How to pickle Antonovka apples. Recipe for pickled apples with currants and raspberries

Nowadays, soaked apples have lost their former popularity. I suspect that many young people do not even know about the existence of this type of home preparation. But in vain. Preparing soaked apples is simple and doesn’t take very long. It is worth falling in love with their taste once to become a connoisseur of this product forever.

In addition to the fact that soaked apples are delicious, they also have a number of useful properties, I will list just a few of them:

  • improved appetite;
  • stimulation of digestion;
  • very useful for colds.

There are an incredible number of recipes - many combine pickled apples with lingonberries, rowan berries and even cinnamon. To prepare the marinade, in addition to traditional ingredients, such as water, salt and sugar, honey and fresh herbs from the garden are often used.

What apples are suitable?

For cooking soaked apples By classic recipe The following recommendations must be followed:

  1. The varieties that are best suited for urination are: “Antonovka”, “Pepin”, “Titovka”.
  2. Preference should be given to apples of late varieties.
  3. Only fresh, firm apples without visible damage should be selected.
  4. You can soak apples in wooden barrels, ceramic, glass and enamel dishes without chipping.
  5. Pickled sweet apples tend to last longer.

Cooking conditions:

  • Apples should be soaked at a constant temperature of +15 to +22 C.
  • Make sure that the marinade completely covers the fruit during this time.
  • In order for the marinade to penetrate better, the peel of each apple is pierced in several places with a toothpick or a small knife.
  • Once a week, do not forget to remove the resulting foam and wash the load.

Ready soaked apples are stored at temperatures from +4 to +6 C.

Pickled apples in 3 liter jars

It is most convenient to make preparations at home in large glass jars. 5 kg fresh apples wash thoroughly under running water. After this, prepare the marinade. To do this, bring 2.5 liters of water to a boil and add 1 tbsp to the composition. l. salt and 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Boil for literally 1 minute, after which the fire is turned off and the marinade is allowed to gradually cool.

Whole apples, along with their stems, are placed tightly in three-liter jars, after which they are filled to the top with still hot marinade.

Soaked apples with mustard

To prepare the preparation, we will need 10 liters of water, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 100 g of salt and 3 tbsp. l. mustard. Dissolve granulated sugar, salt and mustard completely in water and place the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, hold for no more than 1 minute and turn off the gas. The marinade is ready.

To the bottom three-liter cans put clean straw, cherry and black currant leaves (you can put all the components at once or what you have). Place the apples tightly on top, then fill the jars to the top with marinade.

Soaked apples with cabbage

To prepare this recipe we will need 4 kg white cabbage, 3 kg of medium-sized apples, 2 larger carrots, 3 tbsp. l salt and 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

At the first stage, you should thoroughly rinse the apples and cabbage. Carrots are washed, peeled and grated on a standard grater. Finely chop the cabbage. Chopped carrots and cabbage are mixed together, salt and granulated sugar are added to the mixture, and then squeezed vigorously with your hands until the juice appears.

In a wooden tub or enamel pan lay the apples tightly, shifting each layer vegetable mixture, obtained above. Put on top cabbage leaves. The composition is filled to the top with cold brine (add 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 glass of cold boiled water).

An inverted plate of the required diameter is placed on top, and pressure is placed on it (use a stone of a suitable size). At room temperature Apples are soaked for 2 weeks. Then they are transferred to a cooler room, where they are kept for another 2 weeks. After this, the product is ready for use.

Be sure to try making soaked apples yourself. The whole family will appreciate the new dish, and it will become traditional.

Pickled apples recipe – great way harvesting fruit for the winter. Unfortunately, today few people use this method and it is completely in vain. Pickled apples - delicious and very healthy treat, which is not at all difficult to prepare at home.

Delicious soaked apples at home - simple recipes for each

The benefits of soaked apples are very great. Apples, especially those soaked with acidic berries like cranberries, contain a large number of ascorbic acid. Therefore, eating soaked apples is useful for preventing colds. In addition, soaked apples improve appetite and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And the calcium contained in such fruits prevents the development of osteoporosis.

In the old days, apples, always late autumn and winter varieties, soaked in oak barrels, at the bottom of which a layer of rye straw was laid. In a modern apartment, this method is very difficult. However, there are many simplified, adapted recipes for preparing soaked apples that can be easily repeated at home.

Recipe for soaked apples with honey

Apples cooked with honey are attractive in appearance and very fragrant, thanks to the cinnamon used in the recipe.

You will need : 1.5 kg apples, 200 ml honey, 3 cinnamon sticks, 0.5 tbsp. l. salt, 1 liter of water.

Preparation. To make the brine, mix water with salt and cinnamon, bring to a boil, and then cool to room temperature. Add honey and stir well until it melts. Place washed and dried whole apples in a jar, fill with brine, cover with a lid and leave to ferment at room temperature for 10 days. Store finished soaked apples in a cool, dark place.

Soaked apples with mustard

Mustard gives soaked apples a special piquancy and an attractive yellowish color.

You will need : apples, 3 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 5 tbsp. l. salt, sugar to taste, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Mix water with salt, sugar and mustard, bring to a boil, stirring, then cool the resulting brine. If desired, place blackcurrant and cherry leaves on the bottom of the container, place the apples tightly on top, pressing them with a weight. Pour the prepared brine over the apples so that the load is covered with liquid, and leave at room temperature for 1-1.5 months. Check the apples periodically and skim off any foam that forms.

Soaked apples with cabbage

This recipe is good because cabbage is also fermented along with apples - an excellent appetizer for meat dishes.

You will need : 5 kg of apples, 10 kg of cabbage, 1 kg of carrots, cranberries to taste, 3 tbsp. l. caraway seeds, 270 g salt, 5 liters of water.

Preparation. Shred the cabbage, grate the carrots coarse grater, mix everything, add cumin and 200 g of salt. Place a layer of cabbage at the bottom of the container and press well until the juice comes out. Place a layer of apples on top. Repeat the layers, the top layer should be a layer of cabbage. To make the brine, dissolve 70 g of salt in water, pour over the apples and cabbage, place a load on top and place in a cool, dark place for fermentation. Soaked apples will be ready in 4-6 weeks.

Soaked apples in straw

Thanks to the use of straw, the apples are golden, with a special unique taste and aroma.

You will need : 10 kg apples, 200 g straw, 4 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 5 liters of boiled water.

Preparation. First, pour boiling water over the straw and dry thoroughly. Place a layer of straw on the bottom of the container, then a layer of apples, and again a layer of straw. Repeat layers, with straw on top. Place a cloth napkin, a wooden circle and a weight on it. Pour brine over apples in straw. To make the brine, mix cooled water with sugar and salt dissolved in it. Place the container with apples in a cool place and once a week skim off any foam that forms and wash the wooden circle to prevent mold from forming. Soaked apples will be ready to eat in a couple of months.

Pickled apples in jars

To soak apples in jars, use small-sized fruits with dense pulp.

You will need : apples, 200 g rye flour, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Wash the apples, dry them and place them tightly in 3-liter jars. To make the brine, mix flour and salt in a saucepan and, stirring, pour boiling water over it. Stir so that there are no lumps, then let it sit and strain the brine through cheesecloth. Pour the cooled brine over the apples, place a weight on top (for example, plastic bottle with water) and place the jars in a dark, cool place for 1-1.5 months. Then remove the oppression, close the jars with regular lids and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Pickled apples in a barrel

If you are lucky enough to cook soaked apples in a barrel, rinse it thoroughly with soda and scald with boiling water.

You will need : 5 kg of apples, 150 g of salt, 300 g of honey (or 150 g of sugar), 100 g of rye flour, 10 liters of water, cherry leaves, black currant to taste.

Preparation. Place a layer of currant leaves on the bottom of the barrel, then a layer of apples. Place a layer of cherry leaves on top and again a layer of apples. Repeat the layers and press down everything with a lid and weight. For the brine, mix boiled water with salt, honey and flour and cool completely. Without removing the weight, pour the brine over the apples to completely cover the lid with the weight. Place the barrel of apples for 4-6 weeks in a slightly cool room.

Instant soaked apples

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to prepare soaked apples quickly, but using rye bread will significantly speed up the process.

You will need : 1.5 kg, half a loaf of rye bread, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. honey, blackcurrant leaves, 2 liters of water.

Preparation. Cut the bread into cubes, dry it in the oven and pour boiling water over it, add honey, salt and leave for 2-3 hours. Place currant leaves on the bottom of the jar and place apples on top. Strain the prepared filling through cheesecloth and pour it over the apples. Cover with a lid and refrigerate for a couple of weeks. From time to time, add cold boiled water to the jar. Store the finished soaked apples in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about preparing soaked apples at home. Try it yourself and harvest your crops in this ancient way!

See also, delicious preparations.

During the apple harvest season, you need to prepare a large number of them. They can be used to prepare very variety of dishes. But on winter period You can prepare salted fruits. Subsequently, they are suitable as an appetizer, filling for pies, or just a tasty snack.

This recipe for fermenting apples at home is easy to prepare; you just need to cut the fruit into slices and simply pour in the brine. In order not to waste time on sterilizing jars, it can be done before cooking and then use the prepared containers. It is better to use polyethylene lids.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples – 10 kilograms;
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • Water – 5 liters.

Pickling apples in jars:

  1. Rinse the fruits well, it is best to use several containers and rinse the fruits sequentially in each container, this way they will become clean and free of debris;
  2. Now you can start preparing the brine. For it, you need to dissolve the salt in water and put it on the fire, the brine should boil and then it will be completely ready, it can be removed from the heat and set aside until the pulp and containers are prepared;
  3. While the brine is being prepared, you can prepare the fruits; they need to be cut. Small fruits can be cut into 4 parts, but large ones will require finer chopping and must be cut into several parts. The smallest fruits can be left whole or cut into halves;
  4. Place the chopped pulp in previously prepared containers and pour in a hot salty solution, the solution should reach the neck of the jar;
  5. All that remains is to cover the containers nylon covers and refrigerate.

How to soak apples in a bucket

This recipe for pickling apples is a classic; it is this recipe that has been used to prepare apples since ancient times. Its advantage is that the ratio of ingredients has been tested by many generations of housewives. This preparation can be stored for a long time, and the mixture turns out very tasty.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples – 1 bucket;
  • Granulated sugar – 170 grams;
  • Salt – 170 grams;
  • Raspberry leaves – 10-15 pieces;
  • Currant leaves – 10-15 minutes;
  • Water – 1 bucket.

How to soak apples for the winter:

  1. Wash the fruits, cut out the rotten parts;
  2. Currant and raspberry leaves must be washed well and dried on a paper towel; there should be no excess water on the leaves;
  3. When the leaves are dry, you can place the raspberry leaves on the bottom of the container in which the fruit will be salted;
  4. Next, you need to arrange the fruits in prepared containers, it is important to place the fruits with the stalk facing up, you can place the fruits in several rows on top of each other, but they must be tightly compacted, so they will not float;
  5. Currant leaves must be placed between the fruits;
  6. Bring the water to a boil, and then dissolve salt and sugar in it and fill the container with the pulp with still hot brine; the solution should be slightly higher than the level of the pulp;
  7. Cover the container with gauze or a towel and place in a dark, cool place, where the mixture should stand for 2-3 weeks;
  8. The pulp can be salted in a shorter time, therefore, after the first week of salting, the pulp must be tasted and the taste assessed; as soon as the pulp acquires a sufficiently salty taste, you can immediately proceed to the next stage of preparation;
  9. When the pulp is salted, you can transfer it to glass jars, add a little brine and cover with lids;
  10. You can store such preparations in the refrigerator.

How to salt apples in jars of cucumbers

The combination of apples and cucumbers turns out to be the most advantageous. They complement each other's flavors and are perfectly salted at the same time. In this recipe, it is important to use fruits with thick skins; such fruits will not be damaged by brine and will remain dense. It is important to select rafts of the same thickness so that they absorb the saline solution equally.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples – 5 kilograms;
  • Cucumbers – 5 kilograms;
  • Grape leaves - 5 pieces;
  • Schisandra leaves – 10 pieces;
  • Sugar – 50 grams;
  • Salt – 50 grams;
  • Water – 1 liter.

How to pickle apples in jars recipe with cucumbers:

  1. Apples collected for pickling must be left for 5-7 days at room temperature, then washed and dried;
  2. Cucumbers need to be soaked in cold water; the soaking time may vary, depending on the size of the fruit. Small cucumbers can be soaked for 2-3 days. But larger cucumbers will require at least 5 days of soaking. Then they need to be washed and dried with a towel;
  3. Wash the leaves, lay them out to dry, you can use a paper towel and dry the leaves with it, in any case, the leaves should not be wet;
  4. Place a three-liter glass jar for sterilization in the oven or over steam, then dry. If a larger container is used, the amount of ingredients must be increased proportionally;
  5. The fruits must be placed in a jar so that they alternate with lemongrass and grape leaves;
  6. Separately, put a saucepan on the fire, pour water into it, add sugar, salt and wait until the water boils;
  7. Pour the hot solution into the containers with the pulp, cover with a lid and wait 5 minutes;
  8. After this, pour the solution from the jar into a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  9. Pour the hot solution over the pulp and wait 5 minutes;
  10. Then drain the solution again and bring to a boil;
  11. Now finally fill the pulp with hot brine and roll up the lids;
  12. The jar must be turned over, placed under a warm blanket and waited until it cools completely;
  13. Then you can put the container away for storage, and you can taste it only after 40 days.

Recipe for soaked apples in a barrel

Apples can be salted in glass containers, but the most correct way is to pickle these fruits in a wooden container, for example, a barrel or tub. Such pickling will be properly prepared, which means the taste will be better. What can we say about the aroma, fruits acquire an interesting aroma from wooden utensils. That is why the preparations prepared in this dish are so tasty. You can learn how to pickle apples in a barrel from our recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples – 1 kilogram;
  • Rock salt – 10 grams;
  • Water – 1 liter.

How to salt apples in a barrel for the winter:

  1. Sort the fruits, rinse, place tightly in a wooden container, you can use an enamel pan, and transfer to glass jars for storage;
  2. You can add raspberry leaves, any currants, cherries or other leaves as you lay them down. fruit trees. You can use regular straw;
  3. Separately, boil water with salt and cool completely;
  4. You need to pour cold brine over the pulp, boil it, leave it to cool, then boil it again and do this 3 times;
  5. Then leave the mixture until it cools completely;
  6. Drain the brine, strain well to remove all particles of debris, you can strain the mixture through a thick cloth, pour it back into the jar;
  7. Leave to brew for 4-6 days, the temperature should be at room temperature, during the process you can add brine to the jar, it can be absorbed into the fruit and will need to be added;
  8. When the pulp is salted, it can be transferred to separate containers and tightly closed.

The workpiece can be placed in a cold place for longer storage.

Recipe for soaked Antonovka apples

To prepare salted apples according to this recipe, you must use the Antonovka variety. These fruits are dense, have the necessary sourness, and the pulp will not become too soft. But you can use other varieties, as long as they are dense and unsweetened. It is also worth choosing small-sized fruits so that they fit into the pickling container. These fruits can be crunchy in winter. And the flour will give them an interesting aroma and taste.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples – 5-10 kilograms;
  • Rye flour – 200 grams;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water – 10 liters.

Recipe for pickling Antonovka apples:

  1. Sort the apples, if necessary, cut out the damaged parts, but it is better to use whole fruits, this way they will be better preserved and will not lose their shape;
  2. Now you should prepare the brine, mix flour and salt in a separate pan, add boiling water, mix everything very well with a whisk until the lumps dissolve, you can use a blender and pass the mixture through it, this way you need to achieve a homogeneous mixture;
  3. Then the mixture must be cooled completely so that the sediment settles, and then passed through gauze or cloth to get rid of sediment and possible lumps;
  4. You can pour the prepared solution into containers with fruit, cover with a plate of a suitable size, and put pressure on top; you can use a smaller jar filled with water for this. You can also use pure stone. Any object that is conveniently placed on the pulp can be used as a pressure;
  5. The workpiece is put in a cold place, ideal option there will be a cellar or refrigerator, and the place should also be dark so that the mixture does not spoil quickly;
  6. The mixture should be salted for 1-1.5 months, by the beginning of winter the pulp should be ready and can be tasted;
  7. After this, you can remove the oppression, close the jars with tight lids, and if the pulp was salted in a barrel, then it is laid out in separate small containers. Only then can the workpiece be stored.

For pickling, it is best to choose late varieties of fruits; they are not sweet and are more suitable for this type of preparation. Late varieties have a dense peel that is not damaged during salting and the fruit remains dense and whole. These are the fruits that are pleasant to eat.

Our chefs have prepared other recipes for you that will allow you to decorate your table. Marinated, which can be added to salads - all this will not only decorate the celebration, but will appeal to all your household members.

  • We wash the wooden tub hot water. If the container has not been used for a long time, it doesn’t hurt to wipe it with soda. We also thoroughly wash the Antonovka apples.
  • Place some leaves on the bottom of the tub and apples on top. And so on to the very top. The last layer should be made of leaves.
  • Bring 10 liters of water to a boil. Add all the other ingredients, mix thoroughly so that everything is evenly dissolved. It is important that there are no lumps of flour.

  • Fill the apples with brine, place pressure on top and leave for 2 weeks. When fermentation begins, you should skim off the foam regularly. After 14 days, we move the apples to the cellar for 20-30 days.

Try adding a handful of lingonberries. She will give soaked apples unusual taste and beautiful color.

Soaked apples with rye and celery

These apples can be prepared for the winter in a bucket or in large 10-liter glass bottles.


  • apples – 10 kg;
  • 200 g celery root;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • 500 grams of straw (preferably rye);
  • 50 grams of malt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 3 table. spoons of salt.


  1. We wash all the products well and additionally pour boiling water over the straw.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, add malt, and boil for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add salt and sugar, mix well. Place straw on the bottom of the container chosen for soaking, place apples on top, top them with thinly sliced ​​celery, fill with brine and place pressure on top.

Antonovka apples need to be soaked for a month in a cool, dark place.

With honey and spices

The mulled wine mixture gives the apples prepared according to this recipe an original flavor.


  • apples – 20 kg;
  • 500-600 ml honey;
  • 200 g fine salt;
  • 300 grams of cherry leaves;
  • 20 buds of cloves;
  • 1 package of mulled wine mixture.


  • Wash the apples and leaves and allow excess liquid to drain. Mix honey with 10 liters of water and salt, mulled wine mixture and cloves.

  • Place some of the leaves on the bottom of the container chosen for soaking, apples on top of them, and so on until the very top. The last layer should be leaves.

  • Pour the resulting honey mixture and leave for three days at room temperature. Then move it to the cellar or refrigerator for storage.

  • You can eat after two weeks. These apples at home are obtained with a spicy taste and a very rich aroma.

Delicious apples with spices

Amazing recipe. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the apples turn out very tasty that it would not be a shame to serve them on the holiday table.


  • 1.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 tablespoons of malt (you can use 4 tablespoons of rye flour instead);
  • 1 spoon of salt;
  • 2-4 spoons of honey;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • several sprigs of mint;
  • a pinch of dried oregano and St. John's wort;
  • 2 clove buds
  • 1-3 pcs. star anise;
  • 2 liters of water.


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  1. Place the apples in a jar, tails up.
  2. Add mint sprigs and other seasonings.
  3. Prepare wort from water, malt, honey and salt. Pour the contents of the jar into it.
  4. Leave for a week at room temperature. Then put it in the cold for a month and after the specified time you can try.

How to soak apples and cabbage


  • apples – 1 kg;
  • cabbage – 1.5-2 kg;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 spoon of sugar.


  1. Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Add salt and sugar, mix thoroughly with your hands, squeezing the vegetables so that they release the juice.
  2. Place a layer of shredded cabbage in the container chosen for soaking, apples on top of it, and cabbage again. The resulting juice is also poured into the total mass.
  3. Place the press and do not touch it for 2 weeks. Then move it to the cellar or refrigerator. You can eat after 10-12 days. And such a preparation is stored for more than six months.


If there is not enough juice, you need to supplement it with boiled water mixed with a small amount of salt and sugar.

When soaking apples, you should follow these recommendations:

  • apples for soaking must be ripe. If they are not ripe, you need to keep the fruits warm for 3 to 10 days, depending on the variety;
  • There is no point in picking fruits from the ground. Only those apples that have been picked from the tree are suitable for urination;
  • The Antonovka variety is ideal, but you can also use Melba, Pepin, Anise, Slavyanka;
  • For preparation, it is best to take a wooden tub, but if you don’t have one, glass and plastic food containers will do. Many people prefer to soak Antonovka apples for the winter at home in a bucket.

Be sure to try the suggested recipes. Pickled apples are an excellent treat that will always come in handy both on weekdays and on holidays.

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Soaking is one of the most simple ways harvesting apples for the winter. Delicious soaked apples, prepared at home, are an excellent addition to salads, side dishes, meat, poultry, and fish.

What varieties of apples are suitable for soaking at home?

Whatever method of soaking apples you choose, you can only use late (autumn) varieties of apples that have a sweet and sour taste. Most often these are Antonovka, Anis and Pepin. Only ripened fruits are suitable for soaking, so after picking apples they need to lie in a warm place for some time.

What is the best way to soak apples?

It is best to use barrels for soaking apples, but this method is no longer relevant, as it is very labor-intensive. Housewives usually use large enamel pans or large glass jars, where they can easily place the required number of apples.

Tips for preparing soaked apples at home:

  • The container for soaking apples needs to be prepared: thoroughly cleaned using baking soda, wash and rinse with boiling water;
  • as a load you can use a flat plate on which to place liter jar with water;
  • You should know that with any method of soaking apples, they actively absorb brine, so it is necessary to periodically add it, otherwise the top layers of apples will simply deteriorate;
  • For 1 bucket of apples you will need approximately 5-6 liters of filling.

Pickled apples traditionally had three types of preparation: regular (classic), sour and sweet. Let's look at each blank in more detail.

Pickled apples: a simple recipe

The soaking recipe is simple: place the apples in prepared containers, make a pour, pour in the fruits, place a load, and after one and a half to two months you can take a sample.

For 1 kilogram of apples you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of water,
  • 4 tablespoons honey or sugar,
  • a handful of currant and cherry leaves,
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt,
  • cinnamon, cloves and mustard beans (to taste).
  1. Apples must be washed in warm water, and sort through, since only intact fruits are suitable.
  2. The bottom of the container is lined with cherry and currant leaves, ripe apples laid tail up in dense rows. After two rows, it is necessary to again lay a layer of leaves and repeat the operation until the container is filled with apples almost to the very top.
  3. It is better to prepare the filling in advance. To do this, bring the water to a boil and add all the ingredients listed above. The filling must be cooled to 30-35 degrees and poured over the apples.

Cover with a weight so that they are completely covered with water. The dishes with apples need to be kept at room temperature for several days for the fermentation process to begin, after which they need to be put in a cool place. Ready soaked apples can be served in a month and a half to two months.

Sour soaked apples with cabbage

There are many recipes for sour soaked apples, but the most original is with cabbage. The cooking process is no different from classic way soaking apples.

For 3 kilograms of apples you will need:

  • 4 kilograms of cabbage;
  • two carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons salt.
  1. The cabbage must be finely chopped and the carrots grated on a coarse grater. Then stir the cabbage, carrots, salt and sugar until vegetable juice appears.
  2. Next, place a layer of cabbage on the bottom of the prepared container, compact it, a layer of apples, then again cabbage, apples, etc. The top layer is cabbage. If allocated vegetable juice is not enough, then prepare the brine at the rate of one tablespoon of sugar and salt per 1 liter of water.

You need to place a bend on top, as in the first recipe. The container with the preparation must be kept at room temperature for several days for the fermentation process to begin, after which the sour soaked apples and cabbage must be put in a cold place for 1 month.

Sweet soaked apples

The recipe for making sweet pickled apples differs from the usual (classic) one only in that more sugar or honey is added to the brine.

To prepare 10 liters of filling you will need:

  • 300 gr. honey or 400 gr. Sahara,
  • 100 gr. rye flour,
  • 150 gr. salt,
  • currant and cherry leaves.
  1. The container for soaking apples must be thoroughly washed, dried, and currant leaves placed on the bottom. Carefully place a layer of apples on top.
  2. Next layer - cherry leaves. Next, you should again lay a layer of apples, currant leaves, etc. The last layer is cherry leaves.
  3. To prepare the brine in hot water it is necessary to dissolve all the above ingredients: sugar or honey, salt, rye flour. Cool the solution to room temperature and pour over the apples.
  4. At the end of cooking, the workpiece is covered with a small weight, as in previous recipes.

Sweet soaked apples are prepared for at least one and a half months at a temperature of +14 - +17 degrees.

Delicious soaked apples at home: 3 simple recipes

You love apples, but don't know how to preserve them beneficial features on long time? Prepare soaked apples at home.

Soaked Antonovka apples are another way to preserve your favorite fruit harvest. A selection of recipes for soaked Antonovka apples

Every housewife wants to preserve a rich harvest of apples. There are many recipes for how to do this: make jam, dry it, or simply store it in the basement. However, in all these cases, the fruit loses most of its benefits. Most The best way preserve Antonovka apples - soaking.

Soaked Antonovka apples - basic principles of preparation

Even our distant ancestors soaked apples for the winter. For this we used sour fruits: Slavyanka, anise and of course Antonovka.

The first step is to prepare the container in which the fruit will be soaked. It’s better, of course, if it’s a barrel, but if you don’t have one, you can use glass jars or an enamel pan. The container is washed thoroughly. Then pour boiling water over it and dry it.

In addition to apples, twigs and leaves of fruit trees or berry bushes, as well as spices, are used for soaking.

Select medium-sized apples. Fruits should not have damage or wormholes. The apples are washed and begin to be placed in containers, topped with leaves and spices.

The brine is prepared according to the recipe. It mainly contains sugar, spices and salt. In some cases, sugar is replaced with honey.

The resulting brine is poured over the apples. A wooden circle is placed on top and pressed down with a stone or other weight.

Gradually, the brine will be absorbed into the fruit, so you will need to add boiled water after a few days.

The barrel is kept in the cellar for a month. After this time, the fruit can be eaten.

Recipe 1. Soaked Antonovka apples

filtered water - five liters;

fresh Antonovka apples;

currant and cherry leaves;

1. The apples must be of such a size that they fit freely into the jar. Wash glass containers and sterilize over steam. Dry.

2. Required quantity Pour water into the pan, add sugar and salt. Cook from the moment of boiling for five minutes. After this, remove it from the heat and cool the marinade.

3. Rinse the leaves of fruit trees and berry bushes and place them on the bottom of the prepared container. Fill the jar with apples, starting with the larger ones. Pour the chilled marinade over the fruit. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and leave in a dark place.

4. After a couple of days, foam will appear on the surface. It needs to be removed. If necessary, add marinade. The fruits must be completely covered with liquid.

5. Close the jars with plastic lids and place them in a cool place for a month. After this time, the apples can be eaten, but the fruit will only reach the full fruit in a couple of months.

Recipe 2. Soaked Antonovka apples with rye flour

ten kg of Antonovka apples;

rye flour – 200 g;

cherry and currant leaves;

boiled water - ten liters;

table salt – 150 g.

1. Select ripe, not too large apples without damage or wormholes. Wash them thoroughly and dry them.

2. Rinse the currant and cherry leaves. Enameled or glass containers wash and pour over boiling water. Place the prepared leaves on the bottom. Place apples on top, then leaves again. Fill the container with apples, rearranging them with cherry and currant leaves. The last layer should be spices and leaves.

3. Pour into a saucepan with warm water salt, rye flour and sugar. Stir until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Cool.

4. Pour the brine over the apples. They must be completely immersed in the liquid. Cover the top with a plate and apply slight pressure. Leave the apples in a dark place for a week, periodically adding boiled water.

5. After the allotted time, place the container with Antonovka apples in the cellar and leave it there for a month and a half.

Recipe 3. Soaked Antonovka apples with prunes

filtered water – ten liters;

Antonovka apples – 20 kg;

1. Wash and dry the apples. The fruits must be ripe without damage or signs of rot.

2. Pour the bran and prunes into a liter of boiling water and mix thoroughly so that not a single lump remains.

3. Dissolve salt and honey in nine liters of boiled water. Combine with bran mixture. Stir again.

4. Wash the apple barrel, pour boiling water over it and dry. Fill the container with apples and pour over them honey marinade so that the fruit completely covers the fruit.

5. Place a pressure on top and leave the container in a cool place. Periodically remove the foam from the surface and add marinade. When the fermentation process stops, cover the container with a lid and put it in the cellar.

Recipe 4. Soaked Antonovka apples with cabbage

ten kilograms of late cabbage;

table salt – 600 g;

sugar - ten tablespoons;

six kilograms of Antonovka apples.

1. Free the heads of cabbage from the dried outer leaves. Cut them into four parts and cut out the stalk. Shred some of the cabbage into thin strips. Pour 200 g of salt into it and mix, lightly kneading it with your hands. Chop the rest of the cabbage into small pieces.

2. Wash and dry the apples. The fruits must not have damage or signs of rot.

3. Wash the barrel or enamel pan, pour boiling water over it and dry. Place mixed fruits and cabbage in a container. Sprinkle each layer with shredded cabbage.

4. Place a saucepan with ten liters of water on the fire, add the remaining salt and sugar. You can add your favorite spices. As soon as the brine boils, remove it from the heat and cool.

5. Fill the contents of the container with chilled brine. Place cabbage leaves on top. Cover with gauze, cover with a wooden circle and apply pressure. Leave for five days at room temperature, periodically adding boiled water. Pierce with a wooden rolling pin and mix lightly. We remove mold.

6. Transfer the container to a cool place for storage.

Recipe 5. Soaked Antonovka apples with mustard

table salt – 100 g;

assorted apple, cherry and currant leaves;

dry mustard – 75 g.

1. Dissolve mustard and salt in ten liters of water. Add granulated sugar to taste. Stir and place the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then remove the brine from the stove and cool.

2. Wash the container in which we will soak the apples thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and dry it. Place an assortment of fruit leaves and berries on the bottom.

3. Wash the apples under the tap and dry. Fill the container with fruit, pressing them tightly together. Place leaves between layers. Fill the apples with brine. The liquid should completely cover the fruit.

4. Cover the contents of the container with a plate or wooden circle. We install pressure on top and leave it for a week. From time to time add boiled water and skim off the foam. Then we place the container in the cellar. You can eat apples after a month and a half.

Recipe 6. Soaked Antonovka apples with mint, basil and honey

currant leaves - two handfuls;

drinking water – ten liters;

basil - a large bunch;

flower honey – half a kilogram;

mint - a large bunch;

table salt – 170 grams;

rye flour – 150 grams.

1. Boil and cool water until warm. Add salt, honey and flour to it. Stir until all ingredients are dissolved. Leave the brine until it cools completely.

2. Place currant leaves in a single layer on the bottom of a clean glass, wooden or ceramic container.

3. Select small apples. Wash them and dry them. Rinse the basil and mint and place on a paper towel.

4. Place apples in a container, arranging each layer with mint, currant leaves and basil. The last layer should be greens. Cover the fruit with a plate and place a weight on it.

5. Carefully fill the contents with brine and let sit for a month. If necessary, add boiled water. Foam from the surface must be removed. Then place the container for storage in the cellar.

Recipe 7. Spicy soaked Antonovka apples

Antonovka apples – kilogram;

drinking water – one and a half liters;

cherry and currant leaves - 10 pcs.;

five buds of cloves;

table salt – 7 g;

mustard seeds – 4 g.

1. Wash the fruits and leaves and dry them.

2. Sterilize clean jars over steam and place apples in them, topping them with cherry and currant leaves. Sprinkle mustard seeds on top.

3. Dissolve salt in hot water, add cloves and cinnamon. When the brine becomes warm, add honey and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour the resulting brine over the apples in the jars and close them with plastic lids.

4. Let it sit for a week, then put it in the cellar for storage.

  • Leave freshly picked apples to sit for a couple of weeks and only then wet them.
  • Apples should not have any damage or signs of rot or wormholes.
  • Do not use fallen apples to urinate.
  • Be sure to pour boiling water over the container in which you will soak the apples.
  • Place apples with the stems facing up. This way they will be better saturated with the marinade and will begin to ferment faster.
  • Make sure that the apples are always covered with marinade.

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Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova

Recipes for soaked Antonovka apples, secrets of choosing ingredients and

Soaked Antonovka apples: recipes from simple to sophisticated, apples with various additions And general principles preparation, selection and combination of products

Antonovka apples. How to wet it for the winter?

Prepare adjika with apples - we have collected the best recipes for you on the website.

How to wet Antonovka apples

For preparation, it is necessary to select winter or autumn varieties with a tartrate taste and dense pulp. For urination, choose varieties such as “Ordinary”, “Kamenichka”, “Anis”, “Babushkino”. For cooking, use only healthy apples that have had time to sit for 2-3 weeks after picking. Glass is suitable for marinating, enamel cookware or wooden tubs. The latter must be soaked in water for several days to prevent leakage. After that, pour them in for 20 minutes soda ash(per bucket of water 50 g). Pour out the solution, rinse the barrels cold water several times, scald the apples before adding boiling water. Rinse enamel or glassware as usual.

Find out how to make charlotte with apples. She will become a great option dessert for gatherings with your favorite girlfriends.

Now you need to fill it with solution. It is made from salt, sugar and malt. For 20 kg of apples, prepare 420 g of granulated sugar, 100 g of malt and 220 g of salt. Prepare wort from malt: add 100 g of sprouted barley to 100 g of water, heat it and let it boil for 15 minutes. You can also use rye flour instead of malt. Before cooking, you need to dilute it with cool water, which you need to use 2 times more than flour. After this, brew the mixture with boiling water. Boil salt and granulated sugar in 10 liters of water, cool, and pour over the fruit. It also wouldn’t hurt to add 30 g to the finished solution. mustard powder. Cover the workpiece with a circle of wood, and place a weight on it. As a rule, a stone is taken as a load. The filling level should be 3-5 cm higher. Keep the workpiece for a week, maintaining a temperature of 18-20 degrees. This will allow it to ferment. During this time, the fruits will absorb a sufficient amount of liquid, so you need to constantly add cold water. After a week, lower the vessel and its contents into the basement or any room with a low temperature. The preparation can be eaten after 2 months. Adhering to the same principle, you can prepare soaked Antonovka apples in banks.

Soaked apples: 5 recipes for the winter

Well, who doesn't love pickled apples? You can count such people on your fingers. In order for this yummy to turn out, you don’t need to make unrealistic efforts. Preparing soaked apples is very simple, even in ordinary glass jars. If desired, you can use barrels or buckets. In any case, the result will be amazing.

Preparing soaked apples is very simple, even in ordinary glass jars

Soaked apples: a recipe at home for the winter

To prepare such aromatic and juicy fruits no need great amount spices and all kinds of additives. Even with the most minimal composition, the apples turn out so tasty that they cause real admiration.

  • 9 kg apples;
  • 0.45 kg sugar;
  • 55 gr. Sahara;
  • 75 gr. mint, raspberry, currant leaves.
  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems and leaves.
  2. Place leaves, apples and all remaining branches into a container for future preparation.
  3. The next step is to prepare the marinade. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, mix it with sugar and salt, and boil.
  4. Cool the marinade, add cold water and pour into a container with apples.
  5. Place pressure on top and add the prepared marinade over the next seven days.
  6. After this, leave for at least a month and a half in a cool place.

Important! It is necessary to choose exclusively sweet varieties of apples if you plan long-term storage finished product. In the same case, if long-term storage of the workpiece is not expected, you can use fruits of any varieties that are currently available.

How to wet Antonovka for the winter

Antonovka is an ideal variety of apples that not only can, but also need to be soaked. It is these fruits in the process classic blank acquire a special taste. Despite such a harsh method of preparing them, they not only do not lose their characteristic features, but also acquire a special flavor note.

  • 4.6 kg Antonovka;
  • 18 gr. currant leaves;
  • 12 gr. mint leaves;
  • 18 gr. cherry leaves;
  • 9 liters of water;
  • 0.35 kg of honey;
  • 0.15 kg salt;
  • 0.1 kg rye flour.

Antonovka is an ideal variety of apples that not only can, but also need to be soaked

  1. Place the washed leaves at the bottom of the barrel.
  2. Place apples on top of them, alternating them with the same leaves.
  3. Press down everything from above with pressure.
  4. Mix honey, salt and flour in warm water, cool this liquid completely.
  5. Then pour it into the container with apples.

Leave for at least one and a half months in a warm place.

How to make soaked apples in a bucket: a simple recipe

Many housewives to this day think that apples can only be prepared in a special barrel. It is for this reason that people are afraid to wet apples themselves. In fact, in the process of preparing them, you can use absolutely any container, even an ordinary bucket. Accordingly, difficulties simply cannot arise during procurement.

Many housewives to this day think that apples can only be prepared in a special barrel

  1. Stir boiling water with mustard.
  2. Brew rye flour and stir well to avoid the formation of lumps.
  3. Add salt, prepared flour and mustard to cold water.
  4. Line a bucket with straw and place apples on top, pour in brine and place a weight on top.

Leave in a cool place for at least a month.

How to cook soaked apples in jars

The easiest and most convenient way to ferment apples is, of course, in jars. The procurement process comes down to the most basic steps. More instant cooking It's simply impossible to imagine. It is very convenient to store fruits, since you just need to move them into the refrigerator after finishing their soaking.

The easiest and most convenient way to ferment apples is, of course, in jars

  1. Fruits must be washed and immediately placed in jars.
  2. Mix water with salt and sugar.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into jars.
  4. Cover the workpieces with nylon covers.
  5. Place the container in a warm place for a month and a half.

Important! You need to harvest only whole fruits, without rot or any other damage. If this rule is not followed, the workpiece will simply deteriorate before it is properly prepared.

Pickled apples for the winter: the best recipe

Sauerkraut is revered in every home. They are preparing her different ways, add all kinds of berries and vegetables to the composition. But few people can even imagine this product in combination with apples. This is despite the fact that pickled apples acquire an unusual, but amazing taste in combination with a regular vegetable. You don’t even have to do anything really to make the soaked fruits so tasty and aromatic.

Sauerkraut is revered in every home, and in combination with apples it becomes many times better

  1. The cabbage needs to be washed, damaged top leaves removed, and finely chopped.
  2. Wash the carrots too and immediately peel them, chop the root vegetable on a grater.
  3. Mix the vegetables and crush them a little with your hands, add sugar and salt.
  4. Transfer to a container in which you will later ferment foods, apples.
  5. Be sure to put the cabbage there too, filling all the free space with this vegetable.
  6. IN small quantity Dilute a spoonful of sugar and salt with water.
  7. Pour the brine into the container.
  8. Cover everything with whole but washed cabbage leaves.
  9. Place pressure on top of them.

Keep the workpiece at room temperature for about 14 days, then move it to a cooler place for the same period of time.

How to cook soaked apples with sea buckthorn in pumpkin juice

Apples in in this case They turn out much more aromatic than pears. Salting them correctly using this method is not at all difficult. Difficulties can arise only with preparation pumpkin juice, but there are no inexplicable subtleties or tricks in this procedure. There is no need to add additional salt to the fruits; they absorb everything they need from the components adjacent to them.

  1. All products must be washed and dried.
  2. Place the fruits in a container in which the salted fruits will be stored, sprinkle with sea buckthorn.
  3. Peel the pumpkin, remove all the seeds from it with a spoon, cut into pieces and boil in minimum quantity water.
  4. After softening the pulp, cool the broth and immediately pour it into a container with the rest of the products.
  5. Press down the fruits with a heavy weight and keep them under it for a week.
  6. After this, move the container to the cellar.

Pickled apples are an original Russian preparation. In this way, fruits were stored until the coldest weather many years ago. Despite the fact that the recipe is already ancient, the preparation is still very popular to this day. Of course, apples can fresh stored in the cellar, but when soaked they become even more delicious and at the same time remain as healthy as possible. Everyone, young and old, will eat this preparation with pleasure, since the pleasantly crunchy, slightly sour fruits simply cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Soaked apples: a recipe at home for the winter, how to soak Antonovka, simple, how to make in a bucket, cook in jars, pickled

Pickled apples: step by step methods preparations. How to wet Antonovka. Preparation in a bucket, jars. Pickled fruits.