Americano cookies - recipe. American Chocolate Chip Cookies

Most popular shortbread in a world that has long been a cult dessert. It is as well known as cheesecake new york or famous. Crumbly, sweet, crunchy, with large pieces fragrant chocolate … you should definitely make the famous American cookie! Recipe with step by step photos so it won't be a problem! If something remains unclear in the recipe, ask in the comments. And, of course, share your photos of cooked cookies. It's so photogenic...!

Americano cookie recipe:

  • Butter (the most delicious, with a fat content of at least 82%) - 85 g
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Brown sugar - 85 g
  • Dark chocolate (with cocoa content of 70% and above) - 85 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp (you can make a replacement for a small bag vanilla sugar)
  • Flour - 140 g
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp (with slide)

This is surprising, but cookies are considered dietary. One piece of cookies contains only 97 kcal. But it is so tasty that it seems that there are 10 times more calories))

How to make American chocolate chip cookies (step by step photo recipe)

Butter (85 g), cocoa powder (1 tbsp. L) put in a saucepan or small saucepan and put on slow fire. Let the butter melt.

Remove from stove and stir.

Add granulated sugar (85 g) and vanilla sugar/or vanilla extract, stir again and set aside (let the sugar completely dissolve into the warm mixture).

Do not replace brown sugar with white: the taste of cookies will lose their zest and viscosity.

I will share a little secret: I always add salt to sweet dough. And this recipe is no exception. I add salt on the tip of a knife, stir. The taste of baking is always revealed better. Salt in this case does not interrupt the sweet taste, but only complements it.

In a separate bowl, stir the egg (no mixer needed, just a fork or whisk).

Pour the egg into the cooled mixture.

Flour (140 g) and baking powder (1 tsp) must be combined in a deep bowl, stir with a spatula.

Do not neglect this step: this way the baking powder will be better distributed in the flour and the cookies will rise evenly.

Chop the chocolate with a knife small pieces. You can use confectionery chocolate drops, which are specially sold for baking.

Add flour with baking powder to the dough, as well as 2/3 chopped chocolate. Stir. Resist the temptation to substitute dark chocolate for milk chocolate (even if you prefer it). The bitterness of dark chocolate will go better with sweet cookies! It won't sound cloyingly sweet. In addition, the recipe requires a product with high content cocoa for good reason: as you know, cocoa replaces flour. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the better dough for cookies.

You will have a thick sticky mixture. Such a test needs to stand for 10-15 minutes (this is a must!). Otherwise, you will not be able to form cookies from this mass, it will be too liquid (you can even put it in the refrigerator).

Break off small pieces chocolate mix and roll the balls with your palms (the size of Walnut). On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, lay out the biscuits. Then press down on each ball with the palm of your hand.

Now place the remaining pieces of chocolate on the cookies, slightly pressing deep into each ball.
Chocolate chip cookies should be placed 3-4 cm apart, as in the oven these balls will turn into full-fledged cookies and increase noticeably in volume.

Place cookies in the oven for 12-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 C, top-bottom mode.

Attention! The oven must be preheated. It takes at least 10-15 minutes to fully warm up.

The cookies will be done when the surface does not stick to your fingers. Let the pastry cool and serve with tea or milk.

Crumbly, slightly viscous, with fragrant pieces chocolate.. Awesome cookies!

Enjoy your meal!

I would be glad for any feedback on the recipe: ask questions, if something turned out to be incomprehensible, leave comments with photos.

According to legend, American chocolate cookies were invented by a simple housewife who did not have cocoa powder at hand at the right time. She crushed the chocolate bar into small pieces and poured them into the half-cooked dough. The woman hoped that at a high temperature, the filler would melt and give the delicacy a pleasant brown tint. However, the chocolate survived, and the cookies, despite everything, turned out to be crispy and very tasty. That's how it appeared famous recipe american cookies.

Basic products and methods of preparation

Not all of the ingredients listed in the recipe can be bought in a regular store, but this is not a reason to refuse to prepare the favorite delicacy of American schoolchildren. Brown sugar can be replaced with ordinary sugar (150 g of white instead of 200 g of brown), adding a couple of teaspoons of cocoa for color. The one who doesn't love too much sweet pastries, can safely reduce the amount of sugar by half. And if instead of rarely found on sale chocolate chips take the pieces of the bar, American chocolate chip cookies won't get any worse. The baking powder for the dough is used in dry form, and the soda is quenched with vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 teaspoon of soda).

The classic set of products looks like this:

  • butter - 200 g;
  • white sugar - 100 g;
  • brown (cane) sugar - 200 g;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • soda -1 tsp;
  • chocolate chips (drops) - up to 2 glasses.

Flour, sugar, salt, soda and vanillin mix well, after which a mixture of eggs and softened with room temperature butter. To prepare the dough, you can use a mixer, or you can knead it with your hands. At the very end, chocolate drops are poured, after which the dough must be mixed well again. Then it remains only to wrap it in cling film, giving the shape of a sausage with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm, and put in the freezer. For convenience, the dough from the indicated number of products can be divided into two parts before this.

The oven must be preheated to a temperature of 190 0. Then take the frozen dough out of the freezer and cut it into circles about 1 cm thick. They are laid out on a dry baking sheet and baked for about 10 minutes. This dough in its parameters falls under the category of shortbread. Thanks to this, American chocolate chip cookies do not stick to the sheet and are easily separated from it when ready. It can be served immediately after it has cooled down.

Those who do not eat eggs can replace them with 50 g of milk. The dough in this case is prepared a little differently. First you need to beat the softened butter with sugar.

Then, stirring constantly, add warm milk, vanillin, a mixture of sifted flour with salt and soda.

At the very end, add 100 g of crushed chocolate, mix thoroughly and put the bowl in the refrigerator for half an hour. Pieces soft dough Spoon onto baking paper covering the baking sheet and flatten slightly with a spatula. The baking time at a temperature of 200-210 0 is 9-10 minutes.

A little about dough fillers

Cookies can contain any chocolate: black, milk, white. However, the more oil in the product, the higher the likelihood that it will completely melt in hot oven. Since American cookies are not just chocolate chip cookie, and a dessert with fairly tangible pieces, along with any other kind, dark chocolate must be added to the dough. Then the melted ingredient will give finished product special aroma, and dark blotches will not suffer much.

Baking chocolate, also called drips or chips, are small pieces of specially processed product that retain their shape after 10 minutes in the oven. The butter in it is replaced by a harder cocoa butter. Thanks to this, the chips do not bake into dry lumps, but only melt a little and stick firmly to the liver. If ordinary tiles are used instead of chips, it is better not to grate it, but to chop it with a knife. Of great interest is chocolate with filling or fillings. With it, cookies will acquire the aroma of orange, cherry or cognac. In order to improve the recipe, some pastry chefs add a little nuts, raisins or lemon zest to the dough.

A few more recipes

To make the cookies thin, with crispy edges and a soft center, the dough should not be too thick. You can use the following dosage:

  • ghee - 100 g;
  • cane sugar- 200 g;
  • white sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 0.25 tsp;
  • vanillin - 1 powder;
  • cookie powder - 1 pc. or soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 2 cups without a slide;
  • Chocolate chips or M&M's - 2 cups

Mix all products, except for soda and flour. In a separate bowl, add baking soda or baking powder to the flour. Combine the ingredients and mix them well (you can use a mixer). The dough is laid out with a tablespoon in the form of cakes on a baking sheet lined with baking or parchment paper. To prevent the cakes from sticking together, the distance between them should be about 5 cm. Bake American chocolate cookies until the edges harden. This will take approximately 15 minutes. in an oven preheated to 170-180 0. Let the middle remain soft, even slightly moist. As it cools, it will seize and dry out.

The following recipe can be prepared soft cookies with white chocolate. In the refrigerator, in a closed container, it is stored for up to 2 months. Cane (brown) sugar gives the dessert a pleasant caramel flavor, but if it cannot be found, they take 5-6 tablespoons instead. l. white sugar and 1 tsp. cocoa for color. The product list is as follows:

  • butter - 125 g;
  • cane sugar - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder - 1 sachet;
  • white chocolate - 200 g;
  • nuts - 100-150 g;
  • vanillin - 0.5 sachet.

First you need to beat the softened butter with sugar. Next, mixing is done after adding each new portion of products: vanillin, eggs, flour with baking powder. Flour is added gradually, in small portions. Ready dough Combine with pieces of chocolate and crushed nuts, mix well again. Before baking, the baking sheet is greased with oil or covered with baking paper. Spread the dough on it with a spoon or roll balls out of it. During baking, they themselves will spread a little and take on the usual shape of cookies. The baking time is 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cookies. The oven is preheated to 180 0 .

Variations on the American Cookie Theme

Since many cooks like to make changes to traditional recipes, in recent decades there have been a lot of original variants making American cookies. Of particular interest is one of them, as if specially designed for those who follow their figure. Cookies are not too sweet and not very greasy, but somewhat additional ingredients give it unusual taste and aroma.

Stock up on the following items:

  • cereals- 100 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • brown sugar - 50 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • large egg - 1 pc.;
  • ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.25 tsp;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • chocolate drops or crumbs - 75 g.

Banana needs to be mashed, and then beat it in a mixer along with sugar and butter softened at room temperature. Then break the egg into the mixture, pour in the vanilla powder and beat again. Flour, oatmeal, salt and baking powder are mixed separately, after which they are added to the whipped mass. The dough must be kneaded, then pour raisins and pieces of chocolate into it. Spread it on a lined baking sheet with an interval of 5-6 cm and lightly press down. Baking time in an oven preheated to 190 0 - 10-15 minutes. When cooled, the cookies are easily separated from the baking sheet.

Hello dear reader!

American chocolate chip cookies recipe is very simple, fairly quick, does not require special culinary skills.

Such cookies first appeared in 1930, when Ruth Wakefield baked them, so to speak, so that she and her husband had something to drink tea with.

But the recipe turned out to be so popular that it has come down to you and me. Only to get melted chocolate, Ruth on hastily broke it into small pieces, as a result of which it never melted.

So with a random coincidence, we got such a unique cookie with chocolate pieces. And since then, cookies have not only become entrenched in American culture, but the whole world associates them with the United States.

On the shelves of stores, unfortunately, there is some semblance of them, but you and I have the opportunity to cook cookies for real American recipe and get real pleasure.

Calorie content does not deserve to deny yourself this delicacy. There are approximately 200 calories in one cookie.

There are the following varieties of American cookies:

  1. sand;
  2. oatmeal, that is, with the addition of oatmeal;
  3. also cooked by adding raisins or dried fruits;
  4. with the addition of M&M`s;
  5. with chocolate chips;
  6. without chocolate;
  7. just as the absence of chocolate is acceptable, there is a recipe using in large numbers cocoa and chocolate, then it turns out very dark;
  8. with banana

We will cook them with chocolate chips.

If you want to learn how to bake these American cookies, we'll show you how to do it step by step in our photo recipe.

So, what do you need to make delicious American cookies.


  1. Butter or margarine - 150 g
  2. White sugar (if available, brown) - 200 g
  3. Eggs - 2 yolks (recipe can be done without eggs, cookies will still turn out)
  4. Baking powder or soda - 0.5 tsp
  5. Flour - 300 g
  6. Salt - 0.5 tsp
  7. Vanillin - 1 tbsp. l.
  8. Dark or black chocolate or chocolate drops - 2 cups (if you use chocolate drops it will be much more beautiful)

Cooking method:

I would also like to add that if you are a lover of cookies of various shapes, whether they are hearts or Christmas trees, now, just a good time, then these figured knives are what you need. You can order them HERE.

Every fan of American films is familiar with chocolate cookies - an American treat with well-tangible pieces of chocolate. It is this American chocolate cookie that both children and adults enjoy in well-known comedies, melodramas and even action films. Such sweets in America began to be prepared a long time ago, however, to this day, chocolate cookies have not lost their popularity and are in the TOP of the most purchased desserts. How do you make American chocolate chip cookies to make them crunchy?

How did the recipe for American Chocolate Chip Cookies come about?

The author of the recipe for American chocolate chip cookies is a simple housewife Ruth Wakefield. Back in 1930, she decided to cook for her family delicious treat, but adding everything to the dough necessary ingredients, she discovered that she did not have cocoa powder. There was no time to run to the supermarket for it, and she replaced this component with chopped chocolate.

Ruth simply broke the chocolate bar into small pieces and added it to the batter. In the hope that under the influence of high temperature in the oven, the chocolate pieces will melt and give the cookies a brown tint.

However, this did not happen, and instead of melting, the pieces of chocolate “stuck” in the dough, which turned out to be unusually crispy and very tasty.

So, thanks to chance, a recipe for American chocolate chip cookies appeared, which has become firmly established in modern American culture and is strongly associated with the United States among residents of other countries.

American chocolate chip cookie set

To the great regret of many sweet tooth in our country, it is quite difficult to find real American cookies with the addition of chocolate pieces, and the overdried pseudo American delicacy presented in supermarkets does not even remotely resemble the original. That is why many housewives make these cookies on their own, using both a classic set of products and adapted to their region and a set of available ingredients.

A set of products for making traditional American cookies looks like this:

  • a pack of butter (200 gr.);
  • 1/2 cup white + 1 s. brown sugar;
  • 500 gr. flour;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 1 dessert spoon vanillin;
  • fine salt 0.5 teaspoon;
  • baking powder 1 teaspoon;
  • 200 gr. chocolate chips.

Not all the ingredients on this list can be easily purchased at the store, but this is not a reason to refuse to prepare this delicacy, because substitutes can be found for the missing components. So, 200 gr. brown sugar without compromising the taste and color of future cookies can be replaced with 150 gr. regular sugar with the addition of 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. Chocolate chips that are not very common in our sale can easily replace chopped dark chocolate, and one teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with a tablespoon of vinegar, will do just fine with the role of baking powder.

How to Make American Chocolate Chip Cookies: Recipe with Photos and Video

It should be noted right away that American chocolate cookies, the photo of which can be seen below, have a very sweet and even slightly sugary taste, so those who do not particularly like desserts should use half as much sugar to prepare them. Recipe for making American cookies with natural chocolate with the photo below will help you quickly master the creation of this delicacy.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • first, all dry ingredients are mixed - flour, sugar, vanillin, salt and baking powder;
  • eggs and softened butter are introduced into well-mixed dry ingredients;
  • chocolate drops or pieces are added at the very end, after which the dough is again well kneaded;
  • the resulting mass is laid out on a cling film and a “sausage” with a diameter of up to 5 cm is formed from it, which is sent to the freezer for 20-30 minutes (while the dough is in the freezer, you need to heat the oven to 190-200 degrees so that the baking process is as fast as possible) ;
  • the frozen dough is cut into rings 1 cm thick, after which they are laid out on a dry baking sheet covered with parchment and baked for about 10 minutes.

Serve American cookies with dark chocolate pieces, the video recipe for which is given below, can be served with milk, tea and coffee immediately after it has cooled.

american cookie- recognizable in our country recipe. All fans of American films have repeatedly seen how children and adults regale themselves with these cookies in melodramas and comedies. The recipe really appeared in America, so it’s not for nothing that this cookie bears its name. They began to prepare such sweets in the USA in the 18th century, but to this day, American chocolate cookies are in the TOP of the most common and favorite desserts.

The legend says that a pack of chocolate dragees was accidentally knocked over into the dough, and a simple, but very tasty one was born. cooking masterpiece. It is now very popular all over the world: it is served at coffee breaks during conferences and all sorts of events, and housewives, not only in the United States, but also in other countries, are very fond of making American chocolate chip cookies at home. It's really easy, and the result is always amazing!


  • 2 cups of flour
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 1.5 cups of sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla sugar (or vanillin on the tip of a knife
  • 1 egg
  • 1 yolk
  • 150 g butter
  • 110 g dark chocolate

The appearance of the dessert, which we often call “Americano cookies”, is recognizable: it is a sweet, flattened cookie with chocolate pieces. Many manufacturers offer Russian market pseudo-American cookie, but it is far from the original. Therefore, it is better to cook “cookies” (“cookies”), as the Americans call it, by yourself. By the way, even Santa Claus in the States is greeted with this particular cookie. It is also given to babies at night with a glass of milk. And you, having prepared this dessert once, fall in love with it forever.

Moreover, although Americano cookies are high in calories, they are not so high that they cannot afford this pleasure in reasonable volumes: 100 grams contains about 450 kcal. And given that the recipe includes dark chocolate, it should be said about the benefits of dessert. In addition, at the end of the article you will find an energy-lightened recipe using oatmeal.

How to make American Cookies at home

The original recipe calls for chocolate chips. Our equivalent is chocolate drops. They are sold in confectionery departments. You can also not philosophize and chop the chocolate pieces yourself, you just need to use dark or black. Americans, by the way, love to make cookies with M&Ms. Undoubtedly, colored chocolate blotches in pastries will delight children.

Dessert Ingredients:

  • Butter (or margarine) - 120 gr
  • White sugar 100 gr
  • Brown sugar 100 gr
  • Eggs - 2
  • Soda or baking powder - 1 tsp without a slide
  • Vanillin - a pinch
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Flour - 300 gr.
  • Starch - 2 tablespoons
  • Chocolate chips or drops - 2 cups or dark chocolate 100 gr.

Depending on the size of the cookies, with this amount of ingredients, you will get from 25 to 35 pieces. It will take you about 40 minutes to prepare them.

  • pre-lay chocolate bar in the freezer;
  • First, mix all the dry ingredients: salt, baking powder, flour, starch, vanillin;
  • Beat soft butter with a mixer with sugar until a fluffy mass is obtained;
  • Separately, beat 2 eggs and add them to the butter and sugar. Beat again;
  • Add the dry ingredients to the resulting mixture and mix until smooth with a spoon;
  • When everything is ready, add chocolate chips or chopped chocolate.

Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. At this time, preheat the oven to a temperature of 180-190. The baking sheet must either be greased with oil or covered with baking paper. We take the dough with a spoon and roll the balls. Flatten the ball a little and put it on a baking sheet.

Note to the owner! The convection mode (3D) is well suited for baking cookies.

Bake cookies for 10 minutes. Readiness can be determined by the reddened color. Also, when the cookies are ready, the edges begin to harden. Here you need to immediately remove the products from the oven, otherwise they will harden very quickly. You can serve American "cookies" in 5-10 minutes. Americans are advised to enjoy it with milk.

Variation on oatmeal

Such a recipe cannot be called a classic, but, nevertheless, it has the right to exist, since the taste and appearance of the cookies are recognizable, and at the same time the calorie content is much lower. Yes, and in the United States itself, each locality has its own recipe, so it is not necessary to blindly follow the original.

First you need to prepare a dry mixture: 1 cup flour, 3 tsp. cocoa, you can cinnamon and vanillin (to taste, on the tip of a knife) and half a teaspoon of soda. All this is gently mixed. Separately, you need to beat 100 gr. butter and 1 cup sugar. Continuing to beat with a mixer, add 1 egg. After that, we introduce the dry mixture also into the mixer bowl, and at the very end - oatmeal (only not those that suggest fast cooking) - 250 gr. and the invariable ingredient is chocolate drops (half a cup).

Put the dough with a spoon on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil. The distance between the cookies should be at least 5 cm. Such cookies are baked for 5-10 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.