Is it possible to drink natural coffee during pregnancy. Is instant coffee safe for pregnant women?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. He won mass recognition several centuries ago and from the moment he met a man, he only expanded the circle of his admirers. The scale of its production also grew. As long as this fragrant drink exists, there are so many disputes regarding its benefits and harms. It is known that it has many medical contraindications, so it is not surprising that pregnant women should also refuse it.

Coffee is bad - is it a myth?

Why pregnant women should not drink coffee and is it really so? Some consider this statement a prejudice from the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"why it is impossible for women in position to cut their hair and knit with knitting needles." Although you should not confuse folklore and really real facts, which have been studied for years by the great minds of science and the luminaries of medicine. Of course, nothing bad will happen to either mother or child from one cup of coffee. In addition, there are many skeptics who unanimously claim that they personally drank coffee throughout their pregnancy (or know such cases) and carried absolutely healthy children.

But after all, alcoholics and drug addicts also do not always give birth to handicapped children. If there is even a fraction of doubt, even when you do not know exactly why pregnant women should not drink coffee, it is prudent to play it safe. It is better to suffer without your favorite drink for only 9 months, then to enjoy your happy motherhood all your life.

How does caffeine affect the fetus?

The main reason why pregnant women should not drink coffee is, of course, its harm to the health of the unborn child. Therefore, risking only for the sake of one's own whim is at least selfish. Some argue that coffee is harmful only in the first trimester of pregnancy, others are of the opinion that the greatest danger awaits in the last. But all experts, without exception, adhere to the same point of view as to whether coffee is harmful to pregnant women.

Caffeine is sometimes compared in its effect to amphetamines. It also causes a specific dependence and instantly enters the blood, brain and all organs of a person. And if the fetus receives the same nutrition. Drinking coffee is not worth it either during the period of bearing a child or during breastfeeding. It is a mistake to believe that it is possible for pregnant women. This name is only conditional, since caffeine is still present in the drink, just in a smaller amount. A woman must understand that almost everything that enters her body also enters the child's body through the placenta. Caffeine constricts the placental vessels, which is why the baby experiences oxygen starvation and lacks the nutrients that he needs for full growth and development all the time.

Nervous system and skeleton

Caffeine excites and this negatively affects the development of the fetus. By itself, this condition can disrupt the sleep of any person. And for a pregnant woman, this can result in insomnia, fatigue, and frequent mood swings. But there are more serious explanations for pregnant women. Even a slight excess of the normal dose of coffee affects the nerve cells and the overall functioning of the mother's body. And her innocent love for ancient drink affects the nervous system and skeleton of the child.

According to research and medical observations, coffee promotes the removal of calcium from the body. If this may not affect the well-being of a healthy person, then a child in the mother's womb, whose skeleton is at the stage of formation, is adversely affected by a deficiency of calcium and minerals. All these elements the fetus receives from the mother. Even if she eats well, large doses of caffeine will prevent the normal absorption of trace elements and vitamins from food.

Blow to the body

Why can't pregnant women drink coffee? Regardless of whether it is natural or soluble, for women in position, this drink is even fraught with work disorders. internal organs. So, due to excessive consumption of coffee, the work of the kidneys and the frequency of urination are significantly accelerated. The kidneys already endure a lot of stress during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. Because of this, swelling often occurs, there is an increase in pressure and a number of related problems. A woman should strive to minimize this process, and not aggravate it. Both the general well-being and the ease of transferring the entire period of pregnancy depend on this. And if she has previously had kidney problems, it is better to refuse coffee altogether (and not only during the period of bearing a child).

For pregnant women, constant monitoring of blood pressure is very important. Fragrant drink not only increases it, but also causes heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Along with this, the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases, which affects its mucous membrane. Heartburn during pregnancy is an almost banal phenomenon that plagues women around the clock. Coffee is one of the causes of this disease.

Conception and gestation

Experts working with the problems of conception and the inability of women to carry a pregnancy have come to the conclusion that coffee plays an important role in this matter. Their observations showed that coffee addicts have a harder time getting pregnant than women who prefer other drinks. Therefore, even at the planning stage of motherhood, it is recommended to give up coffee. Or at least significantly reduce the number of cups you drink per day.

Why shouldn't pregnant women drink coffee? It is possible that, leaving this seemingly harmless habit with her, a woman will lose a child at an early date, because miscarriages often occur due to the increased tone of the uterus. Those who drink three (or more) cups of coffee daily are 60 percent more likely to have preterm births than women who don't.

The main thing is a sense of proportion

Understanding why coffee is harmful to pregnant women, it would be dishonest to ignore the question of what dose is considered abuse. Of course, in moderation, the harm from this drink is not so serious and is fraught with consequences for the woman herself and for her unborn baby. So how much coffee can you drink while pregnant? Even 2 cups a day is already a lot! Those who are so attached to him that even fear for their own child does not become a motive for complete refusal, it is permissible to indulge themselves sometimes, but not more than once a week. However, it is still recommended to avoid large portions and high strength of the drink.

Is it possible for pregnant women? It is known that instant analogues cannot be compared with real brewed bean coffee. But many choose them, believing that such a drink is less strong, has less caffeine in its composition, and therefore is not so harmful. In fact, everything is not so. Being in position, women should give preference to natural products, without any impurities and additives. This also applies to coffee. If it will be present in your life at least once a week, make sure that it is a really high-quality variety.

Fighting caffeine addiction

It is unlikely that even the most desperate coffee fans will not agree that a beloved child is still more expensive than a favorite drink. But it's easy to say, but it's not always easy to do. People who are used to starting the morning with a cup of espresso, having lunch with it, having dinner and falling asleep, will not be able to endure several days to get another fragrant boost of vigor. Especially if your favorite drink is very close, at arm's length, how to resist the temptation?

In such cases, a cup a week is not an option, but rather an anguish and additional daily stress due to such a severe restriction. It's hard to stick to the rules. Doctors advise getting rid of addiction and temptation in one fell swoop by eliminating coffee from your diet altogether. Just ban it to yourself like alcohol or spicy food. As practice shows, deliverance through complete rejection is much easier than gradual weaning. In order to somehow smooth out this period, it is necessary to replace the drink with another drink, for example, instead of a cup of coffee - a glass of water without gas.

Coffee and more

In addition to coffee, during pregnancy it is recommended to give up black tea, which also contains caffeine. Of course, not completely, but it is better to brew weak tea or add milk to it. Cocoa, unfortunately, is also partially banned for pregnant women. This sweet drink belongs to allergens, like chocolate, and also does not have a very favorable effect on the absorption of calcium. This list also includes green tea, which, even with a low percentage of caffeine, is fraught with considerable danger. It is known that excessive love for him leads to a loss of calcium, joint pain, even in absolutely healthy people. And pregnant women already give a lot of resources of their own body to a growing baby. Of course, if you choose from three evils, then green tea- least. It contains many vitamins and beneficial trace elements, therefore you can drink it, the main thing is not to forget about the sense of proportion.

What can you drink?

Of course, from hot drinks, fruit tea is more preferable, but not in bags, but from real dried fruits. Carbonated sweet drinks are best replaced with still water and fresh juices from vegetables and fruits. Homemade compotes, fruit drinks, kefir and milk are not forbidden, and even recommended. Based on this, the answer to the question of why pregnant women should not drink coffee becomes obvious. After all, not only coffee, but everything that brings less good than harm, it is undesirable to use throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle can easily do without coffee, soda, unnatural food and drink every day. Perhaps you will join their ranks along with the whole family. And you will continue to take care of your health even after childbirth.


Pregnancy often involves various restrictions. While some pregnant women continue to lead a normal life, other representatives have to reconsider their lifestyle and eating habits. The possibility of drinking coffee during pregnancy is still quite controversial. There are arguments both for and against.

Useful properties of coffee

Despite the fact that pregnancy is not a disease, but a physiological condition, often women have to give up their favorite physical activity and their usual diet. In principle, it is not difficult to replace one product with another. However, many women during pregnancy cannot imagine breakfast and start the day without a cup of coffee. The possibility of consuming this product during pregnancy is still being questioned.

Coffee has a unique aroma and fills the body with energy. It is noteworthy that it contains more than a hundred substances. Approximately a third of the substances are aromatic compounds, which determine the main highlight of the drink.

The product also contains alkaloids. These are tonic compounds that provide a burst of energy. One of the main alkaloids is caffeine. The concentration of caffeine varies by variety. A spoonful of ground product contains approximately 0.2 grams of caffeine.

Notably, coffee contains:

  • vitamins;
  • mineral salts;
  • carbohydrates.

The chemical composition of the grains not fully studied by experts.

100 grams of ground product includes 50% of the body's daily requirement for vitamins B2 and D, iron and phosphorus, 132% of daily allowance vitamin PP, 20%:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids.

In the process of roasting, the grains exude a specific aroma, which is due to one of the alkaloids. When roasted, it forms nicotinic acid, which actively affects the nervous system.

The saturated composition of the product can have both benefits and harms. This fact must be taken into account when planning pregnancy and in the process of bearing a child. However, the nature of the effect of a coffee drink on the body during conception and pregnancy depends on individual features women.

Moderate use of the product during pregnancy and before conception has the following positive effects:

  • providing a good mood and a feeling of a surge of strength;
  • increased concentration and performance;
  • stimulation of the intestines;
  • stabilization of the general condition with VVD and hypotension;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • relief of symptoms of bronchial asthma;
  • reducing the risk of oncology, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Excessive consumption causes various consequences. Experts call the following negative health effects from excessive consumption:

  • potassium deficiency;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • increased concentration of cholesterol;
  • hypertension;
  • dehydration.

Coffee belongs to the class of light narcotic compounds. That is why some people experience psychological and physical dependence.

Influence on the body during conception and pregnancy

Everyone knows the statement that during pregnancy and before conception, coffee should not be consumed. Some experts do not recommend drinking it during pregnancy and lactation due to possible consequences for the mother and child.

There is good evidence from research on the harms of high consumption during pregnancy. In particular, frequent consumption can lead to miscarriage for early dates and premature births in late. one serving is not strong drink during pregnancy, it does not have a negative effect.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to drink up to two cups of weak coffee per day. However, it can only be consumed by women during pregnancy who lack:

  • pathology of the kidneys, liver;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension.

Excess consumption can be dangerous in the third trimester of pregnancy due to the risk of preeclampsia. Against the background of toxicosis in early pregnancy, intolerance may be noted, which is manifested by an attack of vomiting, nausea and fainting.

There is evidence from studies that prove that excessive coffee consumption leads to difficulty conceiving. That is why the product should be limited when planning pregnancy.

Some women cannot give up coffee during pregnancy for two reasons.

  1. Dependence, like alcohol and nicotine. When ingested, caffeine is absorbed into the blood and reaches the neurons, where dopamine synthesis is activated. This neurotransmitter gives a feeling of cheerfulness and joy. This short-term effect disappears within 2-3 hours. The body again feels the need to consume coffee.
  2. iron deficiency. Iron deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman leads to oxygen starvation of cells in both the mother's body and the fetus. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo an examination and the necessary treatment.

To avoid the consequences of coffee consumption, experts advise following the recommendations during pregnancy.

  1. The drink can only be drunk after a meal. When consumed on an empty stomach, coffee irritates the mucous membrane and provokes nausea, heartburn and pain.
  2. It is advisable to drink coffee, diluted milk or cream. Thus, the strength of the drink is reduced and the supply of calcium is renewed.
  3. Coffee is known to cause dehydration. That is why after each cup you need to drink three glasses. mineral water in order to normalize the water balance.
  4. When drinking coffee, you should also consider other caffeinated products. Caffeine is found in tea, cola, chocolate and cocoa.

Exist different varieties coffee. Experts recommend choosing exclusively insoluble, since such a drink does not contain additives.


Some women mistakenly believe that it is desirable to drink during pregnancy instant coffee due to the lower caffeine content. You should be aware that such coffee contains robusta beans, and the concentration of caffeine can be even higher compared to custard.

The instant drink has a dubious composition. Coffee extract is only 20-25%. A significant part of the composition involves chemical additives. 3 in 1 drinks also contain preservatives and fats.


This coffee is sold in beans or ground form. The longer the beans are roasted, the higher the concentration of alkaloids. That is why during pregnancy it is undesirable to choose heavily fried grains. It is recommended to dilute the drink with milk or cream.

Coffee includes two types.

  1. Arabica. It has a noble acidity, more delicate aroma and taste, weakness of the resulting drink.
  2. Robusta. Somewhat inferior in taste, but contains more caffeine.

The drink is more intense with fine grinding.

Cafein free

Such coffee is not only useless, but also dangerous due to the various solvents used to extract caffeine from the product. In addition, even after processing, the presence of caffeine is noted. Experts believe that such a drink contributes to the appearance of atherosclerosis.

Taste also leaves much to be desired. The drink loses its aroma and taste, it is distinguished by insipidity. It is advisable to abandon this drink in favor of natural varieties with a low caffeine content.

With milk

Experts recommend diluting both natural and instant drinks with milk and cream. Firstly, this preparation of the drink somewhat reduces its strength. Secondly, a drink with the addition of cream or milk allows you to make up for calcium deficiency. It is known that caffeine contributes to the leaching of fluorine and calcium from the body, which is bad for the state of the musculoskeletal system of the mother and child.

Contraindications for use

During pregnancy, it is advisable not to drink strong coffee after breakfast. A cup of weak coffee is especially useful for vegetovascular dystonia and hypotension. Coffee has a diuretic effect. It is recommended for women with physiological edema, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. However, you can drink coffee only in the absence of proteinuria, anemia and preeclampsia.

Coffee can cause unwanted effects at any stage of pregnancy. With excessive coffee consumption, the following negative consequences occur:

  • the diuretic effect leads to the leaching of potassium, phosphorus and calcium, which can cause a violation of the development of the skeleton in a child and osteoporosis in a pregnant woman;
  • when drinking more than 4 cups of coffee per day, there may be an underweight fetus;
  • since coffee increases blood pressure and provokes vasoconstriction, including the placenta, there may be phytoplacental insufficiency, oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • coffee crosses the placenta and can provoke changes in the heart rhythm in a growing organism;
  • Excessive coffee consumption causes insomnia, irritability, anxiety, aggressiveness and other signs of nervous tension.

With uterine hypertonicity consumption of a coffee drink provokes a miscarriage.

Caffeine is known to be a potentially hazardous substance during pregnancy. Before using it, you should consult your doctor for any contraindications.

Caffeine is contraindicated in the following pathologies and conditions:

  • hypertension;
  • rapid pulse;
  • toxicosis;
  • preeclampsia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • anemia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • fetoplacental blood flow disorders.

In these cases, taking even weakly brewed coffee is contraindicated due to the risk of aggravating the condition.


If coffee is contraindicated, you can brew natural coffee drink. On sale there are drinks with chicory, barley, extract of herbs and berries in the composition. They come in the form of a soluble powder or raw material, which should be boiled.


For cooking, chicory root is used, which in its taste and aroma resembles a coffee drink. In addition, chicory has many useful properties and is not contraindicated in pregnancy.

Experts call the following positive properties chicory:

  • stabilization of blood sugar levels;
  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • cleansing effect;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • sedative effect.

The only contraindications are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • phlebeurysm.

Chicory has diuretic properties. That is why it should not be drunk more than 4 times a day. The preparation of the drink is carried out in accordance with the recommendations on the package. Usually chicory is in the form of a powder, which is mixed with sugar and then poured with boiling water. To improve the taste, the addition of milk, cream or condensed milk is allowed.


Barley drink does not contain caffeine. In addition, there is a high content of vitamins and minerals. Barley drink is different pleasant taste and aroma. There are no contraindications to the consumption of the drink.

It is noteworthy that independent use is allowed barley drink or its content in collections with the presence of chicory, various herbs, berry powder or rose hips.


This is a well-known product containing chicory, oats, barley, rye. Kurzeme is not contraindicated during pregnancy, in addition, it is often offered in maternity hospitals as a tonic.

Kurzeme has the following positive effects:

  • normalizes the state of the cardiovascular system;
  • increases appetite;
  • contributes to the maintenance of the kidneys.

Kurzeme can be combined with milk, hot chocolate, cocoa and juices.

During the period of bearing a child, women face many restrictions that affect their usual diet. It is easier for an expectant mother to refuse some foods and drinks, while it is sometimes very difficult to find a replacement for others. What to do if, for example, before pregnancy, a woman got used to finally waking up only after a cup of fragrant strong coffee? Should I give up this drink for the entire nine months, or is it enough to simply reduce its use?

How coffee affects the body

One cup of unsweetened brewed coffee contains a little less than 1200 natural substances, a good half of which belong to the class of aromatic compounds that give the drink its unique taste and aroma. The main component of coffee, which determines its tonic effect, is caffeine, an alkaloid that can excite the receptors of the central nervous system. In order for the drink to successfully cope with the increase in mental and physical performance, a teaspoon of freshly ground natural coffee should contain 0.2 grams of caffeine.

Coffee contains about 1200 different substances

Part coffee beans includes substances such as:

  • the alkaloid trigonelline, which gives roasted coffee its distinctive aroma. When roasted, it is destroyed, forming nicotinic acid. It is she who stimulates the activity of the nervous system;
  • vitamin D, which improves the absorption of minerals in the intestines;
  • carbohydrates that feed the nerve cells of the brain;
  • minerals that are part of the bones that regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Due to this rich chemical composition, coffee has both positive and negative effects on human well-being and health. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and the amount of drink consumed.

So, drinking coffee large quantities capable of:

  • relieve asthma symptoms;
  • activate the work of the intestines;
  • prevent caries;
  • improve mood;
  • increase attention;
  • reduce the risk of diseases such as Parkinson's syndrome, Alzheimer's syndrome, breast cancer.

The negative properties of coffee include the possibility of:

  • dehydration of the body due to the diuretic effect;
  • pressure increase;
  • development of urolithiasis.

In addition, caffeine is considered a type of light drug. When too frequent use This substance causes physical and psychological dependence, which makes a person drink coffee more and more often.

Is it possible to drink coffee for women in position and how much

Many modern women drink coffee, and quite often and in large quantities. However, an interesting situation makes them radically change their habits and lifestyle.

According to medical research, the use of coffee by a woman in position can negatively affect her well-being and the health of the child. So, in the first trimester, abortion is possible, and in the later stages, the risk of premature birth and placental abruption increases. However, such undesirable consequences await not those women who occasionally drink coffee, but lovers of a strong drink who absorb it in large volumes during the day.

The results of recent surveys conducted by Danish scientists showed that a small amount of coffee cannot significantly harm the mother and children's health. Recommended daily dose- 150 ml aromatic drink. This amount should be enough to get a charge of good mood and start fruitful activities.

You can, up to three cups of (small) coffee. Of course, the "strength" of coffee is difficult to determine. Virtually all Latin American women drink coffee as traditional drink but usually no more than 1-2 cups a day.<…>The latest recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which guide doctors not only in North America, but also in Europe and Australia, were adopted in July 2010, and they state that 200 mg of caffeine per day does not increase the rate of miscarriages and preterm births. This amount of caffeine is equivalent to 2 cups of strong black coffee…

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Popular pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky has his own point of view on the nutrition of the expectant mother. Many women treat his recommendations with special confidence. So, regarding coffee during pregnancy, the doctor's position is visible in the statement: “Avoid everything that your great-great-grandmother did not eat. You will be healthier."

The protein components of such products as citrus fruits, coffee or cocoa cannot be completely digested in our body, and load the liver, which is forced to neutralize them. During the bearing of the baby, the load on the liver of a woman is already large. In addition, there is a high probability of developing an allergy in a child precisely to the “exotic” products used by the expectant mother.

... It is the liver that is the main fighter against toxicosis, the neutralizer of fetal secretions, etc. Let's take care of it. If you want your child not to suffer from the fact that he cannot eat a tangerine or a chocolate bar, then when you are pregnant, you do not need to absorb these same tangerines and chocolates (underdigested particles will pass through the fetus before being neutralized by the liver, causing responses , and the child will then be allergic to these products).

E. O. Komarovsky

Why some pregnant women often want coffee, while others feel sick from it

The main factor that makes a woman constantly brew a fragrant drink is the content of caffeine in it. This substance in the shortest possible time through the blood enters the brain, stimulating the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Enhanced Level This biological compound in the body causes a feeling of satisfaction, improves mood and performance. But the effect does not last long (maximum 2 hours), and you have to brew more and more new portions of coffee.

However, physiological addiction is not the only reason that expectant mothers dream of a cup of coffee. The constant desire for this drink may indicate a lack of iron in the blood. This is also evidenced by the suddenly developed love for strong tea.

Iron performs an important function in the female body - it transports oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs, including the placenta. With a deficiency of this trace element, mother and child suffer from a lack of oxygen. You can fill the lack of iron with a balanced diet, including foods such as:

  • animal liver;
  • red meat;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • fruits (apples, persimmons);
  • beans and peas.

Pregnant women should not succumb to the “provocations” of the body, which requires more and more portions of the black drink. The best option- consult with your doctor and donate blood to the level of hemoglobin. If iron deficiency is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate vitamin and mineral complex and give advice on changing the diet.

Some women report intolerance even to the smell of coffee during pregnancy, up to nausea and vomiting. Often the cause of this is toxicosis, as the body reacts to a dangerous product that enhances unpleasant symptoms.

Possible harm, including in the early stages

Many doctors recommend giving up coffee at the beginning of pregnancy or significantly limiting its consumption. In the first weeks, all the main organs and systems are laid in the child, so even a previously harmless drink can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

The use of coffee by pregnant women can lead to the following undesirable consequences for the mother and child that occur at different gestational ages:

  1. Due to the diuretic effect of coffee, the mother's body intensively loses fluid, and with it calcium is washed out, which is necessary for the fetus to fully form bones at the beginning of pregnancy.
  2. Caffeine constricts the blood vessels of the placenta, which is fraught with a poor supply of oxygen to the baby and a lack of nutrients.

    In especially severe cases, a miscarriage or premature birth is possible if the woman had an increased tone of the uterus.

  3. Penetrating through the umbilical cord, the active substances in coffee increase the heart rate in the child.
  4. Abuse of a fragrant drink can adversely affect the growth of the fetus. Norwegian scientists have calculated that women who drank several cups of coffee a day, children were born with a weight of less than average.

    Studies in which 60,000 pregnant women took part showed that if a woman drinks more than 150 ml of coffee a day, then each extra mug ultimately leads to about 30 grams of underweight in the newborn.

  5. The high content of tonic substances in coffee leads to excitation of the nervous system. Pregnant women become irritable, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia appear.

At the beginning of pregnancy, some women suffer from toxicosis, and drinking coffee only increases nausea. This is due to the ability of the drink to irritate the gastric mucosa, as well as due to the narrowing of the blood vessels. Strongly brewed coffee causes especially strong vomiting.

Who should not: contraindications

Thus, coffee is considered a rather dangerous product for a future mother. If a woman has chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor before drinking the drink. The main contraindications to drinking coffee are such conditions and diseases as:

  • high blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • early toxicosis and preeclampsia (complications in the second half of pregnancy);
  • sleep disorders;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • anemia.

In such situations, even one drunk cup of coffee can worsen the condition of the mother and fetus.

Benefits of a cup of coffee a day for expectant mothers

However, lovers of this product should not be discouraged. Scientists are sure that those pregnant women who have no contraindications can indulge themselves with a cup of aromatic coffee. In some situations, the drink can bring tangible benefits to the expectant mother.

Weak coffee is recommended for pregnant women suffering from low blood pressure. It is not easy for such women to get out of bed without a mug of an invigorating drink. The main condition is not to use it on an empty stomach, you must first have breakfast.

The drink will also benefit those future mothers who have edema in the later stages.. Due to its diuretic properties, coffee removes excess fluid from the body, therefore, with the permission of a doctor, it can be used in conjunction with decongestants.

How to coffee properly

In order for an invigorating drink to remain beneficial for a pregnant woman and not harm the child, doctors recommend following several important rules:

Table: caffeine content in drinks

You should not uncontrollably drink tea, both black and green varieties, since it also contains caffeine. However, in green tea there are many substances useful for the expectant mother, for example, provitamin A, vitamins P and C, so you can drink it, but in reasonable quantities.

Natural grain, instant or decaffeinated?

The quality of instant coffee depends on the manufacturer and, accordingly, the cost. Cheap products contain the minimum concentration of natural coffee and the maximum percentage of various reagents remaining after processing. But even expensive varieties of instant coffee should be consumed as little as possible..

Another question of interest to expectant mothers: what is hidden in a bag under the intriguing name "3 in 1"? The composition of such a product includes numerous flavors, emulsifiers, dyes, but natural coffe sometimes it's impossible to find it there. This drink is strictly prohibited for women in position!

The best option is a natural grain drink in limited quantities. One small mug of weak coffee with milk or cream per day will not harm the baby and the expectant mother (of course, provided that she is in full health), but it will help her feel more cheerful and happier.

A level teaspoon contains approximately 3-4 g of coffee. However, the exact weight of the powder depends on the grind: the finer it is, the more coffee will fit in a spoon.

Table: adjust the strength of the drink

Important points to consider when choosing:

  1. Experts recommend that expectant mothers carefully choose coffee varieties. Robusta is considered the strongest bean, which contains from 2 to 4% caffeine.. In Arabica, for example, the amount of this alkaloid is 2 times less.
  2. In addition, the caffeine content in beans also depends on the type of roast. The stronger the grains are fried, the more alkaloids they contain, which means that the taste of the drink becomes more saturated and strong. Strongly roasted coffee is not suitable for pregnant women.

Some pregnant women, not wanting to give up an invigorating drink, purchase decaffeinated coffee, and in vain. It turns out that even after processing, some caffeine is retained in the product. In addition, chemicals are used in the production process.

Few studies have been done on decaffeinated coffee, but interesting data from the State Department of Health, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research and UCSF, which included 5144 women: drinking 3 or more cups of decaffeinated coffee per day increases the risk of spontaneous early pregnancy loss 2.4 times compared to those pregnant women who do not drink this type of coffee. Also, another large study showed that it was decaffeinated coffee, and not natural, that increased the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is important to understand that decaffeinated coffee is chemically processed coffee and is not a healthy drink.

How to replace coffee during the first trimester or the entire pregnancy

Of course, in the first trimester, it is best to refuse coffee gatherings altogether or drink coffee in one cup 2-3 times a week. But what if you want to pamper yourself with something warm and warming? Other herbal drinks will help replace aromatic coffee.

Properly selected plants, for example, fireweed, currant leaves, raspberries, rose hips, will strengthen the nervous system, give a charge of vivacity and protect a woman from colds. Before use herbal preparations it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid possible negative consequences. In addition, one should not be overly fond of herbal tea - 1-2 mugs per day will be enough.

barley coffee drink

A useful replacement option is a drink made from barley. It does not contain caffeine, so it has a completely different aroma and flavor from coffee. However, barley substitute contains many vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, which distinguishes it from the original. Barley coffee will help the expectant mother with problems with the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. There are no contraindications to it, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Barley drink is not very similar to coffee in taste and aroma, but very healthy

How to make barley coffee:

  1. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of ready-made instant drink into a mug, pour boiling water and stir until completely dissolved. Add milk and sugar to taste.
  2. Roast large, good quality barley grains in a dry frying pan, grind them in a coffee grinder. To prepare one serving of the drink, you need to pour a tablespoon of ground barley with 200 ml of boiling water. Let the drink brew for 3 minutes and add cream and sugar to taste.


The most popular coffee substitute is chicory. And this is not surprising, since a natural product has the following positive qualities:

  • maintains normal blood sugar levels;
  • cleanses the blood of harmful substances;
  • increases the amount of hemoglobin;
  • has a calming effect.

However, chicory also has certain contraindications. So, this aromatic drink should not be drunk with peptic ulcers of the digestive system, gastritis, varicose veins.

Chicory is a good alternative regular coffee during pregnancy

Doctors warn that chicory has a diuretic effect. To prevent dehydration, you should not use it too often. The optimal amount of chicory is 2-3 cups per day. You need to prepare it like instant coffee: pour the amount of chicory recommended on the package with a small amount of boiling water, add sugar and stir until smooth, and then add hot water.

You can add milk, milk foam or cream to such a drink, in general, use all your favorite coffee recipes with it.

Recipe for chocolate chicory:

  1. You will need half a teaspoon of dry instant drink and cocoa powder, a glass of milk and sugar to taste.
  2. Mix the chicory and cocoa in a mug, boil the milk and pour over the dry mixture. Be sure to stir well and let it brew for 5 minutes.

Video: how to make delicious chicory coffee

Coffee recipes with milk

The most important condition for harmless coffee for a future mother is the presence of milk or cream in it. These additives reduce the strength of the drink, and also compensate for the inevitable loss of calcium and other trace elements. We offer two simple and delicious recipe coffee suitable for pregnant women.

Cappuccino with cinnamon

This coffee and milk drink has a pleasant smell and taste. To make it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of good coffee;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 70 ml of cold milk;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Cappuccino with cinnamon - traditional recipe coffee for dessert, popular all over the world


  1. Brew a portion of coffee in the usual way for you: on the stove in a cezve or using a French press, coffee maker or coffee machine. When brewing a drink in a Turk, the following order must be observed:
    • warm the ground coffee in a Turk for a few seconds and only then fill it with cold water;
    • put coffee on the smallest fire, the longer it languishes on the stove, the better;
    • the drink should not boil, as soon as you notice bubbles and a sharply rising foam, immediately remove the Turk from the heat.
  2. Heat the milk without bringing it to a boil.
  3. Whip the hot milk with a blender or French press until fluffy.
  4. Fill a voluminous mug with a third of coffee, pour in the whipped milk, gently spoon the froth and sprinkle with cinnamon.

new orleans coffee

Added chicory adds a unique rich flavor and aroma to the drink.


  • 100 ml of water;
  • a teaspoon of coffee;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a teaspoon of chicory;
  • 2 tablespoons cream.

Coffee in New Orleans has a rich dark color, it can be prepared different ways, both in a Turk, and slowly pouring boiling water in portions through the mixture ground coffee and chicory

Try reducing the amount of coffee in the recipe so that there is less caffeine.


  1. First, you should brew coffee with chicory in a Turk, throwing a pinch of salt there in the middle of the heating process to better reveal the aroma of the drink.
  2. Then you need to add cream to soften its taste. The drink should be drunk without sweeteners.

Video: how to easily make latte with lush foam at home

Drinking coffee during pregnancy is acceptable, but very rarely and in small quantities. It is permissible to drink no more than 1-2 small cups of coffee per day (depending on its strength). There are many reasons why not drinking coffee during pregnancy is entirely justified. This is due to the presence of caffeine in the drink, a substance that can harm the developing fetus.

Why you shouldn't drink coffee during pregnancy

Despite its excellent tonic abilities, caffeine is addictive, since the mechanism of its action on the body is the same as that of narcotic substances. In addition, coffee can harm the fetus, causing the following more or less trouble:

  • mass deficiency;
  • increased heart rate;
  • negative impact on the skeleton and nervous system;
  • the development of diabetes (as a rule, with too frequent use of the drink in question);
  • a decrease in the amount of oxygen and nutrients entering the baby's body.

The latter is due to the fact that caffeine has a strong diuretic effect, a natural consequence of which is a decrease in blood flow to the placenta.

The results of studies conducted at the end of the last decade by a group of scientists from the United States and the United Kingdom indicate that a daily dose of more than 200 mg of caffeine increases the likelihood of a miscarriage by about 1.5 times.

Especially dangerous is the effect of caffeine on the fetus during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The reason for this is quite prosaic: during this period, the placenta is not fully formed, and therefore the baby receives all the substances from the mother directly. At the same time, all organ systems of the unborn baby are laid, and therefore, in order not to risk his health, in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to completely exclude coffee from the diet.

The effect of coffee on the body of a future mother

In addition to the fetus, caffeine can have a negative impact on the health of a pregnant woman, primarily by causing the following pathologies:

  1. An increase in the acidity of gastric juice, which is especially dangerous for the fair sex, suffering from ulcers and other inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.
  2. An increase in blood pressure, which poses the greatest threat to patients with hypertension and those who belong to the group increased risk development of preeclampsia - one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy.
  3. A decrease in the amount of calcium in the body, which can cause brittle bones and problems with teeth. This moment is most important for expectant mothers, since during pregnancy the need for calcium increases significantly.
  4. Increased urge to urinate due to the diuretic properties of caffeine.

Another negative result of drinking coffee is the increase in blood cholesterol levels caused by the cafestol molecules contained in its grains.

Is it possible to drink coffee with milk during pregnancy

Given the properties of caffeine listed above, it is most rational to refrain from any drinks containing it in large quantities. If the expectant mother cannot refuse coffee even for 9 months, then she should use it in small doses, and preferably in combination with milk or cream. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of caffeine in this way, but it is quite possible to minimize the negative effect of the latter on bone tissue.

Despite the content of dairy products and a relatively small amount of caffeine, 3-in-1 instant drinks are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women. The reason for this lies in the numerous synthetic additives that such mixtures abound in, and cream, chemical composition which are also far from natural.

How safe is decaffeinated coffee?

A caffeine-free coffee drink is nothing more than a successful marketing ploy. Any specialist nutritionist will confirm that some caffeine is still contained in such products - up to 2.5% according to the American standard and up to 0.1% according to the European one.

The main disadvantage of this coffee is the use of chemicals that provide decaffeination. One of the most dangerous compounds often used for this task is dichloromethane, also called methylene chloride. It has been proven that it provokes the development of cancer cells, and therefore even small traces of it that get into the drink can eventually lead to very sad consequences.

Thus, the use of such coffee should be abandoned, which is most important for women in position. This is especially true due to the dishonesty of many manufacturers whose dangerous products are presented on the domestic market.

What can you substitute for coffee?

Now it's time to consider drinks that can act as a great coffee substitute for expectant mothers. Currently, there are a lot of those known, and those products that have the best taste and aromatic qualities are presented below:

  1. Cocoa. An excellent coffee substitute that can "boast" a bright and rich taste. Despite some similarities in the fruits of these plants, cocoa is very low in caffeine - about 2-5 mg per medium cup. According to this indicator, it is comparable to decaffeinated coffee, while being many times more useful (provided that cocoa is natural and not instant).
  2. Chicory. Possessing an excellent smell and mild taste, this drink has another obvious advantage - the presence of inulin in its composition, which contributes to the normalization of metabolism.
  3. Barley coffee. This drink has specific palatability, and therefore many get used to it immediately. Otherwise, it can “boast” of only pluses, the main of which are a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and the content of a wide range of trace elements (K, Ca, Mg, P, Na, etc.).

As for tea, it - both black and green - also contains caffeine, and in quantities comparable to coffee, and therefore it is definitely not suitable as a substitute for the latter.

In conclusion, it remains to state that during pregnancy, it is reasonable for expectant mothers to refrain from drinking coffee or at least reduce it to a minimum, making the main bet on safe substitutes. Following this simple recommendation, you can prevent health problems - both in the child being born and in his mother.

During pregnancy, the preferences of the expectant mother can change dramatically. Violation of the biorhythm is also a frequent occurrence, especially in the later stages, when the baby moves with might and main and may not let you sleep at night. Many pregnant women are afraid to drink coffee and often feel lethargic and sleepy. Sometimes the expectant mother simply cannot do without this invigorating drink, as she has always preferred it. So is it possible to drink coffee during the period of bearing a child?

The composition of coffee and its effect on the body

Coffee is a drink that is made from roasted beans of plants in the madder family, which are rich in caffeine.

Active ingredients in coffee:

  • chlorogenic acid (creates an aftertaste);
  • tannins (add bitterness);
  • trigonelline alkaloid (gives taste and aroma);
  • alkaloid caffeine (stimulant).

The first 3 components are responsible for the tart and bitter taste of coffee, as well as the characteristic aroma.

Benefits of drinking coffee:

  • increased heart rate, increased pressure (at low);
  • expansion of blood vessels (if the pregnant woman suffers from their narrowing);
  • elimination of drowsiness;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • improvement of mood due to the production of dopamine (“pleasure hormone”) against the background of caffeine use;
  • diuretic effect;
  • elimination of constipation;
  • reducing the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver and breast cancer.

Can expectant mothers drink coffee?

At what stage of pregnancy can you drink coffee

The main property of coffee is its stimulating effect. There is no unambiguous opinion about the likelihood of a negative effect of caffeine on the health of expectant mothers and their babies, however, one should take into account the nuances of the course of pregnancy, as well as the characteristics of the woman's body. As a rule, doctors strongly recommend drinking no more than three cups of this drink per day.

A US study of 1,000 women in the first trimester of pregnancy found that the miscarriage rate doubled with more than 200 mg of caffeine per day.

The latest recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which guide doctors not only in North America, but also in Europe and Australia, were adopted in July 2010, they state that 200 mg of caffeine per day does not increase the rate of miscarriages and preterm births. However, strong coffee (espresso, Turkish, etc.) is not popular in the USA and Canada.

E.P. Berezovskaya

One 240 ml cup contains 75 to 160 mg of caffeine. Based on the results of the studies cited above, it can be argued that in the first trimester of pregnancy it is better to refrain from coffee, tea and other drinks containing this component.

In the II and III trimesters, you can drink coffee if the pregnant woman does not suffer high blood pressure, disorders of the central nervous system and in the absence of other contraindications that a doctor can detect. Instant coffee contains less caffeine than ground coffee, but people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not drink it. Decaffeinated coffee still contains this component, albeit in small quantities. If you do not take into account contraindications, but pay attention only to the amount of stimulant in the drink, it is recommended to consume no more than 3 cups of instant coffee and 1 cup of ground coffee per day.

Sometimes a doctor may even recommend coffee.. However, this applies only to patients with low blood pressure. As described above, coffee enhances intestinal motility, and also has a diuretic effect. If a pregnant woman suffers from constipation or rare urination, then perhaps the doctor will prescribe other means, since you should not get carried away with caffeine, because its benefits do not outweigh the potential harm.

Is it possible to drink coffee with toxicosis? This condition is more typical for the first trimester of pregnancy, during which this drink is not recommended. Toxicosis, as a rule, is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, stool disorder. Since caffeine is a stimulant of the intestines, and can also negatively affect the gastric mucosa, it is better to refrain from coffee during this period.

Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to do without the usual cup of coffee. Why does this happen - does this mean that the body lacks something? Caffeine is addictive. If you want coffee again and again, and a woman feels tired and lethargic, then this means that her body is used to receiving this stimulating drink. Therefore, you should gradually abandon it in order to feel cheerful and without it.

Why caffeine may be contraindicated?

The use of caffeine in in large numbers leads to a pathological increase in blood pressure and problems with cardiovascular system which leads to the development of fetal pathologies

Which potentially harmful properties can possess coffee if it is consumed excessively?

  1. Increase in blood pressure. This can have a negative impact on both the mother and the fetus.
  2. Negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, manifested in the form of nausea and abdominal pain.
  3. Removal of calcium, as well as other elements and vitamins from the body.
  4. Negative effect on sleep due to the stimulating effect of caffeine.
  5. Dehydration due to increased work of the urinary system.

High blood pressure is dangerous in each trimester in its own way. When the walls of blood vessels narrow, oxygen enters the fetus in not enough, which is fraught with a slow pace of development, as well as miscarriage. A future mother with hypertension may feel dizzy, tinnitus, headache, swelling, she may feel sick, and her vision will fall. Pressure in the later stages indicates gestosis (late toxicosis), which is undesirable in the second half of pregnancy due to possible complications (cerebral edema, for example). Therefore, the expectant mother must necessarily control her weight, the presence of protein in the urine, as well as pressure..

If a pregnant woman suffers from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then you should not drink coffee. Gastritis, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, erosions and polyps are contraindications to drinking this drink. Especially during exacerbation of diseases. If the expectant mother is haunted by nausea, abdominal pain, then this will at least affect her mood. For example, with chronic gastritis, vomiting, dizziness, and upset stools may appear, which will negatively affect the health of the unborn baby.

One of the important elements in the formation of the skeleton of a child is calcium. Drinking coffee helps to "wash out" important vitamins and minerals from the body of a pregnant woman. The fetus in the process of its development "takes" required amount mother's calcium If it is not enough, then this will negatively affect the development of the unborn baby, as well as the health of the pregnant woman.

The negative effect on sleep is the least that can occur when drinking coffee. Of course, rest is very important. It affects both the mood and the tone of the whole organism. If the expectant mother is already overly excitable (tearfulness, mood swings, aggression are typical), then such a stimulating drink is undesirable. Any mood swings affect the health of the baby. With aggression and irritability, pressure may increase, spasmodic abdominal pain may occur, which is fraught with hypoxia and miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth in the later.

Coffee has a diuretic effect - when it is used, the kidneys work in an enhanced mode, and the amount of urine increases by 1.5 times. Lack of fluid in the body can cause weakness, dizziness, nausea, lethargy. How many cups of coffee can you drink to prevent dehydration? A lot, but no one can say the exact number. What's more, studies have been conducted that have not found a link between coffee and fluid loss.

In the experiment, the men drank four cups of coffee a day, which is far more than the average coffee consumer drinks. There was no evidence that the subjects were dehydrated compared to those who drank water alone.

Claudia Hammond

In any case, a pregnant woman should not drink more than three cups of coffee per day and it is recommended to drink more water.

Types of coffee: in what form it can be consumed during pregnancy

First, let's find out what types of coffee are. As a rule, natural coffee (freshly ground) and instant coffee are distinguished. They have a different composition, and also differ in their effect on the body.

Types of coffee - table

Types of coffee Preparation method Harm Use during pregnancy
SolublePowderCoffee beans are ground to a powder and then dried.
  1. Excessive caffeine content is especially dangerous for pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure.
  2. Negative effect on the gastric mucosa.
Not recommended
GranulatedPowdered coffee is exposed to steam to form granules.
SublimatedPowdered coffee is mixed with water, filtered and frozen. The resulting tile is broken into pieces.
Ground (natural)Roasting grains.Excessive use may adversely affect various systems organism.Possible in the absence of contraindications
Decaffeinated coffeeSolubleIsolation of caffeine from beans by treatment with ethyl acetate or by exposure to carbon dioxide.In the manufacture, the solvent ethyl acetate is used, which adversely affects the health of the liver, heart, blood vessels and the hematopoietic system.Not recommended

So, instant coffee is undesirable during pregnancy due to the high content of caffeine. Ground is not contraindicated, but nevertheless you should not get carried away with it. Decaffeinated coffee, despite its name, still contains this ingredient, albeit in small quantities. However, the harmful substances used in its production are not allowed for use by expectant mothers.

What determines the amount of caffeine in a serving?

The simplest classification of coffee is its division into ground, instant and decaffeinated. But also distinguish various varieties coffee.

Popular coffee varieties - table

Variety The number of ground grains per 1 serving of the drink Processing method Caffeine content Taste Cooking method
Arabica45–50 for espressoWet0,65–2% No viscosity. Slightly sour taste.It is undesirable to prepare Arabica coffee in a coffee machine, as it is impossible to create the necessary pressure for making espresso. Therefore, a mixture of Arabica and Robusta is usually used.
RobustaDry1,0–2,5% Promotes the formation of a persistent thick foam. The taste is viscous and bitter.

What can replace your favorite drink?

Caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in other drinks and foods, such as:

  • cocoa
  • chocolate
  • Cola and Pepsi
  • energetic drinks

Drinks and foods containing caffeine, pictured

Apart from high content caffeine, in energy drinks contains many substances that are detrimental to the stomach With carbonated drinks during pregnancy, you should be careful A slice of black or milk chocolate contains from 6 to 20 mg of caffeine One cup of cocoa contains up to 20 mg of caffeine Caffeine is found not only in black tea, but also in green

Caffeine content in drinks - table

Note that espresso coffee contains the highest amount of caffeine. In terms of a regular serving (240 ml), 1 cup of such a drink will contain about 320 mg of caffeine.

So what can replace coffee if this drink is banned? The following ingredients will work:

  • chicory;
  • beet;
  • barley;
  • pear seeds;
  • dogwood bones;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • rye seeds.

From the above products, you can brew "coffee". Drinks based on these herbal ingredients do not contain caffeine, but it is important for a pregnant woman to observe the measure. So, excessive consumption of a drink made from sunflower seeds can cause constipation, flatulence and bloating. Beetroot coffee can cause intestinal relaxation and is contraindicated in people with urolithiasis and hyperacidity stomach.

The most common caffeine substitutes are chicory and barley. Chicory is available in liquid form, and is also ground and soluble. Liquid extract of chicory is finished product, but can be added harmful additives which should definitely be avoided during pregnancy. Instant and ground chicory are prepared in almost the same way. In the first case, it is enough to fill it with water and stir, and in the second, let it brew for a few more minutes. Chicory can be used to make tea, coffee and other drinks. Not only can the pulp of the dogwood be eaten, but also the pits Barley coffee tastes like espresso Beetroot coffee is caffeine-free Chicory is the most common coffee substitute Roasted pear seeds can also be used to make a flavorful drink Rye seeds should be roasted well before being used for cooking drink

coffee recipes

Don't limit yourself to just coffee. This product can be diversified with other components, and also used as an additive during the preparation of other dishes. Treats and drinks based on coffee will not leave anyone indifferent.

ice mocha

To prepare one serving of this drink, the following components are needed:

  • 100 ml of water;
  • 2 tsp natural coffee (200 mg caffeine);
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cream.
  1. All ingredients should be whipped and mixed.
  2. You can decorate with cream, syrup or cinnamon on top, as well as add ice.

How to make coffee ice? We will need the following:

  • 4 tsp natural coffee (400 mg caffeine);
  • 100 ml hot water.

The ingredients should be mixed and frozen in special molds. It is enough to add a few pieces of ice to the drink. An ice-cold mocha will end up containing 200–250 mg of caffeine.


What will we need? You need to take:

  • espresso coffee (30% of the total content);
  • hot chocolate (20% of the total content);
  • milk (50% of the total content).
  1. Chocolate is poured into the cup first, then milk, and coffee last.
  2. Added to taste additional ingredients- sugar, cinnamon, syrups, etc.

1 cup of 240 ml contains up to 160 mg of caffeine. For the preparation of mochachino, 30% of this amount will be required. The caffeine content in the drink according to this recipe is 53 mg.

Chocolate and coffee mix


  • 1/3 cup milk;
  • 100 g milk chocolate (25 mg caffeine);
  • 2 tsp natural coffee (200 mg caffeine).
  1. Pour water into the Turku, pour coffee and cook over low heat.
  2. Pour the milk into a separate container and heat it up.
  3. Then crumble the chocolate into the milk. When it melts a little, turn off the heat.
  4. Pour the finished coffee into a cup and add chocolate milk. Decorate as desired.

Chocolate coffee mix contains 225 mg of caffeine.