How to prepare a steak. How to cook juicy beef steak?

Steak chopped- this is a prototype of a cutlet, but unlike the second one, there are a minimum of ingredients in a steak. The meat in the steak is lush and juicy, and the preparation itself requires very little time and effort - just 30 minutes at the stove, and the hot meat dish is ready!

Ingredients for making minced steak:

  1. Beef 700 gr.
  2. internal beef lard 100 gr.
  3. Chicken egg 1 pc.
  4. Milk (any fat content) 40 ml.
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Pepper to taste
  7. Greens to taste

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


  1. Kitchen knife
  2. cutting board
  3. A bowl
  4. Pan

Preparation of chopped steak:

Step 1: Make minced meat.

We wash the piece of meat and cut off the rough film and tendons, if any, with a knife. We cut the prepared meat into thin slices, which, in turn, we cut into strips, and grind the strips into small pieces. Then we chop the meat with a knife 5 minutes. The result is minced meat minced by hand. We do the same with beef lard. Onions and garlic are peeled and cut into small cubes. Ready stuffing mix with chopped bacon, onion and garlic. Break the egg into the minced meat, pour and mix thoroughly. Then we pepper and salt the minced meat, add spices and mix again. Now the stuffing needs to be beaten off. To do this, we take it in our hands and throw it into a bowl with force. We repeat it three times. We do this so that the minced meat is compacted and does not fall apart during frying.

Step 2: Grill the steak.

From the minced meat we form steaks. They should be round and about 1.5 cm. To prevent the stuffing from sticking, wet your hands with cold water from time to time. We heat the pan, grease it with vegetable oil and lay out the steaks. Fry them over medium heat. After the steak is cooked through on one side, carefully flip it over with a spatula to the other side. On average, one side is fried 10 minutes. Make sure that the fire is not high, otherwise the steak will be cooked on the outside and remain raw inside.

Step 3: Serve chopped steak.

Serve the steak hot, sprinkled with herbs, with any side dish and sauces. Bon Appetit!

Traditionally, steaks are made with beef, but you can use pork if you wish.

If you don't have time to chop the meat by hand, you can grind the meat and fat in a meat grinder.

If the steaks are large, brown them on both sides over medium heat, then lower the heat to low and cook until done.

Unroasted steaks with slightly pinkish meat inside are especially popular. But you need to make them only from the freshest meat, the quality of which you are sure.

Beefsteak is 100% male food. Big piece tasty meat, properly cooked and beautifully served on the table, can turn the head of any representative of the stronger sex. Therefore, a woman must be able to cook it really tasty.

Rules for cooking steak

  • The meat must be fresh and of high quality, so you should not spare money on it.
  • The meat must be properly cooked: the fact is that some people like a steak with blood, but for many, blood is unacceptable in meat. This point must be immediately clarified for yourself: what kind of steak will you cook.

So, there are a lot of options for cooking steak. We suggest taking classic recipe, since it is not difficult to prepare, and it does not require many ingredients, but the taste of such meat is guaranteed to be simply amazing!

To do this, we need a piece of beef meat (300-400 g), black pepper, salt, garlic, rosemary sprig, butter, lemon.

Beefsteak cooking process

  • In the matter of cooking a steak, the question of time is fundamentally important, so be sure to stock up on a timer - this is just done so that the steak is fried, but not overcooked.
  • Before you start cooking meat, put the pan on the fire. A pan should be taken with a thick bottom, for example, cast iron, so that it heats up evenly. You don’t need to make a large fire right away - a medium one will be enough. If you are a fan of Well done steak, that is, without blood, well fried, then put the oven to warm up in the same way. It must be brought to a temperature of 180°C.
  • While the pan is heating up, chop the meat. large pieces, 2 cm thick. We clean it of unnecessary bones, get rid of the film, which is so hard to chew.
  • Now, on both sides, the meat must be salted, pepper to taste, and grated olive oil. The point is that the pan for cooking the steak must be absolutely dry, so we grease the pieces of meat in advance.
  • If the meat is already chopped and processed, and the pan is warmed up, then you can start frying the meat. First on one side - 3 minutes, then turn the meat over to the other side - also for 3 minutes.
  • While the meat is fried on the second side, you can take a sprig of rosemary and lightly walk it along the already fried side, then take the garlic, make a cut on it and spread the steak with the side of the cut. Next, take a piece butter and rub the meat with them.
  • When 3 minutes have passed, the meat can be turned over again and quickly done with butter, rosemary and garlic on the second side.
  • Then fry the sides of the steak.
  • When everything is done, the steak can be transferred to a saucepan and sent to the oven for another 5 minutes - but this should only be done if you want the steak to be well done.

How to serve a steak

When the meat is ready, note that it will release some juice. This juice does not need to be poured! Add literally 5-6 drops to it lemon juice and stir - this will be the sauce for the cooked steak.

Put the meat on a wide plate, pour over the sauce, you can decorate the dish fresh vegetables. Bon Appetit!

  • six hundred grams beef tenderloin;
  • three grams of black ground pepper;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • forty milliliters of refined sunflower oil;
  • five grams of salt.
  • Cooking process:

    1. First of all, prepare the meat. Wash the beef and pat dry with paper towels. Then cut the pulp into thin slices.

    2. Each resulting slice should be cut across into strips no thicker than one centimeter.

    3. Chop the finished strips of meat into cubes. They should be approximately the same size.

    4.Now carefully go over the entire meat mass, turning it into minced meat.

    5. Peel the garlic, pass it through a press and add to the minced meat. Salt and pepper. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass.

    6. Now the meat needs to be beaten off. Take cling film or a bag, wrap the minced meat well and tighten the edges. Beat the meat by hitting it on the countertop. This will increase the plasticity and elasticity of the fibers. By the way, you can do this without wrapping the meat in a film. Simply scoop the ground beef into your palm and slap it hard back into the bowl. Then take the next portion, and again throw it into the bowl. It is important not to skip any part of minced meat.

    7. Proceed to the formation of blanks. Grease your palms with vegetable oil, take a small piece of minced meat and make a round flattened cutlet. Do this with all meat.

    8. Take the pan and put it on the fire. Pour it in vegetable oil and wait for it to warm up. Put the cutlet blanks in the pan and fry until golden brown. Press down on the meat occasionally to keep it from puffing up. Since everyone prefers a different degree of roasting, then you need to adjust it yourself. By the way, you can cook these steaks on the grill.

    9. Transfer the finished cutlets to a refractory form for further steaming. Then heat the oven well (to the maximum) and put the steaks in it for five to seven minutes.

    Chopped beef steak is ready. Usually, fried eggs are laid on top of such meat, so cook it in advance (but this is optional). Serve this dish hot, it tastes much better. You can also prepare a side dish for meat - mashed potatoes or steamed vegetables. Bon Appetit!

    Beefsteak is one of the most popular meat dishes in the world, which is loved by all who eat meat. Therefore, every self-respecting culinary specialist simply must be able to cook it, and make it tasty.

    The very name “steak” (from the English beef - “beef”, steaks - “piece” or the word “steak”, which has already become familiar to us), suggests that a real steak is prepared only from beef. Basically, it's a piece of fried or grilled beef - it's very simple. But in order for such a seemingly simple dish to turn out really tasty, you need to know the secrets and subtleties of its preparation, because beef, as you know, is not an easy meat, and it is very easy to make it dry and rubbery.

    How to cook a steak

    Technology proper cooking Beefsteak begins with the choice of quality meat (by no means frozen, only fresh). To choose better steaks from the head of the tenderloin, or the flesh of the thighs, backs - those parts that are the most juicy. The best choice a fillet is considered to be located on both sides of the spine, outwardly representing a round oblong muscle.

    Next, you need to prepare the meat: you need to cut the beef for the steak across, and not along the fibers - this is very important. As a rule, before cooking, the meat is marinated with lemon juice, vinegar, vegetable oil, mustard, sauces, various spices - it all depends on your taste and the recipe used, there can be a lot of options.

    When the meat is ready to fry, the fun begins. Beefsteaks are divided into different types according to the degree of roasting and culinary readiness:

    • With blood (rare) - characterized by red meat juice, uncooked meat (cooked at 200 ° C for 2-3 minutes);
    • Unroasted (medium rare) - the juice is pronounced pink, the meat is lightly fried (cooked at 190-200 ° C for 4-5 minutes);
    • Medium (medium) - the juice is pinkish, but already closer to transparent, this meat is medium-roasted (cooked at 180 ° C for 6-7 minutes);
    • Almost fried (medium well) - the juice is already purely transparent (cooked at 180 ° C for 8-9 minutes);
    • Roasted (well done) - well-done meat, almost completely without juice (fried at 180 ° C for 8-9 minutes and steamed).

    It is the desired type of steak that determines how much meat needs to be cooked, but we must not forget that the thickness of the steak also affects the cooking time - the larger it is, the longer it needs to be cooked, and the selected type of meat - for example, tenderloin cooks faster than flank or rump.

    Keeping all these nuances in mind, focusing on everything, you can cook delicious steaks that are not dry or tough.

    Delicious steak recipes

    Of course, steaks are different not only in terms of the degree of roasting: there are also chopped steaks (from minced meat or minced meat), they are also fried in batter, with an egg, etc. We will talk about different recipes cooking steaks.

    classic steak recipe

    You will need: 160g beef tenderloin, 150g side dish, 50g meat broth concentrated, 15g horseradish root, 10g butter, pepper, salt.

    How to cook a classic steak. Cut the thickened part of the fillet tenderloin into portioned steaks 2-3 cm thick, then beat them to a thickness of 1.5-2 cm, giving a round or oval shape. Grate the meat with salt and pepper, fry in a pan with butter or margarine for 7-15 minutes until the desired degree of roasting on both sides. Put the finished steak on a dish, garnish with fried potatoes, rub the horseradish on top, pour the meat with meat broth and butter.

    Recipe for chopped steak with onions

    You will need: 600g garnish, 460g beef, 240g onion, 80g bacon/fat, 60g ghee, pepper, salt.

    How to cook chopped steak with onions. Finely chop or twist the meat in a meat grinder (preferably chopped), combine with finely chopped bacon, mix, pepper and salt, form steaks 1.5-2 cm thick from minced meat. Finely chop the onion, heat in a pan melted butter, lay out the steaks, cover with onions, fry until the desired degree of readiness, stirring the onions and turning the meat over. Garnish when served fried or boiled potatoes, beans or pasta.

    Any taste meat dish, as you know, depends largely on how the meat is prepared and what sauce it is combined with. The following recipe will allow you to cook a steak for real gourmets.

    Recipe for steak with marinade sauce

    You will need: 125g beef fillet, 4 tbsp. butter, 3 tbsp. black ground pepper, 2 tbsp. olive oil and cognac, 1 tbsp. concentrated meat broth, 2 tsp. salt, ¼ cup dessert white wine.

    How to cook steak with sauce. Cut off all the fat from the beef tenderloin, cut it into two portioned slices 5 cm thick, grate with pepper and salt, fry in a pan with hot olive oil on both sides, then bring to the desired degree of readiness over medium heat. Put the meat on a plate, in the pan where it was fried, pour in brandy, wine, broth and bring to a boil, mix and pour over the meat.

    Well, the last two steak recipes in our article are in different sauces thanks to which the dish turns out very tender and tasty. Take note of these recipes - dishes prepared according to them are suitable for any holiday.

    Recipe for baked steak with mushroom sauce

    You will need: 240g beef, 100g onion, 50g mushrooms, 10g vegetable oil, 1 boiled egg, Bay leaf, pepper, salt.

    How to cook a steak mushroom sauce. Fry the steak, put in a baking dish. Fry the onion until lightly browned in the same pan. Saute mushrooms or boil them. Finely chop the egg, combine with onions and mushrooms, mix, pepper and salt. Put the prepared mixture on the meat, bake in the oven until light golden brown.

    Recipe for steak in sour cream

    You will need: 1 kg of beef tenderloin, 4 onions each, a pinch of grated lemon zest and tbsp. sour cream, vegetable oil, black pepper, parsley, salt.

    How to cook steak in sour cream. Cut the meat into 4 steaks, but do not beat, rub with pepper and salt, leave for 30 minutes, then with a small amount fry butter on both sides. In the same pan, fry the onion until browned, put the steaks on top, pour over everything with sour cream and sprinkle with lemon zest, herbs, simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from heat and serve with salad and garnish.

    Beefsteak is, moreover, international, wherever you come, you will find this dish on the menu everywhere good restaurants. Make your family and friends happy wonderful dish on holidays or at a regular dinner, they will appreciate it!

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