Open puff pastry apple pie. Apple puff pastry pie recipe with photo step by step in the oven

Let's quickly bake a sweet open apple pie with frozen berries from ready-made puff pastry today. Sugar in this quick puff pie can be completely omitted, apples and berries will give sweetness or sourness. Great win-win option quick baking when guests are on the doorstep.

For the recipe for a sweet apple puff pastry pie, I needed:

  • Ready puff without yeast dough- one layer or half a pack,
  • Fresh apples - 4 pieces,
  • Fresh or frozen berries, I have red currants - 0.5 cups,
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons (this item is up to you).

How to make a sweet puff pastry pie

To be honest, it’s hard to call it a recipe, but it’s advice 🙂

The oven is already on for heating, as cooking will be very fast.

Puff pastry apples are rubbed on coarse grater, peel or not - it's up to you. Too much juicy apple will have to push a little.

The thawed layer of puff pastry is collected into a ball and thinly rolled out, this can be done immediately on baking paper for baking. The dough is placed on a baking sheet, a wide pan or a baking dish, I use a perforated pizza dish.

Grated apples are placed on a round puff pastry, berries are placed on top, I put frozen red currants, you can put black currants, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries ...

Sprinkle apple pie with berries on puff pastry with sugar and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees and bake until golden brown.

By the way, you can quickly and easily cook very tasty pie from puff pastry with other fillings:

  • Lemon pie with grated apples,
  • Grated raw pumpkin pie,
  • onion pie,
  • cabbage pie,
  • Chicken pie with boiled chicken pieces…

My apple pie from ready-made puff pastry for a quick simple recipe ready, I love pies with a thin layer of dough:

Most delicious recipes pies with apples

The classic puff pastry pie with apples, which we all remember well from childhood - attention to family, quick recipe. Step by step description with photo.

45 min

475 kcal

5/5 (2)

Remember those famous puff pastry pies with apples that in our childhood were sold in the school cafeteria for a penny? I remember this gentle, juicy taste and sticky palms, crumbly dough it just melted in your mouth, and my mother was never able to make the same deliciousness - either the ovens were different, or the apples!

Rejoice, today I will introduce you to the real, "the same" very tasty puff pie with apples and cinnamon, the recipe of which I got from a friend who once lived in Serbia and learned how to cook the most famous pastries from the simplest ready-made store, or her own dough cooking.

Having tried a piece of such a product, you will immediately remember everything - even what seemed irretrievably forgotten.

Did you know? classic pies with apples are divided into two groups: some are prepared from puff yeast, others from yeast-free dough. Both options are equally good, however, I personally prefer the dough without yeast, because I love it when there are more toppings in the pie than sweet bread.

Kitchen appliances

Prepare the utensils and utensils that are required for making puff pastry pie with apples:

  • baking sheet with non-stick coating with a diagonal of 25 cm,
  • several voluminous bowls with a capacity of 250 to 1000 ml,
  • teaspoons and tablespoons
  • cutting board (must be wooden)
  • sieve,
  • sharp knife,
  • rolling pin,
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale
  • metal whisk,
  • linen and cotton towels,
  • shoulder blade
  • medium grater,
  • also, a blender or mixer will not be superfluous at all, which will help you to properly knead the dough for the pie.

You will need


Important! If you decide to cook an apple pie from ready-made (store-bought) puff yeast or yeast-free dough according to this recipe, remove it from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking so that it can completely melt. AT last resort put a pack of dough on a towel and place on a hot radiator or use a microwave to defrost.


  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 500 - 600 g of apples;
  • 10 g cinnamon powder.


  • 10 g butter or margarine.

Do you like richer toppings? Then add to the steamed apples in hot water raisins or other fruits (only not too sweet) - pears, plums, cherries or peaches, but only in very a small amount so as not to interrupt the taste of juicy apple mass.

Cooking sequence


Did you know? The lemon juice is to keep the apples from browning too early, so don't skip this step. If you still don’t have a spoonful of juice available, do all the manipulations with apples just before you collect the pie.



Assembly and baking

Made! I'm sure your amazing pie has already attracted homemade sweet tooth to the kitchen, who require a piece for a sample. You can easily satisfy such a desire, since the product is easily divided into parts thanks to prudently applied incisions.

decorate such beautiful cake it’s not necessary, except to sprinkle with a small amount of powdered sugar, but even my little daughter said that this is useless - the pastry is so fragile and tender that even sugar dust can ruin the airy structure.

Video recipe for making puff pastry pie with apples

Pay attention to the video, which shows how to properly assemble and bake a puff pastry apple pie according to our recipe.

Ready-made dough is a kind of lifesaver, thanks to which you can create incredible dough in a matter of minutes. tasty dish: dessert, breakfast or hearty snack. As you guessed, now we will talk about how varied a puff pastry pie can be, and the recipes we have proposed are irrefutable proof of this.


Let's start with the sweet. It would seem, well, what kind of recipe is there: thawed, rolled out, added apples and you're done. However, the details make the dish, and from the same set of products you can create a completely different desserts, and a beautiful presentation will completely turn it into a restaurant.


  • Puff pastry - 1 pack;
  • Apple - 3-4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 3-4 tablespoons (depending on the sweetness of apples and your taste);
  • Nuts - 1 tablespoon (chopped);
  • Cognac - 1 tablespoon (optional);
  • Egg - 1 piece.

Layered cake with apples from ready dough prepared in just a few steps:

  1. Remove the dough from the freezer and completely defrost.
  2. In the free time we are engaged in the preparation of the filling. We thoroughly wash the apples, peel them (if desired, you can leave the peel for color), remove the core, cut into thin slices. Then pour the resulting mass with cognac and return to the melted dough. If you do not have cognac or you do not plan to include it in cooking, it is advisable to sprinkle the slices lemon juice to keep their white color.
  3. Sprinkle a work surface lightly with flour and roll out a layer of dough on it. It is best baked if it is possible to reach a thickness of 3-4 mm.
  4. Now we have come to the most important thing, to cooking: we lightly grease the form with oil, put the rolled dough on it, pierce it in several places with a fork so that the dough fits well and does not tear during baking. Lay out the apple slices, then sprinkle them with a mixture of sugar and almonds.
  5. In principle, this can complete the process, leaving the pie open. If the second layer is defrosted, and you don’t want to send it back to the freezer, you can use it for decoration.
  6. Roll out the remaining layer, cut into thin strips. You can make a kind of braid, just lay it out crosswise or diagonally. The taste will not suffer at all even if you cover with a solid rolled layer, pinching the edges. But in this case, do not forget to pierce the top layer with a fork.
  7. The final touch is to grease the surface with a beaten egg. This will guarantee the appearance of a beautiful and appetizing golden brown. Optionally, you can sprinkle the top with additional sugar.
  8. We send the cake to the oven preheated to 220 degrees. This temperature is needed in order for the dough to fit well and we get a multilayer structure. A lower one will not allow the dough to rise, and a too high one will simply burn it.

Already after 15 minutes it is worth looking in for the first time, but the cake will reach readiness in about 25 minutes. Serve it chilled, sprinkled powdered sugar or a mixture of powder and cinnamon. The latter, by the way, can be added to the filling instead of cognac.

Apple pastries on yeast dough

Lush, insanely delicious and incredibly simple. For an apple pie, no exotic products are needed, everything is always at hand. The formula for its preparation is incredibly simple: a little time + a little effort + just a little inspiration, and that's it!


  • Yeast dough - 1 pack;
  • Apples - 3-4 pieces;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Butter (margarine) - 10-15 grams for lubrication of the mold.

Here we act according to the same algorithm:

  1. While the dough is defrosting, we are preparing the filling. My apples, peel, get rid of the "insides", cut into small cubes.
  2. We roll out the dough and spread it on a greased form, pierce it a couple of times with a fork. Do not forget to form the sides.
  3. If you have a little time and inspiration, you can lightly simmer the filling in butter by caramelizing it in sugar. To do this, warm the pan well, heat the butter on it and then lay out the apples. We reduce the heat and let it simmer a little under the lid, then sprinkle with sugar and keep it in the pan for a couple more minutes. Let the stuffing cool down a little, then spread it on the adze. You can skip these steps by laying out fresh cubes sprinkled with sugar.
  4. Decorate upper part pie with the usual strips of rolled out dough, pigtails or any other way suggested by your imagination.
  5. Lubricate the surface with a beaten egg and send the pastries to a well-heated oven for 20-25 minutes. Moreover, half the time it should be cooked at the maximum temperature, and the second - at about 170 degrees. This is done so that the dough rises first, and then bakes well.

Serve sprinkled with icing sugar and garnish with a mint leaf.


Great option for a snack or dinner hastily, especially if the preparation for the filling is made in advance. With such a dish, you can make your diet more varied, especially when it comes to the fasting period, when the range of acceptable products is not so great. Just remove the egg, and the cake meets all the most stringent requirements.


  • Ready-made puff pastry - 1 pack;
  • Cabbage - 300-400 grams;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper and any other spices - to taste;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Egg - 1 piece.

Preparing pastries with cabbage is as easy as shelling pears, especially if the cabbage is already ready. If you need to prepare everything from scratch, we do it in several stages:

  1. We leave our dough to defrost, while we ourselves are preparing the filling. If we have fresh cabbage, then it will take quite a bit of time.
  2. clean carrots, onions. Finely chop the cabbage and onion, grate the carrots (choose its size depending on personal preferences).
  3. warm up in a frying pan sunflower oil and lay vegetables there, salt, pepper. This point is crucial, because if you put vegetables in cold oil, they will be saturated with it and become too fatty. Simmer until soft and let cool.
  4. you can decorate the cake in several ways: make it closed according to the principle described above, roll the dough with the filling into small rolls and lay it out like a snail, roll out the layer, making cuts along the edges, put the filling in the center and wrap the top layer with a pigtail.
  5. Brush top with beaten egg and place in oven. Bake at 180 degrees until browned.

AT cabbage stuffing if desired, you can add fried mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs, finely chopped sausage or sausages. It can be served both warm and cold. The perfect complement there will be sour cream for the pie.


Another option for a salty snack, based on puff pastry. There are variations on this theme. great amount, because for the filling you can use canned food, ready-made or raw fillet by mixing them with a variety of favorite products. The beauty of the fish is that it goes well with vegetables, rice, and potatoes. Even on its own, seasoned with herbs and sprinkled with cheese, it will be unsurpassed. So in the process of cooking, you can stick to the recipe below, or create your own unique dish.


  • ready-made puff pastry - 1 pack;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • canned fish - 1-2 cans;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 150 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take the dough out of the refrigerator to defrost.
  2. Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes and boil until tender. It is up to you to mash it or put it into the cake directly into cubes, so you can either mash the potatoes or just drain the water and leave to cool.
  3. Drain the liquid from the canned food and mash into a pulp with a fork. if you use several jars, you can use a blender for this.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with salt and spices (any that you like), rub the cheese on a fine grater there, mix thoroughly.
  5. We roll out the dough on a floured surface and put it in a greased form, not forgetting to make deep sides.
  6. We lay out the filling in layers: the first is canned food, the second is potatoes. Then we fill everything with an egg-cheese mixture and send it to bake in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

It will take approximately 30-40 minutes to cook. Canned fish can be substituted for fillet in this recipe sea ​​fish(300-400 grams), if desired, you can add a passivated onion or greens. The fillet goes well with boiled eggs or rice.


Most quick option there will be a mince pie, especially if you have a small amount already minced meat. 20-30 minutes of time and a wonderful snack or breakfast is ready.


  • Puff ready dough- 1 package;
  • Minced meat - 400 grams;
  • Mushrooms - 300 grams (optional);
  • Tomatoes - 2 large;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

We already know the method of preparing the dough: defrost and roll out. The filling is also not difficult to prepare:

  1. Grind the meat through a meat grinder, salt, pepper. If we use a ready-made frozen one, we defrost it in a special mode in microwave oven.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings and sauté. You can marinate in boiling water and vinegar for 20 minutes or just pour over boiling water, so the bitterness will immediately go away.
  3. Cut mushrooms (champignons) into slices and fry in a well-heated pan in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  4. Put the dough in a greased form, make high sides and start laying out the filling: minced meat, then onions, the third layer will be mushrooms, and the last layer will be thoroughly washed and chopped tomatoes (you can pre-dip them in boiling water and remove the skin).
  5. You can leave the cake open or cover with a second layer of dough, but in this case, do not forget to make holes or pierce the surface with a fork in several places so that the steam has a chance to escape.

Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 200 degrees. Serve with sour cream or any other sauce you like.

Video recipes

Puff pastry is an ideal solution for those who want to cook something quickly and tasty, because it is very easy to work with. You can buy it in almost all stores, put it in the freezer, forget and remember about it 5 minutes before cooking. Dough thaws quickly room temperature(about 45 minutes) or in the microwave for 5 minutes at the lowest setting. The dough, thawed in the microwave, loses its elasticity a little, but this does not interfere with cooking at all. Some housewives prefer to defrost by placing it wrapped in cellophane in warm water.

In the summer, when the apple harvest is ripe, puff pastry will come to the aid of the hostess, because it goes perfectly with any filling, both sweet and sour, and there is very little trouble with it, do not be afraid that the dough will not work or at the last moment it will turn out, that some ingredient is missing. The recipe for apple pie can be easily varied. By adding ingredients such as raisins or cinnamon, which pairs perfectly with apples, you can get two different pies prepared according to the same recipe.

Pie with apples and raisins


  • Puff pastry - 500 g
  • Large apples - 5 pcs
  • Small raisins - 100 g
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.

We remove the middle from the apples, cut them into pieces of medium size, about 1.5x1.5x1.5 cm. You can not remove the peel, it will soften perfectly in a pan. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, melt the butter and throw in the apples. Sprinkle sugar on top to release juice.

If the apples are sweet, 2 tablespoons of sugar will be enough, if they are sour, then you can take a little more if you wish. Stir occasionally, after 2 minutes add the raisins and leave in the pan until the apples soften. If there are no raisins at home, then do not worry, the cake will turn out wonderful without it. Cinnamon lovers can add one tablespoon of this wonderful spice.

Roll out the dough into two layers, place the filling between them, pinch the edges well and put in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. With such a filling, you can also stick pies, but they must be closed.

Pie with apples and cinnamon


  • Puff pastry - 500 g
  • Large apples (better not sour) - 3 pcs
  • Sugar 50 g
  • Cinnamon - 10 g
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.

This is probably the easiest apple pie recipe ever. puff pastry. We remove the core from the apples, cut them into thin plates. We roll out the dough into 2 layers, on the first we carefully overlap the apples. Mix sugar with cinnamon and sprinkle apples evenly, cover with a second layer of dough on top and pinch the ends well. From above, you can make cuts for beauty and so that the dough does not inflate.

We take an egg, separate the yolk from the protein, we do not need the latter. Beat the yolk a little and grease their cake. We place the cake in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Pie with almonds


  • Puff pastry - 500 g
  • Dried almonds - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Large apples - 5 pcs

We remove the core from the apples, cut them into thin plates. Cut the almonds into small pieces. Lazy housewives a blender can come to the rescue, but you should not grind the nuts very finely.

Roll out the puff pastry, divide it into two parts. Put chopped apples on the first one, sprinkle with nuts on top, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Apples will definitely give juice, but not very much, so this pie can be made partially open. To do this, the second layer of dough can be cut into strips and cover the pie with them. Place the cake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Apple strudel


  • Puff pastry - 250 g
  • Large apples - 3 pcs
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Egg -1 pc
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp (optional)

We peel the apples, remove the middle, cut into slices or small cubes 1.5x1.5x1.5 cm. Roll out the dough, put it on special baking paper or a silicone mat. It is better not to neglect paper or a rug for further convenience, as it will be easier to wrap the dough with them. Place the apples in the middle of the dough, leaving the edges free. If desired, you can sprinkle apples with cinnamon. Place raisins on top and sprinkle with sugar. Separately, lightly beat the egg.

We begin to wrap the roll: we take one edge of the puff pastry and cover their apples. Lubricate this edge with an egg on top, so that the second one sticks to it better. Next, cover the second edge and grease the entire strudel with the remaining egg for beauty.

What would the cake look like classic strudel, make long, oblique cuts on top, about 2 centimeters apart. Place in preheated oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Open rose apple pie


  • Puff pastry 250 g
  • Medium apples - 5
  • Sugar - 2 -3 tbsp.
  • Butter 30 g + 10 g for greasing the mold
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

We peel the apples, remove the core, cut into slices, about 3 millimeters wide. Since the cake will be open, we moisten the slices with lemon juice so that they do not darken.

We roll out the puff pastry, place it in a pre-oiled round shape so that the edges are bent 2-3 centimeters up. Beauty lovers can not use the form, but cut out a round base from the dough, and weave the edges in the form of braids from two strips of puff pastry.

Melt the remaining butter. Lubricate the puff pastry inside with about ½ part of the melted butter, sprinkle with half the sugar. We begin to overlap the apples in circles from the edge to the center, forming a beautiful pattern resembling a rose. Lubricate the apples with the rest of the butter, sprinkle with sugar. If the apples are sour, you can take a little more sugar. We send it to the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Pie with apples and bananas


  • Puff pastry 500 g
  • Sweet apples of medium size - 4 pcs
  • Banana - 2 pcs
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Jam - 2 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar (optional) - 2 tbsp.

We peel the apples, remove the core, cut into slices, about 4 millimeters wide. Peel the banana and also cut into slices. We roll out the dough and divide it into two parts, one of which is slightly larger. We spread apples on this part first, bananas on top. Cut the rest of the dough into strips and lay them on top of the cake.

Bake the cake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Since this recipe does not use sugar, the cake is not very sweet. Already if desired ready pie You can sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

The recipe is just great. The cake was gone immediately. It is delicious both hot and cold. And cook it very, very quickly. For two reasons: I buy ready-made puff pastry for the pie - I thawed it, rolled it out a little, stuffed it and everything is ready; and the second reason for the speed of the pie is that I don't peel apples. I chop them into small cubes right with the skin on. Why would goodness disappear? Nobody, believe me, will notice the difference. I baked this pie late in the evening when I was tired and didn’t feel like anything at all ... it’s just that the dough was already defrosted and you can’t get anywhere ... and so - this is a very quick recipe. BOOM - and you're done.

  1. Defrost the prepared puff pastry.
  2. Wash and cut into small cubes apples (removing the core)
  3. Add cinnamon, sugar, a little flour to the apples, mix everything.
  4. Lubricate the baking dish butter or margarine
  5. Put a part of the dough into the form (rolled out to the size of the form, with a small two-centimeter margin to form the sides of the pie).
  6. Pour filling over dough and spread out.
  7. Lay the remaining puff pastry rolled into strips on top of the filling. I get a "grid" decoration, see the photos.
  8. Shake in a bowl a raw egg and grease the pie with it on top - grease the dough, not those squares where the filling is visible. Lubricate the cake with an egg so that it is browned and beautiful.
  9. Bake at 180 degrees until tender (about 20 minutes.)
  10. When the cake is ready, take it out of the oven and brush it on top. apricot jam. Just grease the dough. And the cake will shine, and it will become even tastier. Be sure to brush with apricot jam.
  11. Ready! Enjoy your meal. Recipe prepared for website website

When you roll out the puff pastry, dust it with a little flour. Remember that store-bought puff pastry can only be gently rolled in one direction (for example, lengthwise). Then it will not stick together, and remain airy, layered.

All recipe photos

In fact, apples should be peeled. But I cut them with the skin on. No one will notice the difference ... and the recipe is in the category " fast food". Do not bother, why throw away the good. Everything will work out if the apples are with a peel.

The "Open" pie turned out, so you can see the apples. it melts in your mouth