Coho salmon fish size. Coho salmon fish with vegetables


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Coho salmon".

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 140 kcal 1684 kcal 8.3% 5.9% 1203 g
Squirrels 21.6 g 76 g 28.4% 20.3% 352 g
Fats 6 g 60 g 10% 7.1% 1000 g
Water 71.2 g 2400 g 3% 2.1% 3371 g
Ash 1.2 g ~
Vitamin A, RE 30 mcg 900 mcg 3.3% 2.4% 3000 g
Retinol 0.03 mg ~
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.3 mg 1.5 mg 20% 14.3% 500 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.22 mg 1.8 mg 12.2% 8.7% 818 g
Vitamin B4, choline 109.4 mg 500 mg 21.9% 15.6% 457 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.823 mg 5 mg 16.5% 11.8% 608 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.549 mg 2 mg 27.5% 19.6% 364 g
Vitamin B9, folates 9 mcg 400 mcg 2.3% 1.6% 4444 g
Vitamin B12, cobalamin 4.17 mcg 3 mcg 139% 99.3% 72 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 1 mg 90 mg 1.1% 0.8% 9000 g
Vitamin D, calciferol 9 mcg 10 mcg 90% 64.3% 111 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1.3 mg 15 mg 8.7% 6.2% 1154 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone 0.1 mcg 120 mcg 0.1% 0.1% 120000 g
Vitamin RR, NE 9.5 mg 20 mg 47.5% 33.9% 211 g
Niacin 5.5 mg ~
Potassium, K 420 mg 2500 mg 16.8% 12% 595 g
Calcium, Ca 16 mg 1000 mg 1.6% 1.1% 6250 g
Magnesium, Mg 27 mg 400 mg 6.8% 4.9% 1481 g
Sodium, Na 50 mg 1300 mg 3.8% 2.7% 2600 g
Sera, S 216.2 mg 1000 mg 21.6% 15.4% 463 g
Phosphorus, Ph 200 mg 800 mg 25% 17.9% 400 g
Chlorine, Cl 165 mg 2300 mg 7.2% 5.1% 1394 g
Iron, Fe 0.7 mg 18 mg 3.9% 2.8% 2571 g
Yod, I 50 mcg 150 mcg 33.3% 23.8% 300 g
Cobalt, Co 20 mcg 10 mcg 200% 142.9% 50 g
Manganese, Mn 0.05 mg 2 mg 2.5% 1.8% 4000 g
Copper, Cu 110 mcg 1000 mcg 11% 7.9% 909 g
Molybdenum, Mo 4 mcg 70 mcg 5.7% 4.1% 1750 g
Nickel, Ni 6 mcg ~
Selenium, Se 36.5 mcg 55 mcg 66.4% 47.4% 151 g
Fluorine, F 430 mcg 4000 mcg 10.8% 7.7% 930 g
Chromium, Cr 55 mcg 50 mcg 110% 78.6% 91 g
Zinc, Zn 0.7 mg 12 mg 5.8% 4.1% 1714 g
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol 55 mg max 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 1.1 g max 18.7 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 2.134 g from 18.8 to 48.8 g 11.4% 8.1%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.992 g from 11.2 to 20.6 g 17.8% 12.7%
Omega-3 fatty acids 1.593 g from 0.9 to 3.7 g 100% 71.4%
Omega-6 fatty acids 0.339 g from 4.7 to 16.8 g 7.2% 5.1%

Energy value Coho salmon is 140 kcal.

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. and others. Chemical composition of food products. .

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet app.

Product calculator

The nutritional value

Serving Size (g)


Most foods may not contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


Ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to calorie content, you can understand how well a product or diet meets the standards healthy eating or the requirements of a certain diet. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend 10-12% of calories come from protein, 30% from fat and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is expended than it is received, the body begins to use up fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

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Coho salmon rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 - 20%, vitamin B2 - 12.2%, choline - 21.9%, vitamin B5 - 16.5%, vitamin B6 - 27.5%, vitamin B12 - 139% , vitamin D - 90%, vitamin PP - 47.5%, potassium - 16.8%, phosphorus - 25%, iodine - 33.3%, cobalt - 200%, copper - 11%, selenium - 66.4% , chromium - 110%

How is Coho salmon useful?

  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched amino acids. A lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Kholin is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestines, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining normal levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.
  • Vitamin B12 plays important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interconnected vitamins that are involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin D maintains homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, carries out the processes of mineralization of bone tissue. A lack of vitamin D leads to impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the bones, increased demineralization of bone tissue, which leads to an increased risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iodine participates in the functioning thyroid gland, providing the formation of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). Necessary for the growth and differentiation of cells of all tissues of the human body, mitochondrial respiration, regulation of transmembrane transport of sodium and hormones. Insufficient intake leads to endemic goiter with hypothyroidism and slowing of metabolism, arterial hypotension, stunted growth and mental development in children.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of cardio-vascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Chromium participates in the regulation of blood glucose levels, enhancing the effect of insulin. Deficiency leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
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You can see a complete directory of the most useful products in the appendix - a set of properties food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person for the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

Vitamins, organic matter, necessary in not large quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. Vitamin synthesis is usually carried out by plants, not animals. A person's daily requirement for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heat. Many vitamins are unstable and are “lost” during cooking or food processing.

Coho salmon fish is one of the types of salmon fish, it has red delicious meat and red caviar, which in terms of their taste are among the best in the salmon family, and are very highly valued in cooking.

The article will talk about how coho salmon is used in cooking, how to choose it correctly in the store and store it. There is also a small comparison of this fish product with some other species from the salmon family. In addition, the issue of chemical composition, calorie content, and beneficial properties of the individual is covered in detail.

Coho salmon fish: photo and description

Coho salmon are a fish that live along the Pacific coast. The individual has silvery scales, which is why it is sometimes called “silver salmon.” Average duration lifespan is about 5 years, it is noteworthy that only at the age of 4 years does the fish reach sexual maturity, and before that it lives in rivers and feeds on plankton and small fish.

To spawn, the fish goes into rivers and winters in the seas and oceans. In Russia, it is most often possible to catch coho salmon up to 90 cm in length and weighing no more than 7 kg. North American individuals are generally slightly larger (the average length of fish there is more than a meter, and the weight of large individuals is from 14 kg).

Chemical composition

Coho salmon contains a certain amount of macroelements, microelements and vitamins. Below in the corresponding tables their names and quantities are given.




However, this fish also has a minus - 62.9 mg of cholesterol, which is a lot.

Nutritional value, calorie content

There are 178.30 kcal per 100 g of fillet of this fish.

  • saturated fat - 2.0 g;
  • monounsaturated fats - 3.6 g;
  • polyunsaturated fats - 2.0 g.

Coho salmon fish: benefits and harms, contraindications

Due to its rich chemical composition, red fish has many beneficial properties.

These include:

  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • strengthening tooth enamel and bone tissue;
  • beneficial effect on the general state of the immune system;
  • positive impact on nervous system;
  • prevention of osteochondrosis and radiculitis;
  • strengthening the hematopoietic function in the body;
  • increased phosphorus levels;
  • Widely used in weight loss diets.

However, unfortunately, there are also a number of contraindications to eating this fish. These include:

  • individual intolerance or manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • the presence of diseases such as gastritis or ulcers;
  • liver diseases.

Coho salmon or salmon, which is better?

Salmon is about 2 times cheaper than coho salmon. In size it is larger than coho salmon, since this fish reaches one and a half meters in length, and even weighs up to 40 kilograms; in the photo you can see what it looks like.

Like coho salmon, salmon has unusually tender meat; it is also very often used in the preparation of fish delicacies. It is impossible to say for sure which type of fish is better. Coho salmon is often more difficult to buy than salmon, since this species is not so numerous. However, regarding taste characteristics, it cannot be said that one of the two types is significantly inferior to the other. They are both considered the best of the salmon family.

Sockeye salmon or coho salmon, which is better?

Coho salmon more big fish than sockeye salmon. The latter reaches a weight of 5 kg and does not exceed 80 cm in length.

The two types are very different in taste. Coho salmon is truly a delicacy; its meat is considered one of the most tender of all salmon; it is often used in preparing appetizers and sandwiches with red fish.

Sockeye salmon meat has a specific taste, so it is not cooked too often. The unique taste is especially emphasized, which is why it is prepared with a lot of salt. However, it is worth noting that sockeye salmon is less fatty (although not much) than coho salmon. You can see what sockeye salmon looks like in the photo:

Coho salmon caviar

The caviar of the individual is bright red. The taste features are piquant and slightly spicy. The diameter of one egg is up to 4 mm.

The delicacy contains many B vitamins and also contains easily digestible protein. The calorie content of caviar is higher than the fillet itself - about 270 calories; the delicious product can be stored at a temperature no lower than -6 degrees.

How to choose the right coho fish

When choosing coho salmon, you should remember that low-quality fish will ruin the taste of the finished dish.

Here are the main criteria for choosing a quality product:

  • The scales should be shiny, dense and bright. It should adhere well to the meat and should not show any marks or bruises. If unevenness or bruising is noticeable, the fish is of poor quality.
  • When purchasing a fresh carcass the right way Check freshness by simply pressing on its surface. If the fish is fresh, the resulting hole will quickly smooth out. If this does not happen, then you should refuse to purchase such fish.
  • When purchasing a whole carcass that has a head, you should pay attention to the eyes. Like all other fish of other species, they should not be cloudy.
  • If possible, you should touch the surface of the carcass. The fish should be slightly moist, but in no case sticky.

Based on these basic rules for choosing a good carcass, you can choose a quality product and prepare delicious dishes from it.

Proper storage

You can properly store coho salmon for no more than 4 days - you cannot keep it for a long time. Moreover, this species quickly deteriorates at high temperatures and when exposed to direct sunlight. It follows that the product should be stored in a cool place. The ideal place for such cases is the refrigerator. There is no need to freeze the carcass unless it needs to be stored for longer than 4 days.


As buyers of this product note, it is very important to choose high-quality fillet. It has been noticed that low-quality fish is most often recognized by the uneven layer of glaze on it. This means that in order to buy a high-quality carcass, you need to pay attention to the evenness of the glaze layer.

Also, reviews on the Internet have noted that when baked, coho salmon can be drier than baked trout or salmon. However, this problem can be solved by changing the method of processing the fish, for example, it is best to fry in batter, or bake steaks without first defrosting.

Also, based on reviews on the Internet, we can say that fresh coho salmon steaks, when cooked, turn out to be more tender and juicy than cooked dishes from frozen fillets. Otherwise, according to its properties, frozen from fresh fillet is not different.

Coho salmon: recipes

Coho salmon is a fish that can be baked, salted, skewered, fried in batter, made into soup, fish soup, and even made into cutlets. However, most often it is served in the form of cold appetizers, on tartlets, sandwiches, and so on. There are a lot of options, the most important thing is to buy high-quality red fish.

Coho salmon in the oven: recipe with photos

One of the most simple recipes The preparation of the fish is to bake it in the form of a steak. You can bake steaks even if they are frozen, since you don’t need to add a lot of spices to them, just salt is enough. If you select for baking frozen fish, it is not necessary to defrost it also because defrosting contributes to the loss of moisture from the fillet, then the baked steaks may be overdried.

What products are needed:

  • steaks as much as you can (at the rate of 1-2 pieces per serving);
  • salt;
  • lemon juice, 1 teaspoon for each steak.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to prepare the steaks. If in stock whole carcass, you need to cut it into pieces 2 cm thick. The fish should already be gutted and cleaned.
  2. Place the pieces on a baking sheet, add a little salt to each of them and sprinkle with a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  3. At 200 degrees, steaks are baked for 30 minutes.
  4. The dish can be served with any vegetable side dish, for example, with mashed potatoes, as well as with boiled rice.

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How to pickle coho salmon

You can salt fish with a large number of spices, herbs, and also with the addition of strong alcohol, for example, with vodka or cognac. There are a lot of options for preparing salty snacks, but the most popular ones will be described below. classic recipe, the taste of which can be modified and supplemented. With this method of salting original taste fish remains almost unchanged.

List of ingredients:

  • 1 kg of fish;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • two tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. The fish must be thawed or fresh. It needs to be washed under running water cold water and then dry with paper towels. If the piece is too large, it needs to be divided into small parts. All bones must be removed before salting.
  2. Salt and sugar should be mixed together, and about a quarter should be poured onto the bottom of the dish in which the fish will be salted. It is advisable to choose small dishes, so that there is no gap between the fillet and the walls of the dish.
  3. Half of the fish should be placed on the bottom of the dish, then sprinkled with sugar and salt again, and then put the rest of the fillet on top and sprinkle the remaining spices.
  4. The dishes must be hermetically sealed (plastic containers can be used for this purpose) and left in the refrigerator for a day. During this time, the fish will release juice and the lower pieces will end up in brine.
  5. Then you should turn the product over so that the top pieces are at the bottom and the bottom pieces are at the top. In this form, you need to place the fish in the refrigerator for another day.
  6. The finished salted fillet must be removed from the brine, wiped dry with paper napkins, and wrapped in parchment paper(the one used for baking) and store in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Salted coho salmon also turns out very tasty if you don’t salt it. table salt, and sea, only it must first be ground in a coffee grinder.

As can be seen from this article, coho salmon fish is a desired delicacy on the tables of many celebrations. It is highly valued not only for its beneficial properties, but for the taste and composition of red fish. As for the caviar of red fish from the salmon family, coho salmon has one of the best, as does the fillet itself.

When it comes to healthy and healthy food, one cannot help but think about seafood in general and fish in particular. Salmon have always been highly valued, but even among them coho salmon stood out especially - this fish is simply a storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Coho salmon meat is different unsurpassed taste, is easily digestible and benefits everyone without exception. It is not surprising that fishing for this representative of the water element has long been considered a profitable activity. Now its commercial importance is low - the population has become small.

Where does coho salmon live and how is it useful?

Coho salmon are found in rivers and lakes along the Asian Pacific coast from Anadyr to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Small populations live on Hokkaido and Sakhalin. Distributed along the entire North American coast, it can be caught in California and Alaska. Coho salmon has silvery scales, which is why the Russians called it “white fish,” and its name translated from Japanese is silver salmon. This fish lives up to five years, at the age of about 4 years it becomes sexually mature. It spawns in rivers and lives there most of its life. It prefers to spend the winter in the sea or ocean. Coho salmon, which is found in Russia, grows to 80-90 cm and reaches a weight of no more than 7 kg. Its North American counterpart is larger - its length is more than a meter, and the weight of especially large individuals is 14 kg or more.

Coho salmon prefer to spawn in the same place where they were born. To do this, he has to overcome a path length of 500-700 km. During spawning, the color of the scales becomes dark crimson.

The really high content of micro- and macroelements in coho salmon meat makes it especially valuable. Beneficial features coho salmon is:

  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • regeneration of bone tissue, and therefore prevention of osteochondrosis, osteitis and other bone diseases;
  • positive effect on the nervous system and excellent emotional state.
Consumption of “silver salmon” improves vision, prevents baldness, helps avoid thyroid pathologies and helps remove harmful substances from the body. In America, products were tested for environmental safety and numerous studies were conducted to determine the “utility factor” for humans - coho salmon entered the top six products.

Chemical composition and calorie content of coho salmon

Taste qualities of coho salmon and its use in cooking and for weight loss

Coho salmon is a product that can be included in various diets, including no-carb diets for weight loss. Low content fats and the complete absence of carbohydrates will allow you to satisfy even a heroic appetite without gaining weight. excess weight. But when preparing diets, experts prefer to include other types of salmon. Not because they are healthier, but because they are cheaper. Sockeye salmon, for example, also contains a large amount of vitamins and elements necessary for the body, but costs an order of magnitude less. Nevertheless, nutritionists recommend including coho salmon dishes in your diet - they are very tasty and absolutely harmless if you have a “fish day” once or twice a month. Coho salmon is useful for pregnant women and children. It doesn't have small bones, it is digested quite quickly.

You can eat the meat of “white fish” in any form - boiled, salted, fried, steamed, smoked and even raw. Coho salmon stroganina is a real delicacy, and those who have tried kebab made from this fish speak of it with admiration.

How to choose the right one

Storage Features

Harm and contraindications

Which is better - chum salmon or coho salmon?

Of the fairly large number of commercial fish of the salmon family, pink salmon and chum salmon are most often found in stores; this factor is associated with the highest prevalence of these species. Coho salmon looks quite strange against their background, both in name and in appearance.

What is the difference between coho salmon and chum salmon?

Chum salmon are quite large in size, up to 1 meter in length and weighing up to 14 kg. Coho salmon are much smaller - Kamchatka salmon is 60 cm in length, 3.5 kg in weight, Alaskan salmon reaches sizes of 85 cm and 6.5 kg. Another feature of coho salmon is its structure - a very large head with a wide forehead, silvery scales, which during spawning acquire a bright crimson hue.

Coho salmon caviar, unlike other types of salmon fish, is quite small and has a rich dark red color. Its taste is a little bitter, but in terms of beneficial properties it ranks first among other types of red caviar. The meat of chum salmon is white, and coho salmon is rich red.

Which is better chum salmon or coho salmon?

Residents of the Far East and Kamchatka, connoisseurs and connoisseurs of red fish, value coho salmon very much for its unusual taste meat. For less knowledgeable people, it will be interesting to figure out which fish tastes better than chum salmon or coho salmon.

Coho salmon is considered a delicacy, which is reflected in its price; it can be found on the menu of the most famous restaurants with fish menu. Its meat is very juicy and tender with a slight bitterness. If we talk about beneficial properties and biochemical composition, then the indicators for chum salmon and coho salmon are approximately the same.

Coho salmon is a fattier fish, so it should be used with caution by people with problems and diseases of the digestive tract. If we talk about what kind of fish better than chum salmon or coho salmon for weight loss, then you need to compare them energy value. Chum salmon has 125 kcal, coho salmon has 140 kcal. Taste preferences are very subjective, so it is difficult to judge culinary preferences, but in the process of losing weight, chum salmon is the more preferable product.

Red caviar: benefits and harm to health

Nowadays, red caviar is considered a delicacy. But not so long ago, the excitement for this product was not so great; in the Far East, caviar was widely used in food, but not for people, but for sled dogs. Thanks to its unique and healthy composition, the product replaced meat proteins for animals, thereby supplying the body with all vital components. Red caviar was first used in human nutrition in Japan. It was in this country that large reserves of red caviar began to be stocked for the first time. Later, Russia, as well as other countries, joined the use of this healthy product. These days, red caviar, the benefits and harms of which have already been proven and substantiated, is a popular product on the holiday table.

Types of red caviar


Useful qualities

To get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to eat caviar in small portions. In one egg, nature contains all the vital ingredients that are necessary for the development of the fish embryo. Thanks to these qualities, the benefits of caviar for human health are invaluable.

What are the benefits of red caviar?

Harm and contraindications

It would seem like this useful product almost completely devoid of negative qualities. But that's not true. It is very important to follow the recommended proportions of consumption of red caviar, since excessive amounts can cause negative processes in the body. Experts recommend eating no more than 2 teaspoons of red caviar per meal. You can consume up to 5 teaspoons of the product throughout the day.

The main harm of red caviar is that the salt in the product can be retained when it enters the body, which causes metabolic disruption.

If used as sandwiches with red caviar White bread, then such a combination becomes very difficult for the body to perceive. Moreover, such sandwiches also negatively affect the condition of the figure.

There are several simple basics for consuming red caviar, which, if followed, will make it almost impossible to harm the body:

  • You cannot combine red caviar with white bread - this leads to metabolic disruption.
  • Excessive consumption of the product leads to salt retention in the body.
  • Poorly produced red caviar poses a threat to human health.
  • Red caviar contains large amounts of cholesterol, so people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should eat it with caution.
  • For those people who suffer from a tendency to swelling, red caviar should be present in the diet in minimal proportions.
  • Allergy sufferers, as well as people with diseases of the urinary system, should refrain from eating this delicious delicacy.
  • Shelf life of red caviar industrial production- 1 year, provided that the integrity of the can is not compromised.
  • Once opened, red caviar cannot be stored for more than 3 days.
  • To avoid oxidation of the product, after opening the iron container, it must be transferred to a plastic or glass container. It is prohibited to store red caviar in an iron jar.

How to choose tasty and high-quality red caviar?

How to pickle red caviar at home?

Capelin, its benefits and harms

capelin- a fairly common product on store shelves, which many of us ignore. A small ocean fish, indeed, at first glance seems in no way attractive to a demanding buyer. But in fact it is dietary and very useful variety, which experts recommend must be included in the weekly diet. In addition dietary benefits capelin is also valuable for its chemical composition. In any form, it is a source of vitamins and rare microelements that help overcome or prevent many ailments. Capelin also has contraindications that should not be overlooked.

Useful and medicinal properties of capelin

  1. The macroelements included in the fillet help to properly absorb calcium. Which is the key to strong nails, bones and teeth.
  2. Phosphorus, contained in abundance in the product, has a beneficial effect on the brain, stimulating its activity. Nutritionists often recommend capelin to people engaged in intense mental work (including students or schoolchildren).
  3. Saturated fatty acids are a panacea for many ills. They destroy cholesterol plaques, cleansing blood vessels. Normalize the functioning of the kidneys, liver and spleen.
  4. Rich vitamin composition helps strengthen the immune system, improve vision, refresh and heal the skin.
  5. It is believed that just 100 grams of this fish per day can prevent heart attack and stroke.
  6. And iodine, which is part of fish meat, supports normal thyroid function.
  7. ‏>

Coho salmon is rightfully the most delicious fish among all representatives of the salmon family. It has surprisingly tender, juicy and aromatic red meat, which is ideal for cooking kebabs and steaks. In addition, baked coho salmon is a real delicacy that is served in many restaurants.

Belonging to the genus of Pacific salmon, coho salmon has impressive dimensions. Its length on average is about one meter, and its weight is approximately fourteen to fifteen kilograms. The main external feature that distinguishes coho salmon from its other “relatives” is the pronounced silver color of its scales, due to which coho salmon also has a second name - “silver salmon”. By the way, in the old days it was also called “white fish”.

Coho salmon is of high value from a commercial point of view. It is found off the Asian coast - it can always be seen from the Anadyr River along the entire coast of Kamchatka to the rivers flowing into the northwestern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Periodically, coho salmon are caught in the eastern part of Sakhalin Island, as well as in Hokkaido. In addition, this fish lives along the North American Pacific coast - from Alaska to California. However greatest number Coho salmon live in the rivers of Kamchatka - Bolshoi, Kikhchik and Kamchatka.

Varieties of coho salmon living in different areas differ in length, weight and other parameters. Thus, the greatest length of coho salmon in Asia is 88 centimeters with a weight of 6.8 kilograms, while the length of their North American relatives often exceeds a meter.

The most noticeable distinguishing features of coho salmon are a large head with a wide forehead, as well as the presence of a fairly high stem in the tail. It is precisely by these external characteristics that coho salmon can be very easily distinguished from masu salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon and others. This fish is characterized by beautiful silvery scales, which in the back and upper part of the head may have a greenish or slight bluish tint.

From the very beginning of summer until the beginning of winter, coho salmon enter the rivers. At the same time, experts distinguish between summer, autumn and winter common salmon. Spawning of summer coho salmon occurs in September or October, autumn - in November and December, and winter - throughout all winter months.

Coho salmon has amazing taste, and kebab made from this red fish is in no way inferior to meat kebab. Coho salmon steaks are also surprisingly good. In addition, coho salmon can be salted, canned, stewed, smoked and boiled.

Coho salmon
Composition and beneficial properties of coho salmon

Red meat of coho salmon contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals beneficial to human health - especially B vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, potassium, nickel, fluorine, zinc, molybdenum and some others. It is recommended for use by everyone, and mainly by children, pregnant women and the elderly. However, it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy you should not eat this fish in too large quantities. In addition, you should refrain from eating coho salmon if you have serious liver problems or gastritis.
Harm and contraindications

This fish from the Salmon family is not recommended for use with gastritis, liver, during pregnancy and in case of individual intolerance.
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Useful composition coho salmon meat

Coho salmon has red, incredibly tasty meat, which contains vitamins B1, B2, as well as important for human body trace elements and minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, chlorine, molybdenum, phosphorus, nickel, fluorine, zinc, sodium, chromium.
Taste qualities of coho salmon

Among other salmon, coho salmon is rightfully considered to have the best taste. Its meat is much more tender and fatty than pink salmon meat, due to which it is used for preparing the most different dishes, it is especially good baked, so it is an important dish on the menu of many restaurants.

Coho salmon caviar is also very tasty and similar to sockeye salmon caviar, it is just as small - only about 4 mm in diameter and the same color. And although it is easy to confuse the caviar of coho salmon and sockeye salmon in appearance, taste qualities Coho salmon caviar is better - it does not have a bitter aftertaste.
Methods for preparing coho salmon

Coho salmon kebab is especially tasty, so those who have once tried this dish always give preference to it, refusing meat kebab. Coho salmon steaks are also incredibly good. In general, both fried and baked coho salmon is very good, and if it is properly grilled, the dish turns out simply royal: with a crispy crust and juicy, aromatic pulp that melts in your mouth.

In cooking, coho salmon is also used to make canned food; it is boiled, salted, smoked, fried, and baked.
Grilled coho salmon steak

To prepare this dish, you need to cut the fish into steaks across the body, 2-3 centimeters thick. Don’t rush to throw away the tail and head, as they will make an excellent fish soup. The steaks need to be peppered and salted, seasoned with the same spices that you use in cooking fish.

When finished cooking, place the steaks on the grill grate, preferably a double-sided one, so that the steaks can be pressed on both sides and can be easily turned over. Steaks take no more than ten minutes to cook. It is important to remember that seafood cooks quite quickly, so during the cooking process you need to constantly turn the steaks, pouring wine or beer over them. One secret: it is recommended to water the fish with the drink that will be served to the table. An interesting effect is obtained when using beer, since it gets between the fibers of the fish and is baked, giving the dish a flavor fried bread and tastes like fish in batter. Baking on the outside of the steak, the beer forms an appetizing crust, which allows the beer to simmer inside the coho salmon meat, making the steak not only perfectly fried, but also tender and juicy.

When the steaks are almost ready, that is, at the very end of frying, it is recommended to sprinkle them with lemon juice. This dish is best served with salad or greens.

Fish is not only very tasty, but also a healthy product that should be on every table, especially if this fish is coho salmon.

Romanchukevich Tatyana
for women's magazine

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Coho salmon is a fish that can safely be called the most delicious fish from the salmon family. Its meat is tender and juicy, it has a wonderful taste and pleasant aroma. Dishes prepared from coho salmon are rightfully considered a delicacy. One cannot say anything about the high benefits of this red fish, because it contains great amount useful substances, and coho salmon caviar is even used in folk medicine.

Why is coho salmon valued? Useful properties of fish

The benefits of coho salmon are widely known. That is why in many gastronomic establishments you can find dishes made from this fish, prepared according to different recipes. Why is this type of salmon so popular?

Red meat salmon fish contains a large number of vitamins that are beneficial to the human body, these are B vitamins, as well as iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, fluorine, zinc and molybdenum. Of course, coho salmon is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3. Omega-3 has a protective effect on the body, stimulates work immune system, prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Coho salmon fish has a beneficial effect on brain activity and vision. Eating coho salmon significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. It is useful for pregnant women to eat such fish, although in limited quantities. It is also suitable for children, because there are practically no bones in coho salmon. In addition, coho salmon has a relatively low calorie content and can be safely included in the diet. Do you want to know more precisely what the calorie content of coho salmon is? So it is 140 kcal per 100 grams, which is really not a lot.

How to use coho salmon for food? Cooking recipes

Below we have presented for you delicious recipes preparing coho salmon for all occasions.


Salted coho salmon turns out very tasty. In order to salt fish, you must first wash it thoroughly and then cut it into small pieces along the ridge. For one kilogram of red fish you will need 2 tablespoons rock salt, as well as 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of your favorite spices and seasonings. Salt, sugar and spices need to be mixed, and then carefully rub each piece with this mixture. Next, all the pieces need to be put in a pan, sprinkled with the juice of one lemon and put in the refrigerator. The snack can be eaten after one to two days.

With honey and mustard


1.5 kg coho salmon,
2 lemons,
3 tablespoons honey,
1 head of onion,
1 tablespoon mustard,
1 grapefruit,
4 tablespoons oil (olive is best)
spices to taste,
black ground pepper taste,
salt to taste.


Initially, you need to squeeze the juice out of citrus fruits, then add finely chopped onions, spices, ground black pepper and salt, as well as honey. Next, you need to cut the coho salmon into portions and place them in the prepared marinade. After two hours, the pieces are removed from the marinade and coated with mustard. Finally, place the pieces on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Crispy sticks

What you will need:

2 tablespoons flour,
1 coho salmon,
1 teaspoon vinegar
Vegetable oil,
Water - 2 glasses,
spices to taste,
salt to taste.


You need to take a large bowl and pour water into it, add table vinegar. Next, chop the onion into half rings and place in a bowl, after which you can add the fish to the marinade, do not forget to first cut it into small pieces in the shape of sticks. After about one hour, salt and pepper the coho salmon and season with your favorite spices. In a separate container, mix the egg and flour, so you get a batter. Heat a frying pan by greasing it vegetable oil. Every fish stick Dip in batter and then fry until crisp.

Baked in the oven


1 fish carcass,
1/2 lemon
1 tomato
fresh herbs,
ground black pepper.


The fish must be cleaned and washed thoroughly. Next, make cuts on one side of the delicious delicacy, where you should place lemon and tomato cut into slices, chopped greens, the same ingredients should be placed in the belly of the coho salmon. The fish itself must be generously spread with mayonnaise and rubbed with salt and pepper. Next, the coho salmon should be wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven until fully cooked; this will be clearly visible by the golden crust.