How to tell if a pineapple is ripe. Tips on how to choose a ripe pineapple and how to properly store it at home

    When buying pineapple, you need to pay attention to the smell and appearance. A ripe pineapple should have a sweetish smell. Lack of smell indicates immaturity. In appearance, it should be absolutely healthy: without cracks, wrinkles, mold, or wilted leaves. A ripe pineapple has pronounced eyes, and there are black dots on them.

    A ripe pineapple can be distinguished from an unripe one by the following indicators. As for the color, it must be said right away that it does not always help to determine, since, for example, pineapples from Central America even when ripe look green, and pineapples from France are yellow-amber when ripe. You can get your bearings by the small protruding spines - they are brown on ripe pineapples.

    You can also feel the base of the pineapple: in a ripe fruit it will be elastic, although a little pliable. You can also look at the green feather leaves that stick up - they should not be limp, otherwise the pineapple may have begun to sour and spoil. If you pull one such leaf, if possible, the leaf will come out easily if the pineapple is ripe. And be sure to smell the fruit to make sure it is ready to eat.

    The most reliable way is by pulp. The unripe flesh is very pale.

    By appearance: you can try to tear off a leaf of the top; if it comes off well, then the pineapple is ripe. And the color, of course, should not be dark:

    I pull the leaf from the center and it should pull out with such a light click, then the pineapple will be just right! This method has not failed me yet, and of course the smell should be pleasant! In Venezuela they make moonshine from skins, just like we do!)))

    I usually choose a pineapple this way: its lower part should be slightly soft and pliable in the hands. But at the same time quite elastic.

    The color of pineapple is preferably yellow, yellow-green. Although green ones are sometimes tasty.

    But if the outside of the pineapple is already brownish, so transparent, even as if waxy, then this may indicate that it has already begun to deteriorate and sour. By the way, pineapple usually spoils from the surface.

    A ripe pineapple can be identified by its knocking sound - there should be a dull thud. And the stronger the pleasant smell, the more ripe it is. The cut should be bright yellow.

    First, you need to smell the pineapple - the riper it is, the stronger it will smell. Then look between the scales; there should be nothing glowing green there. A crust covered with dark spots indicates that the pineapple is already overripe. Now you can use your hands and pull its leaves.

    By the way, it is believed that the best pineapples grow from April to June, then from December to January.

    I once watched a program where they were talking about how to determine the ripeness of a pineapple.

    Honestly, I was surprised..)) You need to twist the tail and if it spins well left and right, it means it’s ripe, and if it doesn’t spin, it means it’s not ripe yet. Afterwards in the store I tried to twist it and it really spins..))) This is how I choose pineapples now.

    Pineapple is a cool fruit and healthy too!

    To determine ripeness, it should be slightly soft and the sprout (green) that sticks out of it should be spinning. But not too soft, not green and without mold, so when choosing a pineapple, take a closer look so that there is no mold.

    there was a program on TV that told how to choose this exotic fruit, because you can’t tell by its appearance, but it’s expensive compared to the price of a pineapple and its weight after peeling.

    Therefore, you need to try to start turning the pineapple leaves, in the store you pull the leaf and if the leaf comes off without difficulty, then you can safely buy the pineapple.

    Pineapples are very good for weight loss, eat a slice of pineapple or drink a glass every day pineapple juice and the weight will gradually begin to come off.

    Pineapples are sold in stores almost all year round, but you’re not always sure of its ripeness.

  • Let me give you a few examples when choosing a pineapple. I think these tips will help you avoid making mistakes when purchasing this product:

    • a sweet aroma indicates that the fruit is not ripe
    • If there are signs of mold at the base of the pineapple, you don’t need to buy one.
    • You can also pat it with your palm, just like a watermelon. a dull sound will tell you that the fruit is ripe enough
    • Note: the size of the fruit does not depend on the ripeness of the fruit
    • A pineapple that is soft and spongy to the touch is not worth buying, as it may be overripe.

The tropical fruit is available on the shelves of many stores. Juicy pulp is hidden under the thick skin. To avoid disappointment when eating fruit, you need to know how to choose a pineapple. Some tricks and tips will help determine how ripe the fruit is.

In contact with

When a pineapple is shipped by sea, it is picked while still green. Its ripening occurs along the way. The right time Fruit harvesting period is April - June, as well as December - January. During these months, pineapples are at their best.

When thinking about how to choose a ripe and sweet pineapple, you should understand the main indicators of product quality. Signs of a ripe fruit include:

  1. Externally, the crust may be yellowish, slightly reddish or brown in color.
  2. Symmetrical shape.
  3. The bottom of the fruit is hard and dry.
  4. Ripe fruit should be heavier than it looks.
  5. The eyes are large and pronounced. There are no stains or signs of rotting on the scales.

Small pineapples are sweeter than large ones. The same applies to varieties whose leaves are spiny.

When figuring out how to choose a ripe pineapple, you should know the signs of an unripe and overripe fruit. In the first case, the fruit is hard, has a green tail and lacks aroma. The presence of spots on the rind, softness of the fruit, the appearance of dents, and a pungent odor indicate an overripe pineapple.

Pineapple variety with spiny leaves

How to properly evaluate on the counter?

Wondering how to choose the right one ripe pineapple, it's important to know what to look for at the counter. There is no way to cut the product and try it. Therefore, you will have to navigate by other indicators. For the right choice follows:

  1. Visually assess the quality. There are no stains or scratches. If the scales are greenish, this is not a sign of immaturity. This color is acceptable, but it must be uniform.
  2. Feel it. It should be moderately soft. When pressed, no dents are formed.
  3. Tap the fruit several times. A sign of ripeness is a dull sound.
  4. Find out the weight. The fruit should be heavy. Light fruit is characterized by loss of moisture, which leads to its rapid drying.

The above parameters will tell you how to choose a sweet pineapple.

The fetus must be free of any damage. Too low a price should alert you.

How to store at home?

  1. Turned from bottom to top. The leaves are trimmed, leaving a few centimeters to the base, turned over with this part down and placed in a dark place.
  2. With other fruits. The fruit is placed with others. Only fruits are allowed; they should not be mixed with vegetables.
  3. In parchment. You need to wrap the product in several layers of parchment. You should check it daily for signs of rotting.
  4. One way to store pineapple at home is to use a cloth bag. The fruit is lowered inside and placed in a dark place. Avoid exposure of the product to sunlight.

Can it be put in the refrigerator?

The question of whether pineapple can be stored in the refrigerator arises immediately after purchase. Such preservation is allowed, but subject to certain factors:

  1. The air temperature should be 7-8 degrees.
  2. Air humidity is about 90%.

Many refrigerator models have a special compartment for storing fruits and vegetables. When choosing where to store pineapple, you should choose this option.

When figuring out how to store pineapple, it is necessary to highlight several suitable methods:

  1. Entirely. The fruit is located with other fruits.
  2. In a bag or paper. The fruit is wrapped in material, air should flow inside, there is no need to tighten it too much.
  3. In a container. The fruit is first cut and placed in an airtight container.

When thinking about where to store pineapple at home, you need to choose a method depending on the period during which the product should remain fresh and tasty.

How long does it stay fresh and tasty?

Another important question is how long does pineapple last? If it is in the refrigerator, then it will be fresh for quite a long time - up to 2 months or more. Pre-peeled fruit can be stored for several days only in the refrigerator.

When did you find out how to choose delicious pineapple, you should familiarize yourself with the procedure for peeling the fruit. The bottom is cut off and installed bottom down. The skin is cut thinly. The eyes are removed with a knife. The resulting barrel is cut crosswise. The core is removed, the fruit is cut into arbitrary pieces. How to eat mango correctly - read

Exotic fruits have long ceased to be a curiosity in Russian stores. On the shelves you can find not only mangoes, coconuts, kiwis, but also such unusual fruits like pomelo, papaya, passion fruit, pitahaya, lychee, feijoa and many others. But despite the fact that many overseas fruits and vegetables are no longer uncommon in our stores, we have not learned how to choose them correctly.

One of the most famous in Russia exotic fruits is pineapple, which will be discussed in this article. Of course, many people prefer to buy canned pineapple, which are already cut into circles or pieces. But fresh fruit always contains more nutrients than canned food. Let's try to figure it out how to choose the right pineapple to buy really ripe and high-quality fruit.

To begin with, it is worth noting an important fact. Most overseas fruits arriving in our stores are picked not yet ripened. They will sing along the way from the plantation to our table. In the store there may be a fruit of normal ripeness, or under-ripe or over-ripe. Therefore, you need to be especially careful when purchasing exotic fruits.

So, you came to the store to buy a pineapple. What features should you pay attention to when choosing this unusual fruit?

  • IN pineapple tops there should be no dry leaves, it should be green, dense and thick. Try to pull one of the leaves; if it pulls out without problems, then the fruit is ripe.
  • pay attention to pineapple peel. It should have a uniform color without spots. If there are spots, the fruit is overripe. In addition, the crust should be fairly hard with uniformly sized flakes. Only such fruit will be truly ripe. Too soft a crust is a sign that the fruit has begun to deteriorate. A green rind means the pineapple is not ripe.
  • When choosing a pineapple, just like when choosing a watermelon, you need tap the fruit. A dull sound will mean that the fruit is ripe, but if there is an empty sound, the fruit is already overripe.
  • Smell of pineapple should be pleasant and easy. A strong aroma coming from the fruit, especially if you have not yet cut it, may mean that the pineapple has already fermented.
  • At home, cut the fruit and look at it the color of its flesh. The flesh of a ripe pineapple has a rich yellow color; if the flesh is pale, the fruit is not ripe.

    How to choose the best pineapple: secrets of selection

  • If you see different pineapples in the store price, then most likely they were delivered in different ways.

    Expensive fruits are sent by plane, and cheaper fruits are shipped by sea. IN in this case It would be best to choose a more expensive fruit; it will most likely be really tasty and ripe.

After you cut the pineapple at home, you need to store it at room temperature, since this overseas fruit does not like the cold. In the refrigerator, it can quickly lose its aroma.

Ripe and tasty pineapple will decorate any holiday table, and will also go well with other products in salads and hot dishes. We wish you a happy shopping!

HOW TO CHOOSE PINEAPPLE correctly, tips for choosing pineapples and other useful articles.

Thailand is one of the world's main suppliers of pineapples. In the southern part of this state you can see entire fields of this fruit almost everywhere. The cost of pineapples in Thailand is very low. Considering the weight of this fruit, this is probably the cheapest Thai exotic fruit.

Pineapple, which is sold in Thailand, is very different in taste from those “tart pineapples” that are sold in Russian supermarkets. Here it has a very delicate, sweet and melt-in-your-mouth taste. And its aromas are simply magical.

The pineapple season lasts almost all year round in Thailand, and all this time pineapples are sold in markets or right on the roadsides for 5-20 baht per piece.

Depending on the variety, the price may vary. For example, for 5-10 baht you will buy small pineapples, and for large green fruits (which are the sweetest) you will have to pay from 10 to 30 baht.

9 tricks for choosing the ripest and most delicious pineapple in the store

But it's still a very good price.

In Thailand, right next to large pineapple plantations there are factories that immediately pack the generous harvest into jars. This aromatic delicacy ideal as a dessert after meat dishes, since its enzymes accelerate the process of protein breakdown.

In Thailand, pineapples are used to make juices, wines, preserves, jams and even vinegar. Prepare hot dishes with fried rice, pineapple curry with mussels and sweet and sour stir-fries. Also very popular in Thailand alcoholic drink made from pineapple, which is called mai tai and is served in some establishments directly in the pineapple.

How to choose the right pineapple?

If you want to know how to choose a ripe pineapple, then first of all, keep in mind that the yellow color of a pineapple, contrary to the stereotype, does not at all guarantee you a ripe fruit. A pineapple can be sweet and ripe with a green rind on the outside.

First, a ripe pineapple makes a hollow sound when you tap it. Secondly, in ripe and fresh pineapple the tops (the leafy “crown” on top) are thick, green and easily pulled out one leaf at a time. Thirdly, ripe pineapple has an aromatic, pineapple-like smell, not herbal.

And the last sign of a ripe and tasty pineapple is its peel. It should be elastic, but not too soft. A very hard peel indicates that the fruit is still green, and a very soft peel indicates that it is already overripe.

How to peel and cut a pineapple?

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of pineapple are very diverse. For example, this fruit improves digestion, prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, and reduces arterial pressure, removes toxins from the body, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Today, a wide variety of fruits from tropical countries are sold in almost any store. One of the most famous and beloved exotic fruits in our country is pineapple. But often the fruit that seemed so beautiful and appetizing on the store counter turns out to be sour and unpleasant to the taste, or even worse - rotten. The fruit goes into the trash bin, the mood is spoiled... In order not to be disappointed in the purchase at home, you need to know how to choose the right pineapple, after eating which our body will receive a portion of vitamins and nutrients, and we ourselves will enjoy the delicious taste of a ripe, juicy and aromatic tropical fruit. In fact, from a mass of similar-looking pineapples in a store, finding the right one - ripe and tasty - is not so difficult if you follow a few simple recommendations. So, how to choose a ripe pineapple? Read in this note.

Criteria for choosing a ripe pineapple

Let's examine the crust

The pineapple should have the correct oval shape, and its rind should be slightly soft, but strong and elastic. Press the side of the pineapple with your finger - it should spring slightly, but if the dent does not rise, the fruit has begun to deteriorate or is already rotten.

A high-quality fruit has scales of the same size, a hard rind, and its color is uniform and without spots. The presence of dark spots eloquently indicates that the fruit is very overripe. Also set aside fruit that has wrinkled skin, smudges or cracks on the surface.

Depending on the variety, the color of the pineapple rind can be brown, golden brown, orange-gray or yellow-green. Many people believe that fruit with a green color is unripe, but this is not entirely true. Pineapple, the rind of which has a greenish tint, can also be juicy and tasty. And if you come across such a pineapple, check it for ripeness using the other methods given here.

Pineapple scale

The scales of a high-quality pineapple are elastic, and if you press on them, they will not press inward. The small tails that are at the end of the scales should break off easily. Bend, limp tails indicate proper storage product.

Bottom of pineapple

When choosing, do not forget to turn the pineapple over and look at its bottom: it should be completely dry, without green shoots.

The tops will tell you about the ripeness of a pineapple.

Inspect the tops: it’s good if they are thick and green. Dry and yellow tops are a spoiling fruit.

There is a test that must be carried out before purchasing. Rotate the tops back and forth.

How to choose the right pineapple in the store?

If it scrolls easily, it means we have a ripe and sweet fruit. The tops of a good-quality pineapple can be rotated 90-180°.

Make sure the pineapple is ripe by pulling a leaf from the top. If it pulls out easily, the pineapple is ripe. If, along with one leaf, the entire tops suddenly come off, the fruit has already begun to rot.

You can just shake the pineapple. The tops of a ripe fruit will wobble.

How to choose pineapple by smell?

Feel free to smell the pineapple, especially if you have a well-developed sense of smell. Unripe fruit has no smell or almost no smell. Ripe pineapple exudes a light, sweetish aroma. A too sharp, rich smell indicates that the fermentation process has begun in the pineapple - it’s definitely not worth buying such a fruit.

Price of pineapple: the more expensive, the tastier?

Can a quality pineapple be relatively cheap? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Pineapples are brought to us from distant countries with a tropical climate. They are delivered in two ways: by plane and by sea. If pineapples were transported by sea, they would cost less. But in this case, the fruits are picked while still green, and they ripen on the way. This method of transportation is cheaper, but pineapples may become overripe or lose flavor along the way. In addition, fruits transported by ships are heavily treated with chemicals to prevent them from spoiling during the long journey. Transportation by plane is much more expensive, and therefore pineapples are more expensive. But such fruits are of higher quality, more aromatic and tastier, since they are picked ripe and delivered to us in the shortest possible time. Therefore, if you see two identical pineapples on the counter, but one costs much more, then such a fruit, of course, is of higher quality and tastier.

And further…

If you buy a pineapple not in a supermarket, but in a private store or market, you can ask the seller to make a cut. When cut, a ripe fruit has a golden-yellow color, while an unripe pineapple is whitish.

You can pat the pineapple with your palm as if it were a watermelon. A dull sound indicates that the fruit is ripe and juicy. An empty sound is a sign that the fruit has dried out.

Among other things, pay attention to the weight of the fruit: a ripe pineapple should be weighty.

When buying a pineapple in a store or market, do not hesitate to smell, touch, and carefully examine the fruit you like. This is the only way you can choose a pineapple that really won’t disappoint you.

Flowering and fruiting

Pineapple is able to bloom only in the 3rd - 4th year of its life. Usually at this age the length of its leaves reaches 80–90 cm. Moreover, this is only possible with proper care. However, this is not a guarantee that the exotic will delight you with flowers. This requires high ambient temperatures. It must be at least 25 °C. In addition, a pineapple is considered ready to flower when the plant is strong and sufficiently developed, the length of adult leaves has reached 60–70 cm, and the diameter of the base of the rosette is 6–10 cm. And even if all these conditions are met, the pineapple is unlikely to bloom. But its flowering can be stimulated. If the plant has not reached the required size, it cannot be stimulated to flower. If everything is in order, feel free to carry out stimulation.

Some people use carbide (CaC2) as a stimulant. Its solution at the rate of 15 g per 10 liters of water is poured into a rosette of leaves. This procedure is carried out twice every other day. Moreover, this must be done either in the warm season, or by creating the necessary conditions. The peduncle will appear in about 1.5 months. At first, its top is pale green in color with a light crimson edging. With proper care, the peduncle grows very quickly. The soil at this time should be constantly moist, and from the moment the peduncle appears, the pineapple must be fed with a complex fertilizer with microelements, using a dosage for flower crops.

Others force the pineapple to bloom and bear fruit by fumigating it with any smoke. To do this, put on a tight plastic bag, place several smoking coals next to the pot for 10 minutes, taking all precautions. The procedure is repeated 2–3 times with an interval of 7–10 days. After which, after 2–2.5 months, an inflorescence appears from the center of the rosette, and after another 3.5–4 months, the inflorescence ripens. The weight of mature fruits with such stimulation is 0.3–1 kg.

Flowering lasts approximately 2 weeks. Pineapple flowers are collected in simple dense spike-shaped inflorescences, sitting in the axils of wide cup-shaped bracts. The petals are pinkish-violet, appearing from a pink rosette, the sepals are not fused, and have thorns along the edge.

With the appearance of the peduncle, as mentioned above, complex mineral fertilizers for flower crops, such as Kemira and Agricola, should be added to the pineapple soil.

The temperature of flowering plants should be moderate (not lower than 12 °C).

At the end of flowering, as the fruit grows, organic feeding is resumed. From the moment of flowering to the ripening of the fruit, it can take about six months. However, repeated pinching of the growth point at the apical rosette above the fruit (the first time immediately after flowering, and then as it resumes) accelerates the ripening of the pineapple, but in this case the rosette with the removed growth point can no longer be used for propagation. During or after fruiting, lateral and basal shoots are formed at the pineapple rosette, which are also suitable for reproduction. However, the infructescences formed on them are smaller than those from the apical cuttings.

Ornamental pineapples with beautiful foliage are grown indoors.

They also love light and warmth; keep them at least 18° in winter. In general, their conditions of detention are the same. Adult specimens of most ornamental species, with proper care, also form inflorescences, from which miniature fragrant but inedible fruits (10–15 cm in size) of golden color soon develop. At the end of flowering and fruiting, the rosette of these pineapples dies.

But let's get back to edible pineapples. So, your pineapple has fruit, and you are eagerly waiting for it to ripen. Now you need to switch to nitrogen fertilizing again. It will take 5–7 months for the fruit to fully mature. The main thing now is to wait a little and not cut it off unripe. After all, you've waited so long, wait a little longer!

The main indicators of ripeness are a strong sweet aroma and the heaviness of the fruit (at home, a pineapple can grow up to 1.5 kg).

The fruits of a ripe pineapple are very tasty and healthy, but unripe fruits burn your lips and act as a strong laxative.

But try not to overcook the pineapple, otherwise it will ferment right in the garden.

Finally, what you have been waiting for so long and courageously has happened, but, unfortunately, now the mission of your pineapple, so to speak, is completed.

How to choose a ripe pineapple in a store

For some time, the pineapple bush that gave you its fruit will look ordinary, it may even have side shoots - babies that can be used for reproduction. And the outlet itself will die. Therefore, you need to use either lateral shoots for further propagation (however, they give poor results in terms of fruiting) or take the top of a cut pineapple (if you did not pinch it to speed up ripening and did not damage it) and go all the way again from beginning to end. Growing your own pineapple requires a lot of patience, but all your efforts will be more than rewarded with a juicy, aromatic fruit that will be many times tastier than store-bought, and, most importantly, with admiring glances from friends and acquaintances.

How to choose a ripe pineapple?

“What should I eat to lose weight?” - fans of diets often wonder. No matter how funny it may sound, there is such a product, both tasty and healthy, and has long been loved by everyone - pineapple. But in order to enjoy its taste to the fullest, you need to know how to choose the right ripe, and therefore tasty, pineapple.

You shouldn’t be scared right away, they say, the fruit is exotic, it’s not the same as choosing carrots at the market. There is nothing difficult in choosing a pineapple; you just need a little attentiveness and strength of character so as not to immediately succumb to the persuasion of the sellers (if this does not happen in a self-service store). While you have little or no experience in choosing delicious pineapples, you can use the following rules.

Rules for choosing pineapple

You may spend an unforgivably long time choosing a pineapple the first time. Don’t be discouraged; once you become skilled at this, you will be able to spot tasty and ripe pineapples in a couple of minutes.

Food and drink

Pineapple: how to choose the right one. How to determine the ripeness of a pineapple

Delicious and healthy pineapple It’s no longer a curiosity on our table, but many are still frightened by its exoticism. In fact, looking for ripe, high-quality fruit in a store or market is not at all difficult if you know how. Choosing the right pineapple, easily peeling and cutting it for serving, and storing it for future use will be possible without any problems if you take into account a few simple recommendations.

The main "tip" is the price

As trivial as it sounds, first of all you should pay attention to how much a pineapple costs. How to choose the right fresh and ripe fruit can be determined by the price the seller asks for it.

In order to deliver these fruits fresh to the shelves, their transportation is usually carried out by plane, and this is not cheap for the supplier. Accordingly, the price of a good pineapple will be at the same level.

In the event that the importer chose to order transportation of pineapples by sea, they may cost a little less. However, then you need to take into account that this method of transportation takes considerable time. While on the road, the fruits may well become overripe. Therefore, if the seller focuses exclusively on the favorable price of pineapples, you should examine them very carefully before succumbing to his persuasion and buying.

At the same time, the statement “expensive means good” is also not always true. It is possible that the seller simply inflated the price for a very mediocre product.

The conclusion is obvious: the price will serve as a good hint on how to choose a good ripe pineapple, but you should not blindly focus only on it. It wouldn’t hurt to study the fruit further.

How to determine the ripeness of a pineapple by smell

You can determine whether a pineapple is suitable for eating by smell, holding the fruit at arm's length. Unripe fruit will not smell at all. But the aroma of a good ripe pineapple should be pleasant, delicate, slightly sweet.

If the fruit smells too rich, even cloying, it is most likely overripe. Long-term storage it is not subject to. It is better to choose another pineapple if you do not intend to serve it immediately after purchase. In addition, it is possible that the fruit has begun to ferment - in this case, it is not suitable for food at all.

Video on the topic

How to choose the right pineapple

Criteria for choosing this exotic fruit are not at all limited by price and smell. There are other secrets on how to determine the ripeness of a pineapple.

It is worth carefully examining the fruit you like. The scales of a ripe pineapple usually have a brownish, yellowish or orange-gray tint. A greenish color may indicate that the pineapple is not ripe (however, not always). There should also be no whitish spots between the scales of the fruit - this is how mold manifests itself. A high-quality fruit will have scales that are elastic and dense, but at the same time slightly soft to the touch. They will be too hard for green fruit. If they are fairly soft and easily pressed inward, the pineapple is most likely rotten.

Another way to identify a ripe pineapple is similar to choosing a ripe watermelon. Simply lightly pat the fruit with your palm. A ripe fruit with juicy pulp will make a dull sound. An “empty” sound will indicate that the pineapple is dry.

Besides, fresh fruit has beautiful green leaves. If you lightly pull one of them, it should easily separate from the rod. The leaf of a green pineapple will hold on tightly, but on a rotten one it will pull the tail of the fruit along with it. You can also carefully try to turn the tail in a circle, but not too much (if the fruit is ripe, the tail can be easily torn off). If it fits tightly, it means it is a green pineapple.

Ideally, the type of its pulp can tell you how to choose the right fruit. If possible, it is better to ask the seller to make a small incision. The flesh of a ripe pineapple will have a rich golden color. U unripe fruit its shade will be pale.

How to store pineapple

Having figured out how to choose the right ripe pineapple, it doesn’t hurt to learn a little about the rules for storing it.

If the purchased fruit turns out to be unripe, it doesn’t matter. Pineapple can easily ripen at home. You just have to keep it in a dry place at room temperature. Two to three days will be enough for the fruit to ripen.

Ripe pineapple should be stored in the refrigerator. There is an opinion that in this case the fruit inevitably loses its beneficial and taste qualities, However, this is not quite true. And there is no choice left: if stored in other conditions, the ripe fruit will simply spoil. Therefore, it is best to put a pineapple bought for future use in a paper bag and place it in the compartment of the refrigerator intended for storing fruit. The bag is needed to prevent other products on the refrigerator shelves from acquiring a pineapple aroma. Periodically, the fruit will need to be turned over so that it does not start to rot. You can keep ripe fruit in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

If you want to save the pineapple for longer long time, it is recommended to first peel it and cut it into small pieces and then freeze it. Fruit prepared in this way may be in freezer up to three months.

How to peel a pineapple

There are also some peculiarities in how a pineapple should be peeled. “How to choose this fruit correctly?” - is not the only question that sometimes perplexes.

The easiest way to peel is to simply cut the fruit into round “pucks” using a sharp knife, and then peel each of them. It is also advisable to remove the middle from each circle - it is inedible.

However, many people do not like this option due to the fact that it loses quite a lot of tasty and healthy juice. To avoid this, it is advised to carefully cut off the spiky shell from the fruit, then remove the core with a special knife and only then cut the flesh into circles. However, this method requires not only the presence special devices, but also experience.

Thai way to peel a pineapple

The most effective way to peel a pineapple is considered to be Thai. First, you should cut off the lower part of the fruit so that it can be conveniently placed on a board or plate. Then, holding the pineapple by the upper leaves, you need to carefully cut the skin from the fruit into thin slices, moving the narrow and sharp knife top down. If at the same time “eyes” remain here and there, it’s not a problem. After cutting off the skin, you should carefully remove all other dense growths with a knife - if you look closely, you will see that they lie on continuously curved lines. Holding the fruit by a bunch of leaves, you need to make small cuts just above and below this line at a slight angle to the “eye”. After this, you can carefully remove the “wedge” with the remaining thorns.

How to choose a ripe pineapple?

The same should be done with the remaining growths.

A small pineapple prepared in this way can be served as a decoration. However, in order to make it convenient to eat this fruit, you need to work a little more and cut it.

How to cut a pineapple

To effectively serve the unpeeled fruit, it is recommended to divide it lengthwise into four parts. All the pulp should be carefully cut out of each in one piece, leaving an area with leaves on top.

The quarters must be carefully removed and the hard fibrous core removed. After this, the processed pieces of pulp need to be placed back into the “boats” made of skin, carefully placed on a dish and placed on the table. Pineapple served in this way looks very impressive, and the pieces of pulp are completely ready to eat.

If you know, when going to buy a pineapple, how to choose, properly peel and cut this fruit, then at any feast it will certainly not go unnoticed.

Choosing a pineapple for the average buyer often becomes a lottery. People come home, take out a beautiful subtropical fruit, cut it, try it and only then realize that they made a mistake. In fact, it is not difficult to determine the quality of a fruit by its external signs right at the point of sale.

Determining the ripeness of a pineapple is the main task for the buyer.

You need to know that you can suffer from unripe pineapple - it can act as a laxative. And besides, it has a pungent taste. Therefore, your task is to do everything to buy ripe fruit, whose caustic properties disappear. Delicious, extremely juicy taste and pleasant bright aroma you will find only in ripe fruit.

Depending on the size of the “butt” (the place of attachment to the plant), you can determine how the fruit ripened, on the plant itself or on the way to the buyer. If the fruit has ripened naturally, its “butt” is small and wrinkled, and if during transportation and storage, it is wider.

Try to pull one leaf of the tops - it will easily be pulled out of a ripe fruit. If the pineapple has reached the stage of maturity, then its top (tops) should scroll. Check this fact.

Pineapples, like other pineapples, have a peak of ripening, accompanied by the appearance of dark spots. Therefore, do not choose them with spots - there is a high risk of over-ripening and spoilage.

If the pineapple is cut, then ripeness can be determined by the color of the pulp - the richer the light yellow color, the riper. Pallor of the flesh indicates immaturity.

So, a high-quality pineapple is a ripe pineapple, at least in the so-called. consumer stage of maturity. It is clear that fruits ripened in natural conditions. Being ripped off in the so-called. removable stage of maturity, they acquire ripeness on the way to the buyer.

You can use the ability of the fruit to ripen on its own at home: if your pineapple still needs ripening, then at a temperature not lower than 8-9 degrees Celsius. and a relative air humidity of 80-85% for a period of up to 25 days, unripe fruits can ripen well.

What should a ripe pineapple fruit look like?

Determined by color:

1. The peels are a beautiful straw yellow, golden yellow color with a red or orange tint. Unripe fruits have a green skin color.

2. The upper bunch of leaves (called “sultan”) is light green, yellow-green in color. The color of the topmost leaf in the bunch is yellow.

3. The tips of the segments (scales) on the peel are dark brown, black.

Overripeness and spoilage from improper storage

Overripe fruits should be avoided: their quality, unlike unripe ones, cannot be corrected. Their skin loses its brightness, becomes dull and faded, and acquires a grayish tint - these are the signs by which you can identify them. Fruits that were stored at temperatures below 8 degrees Celsius begin to look the same. The structure of the pulp of such fruits is disrupted - the pulp becomes watery and darkens.

Other signs of quality: appearance, elasticity and absence of disease

When choosing, you will pay attention to the integrity of the fruit, its cleanliness, absence of cracks, sunburn, and signs of disease.

A high-quality pineapple, firm and elastic to the touch, has a regular symmetrical shape, thick green tops and a pleasant aroma (not sharp - otherwise the fruit will begin to ferment), smelling even through the peel.

Avoid mold and rot - look for them primarily between the scales and at the base of the fruit.

Also make sure that the pineapple is dry when purchasing, otherwise, as a result of improper storage, there is the possibility of rapid rotting.

And one more helpful advice. As practice shows, small pineapples are sweeter than large ones, and fruits with prickly leaves are sweeter than those with “smooth” leaves.

In addition, how to correctly determine the ripeness and ripeness of a pineapple, we will study the issue of its proper storage.

Pineapple storage

This subtropical fruit is considered one of those food products that can be stored under normal household conditions. It is normal to store pineapple that needs to ripen at room temperature.

Ripe pineapples should be stored for no more than 12 days at a temperature of about 9 degrees Celsius. Just keep in mind that at temperatures below 8 degrees Celsius the fruit will lose its useful material, the taste will change (become more watery) and color (darken). Therefore, it is not recommended to store them in the refrigerator. At temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius, fruits may lose both appearance and taste due to rapid overripening.

It is better not to leave the cut pineapple for storage, but if necessary, then it is better to keep it in the refrigerator in its own juice.

It should be borne in mind that unscrupulous sellers can increase the weight of fruits by keeping them in water by up to 10-15%. It is almost impossible to detect this; the shelf life in such cases is significantly reduced. When they add antibiotics to this, both the shelf life and the health hazard increase.

Pineapple contains a plant enzyme - bromelain (bromelain), which breaks down proteins. Therefore, it is good to eat it with meat and fish. It should be taken into account that preservation has a negative effect on the bromelain content.

It is interesting to know that, in general, from the point of view of botanical science, a pineapple is a fused fruit, but for many it remains familiar - it is a fruit.

Pineapple - many people associate this fruit with the tropics and distant countries, but in fact, pineapple has not been something very exotic for a long time; it can be bought in a supermarket or even at the market. But since this fruit is very unusual for the Russian consumer, the question often arises about how to choose it correctly. This is not at all difficult to do, and in this article we will tell you how.

Nowadays, people know about 9 types of pineapples, and we cannot say which one you will get in the supermarket or, especially, in the market, but we will try to give you general tips, which will help in choosing any pineapple.

Choosing the Right Pineapple

Any ripe pineapple that has not been grown with chemicals should have a pleasant smell and taste, but since it is not possible to determine the latter in the store, you will have to check the pineapple in other ways.

Smell of pineapple

As mentioned above, it should be pleasant, the tropical sweetish aroma should be very relaxed. If the pineapple smells too strongly, it is quite possible that something was done specifically for this, or the pineapple is already overripe, but whatever the case, it is better not to buy such a pineapple.

If the pineapple gives off a sour aroma or there is a smell of vinegar, it is quite possible that it has already fermented and you will buy it spoiled.

Pineapple price

Here, too, it is impossible to say unambiguously. Good pineapple can be relatively cheap if transported by sea, since this method of transportation is quite long pineapples they are picked while still green and sold cheaper, and they ripen already in the ship.

Expensive pineapples are picked already ripe and transported in the shortest possible time by plane, they do this so that the pineapples are delivered exactly in season. These two methods of transportation are radically different, but this affects the taste of the pineapple very little, so you can look for stores where you can buy pineapple cheaper, it is quite possible that you will find them.

At the end of the scales there must be small dried tails that can easily be broken off by hand - this will mean that the pineapple was stored correctly. If the tails are wilted and can be easily bent without breaking them, then the pineapple was stored in high humidity indoors, which is not good.

It is quite possible that such storage can trigger the process of fermentation or molding of the pineapple; such a product can easily cause poisoning. Also, the scales should be quite hard and slightly elastic, this also indicates the ripeness of the pineapple and proper storage.

It can be completely different depending on the variety of pineapple. You may get very green or, on the contrary, bright yellow, many people do not know about this and do not buy green pineapples, thinking that they are not yet ripe.

You need to remember one simple rule: if the color of the pineapple is uniform, it means the pineapple is ripe and it doesn’t matter what shade it has. But if the pineapple is too green on top, and the rest of the part is a darkish shade of yellow, then the pineapple is obviously not ripe.

Pineapple sound

Oddly enough, you can determine the ripeness of a pineapple this way; of course, the pineapple itself should not make any sounds; to do this, you need to knock on it. Beat the pineapple with your palm; if it makes a dull, non-ringing sound, it means you have a ripe and juicy pineapple in your hands.

If the sound of the pineapple is ringing or you hear something like gurgling, it means the pineapple is overripe or spoiled. It is also possible that this pineapple was grown using chemicals and its flesh is not hard enough.

If you have already bought a pineapple and you have the opportunity to look at it in cross-section, then be sure to look at the color of the pulp. In a ripe pineapple it should be bright yellow, if it is dull in color (close to white), the pineapple is not ripe.

It may also have inclusions of green color - this indicates that the pineapple ripened unevenly during transportation. This pineapple is edible, but it is better not to eat the green parts.

There should be no plaque or any traces of mold on it. The edges of the leaves may well be dried out, the main thing is that the tops themselves are deep green. If you see that some of the leaves on the tops are beginning to fade, it is better to refuse the purchase - such a pineapple will spoil very quickly.

Keep in mind. If the edges of the leaves on the tops are not dry, but withered, then this indicates improper storage of the fruit; it is very important not to confuse these concepts.

If you find it difficult to remember all these rules at once, you can look at this infographic, it lists the main tips in a visual form.

How to properly store pineapple

If you are not going to eat your purchase right away, but decide to leave it until better times, it is important to remember that pineapple should not be stored in the refrigerator. This is a tropical product that loves heat and already at temperatures below six degrees loses its taste and aromas.

Also, you should not specifically create hot conditions for this fruit, room temperature will be quite optimal for storing pineapple. If these conditions are not met, the pineapple will quickly deteriorate and its flesh will become watery.

For the same reason, if you see pineapples in the refrigerator in the supermarket, it is better not to buy them. You can often observe such a picture; sellers do this very often out of ignorance, without thinking that this could harm the store itself.

Video about cutting pineapple

In this video you can learn how to beautifully cut and serve pineapple festive table with a detailed example.


Pineapples come to us from very distant countries, so you can often find unripe or, on the contrary, already spoiled fruit, so be careful, do not take the first pineapple in the hope that it will be “correct”. Choosing a good and tasty pineapple is not at all difficult; you just need to follow a few of the tips listed above.