Canning cucumbers in liter jars with mustard. Spicy cucumbers with mustard for the winter, recipe with photos and videos

The first step is to prepare the cucumbers. For chopped lettuce It is recommended to choose varieties that are suitable for pickling. These are cucumbers with pimples.

Vegetables must be thoroughly washed with water and cut into oblong slices.

Chopped fruits should be placed in a saucepan.

Then start preparing the dill. To do this, the greens need to be rinsed under water and finely chopped.

After this you need to take garlic. It should be peeled, rinsed with water, chopped, and added to the dill.

In the meantime, you need to prepare the marinade. Pour into a saucepan vegetable oil, vinegar, and add prepared spices and dry mustard.

Dill and garlic need to be chopped using a blender.

After this, cucumbers and herbs should be poured into the marinade.

The whole mass must be mixed thoroughly.

The cucumber salad with mustard needs to brew. This will take three hours.

In the meantime, you should prepare the jars for canning. All that remains is to put the salad into jars. After this, the filled jars must be placed in a saucepan. Cover the tops of the jars with lids. Then you need to pour water into the pan in order to sterilize the salad. This process will take 40 minutes, time it after boiling.

After the sterilization process is completed, the jars must be carefully removed from the pan and screwed on with the lids.

Salad ready! You need to turn the jars upside down and wrap them up. They should remain in this position for 24 hours. After this, they can be put away in a cool place.

Cucumber salad with mustard is unusual and very tasty. This recipe is worth bookmarking. cookbook. Savory snack Even real gourmets will like it. Bon appetit!

How to cook delicious cucumbers with mustard told to Alima, recipe and photo by the author.


  • fresh strong cucumbers – 500 g;
  • garlic – 2 very large cloves;
  • table salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l;
  • mustard powder – 1 tsp. without slide;
  • ground black pepper – 1/3 tsp;
  • refined vegetable oil – 1.5 tbsp. l.

Preparing pickled cucumbers with mustard

We wash the cucumbers with a sponge or soft brush under running water. cold water. We cut off the ends. Cut into 1.5-2 cm slices. If you are using large cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise and then cut into slices 2-3 cm thick.

Add salt and sugar to the cucumber slices. Mix. The cucumbers will immediately begin to produce juice and the salt and sugar will melt in a couple of minutes. This juice will be the basis of the marinade; no need to add water.

We clean two very large slices garlic (it is better to take garlic intended for winter storage). Grate the garlic through a fine grater or crush it through a garlic press.

Add mustard powder and freshly ground black pepper (you can replace it with paprika or chili if you want to make the salad spicier). Pour in vinegar and odorless vegetable oil. Mix the cucumbers with the marinade ingredients, cover and let stand for one hour. If you're cooking large portion, leave for two to three hours until enough juice is released.

We fill half-liter jars with cucumber slices - this is the optimal volume for such preparations, so as not to hold open jars in a refrigerator. Pour the marinade on top.

We roll up thick fabric in several layers or kitchen towel. Place it on the bottom of the pan. Place a jar of cucumbers on a towel. Pour in enough hot water so that it does not reach 4-5 cm from the neck. Place the lid on the neck, do not roll it up. We sterilize from the beginning of boiling water for ten minutes, the cucumbers will quickly change color from bright green to olive.

We take out the jars and roll them up with the same lids that were used to cover them during sterilization. Without covering, leave to cool. After it cools down to room temperature, take it out for storage or put it in the pantry. Good luck with your preparations!

  • Fresh cucumbers – 10 kg,
  • dill with umbrellas – 400 g,
  • garlic – 2 heads (this is approximately 50 g),
  • cherry leaves - 100 g (or the same number of pieces),
  • peeled horseradish root – 1 pc. (approximately 60 g),
  • if desired, you can add a couple of horseradish leaves and 1 pod of hot pepper,
  • 5 liters of brine with salt (for 5 liters of water 300-400 g of salt),
  • 0.5 cups dry mustard

Based on 10 kg of cucumbers, the approximate consumption of spices and herbs is given, and you decide for yourself how many cucumbers to pickle.

Cooking process:

Before harvesting and salting cucumbers in any way, they are sorted, washed and soaked for 5-6 hours in cold water, so that the pickles are dense, without wrinkles and voids (this will not get rid of crooked cucumbers from emptiness).

Pickle cucumber with mustard in wooden barrels(tubs or tubs), in large stainless steel containers, in an enamel bucket or pan (you can use a stainless steel pan), glass jars (both large 10 liter and 5 or 3 liter).

A layer of leaves is placed at the bottom of the container, a layer of cucumbers on them, compacted together, then again greens and so on until the top.

I salted cucumbers for the winter with mustard in a five-liter saucepan and in jars

Mustard can be poured onto the bottom, or you can put it in a knot of fabric or gauze, so it will not settle on the pickled cucumbers, and the brine will remain transparent. The taste of cucumbers will not be affected by how you add dry mustard.

Pour salted brine over the cucumbers

so that they are completely covered,

and cover with a weight (wooden circle or plate), glass jars Just cover with plastic lids. It is recommended to place a cotton napkin under the circle in large pickling containers, and periodically rinse the circle or bend with water and pour boiling water over it while pickling cucumbers. By the way, this directly affects the taste and quality of cucumbers!

I put the mustard on the cucumbers just like that, without a bag, after a few minutes it settled, and cucumber pickle became transparent.

Store salted or pickled cucumbers V mustard filling according to this recipe in a cool place, some do it in the cellar, and city dwellers do it in the refrigerator.

And my grandmother is so sour mustard cucumbers re-arranges the cabbage when the pickling season approaches in the fall.

I’ll write here for now a simple grandmother’s recipe for delicious crispy sauerkraut with cucumbers, and in the fall I’ll try to move it into a separate post with a photo report.

Grandma's recipe for pickling sauerkraut

This cabbage can be prepared for the winter with barrel pickles.

For a bucket of already shredded cabbage you will need 1 full glass of salt.

A layer of cabbage (about 5 cm) is compacted and sprinkled evenly with a handful of salt, then another layer of cabbage goes on top, compacted, salted, and so on until the top of the enamel bucket (if you salt in a bucket). A very important point: when salting cabbage in such a dry way without brine, it is very important not to mix the cabbage with salt, but to compact it. Cabbage and salt laid in layers are covered with oppression, and something heavy is placed on it, for example, a jar of water. After some time, it will give cabbage juice itself, in which the fermentation process will take place. No sugar is added to this recipe, otherwise the cabbage will become slippery and the brine will be stringy.

Grandma always salted such cabbage in large barrels in the cellar, measured all the proportions like this: she compacted a bucket of chopped cabbage in layers with a glass of salt, distributing it evenly and so on to the top of the barrel, and, of course, she layered the cabbage with her pickles (she made layers from pickled cucumbers between layers of cabbage).

I hope you find ours useful family recipes delicious pickled cucumbers with mustard and crispy sauerkraut!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Let's start with cucumbers being the main ingredients. winter sunsets. Every season people try to roll up as many of these as possible for the winter. delicious vegetables. This roll will be an excellent appetizer for any dish.

The crunch, pleasant smell, and they can be served even for a holiday, many will like them. They go well with almost all dishes, and are great as a snack for alcohol.

In this article we will tell you about cooking recipes classic cucumbers with mustard for the winter in jars, without sterilization and with the addition of various spices. We will also describe in detail the preparation of these most delicious rolls.

Traditional recipe

Ingredients for preparation:

  • Black ground pepper– tablespoon;
  • Cucumbers – 4 kilograms;
  • Vinegar - one glass;
  • Mustard - a tablespoon of whole grains;
  • Salt - half a glass (200 ml glass);
  • Sugar - one glass;
  • Oil – 1 glass.

Cucumbers with mustard for the winter in jars are prepared as follows:

  1. You need to take small cucumbers, wash them well, then cut them into four parts;
  2. Pour what you get into a bowl, it is advisable to find a large bowl, add salt and sugar. Pour in vinegar and oil, and add finely chopped garlic and mustard;
  3. Stir and leave for several hours - so that the cucumbers have time to pickle;
  4. When they release their juices, the marinade will appear in the bowl;
  5. Sterilized jars should be filled tightly with cucumbers, trying to compact them as much as possible;
  6. After all this, fill the container with marinade;
  7. Almost everything is ready, all that remains is to place the jars in a saucepan, boil for 15 minutes, then remove and roll up;
  8. Turn it over and wait for it to cool;
  9. Then we move it to the basement/cellar/refrigerator for storage. As a result, you have very delicious snack to almost any dish.

Recipe for cucumbers with dry mustard for the winter

Let's start right away with the ingredients:

  • Approximately 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • Large rock salt- 1 glass;
  • Mustard powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • Garlic;
  • Dill;
  • Horseradish leaves;
  • Currant or cherry leaves.


  1. Your task is to select identical, small-sized cucumbers, be sure to wash and dry them;
  2. Wash all greens thoroughly;
  3. Wash the jars and put greens, garlic on the bottom, and cucumbers on top;
  4. Pour boiling water over the whole thing and drain the water immediately after;
  5. Dial cold water, one and a half liters per three liter jar, dissolve salt in it and fill the jar with cucumbers up to the neck;
  6. Now you need to leave the vegetables to salt for several days;
  7. After the work has been done, you need to drain the salt water, pour mustard powder into the jar and fill the jar with clean water, close the lids;
  8. Place the cucumbers with mustard in a cool place.

Spicy pickled snack in jars

Gherkins, small cucumbers, are best suited for this cooking method. After sterilization, you need to add acetic acid. Ingredients for preparing cucumbers for a liter jar:

  • One branch of dill;
  • Four carnations;
  • Black peppercorns - ten pieces;
  • Mustard (grains) – teaspoon;
  • Salt - half a tablespoon;
  • Sugar – two tablespoons;
  • Acetic acid - one tablespoon;
  • One Bay leaf;
  • Cucumbers - 100 grams;
  • Onions - two heads;
  • Red pepper - half.

We prepare spicy pickled cucumbers with mustard for the winter as follows:

  1. Wash dill, peppers and cucumbers, peel onions;
  2. Place 2 onions, a sprig of dill, a bay leaf, half a red pepper, cloves, mustard and black pepper at the bottom of clean jars;
  3. Place the cucumbers tightly;
  4. Pour boiling water over;
  5. Now you need to cover the jars with lids and set them to sterilize. The water level should be at the level of the shoulder of the can and the water should not be boiling, otherwise the can may burst;
  6. After 10 minutes of sterilization in already boiling water, pour one tablespoon into each jar acetic acid 70%.

How to roll up correctly without sterilization

Ingredients for preparing for the winter:

  • Dry mustard - half a glass;
  • Water – five liters;
  • Cucumbers – ten kilograms;
  • Dill greens;
  • Garlic – two heads;
  • Leaves of cherry, currant;
  • Horseradish roots or leaves;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • One or two hot peppers;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt – 400 grams.

Step-by-step instructions for canning cucumbers with mustard for the winter without sterilization:

  1. Wash the cucumbers and soak in cold water for 5-7 hours. At the same time, set the water to boil and cool it;
  2. You need three-liter jars, be sure to wash them well. You need to put a layer of herbs and garlic on the bottom, then place the soaked cucumbers tightly. Then again a layer of herbs and garlic, and again cucumbers, and so on until the jar is tightly filled;
  3. Make brine from boiled cold water. Add dry mustard a tablespoon at a time to the jars and fill with brine and salt. Screw on the lids and place in a cool place.

How to roll cucumbers with mustard seeds without vinegar

The recipe is quite unusual, since they usually use a marinade with vinegar to long storage. But in this recipe we will do without it, instead of vinegar we will use citric acid. And mustard seeds will give our cucumbers an aroma and a spicy taste.

Ingredients for preparing these cucumbers for the winter:

  • Cucumbers – two kilograms;
  • Two bay leaves;
  • Salt and sugar - two tablespoons each;
  • Citric acid – two teaspoons;
  • Dill - two umbrellas;
  • Mustard seeds - one teaspoon;
  • Garlic – three heads;
  • Ground black pepper.

There are many ways to twist cucumbers. Introducing another one interesting option. Quite unusual and original, but delicious!

Recipes for cooking eggplants in Korean for the winter are here. Your family will appreciate your efforts!

And we posted step by step recipes pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter. Detailed instructions and culinary advice will help you get excellent results.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We need to wash the small cucumbers, cut off their tails and soak in water for 3-5 hours;
  2. Sterilize the jars, put dill umbrellas, bay leaves, chopped garlic, black pepper and mustard seeds on the bottom;
  3. Place the soaked cucumbers cut side down tightly in a jar and pour boiling water over them;
  4. We wait 15 minutes, after which you need to drain the water and measure its volume in advance;
  5. For each liter of drained water, you need to add two tablespoons of sugar and salt, then bring to a boil and boil for about 3 minutes;
  6. Pour the resulting brine into jars;
  7. Cover the cucumbers with mustard for the winter and put them in a cool place.

Method for pickling cucumbers

Ingredients for preparation:

  • One and a half kilograms of cucumbers;
  • Several cherry leaves;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt – 3 tablespoons;
  • 1-2 tablespoons dry mustard;
  • Half a leaf of horseradish.

Preparing pickles with mustard for the winter in jars:

  1. Wash the jars and cucumbers, place them in a deep bowl and cover with water for 2 hours. Pour boiling water over the jars;
  2. After waiting for two hours, wash the cucumbers again, cut off the tails;
  3. Put the seasonings and place the cucumbers in jars, put 3 full tablespoons of salt on top and pour boiling water over them;
  4. Cover with lids and leave for a couple of days;
  5. After a thin film has formed on the surface of the brine, remove the lids, drain the brine and boil, while removing the foam;
  6. Add dry mustard to a jar and fill with hot brine. After that, roll up, turn over and put in a cool place.

Cucumbers are the most popular winter snack. In order for them to turn out tastier, they should be small, with thin skin and dark pimples.

Do not place the sealer in a draft; a sudden change in temperature may cause the jar to burst.

To prevent cucumbers from becoming moldy in an open container, we recommend sprinkling them with shavings of horseradish root. Mustard powder also helps cucumbers not get moldy.

Before pickling cucumbers, pour boiling water over them, this will help them retain their color better.

To prepare seaming for the winter, it is better to use spring water or from a well.

Cucumbers with mustard for the winter in jars can be rolled up in most ways. We hope you find our recipes useful!

Many people like mustard because of its variability: it can be spicy, sweet, piquant. It can reveal the same properties in the preparation of various marinades. It goes especially well with cucumbers, at the same time maintaining their dense structure.

Crispy whole cucumbers or beautifully sliced ​​ones always look appetizing on the table. They are so nice to eat with cutlets and mashed potatoes- a classic familiar from childhood! We offer several recipes today so that you can find perfect option for myself.

General cooking principles

Sticking cucumbers with mustard is no different from traditional pickling. The process is repeated: preparing the products, preparing the marinade, sealing the jars, cooling them and storing them under certain conditions.

It is advisable to keep them in cold water for several hours before using cucumbers in bookmarks. They will gain moisture and will be able to better retain their shape after heat treatment, and in this way the fermentation process will be minimized.

Of course, it is necessary to sterilize the jars so as not to spoil all the bookmarks. You can do this using an oven, microwave, water bath, or even a kettle - whatever suits your needs. Lids should be sterilized using boiling water. IN hot water they need to sit for about ten minutes before use.

How to cook cucumbers with whole mustard

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Mustard seeds are not only tasty on their own, but also reveal themselves well in a marinade. And how interesting they look!

How to cook:

Tip: you can use it already ready mixture herbs for marinade, which can be purchased in the seasoning aisle.

Recipe with dry mustard

An alternative snack that uses dry mustard. It soaks the fruit no worse.

How long is it - 4 days.

What is the calorie content - 20 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash small cucumbers of equal size and dry them;
  2. Wash all the greens and dry them too;
  3. Sterilize the jars and place greens on the bottom;
  4. Remove the husks from the garlic and also place it on the bottom of the jars;
  5. Place cucumbers tightly on top;
  6. Boil water and pour boiling water over the cucumbers to the very top, and then immediately drain;
  7. Take cold water and completely dissolve the salt in it. Pour the resulting brine over the cucumbers;
  8. Leave the vegetables to salt for a couple of days; this can take up to a week, but it is usually ready on the fourth day;
  9. Drain the brine and add dry mustard to the cucumbers, add fresh cold water and screw on the lids;
  10. Keep refrigerated.

Tip: it is advisable to use rock salt rather than sea salt.

Cucumber bookmark “Oak leaf”

Oak leaves are not only a natural preservative, but also a special spice: they help cucumbers to be firm and very crispy.

How long is it - 3 days.

What is the calorie content - 16 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, compact them into jars along with the washed oak leaves and dill. You can only use dill inflorescences;
  2. Stir salt and mustard in a liter of water. The water must be hot;
  3. Peel the garlic and add the slices to the cucumbers;
  4. Peel the horseradish root, cut into several pieces and add to jars;
  5. Cool the brine to about 23 degrees, pour it over the cucumbers, cover them with lids and leave to salt for at least three days. Must be left at room temperature;
  6. Then drain the brine, boil it, return it to the jars and roll it up. Store in the cellar.

Tip: pour in the boiling brine gradually so that the jar warms up evenly. Otherwise it may burst.

Method of marinating without sterilization

Spicy cucumbers, which can be eaten on the day of preparation. They turn out very fragrant!

What time is it - 4 hours.

What is the calorie content - 67 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers, then cut off the ends and cut the fruit lengthwise into four parts;
  2. Place the pieces in a large bowl and sprinkle them with sugar, mustard, salt, mix;
  3. Then add both types of pepper and add oil and vinegar, stir again;
  4. If you want, you can add finely chopped garlic for flavor and spiciness;
  5. Leave to marinate for three hours. From time to time it is necessary to water the top pieces with the drained marinade using a spoon;
  6. The cucumbers can be placed in jars when they release a lot of juice. It turns out that they are swimming in it;
  7. Place the pieces vertically, as closely as possible to each other;
  8. Pour marinade over them. It will be cloudy due to the mustard;
  9. Immediately close the jars with lids;
  10. Keep refrigerated.

Tip: instead of sunflower oil, you can use mustard oil for a more original taste.

Spicy snack for the winter

Recipe for those who love savory snacks. This is not to say that cucumbers burn, but only real men can eat them.

How long is it - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 68 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the peppers and cucumbers thoroughly;
  2. Remove the skins from the onion;
  3. Place two whole onions, dill, bay leaf, cloves, mustard, and both types of pepper at the bottom of a clean jar ( hot peppers You can put it whole, or you can chop it finely), mustard;
  4. After this, place the cucumbers tightly on top;
  5. Fill the jar with boiling water very carefully;
  6. Cover with a lid and place in a large saucepan to sterilize for ten minutes;
  7. Take it out, pour in the vinegar, immediately close the lid and put it in a warm place to cool;
  8. You can also store it in the pantry.

Advice: if not fresh pepper, you can also use chili powder.

How to marinate with onions

Small pieces of crispy cucumbers, well marinated and juicy. Impossible to tear yourself away!

How long is it - 3 days.

What is the calorie content - 32 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour cold water over the washed cucumbers and leave for five hours;
  2. Then remove, rinse again and cut into manageable pieces;
  3. Wash jars and herbs;
  4. First, put a layer of cucumbers on the bottom of the container, then a little dill and parsley;
  5. Remove the peel from the onion, cut it into thin half rings and lay some of it in a layer on the greens;
  6. Alternate layers in this manner until the jar is completely filled;
  7. Place laurel leaves on top and add pepper;
  8. Boil in a saucepan required quantity water, stir salt, butter, sugar and mustard in it;
  9. Boil for about five minutes, turn off the heat, pour in and stir the vinegar;
  10. Using a ladle, pour the marinade into the jars so that it overflows a little, and then immediately close the lids;
  11. Let cool and store in the cellar. If it is not there, then you need to sterilize the jars for about fifteen minutes, then you can store them in the pantry.

Tip: You don’t have to cut the cucumbers if they are small. However, it is easier for the pieces to marinate.

Another reason why cucumbers are soaked before use is bitterness. Water draws it out of the peel, so the cucumbers turn out to be sharp and sweet. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to choose small cucumbers: they have not yet had time to accumulate bitterness.

Dry mustard is much spicier than grain mustard, so less of it is used. You can combine these two types of one product in one marinade, but you need to watch the taste very carefully. Garlic or chili pepper adds spiciness.

If there is less sugar than spiciness, then it only enhances the latter. If there is more of it, the cucumbers will turn out sweet with a hint of piquancy. If you use chili powder, it will give more flavor than actual heat.

Before leaving the bookmarks to cool, they must be turned over. Then the air will not be able to get inside due to the pressure difference. The lid will adhere better to the neck of the jar and the bookmarks will be able to be stored much longer. Their readiness can be determined by color: cucumbers will acquire olive color, and the marinade itself will be uniformly cloudy.

Crispy, juicy, aromatic, spicy cucumbers can serve not only as a separate snack, but also as an ingredient for salads and soups. For example, rassolnik or Olivier. This approach will open up new flavors in long-familiar dishes.