Chicken meat roll in the oven. Chicken roll

Tender, dietary and affordable chicken meat appears on our tables quite often. It tastes good and is liked by almost everyone. But there is one caveat. If the same dish, no matter how tasty it is, is eaten often, it becomes boring. If soup, julienne or fried legs no longer excite the appetite - it's time to diversify the menu and cook chicken roll. This is a completely different matter! It seems that the meat is the same, but the shape and serving of the dish is completely different, and stuffing it different stuffing, you can constantly introduce an element of novelty. Rolls are made from minced chicken or whole piece leg meat or carcass, freed from the bones. Stuffed with mushrooms, cheese, bacon, scrambled eggs, bell peppers, herbs, or simply rolled meat flavored with seasonings into a roll. It is usually prepared in two ways - baked in an oven or boiled in water with the addition of spices and spices.

Chicken roll - food preparation

For a roll of minced meat, minced meat is placed on a film or napkin, the filling is laid on top and rolled up into a roll, lifting the edge of the film and helping to form a beautiful loaf with your hands. If the roll is prepared from a breast or fillet, the meat is simply beaten to the same thickness, salted, sprinkled with seasonings and wrapped in a “sausage”. So that it does not fall apart, it is wrapped with threads or the edges are fixed with toothpicks.

If the roll is used whole carcass birds, first of all, it is freed from bones. For this, from improvised means, there must be sharp knife, because quite a lot of tendons have to be cut, especially in the limbs. Then a layer of chicken is laid on the table with the skin down, and the flesh is beaten with a hammer. Further, as usual, the meat is salted, rubbed with spices, the filling is laid out, if it is provided, and rolled up. The roll is tied up with threads, wrapped in a film or foil and boiled or baked.

Chicken rollbest recipes

Recipe 1: Chicken Roll

This chicken roll is made from pure meat, i.e. absolutely without filling, flavored only with spices and seasonings. The principle of its manufacture is quite simple: the chicken carcass is freed from bones, rolled up and boiled and baked in the oven.

Ingredients: 1 chicken carcass - 2 kg, 4 cloves of garlic, to taste: black pepper, salt, Bay leaf.

Cooking method

Free the carcass from the bones. This procedure is not difficult, but requires a little skill, so the first time it will take some time. In the future, this will happen much faster, in just a few minutes.

First, you need to cut off the legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tail excess fat. If the chicken is well-fed, there is quite a lot of it.

Then it is necessary to cut the skin with meat from the abdomen longitudinally along the leg (leg) and remove the meat from the bone, cutting all the cartilages and tendons. Also release the second leg.

Next, put the carcass on the back, make a cut along the breast and from this place begin to free the meat from the costal bones, the keel, cutting it with a knife. Cut off two phalanges from the wing, then the bone from the wing will easily be released. Next, you need to separate the spine. Raising the neck, carefully separate the skin from the back with a knife.

The result should be an almost square boneless chicken layer. Mash or beat the fillet and meat so that it is about the same thickness. Sprinkle with salt and spices - pepper, bay leaf. Optionally, add a pinch of dried garlic, nutmeg. Rub the spices into the skin, meat with your hands and let the carcass lie down for a few minutes.

Then roll the chicken into a roll along the length, wrap several times with foil, twisting the edges, like a candy wrapper. Transfer the "candy" to the form. An oblong cake pan works best. Fill it with water so that it covers the carcass by about two-thirds.

Chop garlic cloves into water, add bay leaf and salt. Cook for 60-80 minutes at 200C. Cool and transfer directly to the mold overnight (or several hours) in the refrigerator. Remove the foil from the chilled roll and cut into thin slices.

Recipe 2: Bacon Chicken Roll

For this roll, it is best to take a small, inner fillet (medallions), then you get neat little rolls. They can be placed on common dish as an appetizer, or serve in portions with a side dish as a hot dish.

Ingredients: 400g filet (medallions), bacon (according to the number of fillet pieces), salt, pepper, 200ml soft processed cheese, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Beat the fillet, sprinkle with salt, pepper. Lay a thin slice of bacon on each piece of fillet, grease with cheese, wrap with a roll and chop with a toothpick. Lightly grease the form with oil and bake for twenty to twenty-five minutes (200C).

Recipe 3: Chicken roll with dried apricots and mushrooms

A dish worthy of a festive table. Looks very nice and has refined taste. It is prepared from fillet or brisket meat, which is ground into minced meat. Nothing but salt and pepper should be added to it - no bread, no eggs. If it is possible to find a quality minced chicken, you can use it too.

Ingredients: fillet or brisket - 800g, 2 eggs, 2 onions, 200g mushrooms, 100g dried apricots, dry white wine (any) - 100ml, 1-2 tablespoons. mayonnaise, salt, vegetable oil, herbs.

Cooking method

Soak dried apricots: pour wine and leave for two hours.

Prepare the batter for the pancake omelet. Mix mayonnaise, eggs, salt, pepper and beat with a whisk. Bake an omelet by frying it on both sides. When it cools down, cut it into small cubes.

Mushrooms cut into medium-sized slices and fry together with chopped onions. Cool down.

Drain the wine from the dried apricots (do not pour). Finely chop dried fruit.

Grind the meat with a blender or scroll in a meat grinder. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and mix well.

Dampen gauze with water, wring out and fold in half (you can take a napkin or towel). Put the minced meat on it, forming a rectangle one centimeter thick from it.

Sprinkle dried apricots over the surface with the first layer. Crumble greens on top. Lay out the third layer fried mushrooms with onion. Next - omelet pieces. All ingredients must be evenly distributed over the surface.

With the help of gauze (or towel), gently lifting the edge, roll up the roll. If necessary, smooth with your hands to make it even and beautiful. So that the stuffing is not sticky, your hands must be moistened.

Transfer the roll to a baking sheet directly in gauze and carefully shift it (you can roll it). Pour it with the remaining wine, add water from half a glass and bake for forty minutes at 200C. Cut the cooled roll into slices, which are placed on lettuce leaves.

Recipe 4: Chicken Roll in Cheese Casing

Highly unusual snack. It is not necessary to stew, boil and bake the roll. It is assembled from already boiled meat. The ingredients are ground and a “sausage” is formed from them, which is rolled in grated cheese. Can be used instead real sausage like a sandwich, putting a slice on the bread.

Ingredients: 2 large chicken legs, peeled walnuts- ½ cup, 150g cheese, 3 cloves of garlic, black pepper, salt.

Cooking method

Boil the chicken legs, cool. Remove the meat and twist it in a meat grinder along with nuts. Finely grate the garlic and mix with meat and nuts. Salt, pepper.

Finely grate the cheese. Form a “sausage” from minced meat, tamping it with your hands, and sprinkle with cheese. You can moisten it with water or grease it with mayonnaise and roll it in cheese so that a large layer sticks. Wrap the roll in foil and refrigerate for two hours.

Recipe 5: Leg Roll with Omelet and Ham

A chicken roll with an omelet is called a roulade. It is boiled in chicken broth. This recipe is one of the variations of its preparation. It turns out tasty, juicy and fragrant. Chicken legs are used instead of chicken in this recipe.

Ingredients: 1 large leg, 2 eggs, 100g ham, bunch of green onions, 2 table. lies. mayonnaise, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil. Would need cling film or a baking sleeve and thread.

Cooking method

Mix mayonnaise, eggs and salt. Fry an omelet. Fry should be on one side under a closed lid.

Cut the leg lengthwise to the bone and remove the meat with the skin. It is convenient to do this with a sharp knife to cut the tendons. Lay the layer on the skin, and beat the meat lightly with a hammer. Salt and pepper it. Sprinkle with chopped green onions. Place the omelette on top and crumble the ham over it.

Lifting the edge, roll up the roll. Wrap with thread and pack in a sleeve or cling film so that water does not get into it during cooking.

Pour water into the pan, add salt (you can also parsley with allspice if desired) and put on fire. As it boils, put the roll and cook for forty minutes. Once cool, cut into slices.

- From the broth remaining after cooking the roll, you can make soup.

- So that the meat does not fly apart when beaten, it should be beaten through cling film or a plastic bag.

- So that the roll does not open during cooking, it must be wrapped in cheesecloth and tied with threads.

chicken bones from the carcass should not be thrown in, it is better to put it in the freezer. Later, you can cook the broth from them.

Tender, dietary and affordable chicken meat appears on our tables quite often. It tastes good and is liked by almost everyone. But there is one caveat. If the same dish, no matter how tasty it is, is eaten often, it becomes boring. If soup, julienne or fried chicken legs no longer excite your appetite, it's time to diversify the menu and cook chicken roll. This is a completely different matter! It seems that the meat is the same, but the shape and serving of the dish is completely different, and by stuffing it with different fillings, you can constantly introduce an element of novelty. Rolls are prepared from minced chicken or a whole piece of leg meat or carcass, freed from bones. Stuffed with mushrooms, cheese, bacon, scrambled eggs, bell peppers, herbs, or simply rolled meat flavored with seasonings into a roll. It is usually prepared in two ways - baked in an oven or boiled in water with the addition of spices and spices.

Chicken roll - food preparation

For a minced meat roll, the minced meat is placed on a film or napkin, the filling is laid on top and rolled up into a roll, lifting the edge of the film and helping to form a beautiful loaf with your hands. If the roll is prepared from a breast or fillet, the meat is simply beaten to the same thickness, salted, sprinkled with seasonings and wrapped in a “sausage”. So that it does not fall apart, it is wrapped with threads or the edges are fixed with toothpicks.

If a whole bird carcass is used for a roll, it is first freed from bones. To do this, from improvised means, you must have a sharp knife, because. quite a lot of tendons have to be cut, especially in the limbs. Then a layer of chicken is laid on the table with the skin down, and the flesh is beaten with a hammer. Further, as usual, the meat is salted, rubbed with spices, the filling is laid out, if it is provided, and rolled up. The roll is tied up with threads, wrapped in a film or foil and boiled or baked.

Chicken Roll - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Chicken Roll

This chicken roll is made from pure meat, i.e. absolutely without filling, flavored only with spices and seasonings. The principle of its manufacture is quite simple: the chicken carcass is freed from bones, rolled up and boiled and baked in the oven.

Ingredients: 1 chicken carcass - 2 kg, 4 cloves of garlic, to taste: black pepper, salt, bay leaf.

Free the carcass from the bones. This procedure is not difficult, but requires a little skill, so the first time it will take some time. In the future, this will happen much faster, in just a few minutes.

First, you need to cut off excess fat from the legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tail. If the chicken is well-fed, there is quite a lot of it.

Then it is necessary to cut the skin with meat from the abdomen longitudinally along the leg (leg) and remove the meat from the bone, cutting all the cartilages and tendons. Also release the second leg.

Next, put the carcass on the back, make a cut along the breast and from this place begin to free the meat from the costal bones, the keel, cutting it with a knife. Cut off two phalanges from the wing, then the bone from the wing will easily be released. Next, you need to separate the spine. Raising the neck, carefully separate the skin from the back with a knife.

The result should be an almost square boneless chicken layer. Mash or beat the fillet and meat so that it is about the same thickness. Sprinkle with salt and spices - pepper, bay leaf. Optionally, add a pinch of dry garlic, nutmeg. Rub the spices into the skin, meat with your hands and let the carcass lie down for a few minutes.

Then roll the chicken into a roll along the length, wrap several times with foil, twisting the edges, like a candy wrapper. Transfer the "candy" to the form. An oblong cake pan works best. Fill it with water so that it covers the carcass by about two-thirds.

Chop garlic cloves into water, add bay leaf and salt. Cook for 60-80 minutes at 200C. Cool and transfer directly to the mold overnight (or several hours) in the refrigerator. Remove the foil from the chilled roll and cut into thin slices.

Recipe 2: Bacon Chicken Roll

For this roll, it is best to take a small, inner fillet (medallions), then you get neat little rolls. They can be laid on a common dish as an appetizer, or served in portions with a side dish as a hot dish.

Ingredients: 400g filet (medallions), bacon (according to the number of fillet pieces), salt, pepper, 200ml soft processed cheese, vegetable oil.

Beat the fillet, sprinkle with salt, pepper. Lay a thin slice of bacon on each piece of fillet, grease with cheese, wrap with a roll and chop with a toothpick. Lightly grease the form with oil and bake for twenty to twenty-five minutes (200C).

Recipe 3: Chicken roll with dried apricots and mushrooms

A dish worthy of a festive table. It looks very elegant and has an exquisite taste. It is prepared from fillet or brisket meat, which is ground into minced meat. You don’t need to add anything to it except salt and pepper - no bread, no eggs. If you can find quality minced chicken, you can use it.

Ingredients: fillet or brisket - 800g, 2 eggs, 2 onions, 200g mushrooms, 100g dried apricots, dry white wine (any) - 100ml, 1-2 tablespoons. mayonnaise, salt, vegetable oil, herbs.

Soak dried apricots: pour wine and leave for two hours.

Prepare the batter for the pancake omelet. Mix mayonnaise, eggs, salt, pepper and beat with a whisk. Bake an omelet by frying it on both sides. When it cools down, cut it into small cubes.

Mushrooms cut into medium-sized slices and fry together with chopped onions. Cool down.

Drain the wine from the dried apricots (do not pour). Finely chop dried fruit.

Grind the meat with a blender or scroll in a meat grinder. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and mix well.

Dampen gauze with water, wring out and fold in half (you can take a napkin or towel). Put the minced meat on it, forming a rectangle one centimeter thick from it.

Sprinkle dried apricots over the surface with the first layer. Crumble greens on top. Put the fried mushrooms with onions in the third layer. Next up are the omelet pieces. All ingredients must be evenly distributed over the surface.

With the help of gauze (or towel), gently lifting the edge, roll up the roll. If necessary, smooth with your hands to make it even and beautiful. So that the stuffing is not sticky, your hands must be moistened.

Transfer the roll to a baking sheet directly in gauze and carefully shift it (you can roll it). Pour it with the remaining wine, add water from half a glass and bake for forty minutes at 200C. Cut the cooled roll into slices, which are placed on lettuce leaves.

Recipe 4: Chicken Roll in Cheese Casing

A very unusual appetizer. It is not necessary to stew, boil and bake the roll. It is assembled from already boiled meat. The ingredients are ground and a “sausage” is formed from them, which is rolled in grated cheese. It can be used instead of a real sausage, like a sandwich, putting a slice on bread.

Ingredients: 2 large chicken legs, peeled walnuts - ½ cup, 150g cheese, 3 garlic cloves, black pepper, salt.

Boil the chicken legs, cool. Remove the meat and twist it in a meat grinder along with nuts. Finely grate the garlic and mix with meat and nuts. Salt, pepper.

Finely grate the cheese. Form a “sausage” from minced meat, tamping it with your hands, and sprinkle with cheese. You can moisten it with water or grease it with mayonnaise and roll it in cheese so that a large layer sticks. Wrap the roll in foil and refrigerate for two hours.

Recipe 5: Leg Roll with Omelet and Ham

A chicken roll with an omelet is called a roulade. It is boiled in chicken broth. This recipe is one of the variations of its preparation. It turns out tasty, juicy and fragrant. Chicken legs are used instead of chicken in this recipe.

Ingredients: 1 large leg, 2 eggs, 100g ham, a bunch of green onions, 2 table. lies. mayonnaise, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil. You will need cling film or a baking sleeve and thread.

Mix mayonnaise, eggs and salt. Fry an omelet. Fry should be on one side under a closed lid.

Cut the leg lengthwise to the bone and remove the meat with the skin. It is convenient to do this with a sharp knife to cut the tendons. Lay the layer on the skin, and beat the meat lightly with a hammer. Salt and pepper it. Sprinkle with chopped green onions. Place the omelette on top and crumble the ham over it.

Lifting the edge, roll up the roll. Wrap with thread and pack in a sleeve or cling film so that water does not get into it during cooking.

Pour water into the pan, add salt (you can also parsley with allspice if desired) and put on fire. As it boils, put the roll and cook for forty minutes. Once cool, cut into slices.

- From the broth remaining after cooking the roll, you can make soup.

- So that the meat does not fly apart when beaten, it should be beaten through cling film or a plastic bag.

- So that the roll does not open during cooking, it must be wrapped in cheesecloth and tied with threads.

Chicken bones from the carcass should not be thrown in, it is better to put them in the freezer. Later, you can cook the broth from them.

Many are accustomed to breakfast with sandwiches, but sausage is not the best. useful product, so it is better to replace it with something, such as chicken roll with gelatin, cooked in the oven. It is perfect for breakfast (you can read about what is better to eat for breakfast), and for festive table will look good.

Chicken meat often appears on our menu and for good reason, because it is both tasty and affordable. But because fried chicken legs you are unlikely to surprise us already, so I want to cook something more interesting and not only as a hot dish, a roll like from this series.

Another appetizer great for both breakfast and garnish festive feast, this is , follow the link and see different variants this healthy and tasty dish.

Recipe for chicken roll with gelatin in the oven


  • chicken meat - 600 - 700 grams
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • dry gelatin - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • pepper

How to make Gelatin Chicken Roll:

  1. Initially, the recipe used chicken breasts, but it seemed to me a roll of chicken breasts a little dry, so I now use chicken thighs. So, you can make from those parts of the chicken that you like best. Separate the chicken meat from the bones and remove the skin. Then cut it into small cubes.
  2. Put the prepared chicken meat in a bowl, add salt, pepper or any other spices that you like, crushed garlic and dry gelatin. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Then put the prepared meat on a sheet of foil, shape it into a plump sausage and wrap it in foil, carefully pinching the edges. Then wrap in another sheet of foil. Why do we wrap so carefully? It is very important here that the juice released during cooking does not flow out, since, in combination with gelatin, it will keep the shape of our roll and, accordingly, give it taste and juiciness.
  4. Put the prepared roll on a baking sheet and place in the oven. It is prepared at a temperature of 180 0 for about 40 - 50 minutes.
  5. Important!!! After the chicken roll with gelatin is ready, do not unwrap it, but let it cool right in the foil and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours in the foil. I often cook it in the evening and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we will have a ready breakfast.

I hope the recipe for chicken roll with gelatin in the oven did not seem very complicated to you, you can easily cook it and it will take its rightful place in your menu.

Enjoy your meal!

P.S. You probably noticed that the photo shows a chicken roll with green peas, but it is not indicated in the recipe. This is not a mistake - this is an experiment. While I was mixing the meat with spices, I suddenly remembered what I have in the freezer green pea and decided to add it. It turned out such a nice roll and its taste did not become worse from this.

While writing, a thought appeared, but you can try to make this roll with olives, with bright pieces bell pepper, you can try adding nuts, such as pistachios. So options are possible.

Or maybe someone has already cooked this way or cooked with some other additives? Share with us.
And I suggest you watch the video in addition, there is one more interesting way cooking.

Chicken roll with gelatin in a jar

Enjoy your meal!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Stuffed chicken roll is a universal dish. Fragrant breakfast sandwiches cold appetizer for lunch, spicy hot for dinner, and on the festive table he will find a worthy place. True, when starting cooking, we often encounter a problem: how best to rid the chicken of bones so that the roll turns out to be even, tender and beautiful? Let's figure out together how to properly cook chicken roll at home, describe the entire cooking process from cutting the carcass to serving the dish on the table.

How to cook chicken roll

1. Remove the tips of the wings. Lay the chicken breast side up, slide a knife parallel to the keel bone, first on one side, then on the other, and carefully separate from the breast.

2. Without damaging the skin, cut the spine, ribs and pelvic bones. Remove the spine along with all the bones, then the tail and the remains of the neck. Trim the tendons on the wings.

3. Trim the tendons on the thigh bones in the same way. Remove bones along with cartilage.

4. Flatten the carcass completely. Cut the breasts lengthwise and unfold them like books to evenly fill in those places where there is less meat. Cut the meat from the legs and breasts so that the layer of meat is 5-7 mm everywhere. Use cut pieces as "patches" in those places where there is little meat.

5. Cover the carcass with a double layer of film and beat with a hammer to level the surface. Then remove the film, sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper, if desired, put the soaked sheets of gelatin or sprinkle with gelatin powder - it will hold the layers together and this will help you when cutting the finished roll.

6. Prepare the filling of your choice (we used fried mushrooms, herbs, eggs, salt and pepper). Spread it over the chicken in an even layer about 1cm thick.

7. Using a film, roll the chicken into a tight roll, then wrap it a few more times with a film. Try to do this so that there is no air left between the layers of the film.

8. Bind the free edges of the film with a thick thread or twine. Prepare a spicy broth (bay leaves, roots, pepper and enough salt so that the broth is slightly salty), bring to a boil. At the bottom of a large saucepan, place a plate turned upside down so that the film does not boil, put a roll on it. Close the lid and cook on low heat for 40 minutes. Remove the roll from the broth, cool. Cover with frosting soy sauce and honey, then bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 15 minutes. Cut the finished roll, serve hot or cold.

Fillings for stuffing the roll

You can make a roll with a new filling every time, and the taste will be different!

1. boiled eggs with herbs;
2. fried mushrooms, onions, carrots;
3. mashed potatoes with cheese and herbs;
4. chicken liver, stewed with onions, and prunes;
5. canned pineapples.

Chicken roll is tasty, satisfying and home-style. We propose to cook this very delicious snack. Of course, you can buy any sausage, ham, meatloaf, but a homemade roll is much tastier, and you will know exactly what it is made of. Chicken roll looks great on the festive table, it can also be served for breakfast with white or black bread for tea or coffee.


  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Table mustard- 1 tbsp
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Seasoning for chicken- taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil- 1 tbsp


Servings - 4
Cooking time - 1 h 30 min

Chicken roll: how to cook

First you need to separate the chicken meat with the skin from the bones. To do this, take a sharp knife and make an incision along the ridge, pull the skin away with your hand and use the knife to carefully cut the meat from the frame. The meat on the legs, starting from the thighs, needs to be cut in a circle, release the bone and cut off. The wings can be completely cut off, this is not critical for the roll. But if you cook stuffed chicken, then the wings must be left so that the filling does not fall out.

Put mustard in a bowl, peel and grate on a fine grater or pass garlic through a garlic press, mix. If the mustard is not spicy, then you can add 2 tablespoons.

Lay the chicken on a cutting board, skin side down, and rub well with the mustard-garlic mixture.

Season the chicken meat with spices, salt and pepper to taste. Rub evenly again. Roll up into a roll.

Spread the foil, grease it vegetable oil and place the chicken roll seam side down. If the skin was not rubbed with spices, then salt and pepper a little. Wrap the roll in foil.

In addition to foil, you will need cling film. She needs to wrap the roll in several layers: the more you wrap it, the better. It will protect our future snack from water ingress and prevent juice from leaking out of it. Send the chicken roll to a cool place for a couple of hours so that it is soaked in spices.

Place the chicken roll in a saucepan, pour boiling water over so that it is completely immersed in water. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat and cover, simmer for 1.5 hours. Remove the roll from the water, cool at room temperature, refrigerate for at least 3 hours. If you cut it right away, it will not hold its shape and may fall apart.

Make a slit in cling film and foil, take out a delicious and appetizing chicken roll and cut it into thin slices. Enjoy your meal!