How to make egg cream. How to make cream from eggs and sugar: useful tips and recipes

Recipes for cream and other confectionery decorations

protein cream to decorate the cake

50 minutes

250 kcal

5 /5 (4 )

For a long time I wanted to try making cream from proteins. chicken eggs and finally, decorate your nondescript cakes. And then turned up to me wonderful recipe. It cannot be said that everything turned out well the first time, because working with protein, as you know, is not easy. But experience nevertheless led me to the ideal consistency.

I hope this article will really help those who love to cook confectionery like me. After all, I tried to state everything as accessible and simple as possible, so that every hostess succeeded the first time. perfect cream. Let's get started!

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, whisk or mixer, glass, dish, wooden spatula.

Before making protein cream, you need to send all the necessary kitchen utensils to a cold place. To do this, leave the bowl and whisk for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator. You need to beat the mass immediately after you take out all the chilled appliances.

Required products

How to make protein cream for decorating a cake at home

I divide the recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes into three steps.

Cooking syrup

Better start with this part of the cream. While the syrup is cooking, we will make the protein mixture.

Preparing the protein mixture

Everything must be done very carefully so that the yolk does not get into the mixture in any case, otherwise nothing will beat. If you are an inexperienced cook, then take another bowl. Drive one protein here and pour it into a bowl. So, if you make a mistake, it will be easier to correct it.

We mix - we conjure

Now we have two bowls of proteins and syrup. It's time to connect them. For this you need In a very thin stream, pour the caramel liquid into the proteins, while keeping the mixer running.
When all the syrup goes into the mass, it will become a little thinner - this is normal. Now for another 10 minutes we continue to beat our future cream at high speed.

After a while, you will notice that your shiny glossy cake decorating cream already holds its shape well, so it is suitable for forming flowers, inscriptions and for implementing bold ideas that you can draw from the Internet resources. Baskets and eclairs can also be filled with this yummy. Choose this option for the base of the tops of cupcakes, which are complemented by fresh fruit.

This product can be made not only in white. I hasten to tell you about how to prepare a multi-colored protein cream for decorating a cake! A dye will come in handy for this: you can use natural dyes if you know how to use them, but with the store things will go faster. The latter are of two types: liquid and dry.

Such dyes are introduced into the cream mixture in different ways. If you take liquid ones, pour them into the protein before kneading it for the first time. And how to prepare a protein cream with dry dyes? They need to be added to the cream at the stage of mixing the ingredients for the syrup. In other words, you color the syrup itself first. And in the case of liquid or helium - a protein mixture.

As I have already noted, kitchen utensils must be left in the refrigerator before making protein cream. I don't recommend doing it in the freezer. If you take the bowl and beaters out of the freezer, their hardened top will begin to melt and release excess moisture, which is very bad for proteins.

Our task is to beat the eggs dry, without a single drop of water.

For the same reason and we add sugar a little at a time and only after beautiful white peaks have formed. After all, granulated sugar, when dissolved, will also give up its moisture, which will prevent the cream from acquiring a thick consistency. Another important point regarding the material of dishes - ideal option is: metal, copper and glass. Plastic and aluminum coating can cause a failed cream.

If you don't know how to make egg and sugar cream when you don't have a mechanical mixer, don't worry. The whisk will have to work longer, but the effect should not be worse. Before the first stage of whipping, I recommend adding a little salt to the proteins. It will make the process easier and faster.

How to decorate a cake with protein cream at home? This can only be done by adding sugar syrup to the egg mixture. When all the liquid on the fire has been boiling for several minutes, you can check the syrup for readiness. Take a glass of water from the refrigerator. Dip a drop of the mixture into it. When you notice that circles with clear boundaries form at the bottom, this means that everything is ready.
The main thing is that these lumps are soft - to do this, crush them with your fingers. If the circles immediately become hard, you have overcooked your syrup, and it is better to start all over again.

Such a protein cream recipe is acceptable for children, since the syrup, warming raw egg whites up to 120°C, makes them completely safe.

Surprisingly, you can make cakes decorated with a strong and thick protein cream only with the addition of this syrup. Because the warm syrup, getting into the raw protein with intensive mixing with the whisk of the mixer, begins to brew it, as it were, and the mass is well glued and dense.

It is also worth noting the shelf life of such a product. After its preparation, you will have no more than 2 days, but it is better to start decorating in the first hours after kneading. Being in the refrigerator for a long time, the mass begins to settle, and the decoration will not work out of it.

Video recipe for protein cream for cake decoration

After watching this video recipe, you will get to a real savior who will show and tell you what protein cream is for decorating a cake, give the ideal proportions of the recipe, tell the secrets, subtleties and nuances of its preparation and combine all this into one video.

I often come across reviews from home cooks that it is especially difficult to understand how the consistency of proteins should look without sugar and with it, what color the syrup should be when it is ready, and how not to miss this important point.

In addition, visual perception will help you quickly decorate cakes with protein cream at home. I can only wish you good luck and more delicious cakes.

Protein Cake Cream ( Step by Step Recipe) | Whipped Frosting Recipe


Invitation to discuss the cream and possible improvements

Perhaps you have some secrets - I will be glad to read and try them. As a sweet lover, I am always interested in learning something new from the world. confectionery art. It is very interesting to see how other people make cake or cupcake decoration with protein cream. Let's create together!

Very often used for making cakes custard. To cook it, you will need to follow some rules.

Preparing custard protein cream:

To prepare this dessert option, you first need to cook sugar syrup. Many cooks prepare syrups in different ways, but the simplest option is to mix sugar with water and bring to a boil.

Cook the syrup over low heat so that it boils enough and excess liquid comes out, while it does not turn into caramel. This moment is the most important in the preparation of egg cream for cakes - pay special attention to it.

You can start boiling the syrup at the same time as whipping the proteins. If you are making a cream for the first time, first prepare the syrup so as not to be distracted. Eggs should be taken well chilled - carefully separate the whites from the yolks.

If even the smallest particle of yolk gets into the protein, the proteins will not rise. Beat the cold protein with a whisk or mixer at medium speed until the volume increases several times.

The bowl for the cream should be large enough and roomy; before whipping, wipe the bowl dry, removing all particles of liquid or fat. In order for the proteins to rise well, when the first foam appears, you can add a few crystals citric acid.

Hot sugar syrup is poured into the proteins, without ceasing to beat them. Pay special attention, the cream of the egg cake will become hot, but you continue to beat until it is completely cool - about 7-10 minutes. The cream should have a beautiful glossy appearance and be very stable. In the same way, you can whip the cream with gelatin - as in the soufflé cake recipe.

Preparing a simple protein cream:

for this cream, we need to replace sugar with powdered sugar. If powder is not at hand, grind the sugar in a coffee grinder or blender. 3 eggs room temperature gently break and separate the whites from the yolks.

To make the cream whip well, you can add a little salt to the proteins. Try to whip the cream in a convenient bowl - the amount of cream should increase five to six times. For a good result, you need to add powdered sugar, without ceasing to beat - pour the powder in small portions.

Since the cream is made from raw proteins, be sure to rinse the eggs well in cold water. WITH ready cream you can cook various cakes, meringues, marshmallows and much more.

Bon appetit, please your loved ones with a simple but very tasty dessert!

Every housewife can make a lush protein cream.

Gentle and airy protein cream is loved by both adults and children. Products stuffed with such a snow-white mass can decorate any festive table or make an ordinary dinner bright and unforgettable.

Any novice cook or ordinary housewife can make protein cream. It is great for decorating the surfaces of cakes or pastries. They can fill tubes, but it is not suitable as a layer.

How to make protein lemon cream, recipe with photo

The most important thing in such a cream is well-whipped egg whites.

Tip: To whip the whites into a thick foam, you must carefully separate them from the yolks. Chicken egg yolk is very fatty, and if even a drop of it gets into the whites, then they will not be beaten.

Tip: You always want to whip egg whites quickly. To do this, before starting the process, put them in freezer for a few minutes. When the surface of the mass is covered with ice, remove it from the freezer and start whisking quickly.

How to make protein lemon cream to make it airy and tasty? Here is the recipe with photos:


  • Lemon juice - a few drops or citric acid - 5 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Water - 10 ml
  • Egg - 3 pieces


1. Carefully separate the proteins from the yolks so that not a drop of the yolks gets to the proteins. Put them in the freezer for 15 minutes

2. Make syrup from sugar and water. It should thicken well

3. Remove frozen proteins from the freezer, add to them lemon juice or citric acid

4. Start whipping the whites, adding a drop of syrup

5. Beat until the mass increases three times

6. As soon as the last drop of sugar syrup has got to the whipped proteins, turn off the mixer

The cream will turn out lush, tasty and thick. They can fill straws or decorate cakes.

Recipe for protein cream according to GOST

Roses from protein cream according to GOST

GOST is an accepted state standard, so cooking according to the norms is considered the most correct and optimal.

The recipe for the preparation of protein cream according to GOST:


  • Egg whites - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 140 grams
  • Water - 50 grams
  • Lemon juice - a few drops
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet


1. Boil the sugar syrup. Fully cooked syrup on fire bubbles in large circles

2. Add a bag to the proteins vanilla sugar. Start whipping the chilled egg whites, pouring the hot syrup in a thin stream

3. When the mass increases by 3 times, and the syrup is over, stop whipping - the cream is ready

Easy Protein Cream Recipe

The basis of all varieties of protein cream is classic recipe. It is simple, and you can make it quickly by whipping with an ordinary whisk.

A simple recipe for protein cream is that even non-chilled proteins can be whipped. It is enough to put the dishes with them on ice, and the proteins will whip up as quickly as after the refrigerator.

Important: If there is no time to boil the syrup, you can take powdered sugar and add it to the proteins in small portions.

Tip: Store such a cream will not work, it will quickly lose splendor. Therefore, use it immediately after preparation.

Sour cream protein cream, recipe with photo

This cream turns out to be more saturated, with creamy taste. Sour cream protein cream is used to fill tubes, decorate pastries and cakes. It can also be used as a layer.

A recipe with a photo will help you prepare a delicious and snow-white mass.


  • Egg whites - 4 pieces
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Water - 10 ml
  • Cream or sour cream - 150 grams


1. Boil the syrup

2. Start whipping the chilled proteins, adding syrup drop by drop

3. Continue whisking, adding small portions of cream

Important: You can add fruits to this cream. They will make it more dense and tasty.

Chocolate Protein Cream Recipe

In addition to fruits, cocoa can be added to the protein cream. This technique will add beauty and unique taste to products.

Tip: Make a chocolate protein cream and combine it to decorate a cake or brownie.

The recipe for such a cream is simple - beat the proteins with syrup, as described above, and at the end add a tablespoon of cocoa.

Tip: To avoid lumps in cocoa, mix it with a small amount powdered sugar or granulated sugar.

Preparation of protein custard

Many housewives believe that protein custard is whipped proteins with the addition of hot sugar syrup. But there is another cream recipe with the same name:

1. Preparation of protein custard begins with cooking custard from milk, sugar, one egg and a tablespoon of flour. When the cream is ready, leave it on the stove to cool. Then beat it with a mixer with 50 grams of butter

2. Now beat the proteins with sugar, as usual, adding citric acid and vanillin

3. Combine whipped egg whites and custard. Beat again to make fluffy homogeneous mass- the cream is ready

Important: You can lubricate cakes with this cream and fill baskets and wafer rolls.

Cooking oil protein cream, recipe

Oil creams go well with biscuit cakes. Prepare buttery protein cream to surprise your guests with the unique taste of homemade cakes.


  • Egg whites - 2 pieces
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Liqueur - 2 tablespoons


1. Melt the butter, cool and beat with a mixer until a thick consistency

2. Beat the chilled proteins with sugar until the volume is increased by 3 times

3. Continue whisking, adding butter in small portions

4. At the last stage, pour in the liquor, beat for another minute and turn off the mixer - the cream is ready

Important: This cream is used to prepare various desserts.

How to make liquid protein cream?

Often, for some types of pastries, a liquid sweet mass may be needed, for example, to decorate Easter. How to make liquid protein cream?

Tip: To make the protein cream turn into a fluid mass, add a few drops of plain water to it.

Even culinary experts warn housewives that they need to be responsible for the process of whipping proteins - they need to be frozen and the dishes wiped dry. If water gets into the mass, the cream will be liquid.

Protein cream with gelatin for cake decoration, recipe

From such a cream, you can make a soufflé for "Bird's Milk" sweets. Protein cream with gelatin is great for decorating a cake.


  • Egg whites - 5 pieces
  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tablespoon
  • Water - 5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 cups


1. Fill the gelatin floor with a glass of boiling water and leave to swell. If lumps are visible after it cools, heat the mass on gas and leave to cool

2. Beat the chilled proteins with sugar and citric acid

3. When the protein mass increases by 3 times, start pouring gelatin in a thin stream, continuing to beat

4. Gelatin is over - the cream is ready!

Important: Under such a cream, whole berries or fruit slices will look great on cakes.

Every woman can make such a cream, even if she does not like and does not know how to cook. Many housewives ask: how to cook a delicious protein cream? Our advice and feedback from other women will help you make the most delicious protein cream.

Tip: To check the readiness of the syrup, take a little sweet mass with a spoon and pour it onto a plate. If it solidifies and does not spread, then the syrup is ready.

Tip: Pour only hot syrup into the mass. If it cools down, then the cream may not work.

Previously, only the best chefs could make such a cream. Currently, his recipes are available to all women. Create miracles in the kitchen and surprise your household and guests!

Video: video recipe: protein cream for cake

Those with a sweet tooth and just lovers of delicious food are well acquainted with such a component of desserts as protein cream. Its preparation at home does not require special technologies and complex recipes, but still not everyone manages to make the cream perfect, because this has its own characteristics.

Often it can be seen in straws, custards or on cakes. Unlike butter or sour cream, it stands out for its splendor, tenderness and lightness. It can also be used in many other desserts.

Protein cream: recipe number 1

To prepare it, you will naturally need 3 eggs, 1 glass of granulated sugar, water (100 ml), salt and citric acid. From the dishes you need to get a small saucepan to prepare the syrup, a vessel for whipping, a plate for cold water, spoons and other kitchen utensils.

First, sugar must be mixed with water and heated over medium heat. Eggs are recommended to be washed well in order to warn yourself against unpleasant diseases. Now the proteins are separated from the yolks, and sent to the refrigerator to cool. This is necessary so that whipping is easier and the cream is of high quality.

When the sugar syrup boils, the fire must be reduced. The cooking process continues until the ball rolls. To check this, you need to collect some liquid in a spoon, cool and try to pump. For all the time this can happen several times, so you can better understand the essence of making syrup. If everything worked out, you can beat the egg whites.

Cold proteins are slightly salted, you can even add a little citric acid. Beat with a whisk or mixer until the liquid becomes a thick foam. When the tool is pulled out from there, the cream should not drain, but retain its shape. Moreover, if the product has not yet reached the desired consistency, it is not recommended to stop the whipping process for a long time.

Now you can add sugar syrup to the cream, constantly whisking it. So, it turns out custard protein cream, which must be completely cooled. For this you can use large saucepan With cold water where the container with the finished product is placed.

The use of this type of cream can be carried out in the preparation of any kind confectionery. Decorations from it on cakes look good, only too small details, alas, will not work.

When hot syrup is added to beaten eggs, what is called heat treatment which makes the cream safer to consume. When the syrup boils, its temperature can even be 115 degrees. According to culinary standards, you can store such sweetness in the refrigerator for 1.5 days.

In order not to prepare syrups, and not to add various ingredients, protein cream can be made only from proteins and sugar. You can add quite a bit of salt or citric acid if you wish, but this is not necessary.

Proteins, only chilled, are beaten with a mixer or by hand, gradually adding sugar in small portions. For 3-4 proteins, there is usually 1 cup of sugar. Citric acid is added so that the protein cream is strong and sets quickly. It is very important that the acid and sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Protein cream with gelatin

Before you start whipping, you need to pour gelatin with water in a ratio of 9: 2 tablespoons. It is left to swell for about 1.5 hours. After this time, the gelatin is heated, but it is impossible to bring to a boil.

From 5 eggs, you need to get the proteins, and the eggs should be cold, and beat them with a teaspoon of citric acid and sugar (about 1.5 cups). During whipping, gelatinous mass is also added. When the cream is ready, it will resemble a mass of bird's milk. If you dip small portions of cream into chocolate, you will end up with sweets. Most often it is used for cakes and pastries.

Since chickens are not the cleanest birds in the world, it is very important to wash eggs, even though the shell is not used in cooking. After that, it is necessary to dry them well, because the slightest drop of water or other liquid will spoil all further work.

The same goes for egg yolk. To separate it qualitatively, there are several methods:

  • Break the egg in half and roll the mass from one part to another until the protein and yolk are in different halves;
  • Make a paper funnel through which the protein will seep faster than the yolk into the substituted container;
  • The shell can be pierced with a needle in two opposite places. So, the protein will come out, and the yolk will remain in place.

Squirrels and utensils used must be cold. It is also important that egg product was fresh. In old eggs, the whites are liquid and watery, so a lush cream will not work out of them.

Even if the first time you fail to prepare a high-quality cream, you should not give up and never return to it. The right technology will make delicious cream for any dessert.