Quickly prepare pancakes in a bottle. Pancakes in a bottle - recipes with photos

Simple recipes pancakes for every taste

pancakes in a bottle

30 minutes

180 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

You love pancakes, but you're tired of messing around with the mountain dirty dishes involved in the cooking process? Then this recipe is for you. Dough for thin pancakes can be successfully prepared in a regular plastic bottle. You just need to fill it up and fill it up necessary ingredients into a clean, dry bottle, shake well - and you can fry pancakes.

A practical bottle will replace a deep bowl, mixer or whisk and ladle. Pouring batter from a bottle into a frying pan is very convenient. The pancakes turn out appetizing, thin and tasty.

Kitchen appliances: 1.5 liter plastic bottle with cap (clean and dry), funnel, frying pan for frying pancakes.


Step-by-step recipe for pancakes in a bottle with milk

  1. Using a funnel, pour the flour into the bottle. Make sure that the flour passes through the narrow opening of the watering can.

  2. Then add sugar, salt, chicken eggs, milk and vegetable oil.

  3. Close the bottle tightly with the cap and shake well (shake the bottle) to mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. When this happens, the dough is ready, you can start baking pancakes.

  4. Grease the pan vegetable oil, heat it over medium heat.

  5. Pour it out pancake dough into a well-heated frying pan. Distribute it over the entire surface.

  6. When the pancake no longer sticks to the pan, you can turn it over. Brown a little more and turn over to the other side using a spatula. Or, holding a frying pan, toss the pancake so that it turns over in the air (requires skill and practice). Fry all the pancakes this way.

  7. When they are ready, fill them with your favorite toppings or serve with sour cream, condensed milk or jam. Fragrant, rosy pancakes are ready for your tea party.

If you don’t have milk, or for some reason it’s contraindicated for you, you can make wonderful water pancakes with eggs or vegan water pancakes without eggs.

What do you eat these pancakes with?

Some people love savory pancakes, while others perceive them exclusively as dessert. Of the savory options, the most amazing on weekdays and holidays are pancakes with caviar. A teaspoon of red caviar will be enough for one pancake. A pancake with caviar is wrapped, for example, in a tube, cut in half and served as a gourmet appetizer.

Pancakes are also very tasty when piping hot or fresh homemade sour cream. You can also make mushroom gravy or sauce for savory pancakes. To do this, chop any mushrooms very finely, fry them with onions and garlic until tender, add cream and grind everything with a blender. Dip pancakes into the aromatic mushroom sauce and enjoy. Pancakes with a variety of mushroom fillings– this is a separate dish and a completely different conversation.

As for sweet pancakes, they are devoured with condensed milk (or condensed milk with sour cream 50x50), with sweet creamy or sour cream sauces, honey, jam, jams. Usually, freshly brewed tea or warm milk is served with pancakes.

Video recipe for pancakes in a bottle

This video is good detailed recipe pancakes from a bottle. Look how simple it all looks and you will definitely want to try this method of making pancakes!

the bottle with the remaining dough can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Cooking options

Add milk or water to the pancake dough (you can use 50/50). Prepared both with and without eggs. There is also interesting option delicious when boiling water is added to the dough. They also make delicious ones. In addition to the traditional wheat flour, rye or buckwheat flour is used to prepare pancakes.

If you put a cap on the neck of the bottle and make a small hole in it, pouring the dough into the frying pan in a thin stream, you can make openwork pancakes of any shape. And, of course, there are hundreds of options for sweet and unsweetened filling for pancakes. The most common: red and black caviar, cottage cheese, sour cream and herbs, meat and mushroom options, fresh berries and pieces of fruit with honey, condensed milk, preserves and jams.

Write if you liked this simple and original way making pancakes? Did your pancakes turn out delicious as expected? We are waiting for your letters with comments, observations and additions. Cook with love.

You will say that preparing the dough and the process of baking pancakes is quite labor-intensive. It may not seem so easy to a novice cook, but if you adapt and practice, everything will be done quite quickly. Moreover, I will tell you a way that will help save you a lot of time; after such cooking, you will have to wash a lot less dishes. And you will want to pamper your family and friends as often as possible delicious pancakes with milk, which we can easily prepare in a plastic bottle.
For everything to work out perfectly, follow step by step photos, which are provided below in the recipe, and if you have questions, ask them in the comments.

What attracted me to this method?

  1. It is quite interesting, you can cook it with your children and thereby entertain them and cheer them up.
  2. A bottle of dough will fit in the refrigerator without any problems, unlike a pan with dough, especially since it can be tightly sealed with a stopper, and foreign odors will not spoil the pancake preparation. After all, you can prepare a lot of dough and bake it for your husband for tomorrow required quantity pancakes, and when your little daughter or son wakes up, quickly bake them a delicious, warm, and most importantly fresh breakfast.
  3. No need to wash a bunch of dishes.
  4. No drips on the table or stove.
  5. Everything is clean and tidy.
  6. You can put everything in a bottle in the evening and quickly prepare it in the morning.

Thin pancakes with milk at home

Everything is quite simple, it’s worth trying once to be convinced.


    • Eggs – 2 pcs;
    • Wheat flour – 10 tbsp. lie with a slide;
    • Sugar – 3 tbsp. lodge;
    • Salt – 0.5 tsp;
    • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. lodge;
    • Milk – 600 ml.

What else will you need:

  • 1.5 liter plastic bottle with cork;
  • Watering can;
  • Pan.

How to cook pancakes in a plastic bottle with milk - a simple recipe

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that you can prepare pancakes not only according to the above recipe, your favorite composition of ingredients will be perfect for the recipe - the process itself is important here.

Pancake batter in a bottle

We need a clean, plastic bottle without foreign odors. Open it, rinse it again with clean water, and pour flour, sugar, salt and soda into the middle through a watering can.Then add two eggs and half the milk. We close the bottle and start shaking very intensely. All components must be mixed. Then pour in the rest of the milk and vegetable oil, twist it well, and start shaking again. We should succeed perfect dough for pancakes without lumps.

I involve my young children (4 and 6 years old) in this process. They really enjoy this process of cooking.

If for some reason lumps form, do not be upset, take a strainer and strain the dough through it.

How to fry

Let's give ready-made dough stand for 10-20 minutes. Shake it well again and you can start baking pancakes. To do this, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil on fire. Pour the dough into the pan and distribute it evenly over the entire surface.

Fry on both sides until golden brown crust. We continue this way until we run out of pancake dough.
Very often I cook in this liter mug with a spout. Add milk and other ingredients and beat with a mixer. It is very convenient to pour onto the hot surface of the pan.

What to serve with milk pancakes

Well, here I think there should be no questions, it’s a matter of everyone’s taste, but for those who are looking for ideas, I offer a list of what they usually eat pancakes with in my family. Since they contain eggs and milk, they are not lean, so you can use any fillings for them, for example:


  1. The main advantage of this cooking method is that you don’t need to wash a lot of dishes (ladle, mixer pan).
  2. No drops on gas stove and working surface of the table
  3. You can cook not only with milk; water or kefir is perfect instead of a liquid component.
  4. It is convenient to store in the refrigerator (it is difficult to push a pan of dough onto a refrigerator shelf, but a bottle can be easily closed and placed on the door; it does not take up much space).

As you can see, the method is very simple and interesting, I think everyone will find its own advantages and possibly disadvantages, but to understand them, try cooking pancakes in a bottle with milk at least once, I wish you good luck.

If you want to cook pancakes, dirtying as little dishes as possible, use in an unusual way– make pancakes in a bottle: the mixer, bowl and ladle, which is used to pour the dough into the frying pan, will remain clean, and we will simply throw away the plastic bottle at the end of cooking. There are many options for pancake batter in a bottle; any recipe will work: in a plastic bottle it can be made either lean with water or for the most tender pancakes on kefir, and for thin pancakes, which are ideal for stuffing, with milk. Another positive thing is that there will definitely be no lumps in it, even if the housewife doesn’t have a mixer. You can easily feed a family with pancakes at the dacha, where often there is no entire arsenal of city utensils, but only an electric stove and a frying pan, and children with fragrant pancakes from the heat - from the heat to fresh air they will eat it with pleasure healthy vegetables and greens from the garden, which are sometimes difficult to get them to eat.

General cooking rules

A plastic soda or mineral water bottle should be washed clean and allowed to dry from the inside. You will need a funnel to facilitate the task of adding ingredients.

It is better to make the dough liquid so that it flows easily from the neck. To prevent it from sticking to the walls and to make it without lumps, you should first add the dry ingredients. You can add a little salt to any recipe.

After adding all the ingredients, close the bottle with a lid and shake vigorously until homogeneous mass.

Pour into a hot frying pan, greased with fat, in the required portions directly from the neck.

To bake elegant openwork pancakes, you need to pour the dough into a frying pan from a bottle, closed with a lid with a hole in it, and “draw” any patterns in a stream.

Pancake dough stored directly in the bottle in the refrigerator for a day - it will not take up as much space as in a bowl or saucepan, and you can bake fresh hot pancakes in the required portions as needed. Before the next preparation, shake the container removed from the refrigerator.


Classic milk dough for pancakes in a bottle is prepared using the following products:

  • 600 ml milk;
  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of soda.

To prepare pancakes in a bottle, the recipe requires the following: simple steps. Using a funnel, pour flour, baking soda and granulated sugar into a clean, dry bottle, shake well to combine the products. Then beat in the eggs and pour in the butter and milk, shake thoroughly. You can bake without oil, since it is included in the pancake mixture: it should not stick to the pan.

The pancakes will turn out thin, with a dense elastic texture, so they are ideal for stuffing: their rich milky taste goes well with fillings of lightly salted red fish, liver, minced meat fried with onions, with confiture and sweet and salty cottage cheese.


Pancakes in a bottle based on kefir – “Lakomka”, ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of kefir (you can take either fresh or slightly acidified - it will be even more fluffy);
  • 250 g wheat flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon without top - soda.

Place flour, baking soda and granulated sugar into a bottle and shake to combine the dry ingredients. Next, pour in slightly warmed kefir - not hot, about 40 degrees - so that your hand can tolerate it so that it does not curdle on its own, and it does not curdle a raw egg, this can be done in microwave directly in plastic or cardboard packaging (so as not to stain excess dishes - this is the whole point of the method). Add butter to the mixture and beat in the egg. Shake everything up. Let stand for 15 minutes - a reaction of warm kefir and soda will occur. Shake again and fry.

Pancakes made with kefir turn out rosy, plump, soft, large-porous, melting in your mouth - this is a real delicacy. They will be especially tasty if fried in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Good with sweet condensed milk, jam, honey and fresh berries.

Lenten on the water

Lenten pancakes in a bottle on water, we need products:

  • 600 ml water;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar;
  • 1 level teaspoon of soda.

Pour flour, baking soda and granulated sugar into the bottle, shake to combine the ingredients. Beat in the eggs, add oil and water, shake thoroughly. Bake in vegetable oil.

The pancakes will turn out thin. They will taste much more interesting if instead of wheat flour you take rye, flaxseed, buckwheat, and the oil in the dough is not sunflower, but aromatic mustard or bright taste extra virgin olive oil. During a non-strict (since it contains eggs) fasting, they are good as independent dish, and also – with natural honey: linden, floral. To pancakes from rye flour You can serve apple jam that smells like summer.


Dessert curly pancakes in a bottle, ingredients:

  • 600 ml fat milk;
  • 350 g wheat flour;
  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Pour flour, starch and granulated sugar into the bottle, shake to combine the ingredients. Beat eggs, pour in milk, add butter. Shake the mixture well.

Make a hole with a diameter of 3-5 mm in the bottle cap so that the stream flows well, and you can use it to draw patterns on the frying pan. Bake in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil: think over the pattern in advance, pour the dough quickly so that it bakes evenly.

Openwork pancakes are a beautiful delicacy, they can be decorated with curls of grated coarse grater chocolate, sprinkle powdered sugar with cinnamon - you will get delicious fragrant snowflakes, and for lovers of the original combination of sweet and salty - serve in a festive way, sprinkled with red caviar.

Having saved time on washing dishes, express your culinary talent in experiments with dough and serving - and invite friends over for pancakes.

Russian cuisine is famous not only for its pancakes, but also for its clever housewives. It is not always possible to knead pancake dough in a saucepan or find a bowl with high sides, but you can cook pancakes in a bottle. What kind of imagination and desire you need to please your family with something like this, with such experiments.

Pancakes prepared using a regular "voucher" from a mineral water, turn out lacy. This is how you can have a hearty breakfast on the weekend and celebrate Maslenitsa to the fullest.

To prepare pancakes from a bottle you will need a simple composition of products, as shown in regular pancakes, and an empty plastic bottle with a funnel.

Let's start with preparation: rinse the bottle and insert a funnel into the neck. First of all, put about a glass of milk into the bottle. It must be brought to room temperature.

Next are chicken eggs. They will pass through the funnel just as easily. You just need to shake it slightly without removing it from the neck. After this, you need to close the bottle and “gurgle” well until the milk and eggs are mixed until smooth.

Then another portion of warm milk, and then sugar and flour. Shake everything well. Salt and soda are used for pancakes in a bottle if desired. I don't add baking powder because I use enough eggs. We take the bottle in our hands again and “gurgle” until the lumps break up.

At the end, add sunflower oil - still through a funnel. Pancake batter in a bottle is ready!

Let's heat up the pancake pan and start baking our beauty. The lid must not be screwed on completely so that when turning over, the dough from the “voucher” flows in a thin stream onto the frying surface. We draw patterns as we wish. If you don't have time, use the neck of the bottle as a watering can and cook regular round pancakes.

Like the classic ones, pancakes from a bottle are stacked on a flat plate.

Decorate the dish with berries or add condensed milk. Have a nice lace breakfast!

Pancakes, although unpretentious, are quite tasty a traditional dish. Housewives are sometimes reluctant to start preparing them, considering it a painstaking task. Technological progress has allowed us to ease the hassle in the kitchen with the help of food processors, mixers, dishwashers, etc. But the process of preparing pancakes has not changed.

Let's look at several options for preparing this dish in a bottle. Kneading the dough in this way will not be difficult even for an inexperienced housewife. Just take a plastic bottle with a wide neck, for example, for kefir.

The advantage is obvious:

  • If the preparation of pancakes is interrupted, the bottle of batter can be easily stored in the refrigerator.
  • Doesn't require a lot of dishes.
  • The kitchen is clean and tidy (the dough does not flow, leaving drops on the work surface of the table).
  • You will realize your imagination when baking openwork pancakes.

How to make pancake dough in a bottle?

The secret of kneading dough in a bottle is ingeniously simple. Place all the necessary ingredients inside. The device serves as both a container and a mixer at the same time. This method is also good because the dough will turn out without disgusting lumps! Dear housewives, you know how difficult it is to prepare dough without them. And this method will make the task easier and the pancakes will glow through and through, surprising the household with their amazing taste. All that remains is to cook them with love. Let's get started:

  1. Pour the sifted flour through a funnel into a clean, dry bottle so that it does not remain on the walls of the container.
  2. Place all other dry ingredients.
  3. Add required amount vegetable oil, egg, milk (kefir) and close the bottle with a stopper.
  4. Shake the contents vigorously for two to three minutes until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
  5. Grease a well-heated frying pan a small amount vegetable oil and pour out the resulting dough in portions. Fry the pancakes on both sides until nicely browned.

Serve ready dish with or without filling.

Pancakes in a plastic bottle with milk


  • Flour – 10 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • Milk – 600 milliliters;
  • Eggs – 1-2 pieces;
  • Sugar – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.


Pour flour into a one and a half liter bottle through a funnel (can be done by rolling up a thick sheet of baking paper) and add the rest of the ingredients.

The recipe is simple, and thanks to the use of a bottle, the pancakes are lump-free, juicy and tender. Serve with filling (cottage cheese, grated apples), or without it, just spread them butter. It will be delicious with honey, jam, jam or sour cream.

Prepare pancakes with meat and other types of fillings - options great amount. It may contain chopped meat, liver with fried onions, ham, potatoes, mushrooms. After you have wrapped the filling in the pancakes, you need to fry them a little in a frying pan.

Use the same dough to bake lacy pancakes. This is where the flight of imagination is unlimited! Hearts, meshes, various emoticons and much more. This will also please the children. Involve them in the cooking process, there will be no end to the delight, and this dish will become their favorite.

Video recipe

Pancakes in a bottle with kefir

Delicate products receive special attention, but my household is delighted with “grandmother’s” recipe for kefir. It is ideal for cooking in a bottle.


twenty tablespoons of flour;

  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 1 egg:
  • 1-2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • Salt to taste;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.


Pour kefir into a clean, dry bottle (heat a little on the stove), add sifted flour, egg, sugar, salt, soda. Shake the resulting dough thoroughly (2-3 minutes).

Kefir pancakes can be prepared with an openwork pattern. Pour the batter into the pan through a small hole made in the bottle cap. Draw different patterns.

Video recipe

Pancakes from a bottle are new option cooking your favorite dish. It simplifies and diversifies the process at the same time. Many housewives will like it. If you like to experiment in the kitchen, then appreciate this method and enjoy using it.

There are some subtleties in making pancakes from a bottle:

  • When starting to fry, heat the pan well. Grease the surface with butter, vegetable oil or unsalted lard to taste.
  • Add salt and sugar to the dough, no matter what kind of pancakes you bake (they can be salty or sweet), so that the dish does not turn out bland.
  • If the dough turns out to be thick, it must be diluted with liquid to the required consistency, otherwise it will not pour out of the bottle.
  • For openwork pancakes, make a small hole in the bottle cap with a diameter of 2.5-3 millimeters. This is necessary so that the dough, when pressed on the walls of the bottle, flows out in a thin stream and you get smooth and openwork pancakes.
  • When preparing openwork baked goods, the dough must be poured into a heated frying pan, otherwise the pattern will be blurred.
  • During frying, shake the bottle with dough periodically.

Tiring and tedious work in the kitchen, thanks to small tricks, becomes more bearable. Cooking at home is now a rarity; more and more often we eat in cafes. Today a woman is very busy, especially if she has children. Devoting your day off to cooking pancakes and involving your household in the process is a great solution. Kids will help you knead the dough in the bottle. They can also handle choosing a pattern for openwork pancakes. Gather the whole family under the pretext of helping you. As soon as the aroma of baking comes from the kitchen, everyone will come running to try the delicious food. This is a reason to get everyone together.

Now we spend so little time with our loved ones. Why not use another holiday for this, “Making Bottle Pancakes Together.” How do you like this idea? I think it's great! Bon appetit!