Berries used to decorate cakes. Fresh fruits need to be prepared

Decorating cakes with fruits is the most beautiful of the most simple ways decorating baked goods. There are a lot of variations and I have collected photographs of the most (from my point of view) beautiful variations of decorating cakes with fruits. Below the photo I will list the fruits used. Some cakes are decorated using cake jelly. The easiest way is to buy semi-finished jelly in bags at the supermarket or prepare it yourself using the recipe described at the very end of this publication.

17 stunning fruit-decorated cakes

Fruit cake photo 1. Perhaps the simplest option. The outer circle uses tangerines and green grapes. And the rose in the center of the cake is made of canned mango (you can replace canned peaches large.

Fruit cake photo 2. Very beautiful and simple cake. Fruits used in decoration: strawberries, red currants (twigs) and black currants (berries). Colored powder looks very beautiful on a white cream background in combination with multi-colored fruits.

Fruit cake photo 3 ( Just a brilliant idea: a rainbow cake. There are many variations of this idea. Starting from the use of fruits and ending with the alternation of laying out colored sectors of fruits. The following fruits and berries are used in this recipe: raspberries, peaches, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries. You can add currants and canned peaches and mangoes and more and more and more.

Fruit cake photo 4. This cake is for gourmets and aesthetes. Minimalism and grace. To my taste, it’s simply great: fresh raspberries with small mint leaves. It’s also very tasty; when you bite into a piece of cake, your tongue will feel the fresh, sweet mint-raspberry taste.

Fruit cake photo 5. What did you put on the dark layer of chocolate glaze? These are: strawberry, kiwi, mango. For greater convenience when “eating,” the strawberries can be cut and placed in halves.

Fruit cake photo 6. Red and green are a wonderful color combination. Strawberries and raspberries - wonderful flavor combination. So just 3 fruits: raspberries, strawberries and kiwis...and such beauty!

Fruit cake photo 7. The real one home recipe, everything is simple and everything is accessible. Fan-sliced ​​large canned mango, kiwi and berries (blueberries or blueberries or black currants) placed in the center.

Cake with fruit photo 8. In this version of decorating the cake with fruit, the geometric arrangement is interesting fruit pieces. The fruit is fixed on a delicate buttery snow-white cream.

Fruit cake photo 9. This decoration is very suitable for huge cakes, which are cut into portioned square (or rectangular) pieces before serving. Used: pineapple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi and cherry.

Fruit cake photo 10. This is the depicted and embodied “Basket of Abundance”. A good and very varied selection of fruits: grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, canned peaches, apples. All this abundance is “carelessly” filled with jelly for the cake.

Cake with fruit photo 11. This cake is for children! Cake side: kiwi and currants. Owl: strawberries, banana, canned peach and currants for the eyes.

Cake with fruit photo 12. Sponge cake, the sides of which are lined with finely chopped nuts, and the creamy top is decorated with fruit. The fruits used were strawberries, kiwi and peaches. When decorating cakes, it is better to use canned peaches. Along with a piece of cake, the canned peach will be soft to bite and enjoyable to eat.

Fruit cake photo 13. Perhaps if the snow-white cream had not been laid out so professionally, perhaps this simple set of fruits would not have looked so beautiful. But in this snow-white creamy wave, they look simply amazing: orange, kiwi, pineapple, mango, tangerine. Placed “cocktail cherries” soaked in sugar syrup in the center of the cake.

Fruit cake photo 14. Despite the fact that this cake is made from watermelon (yes, from the pulp of a cold watermelon), the decoration idea can be used on ordinary sponge cakes. Beautiful leaves and flowers are cut out of kiwi and mango using small cutters for children's creativity. You can see everything else in the photo yourself.

Cake with fruit photo 15. I can’t help but post such a masterpiece, although most likely such a fruit design looks so impressive on a multi-tiered cake. But look how gorgeous the colors are: red, black and blue. This is a fruit assortment of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. All these berries can be bought in the supermarket in the frozen section. Although the raspberries used are fresh. And this is an important rule, since it is raspberries that lose their elastic and chic appearance after freezing. But you can buy blackberries and blueberries frozen (but of course good quality frozen ones).

The berries are also laid out seemingly simply, but very thoughtfully, maintaining uniformity of color and taste.

Try it and delight your guests with this berry fantasy!!!

Cake with fruit photo 16. It looks like all the same fruit, it looks like they just cut it up and laid it out. But an interesting solution: sides made of chocolate bars. And now it looks like a chocolate basket filled with fruit. Great solution! The only thing is, don’t get lost in search of white fruit with black dots. This is a Thai fruit called “dragon eye”. In general, it is not very tasty and not very juicy. Although it looks very bright. Replace it with something else.

Fruit cake photo 17. The cake is decorated with citrus slices: lemon, orange and blood orange. Sprigs of mint were added as a contrasting color. It will be even more beautiful if, before placing the slices on the cake, you dip them in a special gelatin composition (cake jelly). The fruit will shine!

Fruit cake photo 18. Cake from shortcrust pastry(possibly with filling). The laid out fruits are covered with a special jelly for the cake. It gives shine and tenderness.

Fruit cake 19. These delicate roses that cover the cake are made from orange peels. It is absolutely not easy to make. The only thing is that you may need time to “wind up” so many roses. The cake will also be fragrant.

When decorating confectionery products with fruit slices, housewives often make the mistake of placing the gifts of nature on baked goods in their natural form and oozing liquid.

The fruit quickly fades and the creamy decor becomes stained with juice. How do professional confectioners avoid these misunderstandings and what are the ways to decorate homemade culinary creations?

Decor filling

There are popular types of baked goods and confectionery, where fruits simultaneously perform two functions: they decorate the product and are at the same time a filling or an element of the top layer, that part of the cake without which it is impossible.

The most famous option, which takes 15 minutes to prepare, is “Charlotte”, the outer layer of which, after baking, becomes figuratively arranged apples with a crispy crust. All you have to do is sprinkle them with powdered sugar, and the cake is ready.

The second way is to place the berries under a layer of jelly. Using this technique, single-layer biscuits are made and multi-layer biscuit products are decorated. They are usually called “jelly cake”.

To create this dish you need:

  • cake with sides;
  • ready fruit jelly(which must be dissolved in water according to the instructions) or gelatin (mixed in the required proportions with fruit juice);
  • fruits.

It is important to remember that jelly is fruit cake It hardens in the refrigerator a little longer than regular jelly: fruits provide additional liquid.

To create a uniform coating for story cakes, not only cream, glaze or mastic is used: the use of fruit and sugar mass is also acceptable.

Puréed fruit is a favorite among confectionery finishings when you want to create a red or green colored surface. Kiwi, scrolled through a meat grinder, will help you depict a lawn or football field without hassle, and fresh strawberry “minced meat” with the addition of powdered sugar Cakes in the form of berries, mushrooms and ladies' accessories are beautifully decorated.


Decorating confectionery with whole fruit is the epitome of abundance fresh from the branch. Bunches of grapes and strawberries in droplets of “morning dew” look so impressive also thanks to gelatin. It is almost invisible on the surface, but does not allow the fruit to wither.

Several layers of gelatin mass are applied to the finished fruit composition with a silicone brush. Each layer (before applying the next) should be allowed to harden in the refrigerator.

To prevent the jelly composition from cooling prematurely, it is advisable to heat it in a water bath and not remove it from hot water before finishing decorating the cake.

Fruit flowers

Decorating sweets with apple and pear roses requires patience and scrupulousness.

First, the thinnest apple slices durum varieties or Chinese pear Boil in sugar syrup until soft but elastic. Roll into rosettes and secure with any viscous confectionery substance on the surface of the pie.

The artistic decoration of dishes, which involves carvings, curls and spirals of vegetables and fruits, has long been used only in the preparation of dishes by masters at professional competitions and in the design of salads and cold cuts in VIP restaurants. But the availability of technologies and devices for carving gave everyone the opportunity to try themselves in this art, which gave rise to a new genre - decorating confectionery products with fruit artistic compositions.

Cherry touch

“Wine berry” will help add bright colors to the snow-white fill of the product and give a finished look to the creamy decorative elements.

Culinary master classes often examine in detail the process of placing elements on the finished product, but do not answer the question of how to prepare berries if it is not possible to buy them in a store.

Cherries, which are used to decorate baked goods, ice cream and cocktails, are prepared in several ways:

  • soaked in cognac for at least 12 hours (used for cake " drunk cherry»);
  • infused with liqueur or subjected to complex chemical processing (clear cocktail Maraschino or Luciano cherries);
  • boiled in syrup and infused for three days in the refrigerator.

The latest technology is simple and harmless even for small children.

Non-alcoholic “drunk” cherry

Small cherries or cherries are best suited for making this sweet.

To prepare half a kilogram of sweet cherries, you will need very little time and a simple set of ingredients:

  • pitted cherries - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 450 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • zest of one orange;
  • one star anise;
  • pomegranate juice— 150 ml;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml.

So that the finished berries have not only taste, but also color, they can be tinted with food colorant.

  1. All liquids and spices must be placed in a saucepan and brought to a boil.
  2. Add cherries and cook until the syrup tastes like berries.
  3. Let cool and pour into a jar.
  4. Cherries infused for 72 hours turn into a wonderful delicacy and are used for confectionery decoration.

For the same purpose in confectionery art Canned fruits are also used - pineapple slices, halves of apricots and peaches. Pickled mango, cut into strips or thin slices, also looks beautiful in baked goods.

chocolate berry

In conclusion, we cannot help but recall another popular culinary trend - making chocolate-covered fruits as decoration elements or as an independent dessert.

Wash and dry strawberries or banana pieces are dipped in melted chocolate, rolled in coconut or ground nuts and placed on the cake.

You can decorate baked goods with cranberries in powdered sugar or stunningly beautiful transparent candied citrus slices - it all depends on the type of cake and the imagination of the cook.

Decorating a cake with fruits and berries is always a winning solution. Such confectionery products look bright, festive, and most importantly, they are healthy, since there are no dyes or dyes in the berry-fruit decor. harmful additives. To prepare fruit cakes, you don’t need any special skills: the cakes can be baked using any technology or bought in a store. We offer advice from experienced confectioners on how to different ways decorate the cake with fruits or berries.

Rules for decorating cakes with fruits

A cake beautifully decorated with fruit will become a real pearl of any celebration and a source of pride for the hostess. To ready product has retained its shape, you need to follow certain rules for decorating a cake with fruit:

  1. Preparing the cakes. They are well soaked in cream, to which, if desired, they are added canned fruits. Important condition– the last cake layer should be covered with a thin layer of cream layer. This will prevent the fruit pieces from sliding off the dessert.
  2. Fruits. Confectionery products are decorated with fresh, frozen or canned fruits. Cakes decorated with fresh berries. Fruits prepared for future use must first be thawed and the resulting juice drained before use. Place the preserved mixture in a sieve to drain the syrup. Fruits are laid out in the form of figures (heart, animals, flowers, numbers, fairy-tale characters) or chaotically. Don't forget about a reasonable combination of shades.
  3. Jelly. They pour it over a cake decorated with fruits so that they are better attached to the surface of the sweet product. It is better to use ready-made jelly powder. Just dilute it with water according to the instructions on the package and pour liquid jelly over the cake.
  4. Additional decoration. The fruit-decorated cake is decorated with chocolate, powdered sugar, confectionery sprinkles and other elements. Pieces or whole fruits dipped in melted chocolate look elegant.
  5. Surface. The fruit decoration will ideally adhere to the top cake covered with whipped cream, cream, or unfrozen glaze. Mastic, marzipan and hardening glaze cannot be used.

Fruits are an excellent solution for decorating a cake and decorating other sweet products or baked goods: muffins, cupcakes, pies, desserts.

Choosing fruits

Not all fruits can be used to decorate confectionery products. To beautifully decorate a cake with fruits, choose each one carefully. Only strong fruits without dents, dark spots, cracks or other damage are suitable. Overripe and very juicy ones are not suitable, since the juice they secrete will spoil the presentation of the cake.

Most often used to decorate a cake:

  • pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, peaches, apricots (fresh or canned);
  • citrus fruits (tangerine, orange, grapefruit);
  • apples, pears, bananas, plums;
  • strawberries, blueberries, currants (black and red), grapes.

Some fruits lose their taste and attractiveness after defrosting. It is not advisable to decorate products with such fruits. In this list:

  • watermelon melon;
  • persimmon;
  • cherry, pomegranate;
  • gooseberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries;
  • lime.

If you plan to decorate a cake filled with jelly with kiwi or pineapple, then first pour boiling water over them. Otherwise, they will not allow the jelly mass to harden.

Preparation for registration

You should start decorating a cake with fresh fruits and berries by preparing the fruits.

To do this you need:

  • choose beautiful, ripe, but strong fruits or berries;
  • wash them thoroughly under running water and dry on a towel;
  • remove leaves, seeds, stalks, and from citrus fruits – peel, film;
  • remove seeds and cut.

For beautiful design confectionery fruits are cut in a certain way:

  • cut apples, pears, mangoes, kiwis and others into thin slices and circles;
  • apricots, peaches - in halves, as well as slices or quarters;
  • bananas - in elongated circles;
  • fresh berries are usually placed whole; only large grapes can be cut into halves.

If you are registering chopped apples, then sprinkle lemon juice so that the used fruit does not darken.

You can cut roses, records or other various shapes from large fruits at home. Beautiful cutting obtained by using a knife with a thin blade or a special slicer.

Using canned fruits involves placing them in a sieve/colander to drain excess liquid.

When designing a product, select fruits based on shape, size, and color. Usually large fruits/berries are placed in the center, smaller ones - along the edges. The choice of color combinations depends solely on your imagination and artistic abilities.

How to decorate a cake with fruits yourself

Decorating cakes with fruits is a simple (if you don’t take into account complex options), quick and beautiful technique for decorating confectionery products. There are many ways to decorate a cake with fruits and berries at home. We offer some options suitable for a novice pastry chef:

  1. Minimalism. Not required a large number of fruits and berries. They can be placed on the cake, greased with cream, at a short distance from each other along the edges, in the center, on one side of the cake, depending on what shape it is and how well your imagination works. Decorate the center of the product with a large fruit. Combine by color scheme: Fruits of contrasting color look best on a light cream.
  2. Rainbow. You will need fruits of several types and different colors (preferably from a rainbow palette). Cut the fruits and arrange them in a circle, starting from the center and alternating by color. The sides can be decorated with fruit slices or cookies. You can conditionally (or carefully use a knife) divide the surface of the cake, coated with cream or whipped cream, into several zones, including the sides (triangles, stripes), then fill them with one layer of berries/fruits of different colors.
  3. Mono. A very elegant way of decorating sweets, when the basis is taken of one type of fruit and berries, contrasting color with the creamy mass. For example, white and red, white and black, white and green, etc. Give free rein to your imagination: there are a lot of options.
  4. Chaotic. Cut the fruits, take the berries whole. Mix the prepared fruits in a cup and place evenly on the top crust, the surface of which should be sticky. Usually they use kiwi, pineapple, currants, cherries, blueberries, and citrus fruits.
  5. Flowers and ornament. From thinly sliced ​​apples, oranges and other fruits using a slicer, form beautiful voluminous flowers. Gather the slices into a rosette and place on the surface of the cake. Decorate the edges with grapes or other fruits. Large berries can be used to make ornaments.
  6. Cubes. The delicacy in the shape of a hemisphere, decorated with fruit cubes, looks unusual and interesting. Cover with sticky cream. Place a circle of strawberries in the center, divide the remaining space into 6 equal parts and decorate them with cubes of orange, pineapple, banana, kiwi, and currants.
  7. Volume. Place the prepared fruits and berries for decoration onto a toothpick and place on the surface of the cake. You can choose any form. This method will add volume to the confectionery product. Medium-sized fruits are optimal: strawberries, apricots, raspberries, cherries.
  8. A combination of large berries and fruit slices. Prepare tangerines, large grapes and mangoes (fresh or canned). Place a flower of mango slices in the center, slightly overlapping each other. Place grape halves and tangerine slices alternately around the perimeter.

As you can see, it is very easy to make an original fruit decoration for a confectionery product with your own hands. Don't be afraid to experiment: you won't spoil the cake with fruit.

Video of collecting and decorating a cake with fruits

How to decorate a cake with frozen fruit

Frozen fruits are often used to decorate a cake with berries. The main thing is that the fruits/berries do not get lost after defrosting. appearance. Optimal for confectioners are pineapples, cherries and any berries. In this case, it is important to defrost them correctly. To do this, send the fruits removed from the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator, and only then, after a few hours, continue defrosting at room temperature. This approach will allow the berries to maintain their shape and attractiveness.

For the base of the cake, use a cream with a dense consistency (curd or butter), which does not allow the fruit juice released after freezing. The confectionery product will have a more impressive and delicate appearance if you pour jelly on top.

Decoration with fruits and chocolate is considered popular. Experienced confectioners practice freezing fruit in chocolate. Dip them in melted chocolate, place them on parchment paper and send them to freezer for a quarter of an hour. Then place them on the chocolate cake, combining them with citrus slices.

Cakes decorated with fruits and chocolate

Chocolate is recognized as a universal product for decorating confectionery products; it goes well with most products suitable for decoration.

Commonly used:

  1. Chocolate chips. Cover the sides and top surface of the cake coated with cream mixture. It's very simple to prepare: grate the chilled chocolate bar grate or slice with a knife.
  2. Chocolate glaze. Melt in a water bath or in microwave oven chocolate, mix with a small amount cream/milk. Treat the surface of the product with the prepared glaze or make chocolate streaks. Refrigerate the cake for at least 4 hours before frosting.
  3. "Lace" made of chocolate. Melted chocolate is a great opportunity to draw any pattern, figure, picture. Draw them on parchment, let them harden, and decorate the cake.
  4. Glazed fruits and berries – best decoration chocolate cake. Dip the fruits in powdered sugar and then in hot chocolate glaze. Place on greased foil to set and decorate the cake.

You can decorate fruits and berries with chocolate icing. Fill a confectionery syringe or a parchment bag with melted chocolate, and paint the fruits as much as your imagination allows.

A wonderful addition to the chocolate and fruit decor would be decorating the cake with candies, other sweets and mini chocolates.

How to decorate a cake with fruits in jelly

The optimal solution for decorating a sponge cake is fruit in jelly. This allows you to create tall multi-layer products. Jelly-coated fruits and berries can be used to decorate not only the surface, but also be used as a layer. In the latter case, a layer of dense cream, fruit confiture, jam or soufflé is placed between the cake and the jelly-fruit mass. It is important to follow the recommendations of experienced confectioners when preparing jelly for decorating cakes with fruit.

You will need:

  • gelatin – 1 pack (20 g);
  • drinking water or juice – 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

First you need to prepare the jelly mass:

  • Dissolve the gelatin with water, stir thoroughly and let it brew for half an hour;
  • pour juice into an iron container, add sugar and put on fire;
  • bring the mixture to a boil and pour in the gelatin in a stream, remembering to stir constantly until completely dissolved;
  • wait until the mixture cools and thickens slightly.

Then, to decorate the cake with berries and fruits in jelly, the following procedure:

  1. Apply a thin layer of confiture and jam to the surface of the cake. This will prevent the jelly from being absorbed into the cake.
  2. Place the sweet product in springform, put on a pastry ring of suitable diameter and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Fruits for decoration should also be chilled.
  3. You need to start pouring the jelly into the cake in a spiral, moving from the center to the edges and evenly distributing the gelatin mass. The stream should be very thin.
  4. It is important to choose the color of the jelly. A universal option is colorless. Red color is suitable for decorating strawberries, raspberries, currants, yellow - for bananas, pineapples, apricots, citrus fruits, etc. In this case, a small amount of dye must be added when cooking the gelatin mass.

Be careful when gelling kiwi, pineapple and citrus fruits. They may prevent freezing. To avoid this, pour boiling water over them.

Berries and fruits are cut into thin slices and arranged randomly, based on the individual preferences of the novice confectioner or his family members.

Decorating cakes with carving

Carving is considered a complex way of decorating cakes with fruit. However, this technique is within the capabilities of even novice masters. The main thing is to cut the fruits in a certain sequence with a thin knife.

It is necessary to have special devices - a slicer, a thin carving knife, a vegetable peeler.

It is better to start experiments with familiar fruits.

We offer some carving ideas with apples and pears:

  1. Apple basket. Cut the fruit in half, scrape out some of the pulp from one half with a spoon to imitate a basket. Cut a flower from the second, string it onto a toothpick and insert it into the lower half (basket). Fill it with other fruits and berries. Such baskets can also be made from other oval-shaped fruits - mango, peach, etc.
  2. Flower. Cut the apple into halves, remove the seeds and cut into very thin slices. Form them into a flower. Apple slices can be blanched in syrup or coated with a thin layer of jelly.
  3. Leaves. In the center of the apple quarter, make a longitudinal notch, the edges are jagged, reminiscent of leaves.
  4. Pear hedgehog. Peel two-thirds of the fruit from the narrow side. Simulate needles by inserting toothpicks with stringed grapes into the pear. In the peeled part, make the nose and eyes using currants or blueberries.
  5. Strawberry flowers. You can cut the berries into thin slices and arrange flowers from them in the center of the cake. The best solution for a volumetric composition is to place a cake or chocolate vase in the recess. You can cut the berries to the base and slightly open the resulting petals. Then thread it onto a skewer/toothpick and attach it to the crust.
  6. Asterisks. Using a knife, cut parallel indentations along the peeled banana and then cut into circles. Decorate the cake with the resulting stars in accordance with your idea.

With the help of berries and fruits you can make original jewelry without any special equipment. For example, small berries of different colors are suitable for placing congratulations, pictures or other patterns on the cake, which can be covered with jelly.

Decorating cakes with fruits and berries does not have strict standards and does not require special skills. Final result depends on the imagination, taste and invention of the confectioner. In any case, fruit and berry decoration always looks bright, festive and will be appropriate for any event.

The choice of decoration depends on the theme of the celebration.

  • cakes of any shape are suitable for berry and fruit decoration: round, oval, square, curly, etc.;
  • figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters cut out of fruits are ideal for children;
  • flowers, geometric and other shapes (heart, sun, etc.) are considered universal decor;
  • fruits and small berries of different colors cut in various ways are the optimal solution for laying out ornaments and subject pictures;
  • Cakes that are decorated with fruits dipped in chocolate or sprinkled with powdered sugar, cinnamon, ground nuts, look advantageous and original. coconut flakes, poppy seeds, almond flakes, etc.;
  • large fruits are placed in the center, small ones are laid out along the edges;
  • the best cream for fruit cake is custard, protein or butter;
  • If the cream is too sweet, fruits or berries with sourness will help balance the taste of the dessert;
  • pieces of fruit and berries can be placed between the cakes: they are most often filled with canned peaches, pineapples, cherries;
  • Mint is considered the optimal addition to fruits, however, you can also choose vegetables for decoration.

When using powdered sugar as a topping, do not forget that the fruits must be dry.

Even if you randomly arrange fruits and berries on the cake, they will look original and beautiful on a lush creamy layer.

A cake made and decorated by yourself is always a favorite of any celebration. And if not everything planned can be translated into reality the first time, do not despair. Season your confectionery masterpiece with a good mood and imbue it with love for your loved ones. Don’t be afraid to overdo it with creativity, and then success and admiration from your family are guaranteed.

Decorating a cake with fruit requires creativity. To make a dessert look like it deserves 1000 likes on Instagram, you need to think through the composition and properly prepare fruits and berries for it.

Almost any fruit is useful for decoration:

  • apples and pears from our own dacha;
  • southern guests: apricots, peaches, nectarines, citruses, grapes, figs;
  • exotic mango, papaya.

Taking into account the properties of the product, each type is prepared using its own technology.

  • Fresh seasonal fruits can simply be washed and dried on a napkin. Unripe, overripe or bruised fruits should not be used. Be sure to remove the seeds and hard peel.
  • Place the canned fruit in a colander and dry thoroughly.
  • Frozen fruit releases too much liquid. To avoid this, they are slowly defrosted - first in the refrigerator, and then in the room. Excess juice is allowed to drain completely. Wet pieces can be powdered with starch or covered with a layer of jelly.
  • There are fewer problems with candied fruits. They can be used ready-made.

The main rule: you need to decorate the dessert with fruits and berries before serving, before the decorations are lost fresh look and didn't spoil the cake.

Fruits not suitable for cake decoration

Rarely used for decoration:

  • too sour lemon and lime;
  • overly juicy passion fruit, melon and watermelon;
  • pomegranate, bird cherry and similar fruits from which the seeds cannot be removed.

If the confectioner's plan requires going to extremes, you can always find a way out. If desired, you can use watermelon slices under a layer of jelly or fried cubes of pulp, and lemon slices can be simmered in sugar syrup.

Decorating a cake with fruits: the best ideas

The easiest way is to place the fruit on top of the cake.

Possible options:

  • a single apricot with a leaf in a minimalist style;
  • chaotic arrangement of small elements;
  • a wreath of bright fruits laid out along the edge;
  • volumetric composition in the center of the cake.

Small fruits are laid out whole, in slices or decorated using the carving technique. Flowers and figures cut out from fruits will definitely attract attention to the dessert.

To work, you will need at least a pair of sharp thin knives of different sizes with flexible blades. A full set of special instruments will only be required for complex compositions.

Simple ways to create flowers:

“Rose” from citrus slices.

  1. Cut the fruit in half.
  2. Divide each part into thin flexible semicircular slices.
  3. Lay out several pieces overlapping in a straight line.
  4. Roll into a tight roll.

"Chamomile" from melon.

  1. Cut a thin slice of melon.
  2. Use a flower-shaped cookie cutter to cut out the base for the daisy.
  3. Make a center out of yellow cream or grapes. The “flower” can be secured with jelly or a toothpick.

"Flower" from an apple.

  1. Remove the stalk with the tip of a knife. The resulting depression is the center of the “flower”. It can be covered with a bright berry.
  2. Peel around the circumference in the form of 6 - 7 thin pointed petals. They shouldn't touch.
  3. At a distance of 0.5 mm, draw a solid line with the tip of a knife, circling all the petals.
  4. Along the outer teeth of this line, cut the apple deeply around the circumference.
  5. Cut out triangles between the colored “petals” and the circle.
  6. When cutting a “flower” from an apple, you need to make sure that no core elements remain in it.

The sections should be lubricated with lemon juice or gelatin solution.

Using berries

A variety of berries are used:

  • all garden ones, except hard gooseberries;
  • wild strawberries, blueberries and blueberries;
  • candied cranberries;
  • exotic lychees.

Berries are processed in the same way as fruits. From fresh cherries Do not remove the seeds; a lot of juice will flow from the berries. It is better to leave the stem so that it is convenient to take the fruit from the plate and eat it separately from the cake. The stalks and small fresh leaves can be left on strawberries and currants.

The berries are used whole or cut into slices to lay out the background. The fleshy fruits are used for carving. For example, strawberries make beautiful roses.

  1. Place the berry on a skewer.
  2. Use the tip of a knife to make deep cuts in a checkerboard pattern. You need to start from the stalk, with three or four petals.
  3. In each subsequent tier, the petals should be thinner and shorter.
  4. Shallowly cut the crown in half.

The fruits of Physalis edible are also used to decorate cakes. Bright orange boxes that look like paper lanterns look impressive. Individual berries are used in carving compositions.

Decoration with chocolate

When decorating dessert, various combinations are used. For example, decorating a cake with fruit and chocolate is always a good idea.

  • Melted chocolate. Pieces of fruit or large berries You can dip them in it to stick them to each other and to the cake.
  • Chocolate icing: 150 g sugar, 150 g cocoa, 200 ml milk, 100 g butter. The whole cake is covered with the composition to protect it from fruit juice. You can pour the cake only around the circumference, creating decorative drips. This technique successfully complements fruit wreaths.
  • Ready chocolate candies and chocolate slices can become part of the fruit composition.

How to decorate with cream

You can decorate a homemade cake sprinkled with sponge crumbs with fruit, but colored slices look much more impressive on white cream. In addition, a layer of cream will fix the decorative elements, and the berries will not roll off the cake when serving.

For fruit decoration, thick creams are used.


  • two proteins;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • a couple drops of lemon juice.

Beat until fluffy.


  • 100 g butter;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 60 ml water.

For flavor, add 20 g of liqueur or fruit juice.

  1. Boil sticky sugar syrup.
  2. Cool and beat with softened butter.

Sour cream:

  • 200 g farm sour cream;
  • 100 g powder;
  • 10 g gelatin.

Cool the sour cream to 1 – 3 ºС.

  1. Beat the sour cream.
  2. Add powder little by little.
  3. Flavor with vanilla extract if desired.
  4. Pour in the warm gelatin solution.

The entire cake is covered with cream. This creates a thick protective layer that protects the cakes from fruit juice. In addition, the cream is used to make raised edges or small inclusions in a fruit composition. To do this, use a pastry bag with curly nozzles.

The sweeter the cream, the more sour the fruit for decoration.

Decorating a jelly cake with fruits

You will need:

  • gelatin;
  • water;
  • sugar.

The taste and smell of gelatin can be hidden by adding a drop of lemon juice.

  1. Gelatin is prepared according to instructions.
  2. Sugar is added to the hot solution.
  3. Cool until the liquid has noticeable viscosity, but a film has not yet formed on the surface.
  4. Pieces of fruit can be dipped in the solution or coated with a brush.
  5. The fruits in the frozen jelly film are transferred to the cake.
  6. To hold the entire composition together, pour a small amount of solution directly onto the cake.

The cake can be completely covered with a layer of jelly with fruit.

Decoration is done at the first stage of preparing the dessert:

  1. Place fruit on the bottom of the greased pan. Multi-colored slices are used as mosaics. Halves of berries and small slices of fruit are collected into a composition and transferred to a bowl, turning each piece wrong side up.
  2. Topped fruits are filled with jelly solution.
  3. Cool until completely frozen.
  4. Place cream and cake layers on top of the jelly, assembling the cake upside down.
  5. The soaked dessert is turned over onto a serving plate.
  6. To prevent the jelly layer from breaking, place the mold in hot water for a minute.

The jelly layer can also be applied to a fully prepared cake.

  1. Wrap the sides of the cake tightly with foil to create a protruding edge. You can use the ring in which the cake was assembled.
  2. Grease the top cake thickly with jam or cream so that the jelly is not absorbed into it.
  3. Lay out a composition of fruits.
  4. Fill them with jelly solution.
  5. Refrigerate until set.
  6. Remove the foil.
  7. Grease the sides with sticky cream. Attach long chocolates, waffle tubes or cookies like “ Lady fingers" The cake will turn into a spectacular fruit basket.

One thing to remember: the jelly will not harden if you put pineapple and kiwi in it. These fruits will have to be scalded with boiling water to stop the release of sour juice.

Decoration for multi-tiered cake

For the most special occasions, multi-tiered cakes weighing from 3 to 5 kg are prepared. Bright fruit compositions are perfect for decorating such a giant. You shouldn’t overload the cake; it’s already hard for it, especially for the lower tier.

The fruit composition includes:

  • cascade on one side;
  • in a spiral around the cake;
  • on each tier, in a continuous ring or in fragments;
  • just at the top to visually enlarge the cake.

All decorative elements must be gelled so that the cake, decorated with fruits and berries, lasts until the end of the celebration.

Fruit compositions can be diversified with additional elements:

  • tiny cupcakes;
  • colored macarons and meringues;
  • mastic decorations;
  • lollipops;
  • fresh flowers (use pretentious roses, orchids or modest daisies and cornflowers);
  • fresh mint leaves, thyme and so on.

A luxuriously decorated dessert will be remembered as a bright final chord of the holiday, but in the composition it is important to maintain a sense of proportion and style.

Everyone has known for a long time that decorating a cake requires special effort and certain skills. A confectionery masterpiece with a chic appearance will always delight those around you and the hero of the occasion. What exactly and how best to decorate a cake is up to each individual to decide, but there is nothing better than a cake that is decorated with fresh fruit.

The appearance of cakes, the top layer of which is decorated with fruits and berries, looks much more impressive and much healthier than the one covered with cream. The appetizing appearance of berries and fruits has long attracted confectioners and is therefore very often used in cooking.

You can make many variations of decorations with fresh fruits: pour in jelly, cut out various figures, lay out entire layers between the main cake layers.

But we must not forget that not all fruits and berries can be used to decorate a sweet dessert. The main reason for its unsuitability for decoration is the juiciness of the fruit. By releasing a large amount of juice, fruits can ruin the entire appearance of the cake.

The best fruits for decoration are:

  • citrus fruits (orange and tangerine);
  • apples, pear;
  • banana, mango, pineapple, kiwi;
  • peach, nectarine, apricot;
  • blueberries, strawberries.

  • lemon, lime;
  • persimmon, pomegranate;
  • blackberries, currants, gooseberries;
  • watermelon melon.

Sometimes canned fruit is used for decoration. But this is less common, since they contain more juice than fresh ones.

In order for fruits to look perfect, they need to be properly prepared before use. Each fruit requires a special approach. Citrus fruits must be peeled. Clear the pulp from the film and seeds so as not to damage the integrity.

Apples and pears must be thoroughly washed and cored. After cutting, it is advisable to sprinkle the apples with lemon juice so that they do not darken. You need to remove the stems from the berries. Peaches, nectarines, and mangoes must be pitted. Peel the pineapple and cut off the tail.

The shape of the cut is already determined after the decision on the type of cake decoration is made. There are many decoration options. Let's look at the fastest and most beautiful ways decorations

Method one: laying out the fruit in the top layer

To create a fruit layer, you need to cover the top layer of the cake with a thin layer of cream and immediately start laying out the fruit. For this method, all fruits are pre-cut into slices, slices or circles. The fruits are laid out very tightly to each other or with a slight overlap.

The layout may be different:

  • laying out by color;
  • mono-layout is a decoration with one fruit;
  • laying out fruits of different shapes;
  • others.

Method two: decorating the cake with fruits and jelly

An equally popular way to decorate a cake is to create a top cake in the form of beautifully arranged fruits, which are filled with jelly.

To do this, the cake is placed in a sliding form, which is covered from the inside. cling film. Fruits are placed on the top cake and filled with gelatin.

Please note that not all fruit freezes perfectly. It is not recommended to combine kiwi and citrus fruits with jelly. It is these varieties that produce acid, which cancels the effect of gelatin.

You can use packaged jelly from the store or make it yourself. For self-cooking you need to cook the compote and just add sugar and gelatin to it. For 400 ml of compote you need 30 grams of gelatin and ½ cup of sugar.

The third method is carving

Carving is the ability to beautifully cut vegetables and fruits of various shapes. Decoration culinary masterpieces this way is considered the peak of opportunity. In order to create a masterpiece, you need to have special tools and some skills in this craft.

From each fruit you can create certain figures that will later decorate the cake. Beginning craftsmen create flowers or fruit baskets from apples. From a pear and grapes you can make a beautiful hedgehog, which will be a perfect pair for a basket.

The fourth method is mixed decoration

Mixed decoration refers to a type of decoration that combines nuts, cream, cream and fruit. Using a mixed method of decorating cakes, entire compositions on various themes are created.

The most striking examples are fruity flower bouquets and cream lettering. Such cakes are usually made for birthday people or newlyweds.

Fifth method - decorating with images

This method is not very popular and is difficult to implement, but it is very effective. With the help of various fruits, various figures and images are laid out. The display of fruit is partial and not complete, as in the first method, so it is worth considering the background for the image.

Which method is more suitable for whom is a purely individual matter, so it’s worth trying, experimenting and creating! Inspiration to each of us!