A pineapple. Pineapple useful properties

Pineapples are native to South America. Christopher Columbus brought these fruits to Europe for the first time, but heat-loving pineapples did not take root. They began to be massively grown in the 16th century on the territories of the colonies of European countries located on the African and Asian continents. Our article will answer the question of whether pineapple is healthy.

Useful properties of pineapple

The benefits of pineapples have been known since ancient times, people have always made healthy drinks, delicious wine from it, used the fruit juice as a diuretic. Chinese healers used the gifts of nature in the treatment of many diseases: with their help, they improved the appetite of patients, treated inflammation of the digestive tract, got rid of nausea and heartburn, and treated diseases of the respiratory system.

A pineapple

Pineapples have been successfully used in virology.

Useful substances of pineapple:

  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins PP and A;
  • Alimentary fiber;
  • bromelain enzyme;
  • organic acids;
  • Minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, magnesium.

First of all, the benefits of pineapple are felt by people who have stepped over the age of 40. If you drink pineapple juice between meals, this affects the improvement of digestion, the normalization of protein digestion.

Are canned pineapples healthy?

Canned pineapples, like fresh ones, contain a huge amount of useful properties. They contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, a large amount of vitamins C, B1, B2, A. Consuming even canned pineapples improves immunity. To date, no harm has been found in canned pineapples.

The calorie content of a canned product is slightly higher than a fresh one. This is due to their swirling in sweet syrup.

Are Dried Pineapples Healthy?

Dried pineapples are a source of potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins and fiber. Dried pineapples will help get rid of swelling, give strength and improve mood. Doctors recommend snacking on dried pineapples to those who quit smoking, believing that sweet snacks reduce smoking addiction.

Dried fruits will become a balm for those who are contraindicated in fresh pineapple fruits. But you should not abuse a very high-calorie product.

Natural, not soaked in sugar syrup, dried pineapples are quite hard and have an intense yellow color.

Those dried fruits that we meet on our shelves are seven times more nutritious than fresh pineapples. But even this calorie content is much lower than other snack foods.

Pineapple is unhealthy:

  1. Patients suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis.
  2. Pregnancy can sometimes also be a reason to refuse to eat a delicious fruit that actively stimulates muscle tissue. This can lead to unplanned childbirth.
  3. In children under 6 years of age, pineapple in large quantities can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa. The amount of consumption of an exotic fruit should be monitored.

How much pineapple can you eat per day

Five rings of pineapple or a quarter of a large fruit.

How to choose pineapple:

Ripe pineapple skin is yellowish in color. Do not buy fruit with dark spots.

If you pull on the leaves of a ripe pineapple, some of them will easily stretch out.

Fruit should be stored at a temperature not lower than 7 C.

When choosing canned pineapples, it is better to buy the product in a glass jar. If this is still a tin container, pay attention that there is no rust, damage on it, so that it is not swollen. Slightly shaking the jar, determine the approximate level of fullness of pineapples. The optimal ratio of pineapple and syrup is 50 to 50. It is better to buy pineapple rings.

Healthy Pineapple Recipes

A very healthy tropical fruit is not only a dessert product. It is also added to salads, main courses, pizza, poultry, meat and seafood are cooked with it, grilled and cocktails are mixed on its basis.

Pineapple salad with celery

Is celery and pineapple good for you? Of course yes. To prepare a salad from these products, you need to take pineapple, celery and boiled beets in equal proportions. Cut and mix with olive oil, lemon juice and salt.

Pineapple salad

Chicken with pineapple

Cut the chicken into cubes and quickly fry them in hot vegetable oil until a crust appears. The inside of the meat should remain raw.

Chicken with pineapple

In a glass of cold broth, add 2 teaspoons of chili paste and 1 teaspoon of starch. Add the mixture to the chicken, bring to a boil, then add the canned pineapple pieces. Simmer on low heat covered for 10 minutes.

Serve with potatoes or salad.

Bon Appetit!

Together, dietitians have established which 3 foods lead to excess weight. It is enough not to use them, and you will lose weight!

Pineapple tablets and concentrates appeared in the post-Soviet space a long time ago, then magic pills were supposed to give young ladies an instant result in the form of a dozen kilograms dropped. Naturally, the manufacturers of those times were modestly silent about the side effects. And only now in any supermarket near the house, in every grocery store by the road, fresh pineapples have become available. Eating these fruits definitely cannot harm the fighters for the perfect body. By the way, the loss of kilograms with the regular consumption of pineapples or pineapple juice is at an enormous pace. It is important to know only a few secrets and apply correctly pineapple for weight loss. By the way, the remains of pineapple can be used for home peeling or for making masks for the abdomen.

So, pineapple is an incredibly tasty, juicy and sweet fruit, surprisingly, the calorie content of 100 grams of delicacy is only 56 kcal. In addition, the fibrous pulp contains a unique enzyme - bromelain, due to which digestion is accelerated and the action of gastric juice is enhanced. You don't need to follow a strict diet or restrict food, just a reasonable amount of dinner, lunch and breakfast and half a pineapple a day will guarantee getting rid of 3 kilograms per month. It is not necessary to consume pineapple pulp in its natural form. It is acceptable to cook dishes, juice or pineapple puree to diversify the menu. Don't try to trade a wholesome meal for pineapple calories fruit is negligible and such a low-calorie diet is dangerous.

Alcohol tincture of pineapple

1 pineapple
- vodka, half a liter

To prepare an alcoholic tincture for weight loss, it is necessary to cut off the upper part of the pineapple along with the leaves, and twist the remaining pulp, without peeling it, in a meat grinder. The resulting fruit puree is poured into a glass jar and poured with half a liter of high-quality vodka. Pineapple with vodka must be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, when the alcohol pineapple tincture is infused, you need to take a tablespoon before each meal.

pineapple breakfast

100 gr. pineapple pulp
- 100 g cottage cheese 0% fat
- oatmeal, 2 teaspoons

This breakfast can be prepared daily. If for some reason you missed your morning pineapple intake, you should replace it with a lunchtime juice intake or just eat the pulp puree. Pineapple snack should be eaten every day to achieve the effect and lose weight without special diets. Grind the pulp of pineapple (be sure to add a hard core), add cottage cheese and dry cereal. Wait for the oatmeal to swell in the pineapple juice, this usually takes a few hours. If you are forced to leave home early, it is acceptable to prepare the mixture in the evening and refrigerate. Then the morning breakfast will be ready.

Fruit juice with pineapple

3-4 pineapple rings
- half an apple
- half a lemon

If eating pineapple pulp has set your teeth on edge and you want variety, you can make fresh juices from pineapple and additional ingredients. Pineapple pairs best with apple and lemon. In no case should the core be cleaned out of pineapple, because it is in it that the most active substances for weight loss are stored. Put the pineapple in the juicer, then the lemon and the apple. It is enough to drink such juice once a day so that the effect of reducing body weight and cleansing the body is achieved.

Pineapple dessert with yogurt

Pineapple, 5 rings 1 cm thick.
- fat-free yogurt without fruit additives, half a glass

Using a blender, grind the pineapple circles, then pour in the yogurt. It will be great if you complete the working day with this dish or even replace dinner. If your appetite has worked up, then at least replace the evening dessert with a pineapple-yoghurt treat.

Be careful when you go to the store to choose the right pineapple for cooking for weight loss. The smell of the fruit should be pleasant and slightly sweet, and the rind should be yellow, never green. Do not try to save money and split one pineapple into two meals, remember, a tropical fruit does not tolerate storage in the refrigerator, so if you are not sure that the leftovers of the fruit will last until the morning, it is better to eat them today. And do not rely on the healing properties of canned or thermally processed pineapples. Alas, pineapples lose all enzymes and beneficial properties during heat treatment.

Brazilian "bump" - this is sometimes called pineapple. A giant cone with a tuft weighing up to 5 kg is a juicy fragrant fruit with a sour-sweet taste. Doctors recommend using pineapple for a number of chronic diseases, as well as as a preventive measure.

Bromelain in pineapple

Edible in pineapple is only its tender flesh of white or golden color. The main advantage of the pulp of the cone with the tuft is its unique mixture of enzymes called bromelain (or bromelain). Like other substances beneficial to the body contained in the pulp of pineapple, this "sourdough" has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to cope with unexpected swelling of the face, arms and legs, with manifestations of anemia, and also increases overall tone, effectively activates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, causing slight feeling of hunger.

The simplest pineapple diet

At the same time, since time immemorial, pineapple has enjoyed a well-deserved reputation as the most valuable dietary product, which allows you to lose extra pounds almost without any problems. And then to say, since after a bottle of pineapple juice you do not have a desire to eat for a long time, it means that the annoying accumulation of excess fats is also postponed.

What heals pineapple?

Let's name the main ailments that the pulp of delicious pineapple helps to cope with. First of all, it is a predisposition to (the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels), and. Pineapple also perfectly activates weakened blood flow, it is effective for beriberi, which is extremely important in the off-season.

Valuable pineapple complex

In complex therapy, pineapple is used to treat chronic, kidney, pancreas, gastritis with reduced secretory function, if the attending physician suspects the development of anemia, in disorders of the cardiovascular or central and peripheral nervous systems. And in clinical institutions (in India, for example), local doctors successfully use pineapple leaves with a large tuft to combat various helminths, digestive disorders, constipation, hemorrhoids, and even with.

Pineapple - the elixir of youth

Pineapple contains a huge amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances. Its pulp (juice) contains a lot of carotene, pectins, fiber, almost the entire vitamin B group (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folacin), a lot of mineral salts necessary to maintain all parts of the body in good functional condition. Finally, it has been scientifically proven that only 1 glass of pineapple juice drunk in the morning can really slow down the aging of our cells. Persons suffering from peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as gastritis with high acidity of the juice, it is better to refuse to use pineapple pulp or juice in order to avoid possible complications. We tried - and that's enough.

Pineapple for bronchitis, sore throats, colds

This is just the case when homemade medicinal potion does not need to be prepared at all. The main thing is that there should always be at least a small supply of pineapple juice in the refrigerator. Sore throat in the morning? Simply rinse it with delicious juice after brushing your teeth.


Pineapple Contraindications

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that can be purchased now at any time of the year in almost every store. Its name is translated from the Guarani language as "exquisite taste". This fruit was presented to Columbus when he first set foot on the land of the New World, as a sign of respect. Pineapple contains a huge amount of nutrients and at the same time is a very low-calorie product.

There are more than eighty varieties of pineapple in the world. It can be of different shapes, weights and colors of the pulp. The fruit that is known to us is a dessert pineapple, its shape is oval, and a green crest is located on the crown. In appearance, pineapple is similar to a pine cone. This fruit is valued for its refreshing taste, juicy flesh with a sweet and sour taste and a characteristically pleasant aroma.

This fruit has a positive effect on the beneficial microflora of the digestive tract, its consumption allows you to get rid of constipation and cure amoebiasis. Pineapple improves the functional activity of the liver, kidneys and thyroid gland. With it, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, kidney ailments, melancholy and depression are treated, and an extract from it is used for rinsing with laryngitis and tonsillitis.
Pineapple pulp contains more than sixty aromatic substances that give it a unique taste and smell.

Regular consumption of this fruit helps prevent the development of thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, as it effectively reduces blood viscosity. Pineapple is also recommended for hypertension, it relieves swelling, so it can be used for diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to drink a couple of glasses of freshly squeezed pineapple juice every day or eat half of the fruit.

This fruit is an excellent tool for the prevention of stroke and heart attack, as it is able to cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits. It also has an analgesic effect, constant consumption allows you to get rid of pain in the joints or muscles. One hundred grams of pineapple contains less than fifty kilocalories. Even if you eat a whole fruit, your body gets only 480 kilocalories.

Bromelain, contained in pineapple pulp, has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, sinusitis, arthritis and others.

With any viral disease, you can prepare a so-called vitamin drink. To do this, grind one hundred grams of pineapple pulp with a blender and mix with half a glass of bread kvass and freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon. The finished drink can be slightly sweetened with a teaspoon of honey.

Pineapple helps to cope with atherosclerosis, it stops inflammation in body tissues and accelerates the healing of various wound surfaces. This fruit is an active digestion stimulant, if the pancreas does not synthesize enough enzymes, it replaces them, actively participating in the digestion of food.

The external use of pineapple allows you to tighten and rejuvenate the skin, cleanse it and tone it. In addition, it is a very effective way to fight cellulite - it can be eaten, drunk and used for anti-cellulite wraps.

Pineapple is most effective when consumed on an empty stomach. If you eat it with meals, it will help increase the activity of gastric enzymes. So when consumed along with meat and various fatty dishes, pineapple contributes to the easy digestion of this heavy food.

Some scientists claim that this fruit contains substances that have anti-cancer activity. They help bind free radicals and act as a powerful antioxidant.

Today, many self-respecting cosmetic companies produce products based on pineapple extracts. Dermatologists recommend using this fruit for combination, oily, pigmented and aging skin, both face and body.

Pineapple has antibacterial properties and can permanently save us from blackheads, pimples and add freshness and dullness to the skin. It also prevents the formation of excess sebum. Frozen pineapple chunks or pineapple juice cubes are a great recipe, all you need to do is wipe your face a couple of times a day.

This fruit has its own contraindications, it should not be eaten with stomach ulcers and gastritis. In addition, it has been proven that unripe fruits contain specific substances that can cause miscarriage or premature birth in pregnant women. Therefore, expectant mothers need to be careful: do not buy ready-made juices and eat only ripe fruits.

So, pineapple is a very useful and non-caloric product that can be used in dietary nutrition if you follow your figure.

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Botanical description of pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical herbaceous plant belonging to the bromeliad family. It is a herbaceous terrestrial plant with a spiny stem and leaves. It has a large number of adventitious roots that develop in the leaf axils and absorb moisture lingering there. Pineapple leaves are spiny-toothed, broadly linear, very succulent and fleshy, covered with a thick epidermal layer. They can grow up to eighty centimeters long.

When the leaf rosette is fully formed, a long peduncle is formed from it, abundantly covered with bisexual flowers. As a result of a two-week flowering, a powerful yellow-golden seed, resembling a cone in shape, is formed.

Self-pollinating pineapple varieties do not form seeds.

The plant is widespread in the tropics of South America up to Paraguay and Argentina. The most extensive pineapple plantations are located in the Hawaiian Islands.

Collection and preparation of pineapple

Pineapples are harvested as they ripen. They are consumed fresh and in the form of juices. Pineapple seeds can also be canned and dried.

Medicinal properties and application

Since ancient times, pineapple has been used as a dessert with an exquisite taste and delicate aroma. Its medicinal properties have been discovered relatively recently. The composition of pineapple, rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, allows us to consider this plant a valuable food source of beneficial nutrients.

Regular consumption of pineapple reduces blood viscosity, which makes it possible to recommend it for the prevention of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. The use of pineapple has a good effect in case of kidney diseases and disorders of cardiovascular activity.

Such a property of pineapple as the elimination of atherosclerotic plaques from the walls of blood vessels provides a highly effective prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Experts believe that regular consumption of pineapple significantly reduces the occurrence of joint and muscle pain, and also stops the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels and dysfunction of the pancreas.

The property of pineapple was noted to reduce the symptoms of inflammatory diseases, which include sinusitis, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and some others. In addition, the use of this plant accelerates wound healing and stimulates digestive functions.

Pineapple is especially popular due to its valuable dietary properties, which are manifested in a unique combination of beneficial nutrients and low calorie content. In this regard, the use of pineapples is widely used in many weight loss methods.

Almost all the medicinal properties of pineapple are explained by the presence of the valuable substance bromelain in its composition. In order to maximize the effect of bromelain entering the body, pineapple is recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach. When ingested with food or after eating, bromelain increases the enzymatic activity of gastric juice and acts as a digestive enzyme.

Recent studies by scientists suggest that highly concentrated pineapple extracts can help in the treatment of cancer. The ability of substances contained in pineapple to bind free radicals can be a good prevention of cancer.

The juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is widely used among the peoples of India as an anthelmintic.

The chemical composition of pineapple

Pineapple pulp contains a rich composition of various substances. 86% of the seed of the plant consists of water, which contains a large percentage of simple sugars, the main part of which is sucrose. Also, pineapple is rich in organic acids, of which one can name ascorbic and citric acids, provitamin A and B vitamins.

The content of such mineral substances as potassium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iodine and manganese was noted in the fruit pulp.

In addition, pineapple contains a complex of proteolytic enzymes, including bromelain, which are highly active. Enzymes have the ability to break down proteins, which leads to an improvement in the absorption of protein foods by the body.

Pineapple Recipes

Pineapples are effectively used to restore the functions of the digestive system. In order to increase the enzymatic activity of gastric juice, it is necessary to drink a glass of pineapple juice or eat a slice of fresh fruit during a meal. It is most beneficial when eating large amounts of meat or fiber. The same amount of juice is required for people suffering from hypertension, strokes and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Drinking a glass of pineapple juice can help relieve nausea during seasickness or when flying.

In order to get rid of edema and thrombosis phenomena, it is recommended to drink a glass of pineapple juice every day or eat half of its fruit.

To eliminate corns, you need to attach the softness of the plant to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and hold it overnight. In the morning, the skin should be steamed with hot water, after which the corn should be removed. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated many times.

The property of pineapple to influence the improvement of memory is noted. People involved in mental work and dealing with large amounts of information (for example, programmers, economists, etc.) are advised to drink pineapple juice at least twice a week.

With the help of pineapple, you can treat colds. A vitamin drink will help with this. To prepare it, you need to grind 100 grams of fresh pineapple pulp in a mixer, add 100 milliliters of homemade kvass and a small amount of lemon juice. drinking this drink three times a day guarantees the weakening of the symptoms of a cold and complete relief from it.

Eating a piece of fresh pineapple in the afternoon will help shed some extra pounds.

Pineapple is successfully used in cosmetology. For fading and dry skin of the face and hands, the following fruit pulp mask is suitable. It is necessary to knead two cups of canned pineapple well, add three to four drops of lavender oil and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. After that, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face or hands. The mask should be kept for about ten minutes, then it is washed off with warm water.

To remove blackheads and pimples from the skin, you can apply a cleansing mask. It is required to knead a circle of fresh, peeled pineapple. Then you need to add a teaspoon of natural honey and a little oatmeal to the pineapple. The mixture should take the form of a thick slurry, which should be applied to the face. This mask should be kept for about fifteen minutes, then removed with a cotton swab. When applying the mask, a slight tingling may appear - this is the skin being updated and its keratinized particles are removed.

To improve dry skin of the face, you can apply the following recipe. The crushed pulp is mixed in equal proportions with olive or sunflower oil, then the mixture is applied in a thick layer on the face and washed off with warm water after ten minutes.

To remove excess oily skin, it must be wiped in the morning and evening with a piece of fresh pineapple pulp. You can also put the pieces on your face and hold them for about fifteen minutes. Then the face should be rinsed with cool water.

Daily use of pineapple before menstruation will help reduce or completely remove the manifestation of discomfort during their arrival.

Those who want to lose weight can arrange fasting days using pineapple. Such fasting days should be held no more than once a week. During the day, you need to eat a kilogram of pineapple, dividing it into four equal parts. No other food should be consumed. Fasting days will not only help to reduce weight, but also strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body of toxins.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of pineapple

Excessive consumption of pulp and freshly squeezed pineapple juice can cause damage to the oral mucosa and indigestion. The use of pineapple is not recommended for people suffering from stomach ulcers. Pineapple should be avoided during pregnancy, as the substances contained in it can cause muscle contractions and maintain their tone.

When pineapple is consumed by children under six years of age, irritation of the intestinal mucosa may occur, so the amount of its consumption should be strictly limited.

Expert editor: Kuzmina Vera Valerievna| Dietitian, endocrinologist

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).