Quick and lazy canning of tomatoes and cucumbers. Lazy tomato salad for the winter Tomatoes with mint

Autumn is in full swing, it's time to stock up on preserves - in winter, how great it will be to eat fried potatoes with a crispy cucumber or sweet and sour tomato!

And if so, you will have to persuade your laziness to be patient a little for a while: like, but in winter you won’t have to run to the store for ketchup rich in stabilizers and GMOs, half-decayed mushrooms with sand crunchy on your teeth, or completely inedible gherkins. But since laziness is a harmful and stubborn lady, we will, as always, preserve it with minimal effort and time - so as not to irritate it again.

Ingredients for a 3L jar

  • Tomatoes or cucumbers - 2 - 2.5 kg (depending on the size of the vegetables);
  • Garlic - 1-2 heads;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l with a small slide;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons with a large slide;
  • Vinegar - 3 tbsp.
  • dill and other spices - to taste and availability

Cooking method

Step 1

3 liter jars wash with clean water. Why they don’t need to be sterilized, I already wrote in. We put spices in a jar: the basic composition is dill (the more the better), garlic (about a head for each jar), peppercorns (as many as you like). The rest can be added at your own discretion: leaves of horseradish, cherry, oak, currant, etc. Or you don’t have to add it, which is what I most often do. And yes: tomatoes turn out much tastier with dry dill along with seeds, cucumbers - only with green ones. If you have both in one jar, it’s better to put green.


Place the washed vegetables in a jar and add dill on top again. Boil water and pour into jars. Cover with pre-scalded lids and you are free for the next 15 - 30 minutes. You can lie down after so much work, you can replenish your strength delicious food, quickly prepared according to my recipes, you can... and you can do a lot of things!


Why such a difference in time? It's very simple: we wait until our jars cool down to such a temperature that we can handle them with our hands and not get burned. When the heat is up to 40, it will take them a long time to cool down; if it’s already cold, they’ll finish in about 15 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add 2 heaped tablespoons of salt, 4 - 5 tablespoons of sugar (this is all for each jar) and set to boil. When the water has already boiled, add 3 - 4 tablespoons of vinegar and immediately fill and seal the jars.


Then we turn them upside down, wrap them up, and this is where the mockery of laziness ends: you can sleep, watch TV, or reward yourself with a trip to a cafe with a clear conscience. Oh yes: you still have to rinse the pan and tidy up the kitchen a little - but what to do? We haven't earned money for a housekeeper yet...

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Now is a busy time for housewives, as they need to have time to close the jars of their favorite pickles before winter, so that later they can enjoy their spicy and pungent taste. I also joined this marathon and the shelves in my pantry are gradually filled with new jars of pickles and preserves.
My friend and I call each other every day and share recipes, and also compete to see who has the most canned food. It’s a little easier for me, since I only keep at home preserved food that can withstand storage at room temperature, and I put everything else in an excellent basement at the dacha. We still often go there in winter to heat the house, pick up vegetables and, at the same time, jars of preserves from the basement, which can be kept for some time on the balcony or in the refrigerator. But the girlfriend rolls up her preparations only taking into account home storage, so she has to constantly sterilize the jars and mostly cover them with disposable metal lids - this she thinks will be more reliable. While I am preparing this salad for the winter and while I have plenty fresh vegetables, I cook often.
Lazy salad from tomatoes for the winter, a step-by-step recipe with photos that I now offer, is just suitable for storing at home, because I put the vegetables in prepared jars, add salt, sugar, pour hot water and be sure to sterilize for at least 15 minutes. Next, I pour vinegar into the jars and close them for the winter. This method is not the easiest, but it is the most reliable - not a single jar will go bad, I guarantee you that! If you have also collected a good harvest of cucumbers, then be sure to prepare it.
The indicated recipe yields approximately 4 jars with a capacity of 700 g each.


- ripe tomato fruit – 2 kg.,
- onion – 2 pcs.,
- salad pepper – 400 gr.,
- garlic – 4-6 pcs.,
- dried laurel leaf – 2-3 pcs.,
- ground black pepper.

Based on 1 jar with a volume of 700 ml:
- medium-ground table salt – 1 tsp,
- granulated sugar (white beetroot) – 3 tsp,
- vinegar essence (70% – 1/2 tsp.

Step by step recipe with photo:

For the salad we need to prepare the vegetables. For this ripe tomatoes wash, wipe dry and cut into pieces, cutting out the places where the stalk is attached, since there is the greatest accumulation of nitrites.

Then we wash the lettuce pepper, cut out the seeds and tail. Next, cut it into arbitrary cubes.

Peel the onion, wash it and cut it into half rings with a knife.

Place jars prepared in advance (washed with soda solution and treated) vegetable mix. It's a matter of taste: you can mix all the vegetables and just lay them out, or you can lay them out in layers for beauty.
Then pour hot water into each jar approximately up to the hanger, add salt, as well as sugar and pepper, put a laurel leaf and cover with lids, but do not screw it on completely. This one just goes away with a bang.

Now we do" water bath": put the jars in large saucepan, pour in warm water so that it does not completely cover the jars and boil them for 15 minutes.

Next, pour into each container vinegar essence and quickly close the lids. We wrap ourselves in a blanket and wait for the lazy tomato salad to cool down for the winter. Then we find a place in the pantry for our preserves. I also cook amazing food very often


Spicy tomatoes


  • tomatoes;
  • Bay leaf;
  • hot red pepper,
  • garlic,
  • dill, celery, cloves, peppercorns, mustard seeds, horseradish root.

Pickling recipe:

2. For 1.5 l. water you need to add 2 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. sugar, add spices (dill, cloves, peppercorns, mustard seeds and horseradish root). Boil the marinade.
3. At the bottom of the prepared (sterilized with boiling water) jars we place chopped green leaves of horseradish, dill, celery and parsley, as well as red pepper, garlic, bay leaf.
4. Then put the washed, stemmed tomatoes there and pour in the marinade, heated to a boil, cover with lids and place in a saucepan for sterilization: half-liter and liter jars - for 10-15 minutes, 3-liter jars - for 20 minutes.
5. After sterilization, seal the jars, turn them over and wrap them in a blanket for a couple of hours.

Home-made marinated tomatoes with citric acid

How to pickle tomatoes correctly

  • tomatoes (preferably not large ones),

marinade (based on a 3-liter jar):

  • 1.3 liters of water
  • 30 g salt
  • 120 g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons citric acid powder.

Pickling recipe

1. Tomatoes selected for pickling are sorted by size, shape and color. It is important that they are of the same ripeness. Reds and greens should also not be mixed.
2. Place the tomatoes in washed jars, add herbs (a little, just to add a slight aroma, better for variety in different banks add one type of greens - dill to one, parsley to another, celery to the third).
3. Pour boiling water and cover with clean lids.
4. While the tomatoes are sterilized, boil the brine from water, salt, sugar, and citric acid. As soon as the brine boils, drain the water from the jars, pour in the brine, roll it up, then turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket for a couple of hours.
The advantage of this recipe: instead of vinegar it is used lemon acid- the tomatoes turn out dense, with delicate taste, a light aroma of greenery, and not at all “poisonous”, like with vinegar.

Tomatoes marinated in Donetsk style

Filling: 1 liter of water

  • 60 g sugar,
  • 60 g salt,
  • garlic,
  • bitter and sweet peppers,
  • Bay leaf,
  • 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.


Place the prepared brown fruits in jars along with spices.
Pour boiling pour over three times, leaving for 10 minutes. IN last time add vinegar and seal.

Spicy tomatoes

How to pickle tomatoes correctly

For a three-liter jar:

  • 50 g horseradish root,
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic,
  • 1 tablespoon dill seeds,
  • 7 allspice peas,
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons salt,
  • 2 tablespoons 9% vinegar,
  • 1-2 bay leaves.


Place brown tomatoes in a scalded three-liter jar with bay leaf, horseradish root shavings, peeled and chopped garlic, dill seeds, allspice. Pour boiling water over and cover.

After half an hour, drain the water into a saucepan, put on high heat, add salt and sugar. Boil. Add vinegar to the jar of tomatoes and immediately pour in the boiling liquid to the very edge.

Roll up the jar hermetically, wrap it in paper and a blanket, turn it upside down and leave for a day.

Sterilized tomatoes with onions in jelly

Cut the tomatoes into quarters, the onions into slices and disassemble into rings. Place in a three-liter jar, alternating tomatoes and onion rings.

Prepare the marinade:

At 5 three-liter cans you will need 6 liters of water, 18 tablespoons of sugar, 6 tablespoons of salt, 6 bay leaves, 20 peppercorns, dill. Boil the marinade, strain it and pour into jars on top of the tomatoes and onions. Then pour jelly into each jar.


Add 1 teaspoon of gelatin to half a glass of water and leave to swell for 40 minutes. Then bring to a boil and pour evenly into the jars. Sterilize jars for 10 minutes.

Tomatoes, sliced, with onion and garlic

Red tomatoes, cut into circles, put in a jar, interspersed with onion slices disassembled into rings.

Marinade: for 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, favorite spices, 2-3 bay leaves, a sprig of dill, a handful of peeled cloves of garlic.


The marinade boils for about two minutes. Pour in 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar and immediately pour it over the tomatoes and onions. The next day, the pickled tomatoes are ready. But after 2 days they taste even better. You can, after sterilizing for 10 minutes, prepare it for the winter.

Assorted fruits and vegetables in marinade

It turns out even tastier. The basis of the recipe is “”. In addition to chopped tomatoes, onions and garlic, we beautifully place any chopped vegetables (at your discretion) in the jar, for example, bell pepper colorful, cauliflower, disassembled into inflorescences. We also put fruit cut into slices: plums, kiwi, cherries, grapes, raspberries and so on.

The marinade is the same. The aromas and flavors of vegetables and fruits are mixed and create an excellent bouquet. Tasty, aromatic, beautiful, festive.


  • 1 kg of tomatoes,
  • 1 kg red bell pepper,
  • 300-500 g garlic,
  • 2 apples (Antonovka),
  • parsley – 1 bunch,
  • bitter Bell pepper- 2 pieces,
  • ground coriander,
  • 250 g salt
  • 20 g of 5% vinegar.

Grind everything in a meat grinder, add finely chopped parsley. Stir and refrigerate overnight, stir several times until the salt dissolves, and place in jars.

It is better to store in the refrigerator. You can add it to borscht and any other dishes 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Great taste and aroma. Antonovka gels and the adjika will turn out thick. Stores very well.

Tomato-garlic seasoning

  • 0.5 kg ripe tomatoes,
  • 100 g horseradish,
  • 200 g garlic,
  • 50 g vegetable oil,
  • 50 g sugar,
  • 8 g salt.


  • Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder along with the garlic.
  • Grate the horseradish, mix with tomatoes and garlic, add sugar, salt, oil and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Place into small jars. Store in a cool place.

Tomatoes in apple juice

Pour boiling water over tomatoes apple juice(for 1 liter of juice 1 tablespoon of salt). Do not add spices. Sterilize for 7 minutes. Roll up. Store in a cool place.

Tomatoes with apples and spices

  • Apples (Antonovka),
  • tomatoes,
  • dill,
  • parsley,
  • peppercorns,
  • carnation.


For a 3-liter jar, a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, vinegar essence.

Place apples, tomatoes, herbs and spices in jars. Pour boiling marinade under the lid, add vinegar essence, roll up, turn over, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cooled.

Tomatoes with cinnamon (can even be stored under nylon lids)


  • 4 liters of water,
  • 4 bay leaves,
  • 1/2 teaspoon peppercorns,
  • the same amount of cloves
  • teaspoon cinnamon (powder),
  • two thirds of a glass of salt,
  • 3 cups sugar.


Boil the marinade and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, pour in 50 g acetic acid, mix. Fill the jars with tomatoes mixed with garlic, dill, parsley and add marinade.

Orange miracle

  • 1.5 kg red tomatoes, chopped;
  • Grind 1 kg of carrots in a meat grinder;
  • add 100 g of sugar to this;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 glass of sunflower oil – simmer everything for 1.5 hours.
  • 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add 100 g of crushed garlic and 1 tsp. black ground pepper. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, 1 tbsp. vinegar. Remove from heat. When it cools down, put it in jars and roll up.

Recipe for preparing and preserving tomatoes stuffed with vegetables


  • 1.6 kg tomatoes,
  • 200 g onions,
  • 250 g carrots,
  • 25 g root
  • 10 g parsley,
  • 30-35g salt,
  • 40-50 g sugar,
  • 1.5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar,
  • 5-7 peas of allspice,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • vegetable oil.


1. Rub 600 g of ripe tomatoes on coarse grater, remove the skin.
2. Boil the resulting mass until the foam disappears, add salt, sugar, allspice, bay leaves, vinegar and boil for another 7-10 minutes.
3. Preparation minced vegetables. Peel the parsley and carrots, chop finely and simmer until tender. Cut the peeled onion into rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cut fresh, ripe, medium-sized tomatoes at the stem and remove the core with a teaspoon. Mix stewed roots and fried onions with finely chopped parsley and heat to a temperature of approximately 70 °C.
4. Fill the prepared tomatoes with hot minced meat, place tightly in jars and pour over the previously prepared hot sauce.
5. Pour boiled (in a water bath) vegetable oil on top for 5-7 minutes and cooled to a temperature of 70 ° C (at the rate of 2 tablespoons of oil per 1 liter).
6. The jars should be filled so that there is still 2-2.5 cm left to the edges of the neck. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 60 minutes, liter jars - 75 minutes.
7. Tighten the jars, turn the lid down and let sit for a day.

Recipe for preparing and preserving tomatoes in their own juice


  • 50 g sugar,
  • 80 g salt.

Canning recipe:

1. Wash small-fruited tomatoes, prick them in several places with a pointed stick and place them tightly in jars up to their hangers.
2. Cut large tomatoes and heat them in enamel pan under the lid, without bringing to a boil.
3. Rub the hot mass through a fine sieve, dissolve salt and sugar in it and pour the mass over the tomatoes in the jars so that the juice level is 2 cm below the edges of the jar.
4. Pasteurize at a temperature of 85 °C (liter jars - 25-30 minutes) or sterilize in boiling water (8-9 minutes).
Use the filling to prepare a drink (can be diluted boiled water), and prepare salad, sauce, soup from the fruits.

Tomatoes with mint


  • 5 kg tomatoes,
  • 60 g dill,
  • 25 g horseradish leaves,
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic,
  • 25 g parsley,
  • 2 teaspoons chopped mint leaves,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 1 teaspoon hot red pepper,
  • 3 black peppercorns.


for 1 liter of water – 150-200 ml table vinegar, 50 g salt.

1. Select and wash red tomatoes, better variety"Lady fingers".
2. Divide into jars.
3. Wash the greens, chop them, cut the red pepper into several narrow strips, garlic cloves into 3-4 pieces each.
4. Place herbs and spices in jars on top of the tomatoes.
5. Fill with hot pour.
6. Sterilize: half-liter jars - 5 minutes, liter jars - 10-12 minutes. Roll up.

Tomatoes peeled in their own juice


  • 3 kg of ripe small-fruited tomatoes,
  • 2 kg large ripe tomatoes,
  • 50 g sugar,
  • 80 g salt.


1. Chop ripe but undamaged tomatoes and pass through a juicer.
2. Pour the juice into enamel dishes, salt (per 1 liter of liquid - 1 tablespoon of salt) and bring to a boil.
3. Dip small, fleshy tomatoes in a colander for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, quickly remove and immerse in cold water.
4. Peel the cooled tomatoes with a sharp-pointed knife, place tightly in sterilized jars and pour boiling juice over them.
5. Cover the jars with lids and place in a saucepan with hot water for sterilization.
6. When the water in the pan boils, immediately remove half-liter jars and roll them up, soak liter jars in boiling water for 4-5 minutes, three-liter jars for 8-10 minutes and then roll them up.

Peeled tomatoes, canned in slices


for 1 liter of water – 20-40 g of sugar, 15-20 g of salt, 2-3 g of citric acid.

Only tomatoes with fleshy pulp are suitable for these canned foods.

1. Place the fruits in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, cool in cold water and remove the skin.
2. Cut the peeled tomatoes into 2-4 parts, place them in jars without compacting them, and fill them with boiling liquid.
3. Pasteurize at a temperature of 90 °C: half-liter jars - 30 minutes, liter and two-liter jars - 35-40 minutes. Roll up. Store in a cool place.

Peeled tomatoes, canned in slices, in their own juice

Fill: for 1 liter of tomato juice – 10-30g sugar, 5-7 g salt.

1. Place the prepared tomatoes in jars (see previous recipe - Peeled tomatoes, canned in slices).
2. Bring freshly prepared tomato juice to a boil, dissolve salt and sugar in it and pour into jars.
3. Pasteurize at a temperature of 90 °C: half-liter jars - 30 minutes, liter and two-liter jars - 35-40 minutes.
4. Then roll up the jars, turn them upside down, cover with a blanket and leave until cool. Then put it in a cold pantry, or any other dark, cool storage place.

Tomatoes in applesauce


  • 5 kg tomatoes,
  • 5 kg apples,
  • 10 g ginger,
  • 50g sugar,
  • 20 g salt.


1. Wash sour apples, cut into slices, steam in a saucepan with a small amount water, rub through a sieve, add salt, sugar, ginger. 2. Wash the tomatoes, chop them several times, put them in jars and pour the prepared hot applesauce.
3. Pasteurize the jars for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 °C, roll up the lids and store in a cool place.

Winter tomato salad (no salt)

1. Cut ripe but strong tomatoes into slices.
2. Place in sterilized quart jars, shaking slightly to compact the tomatoes (but not too tightly).
3. Pour in the juice remaining during slicing, cover with boiled metal lids and sterilize for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling over low heat.
4. Roll up and turn upside down until cool.
5. In winter, when serving the salad, add salt, onion, garlic, sour cream or vegetable oil. This salad can also be used to season soups.

Tomatoes marinated with beets

For one serving you will need:

  • tomatoes - 1.2 kg,
  • small beets - 2 pcs.,
  • medium sized carrots - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • hot pepper - 1/3 pod,
  • greens to taste - 3-4 sprigs.

For the marinade:

  • water - 1 l.,
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • vinegar essence - 1 tsp.


First you need to wash the tomatoes, use a fork or wooden skewer 2 punctures. Place the tomatoes in a bowl, pour boiling water over them and let stand for about 10 minutes, then drain the water. Wash the greens. Without chopping, put together with hot pepper and peeled garlic cloves to the bottom of a sterilized jar.

Peel the beets and carrots and cut into thin slices. Place tomatoes in a jar, interspersing them with slices of beets and carrots. Boil 1 liter of water, add salt, sugar and vinegar essence. Pour the boiling solution into the tomatoes. Close the jar. When the canned food has cooled, store it in a cool, dark place.

Stuffed tomatoes - an even more original snack preparation

To prepare it, you will need medium-sized ripe tomatoes. Minced meat can be made from various vegetables and herbs: carrots, onions, garlic, parsley, celery root. Stuffed tomatoes poured tomato juice and sterilized. You can also stuff unripe green or brown tomatoes.

For 4 kg of tomatoes you will need:

  • 3 bundles leaf celery and parsley,
  • 2 pcs. large carrots,
  • 1 head garlic,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 pod hot pepper
  • 6 tbsp. salt.