Purple tea Chang Shu - reviews. Tibetan purple tea chang shu - contraindications and beneficial properties

Neutral Feedback

Positive reviews

Now when there are a lot of teas, the choice is large, I settled on purple tea. I really liked its features. I read the reviews of other people who have already drunk tea. I wanted to lose 10 kg and ordered a course for 2 months. I drank it sometimes once, sometimes 2 times a day, for 2 weeks my sides and stomach had already begun to go away. I began to feel much better, I became much better hair, skin condition improved. I drank the course for 2 months and lost 13 kg, even more than I planned. Six months have already passed, the weight has not returned. I recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight without any stressful situations.

The package arrived today, I read the reviews, thank you, I won’t pick it up

I decided to lose weight, tried everything from Reduxin 15 mg tablets. to Turbofit. Given the fact that there were still physical activities on the exercise bike. The last attempt at Chang-Shu tea was bought at the Russian Roots store. Result 3kg. for a month I will continue to drink. And at work they noticed that they dropped a little, although everyone (we have a female team) looked at the color of the tea and was horrified.

I have long been fond of non-traditional methods of treatment. Having stumbled across one of the books on oriental medicine on a description of the beneficial properties of Tibetan purple tea, I decided to test the remedy for myself. For the past month and a half I have been drinking Chang-Shu twice a day. One of the first positive effects of tea was the normalization of bowel movements and the reduction of the feeling of drowsiness that haunted me daily. In addition, I noticed that my eyes became less tired, even if I have to spend many hours in front of a computer monitor. In general, I can say that I am satisfied with the results of taking Chang-Shu and will continue to drink it.

And I ordered this tea for myself so that it would contribute and betray appearance my hair and nails. After giving birth, my hair fell out badly, my nails broke terribly. I have already tried several means and reached Chang-Shu. I was very happy when after a week and a half I noticed improvements. A natural shine appeared, the hair became more alive, and the nails almost do not break. In addition, tea helped to get in shape faster, with it I lost a couple of extra pounds. I hope to continue to have good results.

I heard a lot of good things about this tea and wanted to buy it for a long time. Finally found the official website where you can buy real purple tea "Chang Shu". I liked the taste of it, you can drink it instead of regular tea. His action is very strong. After that, I don't want to eat at all. I use it as a prevention against the accumulation of excess fat. He does an excellent job with this task.

Tibetan purple tea Chang-Shu grows high in the mountains, is used in Chinese medicine as a remedy for health and longevity. Judging by the numerous reviews, this drink is effective and affordable, as evidenced by its price, a weight loss product. Chang-Shu tea cannot be found in free sale, you rarely find its original in a pharmacy, but on the official website of the manufacturer you can buy this drink profitably and with a quality guarantee.

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purple tea Chang-shu is difficult to confuse with other drinks of this kind due to the special unique taste and blue tint. The plant from which tea is made grows exceptionally high in the mountains of Tibet and Nepal. It is harvested by hand, gently tearing off only the top leaves, rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that strengthen the human body.

Among the many medicinal properties Tibetan tea emit the ability to break down body fat in a short period. Many women who want to get rid of extra pounds, experienced this effect on themselves, and no one returned the weight back. A person, having drunk this tea, not only loses weight, his body gets rid of toxins and toxic substances accumulated over the years.

Many weight loss products have side effects, and Chang-Shu tea for weight loss promotes healing and rejuvenation of the body: when it is taken, skin aging slows down, hair loss stops and even gray hair disappears. This fat burner is also indicated for stress, nervous overload, and hard physical work.

Real customer reviews of Chang-Shu Purple Tea

Chang-Shu purple tea is a very popular weight loss remedy, real reviews about it can be found on websites and in various forums where buyers share their experiences on how they deal with overweight.

I bought Chinese purple alpine tea from a site where weight loss products are presented. At first, I doubted, even after reading customer reviews about this product, well, it can’t be very effective remedy cost so much. And the price of tea was very attractive. After reading the instructions, I discovered that I had purchased not just tea to get rid of extra pounds, but a means to improve health. Having brewed, as indicated in the instructions, I saw a real miracle - a blue drink. I drank for a month, I noticed that my hair became thicker, my skin improved: pimples disappeared, my complexion became healthy. Tea really improves metabolism. I lost the constant feeling of hunger, I noticed that I stopped going to the refrigerator at night. The result of such herbal medicine pleased me - in a month I lost 4 kilograms.

Anastasia, 36 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

Per Last year I gained a lot of weight, I think, because of the age-related slowdown in metabolism. Therefore, there was a need for a remedy that would help me get rid of body fat and not harm my health. Purple tea was drunk by my friend for weight loss, who reduced her weight very well. I decided to follow her example, but first I studied the contraindications for tea and read an article on the Internet by a phytotherapist Leontiev about healing properties drink. I did not find anything negative about the product, so I bought it on the site.

Brewed and gasped, what a color! I have never seen such a thing. The taste of the drink was also very pleasant. A week later, I noticed that I did not want sweets at all. After drinking a cup of the drink, the mood improves, energy appears, and you want to move more and go somewhere. I am hypertensive, and was pleasantly surprised that the beneficial substances contained in this drink reduce pressure. In 2 weeks I lost a kilogram, I'm not going to stop there, I continue to drink tea and enjoy it.

Natalia, 43 years old, Moscow

Negative reviews of doctors about Purple tea Chang-Shu

Chang Shu purple tea is so effective and safe that it is recommended as a weight loss remedy by many doctors, even those who avoid herbal treatment. Negative Feedback doctors about modern phytotherapy are quite understandable: people may prefer folk methods without consulting with experts, which leads to disastrous results.

Since blue tea not only promotes weight loss and rejuvenation of the body, but also contains many useful components, many doctors prescribe this remedy to their patients:

Many of my patients who have gained extra pounds are not examined and delayed with treatment. They look for various forums for losing weight, read consumer reviews of various products and rush to buy them at a pharmacy without consulting a doctor. The effect after taking such a remedy will be negative. And a person misses time, because there are many reasons for obesity, and it is possible to cure this disease only after identifying its etiology.

The deposition of excess fat occurs as a result of hormonal disorders, diseases thyroid gland and slagging of the body due to malnutrition. To cleanse and remove harmful substances, I always prescribe Tibetan Chang-Shu tea to my patients. After a monthly intake, 70% of patients have a decrease in body weight by 2-5 kg, 20% lose from 5 to 7 kg, and only 10% of people do not change weight, but feel better.

Murtazina G. I., doctor-specialist in nutrition

Being overweight is a common problem, affecting people of all ages. Getting rid of kilograms is sometimes impossible without medicines, even diet and gymnastics do not help. But many drugs that reduce appetite and speed up metabolism have contraindications and can cause real harm health. Therefore, I advise all those who are losing weight, who turned to me for help, to take herbal remedies.

One of them is Chang-Shu herbal tea - natural drink, which improves metabolism and triggers the decomposition of adipose tissue. Most of my patients liked the taste and unusual color of Purple Tea and were able to lose 2 kg or more in a month.

Anokhina V. S., nutritionist (therapist)

Prices and where to buy Chang-Shu Purple Tea

Chang-Shu purple tea is produced in a special way, so it is almost impossible to buy it in a pharmacy at a real price. Based on the feedback of people, there is a risk of buying the wrong product and wasting your money without getting the desired effect.

It is better to order purple tea on the official website in Moscow - this is not only an opportunity to get real drink for weight loss directly from Tibet, but also save a lot. Many people like to shop from the comfort of their homes, and judging by their reviews, they are very satisfied with the quality of the product and fast delivery, and the price on the site is much lower than in a pharmacy.

How much does Chang-Shu Purple tea gel cost?in pharmacies:

  • Moscow - 990 rubles
  • St. Petersburg - 990 rubles.
  • Krasnoyarsk - 990 rubles
  • Novosibirsk - 990 rubles
  • Ukraine, Kiev - 399 UAH.
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 399 UAH
  • Gomel - 23 Bel. ruble.
  • Almaty - 5600 tenge.

How to take Chang-Shu Purple Tea

Of great importance is information on how to properly take Chang-Shu tea. In order to preserve all the useful substances in the composition of the drink, it must be brewed not with boiling water, but with cooled down to 80 ° C. Tibetan tea for weight loss is brewed at the rate of 4-5 inflorescences per 250 ml of water. The instructions for use give recommendations on how to drink tea for fast weight loss right - up to 3 glasses a day, more is contraindicated, since it reduces pressure too much.

Doctors advise drinking purple tea in a course of 2 weeks to a month. Many people in the reviews write how and with what you can enjoy this drink. Most people like the taste of tea with lemon, and aesthetes love to watch how the color changes when citrus juice is added: the blue broth gradually takes on a fuchsia hue.


Chang-Shu has the following contraindications for use:

  1. the drink has the ability to slow down the reaction: this way it helps a person to relax and relieve tension, but it is better not to drink it before driving;
  2. people who are allergic to the substances included in it should not drink tea chemical composition.

Despite the fact that there are few contraindications, and judging by the reviews, they are rare, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use.

Beautiful figure and health benefits

Purple Chang-Shu tea is collected high in the mountains, where there is little oxygen, so it is extremely rich in such useful substances, which are rarely found in other plants. Blue drink is often called the elixir of health and youth. The benefits of tea have been proven not only by the many years of experience of Chinese healers, but manufacturers have studied the drink in scientific laboratories around the world.

It was revealed that unique composition Purple tea has the following effects on the human body:

  • improvement of skin condition: smoothing wrinkles, improving complexion;
  • reduction of hair loss and reduction of gray hair;
  • increased elasticity of blood vessels;
  • improvement of vision;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • stimulation of the heart muscle.

Chang-Shu tea is popular due to the fact that it tends to decompose body fat, contributing to weight loss. Judging by the numerous reviews, the tool helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds without adversely affecting health.

Doctors advise drinking this tea not only as a means for losing weight, but also for prevention:

  • heart attacks and strokes;
  • diseases of the liver and stomach;
  • obesity;
  • development of neuroses;
  • decrease in reproductive function;
  • mood swings, excessive sweating, irritation, wrinkles during menopause.

A remarkable fact: due to the properties of tea to improve the condition and elasticity of the skin, none of the people who lost weight needed plastic surgery.

Unique composition for youth and harmony

To understand the health benefits of purple tea, let's take a closer look at its unique chemical composition.

This blue drink contains:

  • bioflavonoids - contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • B vitamins - capable of repairing damaged cells;
  • catechins - antioxidants that contribute to weight loss, normalize blood glucose levels and have a healing effect on blood vessels;
  • methylxanthine - promotes weight loss;
  • caffeine- improves mood, gives additional energy and helps the body process fat into energy;
  • theanine - has a tonic effect, helps to launch hidden reserves in the body, so doctors recommend this Tibetan remedy to people involved in sports;
  • chromium compounds, synephrine, dopamine- substances contained in the plant are usually included in bodybuilding products, as they help burn excess fat and build muscle mass.


Judging by the reviews, Chang-Shu tea, collected in Nepal or Tibet, has a beneficial effect on human body, so it is suitable for weight loss and recovery for almost everyone, with the exception of those people for whom the drink is contraindicated.

Video: Purple Tea Slimming Review

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Read real reviews on purple tea Chang Shu from doctors and customers. People will talk about the negative points, whether it is worth buying weight loss products in a pharmacy, what benefits and harm they received, what they read on the forums. You will also find out why people are advised to buy Chang Shu tea on the official website at the manufacturer's price.

About 5 years ago, trouble happened to me, my health deteriorated sharply, I took sick leave, which lasted for a couple of months. I had an operation, I will make a reservation right away, the problems are feminine. After surgery, a long course of therapy was required, which caused hormonal failure. I could not stop therapy, I was treated for almost a year, during which time I managed to gain 24 kg, which, with my height of 158 cm, seemed like a disaster!

Habitual training did not give results, the violations were thorough. I'm really into diets. healthy eating, but received only the dissatisfaction of my household. 4 kg per month did not seem like an impressive result. I began to buy pills in pharmacies, drank them, lost some weight, and then treated my stomach, causing more harm to myself. Then I switched to natural pharmaceutical preparations, they are sold in a large assortment, but the miracle did not happen again.

A long search led me to the official website of the manufacturer of Tibetan tea for weight loss. I read real reviews about Chang Shu purple tea, there were a large number of them.

I learned from experienced consumers that in Russia you can’t buy Chang Shu purple tea in a pharmacy, they don’t import it, since its cost would be indecently high due to transportation costs, the cost of creating special storage conditions, plus do not forget about the percentage of profit.

Why I chose him for weight loss

2 months after taking the tea, I came for a consultation at the clinic, the doctor was amazed at my appearance, and the results of the tests! Chang Shu really helps in the fight against excess weight, plus it is generally very useful!

My immune system got stronger, cholesterol returned to normal, the ulcer finally healed, I became more calm and cheerful! The beneficial property of tea is reflected on my face! Definitely recommend purple tea for adults and children!

Reviews of doctors

Strezhevoy Nikolai Veniaminovich, nutritionist in St. Petersburg.

Thanks to many years of practice in medicine, I know many drugs for weight loss. My patients were women and men. Problems with body fat arose due to malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and disruption of the endocrine system. Not all patients can stabilize body weight with diets and physical activity. Drugs in pharmacies promise a long-awaited effect, mainly their action is aimed at removing excess fluid in the body, they do not break down lipids. Chang Shu purple tea natural product, accelerating metabolism without harm to a person, adipose tissue begins to rapidly break down. The product is proven, I have been recommending it for several years!

Zhdanova Ekaterina Gennadievna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Moscow.

Overweight is a serious problem! The problem is not in appearance, but in the loads of the body. An elevated cholesterol level causes many serious diseases, the treatment of blood vessels or the liver will be a waste of time if you do not get rid of extra pounds!
Drugs in pharmacies are often counterfeited, their action is characterized as short-lived, after which adipose tissue increases rapidly. Plus the chemical composition of pharmaceutical medicines for weight loss is a blow to the body. Proceeding from the situation, I recommend using natural purple tea Chang Shu, which successfully fights lipid deposits.

Real customer reviews

The birth of a child was the most joyful event in my life. Months passed, the child grew, and my gained kg did not go anywhere. After 2 years, I sounded the alarm, medical sources claimed that by this time the body of the woman in labor was completely restored. Gave the child to Kindergarten and immediately signed up for fitness, a personal trainer recommended completely switching to a healthy and separate meals. I had to lose weight! When the semi-annual subscription ended, the result was only 9 kg, and the money spent was 42 thousand. Accidentally saw a review of Chang Shu tea. Decided to buy. Girls! I started losing weight within a week! For 4 weeks it took 16.5 kg! Lost weight girlfriends are also in shock! Definitely recommend! Margarita, 29 years old, Yekaterinburg

I am a pastry chef with many years of experience. I have been overweight since I was a student! I didn’t want to lose weight, my husband fell in love with me plump, I bore him 2 healthy, strong sons. Life seemed cloudless! Later, my husband left me for a young, slender lady. I couldn't find my place. I immediately went on a diet, excluded from the diet all flour, sweet, but the fat layer firmly settled in my plump body. Lose weight very slowly! I heard about the miracle properties of Ching-Shu tea and decided to try it! The result was stunning! I really lost weight! After 2 months - 23 kg. Now the ex is begging to return, but I met a decent, wealthy man. Hope it doesn't disappoint. Elena, 38 years old, Krasnodar

perestroika female body It started very early, at the age of 50. Hormones with mood created something unimaginable. I was not slim or fat, but in 1.5 years I gained 22 kilos! A doctor friend said that at my age it is dangerous to gain weight sharply, a big load on the heart and other organs. Tamara wrote on a piece of paper the name of a wonderful miracle remedy for weight loss. And it was decided to say goodbye to being overweight. In a month and a half, I returned to my previous form! All thanks to Chang Shu purple tea, it is inexpensive! You drink tea and lose weight - incredibly! I forgot to say, the main thing is to order goods on the official website of the manufacturer in order to avoid fakes! Smirnova Valentina, 54 years old, Novosibirsk

The problem with being overweight touched me too! Although I have been playing sports since school and looked great! Family life makes his own adjustments, this was reflected in the size of my clothes and on the dial of the scales. With horror, I realized - 17 kg extra! I was looking for information about losing weight on the net on the forums, reviews of Chang Shu tea bribed me. I ordered one trial pack and was shocked. I noticed the result after 10 days, when the jeans began to literally fall off! No diet, no exercise, just drink magic drink twice a day! Elizabeth, born in 1990, Rostov-on-Don

I was fat since childhood, the fault of the genetic predisposition! Over the years I have tried a lot of ways, the results were, of course, but very small. Most recently, on the advice of my mother's new friend (doctor), I purchased Chang Shu tea. Initially attracted natural composition, Then good feedback in the Internet. The effect is simply grandiose, a week later I rejoiced like a child! - 6.5 kg! The result seemed incredible, but the scales show completely different numbers! The tea definitely works! Malysheva Ekaterina, 30 years old, Voronezh

Purple tea Chang Shu for weight loss consists of herbs and like everything herbal drinks benefits the body. In addition to weight loss, it improves the condition of the skin, normalizes metabolic processes, and strengthens the immune system.

Chang Shu tea is prepared in Tibet from tea tree flowers collected in ecologically clean mountainous areas. The plant belongs to the myrtle family, similar in properties to eucalyptus. The tree is evergreen, on the branches there are small dry leaves and fluffy inflorescences of white or yellowish color.

The collection of tea flowers is carried out twice a year and only by hand, without the use of machinery. The color of brewed tea is unusual - purple with a bluish tinge.

The positive properties of chang shu purple tea include:

  • tightens and tones the skin, smoothes shallow mimic wrinkles;
  • tea drink Chang Shu strengthens hair follicles, prevents the appearance of gray strands;
  • nails cease to be brittle, delamination of the nail plate disappears;
  • soothes and relaxes nervous system after a hard day;
  • tea has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system;
  • tea makes the walls of blood vessels elastic;
  • the work of cardiac activity is restored and prevents the development of a stroke or heart attack;
  • it is useful to drink a purple drink for hypertension, as it lowers blood pressure;
  • tea components increase visual acuity;
  • protects against the development of gynecological diseases;
  • tea, due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, contributes to the disappearance of extra pounds.

Most women who drink Chang Shu tea in order to reduce their weight, others feel it in parallel. positive properties. The components that make up the drink contribute to the proper absorption of products, the removal of toxins and excess fluid.

Thanks to Chang Shu purple tea, the work of the digestive tract is restored, harmful substances and carcinogens do not linger in the body, and lipids are broken down. Chang Shu purple tea has amazing property quickly break down carbohydrates and fats, thereby accelerating digestive processes. Eating harmful products(smoked, spicy, canned, fatty foods) does not negative impact to the figure.

All food is digested and quickly absorbed, and excess calories are burned.

The patient feels lightness in the body, activity increases. The best results are obtained by patients who, simultaneously with therapeutic therapy with Chang Shu tea, perform physical exercises and adjust their menu.

Numerous diets and other means to reduce body weight can cause unwanted effects. Weight loss while taking Chang Shu tea is not accompanied by hair loss, bruising under the eyes, fatigue, peeling of the skin.

Incoming Components

The composition of Chang Shu purple tea includes natural substances that enhance health and rejuvenate the body. The beneficial properties of tea are due to the following components.

  1. Thanks to bioflavonoids, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the level of bad cholesterol is reduced.
  2. The dopamine component improves mood. It sends impulses to the brain about saturation, even with a small portion of food.
  3. The vitamin complex rich in Chang Shu tea strengthens the immune system.
  4. Fat cells are burned due to the component - synephrine.
  5. Contribute to the loss of extra pounds of antioxidants such as catechins. They break down not only fat cells, but also strengthen the vascular walls, fight bad cholesterol, and lower blood sugar levels.
  6. A component such as chromium picolinate is able to suppress hunger, strengthen the nervous and muscular systems.
  7. Another fat-burning ingredient in tea is methylxanthine.
  8. Tones up and increases physical activity thiamine, caffeine.
  9. Luteins are beneficial for vision.
  10. Prevent diseases of the digestive system, which are part of the tannins. This component of tea restores impaired functions of the digestive tract, improves intestinal motility, removes toxins, and stops inflammatory processes.

According to purple tea manufacturers, overweight patients can lose about 27 kg in three months. And most importantly, at the end of the course, the weight is fixed, and excess kilograms are not returned. The constituent components are not addictive.

Cooking rules

To obtain maximum benefit when treating with a purple drink, you need to know how to properly brew Chang Shu tea.

  • Each serving of tea must be brewed separately.
  • Dry tea inflorescences are placed in a cup in the amount of 5-7 pieces.
  • Pour in hot water 250 ml, but not boiling water. Everything disappears in boiling water beneficial features tea.
  • Leave the drink to infuse for about 10 minutes until it acquires a bluish tint.
  • After that, purple tea is filtered.
  • Since tea has no taste, it is allowed to add honey, juice or a slice of lemon to the drink.

Tea should be consumed warm. Do not store brewed tea. You need to take Chang Shu purple tea in portions, at a time. Unusual color, unique aroma and taste are sure to please.

Each package you purchase contains detailed instructions how to take purple tea and in what cases.

Drinking purple chang tea in order to reduce weight is a must in courses. For the first seven days, drink one cup in the morning and one in the evening. Then it is recommended to take a break of 7 days.

Reception of tea continues no more than three months. After 3-4 months, the course can be resumed again.

Chang Shu tea has a healing effect and belongs to medical preparations, so do not exceed the dosage. You need to add as many inflorescences as indicated in the instructions. You can not combine the drink with other means for weight loss.

Despite the benefits of Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu, there are contraindications. The composition may cause unwanted reactions. Therefore, treatment with this drink should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of allergies;
  • any period of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to one of the incoming components;
  • not recommended for children under 18;
  • hypotension.

You can buy Chang Shu tea in large pharmacy chains or order it on the official website from the manufacturer. Ordering a product is very simple, just fill out the form, which contains personal data. The main thing is not to stumble upon a fake. You can choose from packaging with different contents.

If you do not follow the dosage or buy low-quality Chang Shu tea, then side effects may develop. The patient may complain of a feeling of thirst, the appearance of swelling, bloating and pain in the abdomen.

Feedback from buyers and doctors

People who drink Chang Shu tea basically leave only positive reviews. Everyone notes a beneficial effect on the body. Mood improves, activity increases, and most importantly, excess weight is lost.

Elena, 34 years old

“I have never been slender, and I have not tried any methods to reduce weight. After giving birth, she recovered even more, and it was already a shame to go out in the summer. I did not believe in the miraculous effect of teas. But still I took the risk of ordering Chang Shu purple tea via the Internet. I took the full course. The first thing that surprised me was the loss of 4 kg in 12 days. For 2.5 months I lost 20 kg. I will definitely continue to drink.”

Nina, 27 years old

“Fullness haunts me since childhood. I have never been on a diet, but Chang Shu tea did try. Brought me completely safe, vegetable composition. I didn’t notice any contraindications for myself and started drinking tea in a cup three times a day. To brew tea, you need 5 flowers. For a full course of three months, I lost 26 kg. And now, for two months, the weight has remained unchanged. In addition, I noticed that my nails became strong, my mood improved. I recommend this purple drink to everyone!”.

Marina, 33 years old

“My work is not related to active movements. All day you have to sit at the computer and snack on harmful sandwiches. As a result, she improved a lot. There is no time for sports. I had to look for ways to do it without wasting time and effort. A friend advised me to start taking Chang Shu tea. In a month of taking Chang Shu tea, I lost 10 kg. Completed the course. The result just amazed me. I regained my former harmony, there was a surge of strength. True, I had to adjust my diet at the same time as taking tea. No more snacking, just wholesome, proper nutrition.”

Doctors also note that Chang Shu tea promotes weight loss without harm to health.


“Chang Shu tea contains only natural ingredients that cannot harm health. In case of serious diseases, of course, it is useless to be treated with this tea. But as a prophylactic, the drink has proven itself. It increases the body's defenses, reduces weight. You just need to strictly follow the instructions. Even harmless tea in excess can backfire.”


"Don't be afraid to drink this drink. Chang Shu tea has passed all the relevant checks, has a quality certificate. Plant components not only reduce weight, but also stabilize it. I recommend this product to all my patients. None of them complained about the appearance of side effects.


“It is a great fortune that nature itself helps us fight health problems. All useful components, combined in one drink, have a powerful positive effect on our body. Metabolic processes improve, which means that all functions are restored. The body, thanks to Chang Shu tea, loses extra pounds without harm.

Chang Shu purple tea is another plant-based Chinese drink that is credited with miraculous properties. Sellers claim that it helps to lose weight, significantly improve the appearance, and increase overall tone. However, there are no real grounds for such assertions.

Description of Chang Shu purple tea

The sellers of the drink mysteriously indicate only the origin of raw materials for it from Tibet and Nepal. Some say even more vaguely: they grow tea in Asia, at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

In fact, there is no mystery. The drink is made from the flowers of Clitoria ternatea - butterfly peas. This plant is indeed common in Asia. It is used, for example, to color dishes in an intense blue color. Also in different parts of the "peas" (not only and not so much in flowers!) Biologically active substances were found.

Tea from dried inflorescences is used in Thailand, India, China as a sedative. Local residents treat him without illusions and fanaticism. It is known that this drink reduces pressure, increases visual acuity, and helps to endure heat more easily. It tastes completely neutral. If you add lemon to blue tea, it turns purple.

Now back to the descriptions on sellers' websites. You should not be deceived by "scientific" terms! The composition of Chang Shu purple tea includes:

  1. Bioflavonoids- this is the general name of a huge group of substances - plant pigments. They are found in all plants! In relation to the human body, these are vitamin-like compounds. The list also includes individual bioflavonoids - catechins (tannins - one of the variants of catechins) - these are antioxidants. We see how “impressive” the composition of tea looks if we simply indicate in it different names of the same, in fact, substances, attributing special properties to them.
  2. Vitamins of different groups- it's absolutely wonderful! Do you love vitamins? - They are. And what, in principle, is not so important ...
  3. Methylxanthine- has the ability to relieve spasms (used in the treatment of spasmodic cough with whooping cough). But sellers indicate that it burns fat. The tea also contains, which increases the tone. Thus, these substances, most likely, can weaken the effect of each other.
  4. - a neurotransmitter. Judging by the description of the plant, such substances are concentrated in its roots.
  5. Synephrine- perhaps the only substance that is directly related to fat burning. Used in many products sports nutrition and biologically active additives. The effect on the body is similar to adrenaline.

After a semi-fantastic description of the composition of purple tea, sellers move on to listing its magical properties. This is where weight loss comes in. Although it is indicated that for best results, sugar or honey should not be added to the drink. Add that you need to exercise and diet. Although with such a "powerful" effect on fat, the effect of Chang Shu should have been noticeable without additional effort.

  • improvement of skin tone and color;
  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • increase in vitality;
  • stress reduction;
  • normalization of processes in the sexual sphere;

This list may be larger or smaller and depends not on the qualities of tea, but on the seller's imagination.

How to take Chang Shu?

It is necessary to brew 7-10 dried flowers with a glass of non-boiling water (90-95 C) and leave for 10 minutes. Can be drunk hot or chilled. It is recommended to drink the entire portion at once. A day is advised to take 2 glasses of tea - in the morning and in the evening. Someone is sure that Chang Shu needs to be drunk continuously for 3 months to get noticeable results. And other "experts" say that it is worth taking a drink for a week, and then taking a two-week break.


  • pregnant and lactating;
  • minors;
  • hypotensive patients;
  • allergy sufferers.

Buyer opinions

Positive reviews

The Internet is full of essays on the topic “How I lost weight amazingly with Chang Shu purple tea”. This is a mandatory part of the unstoppable advertising of the product. They have nothing to do with real stories of real people. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider them in detail.

Negative Feedback

But such texts are hard to find on the web. Chang Shu began to actively sell on our market in 2016, so sellers are still closely monitoring the reputation of the product. On their own websites and forums, they do not allow stories of disappointment to appear.

There is little discussion of purple tea at independent venues, since similar enrichment schemes on “ Chinese recipes"The order of all tired. You can find common statements that Chang Shu, like other miraculous drinks, does not at all live up to the expectations of losing weight. But people are in no hurry to discuss the obvious.

Reviews of doctors

Interestingly, many sites selling purple tea are promoted precisely by publishing, supposedly, the opinions of experts. This is the same lie as detailed positive customer reviews with before and after photos.

Firstly, the product has not been studied in Russia - doctors simply do not have adequate information about either its composition or possible actions. And no self-respecting specialist will give any expert assessments of such a product. Especially if you sign with your own name. All these "reviews" are the fruit of the imagination of marketers.

You can understand how the reality of Chang Shu purple tea is far from the impressive picture that its sellers paint, from our analysis of its composition.

The only benefit of the drink is in its visual beauty! This is really worth a lot: bright blue or purple (with lemon) tea.

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