Fat pate. Beef liver pate with lard

Many of us do not like chicken liver because of its specific bitter taste and dry flesh. I offer a great culinary idea: go for a trick and turn the liver into the most delicate pate.

To give a pleasant taste and juicy structure, we will stew the liver in milk, and then mix the crushed liver mass with fried vegetables (onions and carrots) and lard.

Cooking takes little time, but it turns out satisfying, tasty and healthy. Such a pate can be given to a child with confidence, because it does not contain harmful flavorings and preservatives. The only recommendation: if your children are of preschool age, in the process of preparing a liver pate, halve the amount of hot pepper and lard, since it is contraindicated for babies to eat too fatty and spicy foods.

Chicken liver pate with bacon and carrots can be used to make sandwiches, pita rolls, snack cakes. Chicken pate is an excellent filling for thin pancakes, pies and shortcrust pastry baskets.

Recipe Information

Method of preparation: frying, stewing, chopping.

Total cooking time: 1 hour

Servings Per Container: 8.


  • chicken liver - 800 g
  • pork fat - 450 g
  • onion - 400 g
  • carrots - 400 g
  • milk - 200 ml
  • black pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • pomegranate seeds - for decoration (optional).


  • Peel the carrots, cut into large pieces.
  • Peel the onion, cut into large pieces.
  • Salo cut.
  • Put onions, lard and carrots in a pan, add 2 tablespoons of rast. oil and fry until golden brown.
  • Clean the liver from fibers, bile ducts.
  • Add to fried bacon with vegetables.
  • Fry for 5-6 minutes.
  • Let the veggies cool down.
  • Can be served as an independent dish with potatoes.
  • For the pate, scroll everything through a meat grinder.
  • Put in a pan, add milk and simmer for 7 minutes.
  • Break the heated mass with a blender.
  • Add a glass of water, salt, pepper to taste and simmer, stirring, until the liquid evaporates.
  • As it cools, the paste will become firm. When serving, chicken liver pate or sandwiches from it can be decorated with fresh herbs, pomegranate seeds, chopped boiled egg. The taste of the pate is perfectly complemented by lightly salted cucumbers.
  • Such a pate can be prepared for the future: put it in a glass jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. If you want to extend the shelf life to several months - place the pate in a plastic bag, and then in the freezer. If necessary, you can always defrost it with a microwave oven and feed unexpected guests.

  • Note to the owner:

    • In a similar way, you can cook a delicious turkey or goose liver pate.
    • Salo for making pate can be used salted or smoked, however, less salt should be added to the pate. Thanks to the smoked lard, the pate will acquire a special flavor.

    Calories: Not specified
    Time for preparing: Not specified

    The addition of bacon to the liver pate is justified. Firstly, the pate becomes much juicier and tastier. Secondly, there is no need to introduce butter. Melted lard, when cooled, binds all the components well, the pate mass turns out to be dense, but soft, plastic and keeps its shape well. This is very convenient, especially if you are going to serve liver pate to the festive table or as a buffet appetizer. Even after a few hours, the paste will not spread, it will remain as dense as it was fresh from the refrigerator. Well, the taste of the liver pate improves with the addition of fat - the fat softens the harsh taste of the fried liver, the characteristic bitterness is not felt at all. The recipe for liver pate with lard is quite simple, so it is easy to make at home. The liver can be used pork or beef. Although it turns out excellent from chicken liver.


    - Pork or beef liver - 500-600 gr;
    - fresh lard - 100 gr;
    - carrots - 1 large;
    - onions - 2 large onions;
    - salt - to taste;
    - ground black or white pepper - to taste;
    - ground nutmeg - 2-3 pinches.

    Recipe with photo step by step:

    Pork fat is better to take fresh, not salty and not frozen. Remove the skin, cut the fat into small pieces or thin plates. Pour into a dry hot frying pan and melt the fat over low heat. The pan should not be overheated, otherwise the rendered fat will have a rancid taste.

    When there is enough fat, move the cracklings to the side and add onions, cut into half rings or small cubes, into the pan. Fry until soft, without browning.

    Cut the carrots into strips, transfer to the onion and continue to fry the vegetables until the carrots become soft.

    Cut off the ducts and films from the liver, wash the liver. Leave the vegetables on a quiet fire so that they become completely soft, at this time cut the liver into medium-sized pieces. Add to vegetables. Stir immediately and make the fire stronger.

    Fry the liver with vegetables for about five minutes over high heat until the color changes from reddish to dark. Cover with a lid, reduce heat and simmer the liver for 10-15 minutes until fully cooked. Pieces of a well-done liver on the cut will have an even grayish-brown color, the juice flows out transparently.

    Transfer the liver along with pieces of vegetables and cracklings into a meat grinder, skip twice. You can immediately grind with a blender, but in this case, small pieces may come across in the pate mass, the pate will not turn out to be completely homogeneous.

    Grind the minced liver with an immersion blender until a smooth, homogeneous consistency. If the mass is very steep, dense, you can pour a couple of tablespoons of cream or milk. Salt the finished pate to taste, season with black or white pepper, nutmeg. Transfer to a container or jar and refrigerate for several hours.

    Liver pate with bacon, onions and carrots can be served as a cold appetizer or used for stuffing eggs, cooking

    For the first time, Pushkin A.S. spoke about pate. in his novel Eugene Onegin. He described a Strasbourg puff pastry pie with a delicate filling. In our country, mostly pates are prepared from the liver. Today we will tell you how to cook a tender and spicy pork liver pate.

    Many of us love pate. It can be spread on sandwiches or served with a side dish. Also, various pastries are stuffed with pates. Housewives prefer to cook beef or chicken liver pate, leaving aside the healthy pork offal. This is primarily due to the fact that pork liver is distinguished by its rigidity and bitterness.

    Believe me, you can make a delicious and soft pate from pork offal, which will appeal to all households. And the advice of experienced chefs will help you properly prepare such a dish:

    • to make a delicious pork liver pate at home, you should choose only high-quality and fresh products;
    • the film from the liver can be easily removed if it is first dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes;
    • to get rid of the taste of bitterness and make the liver soft, it is first recommended to soak it in whole milk, while the time directly depends on the size of the piece;
    • to give the pate a soft and delicate taste, be sure to add fresh lard;
    • so that the pate does not become weathered longer, it can be poured with melted butter on top;
    • you can store the pate in the refrigerator, after wrapping it with food film;
    • you can make a roll from the pate, and choose chilled butter as the filling;
    • boiled carrots must be added to the liver - it will give the finished dish additional juiciness;
    • add any seasonings and herbs to the pork liver pate;
    • liver pate can be preserved;
    • to prepare a spicy and original liver pate, you can use mushrooms, prunes, various vegetables;
    • to give the pate a uniform consistency, it should be twisted in a meat grinder or beat with a blender at least 3 times;
    • adding heavy cream will make the pate more juicy with a rich aroma;
    • the way the liver is processed (in a slow cooker, in a frying pan, in an oven) does not affect the taste of the pate.

    Tender pork pate with lard

    Liver and fresh lard are considered a classic set of products for preparing an exquisite and spicy pate. Thanks to the bacon, the pate will become more tender and acquire a rich taste. Choose only fresh pork liver, its surface should be bright and elastic.


    • 800 g of pork liver;
    • 2 onions;
    • carrots - 3 pcs.;
    • fresh pork fat - 250 g;
    • 200 g butter;
    • salt and seasonings to taste.


    Meat preservation for the winter

    Many housewives prepare food for the winter. And how pleasant it is to open an exquisite, fragrant preservation in the cold season! You can also preserve pork liver pate in jars. It should be stored in a cool place, preferably in a cellar or basement.


    • fresh pork liver - 3 kg;
    • pork or beef pulp - 3 kg;
    • fresh pork fat - 3 kg;
    • 15 chicken eggs;
    • 3 kg of onions;
    • table salt and seasonings to taste.


    1. Pre-pork liver should be thoroughly washed and cleaned from the film.
    2. When preparing canned pate, pork offal can not be soaked in whole milk.
    3. Using a meat grinder, blender or food processor, grind the liver, peeled onions, fresh lard and pork or beef pulp to the consistency of minced meat.
    4. It is necessary to pass these ingredients through a meat grinder up to 3 times to make the pate homogeneous and tender.
    5. In the resulting mixture, you need to lay out chicken eggs, salt and pepper, mix everything thoroughly.
    6. Banks of any denomination should first be sterilized.
    7. In prepared jars you need to spread the pate. Full jars should not be applied, about 3 cm should not reach the neck.
    8. Pour water into a large thick-walled pan so that it covers the walls of the cans a little more than half.
    9. On low heat, you need to boil the pate for 4 hours. The pot lid must be tightly closed.
    10. In conclusion, hot jars should be rolled up with lids, cooled and sent for storage in the basement or cellar.

    Pork Offal Pate

    From pork offal you can cook a delicious canned pate. Experienced housewives take pork liver as a basis, but add lungs, spleen, heart, kidneys, and also a head.


    • chopped pork head - 6500 g;
    • 1.2 kg of pork liver;
    • 1.5 kg lungs;
    • 1 kg heart;
    • 200 g of spleen;
    • 300 g of kidneys;
    • 500 g of pork pulp;
    • garlic cloves to taste;
    • salt, a mixture of peppers;
    • 3 large onions.


    1. The pork head must be cut into pieces and washed thoroughly.
    2. The rest of the pork by-products are also subject to careful processing.
    3. Kidneys, lungs, liver, spleen, heart, meat pulp and pork head cut into pieces should be put in separate pans.
    4. Place one head of onion in each pot.
    5. All ingredients must be cooked over moderate heat until tender.
    6. When the liver is almost cooked, add the peeled garlic cloves.
    7. The average cooking time for all components is 2.5 hours.
    8. Boiled offal must be cooled, the meat part separated from the bones, and then chopped in a meat grinder, blender or food processor.
    9. The prepared mixture must be seasoned with salt and pepper.
    10. Discard boiled garlic and onions.
    11. The resulting mixture must be decomposed into banks. Cans should not be filled to the brim.
    12. On a baking sheet covered with a towel or rag, you need to put the jars and cover them with lids without rubber bands.
    13. Pour water into the baking sheet so that it reaches the edge of the mold.
    14. A baking sheet with cans should be sent to a cold oven and simmer at the maximum temperature mark for 20 minutes.
    15. Then the fire must be reduced and continue to simmer the pate for another 2-2.5 hours, adding water if necessary.
    16. Hot jars should be rolled up with lids, cooled and stored in a refrigerator or basement. In this form, the paste is stored for a long time at room temperature.

    The liver stands out among all other organ meats for its usefulness and pronounced taste. It's easy to make, no matter which dish you choose. Let's discuss how to cook liver pate. It can be a great option for breakfast. And if the pate is also decorated a little, then it’s not a shame to put such a dish on the festive table.

    You can choose any liver for pate, but chicken is the softest and most tender. Plus, it's a little faster and easier to cook. Chicken liver will be the main ingredient in all the recipes in this article.

    The basic principle of making pate is chopping the liver with a grater, blender or meat grinder and adding other ingredients (for example, vegetables, herbs, boiled eggs). For a more delicate texture, milk or broth is added. And now let's talk about everything in more detail.

    Liver pate with lard

    Time for preparing

    calories per 100 grams

    Pate prepared according to this recipe is very easy to spread on a sandwich. When choosing lard, make sure it is fresh and soft. A dish with the addition of bacon differs from the rest in its high calorie content, so it is better for people on a diet to choose a different recipe.


    If the consistency seems too dry to you, add some liquid from the pan, then stir.

    Most housewives prepare pate according to this recipe. It is considered classic and does not contain any additional flavor components. You can take the recipe as a basis and modify it to your liking.

    Cooking time: half an hour

    Calories: 111 kcal / 100 g


    1. Wash and clean the vegetables, then grate them;
    2. Boil the liver in salted water for 15 minutes;
    3. When the liver is ready, remove it from the broth and let it cool, then scroll through a meat grinder;
    4. Fry the vegetables in hot vegetable oil, then add to the liver mass;
    5. Add butter to the liver and vegetables, softening it in advance. Salt, pepper, and then mix everything well;
    6. Put the pate in a mold and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    This is a really spicy and delicious dish that can pleasantly surprise guests. The combination of thyme, garlic and nutmeg with wine gives a delicious aroma that will soak the liver. Beautifully decorate the pate, and it will surely become the signature dish of any festive evening.

    Calories: 117 kcal / 100 g


    1. First, prepare a marinade for the liver from wine, grated garlic, salt, thyme and nutmeg. Place the liver in it and leave for a couple of hours;
    2. Clean the bulb. It is not necessary to cut it at this stage;
    3. Take the liver out of the marinade and put the onion in it. Put on a slow fire and simmer until the vegetable becomes soft and the liquid evaporates;
    4. Fry the liver in butter;
    5. Dissolve gelatin in 50 ml of cool water, heat, but do not bring to a boil;
    6. Combine onion and liver in one container (together in the remaining liquid) and blend;
    7. Add the prepared gelatin to the liver-onion mass. Stir the ingredients;
    8. Place the pâté in a pretty silicone mold and refrigerate for at least 4 hours;
    9. Turn the frozen pate onto a serving plate and decorate.

    This is another festive version of the pate, which will certainly captivate your guests with its originality and beauty. The liver goes well with cheese and tomatoes.

    Cooking time: 30 minutes

    Calories: 115 kcal / 100 g


    1. Wash and peel the onions and carrots, then grate them;
    2. Rinse and cut the liver;
    3. Fry the grated vegetables together with the liver in hot oil. Salt and lightly beat the mass with a blender;
    4. On a grater in a separate bowl, grate the cheese;
    5. Rinse the tomatoes and chop them as finely as possible with a knife, then add to the cheese. Chop the dill there, mix everything;
    6. Dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Pour one half into the liver and vegetable mass, and the second into the cheese and tomato mass. Don't forget to stir;
    7. Take a deep, but not very wide form, cover with a film;
    8. Lay the pate in layers, alternating cheese and tomatoes with liver and vegetables;
    9. Place the dish in the cold for 3 hours (or longer). Then invert onto a pretty platter and decorate.

    Pate - cooking in a slow cooker

    If you have such a miracle of technology in the kitchen as a slow cooker, then try to cook pate in it - it's quite simple.

    Cooking time: 35 minutes

    Calories: 112 kcal / 100 g


    1. Rinse the onion and carrot, grate;
    2. Pour any vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, for example, mustard oil, add chopped vegetables. After setting the “quenching” mode and closing the lid, cook for 15 minutes;
    3. Rinse the liver, cut into small pieces and dip in a slow cooker with vegetables. Salt, add seasonings, mixing thoroughly;
    4. After 10 minutes, remove the contents of the multicooker. Cool, then add soft butter and puree the mass with a blender;
    5. You should get a pasty, tender texture that is easy to spread on bread. Enjoy your meal!

    Secrets of experienced housewives

    The preparation of even such a simple dish as a liver pate has its own secrets:

    1. Before you start cooking the liver pate, you need to rinse the main ingredient and soak in milk for a while. This procedure will give your dish tenderness and lightness, the pate will turn out to be a little crumbly and pasty. In addition, milk will absorb excess bitterness;
    2. Whatever method of heat treatment you choose, it is very important to correctly observe the temperature and time. If during cutting it turns out that the liver is not ready, then this can still be corrected. But if you overdo it on the stove - the dish is hopelessly spoiled;
    3. Where liver stewing is required, instead of water, it would be good to use meat broth (chicken is best). This will allow the taste and aroma of the liver to open up even more, to make it juicier;
    4. To spice up the dish, not only spices are used, but also various oils. Traditionally, sunflower or cream is used, but there is also mustard, olive, pumpkin and many others. Spasser vegetables in oil and you will see how their absolutely new taste and aroma will be revealed;
    5. If you don't have the butter you need in a recipe, don't substitute margarine for it. Better use unsweetened yogurt or sour cream;
    6. Don't be afraid to experiment. Liver pate is difficult to mess up with new ingredients. From vegetables, in addition to onions and carrots, you can add pumpkin, cauliflower or Beijing cabbage, zucchini, broccoli. Chicken eggs can be completely replaced with quail or duck. Mushrooms go well with liver. And how many different types of spices and herbs exist that allow you to create a new culinary masterpiece every time - do not count;
    7. If you have cooked the pate and it seems dry - do not despair, you have two options for what to do: pour the liquid remaining after stewing or boiling into the pate, then mix until smooth, if there is no such liquid left, ordinary milk will do;
    8. An important part of the preparation of liver pate is the design, because the dish should not only be tasty, but also look aesthetically pleasing. Whatever the shape and consistency of the dish you choose, decorate it with slices of vegetables, grated egg, herbs, crushed nuts or pomegranate seeds.

    A homemade pâté will never compare to those sold in supermarkets. It is much tastier, healthier and safer. In addition, you can add all the ingredients for this dish, focusing on your own taste. Cook with love and you will definitely succeed.

    Calories: Not specified
    Time for preparing: Not specified

    Pork liver has a slightly harsh taste compared to chicken, and the texture after frying is denser. Therefore, pork liver pate is not as tender and juicy as chicken or turkey liver pate. But there is a proven method that will help you prepare a wonderful pâté both in taste and consistency: liver pieces should be fried over a very quiet fire along with vegetables and lard. Onions and carrots will add juiciness to the pate, it will not be dense and rough. See also this one.
    And the fat melted from pieces of bacon will make the taste of the liver softer, the bitterness, which many do not like in pates, will disappear. When cooled, the fat will thicken, the pork liver pate, a recipe with a photo with lard, will become more dense and will keep its shape well, but at the same time remain soft, plastic. It is not necessary to add butter, it may be needed only if the mass turned out to be steep. However, there are alternative options: add a little heavy cream, milk or a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.


    - pork liver - 450-500 gr.;
    - carrots - 1 large;
    - onion - 2 large heads;
    - fresh lard - 100 gr.;
    - salt - to taste;
    - black pepper - 2-3 pinches;
    - bay leaf - 1-2 leaves;
    - butter - 70-80 gr. (if necessary).

    How to cook with a photo step by step

    We use only fresh or frozen lard for pate. Smoked or bacon with spices will not work - a strong aroma of smoked and spices will kill all other tastes. Cut the lard into medium-sized pieces. We spread it on a dry hot frying pan and melt it for 5-7 minutes over low heat. It is important not to overexpose the fat in a hot pan so that a burnt aftertaste does not appear.

    While the fat is melting, cut the onion into thin half rings or small cubes. Pour into boiling fat, pushing pieces of fat to the walls of the stewpan. Fry for a few minutes, leaving the fire low.

    Peel and thinly cut the carrots. The thinner the cut, the faster the carrot will become soft. You can grate it, but there is a risk that you overlook the vegetables and the carrots will fry. And we just need to soften it, not browning. We send the carrots to the onion and continue to simmer the vegetables over low heat. See also this one.

    My liver, remove the ducts, films. Cut into medium-sized pieces. Spread over soft vegetables. It is important to first bring the carrots and onions to readiness, then add the liver. Otherwise, the liver will already be ready, and the carrots will remain hard.

    Stir, salt to taste, season with freshly ground black pepper. You can add a little nutmeg or replace black pepper with white ground pepper. Together with spices, put one or two bay leaves.

    We continue to simmer the liver until cooked. All reddish areas should disappear, juice will no longer stand out from the pieces, the color of the liver will become dark, grayish-brown. To check the readiness, we cut the largest piece - on the cut, the liver will be of a uniform grayish color without pinkish areas. Juice stands out clear.

    We remove the bay leaf. We pass the liver along with lard and vegetables through a meat grinder one or two times. Primary grinding in a meat grinder will give a more uniform structure to the pate than if you immediately grind it with a blender. No less tasty is this one, easy to prepare.

    Cut soft butter into small pieces, add to chopped liver.

    Using a blender, we turn all the components into a homogeneous, viscous pate. If it turned out very cool, pour in a little cream or add sour cream. We puree again. We try on salt, spices. We shift the pork liver pate, recipe with a photo with bacon, into a container, cover and put in the refrigerator for several hours to infuse and thicken.

    Snacks can be served in a variety of ways. The simplest, everyday option is to spread slices of bread with liver pate and decorate with a slice of tomato and herbs. For a festive table, serving can be made more spectacular: fill tartlets with pate, make small canapes with cherry tomatoes or cucumbers, cheese. Or form a sausage, cut into slices and serve on a platter surrounded by herbs and fresh vegetables.

    Enjoy your meal!