Recommendations for drinking wine for medicinal purposes. Red wine treatment

The ability of red wines to remove radical elements from the body has been noticed for a long time. Wines from Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot varieties were officially prescribed in the USA, USSR and other countries to the crews of nuclear submarines, personnel servicing radioactive installations, and, in 1986, to all residents living in the regions adjacent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

G.G. Valuyko, G.N. Arpentin, together with medical scientists, established the radioprotective effect of natural grape wines. If you give patients who suffered from the Chernobyl accident 2 glasses of red table wine a day, then after three weeks the content of radioactive cesium in the blood of the patients decreases three times. This indicates the protective property of red wines against radiation damage.

Red wines have a number of other beneficial properties. They have been used for thousands of years in folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal diseases; on their basis, official medicine recommends preparing formulations for the treatment of catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract. Wines such as Cahors, Black Doctor, red ports, all varietal and blended, ordinary and vintage red table wines are used in small doses for a number of diseases, in the absence of appetite, as well as for weakened patients in the postoperative period and during the recovery period. For influenza, pneumonia and bronchopneumonia, hot red wine with sugar, the so-called mulled wine, is used.

Professor M.A. Gerasimov, who lived to be almost 84 years old, suffered from tuberculosis at the age of 27 and was sent to the North Caucasus for treatment. According to his testimony, following the recommendations of doctors, in addition to the treatment prescribed to him, he drank one glass of dry red cabernet wine every day and soon got rid of this difficult illness.

The experience of Soviet medicine during the Great Patriotic War showed repeated examples of successful treatment of wounded soldiers and civilians with the help of wine. Thus, during the heroic defense of Sevastopol, on the initiative of the director of the Massandra wine factory, N.K. Sobolev made anti-scorbutic tinctures from grape juice and dry red Cabernet wine, and a champagne-aged cuvée aged with yeast disinfected wounds and supported the strength of the defenders of the hero city. Professor Koreisha noted that for the wounded with high fever, moderate consumption of light white table wines, which refresh and quench thirst, was very useful; in case of inevitable vomiting, he recommended chilled champagne.

The medicinal properties of grape wines were pointed out at different times by great specialists in domestic medicine: academician N.P. Kravtsov, professor N.M. Nikolaev, professor E.V. Vershinin, famous Moscow general practitioner N.F. Golubev, professor G.A. Zakharyin, professor S.R. Tatevosov and many others.
Professor N.F. Golubev, when treating emaciated and weak patients, successfully used strong wines such as Port and Madeira, giving them to patients several spoons a day. He believed that champagne was the most effective for raising strength and weakened heart activity. Some people do not tolerate the high carbon dioxide content in champagne. In this case, it is recommended to consume pearl wines with a reduced carbon dioxide content at a bottle pressure of 50 to 250 kPa. Light white table wines, in his opinion, have a tonic effect on the nervous system and heart and can be prescribed to patients up to 0.5 liters per day.

Outstanding Soviet clinician Professor G.A. Zakharin widely used grape wine along with other cardiovascular remedies to support weakened cardiac activity. Medical experience has also shown that natural grape wines have a particularly beneficial effect on older people, normalizing sleep. Unlike chemical hypnotics, a quarter or half a glass of dry wine with Borjomi will induce normal physiological sleep. However, wine, even in such small doses, can only be used on the advice of a doctor.

Wine therapy, or enotherapy, allows in some cases to completely eliminate the use of potent drugs that will cause adverse reactions in the patient. There are cases where medications are useless, but drugs using wine as a biological component provide invaluable help to patients.

In the USA, at the San Francisco Medical School (California) in the Department of Preventive Medicine, research has been conducted on the use of grape wines for medicinal purposes for 30 years. Dr. Salvator Lucchia found that, contrary to popular belief, moderate doses of natural grape wines can be used for certain urological and gastroenterological diseases. Of course, wine is categorically unacceptable for nephritis, stomach ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver and other diseases, as well as during pregnancy. However, wine is successfully used in the treatment of mucous colitis, spastic constipation and diarrhea. It helps restore the deteriorated function of fat absorption and enhances diuresis. Dry white wine can be included in the diet of diabetics: with a normal diet, wine can serve as a partial source of energy that does not require the participation of insulin.

We have proposed a technology for producing low-calorie semi-sweet wines, where sugars are replaced by a protein sweet substance - aspartame, which is not fermented by yeast. This wine can be recommended for people who suffer from diabetes and obesity.

I. Nemec and A. Pribela (Czech Republic) also found that wine has a positive effect on digestion and metabolism, activates blood circulation and promotes better removal of fluid from the body. A particularly good effect is achieved by drinking a glass of wine before or during meals in elderly people who are prone to insufficient secretion of gastric juice, since after 45 years the acid concentration in it gradually decreases. Improving blood circulation means that wine in small quantities affects blood pressure. At the same time, due to a decrease in resistance in the external vessels, systolic pressure decreases slightly, and diastolic pressure increases. Clinical studies by the authors have also shown that wine has a beneficial effect on the body in cases of atherosclerosis, vascular changes, insomnia, emotional decline and other types of depression and neuroses, which are often observed in older people.

Dauverschein and Joyeux (France), studying the effect of wine on people of different ages, have established its positive euphoric properties, which especially contribute to the treatment of elderly patients. Pleasant peace caused by not big amount wine, dispels fears, anxiety of old age, improves sleep, patients complain less about age. According to Joyeux, wine is a supplier of specific amino acids that stimulate appetite and ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system. As Louis Pasteur wrote, “wine is milk for old people.” It has long been known that upon contact with white or red grape wine for several minutes (and in wine diluted 50% with water - for 30-60 minutes), typhoid and tuberculosis bacilli, cholera vibrios, coliform bacteria and other pathogens die. . Therefore, it is very advisable to add wine to drinking water in the event of a massive spread of gastrointestinal diseases. When a cholera epidemic occurred, medical personnel used drinking water with the obligatory addition of wine.

The soldiers of Alexander the Great, during campaigns using water of unknown origin, disinfected it by adding wine.
In our studies (G.G. Valuiko, G.N. Arpentin) conducted with animals, it was found that when grape wines are introduced into the diet, there is a significant decrease in alcohol syndrome in comparison with pure ethyl alcohol, which indicates the anti-alcoholic effect of grape wines .

Natural grape wines contain biologically active substances that mitigate the negative effects of ethanol on the body. The anti-stress effect of grape wines has also been established. At this time, stress has become a misfortune. You can relieve or limit stress with humor, sex or grape wines. If animals are subjected to artificial stress through a sound effect with a force of 90 dB, then they develop a stressful state. For example, this sound effect can be said to be achieved by the turbines of a jet aircraft or the musical equipment used by the Rolling Stones ensemble. The second type of stress in animals was obtained by alternately drowning and floating. In both types of stress, the animal was given alcohol and red grape wine in its diet. If alcohol was introduced, the effect of stress was slightly mitigated, and with the introduction of red table wine, the stress in the animals was significantly weakened.
The Magarach Institute, together with doctors, has developed a test to determine a person’s tendency to alcoholism. If this test is positive, a person is contraindicated from working at wineries.

The test consists of detecting a number of enzymes in a drop of a person’s blood and, based on their presence or absence, determining the person’s tendency to alcoholism. It can be genetic, congenital or acquired. Children of chronic alcoholics tend to develop alcoholism.

Thus, everything that has been said about the dietary and medicinal properties of grape wines indicates that their consumption in moderate quantities is beneficial for the human body. Wine, like any medicinal substance, in large doses causes damage to health, and in moderate doses it contributes to the healing effect.

Wine treatment has been used since ancient times, and recipes for its use are constantly being improved. Treatment of blood vessels with wine is most often used, since this drink capable of strengthening the vascular wall.

Interesting fact: The most popular pharmacological drug for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs is made from grapes. Treatment with dry wine allows you to have a beneficial effect on the human body, primarily due to the removal of toxins and free radicals.

Using enotherapy correctly, you can restore youth and extend the period of physical activity. Red wine treatment methods are used for various diseases blood, since this drink stimulates the production of red blood cells. And treatment with white wine is indicated for pathologies of the renal and urinary systems, metabolic disorders, gout and arthritis.

The benefits and harms of grape wine for the health of men and women

Bunch of grapes- a priceless treasure, a gift from the gods themselves. Not a single vegetable or fruit growing in our gardens has ever received such wonderful epithets as this miracle of nature. Grand celebrations were held in her honor; her beauty inspired poets and artists. The great glory of the grape is rightfully shared by the grape wine that was born by it and absorbed all the life-giving power of its sunny berries. The benefits of wine made from grapes have not yet been fully studied.

Wine- one of the oldest drinks on Earth. The first such drink became known to people, apparently, by accident and a very long time ago, when fermented fruits suddenly produced juice with unusual properties. After this, some especially sweet fruits began to be specially collected in closed vessels, in which, in the absence of oxygen, the same fermentation processes occurred, resulting in a drink with tonic and relaxing properties at the same time. Since then, the benefits of wine have been constantly studied by interested scientists.

The birthplace of wine is rightfully considered to be sunny Ancient Greece, where this drink was not just something that was served at dinner or on holidays, it was deeply rooted in culture and mythology. The ancient Greeks were well aware of the benefits and harms of wine, so they used the drink very carefully.

The ancient Greeks believed that wine was the blood of the god of nature, inspiration and winemaking, Dionysus. In Roman mythology, the prototype of Dionysus is the equally famous Bacchus. The benefits and harms of wine for human health, discovered by the Greeks, allowed them to win numerous victories in battles.

Greek wines still hold many mysteries for scientists, for example, about their composition. It is known for certain that Greek winemakers used honey and various herbs in their production, including such an intoxicating plant as belladonna. They took into account the health benefits of wine, so the drinks were enriched with healing properties as much as possible.

Simultaneously with the creation of wine, its first persecutors appeared. The dispute between champions of wine and its detractors has continued for thousands of years, but only now the benefits of wine for women have been convincingly proven, that its moderate consumption has a positive effect on the body. Now the benefits of wine for men are no secret. It is known that long-livers are most often residents of those countries where winemaking is developed. And this is not only because the air there is excellent. One of the reasons is the correct and intelligent use and use of grapes and their products. Including wine. The benefits and harms of wine for men are discussed in detail in this article, which contains numerous scientific facts. The benefits and harms of wine for women are examined in a similar way, taking into account the reproductive function of their body.

The benefits and harms of grape wine for the body in enotherapy

Enotherapy (wine treatment) played a huge role in the medicine of Ancient Greece and Rome. In many recipes aimed at improving health, enotherapy is an integral component of treatment. Thus, wine with the addition of roots of various plants was used for medicinal purposes, often as a kind of mulled wine, for heating which a device very similar to a samovar was used.

Studying the benefits grape wine enotherapy (from the Greek “oinos” - wine), or wine therapy, is engaged in - a completely serious science, the brainchild of the ancient science of oenology.

Despite the fact that ancient Aesculapians wrote about the benefits of wine for the body, including Hippocrates, who described the healing effect of red wine in his manuscripts, enotherapy began to develop as a therapeutic area relatively recently. The healing properties of grapes were discovered only in the 19th century, when they noticed that residents of French, Italian, and Swiss cities came to rural winegrowers to improve their health. It must be taken into account that grape wine is both beneficial and harmful for a person, depending on his attitude towards the drink. For some it is a strong poison, but for others it is medicine. Patients with alcoholism should refrain from enotherapy in any form.

The impetus for the development of enotherapy was also the study by doctors of the so-called “French paradox”: although the French diet is not healthy (cheese, butter, eggs, meat and other fatty foods high in cholesterol), and sports and other physical exercises are unacceptable for them, however, they are less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than their continental neighbors, not to mention Americans. It turned out that good wine saves the French. But the French did not become pioneers in this matter. The Roman patricians, famous for their love of wine, died mainly from viruses and infections, and not from cirrhosis of the liver or heart failure, as one might think. On the contrary, the entire Roman nobility drank wine, and quite successfully!

Medicine for enotherapy in the treatment of blood vessels with wine

Wine therapy- this is not only about drinking wine internally. In addition to wine, they are used as a medicine in enotherapy. fresh grapes, oil, grape pomace and extracts.

Since ancient times, grapes have been used to treat diseases of the heart, bronchi, kidneys, liver, vascular system, exhaustion of the nervous system, hypertension and at the same time hypotension, gout, anemia, metabolic disorders, gastritis with increased secretion, cough, sore throat, atonic constipation, insomnia , uterine bleeding, etc. Wine is used in the treatment of blood vessels different varieties this drink containing beneficial substances.

Healing and beneficial properties of white wine

Wine is one of the most common drinks, the medicinal properties of which are very multifaceted. The beneficial properties of wine are very diverse and depend on the grape variety from which the drink is made. Wine contains many chemical elements, among which are phytocompounds - biologically active natural substances found in plant products. In plants they perform protective functions, impart color, aroma, and taste.

One of these biologically active compounds that provide the healing properties of wine are polyphenols, which are part of grape wine, capable of binding free radicals that accumulate in the human body under the influence of sunlight, cigarette smoke, stress, air pollution and lead to disruption of the integrity of cell membranes , including skin cells. It is these radicals that are the main cause of aging of the body, the occurrence of malignant tumors and cardiovascular diseases.

Polyphenols contained in the skin and seeds of grapes and dissolved in wine during its production provide the healing properties of wine:

  • reduce the number of free radicals,
  • block the aggressive influence of the external environment on the body,
  • have anti-stress and antioxidant properties,
  • relieve inflammation and resist infections,
  • strengthens blood vessels,
  • improve blood circulation,
  • regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels,
  • reduce the risk of developing heart disease, strokes,
  • prevent the formation of blood clots,
  • inhibit the development of cancer and Alzheimer's disease,
  • partially suppress polio and herpes viruses,
  • stop the process of destruction of skin structures (slow down the appearance of wrinkles), thereby promoting rejuvenation of the skin and the body as a whole.

The beneficial properties of white wine are due to the fact that it contains all 20 amino acids, without which it is difficult for cells to grow and develop, as well as organic compounds necessary for the formation of normal metabolism. It contains a large amount of tannins and fruit sugars, as well as a whole range of organic acids, such as lactic acid, which has a unique moisturizing effect.

A complex of vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, PP, pantothenic acid and biotin strengthen the body, improve metabolic processes and skin condition. Most vitamins are contained in grape wines in small quantities, but their effect is significant due to their abundance.

There is no vitamin C in wine - it is destroyed during production, but there is a lot of vitamin P, which helps the body absorb and accumulate ascorbic acid from other products.

The wine drink can also be used as a bioenergetics product to activate the body’s protective properties. This is facilitated not only by the alcohol and sugar contained in wine, but also by various microelements. To date, 24 trace elements have been found in wine, including magnesium (an essential element for the heart), iron (anemia killer), chromium (helps the liver synthesize fatty acid, including cholesterol), zinc (prevents hardening of arteries, is involved in maintaining acid balance and regeneration processes), rubidium (present in red wines, helps remove radioactive cesium from the body) and others.

All wines contain glycerin, which is part of the fat. Wine pectins help the body get rid of foreign compounds, in particular radioactive strontium. And tannins in red wine act as radioprotectors.

Among the volatile substances that form the bouquet of wine are esters, aldehydes and acetalin. They smell nice, lower blood pressure, and tone the nervous system.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of dry red wine

The medicinal properties of red wine lie in the fact that it has a bactericidal effect, which allows you to kill various pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it can very effectively help with cholera and typhus. It is known for sure that during epidemics of intestinal diseases, wine was added to the water for disinfection.

The beneficial properties of dry red wine are that it acts on tuberculosis bacilli and destroys various viruses, for example, polio and herpes.

Thanks to alcohol and salts, wine promotes better secretion of gastric juice and, accordingly, the digestion of food. Possessing buffering properties, wine maintains the pH of gastric juice at a normal level. The acidity of wine (2.5-3.5) is almost the same as that of gastric juice, which is why wine promotes digestion (table wines, aperitifs), especially the digestion of proteins.

Some substances that make up wine stimulate the secretion of the gallbladder and the secretion of bile. Thanks to this mechanism, wine can provide serious assistance in the digestion of fats.

Tartaric acid stimulates the digestive glands and increases appetite, malic acid (in grapes) plays an important role in metabolism and biological oxidation. Red wines contain lactic acid, also an element of metabolism. By affecting the intestines, wine has a slight laxative effect (typical of white wines, as opposed to red, rich in tannins). With its choleretic properties, dry red wine promotes the secretion of bile. It has a mild diuretic effect on the kidneys (due to potassium salts).

By stimulating the respiratory center, wine (especially sparkling wine) promotes ventilation of the lungs. Influencing cardiovascular system, dilates blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, reduces the risk of developing angina and heart attack, and has antioxidant properties.

Thus, a favorable combination of various substances makes wine a strong bioenergetic drink that increases human vital activity, tonic and general strengthening.

In wine therapy, “live” wines are most effective. Drinks containing preservatives may cause allergic reactions and headaches. Only the doctor individually selects the dosage and time of taking a certain type of wine for each patient.

Of course, for treatment you should use not cheap wines, but vintage ones (red and white). You can determine a good wine first of all by its label. The more detailed and accurate the information on the label, the better the product. There is an opinion that the rigor of label design is a sign of good wine. Experts advise not to take a bottle if its label uses more than three colors. A good guarantee of wine quality is the presence of medals on the label. But it is worth remembering that the medal evaluates the outstanding merits of the wine only of the year in which it was awarded.

The healing beneficial properties of dry wine largely depend on its temperature. The warmer the wine, the faster it is absorbed into the blood and intoxicates, but the less its healing properties. For example, to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the temperature of dry red wine should be 16-18°C, and white table wine should be cooled to 10-12°C.

Wine can sometimes be used to replace potent drugs that cause adverse reactions in the patient. For example, due to the beneficial properties of red wine, appetite improves, metabolism and digestion are normalized.

In addition, there are the following positive effects:

  • wine gives pleasant peace, dispels fears and worries, that is, it is used as an effective anti-stress agent and a mild natural antidepressant;
  • wine - old people's milk (half a glass of grape wine normalizes sleep);
  • You can drink any wine if you have vitamin deficiency;
  • people who drink wine get less flu;
  • in case of influenza, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, they are treated with mulled wine - hot red wine with sugar or honey and spices (take a glass of mulled wine at night);
  • exhausted and weak patients are given several spoons of port or Madeira per day;
  • light red wines are good for maintaining weakened cardiac activity; they are also prescribed for atherosclerosis, with mineral water(up to 0.5 l per day);
  • for indigestion, red wines with a large amount of tannins and anthocyanin pigment (saperavi, cabernet) are useful. They are also recommended for anemia;
  • in case of exacerbation of tuberculosis, red wine is destructive for the bacilli and stimulates the appetite.

To eliminate loss of strength and depression, high-calorie dessert and muscat wines and champagne are best suited.

White wines help prevent arthritis. White table wines, which have diuretic properties, help with pyelonephritis and cystitis.

Red wine is healthier than white wine. This is explained by the fact that the technology for making white wine involves removing the grape skins after squeezing the grape juice. Red wines are fermented from whole berries, therefore the content of polyphenols in them is much higher.

Scientists have calculated that the antioxidant effect of red wine is 20 times higher than that of vitamin E.

As modern science confirms, daily consumption of 100-200 ml of red grape wine with meals halves the likelihood of blockage of blood vessels and, accordingly, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and also increases life expectancy.

The properties of red wine are such that these drinks remove radionuclides and toxins and increase immunity. Red table wines are also prescribed for iron deficiency anemia. Red wine and grapes are credited with the ability to restore skin elasticity.

Red wine is also useful for anemia, loss of strength and exhaustion of the body. In addition, a glass of dry red wine is necessary for those whose work exposes them to radiation. Submariners of the nuclear military fleet, for example, to this day adhere to the ancient naval tradition - the “admiral's cup”. Only they drink not rum or vodka, but Cabernet wine. Scientists have found that this wine removes radionuclides from the body and prevents the development of radiation sickness.

Mostly aged wines have an antimicrobial effect. The older the wine, the stronger the healing effect. The church drink Cahors neutralizes many pathogenic microbes, including E. coli and Vibrio cholerae.

To treat many diseases, the grape diet is widely used, as well as such a seemingly exotic method of treatment as grape harvesting. It turns out that by picking heavy, ripe bunches of grapes, a person can quickly get rid of stress and improve the tone of the whole body.

Louis Pasteur also said that wine is one of the most hygienic and healing drinks. Chemical composition and physiological properties grape wines suitable for their use for medical purposes - vinotherapy. The science of healing wine and the use of grape wines for medicinal purposes is called enoterapia.

To ancient people the healing properties of wines were have been known for a long time. Thus, in Ancient Greece, wine was used as an antiseptic. The wounded were given wine, and bandages soaked in wine were applied to the wounds. In Asia and Western Europe, healing with wine began to spread in early medieval period . And the priests of the pharaohs then considered wine “the drink of the gods” and began to attribute magical properties to it.

By its nature of origin, chemical composition and dietary properties, wine is amazingly suited to human physiology. Wine has a general positive bioenergetic and strengthening effect on the human body, helps restore vitality when it declines (for example, in the elderly), increases tone and vigor.

No wonder they say that wine is the milk of old men. Wine also enriches the body useful microelements, vitamins and amino acids, prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis. The substance trioxystilbene contained in natural wine helps slow down cell aging and prevents the occurrence of cancer.

The wine has pronounced antibacterial properties. It has been noted that during epidemics, the number of cases in wine-growing regions and among people who regularly drink wine is somewhat lower. Research has shown that wine suppresses the bacteria of tuberculosis, cholera, malaria, etc. Moreover, wine twice diluted with water produces almost the same effect, which is what I constantly consumed. Avicenna when treating patients, especially wine half diluted gulob or sikanjubin.

Therefore, during epidemics, especially in regions susceptible to them, doctors recommend drinking table wine half diluted with water instead of drinking water. In addition, dry white table wine perfectly quenches thirst.

Natural wine is also useful for colds and chronic diseases, such as flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. For such diseases, you should drink mulled wine - hot red table wine with spices and sugar, for example, such as Cabernet or Merlot.

For disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, red wines with a high content of tannins, for example Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet, are useful. Such wines, due to the presence of tannins, have a strengthening and healing effect on the stomach, especially with scars and stomach ulcers.

Wine also helps with obesity and metabolic disorders. They remove waste and toxins from the human body and normalize metabolism. A particularly valuable property of wines is their ability to lower cholesterol levels, which has been confirmed by numerous experiments, for example on rabbits. It has been established that in the same area, people who regularly drink wine have a lower cholesterol level.

Wine also helps against radiation. Thus, in the former Soviet Union, people working in the nuclear and similar industries and in conditions associated with increased radioactive danger were regularly prescribed the use of Cahors (for example, submariners on nuclear-powered ships).

For diabetes mellitus, dry grape wines with low sugar and glucose content (less than 4 grams per 1 liter) are suitable.Light white and especially champagne wines help maintain weakened cardiac activity. Thus, white semi-dry wines have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the risk of blood clots and myocardial infarction. And champagne also improves lung ventilation, stimulating the respiratory centers.

Red table wines help with anemia. Red and white semi-dry wines remove excess salts from the human body, so they are recommended to prevent salt deposition in joints.

Wine also helps with vitamin deficiency, and with exhaustion, a few sips of port will do. Port wine and vermouth help with loss and lack of appetite, promoting better secretion of gastric juice. To stimulate appetite, 30 minutes before meals, take 50 grams of vermouth or port wine up to 100-150 grams. But you should not drink vermouth in large quantities.

Wines rich in minerals help with fractures and diseases of the bone system.

But, like any useful substance, wine also large quantities may cause harm. Mixing wine with other alcohol-containing drinks, such as beer, vodka and the like, has a particularly harmful negative effect on the human body. In order for wine to be beneficial, you should know in what quantities to consume it. The exact figures for the amount used vary depending on the characteristics of a particular person - gender, age, height, nature, weight, etc.

Modern scientists believe that the norm for wine consumption is one to three glasses drunk with meals. For an adult healthy man, the norm for drinking wine per day is 300-350 ml, for a woman - up to 150 ml.

But those who care about their health should know that only absolutely natural, high-quality wine has healing properties. Medicinal properties do not appear in adulterated wines.

Avicenna says:

Rules for drinking wine
About old drinks and
about their usefulness

“I,” says Avicenna, “by the word drink I mean wine.” Although this seems simple, it is actually difficult, so we mention it separately. The amount of wine consumed by a person should vary depending on the age of the drinker, the time of year, habit, nature and strength of the wine.

Drinking wine should not be to quench thirst or hunger; it also should not be drunk with meals, as is usually accepted by many and most people do this, that is, they drink wine with meals.

Food should be taken a little earlier, then wait about two hours, then you should drink, because drinking wine immediately after eating or eating after drinking wine is the most harmful thing. This gives rise to bad diseases, the easiest of which is jarab ( skin rashes, eczema).

As for intoxication, it is harmful under all circumstances, especially if it occurs constantly, for it has a dissolving effect on the nerves; therefore, if it happens constantly, it weakens the nerves and relaxes them.

Intoxication is also the cause of acute illnesses and even the cause of sudden of death. It is best if a person drinks wine in moderation.

After the wine need a drink cold water or pomegranate juice, this is when a young man drinks; water and pomegranate juice suppress the power of wine and destroy its harmfulness, especially in summer time. As for old people, they should not drink, because it harms their nerves and feelings, except in cases where the wine tastes good.

Anyone who has wine should beware of internal organs sick and weak. It is better for a person with a healthy body to drink it in small quantities diluted with water or gulob.

Young wine helps with difficult digestion, drives away urine, but causes bad dreams. The average between young and old wine occupies a middle position between those two. Therefore, you need to choose a wine to drink when you are healthy or sick.

As for white liquid wine, oko is easily digested, quickly penetrates the body and is good for the stomach. Black wine is thick and difficult to digest; In general, the average between these species is average in its properties.

Sweet wine is more difficult to digest. In addition, white wine comes in different natures: sweet wine swells the stomach and locks the stomach and intestines like a matbukh(Israeli hot sauce).

Fragrant wine digests food, helps the bladder and kidneys, drives urine and menstruation, soothes, binds the stomach and removes moisture. Weak wine is less harmful to the nerves, drives urine and moderately softens the stomach.

As for wine, to which gypsum is added, it harms the nerves and bladder, causes headaches and other damage. It has a bad effect on people suffering from hemoptysis. As for wine, which contains zift (ozokerite) and pine resin, it warms and digests food, but is not suitable for those suffering from hemoptysis.

Wine containing ear- moss immediately has a strong calming effect; If you soak earwax in wine, it will cause intoxication.

As for the wine with which it is mixed maybih- condensed quince juice, then it is less harmful.

Any wine, when it is pure, not mixed with anything and somewhat astringent, warms, quickly penetrates the body, strengthens the stomach, increases appetite, increases juices, strengthens the body and improves complexion. If you drink it in sufficient quantities, it helps to drink furbiyun.

It also helps against drinking cold deadly substances, such as spotted hemlock, opium, poisonous mushrooms, etc.

Balanced wine helps against the bite of insects that kill with their cold poison; it also helps with burning under the ribs, with relaxation and weakness of the stomach, with moisture flowing into the intestines and stomach. It is also useful for those who sweat slowly, especially if it is old and fragrant.

Old sweet wine is good for bladder and kidney diseases; it also helps against abscesses and tumors if you dip a piece of unwashed wool in it and apply it to them.

Wine made from wild black grapes with astringent properties is useful for those into whose stomachs and intestines excess flows and who are susceptible to other diseases in which there is a need for binding, accumulation and tearing of fluid matter.

Honey wine with honey water helps against chronic fever, softens the stomach, drives urine, is also good for the stomach and for those who suffer from pain in the joints and kidneys, as well as for those who have a weak head. It also helps against dropsy that occurs in women. It nourishes, stimulates the appetite and is very useful for the elderly and adolescents.

Description of honey wine. Take astringent grape juice in the amount of five volumes (one volume is 1530 g), add to it one jug of honey - 3 kg and salt in the amount of one kiaf (horst). All this is poured into a spacious vessel, in which there would be room for excitement and fermentation. Salt is added little by little, when fermentation stops, the wine is poured into hababits (special three-liter jugs for wine) or into clay jugs of this kind and stored in a dry and dark place.

Another recipe for honey wine. The best of honey wines is that which is prepared from old, strong and astringent wine and good honey; it swells less than other types and descends from the stomach faster. As it ages, it becomes more nutritious; when it is of this kind, it softens the nature and drives away urine. It is harmful to drink it immediately after meals, as well as on an empty stomach. When drunk, it first dulls the appetite and later stimulates it.

Description. Take two jarras of wine (1 jarre is a three-liter jug) and mix with one jarre of honey. Some people boil wine with honey to make it ripen faster, then remove it. Others boil six cysts (one cyst 850 g) of grape juice, mix a cyst of honey with it, then leave it to cool; it's sweet.
Karamyn water, that is honey water. Its strength is equal to that of honey. Honey water can easily replace honey wine for medicinal purposes. If it is not boiled, then it is used to treat someone in whom they want to cause a weakening of the stomach and vomiting. With the help of water with rose oil, one who has drunk any deadly substance is healed, since it causes vomiting.

As for boiled honey water, it is given to drink against the dissolution of strength - immunodeficiency, body weakness - after illness, cough and lung tumors.

Some people call honey water, boiled and set aside for a long time, idrumali, that is, honey wine. When she is middle-aged, neither old nor young, then her strength for strengthening the body is equal to the strength of weak wine. It also helps against tumors and those who have stomach pain; for those suffering from dissolution of forces, it brings obvious benefits.

Ingredients: Take honey - one part and old rainwater - two parts; they are mixed and exposed to the sun for forty days. Some people take spring water, mix it with honey and boil it down to two-thirds of the volume, then skim it off. Others prepare it from comb honey and water and remove it. Mix well with water.

Wine with Zift. It warms, promotes digestion, cleanses and helps relieve pain that occurs in the chest, abdomen, liver, spleen and uterus in the absence of fever. It also helps against chronic weakness and diarrhea, against ulcers that occur in the insides, against coughs, against slow digestion, against bloating and asthma.

Preparation: They take fresh zift and freshly squeezed grape juice - sulafat al-asir. In this case, the zift must first be washed with sea or salt water several times until the water poured from the vessel becomes clear. After this, fresh water is poured onto the zift. For every eight kavasus (one kawasus one and a half ukiyya) of grape juice, add two ukiyya zifta. When the wine has matured and fermentation has stopped, pour it into another vessel for storage.

Wine with common Dubrovnik: It has warming and dissolving properties, helps against spasms, jaundice, bloating in the uterus, slow digestion and dropsy. The more you endure it, the better it becomes.

Wine with thyme: Helps with indigestion, lack of appetite, it is also useful for nerves when their movement is upset, helps with pain that occurs under the ribs, from "goose bumps" which happens in winter. It also benefits from insect poisons, which cause the body to cool and stiffen.
Preparation: The thyme is crushed and sifted, one hundred mithqals are taken, tied in a rag and thrown into one jarrah (12240 g) of grape juice.

Spiced wine: Helps against pain in the chest, sides and lungs, from haer, i.e. chest tightness, from chills and from menstruation disorders. It is useful for those who travel in snow and cold, and also who suffer from thick chyme. It refreshes the complexion, induces sleep, soothes pain, and eliminates pain in the bladder and kidneys.
Preparation: They take fragrant reed - six mithqals, Ceylon cinnamon- eight mithqals, hoofed wood - four mithqals, according to another recipe: sumbula - six mithqals, aloe tree - seven mithqals. All this is crushed, tied in a linen rag and thrown into a mikyal of grape juice. When the smell medicines turns into juice and fermentation stops, then the syrup is filtered into another vessel.

Wine with elecampane: Good for the chest and lungs, drives urine away.
Preparation: Take the dry root of the tall elecampane - fifty mithqals, tie it in a rag and throw it into six mikyals (one kail 892 g) of grape juice. Strain after three months and consume.

Wine with hoof: It drives urine and is very helpful for dropsy, jaundice, liver disease, pain in the hip, lungs and stomach.
Preparation: They take two bowls of hoofed meat and throw it into twelve kutuli (one kutuli 208.25 g) of grape juice, then do with it as they did in the first case.

Wine with wild Asian sumbul: Helps against liver diseases, difficulty urinating, stomach diseases and bloating.
Preparation: Take fresh sumbul root, grind it and sift it. From it, eight mithqals are thrown into one kuz (1530 g) of grape juice and left for two months. Then it is filtered, put into a vessel and consumed.

Wine with wild carrots– duku: It helps with pain in the chest, sides and uterus, expels menstruation and urine, eases belching, cures cough and constriction of the intestines.
Preparation: Take sixty mithqals of the root - we have seeds wild carrots, roughly chopped, thrown into one jarrah of grape juice and left for the same amount of time as the previous wine was left. Then they taste it, pour it into another vessel and consume it.

Wine with opopanax: Helps with hernia and rupture of the intestines, with muscle bruises and difficulty breathing, drives urine, dissolves thick chyme of the spleen; also helps with pain in the intestines, joint pain and indigestion; stimulates menstruation, brings out the fetus, helps against dropsy - haban and from the bite of bad animals.
Preparation: Take ten mithqals of opopanax root - We have white chayir root - a type of sunbul, and throw grape juice into the mikyal; left to stand like wine with wild sumbul. Then they taste it, put it in another vessel and consume it.

Wine with celery: It stimulates the appetite, helps the stomach and those suffering from difficulty urinating; it dissolves all excesses of the body.
Preparation: They take seventy mithqals of freshly extracted and then crushed and sifted celery seeds, tie them in a linen rag, throw them into one culla of grape juice and leave them to stand like the previous wine. Then they put it into a vessel and consume it.

Wine with wolf bast: It benefits those who have dropsy and liver pain. It also helps those women who vomit during labor.
Preparation: They take this plant when it appears, andthe branches are cut off along with the leaves, dried, crushed - twelve miskals, thrown into a mikyal of grape juice and left to stand for two months. Then it is filtered, put into a vessel and consumed.

Wine with bindweed: It heals a sore stomach in a secondary way, removes bile as well as mucus.
Preparation: Take fifteen mithqals of the root of the arrow-leaved bindweed, - we collect milky juice plucked out in the days of the wheat harvest and later before winter, rubbed, tied in a linen rag and thrown into ninety bowls - casa grape juice. All this is left to stand until the eighth day, then it is removed and consumed. It replaces scammonium, even works better than him.

Another article, now about wine - the most ancient, popular and, perhaps, the most harmless of all alcoholic drinks.

It's time to harvest grapes - amazing sunny berries, process them, separate the juice, put it in barrels for fermentation. For many southern peoples, this work results in a real festive ritual; both the taste of the future wine and its beneficial and even healing properties depend on it.

The history of wine goes back to ancient times, it is more than 9000 years old; the oldest rice wine was found in China. With the development of viticulture everywhere from the Middle East to Spain, winemaking with its own national characteristics and traditions.

Note that even the Bible and the church not only do not prohibit wine, calling it a divine drink, but also widely use, for example, Cahors on the occasion of church rituals and special dates. It is true that they say that such references are of a modern nature, that the Bible was also rewritten more than once. But let’s not go into such fine details; it’s better to talk about the benefits of wine.

Types of wine

Wines are divided into fruit and berry(made from fruits and berries) and grape.

On canteens, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, dessert, liqueur depending on the sugar content in it.

On white, red, pink depending on the grape variety.

By shelf life (aging): young, unaged, aged, vintage, collectible.

The name of the wine is determined by the grape variety: Isabella, Chardonnay, Cabernet. Most often, wines are obtained by mixing different varieties wine material (wine blend) hence their lyrical names: Kakheti, Burgundy, Tokay, Khvanchkara, Black Doctor and so on.

Calorie content wine depends on the sugar content, in dry white it is the lowest 64-75 kcal per 100 grams, in semi-sweet red it is correspondingly higher, in liqueurs it is the highest. So the calorie content of fortified sweet wine is from 150 to 250 kcal per 100 grams, in each case it is different.

What are the benefits of natural grape wine?

Grape wine in its properties is close to grape juice and grapes, the only difference is that as a result of fermentation of grape juice, ethanol, glycerin, lactic, succinic, pantothenic and folic acids, and during aging aldehydes, acetalin and esters.

In recent years, there has been a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of wine. After all, even the ancient Romans and Greeks noticed the healing properties of wine in the fight against sticks and viruses during terrible epidemics. The ancients did not sit down to a meal without a solar drink, although they always diluted it with water, apparently they saw a special meaning in this.

Wine treatment

Enotherapy- a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of wine. There were entire sanatoriums in the USSR that aimed to treat people with wine. Pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis, liver diseases, including hepatitis, as well as men’s health problems - all this had a healing effect and improved the condition. And in general, wine, as a healing and rejuvenating effect, due to the large number of antioxidants in wine, was recommended for consumption in moderation.

But further careful study of the properties of wine and new discoveries cast doubt on the fact of health benefits from wine and these sanatoriums were closed. The anti-drunkenness campaign played a significant role in this, when huge vineyard plantations were cut down. And today our manufacturers buy wine powder in third countries, dilute it with water, stick beautiful labels on bottles, package it and call it wine :) Of course, it’s not even worth talking about the benefits of such a drink. We are talking about natural grape wine.

Wine composition

The wine is rich in:

  • Microelements: potassium, magnesium, manganese, iodine, cobalt, titanium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, rubidium strengthens the nervous system, there is a lot of it in Cabernet).
  • : C, groups B (B1, B2, B12), P and PP;
  • acids, essential oils, esters and aldehydes;
  • Fructose;
  • Antioxidants.

Useful properties of wine

  • First of all thanks resveratrol- a natural antioxidant contained in red wine (on average 0.2-5.0 mg/l, less in white), wine prevents DNA mutation in the body, eliminates the effects of free radicals, resists the development of cancer and the spread of metastases.
  • Wine, most likely its fructose, reduces the risk of kidney stones by dissolving oxalates.
  • Wine contains radioactive substances that have an energetic effect on the body and are close to
  • Some types of wine are excellent at removing radionuclides. (Cabernet is given to submariners)
  • Historically, the bactericidal property of wine is known to kill bacteria and all kinds of infectious bacilli. Wine, added to a third of the water, disinfects it. This property was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans in the fight against cholera and smallpox.
  • Wine contains substances that stimulate mineral metabolism in the body (which is not found in grapes).
  • Wine lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Dry red wine, consumed in moderation, lowers blood pressure.
  • Wine prevents the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Red wine is recommended for elderly people to drink when they have anemia, loss of strength and exhaustion of the body. Drinking before lunch, it improves appetite and normalizes digestion.
  • There is scientific evidence from American scientists that wine in moderation is the only representative of all alcohol, including beer, and beer is good for the liver and is a prevention of steatohepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

Harmful properties of wine

  • Wine contains the harmful substance ethanol.
  • A daily intake of wine from 50 to 100 grams is considered harmless.
  • Wine contains allergens, yeast, pollen, and histamines - compounds that cause hives, itchy skin, sneezing, bronchospasms and other allergy symptoms.
  • Sulfur dioxide, which is added to wine during industrial preparation to suppress the action of wine yeast, causes suffocation in asthma patients.
  • Wine is not recommended for migraines, as its tyramine and polyphenols can cause attacks of pain.
  • With the abuse of all alcohol, including wine, a toxic product - acetaldehyde accumulates in the liver, which can lead to liver diseases, including cirrhosis.
  • The tannin found in grape skins, which turns wine red, is harmful to some people. White wine has no tannin. There are people who cannot tolerate tannin and for whom drinking red wine causes headaches. For such people it is better to drink white wine or not drink it at all.
  • Wine should not be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • People suffering from brain diseases, epilepsy and a number of other diseases should not drink wine.

Wine "Isabella": to drink or not to drink?

There is an opinion that for some categories of wines made from hybrid grape varieties, such as Isabella and Noa (Isabella white), have very little health benefits and are even harmful to health.

Isabella is a grape variety bred in America, a natural hybrid. Today, these grape varieties grow on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Azerbaijan, Moldova, Dagestan and the Krasnodar Territory. It has been established that during the fermentation process in wine, in addition to ethanol, methyl alcohol is formed, which is a poison for the human body. According to some information, it tends to partially accumulate in the human body, which is worth remembering when buying wine from Isabella, especially if it is a home-made (not factory) wine.

In America and EU countries, wines from Isabella varieties are not produced.

I personally am very skeptical about these data. If there is that same insidious methanol, it is quite acceptable. We ourselves had Isabella on our property and drank wine in moderation; I have no complaints about my health. Here is what I managed to dig up from the Internet, confirming my opinion:

Scientists explain the refusal of Europeans by the high content of isabella group of diglycosides in grapes, which, during the fermentation of grape juice, combine with alcohol to form methanol. “As a result, 70-120 mg of methanol is present in a liter of such wine. But international standards have established its maximum permissible concentrations at 500 mg in red wines and 300 mg in white wines. Therefore, there should be no fear. Another thing is that in wines from European varieties have even lower methanol content - 30-40 mg.

A bright berry bouquet is a distinctive feature of all varieties of the Vitis labrusca species. But in addition to this undoubtedly attractive bouquet, these wines are characterized by a specific aroma, which winemakers call “fox” because of its similarity to the smell of wet fox fur, and the grapes of the Vitis labrusca species received the nickname fox grape (i.e. “fox grapes”).

It is this circumstance that most likely determined the expulsion of Isabella grapes from the ranks of commercially used ones, and not the increased methanol content in such wine, as many publications often write. For example, in cognac the methanol content is higher than in high-quality Isabella wine and at the same time is still significantly lower than the values ​​​​that are hazardous to health (if you don’t drink liters per evening, sorry). That's why “Methanol harm” of Isabella wines is a myth. And the harm from irrepressible consumption is an ineradicable reality, for which the grape varieties are not to blame.

We like to attach importance to such insignificant things. But still, the Isobella and Noah brands should be avoided in use, just in case. So far in Russia, “Isabella” is produced in small quantities by small factories and the wine can be bought in stores.

It's up to you to decide whether to buy Isabella wine or not, drink it or not drink it, and how much to drink....

So, where is the truth in wine? What is more benefit or harm?

Look, compare for yourself and decide whether there is more benefit or harm in wine. What does science say about this issue?

The science of the benefits and harms of wine

Enormous amounts of money have been spent on scientific research on wine, conducted by scientists from many countries around the world. Thus, scientists from the Universities of Paris and Bordeaux studied a group of men aged 40 to 65 years for 30 years. It turned out that those people who consumed wine in moderate doses maintained their health better. They suffered less from cardiovascular diseases and, in general, from the entire digestive system than those who did not drink. Revealed beneficial influence guilt on the body and protecting it in part from harmful effects fatty and high-calorie foods.

Drinking wine in large doses immediately leads to the opposite effect. It is important to note that the study results apply only to adults, and do not apply to young people, in whom drinking alcohol can negatively affect the formation of the brain. (used materials magazine No. 30 "Correspondent" dated August 2, 2013.)

However, all these experiments are not without falsification of facts, and are distorted to please the wine lobby, as well as doctors and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

And yet, the majority of sensible scientists, including ordinary consumers, believe that wine is healthy in moderation, like all products given to us by nature. A glass of good natural grape wine healthy person will not cause harm to health. A dose of 50 grams can serve as medicine.

Currently, despite the fact that the benefits of wine as a healing drink are disputed, the branch of medicine, vinotherapy, or enotherapy. The time for unconventional directions in medicine is now wider than ever.

And remember, all alcohol without measure is harmful to human health!

How to distinguish natural wine from fake

Our stores and supermarkets are sinful when they sell counterfeit alcohol, sugar, flavorings and water. So when choosing a product in a store, you should pay attention to:

  1. Availability of excise stamp.
  2. The cork must be natural, not plastic.
  3. The bottle does not differ sharply in shape, light and size, and does not have pretentiousness.
  4. The label has a printing method of production, is well printed, without glue streaks, with full information about the expiration date, place of production and manufacturer with the characteristics of the wine.
  5. You can shake the bottle, if the wine is natural, it should be thicker than water and the drops will flow down more slowly, in such specific paths.

At home, pay attention to the following things:

  1. Turn the bottle upside down and shake, if the resulting foam is thick and flows off immediately - it is a fake or a very young wine that contains additives. The foam of natural wine will be in the center in the form of small groups and will linger for several minutes.
  2. A slight sediment is acceptable, but not heavy.
  3. The smell of wine, its true bouquet. The wine should not smell of alcohol.
  4. Add a couple of drops of pure glycerin to the wine poured into clear glass. If they change color, the wine contains third-party additives or is not wine at all.
  5. Another way is to test with soda. As you know, she is able to make an impromptu “pop” even from warm water. If the wine is of high quality, the soda will be instantly neutralized by the acids it contains - tartaric, acetic and others. If there is a lot of foam, there will be a “volcano” in the glass.

Treatment with wine. Recipes

Recipe No. 1 For colds, coughs, bronchitis: heat 1 glass of dry red wine until slightly hot, add a little cinnamon at the end of a knife, 1 tsp.

Wine is prohibited, but there are four “buts”: It depends on who drinks wine, with whom, when and in moderation. Subject to these four conditions, wine is permitted to all sane people. Omar Khayyam

In wine, melancholy looks for relief, cowardice looks for courage, indecision looks for confidence, sadness looks for joy, but they find only death. Benjamin Johnson

Wine is good for human life if you drink it in moderation. Sirach

Wine communicates four qualities to everyone who drinks it. At first, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey and starts joking and flirting with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in the end he turns into a pig and, like her, wallows in the mud. Abul Faraj

They do not pour new wine into old wineskins... Matthew

Do not show yourself brave against wine, for wine has destroyed many. Sirach

The healing properties of wines have been known for a long time. Thus, in Ancient Greece, wine was used as an antiseptic. The wounded were given wine, and bandages soaked in wine were applied to the wounds. In the countries of Western Europe, healing with wine began to spread during the early Middle Ages. Wine was then considered the “drink of the gods” and they began to attribute magical properties to it.

Louis Pasteur also said that wine is one of the most hygienic and healing drinks. The chemical composition and physiological properties of grape wines are suitable for their use for medical purposes - vinotherapy. The science of treatment with wine and the use of grape wines for medicinal purposes is called enoterapy.

Wine therapy (the official name is enotherapy) as an independent direction in medicine was formed at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries in the southwestern regions of France. It was then that doctors and scientists managed for the first time to systematize the knowledge accumulated by the people over many centuries. By the way, today it is there, on the territory from Bordeaux to Montpellier, that the oldest and best enotherapeutic resorts are located. In the territory former USSR Research on the medicinal properties of wine was carried out at the Magarach Institute of Winemaking and Viticulture and at the Massandra winemaking plant (both located in Crimea), as well as at the scientific base of wineries in Anapa.

Champagne in the morning... is not only drunk by aristocrats and degenerates, as Lelik from the legendary “Diamond Hand” assured. In some cases, enotherapists actually prescribe champagne, and exclusively Brut and in the morning. In particular, so that people suffering from low blood pressure can wake up faster. Champagne relieves tachycardia, and also eliminates the unpleasant consequences of overeating - for example, heaviness in the stomach. This drink, mixed with some fruit juices (apricot, peach), treats constipation and is sometimes included in cocktails that trigger labor in women who are about to start giving birth. Champagne is also used externally - in particular, for express masks and wraps: carbon dioxide promotes the rapid penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin.

It is more effective to use grape wine for medicinal purposes in the form of enophytotherapy (a mixture medicinal plants, infused with wine). To improve the mental and physical condition of elderly people, long-term oral use of the following mixture used in Bulgarian enophytotherapy may be recommended: red grape wine - 1 l, aloe juice - 8 g, myrrh tree resin - 8 g, wormwood - 15 g, centaury - 15 g, cinchona - 1 g, saffron - 4 g, orange peel - 12 g. The mixture is left in the sun for two days, 250 ml of honey is added, and filtered. Take 2-3 tablespoons per day for several months.

Red wine and health. The benefits of red wine and its use for medicinal purposes.

Red grape wine is even considered beneficial for human health if consumed wisely and in moderation - one glass with dinner is recommended . According to experts, Dry red wine brings maximum benefits when drunk with meals.
Hippocrates also used wine as an antiseptic, diuretic and sedative, as well as a solvent for medicines.

Grape wine contains large amounts organic matter that have a beneficial effect on the human body. It contains several types of organic acids - tartaric, which stimulates the digestion process; apple and milk, which improve metabolism; 24 microelements, including potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, rubidium, fluorine, vanadium, iodine, titanium, cobalt, etc.; B vitamins and vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels; pectins and tannins that remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body. Red wine is rich in antioxidants, which prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and reduce the level of cholesterol and platelets in the blood; champagne and other sparkling wines are saturated with carbon dioxide, which stimulates blood circulation and dilates blood vessels in the brain. In addition, wine contains essential oils, esters, aldehydes and acetalin, which not only give the drink a pleasant aroma, but also have the ability to lower blood pressure and tone the nervous system. In medicine, wine is used for prevention and treatment cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infectious, pulmonary and oncological diseases. At correct use Wine can replace some potent drugs that cause side effects in patients, and sometimes it helps even where all other means are powerless.

A glass of red wine 150 g contains: proteins - 0.11 g, fats - 0 g, water - 127.7 g, alcohol - 15.9 g, glucose, fructose - 0.3 g in sweet varieties and almost absent in dry varieties.
Macroelements: potassium - 190 mg, sodium - 6 mg, calcium - 12 mg, magnesium - 18 mg
Microelements: Iron - 0.69 mg, selenium - 0.3 mcg, copper - 0.017 mg, zinc - 0.21 mg.

Useful properties of wine are determined by the content of biologically active substances in it - flavonoids, quercetin and reservatol, as well as polyphenols and tannins. Polyphenols not only stop destructive processes, but also remove free radicals from human cells, rejuvenating all organs and tissues of the body.

It is important to know: If you are looking after your health, you should know that only absolutely natural, high-quality wine has healing properties. Medicinal properties do not appear in adulterated wines. There are more beneficial substances in red wines, especially those whose basis is fully ripened grapes with thick skins. These are French Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir, Chilean wines. In terms of the content of the recently discovered “Makropoulos remedy” resveratrol, the leaders are Pinot Noir from Burgundy, red wines from Bordeaux and Italian wines from Valpolicella.
Wine is especially indicated in complex recovery after debilitating diseases, surgical interventions, chemoradiotherapy, and in long-term psycho-emotional and stressful conditions. In these cases, it is able to activate metabolic processes, improve mental activity, digestion processes, enhance energy metabolism and excretory function of the kidneys. For atherosclerosis of the brain, manifested by signs of dyscirculatory encephalopathy (memory loss, dizziness, emotional lability, decreased vision, hearing), you can use the following wine mixture: hawthorn fruits - 4 parts, periwinkle leaves - 3 parts, lemon balm herb - 2 parts, herb thyme - 1 part; Pour 2 tablespoons of the crushed mixture into 0.5 liters of white grape wine. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Take the cooled and strained extract 1/3-1/4 cup three times a day before meals for 2-3 months. During the year - 2-3 courses. In people with signs of chronic coronary artery disease

soreness and weakness of the heart muscle (periodic pain in the heart, episodic heartbeats and interruptions, shortness of breath during physical exertion), you can use the following wine drink for many months: blood-red hawthorn flowers - 4 parts, lily of the valley flowers - 3 parts, peppermint leaves - 3 parts, hop fruits - 1 part, lemon balm herb - 1 part, motherwort herb - 1 part; 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 0.5 liters of white grape wine. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Take the cooled and strained extract 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

The use of red wine for medicinal purposes.

To maintain cardiac activity, dilates blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and reduces cholesterol. Red wine contains substances that help remove cholesterol from the blood, and when consumed regularly, it literally flushes the blood vessels.
For indigestion, red wines with a large amount of tannins are useful; they remove toxins.
Red table wines are recommended for anemia - up to 2 glasses a day, with meals.
For vitamin deficiencies, it enriches the body with microelements, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9), amino acids. Influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia are treated with mulled wine - hot red wine with sugar
Exhausted and weak patients are given several tablespoons of wine a day. Wine helps restore vitality when it declines.
Red wine promotes hematopoiesis, take 100-250 ml per day, improves immunity and body tone.
Increases appetite and normalizes metabolism, promotes the secretion of bile, gastric juice and maintains normal stomach acidity.
Red wine also: enhances the secretion of endocrine glands; improves sleep; help slow down cell aging; prevents the occurrence of cancer; prevents the development of caries and the deposition of tartar; serves as an excellent anti-stress remedy.
Canadian scientists have discovered a new useful property red wine - polyphenols contained in wine have a beneficial effect on gum disease.

When diabetes mellitus Dry grape wines with low sugar and glucose content (less than 4 grams per 1 liter) are suitable.

Light white and especially champagne wines help maintain weakened cardiac activity. Thus, white semi-dry wines have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the risk of blood clots and myocardial infarction. And champagne also improves lung ventilation, stimulating the respiratory centers.

Red table wines help with anemia. Red and white semi-dry wines remove excess salts from the human body, so they are recommended to prevent salt deposition in joints.

At peptic ulcer mix 0.5 cups of Cahors and cucumber juice(1 1) and drink 2 tablespoons three to four times a day before meals. The course is 2 weeks, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the treatment. To combat sand in the gallbladder Combine black radish and Cahors juice in a ratio of 1 to 2, leave for a week, drink for a month (or longer) 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

At anemia Every day at lunch and dinner, give your son 0.5-1 glass of any dry red wine, it has the ability to increase hemoglobin. You can also prepare a healing tincture: 100 g of partitions walnuts pour 0.5 liters of Cahors, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Take 2 tablespoons three to four times a day before meals.

For memory improvement Your mother can be recommended to drink white wine daily (necessarily dry!), diluted with mineral water in a 1:1 ratio. During the day, give her 2 glasses of this cocktail in several doses (with meals). There is another recipe: mix equal proportions of Cahors and olive oil, leave for a week, stirring occasionally, and let mom drink the mixture 2 tablespoons three to five times a day before meals.

At bronchial asthma mix 100 g of grated horseradish, juice of 2-3 medium lemons and 0.5 liters of Cahors. Leave for a week, strain, and let the patient drink this mixture 2 tablespoons three to five times a day.

For improve digestion White wine is taken 100-150 ml before lunch (or in the interval between an appetizer and a main course). Red wine is drunk at lunch (a glass of 150-180 ml), but closer to the end of the meal, washed down with a hot dish or before dessert (but not with it!).

At starting cold Try putting slightly warmed white wine into your nose. It can stop the process of virus reproduction.

And those who want to relieve emotional stress should not resort to alcohol too often. It is better to pay attention to mild sedatives that effectively help fight the effects of stress. For example, the drug “Persen” copes with irritability, anxiety, emotional stress, allows you to lead a normal lifestyle and even drive a car.

The measure of consumption is very important and well-known: two to three glasses of wine a day for men and a maximum of one and a half for women. And for heart health, one glass of red wine with dinner is better. Too much wine is more dangerous than too little - all healing qualities from excess turn into harmful ones.

It has been proven that dry red wine (made from Cabernet and Merlot varieties), in addition to having a good effect on blood vessels and the heart, promotes the removal of radionuclides, and is also capable of killing Vibrio cholerae and even Koch's bacillus, which causes tuberculosis. Red wine is often prescribed after a long course of antibiotic treatment - but not immediately, but one or two weeks after the end of treatment. Dry white wine (especially made from pinot blanc grapes) protects older people from Alzheimer's disease, reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and improves stomach function with low acidity. It also maintains a normal water-salt balance in the body during extreme heat - dry white wine mixed in a 1:3 ratio with carbonated mineral water can protect the body from dehydration. Of course, while drinking such a “cocktail”, you should not drive or engage in dangerous work.

The effectiveness of wine therapy increases significantly with the restriction of table salt, liquid, meat products, sugar, animal fats in the diet, and an increase in the diet fresh vegetables and juices, fruits, berries, seafood, periodic use of fasting diets, adherence to a rational lifestyle, namely moderate physical work, sufficient exposure to fresh air, regular bowel movements and sufficient sleep. Wine at correct use truly is a true elixir of active, fruitful longevity.

ATTENTION! If you have heart, pancreas or liver disease, be sure to consult your doctor before starting treatment with wine. Caution should also be exercised by those who have alcoholics in their family. In any case, use moderate doses of wine, otherwise healing drink will bring harm, not benefit.
But, like any medicine, wine in large quantities can also cause harm. Mixing wine with other drinks, such as beer, vodka and the like, has a particularly harmful negative effect on the human body. In order for wine to be beneficial, you should know in what quantities to consume it. The exact numbers vary depending on the characteristics of a particular person - gender, age, height, weight, etc. Modern scientists believe that the norm for wine consumption is one to three glasses drunk during meals. For an adult healthy man, the rate of consumption of wine per day is 300-350 ml, for a woman - up to 150 ml.

But you shouldn’t drink wine, especially red, at night. Firstly, it contains tyramine, a substance that can trigger a headache attack. Secondly, the beneficial substances contained in wine are simply not absorbed at night. Mulled wine is perhaps the only wine drink that you can safely drink at night - but no more than 1-2 glasses. And considering wine as a tasty and pleasant sleeping pill is completely dangerous - according to narcologists, this is where a pathological addiction to alcohol can begin.
And finally, let’s turn to the opinion of a wine treatment specialist. According to oenotherapists, it is important to remember that it is not the ethanol contained in wine that is medicinal. Moreover, sometimes for treatment, ethyl alcohol is specially evaporated from wines to make them non-alcoholic and accessible to children, as well as to people who cannot tolerate alcohol. However, even in this form, enotherapy is contraindicated for those who suffer from alcoholism or are prone to it. Never prescribe alcohol to yourself as a treatment, especially if you have ever had problems with the kidneys, liver, endocrine or central nervous system. nervous system. This does not mean at all that drugs obtained from grapes and wine can harm a person with such diseases. Simply selecting the exact type of raw material, dose, time and method of administration can only be done by a specialist, who has received approval from other doctors treating a particular patient.

Before seriously starting a course of enotherapy, you should do a detailed biochemical blood test in order to clearly understand which substances a person lacks. And depending on the results, choose a “medicine”. And in the future, monitor the condition of the liver once a month so that its function is not affected by regular use of wine. After all, as the great Russian scientist Mendeleev said - “there are no harmful substances - there are harmful quantities!”