New holiday salads and appetizers. Snack "Mushroom Glade" - step by step recipe

If a holiday is planned in the house, then the hostess tries her best to set a beautiful, rich table with a variety of dishes. A woman wants to make such an original treat for her relatives and friends, which they have not yet tried. Salads will help surprise guests with a unique taste and beautiful design. Many recipes for simple but extremely tasty snack dishes with vegetables and other ingredients are given in this article.

For salads, choose only fresh products. It is advisable to prepare vegetable dishes on the day of the celebration. Beautiful serving of salads plays an important role in decorating the festive table. A vegetable dish looks spectacular in a large white flat plate. Serving salad in portioned dishes looks no less original. Green sprigs, grated cheese, tomato slices, olives, olives can be the final touch in the design of a vegetable dish.

The best recipes for delicious salads and birthday snacks

In any family, the wife takes care of decorating the festive table. The hostess first thinks through the menu to the smallest detail and then begins to prepare dishes for the feast. It takes a lot of time to prepare salads, but these cold appetizers become the decoration of a festive meal. According to the reviews of the hostesses, salads with the name "Capercaillie Nest", "Glutton", "Star", with meat components, potatoes, cabbage, beans, tomatoes, cheese are very popular.

Light and inexpensive without meat and mayonnaise

Tomatoes in the "Greek" salad play a dominant role, so they must be ripe, of high quality, without a white inner core and damage to the surface. It is best to cook this dish in the summer, when the vegetable season is in full swing, because only at this time it will turn out amazingly tasty. A light salad with an original spicy taste with daikon, unusual for our latitudes, will also help to surprise guests.


  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • 20 g lemon juice;
  • 90 g feta cheese;
  • ½ red onion;
  • 90 g olives;
  • salt pepper;
  • 2 sprigs of basil, oregano;
  • 40 g olive oil.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cucumber, tomato cut into small cubes.
  2. We clean the sweet pepper from the core, cut into rings.
  3. Cut the peeled onion into thin rings.
  4. Mix all prepared vegetables, add olives to them.
  5. We cut the cheese into cubes, put it in the center of the mixed vegetables.
  6. Sprinkle the salad with spices, oregano.
  7. We make the filling, mixing lemon juice, olive oil, pour over the combined vegetables with it.
  8. Arrange basil leaves on top of vegetables for garnish.

With daikon


  • 0.2 kg daikon;
  • 0.2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 boiled small eggs;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • salt;
  • 2 sprigs of dill.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing snacks:

  1. Boil eggs.
  2. Wash the cucumbers, grate them, put the cucumber mixture in a separate plate.
  3. Grate the peeled eggs.
  4. Wash, peel and grate the daikon.
  5. Put the ingredients into layers specially prepared for guests according to the scheme described below.
  6. Cucumbers are laid out first. They should be slightly salted, pour sour cream.
  7. The next layer is the eggs.
  8. The last one is the daikon.
  9. Decorate a dish of exotic daikon with a sprig of dill.

Exclusive with fish and seafood

A simple seafood salad will become a bright dish on your festive table if it is presented to guests not in a plate or salad bowl, but in half a pineapple. In such an exotic form, it will surely pleasantly surprise guests, and they will admire the way it is served and the amazing taste of the dish for a long time to come. And on the table it will become a real success for the hostess.


  • a pineapple;
  • 20 shrimp;
  • A bunch of arugula, green onions;
  • 10 cherry tomatoes;
  • olive oil;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Since the dish will be in pineapple, this fruit must be carefully selected. The peel of the fruit should be elastic, soft and with a pleasant aroma. Pineapple tops should be thick and green in color.
  2. Wash the pineapple, dry it and cut it in half. Remove the pulp from the halves so that you get bowls with a wall thickness of 1 cm.
  3. Cut the inside of the pineapple into cubes.
  4. Boil the shrimp. When they get a pink hue, then drain the water, put the seafood to cool.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into 4 even pieces.
  6. Place all chopped ingredients in a salad bowl. Salt, pepper, season with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
  7. Transfer the prepared nutritious salad to the pineapple halves, garnish with arugula and green onions.


  • a jar of canned tuna;
  • 150 g cherry tomatoes;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 2 sweet peppers and cucumbers;
  • 50.0 g of cheese;
  • 10 g lemon juice, 10 g olive oil, spices.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Tear the tuna meat into pieces.
  2. Cut cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggs into cubes.
  3. Mix chopped ingredients with fish pieces.
  4. Season with oil, lemon juice and spices.

With mushrooms

Champignons are an excellent ingredient for delicious dishes. Unusually, in an original way, the puff salad "Forest Glade" will flaunt on the festive table. This dish must be prepared 10 hours before it starts, so that it has time to infuse. Lesnaya Polyana harmoniously combines the taste of champignons, beef tongue and cheese. And the original design of this salad will surely please your guests.


  • 350 g of ham;
  • beef tongue;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 300 g of champignons and cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • small tomato;
  • 1 olive, olive;
  • a bunch of green onions and parsley.

Cooking method:

  1. Beef tongue wash, peel, scrape with a knife. Then cook offal for 2 hours without salt, and then add spices and cook for another 2 hours. Take out the finished tongue, rinse with water, peel.
  2. Clean the eggs. Rub the yolks on a grater with small holes. Separately grate the whites on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the ham into long pieces.
  4. Cut the tongue like a ham.
  5. Wash the mushrooms, cut into large cubes and fry in a pan in oil.
  6. Rub the cheese.
  7. To decorate the sides of the salad, prepare chopped green onions, make a bee from olives and olives, and a ladybug from a tomato.
  8. On a large flat plate, lay out the products in layers in the following order, lubricating each layer with mayonnaise:
  • I layer - language;
  • II layer - mushrooms;
  • III layer - grated proteins;
  • IV layer - grated cheese;
  • V layer - ham;
  • VI layer - grated yolks.

Salad "Squirrel"


  • 300 grams of champignons;
  • 3 bows;
  • 3 pcs. chicken fillet;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 100 g roasted peanuts;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • pepper;
  • mayonnaise.

Instructions for cooking "Squirrels":

  1. Wash the fillet, put the meat in a bowl with water and bay leaf, cook for 40-60 minutes. Then take out the chicken meat and let it cool.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, simmer until soft, but do not fry. Add pepper, salt to it. Cool down.
  3. Peel the carrots, grate, stew in oil until soft. Add spices similar to those put in the onion.
  4. Mushrooms cut into slices, fry, put spices.
  5. Chop nuts.
  6. Mix chicken pieces with mayonnaise.
  7. The salad is laid out on a white huge dish (or in a detachable baking dish) in layers:
  • 1st layer - onion sprinkled with peanuts;
  • 2nd layer - fillet with mayonnaise, sprinkle with nuts on top;
  • 3rd layer - mushrooms, peanuts;
  • 4th layer - carrots, decorate with herbs and nuts on top.

Festive with chicken

There are many delicious salads with chicken meat. Some of them are very satisfying and saturated with fats, which is ideal for treating the male half of the guests at the holiday. This type of dish is "Sunflower". And others are distinguished by lightness and dietary properties. This dish is a salad with oranges. It successfully combines citrus fruits, chicken and low-calorie dressing. This dish will go with a bang for girls who watch their figure.


  • 1 pc. orange, apple, cucumber;
  • 100 g chicken fillet;
  • 45 g grated cheese;
  • 40 g unsweetened yogurt;
  • salt.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Remove the peel from the orange slices and cut into pieces.
  2. Peel the apple, cut into strips.
  3. Boil the fillet in salted water, cool, cut the meat into strips.
  4. Chop the cucumber into half rings.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, season with yogurt.
  6. Sprinkle the dish with cheese.

Salad "Sunflower"


  • 250 g chicken breast;
  • 300 g of champignons;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • jar of olives;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the breast into pieces, fry, cool.
  2. Sauté mushrooms with onions in olive oil.
  3. Grate eggs and cheese separately.
  4. Spread the salad in a dish, grease each layer with mayonnaise and sprinkle it with chopped garlic.
  5. First put chopped chicken on a plate, then mushrooms with onions, then eggs and grated cheese on top.
  6. Garnish the top of the salad with halves of olives.

New summer salads in a hurry

From July to August, there are special opportunities for creating culinary masterpieces. The abundance of fresh vegetables at this time allows you to experiment and invent new recipes. Summer salads are rich in vitamins. What to cook for the holiday dish with fresh vegetables? Everyone's favorite tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, onions and ham will make an excellent treat in the form of Romantika salad.


  • 200 g of ham;
  • 10 cherry tomatoes;
  • 200 g cucumbers;
  • 10 radishes;
  • 1 leek;
  • 40 vegetable oil;
  • greenery;
  • 10 vinegar;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


  1. Ham, washed cucumbers cut into strips.
  2. Cherry cut into quarters, radish - slices, leeks - half rings and pour it with boiling water for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  3. Chop greens.
  4. Mix garlic, vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper.
  5. Mix all the chopped components of the salad, season with filling.

In summer, autumn, there is a great opportunity to cook fortified salads with vegetables, cheese. This combination makes the dish especially tasty and nutritious. Brynza, being a kind of cheese, contains a huge amount of useful components. It contains a lot of vitamins B, E, A, so this component is ideal for summer salads.


  • a bunch of romaine lettuce leaves;
  • ½ sweet orange pepper;
  • 120 g of cheese;
  • 100 g cucumber;
  • 200 g of tomatoes;
  • red onion;
  • ½ lemon;
  • vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instructions for the hostess:

  1. Cut the tomatoes in half, then slices.
  2. Cut the pepper into strips, onion into thin half rings.
  3. Brynza cut into cubes.
  4. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands and place in a bowl.
  5. Combine prepared tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions in a separate plate, pour over vegetables with dressing from lemon juice, oil.
  6. Put the mixture of vegetables in a dish on lettuce leaves.
  7. Put cheese cubes on top of the vegetables.

Vegetable and fruit for children

Toddlers and schoolchildren love to sit at the festive table with adults, but not all dishes at such a meal are suitable for children. For younger guests, it is necessary to prepare a special menu, which consists of food that is healthy for them. Children's salads from fruits and vegetables are a good option to create a great mood for little guests and their parents. Below are recipes for fruit and vegetable salad.


  • 2 apples, carrots, cucumbers;
  • sour cream;
  • nut kernels.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash and grate all vegetables and fruits.
  2. Lay out layers of apples, cucumbers, carrots. Sprinkle each layer with sour cream, shift with nuts.


  • Orange;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cranberries;
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal;
  • apples;
  • yogurt.

How to create a dish

  1. Wash, peel and cut fruits into small cubes.
  2. Mix fruit with cereal, pour over yogurt.
  3. Decorate with cranberries.


Waiting for guests for the hostess is always a joyful time. But before their arrival, many things must be done, the main of which is the preparation of festive dishes. The classic Olivier salad or herring under a fur coat are delicious dishes, but they no longer arouse the admiration of guests. To make the table bright, original, cook dishes according to the recipes from the YouTube videos below.



"Watermelon Slice"

"Hedgehog" for children


For any festive table, and especially for a birthday, every hostess always wants to cook something unusual and tasty. In addition to the main dishes, there are always salads and snacks on the table, with which the festive feast begins. There are thousands of their recipes, all of them are good in their own way. Today we want to invite you to look at our holiday salads and snacks that can be prepared for a birthday or any other holiday feast, and simple recipes with photos will help you navigate your choice.

Another good selection of holiday, many delicious recipes.

Salads and appetizers with meat

Salads cooked with meat are always tasty, satisfying and look beautiful. These include salads with chicken, pork, beef, turkey. They can be with mayonnaise, with sour cream sauce, puff, served as a cake or in separate portioned glasses.

Salad with chicken and apples


  • 100 g sweet and sour apples
  • 300 g young fresh cucumbers
  • 300 g chicken fillet
  • Mayonnaise, how much will take
  • A little green light
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt pepper.

Salad preparation method:

Boil the fillet, eggs and carrots

  1. Finely chop the chicken and 2 eggs, grate one egg separately.
  2. Peeled cucumbers and apples cut into thin strips.
  3. The products are ready, you can collect the salad.
  4. Put everything in a bowl, except for one egg, salt, season with mayonnaise.
  5. Transfer to a beautiful salad bowl, sprinkle with grated egg, garnish with green onions and carrots.

If someone does not like mayonnaise, then this salad can be served with sour cream.

meat muffins


  • 300 g minced meat
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 spoon semolina
  • 2 large or 3 small eggs
  • 1 spoon of sour cream
  • 50 g cheese (take a hard one, it rubs better)
  • Salt pepper
  • 1 teaspoon managed hops
  • Silicone or iron molds for small cupcakes

How to cook cupcakes:

  1. Finely chop the onion, add to the minced meat, add semolina, salt, more pepper and hops-sumeli to them.
  2. Mix well with your hand and set aside.
  3. Now let's prepare the filling. Beat eggs with a fork, add 20% sour cream, salt and pepper.
  4. Whisk again with a fork.
  5. Grate the cheese finely.
  6. Lubricate silicone molds with odorless vegetable oil, put minced meat in them, spreading them on the sides, and leaving an empty place in the middle, you will get meat baskets.

Thus, fill in all the forms until the stuffing ends, approximately 10-12 molds should be obtained. While filling out the forms, turn on the oven to 180 degrees, let it warm up. Now put the muffins on a baking sheet and fill with a spoon, but not to the very edge, with the egg mixture.

We send to bake for half an hour, then carefully, so as not to burn yourself, take out a baking sheet and sprinkle the muffins with cheese, put in the oven for another 10 minutes. That's all. A wonderful holiday appetizer is ready.

A very interesting video on the topic: you will definitely like festive salads and birthday snacks from YouTube from Natalia Gorbatova. He tells and shows in an interesting way how tasty and beautiful to set the table for a birthday.

Salad with beef


  • 300 g boiled beef
  • 8 eggs
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • 2 white onions
  • A little bit of vinegar 6% vinegar
  • Mayonnaise
  • Quite a bit of salt and pepper
  1. This salad is perfect for any birthday or New Year, for any feast.
  2. First of all, you need to chop the onion very finely, put it in a cup, pour some water and add vinegar. In such a weak solution, leave to marinate.
  3. Cut the beef into slices, and then chop into small cubes.
  4. The onion is already marinated, drain the liquid and lightly salt.
  5. Take a large flat dish, put half of the chopped beef in the first layer, half of the onion on top.
  6. Apply a mesh of mayonnaise, now rub two eggs and grated cheese, again make a mesh of mayonnaise.
  7. Now you need to repeat all the layers first two times.

In total, in the sum of each product there are three layers except for eggs, they get 4 layers, since the eggs will be the last and final.

Salad with pork and mushrooms

We will need:

  • 100 g champignons
  • 150 g lean pork
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 large potato
  • How much mayonnaise will take, about 3 tablespoons
  • 200 g canned peas
  • 50 g leeks
  • some greenery

Boil potatoes in their skins, meat and mushrooms. Accordingly, cook everything in a separate bowl. When the food has cooled, cut into cubes. Put everything in a festive salad bowl, add onion and salt, peas, crushed garlic, season with mayonnaise.



  • 1 kg mixed minced meat (500 g pork and 500 g beef)
  • 2 medium bows
  • 4 eggs boiled and one raw
  • Salt pepper

Beautiful and delicious holiday appetizer.

  1. Grind the onion on the smallest side of the grater, squeeze the juice slightly, salt and add, not sparing the pepper.
  2. Mix with minced meat, add a raw egg and mix well.
  3. Beat off a few times and leave aside.
  4. Boil the eggs in a steep, immediately pour cold water, which is drained several times and poured again.
  5. Clean the eggs.
  6. Put the stuffing on the board, spread it with your hands into a long strip.
  7. Arrange boiled eggs side by side.
  8. Raise the edges and close the roll.
  9. Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay parchment paper, grease it too.
  10. Transfer the roll to a baking sheet.

Put to bake at 200 degrees, about 40 minutes. You should get a beautiful crust. When cool, cut into portions and put on a dish.

Festive salads and appetizers with fish

Such salads can be prepared with fresh fish, smoked, canned food or lightly salted red fish. They are prepared easily, quickly, and their taste is always excellent. Combine with sauces, mayonnaise, vegetables and spices. We offer you several options for preparing fish salads for your birthday. You choose for yourself the one you like the most, treat your friends and family at the festive table.

Salad with salmon


  • 150 g potatoes
  • 200 g fish
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g carrots
  • 3 green onions
  • Mayonnaise
  • round mold

How to cook:

  1. Boiled eggs, green onion and salmon cut very finely. Leave one piece of fish for decoration, make a rose out of it.
  2. Boil potatoes and carrots, when cool, grate.
  3. Place the form on the dish, the potatoes will go first, press it with a fork, grease with mayonnaise.
  4. Beautifully lay out the fish, press, grease with mayonnaise.
  5. Sprinkle green onions, mix eggs with mayonnaise, this will be the next layer.
  6. Lay out the carrots last, a thin layer of mayonnaise, and sprinkle with a green onion. Place a salmon rosette and decorate with herbs. Remove the form.

Salad with red fish and red caviar


  • 500 g red fish
  • 5 spoons of boiled rice
  • 4 hard boiled eggs
  • crab sticks packaging
  • For sauce:
  • 4 spoons of mayonnaise
  • 100 g soft curd cheese
  • Sour cream about 4 tablespoons
  • 8 g gelatin

For decoration:

Spoon of red caviar and greens

Salad preparation method

  1. Finely grate the whites, crab sticks and yolks separately. The salad will look like a big slide, so you need a deep salad bowl, which tapers a little downwards.
  2. You need to cover it with cling film, since then the salad will need to be turned over, the bottom will turn out to be on top.
  3. Cut the fish into thin long plates, put on the bottom and on the sides of the dish.
  4. Soak gelatin in half a glass of water, wait until it swells, and then dissolve it in a water bath.
  5. Gelatin has dissolved, leave it aside to cool.
  6. Combine mayonnaise, cheese and sour cream, add gelatin and mix. The sauce should be similar in thickness to sour cream.

Lubricate the salmon with the prepared dressing and start collecting the salad: the first layer of yolks, crab sticks, squirrels, rice. In the process, lubricate each layer with dressing, including the last one. Leave the salad in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, put a large flat plate on top, turn over, remove the film. Put red caviar on top and decorate with greens, spreading small leaves of curly lettuce around.

This salad takes a little longer to prepare than others. But its unique taste and appearance deserve to spend a little more time and prepare it for the festive table. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised, the salad is unusually tasty and beautiful.

See more: with fish, seafood, chicken and mushrooms.

Salad with saury

We will need:

  • Jar of canned saury
  • Boiled potatoes - 200 g
  • 2 boiled eggs (hard boiled)
  • 2 sour apples
  • Gouda cheese grams 100
  • Mayonnaise
  • handful of walnuts


  1. Boiled potatoes and eggs cut into small cubes.
  2. Drain the yushka from the canned food and separate the bones.
  3. Pass the cheese and apples through a coarse grater, chop the nuts. All products are prepared, you can start picking up the salad.
  4. We will need a round small mold, which is placed in the center of the dish. Put products in layers in it: potatoes, mayonnaise, cheese, apple, eggs, mayonnaise, cheese, nuts.
  5. Remove the form, decorate with nuts.

Snacks and salads with mayonnaise on the festive table

It is not difficult to prepare simple snacks with mayonnaise. They always become a wonderful decoration of any table, there are many cooking options, adults and children eat them with pleasure.

Fried zucchini and tomatoes


  • 2 small zucchini
  • 4-5 medium tomatoes
  • Vegetable oil for frying pan
  • Mayonnaise
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • Salt pepper
  • some flour

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the zucchini into thin circles, put in a bowl, salt, add pepper.
  2. Spread the zucchini on the heated oil, after dipping both sides in flour. Then put on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
  3. Crush the garlic, mix with mayonnaise, cut the tomatoes into circles, grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Now take one piece of zucchini, grease with mayonnaise, dip a tomato on top, zucchini again, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. And so on until the vegetables run out.
  5. Spread immediately on a plate in which you will serve.

Salad with beef

A very simple and quick recipe, such holiday salads always come to the court at any feast.

  • Piece of beef 250 grams
  • 2 white onions
  • 3 eggs
  • Mayonnaise spoons 4
  • Salt pepper
  • 150 grams semi-hard cheese
  • Half a glass of grape vinegar


  1. Put the meat and eggs to boil.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, put in a bowl, fill half with water and add vinegar, so that the onion is completely covered.
  3. While the food is being cooked, the onion is pickled.
  4. Cut the beef into strips, drain the marinade from the onion and add salt.
  5. Put the onion in the first layer, then the beef, add salt, make a mesh of mayonnaise, grate the eggs on top, again a little mayonnaise and cheese.

Such a salad can be served by putting it into glasses on a short leg, each guest is portioned.

Korean carrot salad

Very easy to prepare salad, and the products required a minimum. It can be served in a large salad bowl or in portion molds for each guest.

  • 200 g lean pork
  • 150 g Korean carrots
  • jar of canned peas
  • 4 spoons of mayonnaise

Boil the meat and cut into thin strips, you can cubes. Put in a salad bowl, combine with peas, carrots, add salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Mix. Very simple, right? And how delicious!

Vegetable snacks and salads for birthday

A wonderful video on the topic from YouTube - a festive Korean-style eggplant salad, be sure to cook it for your guests.

Vegetable salad with beets


  • 400 g boiled beets
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt pepper
  • Mayonnaise
  • One large onion

How to cook:

  1. Boil all the products, beets for this salad choose a sweet, beautiful dark color.
  2. Grind all boiled and cooled vegetables on a fine grater, each in a separate bowl.
  3. Chop the onion very finely.

Salad can be put in one large detachable cake pan, or you can make it in small molds. To whom it is convenient, do so. In any case, the salad is collected in layers. The first will be boiled potatoes, which need to be salted and peppered, then onions, carrots, eggs mixed with mayonnaise, beets. All layers are smeared with mayonnaise, including the last one.

look beautiful for a holiday and on weekdays.

Vegetable salad with cheese


  • 2 red peppers
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 4 tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice (1 spoon)
  • 150 g cheese
  • A little dill


  1. Peel peppers from seeds, cut into strips, cucumbers, without peeling, into cubes.
  2. Chop the tomatoes into small cubes.
  3. Chop the dill very finely, mix with cheese, knead well with your hands and roll into small balls (15 pieces).
  4. Put the vegetables in a deep salad bowl, salt, add juice, mix. Lay cheese balls on top. Very easy, fast and tasty.

Vegetable canapes

Such festive canapes can be prepared in various versions with boiled pork, with sausage, with red fish.


  • 200 g cheese
  • Two handfuls of black and the same number of green olives
  • 15 cherry tomatoes
  • One white loaf
  • 2-3 cucumbers
  • boiled carrot
  • Wooden skewers or toothpicks
  1. Boil carrots, cut into small square cubes and all other products.
  2. Choose the smallest tomatoes and cut into two parts.
  3. Cut the loaf into the same shape as all other products. Take olives without pits.
  4. String all products alternately on sticks, alternating with each other.

look Also - very tasty!

You have looked at our holiday salads and birthday snacks, we hope you liked them and you can choose the best ones for your holiday table and feed your guests deliciously.

In the review: recipes for quick and tasty snacks for the holidays.

Be sure to read the information on which should be served with different types of alcohol. And in the review you will find various snacks, focusing on the main ingredient of the dish.

What to cook for a snack inexpensively, quickly and tasty in a hurry for a birthday: a menu of simple light snacks, recipes

A standard appetizer or appetizer menu consists of

  • canapés (small bite-sized sandwiches);
  • tartlets (small baskets made of unleavened dough with various fillings);
  • vol-au-vents (small turrets made of puff pastry with various fillings);
  • profiteroles with filling;
  • or an omelet;
  • all kinds of plates: cheese, meat, fish, vegetable, seafood, etc.;
  • small pies, incl. , ;
  • a variety of dips: sauces for dipping chips, vegetables, cheese, meat, etc. in them. For example, dips include the world-famous Pesto sauce, the recipe of which you will find at;
  • vegetable and meat stews in portions, julienne.

The simplest and fastest type of snack is slicing. The secrets of the beautiful design of the festive cuts are collected.

You will find a variety of recipes for simple and light snacks in the following sections of the review.

Quick snacks on the festive table: a menu of simple light snacks, recipes

Below is a sample menu of cold and hot appetizers for the festive table.

vegetable plate

It can be any fresh cut vegetables and fresh herbs for the season. As a rule, the basis of a vegetable plate is tomatoes (better, small cherry tomatoes), cucumbers, sweet peppers. Optionally, you can add celery stalks and sweet onion rings.

Another option for a vegetable plate: grilled vegetables or vegetables baked in the oven. Here, the flight of your imagination is completely unlimited: you can bake zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, young onions, potatoes, carrots.

Cheese plate

To form a cheese plate, you will need at least 5 types of cheese, cut into slices, cubes, sticks.

As an addition to the cheese plate are served:

  • portion pieces of pears, grapes - with soft cheeses,
  • nut kernels - with fatty cheeses,
  • dried fruits - with spicy cheeses,
  • spring liquid honey or jam - with blue and sweet cheeses.

For convenience, skewers or toothpicks are always served with the cheese plate.

Eggs stuffed with pâté


  • hard-boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • ready-made pate (meat, fish, liver) - 3-4 tbsp.


  • Peel the eggs from the shell and cut into two halves lengthwise.
  • Take out the yolk. Mash the yolk with the pate until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add salt, pepper (to taste) to the mass.
  • Use a pastry syringe to fill the egg shells.

Recipe notes.

  • It is better to fill the boats just before serving.
  • From above, just before serving, you can apply a mayonnaise net and decorate with finely chopped greens.
  • Be careful. The dish wears out fairly quickly.

Tips on how to properly boil eggs are collected.

How to cook liver pate, told

Appetizer of quail eggs with cherry tomatoes on skewers

For the youngest guests, such an appetizing appetizer of quail eggs on skewers is suitable.

Children's mini pizzas

Almost all children are big fans of pizza. You can find many delicious pizza recipes by going to.

Children's dessert S'more

Children's dessert Smore


  • any cookies (cracker or shortbread) - at the rate of 2 cookies per serving,
  • marshmallow (chewing marshmallow),
  • chocolate.


  • Preheat the oven to 200⁰С.
  • Cover the baking deco with parchment paper. Arrange the cookies on the deco.
  • Place a piece of chocolate on each cookie. Place marshmallows on top of chocolate. Make sure that the marshmallow does not roll off the cookies.
  • Place the cookie sheet in the oven for 4-5 minutes. During this time, the marshmallow will increase in volume, become soft and slightly golden.
  • Take the deco out of the oven. Quickly cover the dessert sandwiches with the remaining biscuits.

fruit cut

Fruit as a snack for children is best served in portions. These can be fruit platters laid out in waffle, plastic or paper cups.

You can interest children in fruits by offering them a bright and tasty fruit skewers.

Quick Snacks for the New Year

Having ready-made tartlets and a minimum set of holiday products in stock, you can prepare several types of original snacks.

  • For a buffet at work, any of the recipes suggested above is perfect. A lot of interesting ideas will be prompted by a video collection of recipes for simple and tasty snacks (see below).

    Video: HOLIDAY SNACK 3 types (1 Part) OFFICE CORPORATE PARTY. Simple and delicious! Appetizer

    Video: HOLIDAY SNACK 3 types (Part 2) OFFICE CORPORATE PARTY. Appetizer

    Quick snacks for a picnic in nature in summer

    An ideal option for a picnic would be a variety of pita snacks, incl. rolls, pies, chips. You can find an overview of recipes by going to.

    Diversify the menu for a picnic, easy to prepare and very tasty bruschetta.


    • ciabatta or any other, slightly stale bread,
    • a few cloves of garlic
    • olive or any other vegetable oil (not refined) - 2-3 tbsp.
    • tomatoes and greens.


    • Cut the ciabatta in half lengthwise. Bread cut into portions.
    • Grill until golden brown.
    • Drizzle with vegetable oil and rub with garlic.
    • Cut the tomatoes into cubes or slices, chop the greens.
    • Lay the vegetables on the bread and serve immediately.

    Recipe notes.

    On a fried piece of bread, you can put chopped vegetables, previously grilled, grated cheese, ham.

    Snacks in a hurry for the wedding, ransom of the bride

    Quick snacks for every day

    Each of the snacks suggested in this article can be adapted to the daily menu.

    Video: 7 Canapes - well, Very tasty! / Snacks for New Year and Christmas

Home feasts are a great occasion to celebrate the holiday with the family, to chat quietly, and, of course, to eat deliciously. For the qualitative fulfillment of the last condition, you will need a variety of birthday snacks: simple and tasty recipes, the photos of which we have selected for you, will wake up not only your appetite, but also the desire to prepare treats for the festive table. Everything works so well fast, beautiful, satisfying, and most importantly - not expensive.

Snacks for the holiday, yes, however, on any table, there are several types:

Snacks are usually prepared in portions, and serve on common plates, previously cut into small pieces for eating with your hands or using skewers (knife and fork). Appetizers are served at the beginning of the meal to whet the appetite before serving the main courses.

You can also think of a festive menu that consists entirely of various kinds of snacks. Registration holiday dinner table will depend on various factors.

  1. What drinks will you serve guests?
  2. Where are you planning your holiday: will you go to nature or you will serve treats at home, in the office, etc.
  3. What kind of banquet Are you planning: a children's birthday or an adult feast?
  4. How many guests you invite: snacks are convenient because they can be cook several varieties and feed them to a company of 20 people or more.
  5. What products will you use: snacks come in vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, mushrooms and poultry. You can also offer various pates, canapes, toasts, rolls and tartlets to treat your guests.
  6. How much time do you plan to spend preparing snacks? For example, some sandwiches are prepared hastily, and with some types of snacks you will have to tinker.

Festive birthday snacks: recipes with photos

In this section, we have collected for you birthday snacks of various complexity and taste: recipes with photos will help you cook quickly and tell you about all the nuances of a beautiful design.

Tasty and light snacks are usually prepared for a woman's birthday. It's a different kind sandwiches, canapes, delicious fillings in tartlets and light vegetable salads.

Ships with salmon

Original and incredibly satisfying boats your guests will love. Prepare softened butter, black or white bread, lettuce, slightly salted salmon fillet, lemon slices.

  1. Slice the bread into thin pieces.
  2. Butter the bread.
  3. Place lettuce on top.
  4. Pass it on a skewer a thin rectangular piece of salmon and a slice of lemon, and then insert it into the “boat” of bread.
  5. Serve as an appetizer with white wine, champagne and other alcoholic drinks.

Salad with shrimp and celery on cucumbers

One more "feminine" seafood appetizer to the holiday table.

  1. Prepare 375 grams of peeled shrimp, 2 stalks of celery, red onion and green onion for stuffing.
  2. For refueling1 st. a spoonful of Greek yogurt and 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.
  3. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, add salt and pepper.
  4. Cut cucumbers into slices(approximately 30 circles).
  5. Arrange the cucumbers on a plate and dress them with salad.

Rolls with turkey and mushrooms

If you want to cook hearty and healthy hot snacks, make this dish on the festive table.

Appetizer with liver mousse in tartlets

The appetizer will be enjoyed not only by a woman, but also by a man. If you don’t know what to cook for the holiday, how to please and surprise your dear guests, cook something beautiful and original, and most importantly - delicious dish in tartlets.

For 40 servings you will need:

  • 500 g of chicken liver;
  • 150 g of carrots and onions;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • 20 pieces of quail eggs and cherry tomatoes;
  • salt pepper;
  • greenery;
  • tartlets;
  • vegetable oil.
      1. Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in vegetable oil. Add liver and fry until done. Then the liver with vegetables grind in a blender with the addition of cream.
      2. Keep an eye on the consistency of the mousse, adding cream gradually so that it does not turn out to be too liquid. Add spices and herbs.
      3. Cut tomatoes and eggs in half. Carefully spread the mousse into tartlets, you can use a pastry syringe.
      4. Decorate with egg, tomato, onion sprigs.

Inexpensive Birthday Snacks: Cooking Quickly

What else interesting snacks you can cook quickly and inexpensively - see the new ideas of 2017 in the photos.

Small canapé boats from half an egg, cheese filling (mix the yolk with grated cheese, mayonnaise or sour cream). We make sailboats from nachos. Even a child eats such a boat with pleasure.

Another snack for the children's menu - delicious ladybugs from tomatoes and olives that "landed" on biscuits with pate.

Popular salads can also be prepared in portions. Mix the ingredients of the Mimosa salad, add a spoonful of soy sauce (mayonnaise to taste), roll into balls and roll them in sesame seeds.

Summer birthdays in nature can be varied grilled snacks.

For work or for treats at home, prepare various sandwiches, vegetable snacks and canapes. we discussed in a previous article.

Birthday snack from pita bread: tasty and beautiful

The principle of preparing lavash snacks is almost the same: we wrap the filling in lavash and then cut it into portions. This dish is easy to prepare, very satisfying and beautiful. You can vary toppings to your liking, bake pita bread or serve as a cold appetizer.

This time we have prepared for you a step-by-step recipe for making pita roll. stuffed with crab sticks, eggs and lettuce.

You will need:

      • 1 thin pita bread;
      • 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
      • half a bunch of lettuce leaves;
      • 200-gram pack of crab sticks;
      • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
      • 1 fresh cucumber.

now we add filling ingredients one by one as indicated in the photo.

Lubricate with mayonnaise pita bread, leaving the edges clean. Tightly stack the lettuce leaves, after washing and drying.

Lay out next to coarsely grated eggs.

Stuffed tomatoes are a delicious and original universal serving appetizer. It is delicious both cold and warm, can complement meat and fish dishes. Cooking stuffed tomatoes will not take much time, and the result will definitely surprise everyone!

Kholodets is one of those dishes that has a long history. It is loved by everyone even today, it can be prepared from different types of meat. Today, bright vegetables are often added to it - carrots, corn, olives, as well as various greens and seasonings.

Crab stick tarts are a delicious aperitif before the main course. This appetizer is able to attract the attention of anyone. The peculiarity of the dish lies not only in the original serving, but also in gastronomic diversity.

When hospitable feasts are replaced by light receptions, an abundance of high-calorie dishes are replaced by tartlets! This dish provides a lot of options that can take on any menu item.

Cheese balls are a relatively new dish for our man. They can be conditionally divided into two categories: those requiring cooking or frying and those that do not require heat treatment. What unites them is that both the first and second ones are not particularly difficult to cook.

Pork roll is a delicious appetizer with beautiful presentation and juicy filling. The dish is famous for its quick and easy preparation, excellent taste and versatility of aromas. Try to cook pork roll in the oven.

Liver pate is a versatile appetizer for any menu. Such a hearty dish is the perfect addition to a festive feast or everyday lunch. Cooking will not take much time, and the result will definitely surprise you!

Chicken liver pate is a hearty fast food snack with excellent taste and magical aroma. The dish will delight you with its delicate texture and naturalness, because this is a real homemade pate!