Holds its shape well and doesn't. Butter cream recipe includes

homemade baking significantly different from what we are used to buying in stores. Even the simplest recipe will please you great taste. In addition, such baking is much healthier, because it contains the amount harmful additives minimized. Of course, each baking recipe has its own characteristics. So, perhaps the main thing in cakes is the right cream. It not only turns the taste of the dessert into something special, but also serves as a decoration.

Cream for decorating a cake: cooking rules

The type of filling depends on what kind of cakes you have. So for biscuits alone, there are about 7 varieties of cream! If you want to decorate ready-made pastries from above, then completely different options will be needed. Such a cream should keep its shape well and not blur. For all recipes, the same cooking rules apply:

  • Use only quality products. The main ingredient in many creams is butter. If it contains too much vegetable fat, then the finished mass will delaminate. Most likely, you will not even be able to beat it. Another minus of low-quality oil is the taste. If you have chosen a product whose manufacturer did not indicate all the ingredients and used little animal fat, then the cream can be purchased bad taste margarine.
  • It is also always worth choosing heavy cream. Their minimum concentration is 38%. Of course, it is better if the product is homemade. Low-fat cream practically does not whip. Hence, finished cake will not look like a lush mass, but will simply flow.
  • Prepare necessary tools. Unlike decorating cakes with mastic, you will need a minimum of tools to work with cream. Novice confectioners often think that it is worth buying a special syringe. In fact, it is very difficult to use it to decorate cakes. An excess of air is constantly formed inside the device. Because of this, the cream is squeezed out unevenly. Yes, it can be difficult to distribute the mass.
  • A great alternative is a pastry bag. It is usually sold disassembled with 2 components that can be purchased separately. These are nozzles and a small elastic bag, which can be disposable and reusable. If you bake all the time, then you should buy a plastic one, not a paper one. Nozzles are different. Their holes are made in the form of small and large stars, flowers, wavy lines. This allows you to create beautiful cream patterns on the cakes.
  • The sides of the baking are also beautifully aligned with the mass. Usually the cream in this case is applied using a special long floor. Its blade is not very sharp and has sufficient width. You may also need a lattice structure on a dais. A finished cake is placed on it, in order to then gently apply cream on the sides.
  • Additional ingredients. Of course, cakes with colored borders and roses look the most advantageous. To achieve the desired effect, you can use liquid food coloring. Usually they are added to the whipped mass at the very end. Usually a few drops are enough for a rich color. If you are afraid of chemistry, then you can use beetroot juice or a little spinach pomace. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number. Enough 1-2 drops. Otherwise, the cream will get an aftertaste.
  • Various liqueurs, vanilla extract are also used for flavoring. Sometimes a cake covered with cream is additionally decorated with chocolate drops and figurines, sprinkles, crushed nuts and almond petals.

Decorating cakes with protein cream: features

Protein cream keeps its shape remarkably. Usually they create borders on cakes and fill tartlets and sand baskets. It also goes well with biscuit cakes. Protein cream is very economical. All you need is egg white, powdered sugar and flavorings. In order for the mass to retain its shape, it is recommended to use agar-agar. The last ingredient acts as an additional fixative. It also does not affect the taste of the cream.


  1. Egg whites - 6 pcs.
  2. Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  3. Agar-agar - 1 tsp
  4. Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp


  • Pour agar-agar powder with 4-5 tsp. water and let the mixture stand for 20 minutes.
  • Cooking sugar syrup. To do this, pour 0.5 tbsp into a clean pan. water and pour into it powdered sugar. We put it on a small fire and heat until completely dissolved.
  • Next, keep the pan on fire until you get a test for a ball. The temperature of the syrup should reach 120 degrees. If you drop it into a cup of water, then a solid ball of caramel forms at the bottom.
  • Add the lemon juice to the syrup and stir in the agar-agar vigorously. Stir the mass for 10 seconds. It will first increase in size, but then the white "cap" will settle.
  • Take a clean, dry deep bowl and pour all the proteins into it. Start whipping them with a mixer until sharp peaks. Then pour the syrup into the mass in a small stream. In this case, you need to continue to beat until the cream has cooled. In time it takes about 10 minutes.
  • Ready protein cream must be used in the first 2 hours. Then it will be very difficult to apply to the cakes.

Decorating cakes with cream: video and description

  • Roses - fill the cornet of a pastry bag with cream and take a star nozzle. Hold the bag at a 90 degree angle to the surface. Start squeezing out the cream by slightly pressing the nozzle. Lift it up quickly. You should get an asterisk-flower. Sizes can be adjusted using nozzles of different diameters.
  • Wicker lattice - take a cornet with a nozzle in the form of a rectangular cut or embossed Palestinian. Squeeze out the vertical strip. Step back 1 cm. Squeeze out another one. Connect them with small horizontal segments. Continue to squeeze the cream in this way over the entire area of ​​​​the selected surface.
  • Shells - You will need a bait with a star. Hold the cornet with cream at an angle to the surface of the cake, almost pressing it against it. Start squeezing out the cream and make a smooth forward and downward motion. Then abruptly remove your hand. To make a chain of shells, follow the next figure at the base of the previous one.
  • Leaves - using the star nozzle at an angle to the cakes, start squeezing out the cream. You can move straight or wave. In the middle of the proposed leaf, loosen the pressure. Then complete the figure by squeezing out some of the cream in the same way.
  • Also, decorating cakes with cream can be done in the form of various "beads". To do this, take a nozzle with a spherical hole. Hold the pastry bag perpendicularly, squeezing out the figure of the desired volume.

Decorating cakes with cream helps to complete the decorative finish of the dessert. All you need are nozzles and a pastry bag. The most versatile creams that keep their shape well are considered to be protein and oil. Roses and leaves from them will not spread, but will look voluminous. Also, these creams are suitable for different types cakes - from biscuit to sand.

Cake decorating cream will make pastries beautiful and original. It can be prepared from cottage cheese, proteins, butter, gelatin, lemon juice and other components. If you want to decorate a cooked product, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our recipes.

cream cake recipe


Tablespoon of flour
- a glass of milk
- a small spoonful of gelatin
- butter - 3.2 tablespoons
- testicle - 4 pieces
- vanillin
- glass of sugar

Boil ½ of the indicated amount of milk. Stir flour into chilled cold milk. Add hot milk to the mixture, keep until thickened. Mix thoroughly. Remove from heat, let cool. Dilute in half a glass cold water gelatin, wait for swelling, heat until completely dissolved.

Soften the butter, add granulated sugar to the cottage cheese, rub thoroughly. Beat until you get a strong foam proteins. Combine milk and curd mixture. Add yolks, gelatin. Beat thoroughly, add vanillin, enter proteins, mix again.

Prepare and. It has a wonderful uniform consistency that holds its shape perfectly.

Custard for cake decoration


Flour - a couple of large spoons of flour
- granulated sugar - 1 cup
- testicle - 5 pcs.
- butter - 0.3 kg
- powdered sugar - 0.1 kg
- vanillin

Cooking features:

Beat the sugar well with the addition of the egg. Enter the flour, mix until a homogeneous mass is formed, without lumps. Warm the milk, pour the egg mixture into it in a thin stream. Stir, cook until thick, let cool. Soften the butter, add vanillin, powder, beat the total mass, combine the mixture with the cream. Start whisking again to get a fluffy mass. If you want the mass to be especially lush, add 2 strong proteins.

Rate and taste qualities.

The best cake decorating cream

You will need:

Butter - 0.2 kg
- a large spoonful of water
- a couple of yolks
- sugar sand - 0.25 tbsp.
- condensed milk - one jar
- a large spoonful of cocoa

Grind sugar with the introduction of yolks. Combine soft butter with condensed milk, beat until fluffy. Dissolve cocoa in cold water. Combine the ingredients, beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Prepare and.


A couple of large spoons of gelatin
- egg - 8 pieces
- sugar - a couple of glasses
- a glass of milk
- big spoon wheat flour
- buttercream - 0.3 kg
- vanillin

Cooking features:

Gelatin pour 150 ml of cool water, wait for it to swell, heat it up so that it dissolves completely. Make sure it doesn't boil. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind half of the indicated granulated sugar with yolks, add milk, flour, mix well. Bring to a boil. Remove from stove immediately and set aside. In the chilled mass, add butter, vanillin, mix well. Beat a glass of sugar with the addition of proteins to form a thick foam. Enter the bulk, gelatin, beat thoroughly.

Consider and.

Recipe with vanilla and milk

A glass of milk
- a couple of large spoons of flour
- granulated sugar - a couple of tablespoons
- egg - 2 pieces
- vanillin
- butter on a creamy basis - 50 g

Subtleties of preparation:

Combine eggs with sugar, beat well. Enter the flour, 4 large spoons of milk, stir until a mass is formed. Boil the milk that is left, combine with eggs, heat (use for heating water bath). Stir to bring it to a boil. When the mass boils and becomes thick, add vanilla with butter. Refrigerate the cream.

Rate and .

Cake decorating cream holds its shape well

Cream variant


Vanilla sugar - 2 g
- a small spoonful of powdered sugar
- a glass of cream (35% fat)

Cool the cream in advance, pour into a separate container. You can also put it in another so that the bottom is in cool water. Continue whisking until the cream thickens. Do not stop whipping until the cream has thickened. Enter vanilla sugar, powder, whisk again.

Bake and .

Protein cream for cake decoration


Vanillin sachet
- egg white - 4 pieces
- citric acid - 0.25 tsp
- a glass of sugar

Beat the whites a little with a mixer, add granulated sugar, citric acid with vanilla. Put in a water bath. The water should already be boiling. Beat with a mixer for 10 minutes. The mixture is fluffy and white. After the whisk traces remain on the cream, remove the saucepan from the heat, beat for three minutes. Wait for cooling, decorate the product. You can use molds for decorating cakes with cream.

How about you?

Butter cream for cake decoration

You will need:

Natural coffee - 1.5 tsp.
- cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons
- coconut flakes - 30 g
- a pinch of vanillin
- butter - 0.15 kg
- milk - 3.1 tbsp. spoons
- coconut flakes - 30 g

Cooking features:

Connect vanilla, coconut flakes, cocoa and powdered sugar. Heat the milk, dilute the coffee in it. Add melted butter, diluted coffee to the dry mixture. Whisk the mass. It should become homogeneous.

Do and .

Option with condensed milk and butter

In a small metal container, heat 0.2 kg of butter to make a creamy consistency. Beat the butter with a whisk or a wooden spatula. The mixture should become elastic. In portions, enter 240 g of condensed milk. Do not stop beating while adding. If the condensed milk is candied, melt it, stir and refrigerate. Refrigerate the dessert before use.

Cream with sugar syrup

Water - 145 ml
- sugar - 150 g
- butter - 0.2 kg

Enter into the pot required amount sugar, add some water, mix with a spoon. Bring the liquid to a liquid state, achieving complete dissolution of sugar. Warm up the oil a little microwave oven to get a thick consistency. Beat the butter using a wooden spoon or whisk. Add chilled sugar syrup. Continue beating until uniform consistency.

Protein Custard to decorate the cake

Protein - a couple of pieces
- boiling water - 60 ml
- not a large number of citric acid
- granulated sugar - 0.18 g

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar. Boil the syrup, stir so that there are no bubbles. At the end of cooking, enter citric acid on the tip of a knife. Check the readiness of the contents before removing it from the stove. If a drop of syrup does not spread over the plate, then the dish can be considered ready. You can try stretching the drop with your thumb and forefinger. As a result, it should stretch into a thread. The next step is whipping the egg whites. Beat them on medium speed for at least 5 minutes. After sufficient thickening of the protein mass, pour in the hot sugar syrup in a thin stream. Add vanilla sugar here as well. Continue the whipping process until an air stream is formed.

Browse and cake decorating cream video. It will surely be useful for you.

Recipe with sour cream

Combine 150 g of sugar, gradually add ½ liter of sour cream. Gradually increase the speed. Add powdered sugar or sugar in parts. As the granulated sugar dissolves, the mixture will become thinner. You shouldn't be afraid of this. The mass will thicken already in the process of beating. Ready meal should not drip off a spoon. If you took sour cream of not very high fat content, transfer it to cheesecloth and leave it overnight to glass. The whey will drain, and the sour cream will acquire the desired consistency.

Vanilla Butter Cream

Mix a couple in a bowl. egg whites with the addition of 0.1 kg of granulated sugar. Place the container in a water bath. Whisk vigorously to avoid curdling the egg whites. Repeat the process until the sugar dissolves. Remove the bowl from the water bath, start the process of whipping. Add some more vanilla. Beat the egg whites until peaks form. Warm up the butter a little, add in portions while churning. After the mass has acquired an even and homogeneous structure, stop beating.


Chicken egg - a couple of pieces
- milk - 0.12 ml
- cognac - 20 ml
- sugar - 0.1 kg
- butter - 0.2 kg

Mix granulated sugar with the specified amount of milk, rearrange on the stove, bring to a boiling state. Whisk lightly chicken eggs using a whisk or fork. In a thin stream, add to the beaten eggs, beat well to avoid folding the protein. Pour the milk-egg mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring vigorously.

Important Tips:

1. Cream can be colored with synthetic or food coloring.
2. If you chose the sour cream cooking option, then evaluate the taste of sour cream before whipping. If it does not have a pleasant “sourness”, dilute it lemon juice.
3. Do not pour hot ingredients into creamy and oily options: gelatin or melted chocolate. The mixture will become liquid and will not stick. You can prepare a quality dessert from products of the same temperature.
4. Store the cooked mass only in the refrigerator.
5. Make sure that the dishes and containers for work are dry and clean. While whipping proteins, no fat should remain on the walls.
6. Proteins and sour cream for cooking should be taken chilled.
7. Add dye 1 drop at a time so as not to get a rich and unnatural shade.

Decorating a cake is a real pleasure. If you pay enough attention to the preparation of a quality cream, then you can get a real masterpiece! The top and side edges of the product are decorated. You can add crushed nuts, coconut, grated chocolate, dried fruit pieces, etc.

Everyone loves sweets. And at any celebration, guests are looking forward to when the moment comes and it is he who will appear on the table - a beautiful delicious fragrant cake, preferably made by the hands of the hostess. Every woman has her own signature recipe, her own secrets of baking this airy dessert. And I want to make a delicacy not only tasty, but also well-decorated. Confectionery creams serve as a layer of products, they are also used for decoration. Making cream for decorating a cake keeps its shape well is the dream of every housewife. You can lay out a side with cream, make flowers, leaves, congratulatory inscriptions.

This is the most common group of creams, has the following varieties:

  • butter or creamy - cooked with condensed milk;
  • oil "Charlotte" - on milk and eggs;
  • oily glaze - on eggs.


Take the freshest products:

  • butter - 200 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 120 grams;
  • condensed milk - 200 grams;
  • vanilla sachet.

Cooking method

  1. Making this cream is easy:
  2. Soften the butter in advance, remove it from the refrigerator for 1 hour. You cannot melt the butter, the cream will not work. Beat the butter for 5 minutes until a white airy mass is obtained.
  3. Without stopping, gradually add condensed milk, vanillin and powdered sugar to the butter.
  4. It will take you 10-15 minutes to whip the cream.

Decorations made from this cream will keep their shape for a long time.


Delicacies with cream are tasty, but too high in calories and contain a lot of sugar. The most useful is cottage cheese or cream cheese. Dishes with it can be offered to both children and the elderly. Curd belongs to dietary products Contains calcium, easy to digest. From cottage cheese you can make a wonderful cream for decorating cakes. The choice of cottage cheese should be taken very seriously. Please note the following:

  1. Get fat cottage cheese, homemade is better.
  2. If the curd is too wet, drain the liquid. Send the cottage cheese to a colander lined with a napkin, leave for several hours.
  3. Granular cottage cheese must be carefully rubbed through a sieve until the grains disappear.
  4. If you want to use cottage cheese mass, do not forget that it contains sugar. Cut down on the sugar in the recipe. Buy cottage cheese mass without additives.


You will need the following products:

  • milk - 250 grams;
  • cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • butter - 180 grams;
  • gelatin (preferably instant) -35 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 250 grams;
  • Eggs - 5 pieces;
  • flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar - one sachet.

Cooking method

This recipe won't take long:

  1. Take care of gelatin in advance, soak it in water. When it swells, send it to a water bath. Stir until no grains remain, about 15 minutes. Do not bring gelatin to a boil. Instant gelatin is enough to fill with water and carefully stir.
  2. Rub milk with flour until no lumps remain, transfer to a water bath and soak for several minutes until the mixture thickens. Cool down.
  3. Grind the softened butter, wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix cottage cheese, butter, sugar, yolks and whisk.
  4. Combine these two masses, beat with a mixer.
  5. Whipped with a mixer until a dense white foam, add the proteins little by little to curd mass, add vanillin. Gently knead the dough with your hands from the bottom up.
  6. Before decorating the cake, the mixture must be well cooled; before use, it must be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

For cupcakes

Cupcakes are a new delicacy for us, but they are increasingly decorating our holiday tables. A cupcake is, in fact, a tiny cake or a large cupcake. Decorate it in the same way as a cake, you need a cream for cupcakes that keeps its shape. The best creams serve butter vanilla, creamy, cream meringue. The recipe for this cream includes sugar, butter, egg whites, vanillin and a little salt. It is not very easy to make it, but it holds its shape perfectly. Any additives, such as chopped nuts, zest, crushed chocolate, do not weigh down the cream. Some people believe that the protein cream is not strong, make sure it is not.


Designed for 12 pieces:

  • softened butter - 150-180 grams;
  • citric acid - at the tip of a knife;
  • water - 50 grams;
  • 3 proteins;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • vanilla sachet.

Cooking method

Here, of course, you have to tinker:

  1. Pour sugar into water, boil over low heat, stirring all the time, until sugar is completely dissolved. Cool slightly.
  2. Place the whites in a dry bowl, add citric acid, beat longer until a stable foam is obtained.
  3. Pour the chilled syrup into the protein, continuing to beat at medium speed. It will take about half an hour to beat until the mixture cools.
  4. Add soft, finely chopped butter and vanilla. It is necessary to beat until the mixture becomes homogeneous, lush again. To speed up this process, you can put it in the cold for a quarter of an hour, then continue.
  5. You can add food coloring or flavoring if you like. Now put the cream in a piping bag and decorate the cupcakes with it.


Every hostess who has ever made cream from cream tried to keep it in shape. Cream foam is light and airy, suitable both for layering cakes and for decorating them. If you strictly follow the recipe, use the best heavy cream, you will be able to make a stable, durable cream. Cream fat is important. For decorating cakes, cream with a fat content of 30-40 percent is suitable. If the fat content is less, the foam will be very unstable. If the fat content of the cream is 50% or more, it will turn into butter during whipping.


The recipe includes the following products:

  • 500 grams of cream;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method

Prepare everything you need for work:

  1. Chill the cream in advance to 2 degrees. Fill a low dish ice water, place a container with cream in it.
  2. First, beat with a mixer at low speed, and then at high speed. After the formation of a thick lush foam, without stopping whipping, gradually add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar in parts.
  3. When traces of the whisk begin to remain on the surface of the cream, the mass does not settle - the cream is ready.
  4. We shift the mass into a pastry bag or syringe, make sure that there are no air bubbles left.
  5. We draw borders, flowers, waves with cream on the cake, we make inscriptions.

sour cream

To decorate the dessert, sour cream with gelatin is also useful. The fat content of sour cream does not matter.


Can be used as an independent dessert:

  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • 10 g of instant gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 1 dessert spoon vanilla sugar.

Cooking method

The amount of sugar can be varied:

  1. Pour gelatin with water and carefully stir until the grains are completely dissolved.
  2. We spread the chilled sour cream in a container, beat with a mixer.
  3. Without stopping whipping, add vanilla and powdered sugar, pour gelatin in a thin stream.
  4. We place the cake in a mold, spread the cream on top. Place in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Can be filled with gelatin berry syrup, add crushed fruit.

We advise you to prepare:

There are a lot of recipes for creams for decorating a cake. Some of them require cooking, the latter are so-called raw. Depends on the type of cream prepared appearance cake, and the quality of its impregnation. What are the recipes for cake decorating cream?

Curd cream for cake decoration

This cream is great for meringue cake and fruit cakes.


  • Milk - 1st.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp
  • Curd - 200 g
  • Butter - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Vanillin


  1. Bring half of the indicated amount of milk to a boil. Stir the flour into the remaining cold milk.
  2. Add hot milk to this mixture, keep on fire until thickened, stirring thoroughly all the time. Remove from heat and leave to cool.
  3. Dilute gelatin in half a glass of cold water, wait until it swells, and then heat until completely dissolved.
  4. Add softened butter, sugar to cottage cheese and grind thoroughly.
  5. Whip the whites into a strong foam.
  6. Mix the curd mass with the milk mixture, gelatin, yolk. Beat everything well, add vanilla, add proteins and mix everything again. Cream is ready!

Custard classic cream for cake decoration


  • Eggs - 5 pcs
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Beat eggs thoroughly with sugar. Add flour, stir until homogeneous mass without lumps.
  2. We heat the milk, we begin to pour the egg mixture into the warm milk in a thin stream. Stir all the time, continue to cook until thickened, cool.
  3. Soften the butter, add vanillin, powdered sugar, beat everything, add the mixture to the cream. Again, beat everything into a fluffy mass.
  4. If you want to get a particularly fluffy cream, enter into it two tightly whipped egg whites.

Egg cream with cocoa for cake decoration


  • Yolks - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - ¼ tbsp.
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 b.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Grind the yolks with sugar.
  2. Mix soft butter with condensed milk and beat into a fluffy mass.
  3. Dissolve cocoa in cold water.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and beat well into a homogeneous mass.

Sour cream for cake decoration


  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Fatty sour cream - 2 tbsp.


Mix the ingredients and beat until thick.

Cream soufflé for cake decoration


  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons
  • Eggs - 8 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Gelatin pour 150 ml of cold water, wait until it swells, and heat it until completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil.
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with half of the sugar indicated in the composition, add milk and flour, stir thoroughly, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. In the cooled mass, add soft butter, vanilla and beat everything well.
  3. Beat the whites with one glass of sugar until a strong foam is obtained, add gelatin, the bulk, and beat well again.

This cream should be used to decorate the cake immediately after preparation. This is due to the fact that it freezes very quickly.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Add sugar to eggs and beat well.
  2. Then add flour, four tablespoons of milk and mix everything until smooth.
  3. The remaining milk should be brought to a boil, add beaten eggs to it, heat in a water bath, stirring until it boils.
  4. When it boils and thickens, add soft butter and vanilla. Then we cool the cream.

Butter cream for cake decoration


  • Cream 35% fat - 1 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 g


  1. Pre-cool the cream, pour into a container, put this container in another so that the bottom is in cold water.
  2. Whisk with a whisk until the cream thickens.
  3. Without stopping the whipping process, add vanilla sugar, powdered sugar to the cream, and again beat everything thoroughly.

The cream should be used to decorate the cake immediately after preparation.

From a syringe. Recipes for such delicacies may include various components. The main thing is that they take the shape given to them well and keep it after a slight cooling.

Cream Jewelry: Detailed Cooking Recipes

There is nothing tastier than homemade cake. Made with love and delicious smelling pastries are sure to decorate any holiday table. But to home cake turned out really beautiful, you should try quite hard. After all, this requires separately preparing the cream, and then correctly applying it to the surface of the formed dessert.

Classic Butter Cream

Surely many housewives know how to do classic cream for decorating cakes from a syringe. As a rule, it includes the following components:

  • butter as fresh as possible - about 200 g;
  • powdered sugar (you can just fine sugar) - 8 large spoons.

The process of making buttercream

Butter cream for decorating a cake with a syringe is surprisingly quick and easy. To begin with, you should remove it from the refrigerator in advance and wait for it to completely soften. Next, the oil must be placed in a blender and beat strongly (at the highest speed), gradually adding powder or sugar.

As a result of the described actions, you should get a magnificent and air cream for decorating cakes from a syringe. By the way, it is also suitable as a base for mastic.

If you need to get a multi-colored cream, then it should first be divided into parts, and then mixed with food coloring. In the absence of these, you can use chocolate icing, carrot or beetroot juice etc.

Making protein cream

To decorate cakes from a syringe, it holds its shape worse than oil. But if you try, then with such a mass you can originally decorate the side parts of the dessert, as well as make a relief edging.

So, we need:

  • egg whites - from 4 large eggs;
  • fine sugar - a full glass (a little more can be);
  • lemon juice - a couple of drops.

Food preparation

It is made as simply and easily as oil. First, carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks, and then place them in the refrigerator for a while. After ¼ hour, the product must be removed, put into a deep bowl, pre-lubricated with lemon juice, and start beating. This procedure can be carried out in three different ways:

The first option is the most reliable. With a hand whisk, you can make a fairly fluffy and stable protein mass that will hold its shape well. However, the main disadvantage this method is that during the whipping of proteins, great physical effort is required.

As for the mixer and blender, you can also get stable foam with them. Although for this you will need quite powerful devices with large quantity rpm.

Cooking method

After the egg whites are cooled, they should immediately start whipping. It is recommended to do this quickly. Periodically, sugar must be added to the product. Moreover, the more it is, the more magnificent and stable the cream will turn out.

It should be especially noted that for the preparation of the protein mass, it is required to use granulated sugar, and not powder. After all, the last ingredient melts quickly and makes the cream more liquid, which is not at all suitable for decorating a cake.

for cake

If you decide to do chocolate cake, then ganache will serve well as its decoration. To prepare such an unusual cream, you should purchase:

cooking ganache

To do chocolate cream for decoration homemade dessert, you should pour heavy cream into a large bowl, and then heat them up strongly, but do not bring to a boil. Next to dairy product it is necessary to lay out the chocolate broken into slices and butter. It is recommended to heat these components until they completely melt. In conclusion, the resulting mixture should be removed from the stove, cool and refrigerate for 4 hours (preferably overnight).

After the specified time, the cream must be removed, kept at room temperature about 10 minutes and then proceed to decorate the homemade dessert.

Receptions and techniques in decorating cakes

There are many tricks and techniques with which you can decorate any dessert. The most popular among modern housewives is the culinary syringe. It is very easy to use and not expensive. To use it to decorate a homemade cake, you just need to fill the container with the selected cream (oil, protein, chocolate, etc.), and then squeeze the formed treat onto the surface. If you need to get an original drawing (for example, flowers, petals, etc.), then you can use special nozzles that are usually included in the kit.

As you can see, decorating a cake with the help is quite easy. But if you need to cover the dessert with more complex figures, then for this we recommend using not cream, but mastic or protein caramel. Making them at home is easy and simple. To do this, you just need to strictly follow all the requirements of the recipe and have a creative imagination.

Summing up

Now you know which creams are suitable for decorating a homemade cake or pastries beautifully. If you do not have a syringe available, then you can use regular office paper instead. A bag of small sizes should be made from it, and then the tip of the desired thickness and shape should be cut off. With such a device, you will definitely get the same original desserts, as well as using a special confectionery syringe.