Recipe for homemade chicken sausage in the guts. Creamy chicken sausage at home

What could be tastier than juicy, appetizing homemade sausage?
The desire to taste a piece of this delicacy is struggling with the fear of gaining excess weight and spoil the figure, because usually such a sausage is very fatty.
But don't worry, there is a way out. You can cook the same delicious, but much less high-calorie dish- chicken sausage.
The milk included in the recipe makes it juicy and tender, so it will not seem dry to you. And garlic with coriander, paprika add piquancy and flavor to our homemade chicken sausage in the gut.

Taste Info Second courses of poultry


  • Chicken breast - 1 kg;
  • Chicken thighs - 1 kg;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Powdered milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 2 tsp;
  • Paprika - 2 tsp;
  • Coriander - 1/2 tsp;
  • Garlic (dried) - 1/2 tsp;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Pork intestines (cut into pieces no longer than 1 m long, more convenient - 30-60 cm).

How to cook chicken sausage at home in the gut

The skin is removed from the thighs, then they are cut and the bones are taken out, and the red meat is cut small pieces.

The breast is also finely chopped and beaten in a blender (or twisted in a meat grinder - in this case you need to twist it 2 times) to make the minced meat smaller, more uniform and tender.

Pieces of red meat are added to minced meat, powdered milk, spices, salt and knead thoroughly with your hands.

Then topped up fresh milk and mix well again.

The intestine is cleaned, thoroughly washed and checked for integrity by pouring water into it.
One end of the intestine is put on a special nozzle of the meat grinder (removing the knife and grate), having previously tied its lower end with threads. Instead of a nozzle (if not available), a cut-off neck from a plastic bottle is used.
The intestines are filled with minced meat, but not tightly (so that they do not burst during cooking), the upper end of the intestine is tied with a thread.

The resulting sausages are pierced in several places (so that they do not burst during cooking), carefully lowered into a saucepan where salted water is already boiling, and boiled for about 20 minutes at a low temperature.

The boiled homemade chicken sausage is carefully removed from the pan, waiting for it to dry out a little, and lightly fried on both sides in a pan.

This dish is served with spicy mustard and light vegetable lettuce.

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We offer another recipe for chicken sausage at home in the gut (quick).


  • Chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
  • Cream 20% fat - 0.5 cups;
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Ground paprika - to taste;
  • ground chili pepper - to taste;
  • Starch (from potatoes) - 1 tsp;
  • The intestines are thick (prepared).


The breast is carefully ground in a blender or in a meat grinder.
All the ingredients are added to the minced meat and mixed with a blender.
The intestines are filled with minced meat (loosely), the ends are tied with a strong thread.
The sausage is pierced in several places and boiled in boiling water until tender, about 10-15 minutes.
The sausage can also be grilled until crispy.

Helpful Hints:

  • You can put turmeric in minced meat, it will give a peculiar aroma and refresh the natural grayish color of natural sausage.
  • It is recommended to soak the chicken overnight in milk, its meat will become more tender.
  • Can be added to minced meat for variety hard cheese, cut into small cubes, or bell pepper.

Although sausages unanimously crossed out by nutritionists from the list useful products the love of the people for them does not fade away. After all, what to make a sandwich from? The only thing in our power is to minimize the harm caused to the body by sausage. How? Cook it with your own hands! And use chicken, by the way, dietary meat. It is noteworthy that even novice housewives can make homemade sausages. As for the economic benefit, the issue is moot. But definitely a winner. taste buds and our health. For business!


Broiler chicken 2 kg;
- pork intestines (parchment, foil);
- cream 100 ml;
- an egg (two proteins);
- garlic (small head);
- spices;
- salt.

Homemade Creamy Chicken Sausage: Recipe

Let's start with cutting up the chicken. Of course, you can use a clean fillet, but it is better to use different parts of the chicken, since the taste and structure of the sausage will only benefit from this. You can buy breast, thigh and drumstick separately, but in this case it is more profitable to buy a whole chicken. So, we wash the chicken under cold water(chicken meat does not tolerate hot water!). We cut off the skin (it can be put in a sausage, but some oppose fat, which is a lot in it and the skin is badly twisted, and it can remain in the minced meat big chunks). We cut the meat. The remaining bones and wings will serve to prepare the broth for the soup, or they can be added when cooking aspic.

Grind part of the meat with a blender, combine or meat grinder, and cut some small cubes(they will improve the structure of the sausage).

Add to minced chicken cream, egg (only squirrels are allowed, it is believed that chicken yolk makes the sausage looser), spices to taste and a little salt, and we also squeeze garlic through a garlic press. We mix everything well.

Cooking homemade creamy chicken sausage in the guts.

These days, you can easily buy intestines in the store, they are sold in the meat department. They have already been cleaned and generously sprinkled with salt. If you take them on the market, then, as a rule, they are not sold in a peeled form. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully scrape off everything unnecessary from them with the back of the knife. I soak the intestines in water with vinegar for several hours, then thoroughly rinse the outside and inside under running water. If there is no special nozzle for a meat grinder, then you can use a cut off neck from a plastic bottle, on which the edge of the intestine is pulled. Proceeds to stuffing the intestines. We tie one edge with a regular cotton thread. If we stuff the intestine by hand, then it is better to cut off small pieces. We take a small spoon or directly with our hands and push it through the neck of the bottle chopped meat inside the intestine. With our hands we slightly squeeze the intestine from the outside and lower the minced meat to the tied end. To be honest, this process is unpleasant, but the reward will be delicious homemade chicken sausage. Do not pack the stuffing too tightly. We tie the second end.

Cooking homemade creamy chicken sausage without the use of intestines. If it was not possible or you do not want to use the intestines, you can use baking parchment and foil. A small piece of parchment is cut off, minced meat is laid out on it.

We fold the parchment with a “candy”, the edges are tightly tied with a thread.

We wrap the “candy” tightly with foil, do not forget to tuck the edges inward.

Sausage can be boiled in a pan, but I prefer to use the oven. If there is no deep baking sheet, then a frying pan or a ceramic deep baking dish is used. We shift our sausage (in the intestines and in parchment) into a baking sheet or other deep container, pour water so that it covers 2/3 of the sausage, and put it in a preheated oven (the temperature is maintained within 180-200 degrees).

After half an hour, we take out the baking sheet and turn the chicken sausage in the guts, send it back to the oven. After another half an hour, turn off the oven and take out our culinary work. Let cool in vivo.

Unfold the foil and remove the parchment.

Heat up the pan, pour some sunflower oil and fry chicken sausage with cream over low heat until golden brown.

Roll the sausage made from chicken without the use of intestines in spices, they will give an additional spicy taste and improve appearance.

We leave both types of chicken homemade sausages overnight. They need to mature and rest. If cut immediately after cooking, the sausage will crumble a lot. Now cut into slices to your liking and proceed to the tasting. I will say one more thing, I like sausage in the intestines more in taste and structure, it is more dense and saturated. But this is a matter of taste! Anyhow homemade chicken sausage with cream tastier than that what offers food industry. Enjoy your meal!

  • chicken meat - 1.5 kg,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • spices for meat - to taste (about 2 tablespoons),
  • salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide (maybe a little less),
  • black ground pepper- taste,
  • garlic 3-4 cloves,
  • onion - 2 pcs.,
  • gut natural 1.5-2 meters.

Cooking process:

To prepare sausage, take chicken fillet. Many people prefer to use turkey meat. You can take turkey fillet, but there will not be much difference in taste. So, the meat must be washed, the remnants of bones, veins and cartilage removed. Cut the fillet meat into small pieces.

Add spices to chopped meat. Here you can make a choice in favor of your favorite spices. Personally, for myself, I prefer to take spices for basturma. There is a lot of bright paprika and enough bright aroma spices, which allows you to slightly color the meat and give it spiciness and piquancy. You can take the usual spices that you have. It can be black and red hot ground peppers, dried paprika, coriander, rosemary and oregano. Add salt.

Finely chop the onion and squeeze the garlic through a press. Add them to meat.

Mix meat with spices and onions well. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix again. The oil will allow the spices to marinate the meat well. Leave the chicken to stand and marinate for 1 hour. Cover the bowl with cling film and place the sausage filling in the refrigerator.

Prepare the natural clean and washed intestine for filling. I have a purchased gut. Sold packed in a vacuum bag, and it is frozen. Packed 14 meters. I thawed a package once. I distributed it into small bags and now, if necessary, I take out one bag, and it is enough for me for 1 time. For such an amount meat is coming about 2 meters of intestine. So, open the clean intestine on one side. Place the hole under the tap with water and pass the water through the entire intestine. This allows you to once again make sure that the natural casing is clean, and the wet intestine is easier to put on the nozzle. Assemble the meat grinder by putting on the sausage molding attachment. Put the intestines on the nozzle, collecting them with an accordion. Tie the opposite edge of the intestine in a knot so that when filling the meat does not come out on the other side.

Transfer the meat into the meat grinder bowl and, pushing the minced meat into the meat grinder with the help of a pusher, fill the intestine with meat. In several places, you should stop and twist or bandage the intestine. Otherwise, your whole sausage will be a single loaf.

Heat up the pan. Pour a couple of drops of vegetable oil into the pan. Lay raw chicken sausages. Close the pan with a lid and fry the sausage on the fire, on both sides. So that when frying the chicken sausage does not burst and the meat does not come out, make a few punctures with a wooden toothpick.

This is what the finished sausage will look like.

And here is how it will be cut. I consciously did not twist the fillet to the state of minced meat. In the finished sausage you can see large pieces meat. If you prefer uniform consistency, then such a dish should be prepared on the basis of minced meat(slightly twisted).

Homemade chicken sausage in a natural casing, fried in a pan, is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Today it is not easy to find on store shelves delicious sausage appropriate quality. The composition of most products leaves much to be desired. Therefore, for your family, it is worth preparing them yourself. Very tasty and easy to make homemade chicken sausage.

Classic homemade chicken sausage

To make the product especially juicy and tasty, you need to take not only chicken, but also lard. Ingredients: 1.5 kg of chicken meat, 2.5 m of pork intestines, 280 g of fresh fat, salt, 1 tbsp. heavy cream, garlic and seasonings to taste.

  1. Meat is cut off from any parts of the carcass and finely chopped.
  2. Chicken, along with bacon, salt, garlic and spices, turns into minced meat. After thorough kneading, cream is poured into the mass, and it goes to a cold place for a couple of hours.
  3. For stuffing the intestines, a special nozzle for a meat grinder is used. Do not fill the workpiece too tightly.
  4. Knots are tied every 55-65 cm.
  5. It remains to pierce the intestine with a needle every 8-9 cm and cook it for 25 minutes in salt water.

Before use, you can fry the sausage in any oil.

Diet - from chicken breasts

To reduce the calorie content of the finished sausage, you should use only poultry fillets. Ingredients: half a kilo of breast, 90 ml of milk, 2 proteins chicken eggs, a clove of garlic, a pinch of ground paprika, small. a spoonful of salt and the same potato starch.

  1. Fillet pieces are crushed with a blender. The resulting mass is salted, sprinkled with starch, chopped garlic and spices.
  2. After adding milk and proteins, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed again. The last product is needed so that the dish does not fall apart when slicing.
  3. Minced meat is laid out on parchment paper and is distributed along the entire length of the sheet. A sausage is formed and tightly tied with threads on both sides. They also wrap the bag up and down so that the product does not lose its shape.
  4. Sausage is boiled in boiling water for 40-45 minutes.
  5. It remains only to remove it for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Chicken boiled sausage

it the simplest recipe homemade sausage, which does not even require pork casings. Ingredients: 960 g chicken fillet, 2 selected eggs, 2 large spoons of potato starch, salt, spices and garlic to taste, 120 ml of milk.

  1. With the help of a blender or food processor, the poultry with garlic turns into a smooth puree. Pork fat can also be added to the fillet to taste.
  2. Salt, spices, whole eggs, starch and cow's milk. Blend the ingredients well in a blender.
  3. The mass is laid out in oiled ceramic molds and baked in a very hot oven 40 minutes.

The finished sausage can be wrapped in a film and sent to the refrigerator for storage.

With gelatin in foil

To cook homemade sausage according to this recipe, you do not need to use intestines or fiddle with a meat grinder. Ingredients: 1 kg chicken thighs, ½ small. spoons of special seasoning for chicken and ground black pepper, 15 g of high-quality gelatin, 2 large spoons of mayonnaise, small. a spoonful of salt, 7-8 garlic cloves.

  1. Chicken meat with skin is cut into small cubes. It is salted, peppered, seasoned with selected spices and crushed garlic.
  2. After adding mayonnaise, the minced meat is thoroughly mixed. It remains to pour gelatin into the mass and mix all the ingredients again.
  3. Minced meat is divided into 4 parts, each of which is packed in cling film. Neat sausages are formed from the mass. They are wrapped in foil like candy.
  4. The dish will be baked for an hour in a hot oven.
  5. Next, you need to put it in the refrigerator for the whole night.

Instead of a special nozzle for a meat grinder, you can use the neck of a plastic bottle.

How to cook in a bottle?

For this recipe, be sure to stock up on a large plastic bottle(per 1.5 l). It will become the base of the chicken sausage. Ingredients: whole chicken carcass, onion, sweet bell pepper, a bunch of fresh herbs, 3 small. tablespoons of salt, a pinch of black pepper, 30 g of gelatin.

  1. The chicken is boiled in water with salt, onion and half herbs until tender. Next, the meat is cut off the bones, and the broth is filtered.
  2. From the total mass is cast 2 tbsp. liquids. When the broth has cooled, gelatin is stirred in it and left for half an hour.
  3. The rest of the greens sweet pepper crushed in a blender.
  4. The resulting mixture is combined with finely chopped chicken. The mass is salted and peppered.
  5. Heated gelatin is also poured into it.
  6. The mass is heated with constant stirring. When it boils, you can remove the pan from the heat and cool.
  7. The cooled mixture is poured into a topless bottle. Under the film, the workpiece is left in the cold for 7 hours.

The finished sausage is taken out of the bottle (the container must be carefully cut) and wrapped in a film.

Say what you like, but sausage is a very convenient invention of mankind. Have breakfast, have a quick snack, “kill a worm” in the evening - what other product will cope with these tasks just as effectively. For those who do not want to buy it in the store, we will tell you how to cook homemade sausage in the guts in your own kitchen.


  • Pork meat with a fatty layer - 1 kg;
  • intestines for sausage;
  • cognac - 50 ml;
  • salt, garlic and spices - to taste.

In case the pork meat does not have a fatty layer, then add about 200 g to the ingredients. lard, otherwise the sausage will turn out dry.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pork and lard should be finely chopped (in pieces about 1 cm), add spices and garlic, pour cognac. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
  2. The intestine must be tightly tied at one end with a harsh thread and stuffed with infused minced meat. It is more convenient to do this with a special nozzle for a meat grinder, but if it is not there, then you can use a regular spoon. The main thing is not to stuff the intestine too tight, otherwise it may burst during cooking. If you want to get several small sausages, then tie the gut with a harsh thread at equal intervals as it fills.
  3. Tie the open end tightly, then use a toothpick to make several punctures in the sausage. This is necessary so that the intestine does not burst during heat treatment.
  4. We turn the sausage into a ring, lower it into a pot of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into a baking dish, place the sausage there and bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees until golden brown.

Pork meat sausages can be cooked different ways- in addition to the oven, they can be fried on a grill, a frying pan, skewers - in any case, they will disperse with a bang, and guests will try out the recipe for this dish for a long time to come.

Liver homemade sausage in the gut


  • any liver - 1 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • lard - 200 gr.
  • onions - 1-2 heads;
  • garlic - 4-6 cloves;
  • semolina - 6 tablespoons;
  • intestines - as needed;
  • salt, spices, pepper - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings and fry.
  2. Scroll the liver, garlic, lard, fried onions in a meat grinder.
  3. Add spices, salt, eggs and semolina to the minced meat, mix thoroughly. Leave the minced meat for half an hour so that the semolina swells.
  4. We tie one end of the intestine with a harsh thread and stuff it with minced meat. Every 15-20 cm, you need to bandage the intestine, forming future liver sausages. Don't forget to puncture each sausage with a toothpick or needle.
  5. Prepared sausage can be boiled in a saucepan or baked in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Homemade chicken sausage in the gut


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • greens, salt - to taste;
  • intestines - as needed.


  1. Grind the washed and dried chicken fillet in a meat grinder, add greens and salt.
  2. We stuff the intestine with minced meat, tie it on both sides with a harsh thread, make several punctures.
  3. Cook for 40-50 minutes in boiling water.
  4. After cooking, you need to remove the sausage, cool and let it lie in a cold place for about 2 hours. The dish is ready.

If you are preparing chicken sausage not for children, then you can add lard (200 gr.) Scrolled in a meat grinder, as well as garlic and your favorite spices, to the recipe. If desired, the chicken can be replaced with a turkey.

Dry-cured beef sausage in the intestines


  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • well-salted fat - 200 gr.;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 2 tsp;
  • red ground pepper - a small pinch;
  • baking soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • coriander - 1 tbsp;
  • Apple vinegar.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the meat and cut into strips.
  2. Toast the coriander in a dry frying pan, then grind it in a coffee grinder.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients: coriander, salt, soda, red and black pepper, sugar.
  4. Grate the strips of beef with vinegar, roll in the seasoning mixture, fold in layers in enamelware, cover with a lid, press down with oppression, put in the cold for 12 hours (after 6 hours it is necessary to turn the pieces over and again press down the lid with oppression).
  5. Dip the pickled meat in a solution of vinegar at the rate of 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar per liter of water. After 10 minutes, remove the pieces, squeeze out excess moisture and grind in a meat grinder.
  6. Salted lard cut into thin sticks and add to the meat.
  7. Stuff the intestines with minced meat, tie each segment on both sides.
  8. Put the prepared sausages on a wire rack and put them in a place with good ventilation. After 5-6 days, dry-cured sausage is ready.

How to choose meat for sausage

Apart from the undisputed palatability homemade sausage has an undeniable advantage over the store-bought counterpart - the hostess knows exactly what ingredients she used to prepare the delicacy and under what conditions she cooked.

In fact, making sausage in the intestines at home is not so difficult, just follow the recipe and use some tips and tricks.

For cooking, pork, veal, chicken, duck or turkey meat is usually used, but several types of meat can also be combined. It must be remembered that poultry meat is usually dry, so it is mixed with lard or lard for juiciness.

When choosing pork meat, inspect the lard, if it is soft, tender and has a thin skin, then homemade pork sausage in the intestines will also turn out tender and soft. If you prefer lamb, then you need to look at the veins - if they are soft, then this is a guarantee that the sausage will turn out fragrant, tasty and tender.

How to choose and prepare the intestines for homemade sausage

Buying already dressed intestines for making sausages in a store or on the market today is not difficult. They can be beef, pork or lamb, differ in length and diameter.

Beef intestine for homemade sausage is preferable, as it is more durable.

What to look for when choosing guts:

  • color - light, without gray shades;
  • smell - not strong or absent at all;
  • density - no large peripheral holes and nodules.

How to prepare intestines for homemade sausage:

  • rinse them, and then soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or vinegar for 2 hours;
  • rinse with warm water;
  • pass water through each segment, so you will find holes in the walls of the intestines, in these places they can be cut into separate pieces.

If it is difficult for you to find a suitable product, then there is something to replace the intestines for homemade sausage. For an artificial shell, a collagen film is perfect - after heat treatment she is edible.

Before use, it must be soaked in a saline solution (1 tsp of salt per 1 liter of water) for 2-3 minutes, then rinsed under running water.

There are a lot of types and recipes of homemade sausage. It can be fried in a pan or grill, smoked, boiled, cooked in the oven - in any case, home-cooked sausage in the guts will not leave anyone indifferent.