Aronia wine recipes. Chokeberry: features of raw materials

Chokeberry, known in folk medicine under the name aronia, is a very useful plant, from which craftsmen make vitamin compotes, syrups and jams. Experienced winemakers have also found a use for these fruits and are making good tinctures and liqueurs from them with might and main, and blackberry wine, which has delicate aroma and delicate taste with a slight hint of astringency, which are characteristic of noble alcoholic beverages.

However, in order to prepare such rowan wine, it is necessary to make an effort and strictly observe all the subtleties of the manufacturing technology. I offer the best step by step recipes house wine from chokeberry which have been repeatedly tested in practice.


  • stimulates the activity of the glands of the stomach;
  • removes spasms of smooth muscles;
  • normalizes the work of the gallbladder and liver;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • increases the body's resistance to infections, viruses;
  • significantly increases appetite;
  • helps to lower cholesterol levels;
  • fights bleeding gums.


However, in addition to the colossal benefits, rowan wine can also cause great harm. It is strictly forbidden to use it for people with the following diseases:

  • with diabetes;
  • migraine prone;
  • suffering from hypotension and diseases of the stomach;
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • during pregnancy or lactation.

Classic chokeberry wine recipe

Chokeberry wine made at home according to the proposed simple traditional recipe, it turns out a rich chestnut-ruby color with a charming delicate aroma and an indescribably wonderful aftertaste. The cooking technology is quite simple, but you still have to try, because non-observance of some nuances kills the idea to make quality drink on the vine, and it will not be possible to correct errors.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. We carefully sort out unwashed berries, removing spoiled, rotten or unripe fruits.
  2. Grind the selected chokeberry to a puree state using a meat grinder or blender.

  3. Put the resulting slurry in a large enamel pan and pour in the same one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar. We also lower the unwashed raisins there and mix everything well.

  4. We cover the pan with gauze folded in 4-5 layers, and place the berry mixture in a dark room with a temperature of 19 to 28 degrees. Be sure to stir the wort 1-2 times a day, while flooding the pulp that has floated to the surface of the wort.
  5. After 3-4 days, when the first signs of fermentation appear, squeeze the juice from the pulp using a colander and gauze cloth.

  6. Pour the squeezed liquid into a container for further fermentation, filling it no more than half.
  7. We close the vessel with a water seal and transfer the wort to a warm, dark room, protected from drafts.
  8. We spread the remaining pulp in a clean saucepan, add 2.5 kg of sugar there and pour spring water, preheated to 30-32 degrees.
  9. Stir the contents of the pan thoroughly and cover with gauze.
  10. We leave the mass to ferment for one week, stirring occasionally.
  11. At the end of the specified period, we again separate the juice from the pulp and pour it into the fermentation vessel, where the first batch of liquid ferments.
  12. Mix everything well and return the water seal to its place.
  13. After one week, remove the shutter, pour out about 400 ml of liquid and dilute the remaining sugar in it. Pour the resulting syrup back into the vessel and put on the shutter.

  14. We are waiting for the final cessation of fermentation. It usually takes from one and a half to two months, depending on the temperature of the room and the work of wild yeast.
  15. Carefully decant a young drink - drain the liquid from the sediment using a short hose or thin tube.
  16. Pour the drained liquid into a clean vessel, filling it to the top. At this stage, you can sweeten the drink or fix it. strong alcohol, adding medical alcohol or quality vodka.
  17. We install a water seal and this time we transfer the vessel to a cool room with a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. The shutter can be replaced with a tight lid after a week, when the risk of re-fermentation disappears.
  18. We stand the drink until full ripening, which will end in about six months. As a precipitate appears with a layer of 3 to 5 cm, the liquid must be drained from it by pouring into a clean vessel. Thus, you will get a transparent, clean wine that is not inferior in beauty to elite varieties of alcohol.
  19. The ripened drink is poured into glass bottles, tightly closed and stored in a cellar or any other cool place.

Did you know? The maximum shelf life of chokeberry wine made according to classic recipe reaches five years. The strength of this alcohol varies from 10 to 13 turns.

Recipe for chokeberry and apple wine

Homemade wine made using this method is softer and less tart than in the previous recipe. Alcohol has a richer taste and aromatic palette, and also has a light ruby ​​​​hue. Apple-chokeberry drink is very easy to drink and does not cause severe hangover, perfectly copes with the heat and helps to relax after a grueling work week.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. We carefully sort out the berries of black mountain ash, after which we grind them to a state of homogeneous gruel.

  2. We wipe unwashed apples with a damp cloth, then cut out the core and remove the seeds. Grind fruit until puree.
  3. Mix both ingredients in enamelware, after which we add water and 1 kg of granulated sugar there.

  4. We cover the neck of the container with gauze and place it in a warm room for a week. Do not forget to stir the wort daily and drown the popped cake of mountain ash and apples.
  5. Carefully squeeze the juice from the pulp and pour it into a fermentation bottle.

  6. We install a water seal and transfer the wort to a warm place with a temperature of 19 to 29 degrees.
  7. After one week, we add another kilogram of sugar to the wort, drain a small amount of liquid and diluting the sweet component in it. Pour the prepared syrup back into the bottle and return the shutter to its original place.
  8. A week later, repeat the procedure for adding the rest of the sugar.
  9. After two months, when the fermentation is over, the young wine is drained from the sediment, filtered and poured into a clean container, filling it to the top.
  10. We send the wine for maturation in a cool place for 3.5-5 months. Do not forget to get rid of the sediment as it occurs in a layer of 3-5 cm.
  11. Ready alcohol is bottled and stored in a cellar or any other cool place.

Video recipes for making wine from chokeberry

The presented videos will help you figure out how to make wine from chokeberry at home according to proprietary recipes of professional winemakers.

In this video, the master presents the simplest recipe for chokeberry wine, which is possible to implement at home. You do not need any experience in winemaking or special equipment.

There are two manufacturing methods rowan wine from black berries, which reveal the process to the smallest detail. A skilled winemaker will share his vast experience and provide you with useful tips to help avoid unrecoverable errors.

After watching this video, you will quickly learn how to cook homemade dry wine from black mountain ash and apples, the tasting characteristics of which are not much inferior to purchased elite varieties of dry wines.

It will appeal to connoisseurs of exquisite, incomparable alcohol.

Here are some easy ways to make delicious elite drink, which will not only please its amazing taste and aroma, but also will have healing effects. If you have discovered new combinations of ingredients for making chokeberry wine, then share them in the comments. Thank you for your attention and good luck in winemaking!

Aronia is known in folk medicine for its ability to fight high blood pressure, although this is not its only property. They use the product in different ways - for example, they make wine. The benefits and harms of chokeberry wine for the body will be discussed further.

The benefits of wine

Aronia products, including wine, can be recommended to patients with many diseases. These include:

  • weak immunity and beriberi;
  • slagging of the body;
  • radiation sickness;
  • rheumatism;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine system and thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with insufficient production of acid and spasms of smooth muscles;
  • high blood pressure;
  • overweight;
  • nervous excitability.

Chokeberry increases the activity of the glands of the stomach, relieves spasms of smooth muscles, and has a choleretic effect. It is included in the diet of cancer patients because it contains anthocyanins. And also berries reduce the risk of cancer. The fruits of the tree increase the body's resistance to viruses, infections, cause appetite, and lower cholesterol levels. Chokeberry removes excess fluid, dilates blood vessels, promotes hematopoiesis, and due to its astringent properties, eliminates bleeding gums.

Wine takes on many of the beneficial properties of the fruit. The pectins contained in it contribute to the elimination of toxins, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides from the body.


Whatever useful properties no matter how black chokeberry possessed, it should be remembered that wine from it is contraindicated for people with alcohol addiction, like other alcohol-containing drinks. Caution should be exercised when using this medicine in patients diabetes in which such foods cause fluctuations in glucose levels. It should not be given to children, pregnant women, nursing mothers.

Wine contains many allergenic substances - yeast, pollen, histamines. In people prone to migraines, this product can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

In the treatment of hypertension, one should be careful when drinking wine and not exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor.


Wine from chokeberry is not shown to everyone. It is not recommended for use in the following diseases and conditions:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • constipation.

We will have to postpone treatment for the period of exacerbation of hypertension and angina pectoris.

How to cook?

To make wine from chokeberry (6-7 l), take:

  • black chokeberry berries - 10 kg;
  • sugar - from 5 glasses.

To reduce harm from chokeberry wine for people with low blood pressure, hibiscus leaves are added to the recipe (about 50 g per 9–10 kg).

You can’t wash the berries, because yeast bacteria live on their skin, which also die when frozen and low temperatures. For the latter reason, the berries are harvested during their ripening season and frozen raw materials are not used to make the drink.

Wine is prepared in several stages:

  1. The berries are placed in stainless steel, enameled steel or glass dishes. Raw materials are crushed ( better with hands), add sugar, mix. The mass is left to ferment for 7–12 days in a covered container, stirring occasionally.
  2. When the swollen berries float to the surface, and a characteristic foam appears on the surface, the pulp is selected by squeezing the juice out of it. The pulp is put in a separate bowl, sent for re-fermentation, adding one glass of sugar and a liter of water (bottled, but not tap). The pulp is left to ferment for a week, making sure that mold does not appear on the surface. Strained juice is poured into jars with a water seal and sent to a dark place with a temperature not exceeding 18 ° C.
  3. After 7-12 days, the pulp is filtered again, the cake is thrown away. The juice from the first portion is uncorked, the foam is removed from the surface, mixed with fresh juice, again closed with a water seal.
  4. The first month after that, the foam is regularly removed from the surface, the liquid is filtered to remove sediment, which in the final stages can worsen the taste. finished product. The more transparent the wine becomes, the closer it is to the final stage of preparation.
  5. In order not to let the fermentation process subside, ammonia is added every two weeks after the end of the period of active bubbling (one drop per 1 liter of wine).
  6. When the wine is clear and acidic enough to have only a slight coating on the bottom, it is sweetened to taste. To get dessert wine, 1 tablespoon of sugar is added to each liter of raw materials. Sugar is placed in a bag of natural fabric and on a cord they lower it completely into the jar, but as close as possible to the surface of the liquid. Dissolution takes about a week. Then the bag is removed.

It is important to prevent the appearance of mold, which will ruin the taste of the wine.

When the wine is ready, it is bottled and corked, but not hermetically sealed. At first, it can “play”, and then the dishes will not withstand the pressure of gases on the walls.

Composition of berries

The calorie content of wine depends on the type. Dry varieties - 65–80 kcal, dessert - 140 kcal.

How to store?

For a drink from chokeberry, the same storage rules apply as for other wines:

  • temperature - 10–15 °C;
  • humidity - 60–80 °C;
  • lighting is a dark place.

The fridge is the right place for this.

How to choose in the store?

You can choose wine according to the same rules as grape products:

  • Do not buy semi-sweet varieties, because they are usually made from waste and low-quality materials, they have more preservatives.
  • The label indicates the manufacturer, year of harvest.
  • The drink must be packed in glass container or in a barrel, products in plastic bags are only suitable for cooking other dishes.
  • If, after uncorking, a musty smell is heard on the cork, then it is better to refuse to drink the drink.
  • A natural product is never cheap, so wine costs at least 350 rubles.

When choosing wine as a folk remedy for the treatment of hypertension or other disease, it is important to remember that it is, first of all, alcoholic drink. It is necessary to take into account its possible negative impact on the body. The dose should be checked with the doctor, who will also determine how folk remedy combined with traditional medicines. Permissible daily dose drink - no more than 50 g.

Homemade wine from is distinguished not only by its pleasant palatability, but also medicinal properties, especially if the drink is prepared without the use of vodka. The recipe for making blackberry wine is quite simple, although it takes two months to prepare. However, this process is not only worth the effort, but even beginners can handle it, as it does not require a large number specialized utensils and special skills. Consider the features in the article.

The ripening time of the fruits of chokeberry falls on the beginning of autumn. The peculiarity of this plant is as follows - if you do not collect the fruits after ripening, they will remain on the branches until spring. Therefore, a natural question arises - when is the best time to harvest.

The quality of the resulting wine largely depends on the time when the berries were picked from the bush.

wild wine yeast perish at low temperatures, so it is extremely important to harvest mountain ash before the first autumn frosts in order to avoid the death of beneficial microorganisms.

For the same reason, it is highly recommended not to wash the fruits before starting the preparation of the drink, since most of the bacteria will simply be washed away, and without them the fermentation process will not begin.
In this way, best time harvesting chokeberry falls around the second half of October. Depending on where you live, these times may vary.

Let's figure out what kind of kitchen utensils we may need to make blackberry wine at home:

It is worth noting that the easiest way to create a water seal is to use an ordinary medical latex glove, in any finger of which a tiny hole is pierced with a needle. However, this is not a completely reliable method, since the smell of fermentation will be present in the room, and the future wine may “suffocate”.

Did you know? In Russia, in ancient times, wine was called the most various drinks, be it mash, beer or mead. Only representatives of the nobility drank wine directly, therefore it is difficult to say when exactly this drink began to be prepared. However, it is known for certain that it was from the moment the Crimean Peninsula was annexed to the Russian Empire that winemaking became widespread.

It is best to use a nylon or metal screw cap (it all depends on the neck of the bottle), in which a hole is made. It is necessary to insert a rubber hose into this hole, fix it securely and tightly, for example, with glue, and lower the other end into a jar of water in order to prevent air from entering the bottle.
Nylon cover

In order to prepare such a drink from chokeberry, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 kilograms of chokeberry berries;
  • 1 or 2 kilograms of granulated sugar (depending on what kind of wine you want to get - dessert or sweet);
  • 50 grams;
  • 1 liter of water.
So that the quality of the future wine drink is not in doubt, it is best to use purified bottled water or in last resort boil and cool it down.

It is not recommended to wash raisins before use, since during washing wild wine yeast, usually contained on its surface, will be removed from it, and this will adversely affect the fermentation processes.

The recipe for making homemade blackberry wine is quite simple to perform. Consider the main steps in the creation of this aromatic drink.

Did you know? Black berries contain special yeast bacteria - wild wine yeast, which are necessary for the successful fermentation of wine.

Preparation of chokeberry berries. The harvested crop should not be washed, but it is necessary to sort it out. Bad berries are thrown away, and all the rest are separated from the stalk, after which they must be poured into a large container and carefully transferred with clean hands. Fans of technology can use a combine or a meat grinder.

Connection of components. Next, add sugar to the resulting puree from mashed berries and mix thoroughly with your hands to get a homogeneous mixture. Add a handful of raisins inside (it will improve fermentation). Mix everything again and cover with cheesecloth, which will protect the contents from insects and debris.
In this state, leave the wort to infuse for about a week (from 7 to 12 days) in a relatively warm place where temperature regime will be within + 18–25 ° С. A decrease or increase in temperature can slow down and stop the fermentation process.

Important! During the entire infusion period, it is necessary to stir the wort daily with clean hands to avoid the appearance of mold on the surface.

Juice section. After about a week, it will be possible to proceed to the next step in the preparation of wine. Is the mixture ready for this, you can find out quite simply - you will notice that the berries have already swollen significantly, have risen to the surface of the liquid. In addition, if you dip your palm into the mess, then a foam characteristic of fermentation will appear around. This suggests that you can proceed to the following actions - the separation of the pulp from the juice.

The pulp is collected by hand and squeezed with gauze. Kitchen appliances are not very suitable for this, as they quickly become clogged, and they give a small amount of juice. The rest of the juice must be passed through a fine sieve.
All the resulting juice must be drained into a separate bottle (a container in which the wine will be prepared), but the cake should not be thrown away - it will still come in handy.

The juice you now have may contain small particles and significant sediment. This is not scary, and it is not worth removing it now - in the process of future filtration, the wine will be purified.

The remaining pulp. It must be put aside for re-fermentation. To do this, the remaining sugar is added to the cake and water is poured. Make sure that the water is quite warm, but not warmer than 30°C and not colder than 25°C, because at other temperatures the wine yeast begins to die.

The container with the pulp must be covered with a lid to limit the access of light, and left for 5 days in a warm and dark place. During this entire period, do not forget to stir the mixture and drown the pop-up berries.
Hydrolock and its installation. The juice that has turned out before must be poured into a large bottle, where it will ferment in the future. It is imperative to install a water seal in the neck of the bottle to restrict air access and remove excess gases.

The water seal can be both specialized and made by hand. If using a glove, then pull it over the neck and secure it tightly with an elastic band or thread. In the lid, drill a hole that would correspond to the tube you selected. Insert the tube inside and fix tightly.

To do this, you can use glue or in another way - from the inside of the lid, insert an empty case from the handle into the end of the hose and heat it with a lighter. The outer end of the tube will expand and tightly close the hole in the lid.

Put the cap on the bottle. Lower the outer long end of the rubber tube into a jar of water - this is necessary so that gases escape from the container, and the wine does not “suffocate”, and oxygen does not penetrate into the bottle.

Important! The short end of the tube on the inside of the lid should be as high as possible above the wine composition.

The wort bottle must now be placed in a warm and dark room. It is desirable that the temperature here be at least + 18 ° C.

Second juice. We extract it from the already settled pulp, which we take out of the shelter. To do this, simply pass the mixture through a colander or sieve. This must be done carefully so that the drink does not turn cloudy.

The waste cake is now recyclable.

Adding juice to the main container. To do this, simply remove the water seal, remove the foam on the surface of the liquid with a spoon and pour the juice obtained from the pulp into the main container, after which it is tightly closed again.
active fermentation process. It will last about 1.5-2 months. During this time it will be necessary to filter the wort. The first month the procedure is repeated every week, and in the remaining time - every two weeks.

To carry out filtration, you need to remove the water seal, remove the foam from the surface of the liquid and carefully pour the wine from one bottle to another using a thin tube from a dropper, while leaving all the sediment at the bottom of the can.

The end of fermentation will be indicated by the disappearance of its manifestations - for example, bubbles will stop appearing in a jar of water, and the glove will deflate, and the liquid will also become lighter.

When the fermentation process is over, you will need to last time strain the young wine through a straw, freeing it from the remnants of the sediment, and pour into bottles intended for storage.

However, if you are not satisfied with the sweetness of the resulting drink, now is the time to sweeten it. You can’t just pour sugar into a liquid: it is placed in a clean piece of cotton fabric, tied with a thread to make a bag, and lowered into a container with young wine.
The bag of sugar should not sink: secure it close to the surface, reinstall the water seal and let the wine sit for another week. During this time, the sugar will most likely dissolve completely.

Now it's time to send the young wine for maturation.

Wine maturation. When the drink is bottled, it's time to send it to mature in some cool and dark place. A cellar or refrigerator is quite suitable for this. However, if you sweetened the wine at the end of the fermentation process, then do not cork the bottle too tightly, as gases may be released for another week.

The product ripens from 2 to 4 months, after which it becomes ready for use.

What can be combined

To prepare delicious fruit and berry wine, which is also very healthy, you can add other fruits or berries to chokeberry. Pear and grapes go well with chokeberry.

Cooking this drink with the addition of other fruits, it practically does not differ from the main recipe - the main thing is that their ratio to mountain ash is 1 to 1.

Video recipe for making wine from chokeberry

During preparation, the fruits are peeled and cut into small pieces, and the berries are ground or crushed to a puree consistency, after which everything is covered with sugar, and then fermentation processes begin.

For an unusual aroma and an interesting flavor, cherry leaves or can be added to the fruit and berry mixture. The rest of the recipe is the same.

Wine made at home should be stored in a dark and cool place - preferably in tightly sealed dark glass containers.

The ideal storage space is the cellar. The temperature should be within + 10-12 ° C, although for dessert wines it is permissible to increase the temperature to + 13-14 ° С.

It is desirable that the humidity in the room was in the range of 65-80%.
In the lying position of the bottle, contact of the liquid with the cork is ensured, which prevents the penetration of air into the container.

Subject to all these conditions, homemade chokeberry fruit and berry wine can be stored for about 5 years.

Important! Wine bottles are placed horizontally, and it is advisable not to touch them during the entire storage period, since any shaking is stressful for the drink.

If you know some of the features of making wine at home, you can make a very tasty drink:

  1. Ideal container for making wine - wooden. It has pores through which the air necessary for the life of fermentation bacteria enters. However, in modern conditions its use is practically impossible, so the most the best choice - glass. It is acceptable to use plastic, but it can be toxic. But metal utensils cannot be used in any case, since the oxidation process takes place in it.
  2. Making homemade chokeberry wine without adding sugar is not recommended., since the berries contain very little sugar and a lot of tannins. Wine without sugar will be too sour and tart.
  3. The more sugar, the sweeter the drink will be in the end.. AT this case, if you take 1 kilogram of sugar for 5 kilograms of rowan berries, the wine will turn out to be dessert.
  4. Blackberry pulp is prone to mold. Therefore, the mixing of the wine composition should be regular and frequent throughout the entire period, from mixing the ingredients to the separation of the pulp from the juice.
  5. The taste of a wine drink largely depends on its age. - excerpts. Therefore than more product will be stored in peace and darkness, the more rich bouquet and taste it will have.

Made from chokeberry Home wine has not only pleasant taste and aroma: it also has a beneficial effect on health - it normalizes high blood pressure with hypertension, improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart.

Many summer residents consider chokeberry to be a useless plant, the berries of which are unsuitable for winemaking. It's time to debunk this myth. We'll consider the best recipe homemade wine from chokeberry, repeatedly tested in practice. The cooking process is not difficult, but in addition to fruits, water and sugar, patience is still required.

First, the berries must be carefully sorted out, removing unripe, spoiled, rotten and moldy. The taste of the future largely depends on the thoroughness of sorting raw materials. chokeberry wine. Not a single bad berry should get into the drink.

Used containers should be sterilized with boiling water and dried, especially if they come into contact with other products, such as milk. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and spoilage of the wine.


  • ripe chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • unwashed raisins - 50 grams (optional);
  • water - 1 liter.

blackberry wine recipe

1. Preparation of mountain ash. Knead 5-6 kg of chokeberry with clean hands. Each individual berry must be crushed.

It is impossible to wash the mountain ash, because there are wild yeast, thanks to which the juice will ferment. All dirt will then settle to the bottom and be removed by filtration.

2. Mixing ingredients. Pour the crushed mountain ash into a non-metallic container of 10 liters (plastic, glass or enameled).
Add 500 grams of sugar to the blackberry. I do not recommend making wine from chokeberry without sugar, since the natural sugar content of the berries is low (up to 9%), as a result, the wine will turn out weak (maximum 5.4 degrees) and will be poorly stored.

To be sure of fermentation, I advise you to add a handful of unwashed raisins to the container with wine, on the surface of which there are also wild wine yeasts. The quality of the drink will not suffer from this. After adding sugar, mix the wort thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Tie the container with gauze to protect it from insects, and put it in a warm place (18-25 ° C) for a week. 3-4 times a day during the entire period, mix the juice and pulp (peel and pulp particles that have floated to the surface) so that mold does not appear on the surface.

3. Squeezing juice. After 3-7 days, the rowan berries will swell and rise to the top. If you immerse your hand in liquid, a characteristic foam will appear. This indicates that it is time to squeeze the juice.

You need to collect the pulp with your hands and squeeze out the juice. You can use a press, but not a juicer, which will clog quickly. The squeezed pulp cannot be thrown away, it will still be needed.

Filter all the juice obtained (remaining in the container and squeezed out of the pulp) through a regular kitchen colander or gauze. You can ignore the small particles that got into the liquid during filtration, we will remove them later. Pour the purified juice into a fermentation tank, filling no more than 40% of the volume, so that there is room for a new portion of juice, foam and carbon dioxide, which will be released during fermentation.

4. Work with pulp. In the squeezed pulp add 0.5 kg of sugar and 1 liter warm water(25-30°C). Mix well so that the liquid rises above the pulp. Cover with a lid, leave for 5 days in a dark place at room temperature.

The pulp again needs to be mixed every day, drowning the berries that have floated to the surface, otherwise mold will appear.

5. Installation of a water seal. Install a water seal of any design on a jar with previously obtained juice (you can put on a medical glove with a small hole in one of the fingers), then put it in a dark room with a temperature of 18-27 ° C for fermentation.

Water sealed wine Glove as a shutter

6. Getting a new portion of juice. After a week of settling, carefully strain the pulp through a colander. Special pressure is not necessary, since you only need quality juice, not mud. Recycled pulp and peel can be thrown away, they gave everything useful material and will no longer be needed.

7. Mixing juice. Remove the water seal from the jar with the first portion of juice, remove the foam accumulated on the surface with a spoon, then add the juice obtained at the previous stage. After that, install the water seal back on the fermentation tank.

8. Fermentation. The process lasts 25-50 days. The end of fermentation is indicated by the absence of bubbles from the water seal during the day (the glove has deflated and no longer inflates), sediment appeared at the bottom, the wine became lighter. After that, you will get a young wine from chokeberry with a sharp taste, which needs maturation to improve the organoleptic properties. It's time to drain the wine through a straw into another container, without touching the sediment.

At this stage, the drink can be sweetened to taste or fixed with vodka (alcohol 40-45%) in an amount of 2-15% of the volume of wine. Fixing promotes storage, but the taste and aroma become tougher.

9. Ripening. Fill the containers to the top with wine, close tightly (if sugar was added for sweetening, it is better to keep the first 7-10 days under the shutter) and transfer to a refrigerator or cellar with a temperature of 8-16 ° C. Leave to ripen for 3-6 months. When sediment appears, filter once every 30-45 days.

Ready chokeberry wine can be bottled and hermetically sealed. If stored in a cellar or refrigerator, the shelf life is 3-5 years. Fortress - 10-12% (without artificial fixation).

This delicious and beautiful wine made from chokeberry juice will definitely please you and your guests. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time on its preparation, but the result is worth it. In addition, homemade wine does not contain dyes, preservatives and other chemicals. So you can enjoy it without harm to your health.

List of ingredients

  • chokeberry juice- 6 l
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 3.5 l

Cooking method

From the fruits of chokeberry, prepare the pulp and leave it to ferment in a glass bowl. Squeeze out the fermented pulp, and strain the resulting juice and pour into a bottle. Place the pomace in a bowl of water, on the basis that you need to take half of the amount of water juice and leave for a day. Then squeeze again and mix with the juice of the first extraction.

Add half the sugar to the juice and leave for 2-3 days. Then add the remaining sugar and fill the bottle with the remaining water. Stir and close the bottle with a cotton stopper. Place in a warm place and leave for 10-12 days. At this time, the wine will ferment quite strongly. After that, fermentation will slow down. Let it brew with less fermentation for another 15-20 days.

Drain the wine from the sediment and measure it. Pour sugar into it on the basis that for each liter of wine, you need to add 150 g of sugar and mix. Leave the wine for another month and you can serve.

Wine from chokeberry juice is ready!