analgesic effect.

Dill contains vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, A, folic and nicotinic acid, a number of microelements - potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, as well as essential oils.

Everyone's favorite dill, in addition to its wonderful taste, also has a number of medicinal properties. These include: a choleretic effect, relief of headache symptoms, and it is also good in the fight against insomnia.


Vitamins PP, K, C, B1, B2, carotene, carbohydrates, proteins, flavonoids, folic acid and mineral salts.

A bunch of parsley replaces daily norm vitamin C and carotene! It will certainly be beneficial for any inflammatory processes present in the body, gastritis, peptic ulcers, kidney diseases and impaired vision.

Cilantro(or coriander) contains vitamins B1, B2, C, P and carotene, ascorbic acid, rutin, pectin, aromatic oils, microelements - iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine.

This seasoning is useful for strengthening the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, urinary system, and also to reduce pain. Just avoid overdosing on cilantro, as consuming more than 35 grams of leaves can cause problems in your body.

Arugula contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. These are trace elements: iron, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc. Macroelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium. Vitamins: B1 – B4, B5, B6, B9, β-carotene (vitamin A), ascorbic acid (C), tocopherol (E), phylloquinone (K). Young shoots of the plant contain a lot of iodine, especially necessary for the inhabitants of settlements remote from the sea, and flavonoids, which strengthen blood vessels. Arugula is useful for people suffering from venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, and high blood pressure.

Due to the high content of vitamins, macro- and microelements, arugula is a powerful energy booster; it quickly tones the human body, increases performance, normalizes water-salt balance and prevents the development of oncology.

Eating arugula improves metabolic processes, improves digestion, and strengthens the nervous system. Arugula is indicated for stress and depression, increases hemoglobin levels, removes excess cholesterol, and is recommended for anemia. Regular consumption of this beneficial herb is beneficial for patients with diabetes. Arugula greens are an indispensable source of vitamins and microelements during pregnancy; during lactation it increases the production breast milk.

Arugula has a diuretic and disinfectant effect, relieves gout, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract. Thanks to β-carotene, it improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Arugula oil is successfully used to strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss.

Eating arugula is useful for obesity; doctors recommend arranging fasting days with the inclusion of only arugula in the menu; the vitamins contained in the greens will give the necessary energy, and a minimum of calories will help get rid of excess weight.

Another important feature of arugula: strong anti-ulcer properties. It effectively fights damage to the walls of the stomach, significantly reduces the size of existing ulcers, and prevents the development of new foci of the disease, even with some violations in the therapeutic diet.

Since ancient times it has been known that arugula is a powerful aphrodisiac.

This plant is useful in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, asthma, neuralgia, insomnia, anemia, gout. It can be used as a diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and stimulant.

Snooze rich in carotene, vitamin C, protein substances, proteins, carbohydrates, essential oils, nitrogen-containing compounds, coumarins and calcium necessary for the construction of bone tissue (which, by the way, is perfectly absorbed in the honeydew even without vitamin D). It is no coincidence that in folk medicine it is used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism (in the form of tinctures and pain-relieving compresses). Improves the condition of teeth, nails and hair.

Due to its pro-inflammatory and diuretic effect, this plant is indispensable for kidney and bladder diseases. It also enhances the detoxification function of the liver, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - stops inflammatory processes and normalizes salt metabolism.

The most common in our middle zone are parsley, celery, dill, lettuce, beet tops, carrots and radishes, and mint. This category also includes wild herbs, of which there are a great variety throughout the country. However, first of all, it is advisable to highlight those whose consumption is very desirable, especially in April-May-June, when they are the richest in valuable substances: dandelion, nettle, stinging and stinging nettle, plantain, raspberry leaves, currants and other shrubs. Of course, all these herbs and leaves need to be collected away from roads, since exhaust gases are absorbed by plants, they lose their healing properties and can even be harmful.

Lettuce is a valuable source of nutrients.

Due to the presence of a large amount of rutin, which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, lettuce protects the body from atherosclerosis. Like all early herbs and vegetables, it is indispensable in the diet of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The properties of lettuce leaves are to remove cholesterol, and lettuce also has a choleretic effect. Lettuce is good for insomnia.

Particularly valuable properties of lettuce leaves are their content of easily digestible protein and sugars, and calcium and iodine, together with a complex of vitamins, make these greens extremely useful for those who suffer from thyroid diseases.

Vitamin C in lettuce is about 50 milligrams per 100 grams of leaves, which can be compared with the content of ascorbic acid in lemons.

Folic acid in lettuce leaves useful for both children and adults. Regular consumption of lettuce leaves has a particularly good effect on the reproductive abilities of women.

Vitamin K helps in regulating blood clotting.

The benefit of salad is that it effectively removes toxins and poisons from the body. Doctors recommend lettuce leaves for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Green salad, beneficial features which has the most beneficial effect on the body when regular use, helps the body renew the iron it contains. And the magnesium contained in the leaves has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps in the restoration of muscle tissue.

For obesity and diabetes, the inclusion of all types of salad in the diet is irreplaceable.


Spinach contains a lot of provitamin A (carotene), B vitamins, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), P, PP, antirachitic vitamin D2. Rich in mineral salts, especially iron compounds. In terms of protein content, spinach surpasses all vegetables, second only to green peas and young beans, as well as meat. It is a champion in iodine content, which protects against aging. It is especially rich in B vitamins – B1, B6 and PP. Contains in small quantity and vitamin K. The vitamins present in spinach are quite stable when cooked and canned. Spinach is considered a crop rich in iron and iodine. Iron salts are in an easily digestible form and are quickly used by the body.

Due to its vitamin and mineral composition, spinach is a valuable food product for people suffering from anemia. Spinach is also very beneficial for healthy people, especially for children and teenagers. Its consumption helps to increase hemoglobin and increase the number of red blood cells, replenish vitamins and minerals, and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases. The only drawback of spinach is its high content of oxalic acid.

Prevents retinal detachment and strengthens blood vessels. Indicated for people with poor health. It is well absorbed. Improves the activity of the pancreas.

Used for diseases of the nervous system, anemia, hypertension, tuberculosis, diabetes, fatigue, rickets, and growth disorders in children. Stimulates intestinal function, providing a mild laxative effect, slows down cell aging.


The active ingredients of plantain leaves are aucuban, vitamins A, C, K, U, enzymes (invertin, emulsin), tannins, bitterness, protein substances, potassium salts. Among the active components of plantain seeds, tannins, saponins, and a large amount of mucus should be noted.

The main use is for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, also for gastritis with low or normal acidity, colitis, for acute and chronic diseases respiratory organs. Plantain has an antimicrobial effect.


Edible dandelion leaves contain carotene, vitamin C, B2, choline, niacin, calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorus.

Dandelion helps with chronic liver diseases, gallstones and kidney stones, atherosclerosis and inflammatory kidney diseases. Dandelion is also used for intoxication and poisoning, cholecystitis; liver cirrhosis; edema of various origins; low potassium levels; weak appetite, gastritis with low acidity; for joint diseases, atherosclerosis, etc.

It also improves general condition, normalizes metabolism, acid-alkaline balance, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and improves blood composition in case of anemia.


Used for nervous diseases and pain in the heart, cholecystitis, gallstones and kidney stones, flatulence, nausea and vomiting, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, migraines, insomnia, toothache, rheumatism, colds, atherosclerosis, hypertension, inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, flu, angina pectoris, cerebral vascular spasms and metabolic disorders. Peppermint is used externally in the form of poultices for tumors, neuralgia and radiculitis.


The plant contains vitamins C, K, B2, carotene, pantothenic acid, chlorophyll, iron salts, potassium, calcium, sulfur, sugars, proteins. Nettle increases blood clotting, increases the amount of hemoglobin, platelets and red blood cells, reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, and has a diuretic, wound-healing and restorative effect.

Nettle is useful for bleeding, anemia, atherosclerosis, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, metabolic disorders, and during the recovery period. It is probably easier to list diseases for which nettle is not used. The spectrum of its action is very impressive: it is used as a wound-healing, diuretic, tonic, laxative, vitamin, anticonvulsant, and expectorant. It is used for various bleeding, hemorrhoids, cholelithiasis, choking, liver and biliary tract diseases, edema, constipation, heart disease, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergies.


Melissa greens contain up to 15 mg% vitamin C, up to 7 mg% carotenoids, about 0.3% essential oil, 5% tannins, caffeic, oleanolic and ursulic acids, minerals, bitter substance and mucus.

Melissa invigorates and strengthens the body, helps with brain blockage and eliminates bad breath.

Raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves contain vitamin C, organic acids, flavonoids and various mineral salts. The medicinal properties of raspberry berries and leaves as an antipyretic and diaphoretic are recognized by traditional medicine. Raspberries contain salicylates, similar in composition to aspirin.

Raspberry leaves contain astringents and tannins, due to which the plant has hemostatic properties and helps with intestinal disorders. Traditional medicine also uses other medicinal properties of raspberry leaves: anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antitoxic. Raspberry leaves contain enzymes that strengthen the immune system. During seasonal colds, they help fight viruses.

Leaves black currant contain phytoncides, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, silver, copper, lead, essential oil and vitamin C (250 mg%), carotene, essential oils. Blackcurrant leaves are an excellent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, cleansing, diuretic, restorative, tonic, and have a disinfectant effect.

Currant leaves are used as a multivitamin in the treatment of vitamin deficiencies, anemia, cough, to increase appetite, as a diaphoretic for colds.


A lot has been said about the benefits of green smoothies; according to some estimates, a person’s diet should contain at least 40% of total raw food per day. The most valuable nutrients are found in the well-protected cell structure. Due to the fact that the walls of the stems and leaves of greens are stronger than those of vegetables and fruits, according to some estimates, at least 50 chewings are required to completely digest green food. Since this is a fairly long process, blenders are used to speed it up and so-called “smoothies” are made.

And yet, why green cats? The answer is simple - greens meet our needs for protein and many other essential nutrients. By drinking green smoothies, your dependence and craving for cooked food will noticeably and quickly decrease. According to Victoria Butenko, it is recommended to replace your usual breakfast with a liter of green smoothie in order to greet the morning wonderfully and cheerfully!

Green smoothie made from pear and herbs

Original green smoothie(smoothie), it is made from fresh vegetation grown at the dacha. Includes young leaves of black currant, strawberry and young shoots of nettle. The main component remains the same: orange, apple, banana.

Green nettle smoothie

The main component of this cocktail (smoothie) is young nettle leaves and parsley. Nettle juice contains the most valuable substances for human life.

To prepare a smoothie, it is advisable to take only young nettle shoots or tops and leaves from adult shoots, otherwise fibers from the plant trunk will come across.

Add a whole banana without the peel, an apple without the core and an orange, of course, without the peel.

Add a glass of water. Water in best case scenario It is advisable to take water-prepared water, spring water, filtered water, or, as a last resort, cooled water - boiled water.

It is better to consume the resulting smoothie immediately after preparation so that the taste is not lost.

Why turnips are useful: the whole truth about turnips ~ beneficial properties of turnips

Nutrition and health

Useful greens for life: dill, parsley, green onions - benefits, properties, treatment, contraindications

What is missing ordinary dish? Of course, fresh herbs - green onions, fragrant dill and curly parsley. In addition to the taste benefits of our most popular greens, it is also a source of vitamins, microelements and has irreplaceable beneficial properties for the body.

Dill. The benefits of dill. Useful properties of dill

Dill leaves contain vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, P, carotene, folic acid, as well as salts of iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. This composition suggests that dill is good for vision and skin, protects the body from infections, strengthens the nervous system, helps cope with bad mood and insomnia, and relieves hair and skin problems.

The whole plant is rich in essential oils.

Dill is widely used in food, both fresh and dry.

The use of dill in folk medicine. Treatment with dill

It is used for kidney stones and pyelonephritis - as a diuretic, for colds - as a diaphoretic and expectorant. It is recommended to take fruit powder or herbal decoction for gastritis with low acidity, liver and biliary tract diseases.

Gives a good effect for digestive disorders fresh herbs dill.

For children, a decoction of dill fruits is indicated for flatulence and abdominal pain. Dill fruits are also taken for insomnia and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to enhance milk secretion in nursing mothers.

For hypertension, headaches and cardiovascular failure, use an infusion of dill stems.

Dill helps well when used externally: in the form of lotions for eye inflammatory diseases and for pustular skin lesions.

The dill infusion is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into one glass hot water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool completely naturally(this is another 30 minutes), the volume is filtered boiled water added to the original volume. Take 1/3 cup infusion three times a day before meals.

Contraindications to the use of dill

Hypotensive people should not get carried away with dill - weakness and dizziness may appear, since dill dilates blood vessels, therefore reducing blood pressure.

The use of dill in cosmetology

In cosmetology it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Lotions for red, tired eyes: pour 1 tablespoon of the herb with boiling water, infuse for a few minutes and cool. Place cotton swabs or gauze soaked in the infusion over closed eyes.

For redness of the eyelids and swelling of the eyes, you can wash your eyes with a decoction of dill fruits (1 teaspoon of fruits in half a glass of water) or make lotions.

A paste of dill leaves is applied to mosquito and bee bites.

Dill masks

In cosmetology, a mask is used to soothe irritated, inflamed skin: pour 2 glasses of water into 1 tablespoon of a mixture of dill fruits and chamomile inflorescences, boil for 5 minutes. We soak the folded gauze several times in a hot broth and apply it to the face for half an hour, leaving the nose and lips open. This mask also cures acne.

A mask made from equal parts of parsley and dill lightens age spots and freckles, and helps aging facial skin. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 3 cups of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 2 hours, and strain. Gauze soaked in the infusion is applied to the skin.

Parsley. The benefits of parsley. Useful properties of parsley. Treatment with parsley

Parsley is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, K, PP, E, contains carotene, folic acid, glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, inulin, iron salts, phosphorus and other trace elements.

A medium bunch of parsley satisfies the body's daily need for vitamin C. In this it is superior to lemons and black currants. Parsley is useful for people with high blood pressure, as it has a diuretic effect.

Parsley contains natural antibiotics (phytoncides) and can be effectively used as a gargle for a sore throat or cold.

Parsley in cosmetology

Parsley does a great job of removing age spots and freckles, which is why it is often added to whitening masks.

It whitens perfectly, and is especially effective for caring for the skin around the eyes and aging skin.

Contraindications to the use of parsley

Pregnant women should not get carried away with it, except for cosmetic purposes.

Green onions. The benefits of green onions. Useful properties of green onions. Green onion treatment

Green onions are also not deprived of vitamins or microelements. But most of all green onions contains zinc. A deficiency of this element can cause hair loss and brittle nails, negatively affect the reproductive system of women, and in men the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and sperm activity. In addition, zinc is involved in the formation of immunity. Green onions contain substances that strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, so heart patients and simply weakened people need to pay attention to it.

Onions are rich in calcium and phosphorus, which is very beneficial for the condition of teeth.

Green onions in cosmetology

IN for cosmetic purposes green onions can be used against hair loss - apply a paste of fresh arrowheads to your hair, wrap your head in a towel for one hour, then wash your hair with soap.

Contraindications to eating green onions

People suffering from liver and kidney diseases, as well as gastrointestinal tract diseases in the acute stage, should not get carried away with green onions.

Lilia Yurkanis

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How can greens be useful?

The word “greens” refers to a large group of garden and wild herbs used by humans for food. Many wild herbs are sometimes superior to popular garden herbs. The process of plant domestication, which began at the beginning of human history, continues today. People continue to study and learn how greens are useful, how best to grow them, and how to use them for food.

Wild growing

A common property of all wild herbs is their amazing vitality and undemandingness to growing conditions.

This property can be explained by the presence of phytoncides in them - substances that can suppress pathogenic microorganisms.

It is this quality that is inherent in medicinal herbs. Microelements and vitamins are found in herbs in a form accessible to the human body and without additional cooking.

The list of edible greens is surprisingly rich; many of these plants are grown industrially in some countries.

Kislitsa. Contains a lot of vitamin C and potassium, used for making drinks, has a pleasant sour taste, reminiscent of the taste of lemon.

Knotweed (knotweed). It can be added to tea and salads. Improves metabolism, tones, strengthens the body, has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Burdock. Young leaves are used to make salads and added to soup.

Plantain. Healthy greens young plants are used in cooking to prepare a variety of dishes. It goes well with the taste of meat, fish, and potatoes.

The list can be continued endlessly; the variety of herbs is amazing. During the famine years they saved human lives. So, from quinoa, which contains a lot of protein, flour was used during the war. This flour was added to rye flour when baking bread. Widely used are nettle, gooseberry, clover, fireweed, clover, and cinquefoil.

Vegetable garden

Garden herbs known today were already known to the ancient Greeks. In the countries of Asia Minor, the Mediterranean, Egypt and Ancient Rome, the benefits of greenery were recognized as quite obvious. They used it to prepare incense, added it to food, and awarded it with wreaths and bouquets of herbs.

Leaders in beneficial and taste properties are parsley, dill, spinach, onion, celery, lettuce, cilantro, garlic. The composition of green leaves includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats (unsaturated and saturated fatty acids), vitamins B, A C E, K, H, PP, trace elements (magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, sodium, iron, phosphorus).


Parsley is grown leaf and root. Parsley is a perennial plant; in the spring it is one of the first to produce leafy greens for food. The large amount of vitamins, including vitamin C and beta-carotene, make it amazingly beneficial for vision. Diluted parsley juice is used to treat eye diseases. The presence of potassium gives a pronounced diuretic effect.

The beneficial properties of parsley and its wonderful taste make it indispensable in the preparation of many dishes.

Spinach is a champion in iron and manganese content.

No cheating. Million Greens Most healthy breakfast The modern fast pace of life often leads to refusal of breakfast, explaining by lack of time or lack of appetite in the morning. Usually people get by with a snack in the form of a sandwich, a cup of coffee or just a glass of tea. Such actions are very harmful to the body and normal metabolism. The entire diet is also completely disrupted. Morning hunger strikes lead to increased appetite in the evening. Potatoes stewed with mushrooms Today I want to recommend you a healthy Lenten recipe for potatoes stewed with mushrooms. I love mushrooms in any dish. I often stew potatoes with mushrooms during Lent. Stewed potatoes with mushrooms The dish turns out to be nourishing, tasty and appetizing. Ingredients Fried or frozen mushrooms 1/2 kg Potatoes 5-6 pcs Onions 2 pcs Salt, spices to taste Vegetable oil 100 ml You can add Why mushrooms are useful I wish you all good health, dear regular readers and guests of the blog! I love picking mushrooms and enjoy cooking with them. variety of dishes. Aroma fried mushrooms very seductive. And if you stew them in sour cream and onions. You just won’t be able to tear yourself away from such a delicious dish. Everyone in the family had their own preferences: father loved purely mushroom dishes, and mother Colon cleansing Hello, dear guests! “The death of a person begins with the intestines” - this saying of Paracelsus is still relevant in our time. More than 80% of the lymphatic system is localized in the intestines, which is responsible for human immunity and the role of the intestines in digestion is very large. In order for the intestines to function without interruption, it is important to engage in cleansing procedures several times a year and not only the intestines, but also Facial skin care in winter Good afternoon, dear visitors of the blog Success with Neways! In winter, it is worth reconsidering your skin care habits if at other times of the year we act according to the principle: Cleansing Moisturizing Protection In winter, more intensive care is required Cleansing Moisturizing Nutrition Protection Skin in cold weather looks pale, can be very flaky, a bright shine and red spots appear on the face , irritation. Like Monastic Tea Recipe Good afternoon, dear blog visitors! I wish you good health! For a long time I have been collecting various herbs: meadowsweet, fireweed, elecampane, St. John's wort, oregano, chamomile, Linden blossom, mint, lemon balm and many others. I really love herbal teas. Especially national teams. Herbs complement each other. This tea turns out to be more tasty, rich and aromatic. I make herbal teas for different purposes. For colds Hypertension Folk recipes High blood pressure or high blood pressure - who hasn’t encountered this in our time? The precursors of hypertension are stress, poor diet, bad habits, and a sedentary lifestyle. Heredity plays an important role in this disease. According to medical data, more than 30% of the adult population of developed countries have increased level blood pressure (above 140/90). When the first signs of addiction appear Argan oil Application Beneficial properties Today argan oil has a special value. And the point is not even that it somehow nourishes or moisturizes the hair in a special way. No. The fact is that the tree from the fruits of which such oil is produced is found only in the southern and western territory of Morocco. This is why argan oil is so expensive and so rarely found on Sea buckthorn oil Beneficial properties Beneficial properties Sea buckthorn is truly useful plant. It blooms in May before the leaves appear, but the berries are harvested in late summer or early autumn. Cultivated in the Pamirs and Siberia, today sea buckthorn is widely used in all countries of Europe and Asia. And why all? Because fresh herbs are hardly enough to list its healing properties. The benefits and properties of greens Greens are what we are used to seasoning dishes with, and few people consider them an essential product. In fact, any dish can be prepared without parsley, dill or celery - it will still be delicious, and no one will be left hungry. However greens are not just a seasoning: the benefits from its consumption are much greater than from eating meat, fish, bread, and even vegetables and fruits, but we prefer not to remember this, or are not interested in it at all. Composition and properties of fresh greens

There are much more substances that our body requires for active life and activity in fresh greens than in other products that we consider necessary.


For example, in such familiar greens as parsley, the content of vitamin C is 4 times higher than the amount in lemon - and this citrus fruit is considered one of its richest sources. Parsley contains beta-carotene, vitamins A, E, group B; minerals selenium, fluorine, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium; terpenes, glycosides, flavonoids and inulin are an amazing natural polysaccharide that protects us from many diseases and reduces the risk of cancer.

Eating parsley normalizes blood sugar levels, relieves swelling, reduces high blood pressure, improves vision, and men who love parsley will never have to take Viagra and other similar drugs - since ancient times this plant has been known as an effective aphrodisiac.

But parsley, like many others healthy products, there are contraindications: it is not recommended to use it frequently during urolithiasis and pregnancy - if there is a lot of parsley in the diet, this can cause a miscarriage.

Dill greens

Dill contains the same vitamins and minerals as parsley, but it also contains vitamin P, which is necessary for blood vessels and capillaries - it makes their walls strong and reduces their permeability. Dill improves digestion, removes toxins, has a diuretic effect, normalizes blood pressure and relieves flatulence - a painful problem in the intestines that often plagues both adults and children. Traditional medicine has long used dill: as a mild sleep aid; to improve breast milk production in nursing women; for diseases of the liver and biliary tract; with heart failure; for headaches; for conjunctivitis - wash the eyes with a decoction of dill and make lotions with it; for headaches; to remove hangover syndrome and eliminating bad breath. The contraindications are almost the same as for parsley, but dill is not yet recommended for low blood pressure; If dill is overused, it can impair vision and cause loss of strength.

Green cilantro

Cilantro is called Chinese parsley, and it is really popular in China, but botanists say that it comes from Western Asia and North Africa. Cilantro is very loved by the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus - there not a single dish can do without this aromatic seasoning. Cilantro essential oil alone contains 11 types of active substances, and its greens and seeds contain many useful minerals and vitamins. Cilantro is especially rich in carotene, vitamins C, P and group B.

Eating cilantro improves digestion and blood composition, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels, reduces pain from gastritis and peptic ulcers, and helps digest heavy foods - although it is better not to get used to such food at all. Cilantro also has a pronounced choleretic, diuretic and antiseptic effect, reduces nervous excitability and relieves irritation.

Abuse of cilantro also does not lead to anything good: sleep may be disturbed, problems with memory will begin, and for women – even with the monthly cycle; If you have cholecystitis, you should use cilantro with caution.

Spinach greens

American and English children are well aware of Popeye the sailor, a cartoon character distinguished by his unprecedented strength. He can easily lift not only an elephant, but also an airplane, and to do this he just needs to eat a can of canned spinach. It is not surprising that in the West it is much easier to persuade children to eat spinach than here in Russia, but fresh spinach healthier than canned - for its unique set of valuable substances it is called the champion of vitamins and minerals.

Spinach cannot be called very tasty, but it has many healing properties: it strengthens the immune system, improves vision, restores beauty and health to the skin, nails and hair, supports the structure of bone tissue and the functioning of muscle fibers, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and normalizes blood sugar levels . It also relieves fatigue and softens the effects of stress, improves mood, calms the nervous system - all this due to the fact that spinach contains many healthy plant carbohydrates.

However, if you eat too much spinach, you can cause the formation of kidney stones - it contains a lot of oxalic acid, and in some chronic diseases it is very harmful. You should not eat a lot of spinach if you have rheumatism, gout, kidney or urinary tract diseases.

Sorrel greens

Green cabbage soup with sorrel is also loved by many, and sorrel is really healthy: it contains a lot of B vitamins, which provide us with a good mood, relieve insomnia and depression, as well as carotene, flavonoids, organic acids, etc. There are also a lot of vitamins A and C in sorrel, there is fluorine and iron, so its consumption strengthens the immune system, improves vision, maintains healthy skin and teeth, improves the condition of blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, helps with anemia and some gastrointestinal diseases. However, oxalic acid (that’s what it’s called), of which there is also a lot in sorrel, can bring not only benefits, but also harm, and again to people suffering from kidney diseases or prone to their occurrence.

Celery greens

Among all the garden greens that give our dishes amazing taste and aroma, celery occupies a special place - more than 20 types of cultivated celery are known in the world, and they all have many healing properties.

There are so few calories in celery stalks that it is considered a negative calorie product: in order to digest fresh celery, the body expends much more energy - this is a godsend for those who want to lose weight. Celery leaves contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus salts, vitamin C and carotene, essential oils and other biologically active substances: in folk medicine this plant was used as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, sedative, but at the same time, celery is considered a powerful sexual stimulant - here it is necessary know the features of its use.

Celery and its juice help cope with depression, as they contain a lot of magnesium - it is known that depressive states are often explained by a lack of this element. Celery stems and leaves contain a lot of fiber, so its use eliminates constipation, cramps in the stomach and intestines, flatulence, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and promotes better digestion and absorption of food. Petiole and lettuce celery are healthier than root celery - these varieties contain 4 times more vitamin C, and tens of times more beta-carotene; Some varieties of celery have anti-cancer effects.

An infusion of celery root is drunk for gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis, and simply to improve appetite; an infusion of greens helps remove toxins and excess fluid, and is used externally to treat cuts and wounds, bruises and bruises. Add celery to salads and other dishes without cooking it, and you will bring considerable benefits to your health; celery will help maintain healthy joints, beautiful skin and a slim figure.

Unfortunately, this most useful green plant has many contraindications. It should not be eaten by pregnant women - a miscarriage is possible, and by nursing mothers - it has a bad effect on lactation; with epilepsy, celery can provoke an attack; If you have kidney stones, celery is dangerous - the stones may begin to move; for stomach ulcers, it can only be used with the permission of a doctor - it often causes exacerbation.

There are many useful types of garden greens, and you can talk about them for a long time, but here we could not describe even a tenth of their beneficial properties.

Basil, fennel, lovage, lemon balm are good as seasonings and in salads. green salad, green onions and garlic, tops of radishes, carrots, turnips, beets, as well as wild species - shepherd's purse, biting midge, forest raspberry leaf, peppermint, etc.

Useful properties of alcohol Pine needles useful properties Lettuce useful properties Thyme photo useful properties and contraindications Useful properties of birch tar Castor oil useful properties Pink salmon useful properties Tradescantia useful properties Horsetail useful properties and contraindications White cap useful properties Dandelion officinalis useful properties Kiwi fruit useful properties Wheatgrass useful properties and contraindications Kudin beneficial properties Marmalade beneficial properties

In the summer, we finally treat ourselves to fresh salads, which simply cannot be imagined without greens. Parsley, dill, cilantro, celery, green onions, watercress, sorrel, basil and other aromatic herbs vitaminize our pale bodies after a long winter. However, they also add an unforgettable taste to our dishes.

What can we, advocates of a healthy lifestyle from the site, say about the benefits of fresh greens and their possible harm for the human body?

What benefits does fresh greens bring to the body?

Full of life, green leaves have many beneficial properties for humans. What should you pay attention to?

Antioxidant properties that help us stay active longer and not age; Anti-inflammatory, astringent and bactericidal qualities of greens will help us get rid of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx (rinsing, inhaling infusions of herbs rich in essential substances); Carminative, i.e. helping to reduce the formation of gases in the intestines (in Dill, parsley, cilantro will help with this); Normalizes the digestive process, neutralizes the harmful effects of carcinogens, fried and fatty foods; Improves liver function and bile formation; Anti-cancer - there is evidence of reducing the risk of colon cancer; Improves the condition of hair and nails.

Important! To reveal all their beneficial properties for the human body, greens must be fresh. If it is added to heat-treated dishes, it is only at the very end of cooking!

Vitamin composition of greens

As for the individual beneficial properties of parsley, dill, celery, onions, cilantro and other greens and the presence of vitamins and minerals in them, carefully consider the table below:

However, as always happens with products, what is useful for one is harmful, or even simply contraindicated for another.

Harm to greenery

The process of digesting greens can be difficult for patients with gastritis, with irritable bowel syndrome; Spicy (some especially evil types of green onions, leaf mustard, wild garlic) and spicy varieties of greens (cilantro) are contraindicated for pancreatitis; Parsley and especially its juice are not recommended during pregnancy, it can cause unwanted premature labor; Salad, despite its deceptive tenderness, can cause exacerbation in patients with urolithiasis and continue the formation of oxalates (a type of stones in the bladder and renal pelvis).

Greens can cause harm simply due to poor cleansing before use - they can simply be contaminated with E. coli and other nasty things that live in the soil.

The advice here is simple and primitive, but nevertheless important - rinse the greens well before eating. Due to its heterogeneous structure and many small leaves, sometimes housewives do not have enough patience for complete cleansing.

How to store greens for maximum benefit

In vacuum containers (although not everyone can afford this pleasure); In the refrigerator in a plastic bag, slightly open or with evenly spaced holes, and no more than a week; For long storage I recommend freezing; when dried, almost all essential odorous substances are lost. You can also salt it, but most of the benefits of greens are preserved when quickly frozen. You can have it in water - sort of frozen cubes with fragrant herbs, or you can just finely chop it in little bags.

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Fresh herbs in the kitchen are simply irreplaceable. What can compare with the aroma? fresh dill or parsley? It can be added to almost any dish. Greens will not only not spoil them, but will make them much tastier. And how much more beautiful are dishes decorated with fresh herbs! I just want to eat them.

In addition, greens turn out to contain many useful elements that are extremely necessary for our body. Moreover, even more than in some other useful products.


In parsley, for example, the content of ascorbic acid is four times higher than in lemon, which is considered to be one of the richest sources of ascorbic acid. In addition to vitamin C, parsley contains beta-carotene, B vitamins, vitamins A and E, fluorine, selenium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. In addition, parsley is rich in glycosides, terpenes, flavonoids and inulin - a unique natural polysaccharide that reduces the risk of developing cancer and many other diseases.

Regular consumption of parsley relieves swelling, normalizes blood sugar, improves vision, and lowers blood pressure. Parsley is especially useful for men, as it has been valued since ancient times as an effective aphrodisiac.

In addition to numerous useful qualities Parsley also has some disadvantages. For example, it is not recommended to eat a lot of it during urolithiasis and pregnancy. Excessive use can cause miscarriage.


Dill contains the same minerals and vitamins as parsley. Plus, dill contains vitamin P, which is necessary for capillaries and blood vessels, as it makes their walls elastic and strong, and reduces their permeability.

Dill removes toxins from the body, improves digestion, produces a diuretic effect, relieves flatulence (a painful problem with the intestines, which causes a lot of trouble for adults and children), and normalizes blood pressure.

In folk medicine, dill has long been used as a mild hypnotic, for diseases of the biliary tract and liver, headaches, heart failure, to eliminate bad breath, and to relieve hangovers. It is believed that dill helps improve breast milk production in a nursing mother. For conjunctivitis, dill is also used - they make lotions and wash the eyes with a decoction of the plant.

Contraindications for this miracle herb are almost the same as for parsley. It is also not recommended to eat dill with low blood pressure. And if you consume dill excessively, you can provoke a loss of strength and worsening vision.


Cilantro is called Chinese parsley, although this herb comes from North Africa and Western Asia. Cilantro is very popular in the Caucasus and Central Asia - almost no dish there is complete without this aromatic greenery.

Cilantro essential oil, seeds and greens contain many active and nutritional elements. Cilantro is especially rich in vitamins P, C, group B and carotene.

Regular consumption of cilantro helps improve heart function and vascular condition, relieves pain from ulcers and gastritis, normalizes digestion, and helps digest heavy foods. In addition, cilantro has a diuretic, choleretic and antiseptic effect, calms and relieves nervous excitability.

However, you should not overuse cilantro. IN excessive quantities it disrupts sleep, causes memory problems, and can disrupt the menstrual cycle in women. You should use cilantro with extreme caution if you have cholecystitis.


All American children know the cartoon character Popeye, who is distinguished by his extraordinary strength. He can easily lift an elephant or an airplane after eating a can of spinach.

Spinach can be called a champion in the content of minerals and vitamins. Eating spinach has many positive aspects: it strengthens the immune system, makes skin, hair and nails healthy and beautiful, strengthens vision, supports the functioning of muscle fibers and bone structure, normalizes blood sugar levels, and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Due to the large amount of plant carbohydrates contained in spinach, it relieves fatigue, improves mood, relieves the effects of stress, and calms the nervous system.

However, excessive consumption of spinach contributes to the formation of kidney stones as it contains a lot of oxalic acid. Do not overuse spinach for gout, rheumatism, kidney and urinary tract diseases.


Green cabbage soup with sorrel is popular in our country, and for good reason. Sorrel contains many useful substances: B vitamins, which are responsible for a good mood, relieving depression and insomnia, as well as flavonoids, carotene, vitamins C and A, organic acids, iron and fluorine. Its use strengthens vision and immunity, improves the condition of the skin, teeth, blood vessels, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Sorrel is very useful for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and anemia.

However, sorrel contains a lot of oxalic acid, which should be used with caution by people with kidney disease.


Among all the garden greens, celery can be given a special place. There are about 20 types of cultivated celery known in the world and all of them are very useful.

Celery stalks have virtually no calories, which is why it is also called a negative calorie food. Our body expends a lot of energy to digest fresh celery, so anyone who wants to lose weight should include this herb in their diet.

Celery leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid, phosphorus and calcium salts, carotene, and essential oils. Celery has long been used in folk medicine as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and sedative. In addition, celery is considered a powerful sexual stimulant.

Celery juice contains a lot of magnesium, which helps combat depression. It is known that a depressive state can often be explained precisely by the lack of this element.

The leaves and stems of celery contain fiber, so its use eliminates cramps in the intestines and stomach, constipation, flatulence, promotes better absorption and digestion of food and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

For colitis, gastritis and peptic ulcers, it is useful to take an infusion of celery roots, and to remove excess fluid from the body, take an infusion of greens. Externally, celery is used to treat bruises, wounds and cuts.

Unfortunately, celery, along with numerous beneficial properties, has many contraindications. For example, it should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage. Celery also has a bad effect on lactation. You should not eat celery if you have kidney stones, as the stones may begin to move, if you have a stomach ulcer, as it may cause an exacerbation, and if you have epilepsy, as it may trigger an attack.

Green radish is often called Margilan radish, since the Uzbek city of Margilan is considered its homeland. This root vegetable has a number of beneficial properties. Its taste is similar to traditional black radish. The vegetable has a bitter taste and a peculiar smell. Outwardly, it is somewhat similar to radish and daikon.
The Mediterranean root vegetable is used for various purposes. It is widely used in folk medicine, cooking and home cosmetology. We will consider further what ways to use it for medicinal and culinary purposes.

The chemical composition of green radish is similar to the black root vegetable. This vegetable is rich in useful vitamins and minerals.
The green root vegetable contains 2.5% protein and 0.3% fat grams. From which we can conclude that the product has no calories. The carbohydrate content of green radish is 2.9%. The nutritional value root vegetables - 35 Kcal per 100 g of product.
The benefits of green radish lie in its rich natural composition. It contains:

  • vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, PP;
  • trace elements: potassium (357 mg), calcium (35 mg), phosphorus (26 mg), iron, sodium and magnesium;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • beta-carotene;
  • essential oils, etc.

Such a huge amount of useful substances makes it possible to use green radish for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. And eating this root vegetable improves the immune system and protective functions of the body.

Medicinal properties

Green radish has a lot of useful properties. Among them:

  • Improved visual function. The root vegetable is rich in vitamin A, which improves vision. The vegetable is especially useful for people suffering from visual impairment.
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating green radish improves appetite, and also normalizes the digestive tract and fights constipation.
  • Increasing the body's immune functions. Thanks to a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals, the root vegetable boosts immunity and improves the overall health of the body.
  • Due to its bactericidal effect, green radish is considered especially useful for colds, flu, bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Grated green vegetable is used to treat joints, sore spine and gout.
  • The green root vegetable helps lower blood sugar and reduce excess cholesterol. It is recommended to take it for cardiovascular diseases, as well as as a prophylaxis for diabetes and atherosclerosis.
  • Eating root vegetables helps remove waste, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  • Green radish juice is especially useful for healthy hair. It strengthens and nourishes the hair follicle, and also prevents baldness and hair loss.
  • Among the beneficial properties of green radish, its choleretic effect is highlighted. Due to this, eating the root vegetable is considered beneficial for diseases of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder.

Benefits for weight loss

Green radish is especially useful for weight loss. This root vegetable is low in calories, perfectly reduces appetite, and prevents constipation. The use of vegetables in salads and other dishes promotes a long-term feeling of fullness. Green radish speeds up the body's metabolic processes and also removes cholesterol, which is considered a harbinger of excess weight.

The beneficial properties of the green root vegetable allow it to be consumed during diets and therapeutic fasting. Fasting days on green radish is an excellent opportunity to lose excess weight and improve the general condition of the body.

This product can be consumed raw or cooked. Methods for preparing green radish will be discussed later in the article.


Thanks to the availability huge amount beneficial substances, green radish is widely used in:

  • traditional medicine;
  • dietetics;
  • cosmetology;
  • cooking.

In dietetics The green root vegetable is used during diets or weight loss. As already mentioned, this vegetable promotes the rapid breakdown of fats and prevents their deposition. For people who want to lose weight, a radish diet will help eliminate sludge in the body and also allow them to get rid of extra pounds.

The nutrients contained in green radish have made it possible to use it for cosmetic purposes. This vegetable is recommended for use in preparing various skin and hair care products.

Recipes for healthy masks

Lotion for oily and combination skin types. This product perfectly cleanses and disinfects the skin. In a meat grinder you need to grind 1/2 of the root vegetable and squeeze the juice out of it. Next, mix it with 80 ml mineral water and add 4-5 drops of tea tree oil there. Pour the resulting solution into a convenient container and wipe your face with it 2 times a day.

Mask with a rejuvenating effect. A homemade radish mask smooths out wrinkles and increases skin firmness and elasticity. To do this, you need to grate a small vegetable and add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l cocoa butter. Mix and apply a thick layer to pre-steamed skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat the session a day later. Course - 15 procedures.

Mask for problem skin: take 2 tbsp. l. green radish and grate or puree using a blender. Add 2 tsp to it. kefir and 1 tsp. oatmeal. Let it swell and stir. Then apply to skin for 20 minutes. After this, rinse off. This mask eliminates oily shine, tightens pores and soothes the skin.

Mask for acne and blackheads: Grind one small radish and 2 plantain leaves through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting consistency with 1 tbsp. l. white clay and mix well. Pre-steam your skin and then apply a thick layer of mask to your face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off. This method is suitable for acne-prone skin. The mask heals rashes, cleanses and soothes.

Mask for oily hair type: Pre-prepare a nettle decoction and filter it (1 tablespoon of herb is poured with 1 tablespoon of boiling water and left for half an hour). Next, the radish is grated and the juice is squeezed out of it. Mix nettle infusion and radish juice. Then rub the resulting mass into the hair roots and leave for half an hour. Change this method 1-2 times a week.

Medicinal use

The beneficial properties of green radish have made it possible to use it for health purposes. For example, the green root vegetable has found wide use in the treatment of colds, as well as symptoms of influenza and ARVI.

The most effective therapeutic cough and sore throat remedy considered a recipe using radish and honey. Both green and black vegetables are suitable for these purposes.

Recipe: it is necessary to cut off the top of the root crop and make a small depression in it, getting rid of the pulp. Fill the resulting hole with honey and cover the radish with the cut top. Leave the root vegetable in this state for 5-7 hours until juice forms in it. After this time, the resulting juice should be consumed 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Second way: The radish is peeled and cut into cubes. Next, place the cubes in a glass container and add 2 tbsp. l. honey Stir and cover with a lid. The resulting mixture is infused for 5-6 hours. Drink the juice formed on the surface 5 times a day.

For a strong, lingering cough, the following recipe is useful: green radish is grated and the juice is squeezed out of it. Next, the juice is mixed with warm milk and drunk in one gulp.

In case of exacerbation of diabetes mellitus use this healthy recipe: 3 kg of green radish are ground, put in a jar and filled with alcohol (0.5 l). They insist for 40 days. The resulting tincture is taken 20 ml, 3-4 times a day.

In case of bruises and burns The following healing method helps: half a green radish is grated and applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Healing compress for gout. For rheumatism and gout, special compresses from the root vegetable are used. To do this, juice is squeezed out of the grated vegetable. Next, in equal proportions mix it with vodka and salt. The resulting product is applied to the sore spot for 30-40 minutes.

The benefits of green radish for swelling. When swelling appears, use the following recipe: pour half a kilo of ground root vegetables with 1 liter of water, add 1 tsp. salt. Boil for 10 minutes, then cool. The resulting drink is consumed throughout the day as water.

The juice of this root vegetable Boosts immunity, reduces blood sugar and relieves general fatigue. To do this, the vegetable is grated and the juice is squeezed out of it. The resulting drink is taken only in freshly squeezed form, 1-2 glasses per day.

It is enough for an adult to eat 150 grams of this vegetable during the day. For example, the weight of an average root vegetable reaches 100 g. You can neutralize and improve its taste using olive oil or sour cream, and you can also add honey and any fruit juice.

Children can introduce green radish into their diet no earlier than 3 years of age if necessary, that is, with a weakened immune system or the appearance of a certain disease. To begin with, you need to offer the product in small quantities - at the tip of a teaspoon, as it can cause diarrhea or increase gas formation in the intestines. If there is no negative reaction, the amount is gradually increased to 2 tbsp. l. during the day.

Green radish in cooking: recipes

Green radish is often used for culinary purposes. The product contains a lot of vitamins, which makes eating it especially healthy. There are several delicious recipes using this vegetable. It is used for preparing salads, side dishes, soups, etc.

So, ways to prepare green radish:

Salad "Vitamin"

You will need:

  • 1 green radish, 2 small carrots, 1 apple, 0.5 bunch of parsley, 3 tsp. mayonnaise and green onions.

Cooking method:

Grate carrots and radishes. Cut the apple into strips, chop the greens and onions. Add mayonnaise, mix, add salt. Salad ready!

Radish and chicken salad

Boil the chicken fillet and chop it finely. Cut 300 grams of green radish into thin slices. Take 1 onion and fry it in a greased frying pan. butter. Mix the resulting ingredients, add salt and add 2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

Salad with carrots

Grate 1 radish and 1 carrot. Add 1 boiled egg. Sprinkle the ingredients with lemon juice, add salt and add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and sprinkle with herbs.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg pork ribs, 1 radish, 2-3 slices of ginger, 2 green onions and 1 tbsp. l. goji berries.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the ribs (about 3 cm) and dry.
  2. Heat a frying pan, pour a little vegetable oil and fry them thoroughly.
  3. Next, add coarsely grated ginger and chopped white onion. Fry for another 2-3 minutes to enhance the aroma.
  4. After this, pour 3.5 cups of water into the pan and bring to a boil. Add salt, pepper and cook for half an hour. Add goji berries.
  5. Then peel off the top part of the radish (skin) and cut the vegetable into 4 parts, then finely chop the resulting parts and add them to the main mass.
  6. Sprinkle with green onions.

Consume hot, freshly prepared.

How to choose and how to store?

Green radish can be purchased at the market or purchased at the store. When purchasing a root vegetable, it is important to pay attention to its appearance. Peel fresh vegetable looks elastic. You can make a small cut with your fingernail and make sure it is juicy and fresh. The fruit should not be soft or wrinkled.

It is better to buy small radishes. The “younger” the vegetable, the more nutrients and vitamins it contains.

When stored properly, root vegetables can retain their fresh appearance and nutritional properties.
before spring comes. Typically, radishes are stored in the basement or cellar. Before storage, it is placed in dry sand.

It is possible to store radishes at home (apartment) conditions. To do this, vegetables need to be placed in a special container and stored in a cool place.

Many people store green radishes in the refrigerator. Under such conditions, it can retain its properties for about 3-4 months.


Green radish, despite its advantages, has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  1. stomach diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, enterocolitis, etc.);
  2. liver and kidney diseases;
  3. diseases of both the small and large intestines.
  • high stomach acidity;
  • heart diseases;
  • increased gas formation.

Eating radish can be harmful to health During pregnancy and breastfeeding. This root vegetable contains essential oils that can cause uterine contractions and reduce its tone. This may lead to termination of pregnancy.

Green radish can cause particular harm to the body if consumed in the wrong fresh. It is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator for a long time. It is better to consume the product fresh.

How to choose and store green radish correctly
Margelan radish can be found on store shelves or at the market all year round, but when purchasing a vegetable you should pay attention to how it looks. The root crop should be medium in size, without visible damage to the skin, not limp, hard and elastic.
Given that proper storage the root vegetable is able to maintain freshness long time. It should be stored in the refrigerator or any cool place, ideally in a cellar, in a box with sand, where the vegetable can lie almost all winter.
Instead of a box of sand, you can use any container with a closed lid. Vegetables are periodically inspected for mold and spoilage. On average, green radishes can be stored for up to 4 months.

Methods of use for medicinal purposes

The first rule is to eat radish only fresh, without heat treatment, which destroys all its beneficial properties.

Cough is treated with honey added to the middle of the radish, from which the pulp has been removed in advance.

For the treatment of diabetes there is the following recipe:

  • Green radish – grate 3 kg;
  • Vodka – 0.5 l.

These ingredients are mixed and infused for 40 days in a glass jar with a tight lid in the dark. Then the infusion is filtered and the resulting liquid is recommended to be taken 20 ml 4 times a day. But first you need to get approval for such treatment from your doctor.

Colds are treated with grated root vegetables, kept for 30 minutes in a tightly closed container. The procedure is carried out in the form of cold inhalations by inhaling air above the resulting composition. This should be done up to 8 times a day for several minutes.

Bruises with burns are healed by applying a mass of ground radish leaves to the affected area. You can put pureed vegetables on the burn. The hematoma will resolve faster if a compress of grated root vegetables mixed with honey is applied to it.

Grinded green radish has a healing effect on severe swelling, excess blood sugar and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

For chronic fatigue, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice of this root vegetable every hour, 3 tbsp. l. You can drink it with water. Dental inflammatory problems can be solved by simply rinsing the mouth with squeezed green radish juice.

This vegetable is also suitable for improving appearance. You can eliminate dry skin by using grated root vegetables with the addition of 1 tsp. vegetable oil with lemon juice - half a teaspoon. This mask should be left on for no longer than 20 minutes, then washed off with plain water. To give your skin radiance and a fresh look, you need to do next lineup– grate the radish, add sage infusion and one small spoon of aloe (juice). Mix everything and apply on face for 20 minutes.

Harm of green radish, contraindications

Despite all the positive aspects, harm from green radish is also possible. This refers to its excessive use, and there are also contraindications:

  1. If you have a personal intolerance to this product, although the likelihood of this is very low.
  2. Gastrointestinal ulcers with gastritis, accompanied by high acidity.
  3. Liver and kidney diseases.
  4. If a person has previously had a heart attack.
  5. If there is uterine tone during pregnancy.

These are all the contraindications under which green radish can cause harm to health. But in any case, it is better to visit a specialist in advance and get advice from him about taking this product for medicinal purposes.

What is missing from a regular dish? Of course, fresh herbs - green onions, fragrant dill and curly parsley. In addition to the taste benefits of our most popular greens, it is also a source of vitamins, microelements and has irreplaceable beneficial properties for the body.

Dill leaves contain vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, P, carotene, folic acid, as well as salts of iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. This composition suggests that dill is good for vision and skin, protects the body from infections, strengthens the nervous system, helps cope with bad mood and insomnia, and relieves hair and skin problems.

The whole plant is rich in essential oils.

Dill is widely used in food, both fresh and dry.

The use of dill in folk medicine. Treatment with dill

It is used for kidney stones and pyelonephritis - as a diuretic, for colds - as a diaphoretic and expectorant. It is recommended to take fruit powder or herbal decoction for gastritis with low acidity, liver and biliary tract diseases.

For digestive disorders, fresh dill has a good effect.

For children, a decoction of dill fruits is indicated for flatulence and abdominal pain. Dill fruits are also taken for insomnia and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to enhance milk secretion in nursing mothers.

For hypertension, headaches and cardiovascular failure, use an infusion of dill stems.

Dill helps well when used externally: in the form of lotions for eye inflammatory diseases and for pustular skin lesions.

The dill infusion is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into one glass of hot water, boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, completely cooled naturally (this is another 30 minutes), filtered and the volume of boiled water is added to the original volume. Take 1/3 cup infusion three times a day before meals.

Contraindications to the use of dill

Hypotensive people should not get carried away with dill - weakness and dizziness may appear, since dill dilates blood vessels, therefore reducing blood pressure.

The use of dill in cosmetology

In cosmetology it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Lotions for red, tired eyes: pour 1 tablespoon of the herb with boiling water, infuse for a few minutes and cool. Place cotton swabs or gauze soaked in the infusion over closed eyes.

For redness of the eyelids and swelling of the eyes, you can wash your eyes with a decoction of dill fruits (1 teaspoon of fruits in half a glass of water) or make lotions.

A paste of dill leaves is applied to mosquito and bee bites.

Dill masks

In cosmetology, a mask is used to soothe irritated, inflamed skin: pour 2 glasses of water into 1 tablespoon of a mixture of dill fruits and chamomile inflorescences, boil for 5 minutes. We soak the folded gauze several times in a hot broth and apply it to the face for half an hour, leaving the nose and lips open. This mask also cures acne.

A mask made from equal parts of parsley and dill lightens age spots and freckles, and helps aging facial skin. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 3 cups of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 2 hours, and strain. Gauze soaked in the infusion is applied to the skin.

Parsley is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, K, PP, E, contains carotene, folic acid, glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, inulin, iron salts, phosphorus and other trace elements.

A medium bunch of parsley satisfies the body's daily need for vitamin C. In this it is superior to lemons and black currants. Parsley is useful for people with high blood pressure, as it has a diuretic effect.

Parsley contains natural antibiotics (phytoncides) and can be effectively used as a gargle for a sore throat or cold.

Parsley in cosmetology

Parsley does a great job of removing age spots and freckles, which is why it is often added to whitening masks.

It whitens perfectly, and is especially effective for caring for the skin around the eyes and aging skin.

Contraindications to the use of parsley

Pregnant women should not get carried away with it, except for cosmetic purposes.

Green onions are also not deprived of vitamins or microelements. But most of all, green onions contain zinc. A deficiency of this element can cause hair loss and brittle nails, negatively affect the reproductive system of women, and in men the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and sperm activity. In addition, zinc is involved in the formation of immunity. Green onions contain substances that strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, so heart patients and simply weakened people need to pay attention to it.

Onions are rich in calcium and phosphorus, which is very beneficial for the condition of teeth.

Green onions in cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, green onions can be used against hair loss - apply a paste of fresh arrowheads to your hair, wrap your head in a towel for one hour, then wash your hair with soap.

Contraindications to eating green onions

People suffering from liver and kidney diseases, as well as gastrointestinal tract diseases in the acute stage, should not get carried away with green onions.

Lilia Yurkanis
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Lately topic healthy eating increasingly discussed online, on television and in print. Here you can find juice therapy, vegetarianism, and a raw food diet. From popular programs, housewives learn about the existence of products that they were not aware of before. A special place in this diversity is occupied by green leafy vegetables and aromatic herbs.

The variety of greens in supermarkets is amazing; along with local dill and parsley, the shelves display unusual things to our eyes: arugula, mizuna, pak choi, watercress, chard, thyme and very unusual trays of microgreens. Spicy and aromatic herbs can diversify any menu and give new taste familiar dishes. Restaurant owners know this, and chefs prepare unsurpassed culinary masterpieces with fragrant fresh leaves.

Want to know what mizuna, rapini, watercress and other green leafy vegetables are? I wonder what you can cook from them? Then here you go:

S: 30 (40)
A: 2 (200)
E: 57 (3.8)
RR: 0.3 (1.8)
B1: 0.02 (1.7)
B2: 0.1 (7.1)
Increases appetite, promotes better absorption, and has antibacterial properties. Strengthens immunity
C: 100 (133)
RR: 1.8 (10.5)
B1: 0.15 (12.8)
B2: 0.19 (13.5)
Increases appetite and stimulates digestion. It has no other particularly useful properties; it is valued mainly for its unusual pungent taste, reminiscent of the taste of mustard or horseradish.
S: 15 (20)
A: 1.8 (180)
It is considered useful for those who want to lose weight. Other beneficial properties are greatly exaggerated

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that fresh greens bring to the human body. First of all, it is worth noting its rich mineral composition, the amount of vitamins: A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, pantothenic acid, choline, betanin and other biologically active substances.

NameVitamins, mg/100 g (% daily value)MineralsBenefit
C: 150 (200)
A: 1.7 (170)
E: 79 (5.3)
RR: 0.7 (4.1)
B1: 0.05 (4.2)
B2: 0.05 (3.6)
Reduces blood pressure, blood sugar levels, is a diuretic, relieves swelling, strengthens vision, improves potency, rejuvenates the skin, prevents baldness on the head. Preventive anticancer agent
C: 100 (133)
A: 1 (100)
E: 43 (2.9)
RR: 0.6 (3.6)
B1: 0.03 (2.5)
B2: 0.1 (7.1)
Helps with hypertension, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver, intestines, and bile ducts. Relieves headaches and insomnia. Enhances lactation in nursing mothers. Lotions help with conjunctivitis
C: 38 (50.6)
A: 0.8 (80)
RR: 0.42 (2.5)
B1: 0.02 (1.7)
B2: 0.1 (7.1)
Mineral content is negligibleReduces blood pressure, removes excess fluid from the body and uric acid. Relieves swelling. Is a sedative. Strengthens the heart muscle

Spicy aromatic herbs, garlic and onion greens, wheat sprout juice and other greens have pronounced bactericidal, antiseptic and antioxidant properties. The substances that make up the leaves of plants will help strengthen the immune system and cope with infections; it is not without reason that herbal extracts are included in most anti-inflammatory drugs. If you have read our article about, then you know what role nutrition plays in a person’s life.

NameVitamins, mg/100 g (% daily value)MineralsBenefit
C: 10 (13.3)
A: 0.1 (10)
E: 70 (4.7)
RR: 0.5 (2.9)
B1: 0.03 (2.5)
B2: 0.03 (2.1)
Strengthens the heart and blood vessels. It has analgesic and disinfecting properties for diseases of the stomach and intestines. Helps digest food, removes waste and toxins from the body. Slows down the effects of alcohol
C: 43 (57.3)
A: 2.5 (250)
E: 15 (1)
RR: 0.3 (1.8)
B1: 0.2 (16.6)
B2: 0.1 (7.1)
Stimulates digestion and peristalsis, cleanses the body of toxins. However, all beneficial properties are lost during heat treatment. Contraindicated in kidney disease

One of the secrets of Caucasian longevity is the edible herbs that grow everywhere in the mountain villages. Local residents are well aware of this and collect fresh plants during the season, prepare flatbreads with them, bake pies, preserve them and, of course, eat them fresh. Probably, the experience of their ancestors tells the elders that greens can neutralize carcinogens that are formed during cooking meat over an open fire. Fried, fatty, smoked meat contains large amounts of fat and carcinogens, which can damage not only the liver and stomach, but also cause intestinal cancer. Serve salads and greens with meat, so you can reduce the harmful effects of carcinogens.

Did you know that dill seeds and greens improve digestion? A decoction of dill seed is given even to infants if they are suffering from bloating and intestinal colic. Along with dill, parsley and cilantro normalize the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), improve bile circulation and have a carminative effect.

Greens contain chlorophyll, which is what gives them their bright green color:

— chlorophyll normalizes intestinal microflora;

- has an antitumor effect;

- improves hematopoiesis;

- promotes wound healing;

- cleanses, alkalizes and tones the body;

- stimulates the functioning of internal organs;

- strengthens the immune system;

— heals the organs of the reproductive system, prevents infertility and impotence;

- improves vision, condition of skin, hair, mucous membranes;

— neutralizes and helps remove toxins, heavy metals and other waste from the body;

— improves the condition of blood vessels, reduces the amount of cholesterol, strengthens the heart muscle.

An interesting fact is that the chlorophyll molecule is exactly the same as the hemoglobin molecule in human blood, with the only difference being that the central place is occupied by a magnesium atom, not an iron one. This is why chlorophyll is so useful for hematopoiesis. The highest content of this substance is in vegetables and herbs with a rich dark green color, the maximum of useful substances is found in home greens and forest herbs, less in greens grown in greenhouse conditions.

In order to saturate your body with chlorophyll, you don’t have to eat armfuls of parsley, just add green leafy vegetables to your diet, for example: broccoli, green beans, pak-choi, Brussels sprouts. Cook spring cabbage soup from nettles, and during the season use the tops of garden plants (the leaves of turnips, radishes, beets and carrots have a very rich vitamin content). And the most delicious way to get more chlorophyll is through green smoothies. For this drink, take a bunch of any greenery and a few favorite fruits, add a little water and mix with a blender until homogeneous mass. Try it - it's very tasty!

Useful video about what kinds of salads there are, how to prepare and store them:

Harm of greens to the body

Leafy vegetables and aromatic herbs, despite their benefits, may be contraindicated in certain diseases and during pregnancy.

In case of irritable bowel syndrome and exacerbation of gastritis, fresh greens in the diet should be minimized. When the peak of the disease passes, gradually start adding it to prepared dishes.

If you have pancreatitis, it is better not to overuse spicy greens, such as onions, garlic, wild garlic, and watercress. You should also avoid herbs with a lot of aromatic oils, such as cilantro.

During pregnancy, greens should be used with caution, having carefully studied the available literature, because some herbs have an abortifacient effect. Among the local greens, parsley has this property in large quantities.

Lettuce, spinach and sorrel can provoke an exacerbation in those suffering from urolithiasis. The fact is that the oxalic acid contained in these herbs can be deposited in the form of kidney stones in people prone to this disease. To prevent this from happening, it is better to season fresh green salads with sour cream, kefir or yogurt; the calcium they contain binds oxalic acid and stone formation does not occur.

Leafy greens tend to accumulate nitrates, so choose only organic greens to reap the benefits.

Like any other vegetables and fruits, greens are thoroughly washed under running water before use.

Now that you know how beneficial herbs are, you will probably not forget to serve a bunch of fragrant, fresh herbs to the table.