How can I roll blue for the winter. Eggplant for the winter - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty prepare eggplant for the winter. How to cook eggplant salad for the winter.

Today more and more people prefer healthy eating. Eggplant contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to humans.

Not many people know, but the vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) contained in it will help you get rid of such a bad habit as smoking. It will make it easier to endure nicotine starvation.

Zucchini noodles with garlic and butter

Keep palm and spinach reserved and beat other stuffing ingredients in a blender, add spinach and heart of beaten mixture and toss. Take to the oven, preheat and roast for 25 minutes or until the kicheris are golden. Don't knock, fill the pot with stuffing. . Going without pizza is terrible, but noodle escape can be even harder since food is part of our Everyday life and almost never misses Sunday dinner at our mother's or grandmother's.

The recipe below is a great option for you to kill the urge to eat pasta without exaggerating the amount of carbs, as zucchini contains only 3.1g of the nutrient per 100g. fresh vegetables. Drain and stock up, bring a pot to the fire with olive oil, garlic and parsley. Let it sauté until the garlic turns brown and adds the zucchini: fix the salt and add the kingdom pepper. Empanadas are always a problem for those looking for recipes with low content carbs because they usually carry flour or wheat flour.

This vegetable is indispensable in diet food. Fiber will help remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. In addition, eggplant contains only 28 kcal per 100 g. However, remember that fried eggplants absorb quite a lot of oil, so it is better to use boiled or baked vegetables in your diet.

Eggplant with garlic for the winter - the basic principles of cooking

By itself, the vegetable does not have a pronounced taste, but in combination with other vegetables, herbs and spices, it turns into an excellent snack.

Almond flour - great option low carb to wrap the chicken and still give a distinct character. Homemade canned food gives you the courage! Find our jar sterilization tips, techniques and especially our top recipes to make delicious homemade preserves. And if you want to change the joys, also open our recipes and!

Sterilization of jars, directions of use

When you want to create your own banks and corks, it is important to undergo sterilization to avoid any deterioration and, above all, any health risk such as botulism. Here are the steps you should take to sterilize your jars of vegetables, chutneys, or jams.

Before cooking, eggplant must be prepared. After cutting the vegetable into pieces of the required shape, they need to be salted and left for a while so that the bitterness comes out. After that, the eggplant is squeezed, if desired, you can rinse them under running water. If this is not done, then your snack will be bitter, which will undoubtedly spoil the workpiece.

Everything you need to know about surimi, from its production to its ingredients

The genealogy of a family of drinks with several virtues. Surimi is full of secrets: what is it made of? Does he have fish head or bones? Does it have crab in it? Express Styles decouples truth from falsehood. Do you start by making jars, preserves or jams? Simon Fernio, head of Boko's institutions with his brother Vincent, gives us his tricks to succeed every time.

From November to February, the Clementine throne on the freshman stalls. A good idea restore it: jars or preserves, as with this recipe in Cointreau syrup in Henrik Andersson. Nothing could be easier than cooking canned eggplants in oil. A drug that is found in all the cuisines of Southern Italy and often "eliminates" us when we don't want to cook. There are several recipes, depending on regions, villages or even families, but the taste is still there.

For preservation, take only ripe fruits, without any damage.

Recipes for canning eggplant with garlic great amount. We will tell you about the most popular, delicious and original.

Recipe 1: Spicy eggplant with garlic for the winter

Incredible, spicy snack.


eggplant - 10 kg;

Preparing Canned Eggplant in Oil

Today we present a typical recipe for the area around Salerno, the city of Campania. This is very old recipe which my grandmother held at least twice a year. First, choose fresh, firm eggplants and wash them in running water. Clean them and remove the core. Then cut them into vertical strips and soak for a few minutes in lemon water.

Georgian style, but without sterilization

Then arrange the slides in the container, alternating eggplant and salt. Make several layers. When done, squeeze with a weight so they can shed their bitter liquid and leave to heal for 12 hours. After that, drain the eggplants from their liquid and rinse them under water. Then, in a saucepan, bring water and white wine vinegar to a boil, dip the eggplant and boil for 4-5 minutes.

500 g of garlic;

some hot pepper;

vinegar - half a liter.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the eggplant thoroughly and cut off the stalks. We cut the vegetable into circles, about 2 cm thick. Dissolve a kilogram of salt in a bucket of water. Place the eggplant in the salt solution, press it on top with a light weight, and leave for half an hour.

Then dry them and let them dry for at least 30 minutes on a clean cloth. They must dry well to avoid mold. Once dry, arrange eggplant in regular layers in glass jar, which you previously sterilized, hermetically closed. On each layer, apply a few pieces of garlic, oregano and, if you like, a little chili pepper. When you're done, press the layers well so that there are no gaps left. Then pour olive oil, filling the jar to the brim and carefully close it.

You can keep your eggplants throughout the year. After opening the jar, you must add olive oil for each use, cover the eggplant completely and store it in the refrigerator. Other vegetables such as zucchini can be cooked in the same way.

2. Drain the water, squeeze the eggplants well. Now fry each circle in vegetable oil until golden brown.

3. Disassemble the garlic into teeth, remove the seeds from the pepper. Twist everything in a meat grinder. Add vinegar to the mixture of garlic and pepper, and leave for half an hour.

4. Place eggplant in jars, alternating with dressing. In the process, the juice should rise to the neck, but if it is not enough, you can add liquid from the dressing.

To save time, you can season your eggplants in a salad bowl and then pour them into jars. vegetable fruit excellent appearance gives it the aroma and character of ratatouille and moussaka. Quebecers consume it in rather modest amounts compared to other regions of the world such as India where it is very popular. Its skin is deep purple, but there are also yellow, green, and even white varieties. If you don't cook it with lots of fat, eggplant is low in calories.

Active principles and properties

Some of them have shown that high level consumption of vegetables and fruits has reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and others chronic diseases 1, 2. Several mechanisms of action have been proposed to explain these protective effects; the presence of antioxidants in vegetables and fruits may play a role.

5. We sterilize jars with eggplants for about 20 minutes, after which we roll them up.

Recipe 2: Eggplant with garlic for the winter "Spark"

Fried eggplants in garlic and pepper adjika. The secret of this recipe is the use of honey. Depending on which honey you take, the taste may change. Eggplants are spicy, with a slight spiciness.

Antioxidants are compounds that protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. The latter are highly reactive molecules that will be involved in the development of cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and other diseases associated with aging. 3. The bacterium is considered to be of high antioxidant potential 4, 5 and potential benefits are beginning to be analyzed.

Most Important Nutrients

Phenolic acids are one of the main classes of antioxidants in eggplant, the most abundant of which is chlorogenic acid 9, 10. However, researchers have noted that chlorogenic acid in food products can be absorbed in a fairly low proportion by the human body 12. Therefore, it is not known whether the amount of chlorogenic acid obtained by eggplant may be sufficient for humans to observe antioxidant effects. Eggplant, especially if his skin is dark, is also rich in antioxidant pigments of the anthocyanin category. On the other hand, American scientists found that a certain type of eggplant called Black Magic contained almost three times more anthocyanins than other eggplant varieties analyzed. The results cannot yet be transferred to humans. Anthocyanins. . Raw eggplant is a source of manganese for men and women, while boiled eggplant is a source only for women.


one and a half kilograms of eggplant;

500 g sweet bell peppers;

200g garlic;

1 bitter pepper;

125 g of vinegar;

honey 100 g;

sunflower oil 300 ml.

Cooking method

1. To prepare this snack, take small eggplants. Wash the fruits thoroughly and wipe with a towel, cut off the stalks and chop into rings half a centimeter thick. Sprinkle the vegetables with salt and leave for an hour, then squeeze the eggplant.

Manganese acts like many, which facilitates a dozen different metabolic processes. It is also involved in the prevention of damage caused. Eggplant is a source of copper. As a constituent of several enzymes, copper is essential for the formation of hemoglobin and collagen in the body. Several copper-containing enzymes also help protect the body from free radicals.

It also promotes the transmission of nerve impulses and promotes normal growth. It also promotes the production of red blood cells and allows them to carry more oxygen. Pyridoxine is also required for glucose transformation and promotes proper functioning immune system. This vitamin finally plays a role in the formation of certain components of nerve cells and in the modulation of hormone receptors. From India, it spread to China, where green, white, red, and lavender varieties of berries were produced.

2. You can fry the rings, but it will be faster and easier to bake them in the oven, this will not affect final result. Grease a flat baking dish with vegetable oil and put eggplant circles on it. Brush generously with oil on top. Bake the eggplants in the oven at 200 degrees until tender, this will take about half an hour. When to appear on eggplant golden brown, remove them from the oven and carefully place them on a dish.

In addition, in a Chinese agreement dated 500 BC, It is mentioned for the first time. With the corruption of the Italian name Melanzen, it will be called mala insana and will be accused of making the people who consume it insane. Today it is grown in all warm and temperate regions of the planet. It is an old friend of the Arabs and essential to Middle Eastern cuisine, where it is called "the caviar of the poor". The Turks boast that they have created a thousand recipes to demonstrate this.

There are many varieties of eggplant, ranging in size from peas to melons, and colors ranging from white to purple, through green, yellow and orange. It is possible that in the near future they will add this rich assortment of fruits from Africa, where the leaves of many varieties will also be consumed.

3. Let's start preparing the dressing. Remove the seeds from the peppers, cut them into small pieces. Disassemble the garlic into teeth and peel. Grind prepared vegetables with a meat grinder. Add salt, vinegar and honey to the mass of vegetables. Mix thoroughly.

4. Sterilize jars and lids. Place the eggplants in the prepared dishes, layering them with adjika.

The skin should be smooth and shiny, the sepals should be nice green and prickly, and adhere to the skin. Avoid fruits with wrinkled skin that is dull in color and tends to brown. The flesh can then be bitter, stringy, and contain many seeds.

Even if it's not essential, eggplant can be salted, and salt should be tasting. This practice will reduce the amount of oil it will absorb during cooking, a tangible quality for people who avoid eating this fruit for fear of calories. Rinse to remove salt and stain. - To prevent the meat from turning brown under the influence of oxygen, spray it with a little lemon juice. - Some advise to always peel eggplants, while others - only very ripe fruits, the skin of which is thicker and bitter.

5. Sterilization of snacks. Lay a cloth napkin at the bottom of a wide saucepan and place jars covered with sterile lids in it. Pour cold water so that it does not reach the neck of the jar a little. Put on the stove, wait for a boil, reduce the heat so that the water boils only slightly, and leave for another 15 minutes.

6. Roll up the preservation, turn over and cover with a towel. In this form, it should stand for a day.

In Egypt, it is a "chef's crime" to peel an eggplant. Fried as such or in pancakes. Stuffed: cut the eggplant in half, remove a good portion of the pulp and lightly fry, leave to cool and fill with pine nuts, finely chop the meat with onion and reserved pulp. Eggplant halves side by side in a grill dish, drizzle with broth or tomato juice and bake in the oven. Other suggestions for toppings: rice and meat stuffed in equal parts, rice, tomatoes, chopped onion, parsley, dill or mint.

In ratatouille with onions, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, thyme and laurel. Adding pickled olives, celery and capers, this is Italian caponata. Eggplant caviar: peel, biscuits, steam or pan, finely chop the meat and olive oil; From Babaganuui: This typical Arabic dish is made from boiled eggplant and reduced to a puree, to which is added lemon juice, garlic, herbs and tahini. Or mix puree, garlic and yogurt, and flavor with finely chopped mint; Moussaka: it is prepared by alternating in slices a dish of grilled eggplant grit, lamb meat finely chopped and fried and tomato sauce, all with bechamel sauce and garnished with grated cheese. Grilled dish, rise to the top, alternating layers of eggplant with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.

  • Tahini can be replaced with old bread previously soaked in water.
  • Eggplant puree can also be made from pomegranate juice.
  • Serve with pomegranate seeds.
In Japan, small, elongated eggplants are cut in half and the skin cut in several places before they are barbecued, topped with thick sauce miso and some sake, sugar and black sesame seeds.

Recipe 3: Eggplant with garlic for the winter with carrots and onions

Tender fried eggplants combined with crispy onions and carrots.


kilogram of eggplant;

a few medium carrots;

a couple of large onions;

a couple of cloves of garlic

For marinade:

glass of water;

150 g of sugar, vinegar and sunflower oil;

salt - 20 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry the eggplants with a napkin, cut off the stalks and chop into small pieces. Salt them, and leave for half an hour, then rinse under running water, put on a napkin to absorb excess moisture. Pour onto a baking sheet a small amount of sunflower oil and pour the eggplant in a single layer. From above they also need to be poured with oil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send the eggplant there for half an hour. After 15 min. mix eggplant.

2. While the eggplant is cooking, prepare the rest of the vegetables. Peel the carrots and grate them on a Korean carrot grater. Peel the garlic and chop with a press into carrots, mix everything thoroughly. Onion cut into half rings. Remove the baked eggplant from the oven and cool slightly.

3. Arrange the eggplants in dry prepared jars, shifting them with vegetables in the following order: eggplants, garlic with carrots and, finally, onions. Banks fill a centimeter below the neck.

4. Mix all the ingredients of the marinade in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Stir the marinade until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Fill them with eggplant.

5. Pour warm water to the shoulders of the can. Cover them with lids, put the pan on the stove and wait until the water boils. Then reduce the fire and sterilize for about 20 minutes.

6. Turn over the finished preservation and cover with a blanket. Leave it like that for a day.

Recipe 4: Spicy eggplant appetizer with garlic for the winter


ripe eggplant - 5 kg;

garlic - 400 g;

1 kg of sweet bell peppers;

200 g of vinegar;

a few pieces of hot red pepper;

sugar - 100 g;

sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp.;

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry the eggplants with a napkin, and cut into circles about 3 cm thick. Sprinkle them with salt and leave for an hour. Then rinse the eggplant under running water and place on a towel to remove excess moisture. Fry eggplant slices or bake in the oven until soft and golden brown.

2. Remove the seeds from the bell and hot peppers, sort and rinse the dill, disassemble the garlic into cloves and peel. Grind all vegetables and herbs through a meat grinder. Add sugar and vinegar to this mixture, mix the ingredients until the sugar dissolves.

3. Dip each eggplant slice into the pepper-garlic mixture and place tightly in the prepared jars. Boil the filled container for about 20 minutes. Turn the closed preservation over and wrap it with a blanket. Leave it like this for a day.

Recipe 5: Eggplant with garlic in pepper for the winter


eggplant - 3 kg;

one and a half kilograms of bell peppers;

half a kilogram of garlic;

one bitter pepper;

vegetable oil;

pepper, salt and vinegar.

Cooking method

1. Wash the eggplant fruits, peel and chop into cubes. Add salt to the water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Eggplants should be in a saline solution for an hour.

2. Remove the seeds from the pepper. Clean the garlic. All vegetables must be ground in a meat grinder.

3. Squeeze the eggplant and place it on a towel to absorb excess moisture. Pour sunflower oil into a heavy-bottomed dish or cauldron and heat. Add eggplant and sauté until soft and golden brown. Serve with eggplant vegetable mix and quickly combine, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Prepared liter cans lay out the eggplants, pour 50 g of vinegar into each, cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. Turn the canning down with lids and cover with a blanket. Leave it like that for two days.

Recipe 6. Eggplant with garlic and nuts for the winter

very original and delicious preparation from eggplant with garlic for the winter. Nuts give a snack spicy taste and festive look.


eggplant - 3 kg;

garlic - 400 g;


red hot pepper - two pods;

250 g of walnut kernels;

Vegetable oil - 750 ml;

100 g of vinegar;

Cooking method

1. Wash the eggplant fruits, blot with a towel and cut into sticks, salt, mix, and leave for an hour. Then press.

2. Heat the vegetable oil and fry the prepared vegetables over low heat until golden brown.

3. Peel the garlic, free the pepper from seeds, sort and wash the greens. Grind all vegetables, herbs and nuts in a blender. Add vegetable oil and vinegar to this mass.

4. Carefully combine the eggplants with the nut-vegetable mass and arrange them in prepared jars. Don't put full jars on top, otherwise, when the juice starts to boil, it will overflow.

5. Cover the jars with lids, put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven. Turn the regulator 160 degrees and leave for half an hour. Turn the finished preservation upside down and wrap it in a warm blanket. Leave for a couple of days.

Recipe 7. Fried eggplant with garlic for the winter


Ripe eggplant - 5 kg;

garlic - 400 g;


salt - 100 g;

vegetable oil - 750 ml.

Cooking method

1. Take eggplants of the same size, wash them, wipe them with a towel and cut off the stalks. Cut into circles of medium thickness. Sprinkle with salt and leave for an hour to release the bitterness.

2. Fry the circles until golden brown for about five minutes on one side, and three on the other side.

3. Peel the garlic and rub it with finely chopped herbs and salt. Dip each eggplant circle in a mixture of garlic and herbs, and place tightly in prepared jars. Top with boiled or refined sunflower oil at the rate of 2 tbsp. to the bank.

4. Boil jars of eggplant for about 20 minutes. Close the lids and turn the jars over, wrap them up and leave for a day.

Recipe 8. Eggplant with garlic for the winter "Teschin language"

This recipe will appeal to all lovers of spicy snacks.


eggplant - 4 kg;

10 pcs. tomato and bell peppers;

garlic - 300 g;

red hot pepper - 4-5 pcs.;

a glass of sugar;

salt - 50 g;

vegetable little - half a glass;

150 g of vinegar.

Cooking method

1. Wash the eggplant, wipe it with a towel and remove the stem. Chop into circles of medium thickness. Sprinkle with salt and leave for an hour, then rinse the eggplant under running water and squeeze.

2. Sharp and Bell pepper clear the seeds. Clean the garlic. Wash the tomatoes and pour over with boiling water, then remove the skin from them. Grind all vegetables in a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients to the mixture.

3. Pour the eggplants with the prepared marinade and simmer for half an hour.

4. Wash and sterilize the jars. Place eggplant salad in them and roll up with sterile lids. It is not necessary to sterilize the salad. Turn the jars over and wrap, leave the preservation for a day.

Recipe 9. Eggplant with garlic for the winter

For pickling, it is better to take fruits of small or medium size.


ripe eggplant - 10 kg;

garlic - 500 g;

a few bay leaves.

For brine:

water - liter;

salt - 50 g.

Cooking method

1. Remove the stalks from the washed eggplants. Boil water in a bucket, salt and blanch the eggplants in this brine for about five minutes. Then place them in cold water. Put the prepared eggplants on a board and press down with a load.

2. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Slice the eggplants lengthwise and open them like a book. Rub the inside of the fruit with garlic and put the halves together. Put these eggplants tightly in a bucket, while distributing between them Bay leaf and garlic.

3. Make a brine of water and salt. Pour the laid eggplants with it, cover with a plate and put a load on it. Store such eggplants - in the basement or refrigerator.

Eggplant with garlic for the winter - tricks and tips from professionals

  • For canning, it is better to take young fruits of a small size. They cook much faster and the eggplant pulp is tender, without streaks.
  • If you really like garlic and you feel like there isn't enough garlic in the recipe, add as much garlic as you see fit. Garlic spoil eggplant is almost impossible.
  • You can grind vegetables in a blender, if it is not there, then a meat grinder or food processor is quite suitable.
  • Tomatoes can be successfully replaced tomato paste, the taste of snacks from this will not change at all.

In Russia, these long, as if elongated fruits of purple color are very common - eggplant varieties, affectionately called "blue" among the people. But in general, eggplants are round, and white, and striped, and even pink.

A bit of history

A lot has already been written about this, but people did not always know about it. useful properties these fruits. And many blue dishes appeared only in the 18-19 centuries, when culinary specialists finally learned how to cook them correctly, and the villagers learned how to grow them (for a long time, blue ones were planted as ornamental plants). Indeed, with improper cultivation, eggplants can absorb some harmful substances, and when consumed, cause poisoning and even hallucinations. India and Burma are considered to be the birthplace of the vegetable, but eggplants most likely came to Europe (and later to Russia) from the American continent.

About the benefits of eggplant

I would like to say a few more words about the benefits of blue. They contain a lot of usefulness: microelements and vitamins necessary for normal functioning the whole human body. Vegetables affect kidney work, heart activity, improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels. For preventive purposes, eggplants are able to gently cleanse the body, freeing it from toxins and toxins. It is probably difficult to find such a vegetable that, like blue ones, would have such a complex effect on many organs during regular use into food. And delicious blue ones for the winter are a natural storehouse of vitamins and amino acids, which are so lacking in cold weather. By the way, in the season - the end of summer, the beginning-middle of autumn - they cost literally a penny. So you should not be too lazy and close at least a few jars of this amazingly useful and at the same time delicious product. Moreover, it will be easy to do this using the recipes below.

Delicious blue for winter

Of course, every self-respecting housewife has a recipe (and more than one) in stock for preparing preservation for the winter, for the future. Among all the variety, we have selected the most popular recipes among the people. Some of them are very simple. Some require certain skills. But in any case, there are plenty to choose from. So, we urgently go to the nearest market (or to a supermarket) to choose fruits for harvesting!

How to choose blue

Only fully ripened fruits should be taken for conservation, without green fragments, it is possible - with yellowness on one of the barrels. should be permanently purple. The exception is when unripe vegetables are used in the recipe. Delicious blue ones for the winter are easy enough to prepare, as they go well with many other vegetables and fruits. But let's move on to the dishes themselves!

Blue for the winter. Recipes are the easiest

If you are not too confident in your abilities, then you can try to cook the most ordinary ones with onions, peppers, tomatoes and spices, after closing them in glass jars. You just need to remember that eggplants containing the substance solanine (which gives characteristic bitterness) must be thoroughly soaked in salted water before cooking. Then the bitterness goes away, and you can safely continue cooking (at least they advise experienced chefs). But in the case of quenching, you can do without this procedure.

We will need: 2 kilos of blue, a kilo of tomatoes, a pound of sweet bell peppers, a pound of carrots, a pound of onion, one or two chili peppers, half a cup vegetable oil, a third of a glass of sugar, spices and salt and pepper - to taste.


We cook delicious blue ones for the winter simply:

  1. All vegetables are thoroughly washed and cleaned (eggplants can also be left in their skins, but for those who like it softer, we remove the skin from the fruit).
  2. We cut all the ingredients into cubes almost equal in size (cut the carrots into circles).
  3. Fry the onion in vegetable oil.
  4. In the same pan we throw bell peppers, carrots, hot peppers.
  5. Mix everything and fry, but not too much.
  6. We put the fried ingredients in a dish for stewing - a saucepan or pan.
  7. Lay the chopped eggplant on top. The last layer is tomatoes.
  8. Simmer over low heat for about an hour, stirring with a wooden spatula. In the final, we introduce sugar and salt, the remains of vegetable oil, spices and pepper to taste and simmer for literally 5 minutes.
  9. The hot mixture is poured into jars, sterilized and rolled up according to traditional technology. Some people add a spoonful of vinegar to be sure, but this is not necessary in this recipe: well-sterilized jars almost never explode - not like cucumbers!

like mushrooms

Blue, like mushrooms, for the winter - an excellent preparation, which also has a very original taste. Sometimes even the guests who have come cannot distinguish what it is: eggplant or mushrooms?

To cook blue, like mushrooms, for the winter, you need to take: 5 kilos of eggplant, a pack (50 g) of black peppercorns, two heads of garlic, laurel, a bottle of wine or apple cider vinegar.

in Korean

Such an "oriental" dish, like Korean blue for the winter, is also prepared with vinegar, like many others. It is advisable not to overdo it with this ingredient, but instead vinegar essence 70% take natural grape or apple 9% (hence, it will take almost 8 times more).

To cook Korean-style blue for the winter, you need to take: 4 kg of eggplant, 1 kg of onions, carrots and sweet peppers, 100 grams of garlic, 2 small spoons of ground red pepper, 2 large spoons of vinegar essence (70%). Or we take the appropriate amount of 9% vinegar - a little more than a glass.


  1. Wash blue and peel (sometimes cooked with it). We cut into strips or cubes - as you like more. Sprinkle salt quite generously and soak for 3-5 hours - bitterness should come out of them.
  2. We rub the carrots on a special grater so that long threads come out (or chop into thin long straws).
  3. Remove the seeds from the sweet pepper and chop into strips.
  4. Onion - a half ring, garlic - finely chopped.
  5. Mix all vegetables (except blue ones) in a deep bowl and flavor with ground pepper, pour over with vinegar and marinate for about 5-6 hours in a warm place. If you don’t like too spicy or you, for example, are not recommended by doctors, then the amount ground pepper you can reduce or even eliminate it from the recipe.
  6. Next, we prepare a blue salad for the winter in Korean in the following way. We throw the blue ones into a colander - the juice with bitterness and the water should drain well. Roast eggplant in vegetable oil until half ready. And then we also simmer under the lid, adding half a glass of water (10 minutes will be enough). We combine the eggplants with the rest of the ingredients, mixing gently so as not to disturb the shape of the vegetables.
  7. We lay out the mass in jars and sterilize for 25 minutes in boiling water in an open state. Then we roll up the blue lids in Korean. The recipe for the winter is quite simple to execute, but very tasty when jars with blanks are opened one after another for the long winter holidays - to the table. As a rule, not a single container “survives” until the end of winter!

in Georgian

Georgian blue for the winter is another dish that is probably familiar to many housewives. Cooking it is quite simple: in half an hour, with a certain skill, you can handle it. You can eat almost immediately, or you can roll it into jars and enjoy the food in cold weather. winter evenings. They are especially good for the winter (as they are also called) with strong alcohol, as a spicy pleasing gastronomic taste.

Take 6 medium eggplants (if you want - take more, then we increase the other ingredients proportionally), 6 sweet bell peppers, 4 hot chili peppers (light), 200 grams of garlic, half a glass of vinegar, half a glass of vegetable oil, a glass of sugar, 2 large spoons of salt .


We prepare blue in Georgian for the winter as follows:

  1. Eggplants are traditionally cut into either circles or cubes, covered with salt. We set it aside for a few hours to let the juice go, and the bitterness is gone.
  2. In the meantime, let's prepare the sauce. With a blender, this procedure turns into a real pleasure. Pepper bitter and sweet, together with garlic, bring to the consistency of a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar to the spicy mixture poured into the pan. Mix and let boil.
  4. We throw the blue ones into a colander and let the juice drain (it needs to be poured out). And then separately boil the eggplants for 5-10 minutes after boiling. We put the boiled vegetables in the sauce and simmer for another 5 minutes on the smallest fire, stirring with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn.
  5. Pour a hot dish into jars and sterilize for 15-25 minutes. We roll up blue lids for the winter. Recipes for such dishes are sometimes supplemented with tomatoes: red or green. Then you need to cut a pound of tomato at the stage of preparing the adjika sauce and place it in a blender along with peppers and garlic. It turns out quite tasty and spicy.

Georgian style, but without sterilization

You can close the blue ones for the winter without sterilization, as they are prepared in Georgia. We take 2 kg of blue, a pound of onion, 200 grams of garlic, one and a half glasses of vegetable sunflower oil, a glass of wine or apple cider vinegar, a glass of water. From spices we take a teaspoon of suneli hops, the same amount of dried cilantro, a pinch of Caucasian saffron, a little dried paprika.


  1. Eggplants are pre-prepared, as in the previous recipe.
  2. We make dressing: onion rings, thin slices of garlic, add other spices, mix thoroughly.
  3. We prepare the marinade: half a liter of water, vegetable oil, vinegar - mix everything and bring to a boil. Cool down to a slightly warm temperature.
  4. In a separate pan, boil eggplants that have already released bitterness for 10 minutes. We take them out with a slotted spoon and transfer them to the pan where our dressing is located. Mix gently so as not to disturb the shape of the blue ones too much (you can do it with your hands).
  5. We put it in jars and fill it with marinade so that there is a kind of shutter of oil, water and vinegar on top.
  6. Close with plastic lids and send down the refrigerator. It would be more correct to open the first jar in December - not earlier, so that the product is properly infused. But if you can’t resist, then you can do it earlier. But usually it still doesn’t work out - such deliciousness!


Very close in taste to the previous dish and these are blue. "Spark" for the winter is prepared simply. The appetizer is spicy and spicy due to garlic and fiery pepper (hence the name) contained in the recipe.

For 5 kilos of eggplant we take 10 fiery chili peppers, 250 grams of garlic, 10-12 sweet peppers, 1 kilo of tomatoes, a glass of apple cider vinegar (9%), 2 cups of vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

  1. We prepare the blue ones, as usual, by cutting into circles (approximately 5 mm thick), adding some salt and leaving them to release bitterness.
  2. We load pepper, tomatoes, garlic into a blender or meat grinder and make a puree sauce.
  3. Sauce in a saucepan, bring to a boil. We introduce vinegar and boil for 5 minutes on the smallest fire, stirring occasionally.
  4. Fry eggplant in boiling vegetable oil.
  5. Put a layer of blue in jars, pour thick sauce. Then another layer - and fill it. And so to the top of the bank.
  6. We sterilize for 30-40 minutes and roll up the lids.

in tomato

If for some reason you cannot tolerate spicy, you can cook blue in tomato for the winter. For these purposes, we take the same ingredients, only we remove the hot pepper, and we need 2 times more tomatoes. We prepare a mild tomato and pour fried blue ones in jars. We roll up after sterilization. Store in a dark cool place.