Purple tea "Chang-Shu": reviews from doctors. How to drink? Contraindications

Yours original name The drink was obtained due to the leaves of an unusual color. Tibetan unique Purple tea Chang Shu has been used by monks for a long time to improve health. Eastern medicine highlights the unique properties of the drink, and modern women are increasingly using it for weight loss.

Chang Shu grows on the slopes of the mountains of Tibet and Nepal, where there is a significant lack of oxygen. This is what gives the plant its greatest value, since it is traditionally believed that high mountain herbs are saturated big amount microelements. The beneficial effects of Chang Shu tea on the body have already been proven by many experts. So how to drink healthy drink, and what effect should be expected?

Composition of Chang-Shu

Looking for a recipe for eternal beauty and longevity? Try the unique Chang-Shu Purple Tea. Real reviews You can read about the benefits and effects of the drink on the body on forums and websites. Tibetan tea has a blue color, which is due to the pigment of its petals, which are needed for preparation.

The composition of Chang Shu Purple Tea includes:

  • Catechins. The substance affects the liver, restoring its cells. Catechins also have the ability to neutralize toxins in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bioflavonoids. They improve the condition of capillaries, lower blood pressure and are used in the treatment of ulcers, atherosclerosis and mycosis.
  • Methylxanthine. This group of substances also includes caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and heart. Methylxanthine reduces blood viscosity and slows down the process of platelet adhesion.
  • Tannins. A compound of natural origin protects the body from pathogenic microflora.
  • Theanine. It has a direct effect on the performance of the brain, stimulating it to better perceive information. Theanine also increases stress resistance and improves mood.
  • Synephrine. The substance increases metabolism, resulting in increased calorie consumption and weight loss.

In addition to microelements that are responsible for weight loss, Tibetan tea includes a vitamin complex that is responsible for increasing immunity and forming a protective barrier.

Benefits of the drink

The unique Chang-Shu tea has an unusual blue color that is not harmful to health. To produce the drink, only the petals of flower bowls are used, which are collected by hand 2 times a year.

The manufacturer warns: the original Tibetan tea has its own color analogue - Chinese oolong, which is just a concentrated drink from the tea bush.

The benefits and harms of Purple tea have already been sufficiently studied by medicine. You will notice the result of using the elixir of youth externally and feel it internally.

  • Manufacturers say that the drink has a positive effect on the heart, brain, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Purple tea prevents the formation of blood clots, normalizes blood pressure and activates the oxygen supply process. The drink owes this effect to the clitoris it contains.
  • Regular use drink will prevent the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, gastritis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Chang Shu is indispensable for women. It delays the onset of menopause and increases reproductive function. Thanks to this, female beauty blossoms, youth prolongs, the aging process slows down, and vision improves.
  • The active components of tea help with viral infections and poisoning. Such properties of the clitoris were discovered directly in Tibet. Chang Shu will increase your vitality, will fill the body with energy.
  • The drink has gained real popularity as a weight loss tea. Weight loss occurs due to the correct distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Excess weight will go away without grueling diets, training in gyms, and you won’t have to use questionable drugs.
  • In addition, Chang-Shu improves appearance by activating hair and nail growth, reducing wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity.

Purple tea can be consumed to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Along with this, there is a decrease in glucose and cholesterol levels. Purple tea is also considered a good antidepressant and increases stress resistance.

Scam or truth? It is up to each of you to decide after drinking this unique drink.

Contraindications and possible side effects

All weight loss products, even herbal ones, have contraindications. This is rather a precaution than a contraindication, however, this category of people should be careful when consuming purple Chang-Shu and first consult with their doctor:

  • with hypotension;
  • if you are allergic to the active ingredients;
  • with iron deficiency in the body;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • for severe diseases of internal organs;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Experts say that the blue color of tea does not affect its taste and health-giving qualities.

So that you don't encounter the action side effects, you need to take Purple tea in small quantities. You should not drink the drink if you are also taking medications that reduce blood clotting. Also, do not drink tea together with other herbal infusions, since such a mixture of herbs often leads to allergies, abdominal pain and other adverse effects.

Instructions for use

The Tibetan plant brings only benefits and beauty to the body, but for this you need to follow the technology for brewing the miraculous drink. Chang Shu tea is considered medicine, and therefore you need to prepare it according to the instructions. The brewing algorithm can be represented as follows:

  1. Boil water and let it cool slightly. Chang-Shu petals should never be poured with boiling water, otherwise you risk destroying all their beneficial properties.
  2. One serving of tea is approximately 200 grams. For this amount of water you will need about 7 flowers. It is best to brew the drink in glass and porcelain containers to avoid iron oxidation.
  3. Chang-Shu tea must be steeped for about 10 minutes so that the flowers have time to release all their beneficial properties. The rich blue color will tell you when the drink is ready.

How to take Purple tea? It all depends on the goal you are pursuing. If tea is consumed for general strengthening of the body and improvement appearance, then the duration of use should not exceed a month. For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, the usage algorithm is slightly different:

  1. For the first week, drink 3 cups per day, in small portions.
  2. Take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course.

You should not exceed the recommended dosage, otherwise the body will evaluate the product as aggressive. For hypotensive people, Purple tea is not recommended at all. But if you want to lose weight, then take it in an amount of no more than 50 g at a time.

The product has a weak taste and aroma. Give it some flavor by adding a spoonful of honey or lemon drop. Such ingredients will not reduce its benefits.

What results to expect

Buying Chang Shu tea is the first and sure step towards slimness, longevity and health. Regular intake of the drink normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which promotes active weight loss. The active ingredient theotanin absorbs and removes fats, heavy carbohydrates, and reduces the harmful effects of fatty foods on the body.

Also, active components improve liver and kidney function, normalize metabolic processes and water-salt balance. Purple tea is often drunk to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins.

The main advantage of Chang Shu over other teas is that a person gets the maximum useful substances from food, while similar weight loss products remove them.

Chang-Shu purple tea has earned reviews from people who have lost weight. Many who have tried it praise it unique composition And pleasant taste. Satisfied customers note that in 3 months the weight loss amounted to about 20 kg! Such a unique result is worth sticking with the tea ceremony.

Purchase and price of Chang-Shu

Today, the unique properties of the drink are known throughout the world. You cannot buy Purple Chang-Shu in a pharmacy, as this will increase its price. Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers on the Internet who increase prices for low-quality goods.

Where to buy quality certified products? To avoid falling for a fake, order Chang-Shu through the official website.

The original tea has quality certificates and research results. Customer reviews confirm its positive effect. To order a purple drink, you only need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open the main order form and enter your information there.
  2. After a few minutes, an operator will contact you and confirm your order.
  3. Within 10 days, the goods arrive by parcel to the nearest post office or via courier service.
  4. You must pay for the goods upon receipt after checking them.

It is impossible to buy original Purple Tea at the pharmacy, so hurry to order it during the discount period.

A unique product can be purchased in the CIS countries under a promotional offer! The price of Chang Shu tea is about 2000 Russian rubles and may vary slightly depending on the country of residence.

The blue color of the rejuvenating drink attracts customers who want to lose weight, and not in vain. Buying Purple tea for weight loss is a small personal victory for everyone and an undoubted move forward - to a beautiful figure.

Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss consists of herbs and like everything else herbal drinks benefits the body. In addition to weight loss, it improves the condition of the skin, normalizes metabolic processes, and strengthens the immune system.

Chang Shu tea is prepared in Tibet from tea tree flowers collected in ecologically clean mountain areas. The plant belongs to the myrtle family and is similar in properties to eucalyptus. The tree is evergreen, the branches have small dry leaves and fluffy inflorescences of white or yellowish color.

Tea flowers are collected twice a year and only by hand, without the use of machinery. The color of the brewed tea is unusual – purple with a bluish tint.

The positive properties of purple Chang Shu tea include:

  • tightens and tones the skin, smoothes out shallow expression wrinkles;
  • Chang Shu tea drink strengthens hair follicles and prevents the appearance of gray strands;
  • nails cease to be brittle, delamination of the nail plate disappears;
  • calms and relaxes nervous system after a hard day;
  • tea has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system;
  • tea makes the walls of blood vessels elastic;
  • cardiac function is restored and prevents the development of stroke or heart attack;
  • It is useful to drink a purple drink for hypertension, as it lowers blood pressure;
  • tea components increase visual acuity;
  • protects against the development of gynecological diseases;
  • tea, due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, contributes to the disappearance of extra pounds.

Most women who drink Chang Shu tea in order to reduce their weight also experience other positive properties. The components included in the drink contribute to the proper absorption of foods, the removal of toxins and excess fluid.

Thanks to Chang Shu purple tea, the functioning of the digestive tract is restored, harmful substances and carcinogens are not retained in the body, and lipids are broken down. Chang Shu purple tea has amazing property quickly break down carbohydrates and fats, thereby accelerating digestive processes. Eating harmful products(smoked, spicy, canned, fatty foods) does not provide negative influence on the figure.

All food is digested and quickly absorbed, and excess calories are burned.

The patient feels lightness in the body and activity increases. The best results are obtained by patients who, simultaneously with therapeutic therapy with Chang Shu tea, perform physical exercises and adjust their menu.

Numerous diets and other weight loss measures can cause unwanted effects. Weight loss while taking Chang Shu tea is not accompanied by hair loss, dark circles under the eyes, fatigue, or peeling of the skin.

Incoming Components

Chang Shu purple tea contains natural substances that improve health and rejuvenate the body. The beneficial properties of tea are due to the following components.

  1. Thanks to bioflavonoids, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and the level of bad cholesterol is reduced.
  2. The Dopamine component improves mood. It sends impulses to the brain about satiety, even with a small portion of food.
  3. The vitamin complex that Chang Shu tea is rich in strengthens the immune system.
  4. Fat cells are burned due to the component included in the composition - synephrine.
  5. Antioxidants such as catechins help you shed extra pounds. They not only break down fat cells, but also strengthen vascular walls, fight bad cholesterol, and lower blood sugar levels.
  6. A component such as chromium picolinate can suppress hunger and strengthen the nervous and muscular system.
  7. Another fat-burning component of tea is methylxanthine.
  8. Thiamine and caffeine tones and increases physical activity.
  9. Luteins are beneficial for vision.
  10. Tannins included in the composition prevent diseases of the digestive system. This tea component restores impaired functions of the digestive tract, improves intestinal motility, removes toxins, and stops inflammatory processes.

According to the manufacturers of purple tea, heavy patients can lose about 27 kg in three months. And most importantly, upon completion of the course, the weight is fixed, and the extra pounds do not return. The components are not addictive.

Cooking rules

To obtain maximum benefit When treating with a purple drink, you need to know how to brew Chang Shu tea correctly.

  • Each portion of tea must be brewed separately.
  • Dry tea inflorescences in an amount of 5-7 pieces are placed in a cup.
  • Pour in 250 ml hot water, but not boiling water. In boiling water, all the beneficial properties of tea disappear.
  • Leave the drink to steep for about 10 minutes until it turns bluish.
  • After this, the purple tea is filtered.
  • Since tea has no taste, you can add honey, juice or a slice of lemon to the drink.

The tea should be consumed warm. Brewed tea cannot be stored. Chang Shu purple tea should be taken in portions at a time. The unusual color, unique aroma and taste will definitely please you.

In each purchased package you can find detailed instructions, how to take purple tea and in what cases.

To reduce weight, you must drink purple chang tea in courses. For the first seven days you should drink one cup in the morning and evening. Then it is recommended to take a break of 7 days.

The tea intake is continued for no more than three months. After 3-4 months the course can be resumed again.

Chang Shu tea has a healing effect and is classified as a medicinal product, so do not exceed the dosage. You need to add as many inflorescences as indicated in the instructions. You cannot combine the drink with other weight loss products.

Despite the benefits of Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu, there are also contraindications. The composition may cause unwanted reactions. Therefore, treatment with this drink should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of allergies;
  • any stage of pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • hypersensitivity to one of the incoming components;
  • not recommended for children under 18 years of age;
  • hypotension.

You can buy Chang Shu tea in large pharmacy chains or order it on the official website from the manufacturer. Ordering a product is very simple, just fill out a form with your personal information. The main thing is not to stumble upon a fake. You can choose packaging with different content volumes.

If you do not follow the dosage or buy low-quality Chang Shu tea, side effects may develop. The patient may complain of a feeling of thirst, swelling, bloating and abdominal pain.

Reviews from customers and doctors

People who drank Chang Shu tea mostly leave only positive reviews. Everyone notes the beneficial effects on the body. Mood improves, activity increases, and most importantly, excess weight is lost.

Elena, 34 years old

“I’ve never been slim, and I’ve tried all kinds of methods to lose weight. After giving birth, I gained even more weight, and it was already a shame to go outside in the summer. I didn’t believe in the miraculousness of teas. But I still took the risk of ordering Chang Shu purple tea online. I took the full course. The first thing that surprised me was the loss of 4 kg in 12 days. In 2.5 months I lost 20 kg. I will definitely continue to take the drink.”

Nina, 27 years old

“Pulseness has haunted me since childhood. I’ve never been on a diet, but I still tried Chang Shu tea. Drew me completely safe, herbal composition. I didn’t note any contraindications for myself and started drinking a cup of tea three times a day. To brew tea you need 5 flowers. For a full course of three months, I lost 26 kg. And now for two months the weight has remained unchanged. In addition, I noticed that my nails became stronger and my mood improved. I recommend this purple drink to everyone!”

Marina, 33 years old

“My work is not related to active movements. You have to sit at the computer all day and snack on unhealthy sandwiches. As a result, I gained a lot of weight. There is no time for sports. I had to look for ways to do this without wasting time and effort. A friend advised me to start taking Chang Shu tea. In a month of taking Chang Shu tea, I lost 10 kg. I drank the course to the end. The result simply amazed me. I regained my former slimness and gained a surge of strength. True, I had to adjust my diet at the same time as taking the tea. No more snacking, just wholesome, proper nutrition.”

Doctors also note that Chang Shu tea promotes weight loss without harm to health.


“Chang Shu tea contains only natural ingredients that cannot cause harm to health. For serious illnesses, of course, it is useless to be treated with this tea. But the drink has proven itself as a preventive measure. It increases the body's defenses and reduces weight. You just need to strictly follow the instructions. Even harmless tea in excess can have the opposite effect.”


"Don't be afraid to drink this drink. Chang Shu tea has passed all relevant tests and has a quality certificate. Herbal components not only reduce weight, but also stabilize it. I recommend the product to all my patients. None of them complained of side effects."


“It’s great luck that nature itself helps us fight health problems. All useful components, combined into one drink, have a powerful positive effect on our body. Metabolic processes improve, which means all functions are restored. The body, thanks to Chang Shu tea, loses extra pounds without harm.”

Herbal drinks are very beneficial for the body and have a huge amount positive properties. Among them is Tibetan tea Chang Shu. Judging by the reviews, this drink is a source of beauty, youth and health, which, among other things, helps you lose weight. Read what effects it has, how it is brewed and consumed.

Properties of Chang Shu purple tea

Healing drink prepared from a high-mountain plant native to Nepal and Tibet. Flowers for tea leaves are collected twice a year by hand, but the leaves are not used. The color of the drink is purple, with a slight tint of blue. All good properties Chang Shu tea is difficult to even list, their list is so large. There are no negative reviews from doctors regarding it. Benefits of drinking purple tea:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • affects the condition of the skin, makes it elastic, tones;
  • Chang Shu calms and relaxes;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Purple tea is good for hair, it strengthens it and prevents the appearance of gray hair;
  • strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic;
  • improves vision;
  • strengthens nails;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart;
  • reduces the risk of gynecological problems;
  • has a fat-burning effect, accelerates metabolism;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • has a positive effect on the reproductive system;
  • for the prevention of stroke, heart attack.

Most women take purple tea to lose weight while enjoying other beneficial effects. It contains components that promote the proper absorption of substances entering the body from food. The best results can be achieved by balancing your diet and exercising. The components of the drink remove excess fluid and make the skin elastic, so that after the extra pounds are gone, it will not sag.

Composition of Chang Shu tea

The Tibetan drink contains a huge number of biologically active substances and amino acids. Chang Shu purple tea contains:

  1. Bioflavonoid. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes cholesterol accumulation.
  2. Dopamine. A component that helps brain cells transmit signals. Improves mood, strengthens memory. Promotes faster saturation.
  3. Vitamins. Strengthen the immune system.
  4. Synephrine. Burns fat, both internal and subcutaneous.
  5. Catechins. Antioxidants that promote weight loss. They have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Break down fat deposits.
  6. Chromium compounds. Suppress appetite, strengthen muscles and nervous system. Helps in the fight against depression.
  7. Methylxanthine. Has a fat burning effect.
  8. Thiamine. An amino acid that opens up the body's reserves. Indispensable for people experiencing stress. Tones.
  9. Luteins. Good for vision.
  10. Tannins. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, preventing gastritis and ulcers.
  11. Caffeine. Tones the body, makes it more resilient, burns fat.

How to brew purple Chang Shu tea

The drink must be made in portions. It is recommended to brew Chang Shu tea according to the following instructions:

  1. Place 4-7 flowers of the plant in a cup.
  2. Pour 200-250 ml hot water. It is strictly forbidden to use boiling water; it will kill the beneficial properties.
  3. Infuse purple tea for 10 minutes. It will take on a blue tint.
  4. Chang Shu is very fragrant. You can add honey and lemon to purple tea.
  5. The entire cup should be taken at one time.

How to drink purple tea for weight loss

The drink must be taken in courses. Chang Shu slimming tea should be drunk three cups per day in the first week. This is followed by a seven-day break, then use resumes. Medicinal blue tea For weight loss, Anchan is not recommended to be taken for more than three months. Do not make the drink too strong, follow the dosage. In addition, you should not combine it with other weight loss teas. The cumulative effect can negatively affect health.

Contraindications for Chang Shu purple tea

There are no products that are equally suitable for all people. Contraindications for Chang Shu tea.

Chang Shu tea is a decoction of the dried flowers of Clitoris trifoliata, a plant native to South Asia. The drink has long been known to local residents and is used by them in medicinal purposes. Chang-shu has a diverse therapeutic effect on the body, including promoting weight loss.

The health drink arouses interest among consumers due to its unusual appearance. Clitoria flowers turn it blue. That's why the product is called blue or purple tea, as well as Butterfly Blue Pea Tea.

Clitoria trifoliate - the basis of tea

Clitoria trifoliate flower

The starting material for the production of Chang Shu tea is the evergreen climbing plant Clitoria ternatea. In the wild, the liana grows in South and Southeast Asia. Its thin long stem reaches a height of 3.5 m. The leaves on long petioles have a complex structure and consist of 3–5 small leaves. The flowers are of the moth type, characteristic of legumes. The corolla is large, up to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the petals differs depending on the variety: from blue to purple. The central inner part of the sepals is yellow. After pollination, fruits are formed in the form of long beans (4–13 cm).

The appearance of the flowers resembles an intimate part of the female body, for which the plant received its Latin name. Popular names for the vine include shameful flower, pigeon wings, and butterfly peas.

The flowering period lasts all summer (May - September). At this time, the flowers are picked by hand and dried in two stages. First, they are dried in the sun for 10 hours, and then dried in special units. As a result, the flowers curl up in the form of curls, but inside they retain their freshness and elasticity. The labor intensity of the procurement process determines the high price of the final product.

Clitoria trifoliata is a heat-loving southern plant. It cannot withstand temperatures below +10 C. Its distribution area covers tropical regions: South and Central America, Australia, Africa. In temperate climates, the vine can be grown indoors.

Composition and properties

The effect of Chang Shu tea on the human body

Chang-shu purple tea contains a complex of useful substances:

  • catechins;
  • synephrine;
  • dopamine;
  • methylxanthine;
  • fatty acid;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • steroids;
  • saponins;
  • vitamins B, C, E, K;
  • microelements (iron, phosphorus, etc.).

Found in flowers a large number of natural dyes - anthocyanins, which give the drink a unique colorful color. Catechins prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and help fight overweight. Caffeine is the main tonic element and stimulates the activity of the central nervous system. Bioflavonoids have an antiviral effect. Methylxanthine has an antispasmodic effect. Synephrine accelerates metabolism in the body and serves as a natural “fat burner”. High content Phosphorus and magnesium in the drink have a positive effect on blood supply to the brain and improve its functioning.

Chang Shu blue tea has a wide range of positive properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • diuretic;
  • antidiabetic;
  • local anesthetic.

Consumers primarily pay attention to the drink’s ability to quickly break down lipids, carbohydrates and fats. Thanks to this, a significant reduction in body weight is achieved in a short time. Therefore, blue tea has become very popular, especially among women.

In addition, the natural components of the clitoris are characterized beneficial properties in the field of cosmetology. Their presence has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, nails:

  • skin color is refreshed;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • the nail plate is strengthened;
  • prevents the appearance of gray hair.


Clitoris tea is famous for its amazing hue, pleasant taste and delicate aroma. It is drunk as a refreshing drink with the addition of lemon or lime juice. For sweetness, add honey or sugar to the broth. Sometimes mint or lemon balm leaves are added to the liquid for taste.

The recipe for making chang shu is simple:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 5–7 dried flowers.

Plants are brewed with hot, but not boiling water. The liquid is immediately drained and new one is poured. The decoction is infused for 10 minutes. Drink the whole portion of tea warm at once. The chilled drink is popular in Southeast Asian countries. It helps you withstand the heat better.

Chang-Shu is a flower tea that manufacturers position as effective remedy for weight loss. Unlike ordinary tea, the Tibetan purple drink Chang Shu is collected and brewed not with leaves, but with flower petals, which have a huge number of beneficial properties. human body amino acids and vitamins. After drinking Chang Shu tea, excess weight leaves and, according to the women, never returns. Let's see what other qualities the high-mountain purple drink Chang Shu has.

Beneficial features

Chang Shu tea for weight loss grows in the highlands of Tibet and Nepal. Initially, it was used by Tibetan monks, famous for their longevity. The air in the mountains has a low oxygen content, which gives weight loss tea unique characteristics. The purple drink differs from green and black tea in its sweetish taste and rich aroma. Chang Shu for weight loss contains many beneficial properties:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • slows down aging;
  • improves vision;
  • has a positive effect on skin condition;
  • strengthens nails;
  • prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth;
  • has a beneficial effect on brain function; breaks down fat cells;
  • produces a tonic effect;
  • promotes accelerated digestion of food;
  • heals ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • causes a feeling of satiety.

Tibetan tea Chang Shu is not a fat burner, but it promotes weight loss if the drink is combined with diets and sports. After a three-month course of using this product, you will lose those annoying kilograms, reduce the number of wrinkles, have less gray hair and improve your complexion.

Composition of Tibetan tea Chang Shu

Slimming tea contains many biologically active components that will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, salt deposits, atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency, obesity, diabetes and cancer. The following components were found in Tibetan Chang Shu tea:

  1. Tannin (theotanin). This is an amino acid that stimulates human mental and physical activity, but does not have an overly stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Tannin normalizes the functioning of the liver, stomach, and intestines and has a bactericidal effect and the ability to remove toxins from the body.
  2. Kakhetin. A natural antioxidant that protects blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, promotes the oxidation and breakdown of fats, and reduces blood glucose levels.
  3. Caffeine. An alkaloid that has a psychostimulating effect, increasing physical endurance and mental activity.
  4. Methylxanthine. Stimulates blood microcirculation in the skin, which helps remove toxins from cells.
  5. Dopamine. A hormone of joy that improves mood. When dopamine is consumed, nervous tension is reduced and fear goes away.
  6. Lutein. A substance that actively protects the retina from harmful radiation.
  7. Bioflavonoids. Prevents hair loss, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  8. Chromium picolinate. A trace element that accelerates muscle growth, helps fight stress, prevents depression, and reduces appetite.
  9. Vitamins. Useful organic substances that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Unlike other weight loss drugs, Chang Shu tea is safe for health. Extra pounds are lost by improving metabolism and normalizing water-salt balance. Body weight decreases without additional load on internal organs which remove toxins. Two cups a day of this drink will release energy that will give strength to the body.

How to brew and use

Buyers will definitely have a question: how to drink Chang Shu tea? Thousands of people who have purchased the wonderful purple drink note how easy it is to take. When consuming Chang Shu tea, there is no need to revise the nutrition system or come up with patterns for using tea. Getting rid of fat deposits with the help of this weight loss drink is easy - just drink two tea cups a day for three months.

How to take Chang Shu purple tea:

  1. Take 5-8 flowers, depending on the desired saturation.
  2. Brew a glass of hot boiled water, but not boiling water.
  3. Infuse Chang Shu tea for 10 minutes.
  4. Drink for weight loss without additives.
  5. Add a slice of lemon for added fat burning benefits.

Real reviews of people who drank Chang Shu tea for three months show that you can lose 30 kg during this period. Moreover, it is not necessary to refuse food and exhaust yourself in the gym. Eliminate from the diet high-calorie food and a positive result will not be long in coming. There are also negative reviews from people who did not lose weight with Chang Shu tea. We recommend that such people reduce the amount of carbohydrates in their diet and continue drinking tea.

Are there any contraindications for use?

There are no contraindications to taking Chang Shu, but you should not consider using tea as a medicine for burning fat. This is a weight loss drink that only helps you get rid of extra pounds, has many beneficial properties and can have a general strengthening effect on the entire body, slowing down the aging process.

It should be noted that the side effects from excessive consumption of Chang Shu tea are the same as from any other drink of plant origin: blood pressure may increase or decrease, nausea, vomiting, and irritation of the oral mucosa may appear. But for this, drink 20 cups of purple tea for weight loss. Overdose is not harmful. The first aid is to limit your consumption of Chang Shu tea to two cups per day. If this measure does not help, then it is advisable to temporarily stop using coffee and tea of ​​all types.

Where to buy Chang Shu purple tea

Flowers in the mountains of Tibet and Nepal tea plant Chang Shu is collected by hand, so this process is difficult and takes more than one week. Height and lack of air require people to have endurance and the use of physical strength. Among the local population, predominantly men are recruited for these jobs, who receive wages much higher than women. For this reason, you won’t be able to buy inexpensive purple tea for weight loss.

You can find and order Chang Shu online on the company’s official website, both wholesale and in single copies. The price for a weight loss course (three months) is the most favorable - 5 thousand rubles. If you purchase one package of Chang Shu tea, then taking into account delivery, the product costs 2.5 thousand rubles, which makes the purchase more expensive. Find out the cost of a wholesale order on the website of the Chang Shu Purple Tea online store.

To make a safe purchase of natural weight loss tea, you should:

  1. Go to the seller's official website.
  2. Find the order form at the bottom of the page.
  3. Include your phone number and name.
  4. Click on the “Order” button.
  5. Wait for a connection with the manager to confirm the purchase.
  6. After 2 days, receive Chang Shu slimming tea at your post office.
  7. Pay for the order.

Can I buy it at a pharmacy?

Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss is sold not only on the Internet - it can be purchased at the pharmacy. The retail outlet plays the role of an intermediary, so the price of the product will be higher. It’s easy to find out how much Chang Shu purple tea costs in Moscow pharmacies; just type the corresponding query in a search engine on the Internet. However, whether the seller will guarantee you the quality of the purchased product and how many hidden markups are in one package of tea - the question remains open.

Whatever purchasing method you choose, you will not need to make any effort to improve the appearance of your figure with the help of Chang Shu tea, which contains a set of benefits for the body organic matter and chemical compounds. If you regularly follow a moderate diet, you will begin to lose weight within a week, and the pleasant taste of Chang Shu tea will activate your mood and give you vigor throughout the day.