White tea: beneficial properties and contraindications. White tea, benefits and harm

Tea is the most popular and favorite drink for most people. Parts of the tea bush at different stages of maturity are collected and processed and this is how different types of tea are obtained:

  • black – fermented leaf;
  • green – minimally fermented leaf;
  • white – upper tender buds and leaves close to them;
  • red – this is what the usual black tea is called in China.

Each type of tea has its own beneficial features. For example, the beneficial properties of white tea are different from.

Composition of white tea

The drink is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, P and bioactive substances: flavonoids and polyphenols. The drink improves mood, calms, relieves fatigue and normalizes blood pressure. White tea has the least amount of caffeine compared to other types of tea, so it does not disrupt your sleep patterns.

Due to the high content, White tea promotes wound healing and increases blood clotting. In China it is called the “elixir of immortality”, as it allowed one to quickly restore strength and heal wounds.

How it is collected

White tea belongs to the elite varieties of tea, since the harvest is harvested by hand, removing from the bushes only the upper tender buds, which are covered with “fluff,” and 1-2 upper leaves adjacent to the buds.

This raw material is kept over steam for a minute and then immediately sent to drying. The collection is carried out from 5 to 9 am, while the collectors are prohibited from consuming spices, aromatic products and use perfume so that the tea does not absorb foreign odors. White tea preserves everything useful material, and its taste is delicate, subtle and aromatic.

What are the benefits of white tea?

White tea is a record holder for the content of antioxidant substances. This gives it anti-aging, anti-tumor and restorative properties. By drinking white tea regularly, you can rejuvenate the body, get rid of free radicals that destroy cell membranes, and improve the condition of your skin and hair. Antioxidants are the best prevention of the development of cancer, heart and vascular diseases. The ability to cleanse the walls of blood vessels from plaques of dense cholesterol makes antioxidant substances one of the best enemies of heart disease.

How to brew white tea

To reap all the benefits of the drink, it must be brewed correctly.

IN teapot pour a double portion of dry tea leaves, that is, take 2 tbsp. per glass of boiling water and add 85°C water. The liquid should be hot, but not boiling. At this moment, the energy of water turns into air energy - this is what the Chinese believe. Let the tea brew for 5 minutes and drink this aromatic and healthy drink.

How to store white tea

The dishes should be hermetically sealed and kept away from other substances that emit odor.

The benefits of white tea were known many years ago. Initially, only members of the Chinese imperial family could appreciate all the luxury of the drink. If the emperor treated any of the nobles to a wonderful drink, this was equated with the highest praise and favor of the ruler. The cost of tea was simply enormous, but it was also difficult to find. Those who collected buds and leaves were subject to very high demands: they were not allowed to consume alcohol, spices with a strong aroma, garlic and other products, the smell of which could be transferred to the freshly harvested crop. The method of preparing white tea was kept a big secret for many years.

The birthplace of the drink of the emperors, or the “elixir of immortality”, as it was also called, is considered to be a small village in Fujian province. And although researchers have established other places of growth, the most elite varieties could only be collected there. Delicate aroma, refined taste quickly gained popularity among tea lovers even today. But it has still not been possible to graft the plant outside its historical homeland. An analogue of white tea grows in the mountains of Sri Lanka, but it cannot compete with real Chinese tea.

Nutritional value of white tea and its chemical composition

100 g of tea leaves contains:

It is worth noting that all beneficial substances are preserved due to minimal heat treatment of the fresh product (only 2 minutes). White tea occupies a leading position in the amount of useful substances among drinks, while the caffeine content in it is minimal compared to other varieties.

To put it in simple and understandable language, it contains:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B15, C, P, PP;
  • microelements;
  • amino acids, etc.

The beneficial properties of white tea allow you to drink the drink at any time of the day. High demands even on the time of collection, and I collect it only a couple of hours early in the morning on a sunny day, as well as the natural drying of the leaves under the sun’s rays, preserve the pleasant taste and beneficial components.

The benefits of white tea for the body

The drink received its second name “elixir of immortality” for a reason. Thanks to its constituent components, it has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of blood clots, and lowers cholesterol levels. Scientists have noted the amazing beneficial properties of white tea for diabetes, obesity, chronic fatigue. It helps the body build immunological defenses against cancer, aging, and infectious diseases. With regular use, the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis is reduced.

Thanks to essential oils Although contained in small quantities, white tea has a magical aroma, and also effectively quenches thirst and refreshes. A little caffeine stimulates and keeps the body in good shape. Even dentists did not remain indifferent to the beneficial properties of white tea, noting it positive influence on the body in the fight against the formation of caries. The ability to remove waste, toxins, alcohol and nicotine is also important.

For those who are in a stressful situation, the drink is simply irreplaceable. It improves blood circulation in the brain, relieves fatigue and fear, and relaxes. White tea is beneficial even for allergy sufferers, and because it has beneficial influence on the respiratory system. But young ladies will certainly be interested in its ability to break down fats, which makes white tea simply an essential supplement when losing weight.

Harm of white tea

Why is white tea harmful? Scientists have not yet found an answer to this question, so pregnant women and children are allowed to drink white tea. The only exception may be people with individual intolerance to the product or allergies to its components.

Helpful advice: White tea is best bought in May-June, but not packaged. Since the sheets are quite fragile, they are transported very carefully. In packages they will simply lose their properties. But the timing of the purchase is due to the fact that there is a greater likelihood of purchasing this year’s brew, which has not had time to lose all its beneficial substances. Pay attention to the shelf life! It should not exceed 12 months.

How to brew white tea

If 1 liter of drink is being prepared, then 3 tbsp is added to the water. spoons of tea leaves. 2 teaspoons are required per cup. There is no need to pour boiling water; a water temperature of 70-75 degrees is sufficient. Afterwards the drink is left to brew for 10 minutes. It is recommended not to add sugar. In order not to lose all the beneficial properties of white tea, you should drink it within 15-20 minutes.

White tea has many beneficial properties. This is what made it so popular in traditional Chinese medicine several centuries ago. To the rest of the world this type tea came not so long ago, but this did not prevent it from immediately gaining popularity among connoisseurs. Many people love not only thin light The aroma of an almost transparent infusion. For most, its beneficial effects are important.

Antioxidants are special molecules that protect the body's cells from damage by free radicals formed as a result of the breakdown of substances. Free radicals damage DNA, triggering and aggravating the aging process. Antioxidants neutralize them, providing us with a long and healthy life, reducing the risk of developing cancer, pathologies, and chronic inflammation.

Since white tea is practically not processed after picking, the amount of beneficial antioxidants in it is much higher than even in the popular green tea.

Cancer Prevention

It is believed that regular use White tea reduces the risk of developing cancer and helps fight existing tumors. Flavonoids, a special class of antioxidants, slow the growth of cancer cells and prevent the formation of new ones. There are documented cases where white tea worked as effectively as classical drugs prescribed to patients with oncology, but did not have any side effects.

Lower blood pressure

Research confirms that white tea slightly thins the blood and improves vascular function. This leads not only to a decrease in arterial blood levels, but also to maintaining its normal value. Due to its antihypertensive and angioprotective (vascular protection) effects, white tea reduces the likelihood of strokes.

Reducing cholesterol levels

Catechins, another group of antioxidants, have been shown to reduce total blood levels. There are several fractions of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is “bad” cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, disrupting the nutrition of tissues and organs, provoking the development of vascular accidents. Reducing even total cholesterol levels, and not just LDL, will already give good results in the long term.

If you often drink white tea, take special medications (statins) prescribed by your doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, you can significantly improve your condition, reduce the frequency and intensity of ischemic attacks (for coronary arteries), headaches (for atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries) , pain in the legs (with atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities).

Heart protection

Increasing blood fluidity (thinning), lowering blood pressure, preventing atherosclerosis and protecting blood vessels significantly improves the condition of cardio-vascular system, providing both a direct cardioprotective effect due to the work of antioxidants with heart cells, and indirect by reducing the load.

A multi-year study found that people who drink at least two cups of white tea a day are 50% less likely to die from a sudden heart attack than those who drink strong fermented teas and coffee.

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system

It has been proven that people who regularly consume white tea have b O greater bone density. It is believed that white tea is especially beneficial for patients with osteoporosis, arthritis and arthrosis.

Antibacterial and antiviral action

A large number of antioxidants helps the human body fight viruses and bacteria and stimulates immune system, which also helps to improve natural protection against all infectious diseases. White tea not only helps not to get sick during the cold season, but can even alleviate symptoms in HIV patients.

Healthy teeth and gums

White tea contains small amounts of fluoride and other substances that not only strengthen teeth and gums, but also kill bacteria responsible for tooth decay and bad breath.

Healthy skin

Regular consumption of white tea will help maintain youthful skin.

Free radicals are formed in the body during prolonged exposure to the sun, stress, poor or simply unbalanced nutrition and accelerate the aging process. A large number of antioxidants in white tea effectively fight free radicals, maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin.

Minimum caffeine

In this type of tea the most low content caffeine compared to other varieties of coffee, energy drinks. Thus, after drinking white tea you will not feel palpitations, anxiety, agitation, or an unnatural emotional upsurge, as happens, for example, after a cup of espresso. Moreover, the low level of caffeine in tea will prevent side effects such as insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and headaches.

Amino acid L-theanine

The amino acid L-theanine is known for its strong antioxidant effect, its ability to stimulate weight loss, reduce anxiety, and improve concentration. In combination with a small amount caffeine, which is contained in white tea, this amino acid helps to relax and relieve stress.

Other useful properties

  1. It is believed that white tea may slightly lower blood sugar levels and reduce symptoms. But keep in mind that diabetics should not refuse prescribed medications and switch to this drink. White tea can only be a useful addition, but not a replacement for treatment!
  2. Just two cups of tea a day can reduce stress and increase vitality.
  3. White tea slightly speeds up the weight loss process by increasing metabolism. If you add the habit of drinking several cups of white tea to your diet and exercise, the results will not be long in coming.

Tea secrets

  1. Buy loose white tea. If you have such an opportunity, order it directly from China, for example, at the TaoBao auction. Remember what is real quality tea It is sold only by weight, and old tea, defective, is poured into single bags. An indicator of quality is the integrity of the sheet. It is the whole leaf that stores all the flavors and nutrients. There is no longer any use in the debris and tea dust. Remember, are there ever whole tea leaves in tea bags? This is why you need to buy loose tea, and not just white, but any other. Always evaluate the tea leaves before purchasing and do not agree to buy second-rate, broken tea, no matter how much the seller persuades you and no matter how attractive the price.
  2. Drink at least 2-4 cups of tea per day. So you can get required amount anticosidants. White tea can withstand 2-3 steepings. Therefore, to save some money, brew it at least twice in a row. It is not recommended to leave brewed and drained (that is, wet, without water in the kettle) leaves for later.
  3. WITH quality tea You don’t have to eat something and add sugar to it. On the contrary, each type of tea has its own flavor nuances, which can only be discerned by concentrating on the drink.
  4. You need to brew white tea at the rate of 5-7 grams of tea per mug, pouring it hot water(85-90 degrees), but not boiling water. The easiest way to achieve this water temperature is to boil a kettle, pour a mug of water and after 10-15 seconds pour the water from the mug into the teapot.
  5. Try different types of white tea. The most popular: silver needles, Bai Mu Dan, Shu Mei, Gong Mei.

Possible harm

White tea has no proven side effects or contraindications for use, so everyone without exception can enjoy its taste.

White tea is valued above other varieties for its unique properties. In ancient China, a drink based on it was considered an elixir of immortality. Therefore, white tea was forbidden to be exported outside the country, otherwise the emperor would impose the death penalty.

Types of white tea

  1. The popular variety in the form of silver needles with light hair is usually produced from young tea tips that have not had time to bloom. The product variety is considered one of the most expensive.
  2. This type of tea is valued because it is hand-picked in the shortest possible time. The plantations are small and the tree is grown in limited suitable conditions.
  3. The elite variety includes “White Peony”. The product is a young bud with two leaves. The variety is collected from the first harvest.
  4. Other types of tea are removed as the leaves of the tree bloom. The product is cut in the same way as described earlier. The leaves vary in shade, but retain soft hair.
  5. No matter how simple the production of white tea may seem, only varieties of Chinese tea trees are suitable for such purposes. Often on the shelves of specialized stores you can find products grown under similar conditions.
  6. White tea low grade grown in Vietnam and India. The product is an order of magnitude inferior in taste and useful qualities Chinese composition. White tea leaves can easily absorb various odors and moisture.
  7. Therefore, pickers who have bad smoking habits or like to eat spicy foods do not have the right to harvest on the day of abuse of harmful products.
  8. It is customary to transport finished tea leaves in sealed containers. It is recommended to store the product at home in opaque glass containers. A different type of dishware may leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the tea.

The effect of white tea on the body

  • protects the immune system;
  • invigorates the body;
  • promotes mental clarity;
  • strengthens the vascular system;
  • gently lifts the mood;
  • tones the epidermis;
  • rejuvenates cells;
  • removes heavy metals from the body;
  • resists the formation of cancer;
  • copes with alcohol and food departures.

Many may think that almost any type of tea has similar effects. The fact is that white leaves contain a higher percentage of vitamins, tannin and catechin than any other product.

For this simple reason, white tea is much more beneficial and less harm. The product also contains a lot of caffeine, but the effect of the component is mitigated by many enzymes in the composition.

It is this product that contains the maximum amount of useful microelements:

  • tannins;
  • catechins;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • purine
  • caffeine;
  • complex of vitamins.
  1. Many factors can affect chemical composition white tea. The leaves are most valuable when they bloom in early spring in the Fujian mountain plantations.
  2. If the tea leaves are not fermented, but only dried in natural conditions, then the product will retain the maximum amount of catechins.
  3. Tea also contains a powerful antioxidant of natural origin - epigallocatechin gallate. With the help of such microelements, the body easily absorbs vitamins P and C.
  4. Thanks to this, it is normalized arterial pressure and the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels increases. Due to the content of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, all the beneficial elements of tea are enhanced.
  5. Catechins actively participate in the process of formation of the body; at the cellular level, the production of its own insulin begins and normalization of blood sugar. This factor remains important for diabetics.
  6. Due to the high fluoride content in white tea, the trace element maintains tooth enamel at the proper level. The drink reduces the formation of thrombosis and removes harmful cholesterol.
  7. White tea has significant benefits for nervous system due to high content glutamic acid and phosphorus compounds. The components nourish the tissues of the central nervous system.
  8. Due to the content of theine (caffeine), the product has a tonic effect for the body. Thanks to a special tanate enzyme, the effect of caffeine is maintained throughout the day.
  9. Keep in mind that this microelement smoothes out the harsh effects of caffeine and gives the tea a special aftertaste. It is not recommended to use the product later than 5 hours before rest. Otherwise, you are guaranteed insomnia.

Benefits of white tea for weight loss

  1. Thanks to the presence of epigallocatechins, enzymes help normalize metabolism and burn old fat layers.
  2. The trace element is widely used by athletes as a single supplement. With its help, weight loss occurs faster and physical activity increases.
  3. If you comply daily norm epigallocatechin (270-280 mg), the body will receive a signal to process fats at an intensive pace.
  4. The amount of microelement contained in tea is equal to 1.2 liters. drink You will additionally flush your body of toxins and waste.
  5. Keep in mind that in this case there is a colossal load on the kidneys. Also, high caffeine content can have a detrimental effect on health.

It is prohibited to use the product if:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • disease of the duodenum;
  • problems with the urinary system and kidneys;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sleep disorders;
  • the presence of kidney stones.

Harm of white tea

  1. If you drink the drink in large quantities, harm will definitely be done to the body. Subsequently, metabolic processes are disrupted.
  2. If you follow the recommended dose, white tea healthy people will do no harm. Girls, breastfeeding and pregnant women should not drink it.
  3. Due to the high content of theophylline and caffeine, the child may experience problems with the heart and nervous system.

Creating the perfect drink taste

  1. The fruity-floral aroma is created thanks to a rich range of amino acids and essential oils.
  2. If you experiment with brewing time and temperature, you will be surprised at how much different flavors your tea can develop.
  3. The activity is so addictive that people have been experimenting with taste qualities product. There is still no consensus on perfect recipe brewing white tea.
  4. Against the background of black and long teas white variety may seem almost tasteless and weak in strength or astringency. If you have not tried a similar product, start with a simple and low-saturated composition.
  5. It is also worth considering the fact that it is forbidden to consume foods with hot spices before going to bed. It is recommended to drink a freshly brewed drink in the morning after waking up.
  6. This way you will feel all the notes of a delicate drink. After this you will be left with a pleasant aftertaste. White tea perfectly quenches thirst and can be drunk chilled.

Features of brewing elite tea

It is important to take into account those factors that will allow you to maintain best qualities composition and will not spoil them. Observe the following requirements when preparing tea:

  • temperature of the liquid for brewing the product;
  • proper storage of tea tree leaves;
  • the material from which the teapot is made.
  1. It is worth considering that white tea is strictly prohibited from brewing with boiling water. Otherwise, vitamins, amino acids and tannin are destroyed in such an environment.
  2. Boiling water reduces the value of tea, the taste and aroma are lost. Oily esters instantly evaporate, and a noticeable bitterness appears in the composition due to excess catechin.
  3. To reap the benefits and get a drink with a pleasant aroma and taste, it is recommended to brew tea in a glass or ceramic container. It is prohibited to use metal components (sieve).
  4. Such materials will spoil the taste range. Don't use plastic. Porcelain and clay products can absorb all the benefits and smell of the product. The teapot must always be clean.
  5. Use a kettle with an additional strainer made of plastic or organic components. This way you can easily remove the tea leaves from the container and re-brew the product (2-3 times).
  6. The tea reveals all its colors after the second brewing. Elite varieties can be heat treated about 4 times. To properly prepare the product, you need to boil water and wait until it cools to 75 degrees.
  7. It is recommended to use bottled purified water. Pour boiling water over the teapot, place tea leaves in the container (2 pinches per person). Pour in the hot liquid, cover the container with a lid, leave a hole for steam to escape.
  8. After a few minutes, you can begin the tea ceremony. As soon as the teapot is empty, pour it into it again hot water. Don't rush, the second time you need to wait 10-12 minutes. Different varieties teas are revealed individually.

The product is valued for healing properties due to the fact that the leaves are not subjected to any treatment other than natural drying. If you want to extract maximum benefit from the product, it is necessary to follow a number of certain rules for brewing tea.

Video: brewing white tea bai hao yin zhen

Today, like a thousand years ago, white tea, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article, is considered a very aristocratic drink. Primarily because, due to its high cost, it is not available to everyone. Only the top leaves and buds of the tea tree are suitable for its production. They are dried in the sun in a special way. White tea, a photo of which you can see in the article, got its name due to the thin fibers that remain on its buds even after drying. They are white.

In modern stores, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for thousands of years are sold in in different forms. The most expensive varieties are “White Peony” and (first among the best) “Silver Needles”. This is a high-grade white tea, the price of which is higher than two low-grade ones called “Gift Eyebrows” and “Longevity Eyebrows”.

The most refined and, accordingly, expensive is “Silver Needles”. It consists only of unopened buds and the upper young leaves of the tea tree. It is believed that this white tea, the benefits and harms of which are incomparable, is best used for weight loss. The taste of “White Peony” is made less refined by the opened leaves. However, it is more intense, which is why many people prefer to drink this particular drink. Low-grade white teas consist of older leaves and waste that remains after drying the raw materials used to make more expensive varieties.

If black and pass heat treatment, then white is not. That's why everyone positive properties tea tree blossoms are best revealed in this variety. It is rich in vitamins, in particular B1, C and P. White tea increases blood clotting, strengthens the immune system, and is wonderful. In addition, this drink has antioxidant and bactericidal properties. But if the production or preparation technology of white tea is violated, then it can cause harm to the body.

In general, doctors around the world claim that this drink is extremely beneficial for humans. But there are also some opinions that it is better for people with gastrointestinal diseases and hypertensive patients to refrain from using it. In any case, you need to remember that white tea, the benefits and harms of which are incomparable, is not a medicine, but simply delicious drink. And the fact that it has properties beneficial to the human body makes it even more interesting.

By the way, Chinese dentists recommend that their clients drink only white tea. In their opinion, fluorides, which white buds are rich in, have an extremely positive effect on dental health. They not only fight caries, but also prevent the development of tartar, which allows you to preserve your teeth into old age.

And in the end - about the properties of white tea, which can make it the favorite drink of all women. This drink does not allow the development of enzymes that destroy elastin and collagen in the human body. So regular consumption of “aristocratic” tea contributes to our youthful and flourishing appearance.